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K. Dang Van,* G. Cailletaud,+ J. F. Flavenot,t A. Le Douaron,8 and H. P. Liewrade’ Criterion for High Cycle Fatigue Failure Under Multiaxial Loading RERERENCE. Dang Van X,Calletd G. Fano J. Le Douron Aa Lutte, LP, Colon fr hg jek fatigue fread aleling al an Mt Fugues BOF 3 (2ated by MW Trown aod K SM), 198, Mechentol gic Preston Landon, po. 2-178 ABSTRACT, Indies eden an to mat fen aid ‘nls enn patter, Te deg of eutenetres general bed een eng npc ‘Suu shich oot makeipeablettaceins cco he pe fcomplsionsginshed “Theo hawaay sto erie fe Simeninalrieton elo age enrae ‘rlrteson compared wah oi gue seria The experimen vesfeston 0 he eset itr me ccm ge ay, the sptaton ot he prin cen examines forthe cv of nds saute sabe completo Introduction Fatigue erack initiation isa macroscopic phenomenon taking place onascale of Ime order ofthe grain size or «few grain diameters. At this seule, the material isnether homogeneous norisotropicandlocal responsescan der sigifcantly from macroscopic values resulting ftom caleulations or from measurements by tngineers. What the engineer perceives i already ‘tered’, as it were, by the Structure composed of macro-clements, corresponding, for example, 10 the sizeof the sea gauge, and even moreso tothe test specimen. For his reason, fa direct approach based upon experiments correlated by macroscopic pat famcters may be insufficient. Without going down, asin certain theories, to the level of dislocations (1), it would be better to derive macroscopic rules, 10 postulate te initiation eriterion at the level oflocal microscopic vatiabesin the “apparently stabilized state, even if this reqoires proposing a procedure for ‘alelating them ftom the Usual macroseopie parameters ofthe engineet. This ‘approach, which isin theory more complicated, nevertheless offers x certain rnuraber of significant advantages. ‘Dang Van originally proposed this approach in (1) and (2). The theoretical basis of his eiterion is extensively developed in (3), For the firs time, the * ale Payeshnigue, LMS-P1128 Paine Codes, France, {Cote dos ntl el ese dex Mines de Pars BP 791018 By Coes, ace LCT, Se Aven Pe Lot, COMO Seals Coe, Franc. NUR, 10 Avene Lm Zt, 02109, Boulgte incor Cede, Pace. RSID, Seve Preset Rowsve, M08 sit Garman ealaye Cede, ae “0 BAIL AND MULTIANAL FATIQUE ig Dang Van criterion, Hodurance damsin or completing path ‘proposed criterion is set out using the current microscopic stress variables caleulated at each time, based on the macroscopic stress cycle (engineering stresses) In particular, fatigue failure occurs when, ata given time, the combination {c(0), pCO} (where ris the local shear stress and p the hydrostatic stress) cuts the convex which defines the endurance domain. In fact, this endura domain is bordered by two straight lines whose equation is (Ge Fig, 1) Ho) = ap b= 0 w As defined in this approach, various criteria involve two parameters. A. review ofthis criterion is given in (4). ‘Comparison of diferent dansageeviter In thisparagraph we compare the model proposed by Dang Van with two other ‘movlls; those of Sines (§) and Crossland (6). For the later two erteria, we of course considera formulation derived from Fuchs idea (7) which is valid for complex loading ‘The purpose ofthis comparison sto show the diferences of one model from the other, and to propose tests which may lead to th elimination ofone of them fora given material. For thiswe begin by identifying the fre coeficientsof cach ‘model so that the results obtained are identical in alternating tension ‘compression and repeated tension compression: these testy simple to pet form, can serve as a certain reference. We shal then examine the expanse of the models fr different types of two-dimensional losing in plane stes, in ‘phase and out of phase ‘CRITERION FOR HIGH CYCLE FATIGUE FAILURE “ot Form adopted foreach model ‘We shall designate here a) a6 the fatigue limit under alternating tension ‘conptesson, and wo shall assume thatthe variation inthe fatigue init i @ Tinea fanetion ofthe mean stress under tension-compression ol ~ bo, @ = alternating stress permissible for mean ses, dy, and characteristic of atrial), "The fatigue iit wader undulating tension of is writen as follows for these conditions of = a(t + ba) ° Now the Sinescriterion involves ainear combination ofthe mean hydrostatic sicest ofthe cj (jee) and of the maximum ofthe range of second invariant (ah) 1s =A + Bere (, where Adis 4) = Colt) ~ 9466) ‘We thus ind, respectively, under alternating and repeating tension oad Bx and Of = A + Bote o rom this we obtain the criterion: Ih, = 0((1 = 30Ppen) 0 “Alternatively, t0 obtain the expression of Crosslan’s criterion, one need only replace the mean value of the hydrostatie tress by its maxinium vale. ‘This gives: ‘Under alternating tension =A + BaD o ‘Under repeated tension oid = A+ Boi sot Sally Ad2-= (1 ~ 36paacV(d ~ bo) a Dang Van's criterion is expressed similarly as a funtion ofthe maximum a2 BIAXIAL AND MULTIAKIAL FATIGUE local shear stress amplitude and of p (but involves current values and not average or maximum values), je =A + Bet) ® ‘The following values are obtained, respectively, under alternating and repeated tension GR= A+ Bois and O14 = A + Boi'3 o sothat TC) = of{1 = 3b + pEOVAU — b-o) 10) Application offaigne criteria to simple loading ‘We shal be dealing here with the case of plane stresses, 0) = 0 and ox = ko, assuming tha the londingis either alternating or repeated. The values obtained for the most characteristic loadings are given in Table 1, and the curves corresponding to the fatigue iit are shown in Fg. 2 ‘Table contains several interesting elements, For example its known th ‘ameun torsion has no effect onthe fatigue init, whichsshown here by the fact ‘hat the torsion amplitude is the same under alieroating and repested loa for all exit Also, the Sines criterion calls fora fixed ratio of V3 between the fatigue limit under alternating tension and that obtained under alternating torsion, which ‘may be a drawback. However, forthe other two erteria, the variation of this ratios obtained through the coefficient, which als gives the ‘mean stress this dual role is also lable fo aise problems. Conpartion of endurance ts for eros tening modes, peice by tne ire ery aa oa = wo canta) atta i Behy ity aay rn, SUS SR BAR = BB BS Shoe Ss Gi ai, SACS ‘CRITERION FOR HIGH GYCLE FATIGUE FALURE «3 ig2Comparon ot aos rere for typ ag ane sess) “The results obtained by the Crossland and Dang Van criteria are identical, ‘except undet torsion, owing to the differences between the second invariant snd the shear stress. rally it shouldbe noted that the curves obtained ate ellipses forthe Sines ‘and Crossland ertera and straight segments for the Dang Van riterion. Use oftension-torsion models for out of phase loading “The out-of-phase tension-torsion testis ‘ean be carted out by means of hyd tension-compression) machines. Using thins ne ofthe most interesting tests, and ically controlled TTC (torsion + ted tubes, it is thus possible to a0 BIAXIN. AND MULTIAXIAL FATIGUE {impose on volume element an alternating load for each comsonent, but wit constant equivalent stress (Second invariant), for example, ‘We re thus considering here the case of alternating loading in which all the stresses arezero except 4 605 of ay Under these conditions, i s easy to show that J; depends onthe relative values of the shear stress and the tension and i equal to Max id, V3) the ‘mean valuc ofthe hydrostati pressure 4 of couse zer0 its maximums vale being equal to 10. There are thus two possible cases forthe application of the Sines and Crossind criteria () 04 = Varys_ the two criteria give V3rq = oy = 0) i) 04 Vary: the Sines criterion is written simply O45 Vit = 04 ‘whereas the Crossland criterion leads toa linear variation between oy and ry, namely Vine + {bea (l ~ b-a)loy = (l= boy) (2) ‘The applisation of the Dang Van criterion requites the seatch forthe facet for which the quantity (r+ (3bojp)2(1 ~ ba) is a its maximum duting the ‘yee: for this, we consider the plane 2 = Owhich contains the naimum shear siresses, We find in particular the normal m which characters a plane for ‘which the shear stress is equal to andthe normal ny corresponding to «plane in which r hus no influence (Fig. 3). Tho plot of the loading in the diagram (, 3p) for aplane whose normal forms an angle of g with ian elipse with. ‘an inclined axis having the equation (oii ~ GPF} (rufa) cos 2p + (3p!) sin 2p (3) ‘We obtain an ellipse with horizontal and vertial axes when = 0 (normal 1), and an ellipse degenerated into straight-line segments when @ = ld (normal m). The value obtained by the eriterion will be st the point of ‘oncurtenee of this ellipse andl ofthe eitical ine given by equation (8). ‘The analytical study ofthis intersection shows two cases. @ Mays oy2Vil ~ ba), 2V(1 ~ bar s y= 0, the critical planeis the plane 2) characterized by g = 4. isnoted that, for ow/2= ry/2V(1 ~ ba} thisplane isnot the one which experiences the ‘maximum shear stess amplitude; itis greater on plane (1) for example Gi), Thy, = 04/2 ~ ba), the relationship between the ertcal values Of ry and of 8 ofthe fourth degree 16(1 ~ boii + 420) ~ I)nsi0% ~ dof-r + of-08 ay ‘CRITERION FOR HIGH CYCLE FATIGUE FALURE as Fig ltingflondegsscersegandingtotvospeie pnsiner peterson “ane Yon gra) and the angle formed by the normal tothe eritical plane and mis ‘9 = aresin [boil — bai) {(2elon)? ~ 0) as) Figure 4 shows the variations ofthis critical plane as a function of the load ratio rylay. Tecorzesponds to the plane (2) for low shear stresses ani tends towards the plane (1)fo low tension vals. Also shown isthe plane for which the shear stress amplitude iat its maximum (characterized by 9. “The results obtained bythe three eritera are shown in Fig 5. Also shown is the critical eure obtained wi introducing thesccond invariant, which is character it VEG = Ba) 14 = Om, DL Bayon ~ 3@b-a — 1)-rk-08 ~ Soha + of oh it VER = bo} = «19, oy BURSA ANO MUCTAKIAL FATIGUE 6.6) 203 indépendant, gan ~~ a oy 0) 45° rt ° 05 4 aN oy Fed volslon of th ane betwee the etal pa nd the etl ine ost se {etna dng, anon the ratio ern sa ad lesan cans ag “teen ‘The rests show that there i little or no interaction between components (Sines), i, its practically necessary to obtain the tension or torsion fatigue limit in order to obtain failure data under out-of-phase tension-torsion: adding "small torsion signal out of phase with a tension signal doesnot alter iat Way the ftigue init. This independence of components, not feund experimentally with low-erce fatigue, doubtless owing to plastic low, should be verified for high-eyce fatigue. (CRITERION FOR HIGH CYCLE FATIGUE FALURE ast vonene Dang Van TT Crossland Sines Bi at NE(-5) ft w 4 200) 1 Oi, Figs Outotpbate (0 deg) rtn-teson ding dena ofthe rie carves ented vs Toe Use of model for ou of phase ‘quiblaxial tension Itismow assumed thatthe only non-zero stresses ate and a oy = 0 = 0, 0 In this ease, the evaluation of erica quantities for the Sines and Crossland cetera leads to a Pe vera “a BIAXIAL AND MULTAXIL FATIGUE Poon = 0 Powe = 213)e, ag) ‘andthe fatigue limits obtained are: for the Sines etiterion 2. Ve2t)a, and forthe Crosland exiterion | 0, = V20i V3 + boi? — V3) 9) ‘The load pathsin the planer, p on two types of plane are indicated in Fig. 6 tis noted that the critical plane willbe diferent for low or high values ofthe slope bo/2(1~ bof theeitical ine. However for usual values (obtained for ‘example with bo = 0.2), itis the plane (2) whichis relevant. The limit value found in thiscas is 4 = a {202870} ~ 2b, + 1))!2 eo 11 is thus observed here that the introduction of eutrent shear stress and hayrostatie presure values lead to a smaller reduction inthe fatigue life with the Dang Van criterion. With bo, = 0.2, we find, respectively, with the ‘Crossland, Sines, and Dang Van eiteria, 0,790), 0,820, and 0.860, Ge, Fig6 Ladingevee fe qual test ines) ect plane 23) 1st tect pane CRITERION FOR Mich CYCLE FATIOUE FARLURE 400 Use of models in equitiaial shear stress ou of phase now we assume thatthe only nonzero terms of tess tensor ate oe = d= 4 oso and on cy. = rcs we ae dealing, onthe plane (I) having the rma (1,0, 0), wilh shear stress having @ constant modulus covering licens of the plane, We then find 2 en fortuta, these values lead quite simply to the vale eblsined under simple shear sles a3, according Uo Ses, and {341 — bop), scoring 0 Crosland “The same esltsoataned with the Dang Vancsiterin, whereby he eitcal plane (1) sees & maimum shear stress amplitude of ry, leading 10 tas = 2 ~ ba). A summary of comparisons “The comparison of cifferent damage evteria leads to the following obser- vations. (The greatest differences botween adjusted exter for alternating and tepeated tensor ere found under simple torsion, For out of phase loading, all the models considered here ilicate no influence of the second component in the case of two shear stress ‘components, a significant influence for two tension components and a small influence vith a shear stress and a tension, Experimental verifcalion ofthe Dang Van criterion Experimenial study Ditferent grades of steel, cas iron, and ight alloys were investigated. Tests ‘were eattied out on specimens loaded by fatigue machines at frequencies ‘between 40 and 100 He, In each case, the endurance fin method, a specimen being considered un svithout faire “Table groupsthe mechanical properties of the materialsinvestigated aswell ts the results obtained in reference (8). vas determined by means ofthe stairease racked if it reached 10° or 1 eles Application of the Dag Van erterion For the different cases examined, the shear stress amplitude rand the hydro- Satie stress p were calculated. Table 3 indicates the cafeulation phases inthe ase of cyclic uniaxial tension loads and torsion loads, “0 [BIAXIAL AND MULTI FATIGUE ‘Tole Endurance nt 10° eee ae parame a fom = rea Movrit (tho) (Ps) Londigmode seeps 3381050 Tension Biattenion foun) ‘Tn el bw 00 Temon fees) a Torin 1 is al Raitt 10160 Temes re a Bt onion i is auto sm 480 Talon 0a a Toston cf Asoo muss Tension to 55 Tenor s ones 5 0SS Tenn mo 08 ms Tonson Ss Fences 330i) Tenton mm 10s am Toteon ia ao 0 Tewon 3120s Toor Bs Figures and 8 give the test results obtained, respectively, on steel grade 35 (CD4andonsrailstel. The levelsof th parameters aand bol the relationship rtap=b @ are provided in Table 2 In the case ofthe steel 35 CDs for which the Wahler curve was determined, foresch type of loading, damage lines for 10", 1, and 10'eycles were plotted (ie. 7). When the fatigue life decreases, there isa substantial decrease jn a at the same time increase in b, Allowance for residual stresses ‘Tae stress coneition resulting fom fatigue loading may be uniaxial the residual siress condition is always muldasial. When the designer of a mechanical ‘component containing residual stress wishes to predict the fatigue strengthof the component, he must apply a caleulation criterion. Based upon fatigue test results and stabilized residual stresses for induction hardened parts, it has been possible to show that the Deng Van criterion accounts cosrectl for fatigue behaviout in the presence of residual stresses. (CRITERION FOR HGH CYCLE FATIQUE FALURE a” “Toble 3 UscotheDangVn terin ta theese snp ling, Gi) = oso “yoo pring sees (ovo, + 2) roi Loading Ste vane Urey noma res HN) = 04 sin ot ag a | ra) woh N 35 CD steel ay SAKA AND MULTIAXIL FATIOUE cara) le Dang Van agra dogs fr ai sel (UTS = 880M) Fatigue tests were cacied out under repeated plane bending on cylindric bars of 36mm diameter instee! XC, hardened ster heating by induction. To Avoid the inuence ofthe surface condition, the test pieces were machined by careful twining which led to a surface roughness before treatment of Ry — 57 pm, ‘The treatment, involving quenching ater heating by induction, introduced very high residual stresses into the hardened layer, esting in en inctease in the volume of the martensitic structure in relation to the ferrite-pearlte structure ofthe annealed condition. In a eylindreal bar, the stress condition introduced is complex and on the surface one generally observes tangential esidual stress equal to or greater than the longitudinal resial stress (Fig 9). Foreach reatinent examined residual stress measurements Were cervied out ‘on specimens subjected t0 5-10 fatigue eycles under a load corresponding to ‘the fatigue limit of each treatment. As fatigue flores are initiated on the sue ofthe specimens, the measurements Were caried out on thestrface. It isin fact the surface stress condition which determines the fatigue behaviou in this ease. Measurements were carried out using X-rays. For each specimen investigated, we measured a longitudinal residva stress (oq) and a tangential residual stress (og). Table 4 yives ihe diferent results obelined for the fout treatments ‘To carry outs fatigue behaviour ealeuation aecounting fr residual stresses, ‘tis necessary first of all to know the fatigue strength ofthe steel making up the hardened layerin the absence of residual testes, For this reason fatigue tests

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