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How do the amount of courses affect a students performance in school?

C3: Rosario Rochin, Kammeron Byers, Noah Johns

EDT 180C

Professor Lewallen


We decided to research how much it affects a students performance with the number of courses

they take. The questions we asked were their gender, their age, what grade theyre in, how many

classes they are taking, how many credits they are taking, how many of each level class they are

taking (100 to 400), and their GPA. We hope to see if there is a connection by comparing the

GPA figures to the classes and seeing if the more classes they are taking may be hurting them in

the end. We used Google Forms to make it into a survey so we can have them answered, and we

used Google Sheets to transfer the answers. From the time of reporting we got 127 answers.


This chart is to roughly show how many credits are taken by each university level. A majority

seem to be in the middle with them taking between 14 and 17 credits. There are some mad

enough to be taking 21 to 24 credits but after 14 to 17 credits the next most popular one is 10 to

13 credits. Freshmen dominate most of these charts as they are the most in nearly every bar

comparison besides the 1 to 9 and 21 to 24. That does mean that many of the students who

responded are taking a reasonable amount of credits so it should be easier to see, on average,

how stressed a student is.


This chart is to see how many students of a certain class level are of a specific gender. As shown

many of the students who took this survey are freshman women. Not many seniors of either

gender took this survey and in every case, there were more female responders of each university

level than there were of males. That will change what our group is looking for as a 50/50 split

was expected. That does not damage the research question too much but it is still interesting to

know that for the most part this will show how stressed female university goers are. Along with

that, and as stated before, many of these responders are freshman so it shifts it even more as the

group will mostly see how stressed freshman are, as not many of other university levels



This is the beginning of a set of charts that is meant to show how many students are taking how

many specific classes of a specific level, in this case the 100 level. The chart is dominated by

mostly freshmen and sophomores. Many freshman are most likely new as they are taking many

100 level classes. For those of lower numbers they might be taking higher level classes, which is

quite adventurous of them. In fact, there is one who is taking seven 100 level classes and another

taking six. Many juniors are also taking a 100-level course but from there it drops as many are

most likely trying to take classes they missed earlier on while also taking the upper level courses

they need.


This chart is to show how many students are taking 200 level classes and how many classes of

that level they are taking. As one can see there are many freshman in this chart as the majority

are taking one two or three 200 level classes. They outnumber the other bars with sophomore in

second, junior in thirds and sophomore in last. This is quite reasonable as 200 level classes are

more specific and many freshman may want to take the plunge to see if their major is for them

by taking related classes. There are still 20 freshmen who are taking no 200 level classes but the

first chart shows that many of them are taking 100 level classes.


This chart, like the previous two, is to show how many students of a certain university level are

taking 300 level classes and how many they are taking. There is a majority juniors taking 300

level classes while only a few freshmen are daring to take a 300-level class. They are also spread

out along the graph and it is shown that a sophomore is taking the most 300 level classes, nine,

while for seniors it is only at 5. Again, it seems that sophomores are trying their hardest by

taking many upper level courses.


The chart below is to show how many people of each university level are taking 400 level classes

and how many classes of that level they are taking. There is a large amount of people who are

not taking 400 level classes, such as freshman, but that also means that there is a lack of other

students taking those classes. As shown there are very little seniors or juniors who are taking the

class. It is their final year and it seems like there should be more students as they advance in their

majors and go into more specifics. The freshman drop out quickly in the chart while the juniors

have the smoothest transition but it is still cut short. Only one sophomore is shown taking six 400

level classes while there is one senior taking 5 and the majority taking zero.


When comparing the average GPAs from each class level with the amount of credits that are

being taken the results that we received were expected. The freshmen received higher GPAs due

to the lower intensity of the class levels. But also, there were 66 freshmen which were the largest

class from everyone else, so that is another reason why the difference was so large.



When we observed our data, the conclusion we came up with is that it doesnt really matter the

number of classes someone takes, but instead its the amount of course levels they take. For

example, most freshmen are taking 100 and 200 course level classes which are prone to being

easier and less stressful compared to the juniors and seniors who are taking upper division

courses. Which is why in the GPA chart we see that freshmen have a higher GPA. A question we

came up with throughout the research was how stressful is it for an upper classmate with their

courses, just because we had a lot of freshmen orientated. If we were to do this all over again,

we would try to get a more diverse crowd so that we can see how other grade levels are effected

and so that we can have more variety to make greater observations.

Word Count: 1105

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