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Wordlist for vocabulary section

humid /hjumd/
Unit 25
mild /mald/
Health Issues Unit 27
misty /msti/ Nouns
Geography tropical /trpkl/ antibiotic /ntibatk/
Nouns Verb phrases antihistamine Nouns
bank /bk/ /ntihstmin/ beat /bit/
be cut off /bi kt f/
jungle /dl/ bandage /bndd/ cello /tel/
fall/rise (temperature)
landscape /lndskep/ blister /blst/ charts /tts/
/fl/ /raz/
mountain pass /mantn casualty (department) choir /kwa/
pour (= rain heavily) /p/
ps/ /klti/ composer /kmpz/
mud /md/ flu /flu/ conductor /kndkt/
orchard /td/ Unit 26 plaster /plst/ cover version /kv vn/
peak /pik/ prescription /prskrpn/ duet /djuet/
pine tree /pan tri/ Healthy eating scales /skelz/ harmony /hmni/
root /rut/ scar /sk/ hit /ht/
slope /slp/
Nouns stitches /sttz/ lyrics /lrks/
soil /sl/ calorie /klri/ stomach upset /stmk rhythm /rm/
spring /spr/ carbohydrate pset/ saxophone /sksfn/
stream /strim/ /kbhadret/ stress /stres/ solo /sl/
track /trk/ dairy (food) /deri/ surgery /sdri/ style /stal/
(tree) trunk /tri trk/ fat /ft/ symptom /smptm/ track /trk/
valley /vli/ fibre /fab/ treatment /tritmnt/ (in) tune /tjun/
vegetation /vedten/ junk food /dk fud/ vaccination /vksnen/
portion /pn/ Adjectives
Adjectives protein /prtin/
Adjectives catchy (tune) /kti/
breathtaking /bretek/ vitamin /vtmn/ jet-lagged /det ld/ classical (music) /klskl/
cultivated /kltvetd/ run down /rn dan/ country and western (music)
fertile /ftal/
Adjectives sore (throat) /s/ /kntri nd westn/
gentle /dentl/ balanced (diet) /blnst/ distinctive (style)
(un)healthy /heli/
Verb phrases
muddy /mdi/ /dstktv/
shallow /l/ high in (fat) /ha n/ build up (a healthy immune folk (music) /fk/
steep /stip/ lean (meat) /lin/ system) /bld p/ musical (family) /mjuzkl/
winding /wnd/ low in (salt) /l n/ come down with (a cold) original (song/number/
substantial (portion) /km dan w/ version) /rdnl/
Verbs /sbstnl/ lose (your voice) /luz/ world (music) /wld/
emerge /md/ Phrasal verbs
flow /fl/
Verb phrases
cut down (on) (salt) make for (the centre of Sounds
/kt dan/ town) /mek f/
Climate and cut out (fat) /kt at/ make out (what sb is Nouns and verbs
saying) /mek at/ bang /b/
weather get round to /et rand
tu/ make sth into (sth else) bark /bk/
Nouns go on (a diet) / n/ /meknt/ smash /sm/
go for (a run) / f/ make up (an excuse) sneeze /sniz/
darkness /dkns/
keep to (a diet) /kip tu/ /mek p/ splash /spl/
forecast /fkst/
take up (a sport) /tek p/ make up for (lost time) snore /sn/
(wet/dry) season /sizn/
put on (weight) /pt n/ /mek p f/ tap /tp/
thunderstorm /ndstm/
whistle /wsl/
clear /kl/
freezing /friz/
frosty /frsti/

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Unit 28 Unit 29 Unit 30 Unit 31

Feelings History Personality Sport

Nouns Nouns Adjectives Nouns
anger // ancestor /nsest/ aggressive /resv/ aerobics /erbks/
amazement /mezmnt/ archaeologist /kildst/ ambitious /mbs/ athlete /lit/
annoyance /nns/ archaeology /kildi/ arrogant /rnt/ athletics /letks/
anxiety /zati/ belief /blif/ bad-tempered badminton /bdmntn/
depression /dpren/ cave /kev/ /bdtempd/ balance /blns/
embarrassment descendant /dsendnt/ bossy /bsi/ bat /bt/
/mbrsmnt/ evidence /evdns/ cheerful /tfl/ (golf) club /klb/
fear /f/ figure /f/ (in)considerate (golf) course /ks/
jealousy /delsi/ gadget /dt/ /knsdrt/ (tennis/squash) court /kt/
misery /mzri/ historian /hstrn/ courageous /kreds/ cyclist /saklst/
pleasure /ple/ inhabitant /nhbtnt/ determined /dtmnd/ diving /dav/
pride /prad/ invasion /nven/ devoted /dvtd/ gymnast /dmnst/
prehistory /prihstri/ easy-going /iz/ gymnastics /dmnstks/
Adjectives population /ppjlen/ energetic /endetk/ hiking /hak/
amazed /mezd/ record /rkd/ generous /denrs/ (ice) hockey /hki/
amazing /mez/ resident /rezdnt/ gentle /dentl/ jogging /d/
anxious /ks/ site /sat/ graceful /resfl/ judo /dud/
ashamed /emd/ survivor /svav/ hard-working marathon /mrn/
astonished /stnt/ survival /svavl/ /hdwk/ martial arts /ml ts/
concerned /knsnd/ tribe /trab/ (dis)honest /nst/ opponent /pnnt/
confident /knfdnt/ hopeless /hpls/ pitch /pt/
delighted /dlatd/ Adjectives (un)imaginative racket /rkt/
fed up /fed p/ ancient /ennt/ /mdntv/ reaction /rkn/
furious /fjrs/ archaeological (un)kind /kand/ rival /ravl/
guilty /lti/ /kildkl/ lazy /lezi/ (first) round /rand/
jealous /dels/ historic /hstrk/ lively /lavli/ snorkelling /snkl/
miserable /mzrbl/ historical /hstrkl/ mean /min/ squash /skw/
proud /prad/ prehistoric /prihstrk/ modest /mdst/ stick /stk/
relieved /rlivd/ outgoing /at/ track /trk/
scared /sked/ Verbs
(im)patient /pent/ trophy /trfi/
upset /pset/ attack /tk/ (im)polite /plat/ yoga /j/
hunt /hnt/ (un)popular /ppjl/
Verbs invade /nved/ Verb phrases
(un)reliable /rlabl/
annoy /n/ settle down /setl dan/ rude /rud/ beat /bit/
depress /dpres/ survive /svav/ selfish /self/ pass (the ball) /ps/
disappoint /dspnt/ trade /tred/ sensitive /senstv/ score (a point/goal) /skr/
embarrass /mbrs/ sensible /sensbl/ stretch /stret/
excite /ksat/ self-confident tackle (an opponent) /tkl/
frighten /fratn/ Time /selfknfdnt/
terrify /terfa/ Verb phrases shy /a/ Unit 32
go on (for days) / n/ stubborn /stbn/
sympathetic /smpetk/
kill time /kl tam/
talented /tlntd/
Family and
last /lst/
pass /ps/ talkative /tktv/ relationships
make time (for) /mek tense /tens/
thoughtful /tfl/ Nouns
thoughtless /tls/ acquaintance /kwentns/
relaxed /rlkst/ anniversary /nvsri/
versatile /vstal/ community /kmjunti/

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couple /kpl/ passport control /pspt take out (money) /tek at/ recreation ground
destiny /destni/ kntrl/ take over a business /tek /rekren rand/
engagement /nedmnt/ rush hour /r a/ vr bzns/ (football) stadium
flatmate /fltmet/ seat belt /sit belt/ take to (a person/a hobby) /stedm/
generation /denren/ season ticket /sizn tkt/ /tek tu/
household /hashld/ security check /skjrti take up space /tek p
Unit 36
loyalty /llti/ tek/ spes/
neighbour /neb/ sliding doors /slad dz/
nephew /nevju/ taxi rank /tksi rk/
Unit 35
Food and
partner /ptn terminal /tmnl/ cooking
relative /reltv/ trolley /trli/
roots /ruts/ underground /ndrand/ Cities and Nouns
widow /wd/
Verb phrases towns flavour /flev/
microwave /makrwev/
Verb phrases board (a plane) /bd/ Nouns noodles /nudlz/
fall in love (with sb) /fl commute /kmjut/ atmosphere /tmsf/ stir-fry /st fra/
n lv/ get away from /et we attraction /trkn/
fall out (with sb) /fl at/ frm/ estate /stet/ Verbs
get in touch (with sb) /et get to know /et t n/ mosque /msk/ bake /bek/
n tt/ nightlife /natlaf/ beat /bit/
get on well (with sb) /et outskirts /atskts/ boil /bl/
Unit 34
n wel/ suburbs /sbbz/ cater /ket/
get to know /et t n/ temple /templ/ chop /tp/
go out with / at w/ Leisure grate /ret/
inherit /nhert/ Activities Adjectives grill /rl/
keep in touch (with sb) capital (city) /kptl/ melt /melt/
/kip n tt/ Nouns cosmopolitan peel /pil/
lose touch (with sb) /luz backgammon /kzmpltn/ pour /p/
tt/ /bkmn/ cultural /kltrl/ slice /slas/
make friends (with sb) chess /tes/ delightful /dlatfl/ stir /st/
/mek frendz/ dominoes /dmnz/ impressive /mpresv/ taste /test/
make up with sb /mek p jigsaw (puzzle) /ds/ industrial /ndstrl/
w/ scrabble /skrbl/ lively /lavli/ Adjectives
propose to sb /prpz t/ medieval /medivl/ straightforward
provide for /prvad f/ Verb phrases peaceful /pisfl/ /stretfwd/
support /spt/ collect (postcards) /klekt/ picturesque /pktresk/ spicy /spasi/
do a crossword /d residential /rezdenl/ tasty /testi/
krswd/ rural /rrl/
Unit 33 go clubbing / klb/ ruined /rund/
have a barbecue /hv unspoiled /nspld/ Art
Transport and bbkju/ Nouns
Verb phrases
travel have a quiet night in /hv
landscape /lndskep/
kwat nat n/ ban /bn/
Nouns have a takeaway /hv neglect /nlekt/ oil painting /l pent/
portrait /ptrt/
boarding pass /bd ps/
have friends round /hv pottery /ptri/
cabin crew /kbn kru/
camper van /kmp vn/ frendz rand/ Facilities print /prnt/
play chess /ple tes/ shade /ed/
carriage /krd/ Nouns sketch /sket/
escalator /esklet/
Verb phrases with take art gallery /t lri/ still life /stl laf/
fare /fe/
take after (sb in the family) / bowling alley /bl li/ textiles /tekstalz/
headset /hedset/
tek ft/ concert hall /knst hl/ water colour /wt kl/
landing /lnd/
take off (a few days) /tek f/ health centre /hel sent/
(taxi) meter /mit/
take on (responsibility) / ice rink /as rk/
tek n/ leisure centre /le sent/

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Adjectives dramatic /drmtk/ climate change /klamt
dull /dl/
Household tend/
abstract /bstrkt/
artistic /tstk/ entertaining /entten/ problems crop /krp/
conventional /knvennl/ exotic /ztk/ emission /mn/
factual /fktl/
Nouns flooding /fld/
tasteful /testfl/
fascinating /fsnet/ builder /bld/ global warming /lbl
tasteless /testls/
gripping /rp/ decorator /dekret/ wm/
humorous /hjumrs/ electrician /lektrn/ impact /mpkt/
Unit 37 irritating /rtet/ guarantee /rnti/ resource /rzs/
memorable /memrbl/ pipe /pap/ shortage /td/
Television, moving /muv/ plumber /plm/
service agent /svs
waste /west/
outstanding /atstnd/ wildlife /waldlaf/
cinema and predictable /prdktbl/ ednt/
theatre stunning /stn/ tap /tp/
artificial /tfl/
superb /supb/
Nouns Verb phrases extreme /kstrim/
tedious /tids/
audience /dins/ break down /brek dan/ local /lkl/
box office /bks fs/ drip /drp/ organic /nk/
cast /kst/
Unit 38 install /nstl/ self-sufficient /self sfnt/
character /krkt/ leak /lik/
House and Verb phrases
chat show /tt /
cause /kz/
comedy /kmdi/
critic /krtk/
home Unit 39 cut down /kt dan/
current affairs /krnt Nouns end up /end p/
fez/ air conditioning
Science harm /hm/
insulate /nsjlet/
director /drekt/ /e kndn/ Nouns maintain /menten/
documentary basement /besmnt/ astronomer /strnm/
pollute /plut/
brick /brk/ astronomy /strnmi/
episode /epsd/ spray /spre/
cellar /sel/ biologist /baldst/
location /lken/ cement /sment/ chemist /kemst/
musical /mjuzkl/ chimney /tmni/ ecology /ikldi/ Unit 40
performance /pfmns/ central heating /sentrl ecologist /ikldst/
plot /plt/ hit/ geologist /dldst/ Books
reality TV /rlti tivi/ drier /dra/ geology /dldi/
rehearsal /rhsl/ fence /fens/
repeats /rpits/ flowerbed /flabed/ atlas /tls/
review /rvju/ freezer /friz/ biography /barfi/
physicist /fzsst/
science fiction /sans hedge /hed/ brochure /br/
scientist /santst/
fkn/ loft /lft/ catalogue /ktl/
space /spes/
screen /skrin/ lounge /land/ chapter /tpt/
substance /sbstns/
script /skrpt/ junk /dk/ cookery book /kkri bk/
telescope /telskp/
series /sriz/ mansion /mnn/ detective story /dtektv
theory /ri/
soap opera /sp pr/ patio /pt/ stri/
soundtrack /sandtrk/ plumbing /plm/ fantasy /fntsi/
special effect /spel fekt/ porch /pt/ The fiction /fkn/
storyline /strilan/ ghost story /st stri/
subtitle /sbtatl/
shed /ed/
shutter /t/
environment journalist /dnlst/
staircase /stekes/ Nouns non-fiction /nnfkn/
Verbs novelist /nvlst/
terrace /ters/ acid rain /sd ren/
broadcast /brdkst/ yard (US) /jd/ romance /rmns/
carbon dioxide /kbn
science fiction /sans
Adjectives Adjectives daksad/
compelling /kmpel/ carbon footprint /kbn
domestic /dmestk/ textbook /teksbk/
confusing /knfjuz/ ftprnt/
luxurious /lrs/ thriller /rl/
convincing /knvns/ chemical /kemkl/
verse /vs/

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Verbs Adjectives retake an exam /ritek n
Unit 42
blink /blk/ plain /plen/
revise for an exam /rvaz
creep /krip/
dash /d/
silk /slk/
silver /slv/
School and fr n zm/
gaze /ez/ sleeveless /slivls/ education take an exam /tek n
glance /lns/ smart /smt/ Nouns
glimpse /lmps/ V-neck /vinek/
groan /rn/ admission /dmn/ Unit 43
observe /bzv/ Verb phrases business studies /bzns
be dressed in /bi drest n/ stdz/
peer /p/
sigh /sa/ be in stock /bi n stk/ canteen /kntin/ Employment
spot /spt/ get dressed /et drest/ college of further Nouns
stare /ste/ go with / w/ education /kld v
accountant /kantnt/
tremble /trembl/ match / mt/ fr edken/
view /vju/ suit /sut/ computing /kmpjut/
witness /wtns/ curriculum /krkjlm/
Phrasal verbs with agency /ednsi/
yell /jel/ deadline /dedlan/
wear application /plken/
drama /drm/
architect /ktekt/
wear off /wer f/ head teacher /hed tit/
career /kr/
Crime wear out /wer at/ gym /dm/
catering /ketr/
kindergarten /kndtn/
Nouns communication skills
laboratory /lbrtri/
burglar /bl/ Teenagers and literature /ltrt/
/kmjunken sklz/
nursery assistant /nsri
burglary /blri/
clue /klu/
their rooms nursery school /nsri
overtime /vtam/
murder /md/ Nouns physical education /fzkl
pension /penn/
murderer /mdr/ candle /kndl/ edken/
promotion /prmn/
robber /rb/ chest of drawers /test v playing fields /ple fildz/
rate of pay /ret v pe/
robbery /rbri/ drz/ principal /prnspl/
reference /refrns/
shoplifter /plft/ cushion / kn/ psychology /sakldi/
salary /slri/
shoplifting /plft/ duvet /djuve/ teaching assistant /tit
sales manager /selz
thief /if/ stuff /stf/ sstnt/
theft /eft/ wardrobe /wdrb/ Adjectives salon /sln/
Verbs Adjectives comprehensive shift work /ft wk/
burgle /bl/ /kmprhensv/ supervision /supvn/
dimly-lit /dmli lt/
rob /rb/ compulsory /kmplsri/ vacancy /veknsi/
distracted /dstrktd/
shoplift /plft/ practical /prktkl/ wage /wed/
grumpy /rmpi/
steal /stil/ messy /mesi/ primary /pramri/ Adjectives
restful /restfl/ private /pravt/
employed /en mpld/
Unit 41 secondary /sekndri/
Verb phrases permanent /pmnnt/
state /stet/
temporary /temprri/
alter /lt/ stimulating /stmjlet/
Clothes compromise /kmprmaz/ streamed /strimd/ Verb phrases
Nouns daydream /dedrim/ vocational /vkenl/ be made redundant
hang out /h at/ /bi med rdndnt/
high heels /ha hilz/
take a nap /tek np/
Verb phrases
label /lebl/ be out of work /bi at v
enter for an exam /ent fr
material /mtrl/ wk/
n zm/
outfit /atft/ be promoted /bi
fail an exam /fel n
sandal /sndl/ prmtd/
shade /ed/ commute /kmjut/
pass an exam /ps n
give up /v p/
retire /rta/
resign /rzan/

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seminar /semn/
Personal students union /stjudnts
qualities junn/
technology /teknldi/
Adjectives term /tm/
ambitious /mbs/ tutor /tjut/
caring /ker/ tutorial /tjutrl/
creative /krietv/ undergraduate
efficient /fnt/ /ndrdt/
energetic /endetk/ vacation /vken/
/njuzstk/ Verb phrases with
fit /ft/ think
flexible /fleksbl/ think back to /k bk
hard-working / tu/
hdwk/ think over /k v/
honest /nst/ think straight /k stret/
passionate /pnt/ think through /k ru/
reliable /rlabl/ think twice about /k
self-motivated /self twas bat/
well-organised /wel

Unit 44

architecture /ktekt/
assignment /sanmnt/
campus /kmps/
chemistry /kemstri/
device /dvas/
dissertation /dsten/
economics /iknmks/
essay /ese/
faculty / fklti/
graduate /rdet/
hall of residence /hl v
humanities / hjumntz/
law /l/
lecture /lekt/
lecturer /lektr/
medicine /medsn/
mature student /mtj
open day /pn de/
postgraduate /
presentation /preznten/
prospectus / prspekts/
school-leaver /skul liv/

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