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Title: Logical Fallacies

Topic: Logical Fallacies
Time: 3 Class sessions

Class: ESL 12th grade

Content Standards addressed:

WIDA English Language Development Standard 2
-English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary
for academic success in content area of Language Arts.

Technology Standards addressed:

ISTE Standard 3: Research and Information fluency
-Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate and use information
1. PPT
Objectives: Blooms Taxonomy: Assessment:
1. Students will be introduced to Analyze Students will complete short
Logical Fallacies. quiz.
2. Students should be able to Apply Students will be asked to
demonstrate how Logical remember and share instances
Fallacies are used. where theyve witness logical
fallacies in their life.
3. Students should be able to Understand Students will be asked to write a
understand topic well enough to short argument with any fallacy
make examples of their choice (after research on
4. Students should be able to Remember Students will be located as many
identify Logical Fallacies fallacies that they can find in a
given handout.

Students will engage actively into learning Logical Fallacies through every day examples of
propaganda. Using relevant news articles and popular product propaganda will make the lesson more
relatable and give an hands on experience.
Teacher Procedures: Student Procedures:

At the Computer
1. Students watch commercials with fallacies in it 1. Students will try to identify what fallacies
2. Students will be assigned to find an example of they recognize
a fallacy on internet. 2. Student will share it and explain which
fallacy it is in their example.
After the Computer
1. Pass out handouts for further practice 1. Students will complete assessments
2. 2.

Reflection & Transfer:

Students using the knowledge of the lesson to better writing skills but also learn how to organize
source material when researching. Identifying fallacies improves narrowing down reliable sources
for students and how to use them effectively.



Reading - Analyzing Information: Logical Fallacies Short

Reading Assessment

Teacher Name: Ms. Gray

Student Name: ________________________________________

Identifies Student lists all The student Student cannot
Logical the Logical lists a few identify any of
Fallacies Fallacies within fallacies in the the fallacies.
the article. article.

Knowledge Students can Student has a Student cannot

explain why vague concept explain the
the argument of the fallacy. fallacy.
is a fallacy.

Date Created: Apr 02, 2017 11:11 pm (CDT)

Name: Amanda Gray Date: 04/01/2017

Multimedia Planning Sheet

Directions: Complete this information before you develop your project.

Title of Project: Learning and Recognizing Logical Fallacies

Purpose of Project: Students should be able to identify Logical Fallacies

Target Audience: ESL/ELL students

Resources needed to complete this project:

Information Sources:

definitions.html Texas State, Department of Philosophy Fallacies Examples

Advertisements that uses bandwagon or any other logical fallacy.
i.e smoking ads, energy drinks, ect.

Audio/Video/etc.: Video examples will be played in class for group discussion on the

Multimedia Field Test Report

Reviewer: May Lawrence Date: 04/01/2017

Project Title: Logical Fallacies Creator: Amanda Gray

Screen Comments
Slide 2 Topic links are not even.
Slide 3 & 4 Home buttons do not work.
Slide 8 Change Iphone to IPhone
Best Feature(s) of this project: The information is easy to follow.

Ways to improve this project: More examples would improve this project. Just the few provided

is not enough to introduce the topic.

Other Comments:

Need to proof-read.
Student Name: Amanda Gray Title of Project: Logical Fallacies

Lessons Learned: Reflecting on My Project

1.What was good or effective in your project?

I think the assessment is the most effective part of the project. It tests
students memory retention and will give me immediate feedback about how the
information was received.

3. How would you improve your project?

The project is visually boring. It could have better elements to keep the mind
from wandering off. Its a pretty straight-forward project.

3. What did you learn from creating this project (not about software), and how can
you use what you learned in the future?
I have small improvement with organizing sources.

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