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International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology xxx (2017) xxxxxx

Quality evaluation tests for pervious concrete pavements placement

Milena Rangelov a, Somayeh Nassiri a,, Zhao Chen a, Mark Russell b, Jeery Uhlmeyer b
Washington State University, 2001 East Grimes Way, Pullman, WA 99164-5815, United States
WSDOT Pavement Oce, PO Box 47365, Olympia, WA 98504-7365, United States

Received 17 October 2016; received in revised form 22 January 2017; accepted 25 January 2017


Pervious concrete pavements are gaining popularity for stormwater management. Therefore, there is an impending need for the devel-
opment of quality control and acceptance specications. In this study, the necessary initial steps are taken towards this goal. The pro-
cedures to conduct fresh and hardened density/porosity (u) and 28-day compressive strength (f 0 c) were evaluated. The proper
methodology for casting specimens in the eld was identied by examining the agreement between the fresh (D) and hardened density
(q). The eect of cylindrical size, and curing methods as combinations of air and moist curing during the four-week period on f 0 c was
Both cylinder sizes demonstrated comparable values of hardened porosity (u = 16 percent) and hardened density (D = 2.11 kg/m3), as
well as strong linear uD correlations (R2 range 0.600.90). The values of D agree well with those of the fresh density (two percent or less
dierence), which conrmed the suitability of the implemented casting and compaction procedure. Small cylinders presented higher
28-day f 0 c than large cylinders by 7.7 to 19 percent, depending on the curing category. The two-week air followed by two-week moist
curing (2A2 M) method yielded the highest 28-day f 0 c for both specimen sizes, however, longer periods of moist curing did not result
in higher strengths. Cylinders from 1A3M, which were exposed to the longest moist curing, demonstrate the lowest f 0 c. Thermogravimetric
analysis (TGA) conrmed the trends seen in 28-day f 0 c and proved (that) longer moist curing resulted in the loss of CSH and Ca(OH)2.
2017 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Chinese Society of Pavement Engineering. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (

Keywords: Pervious concrete; Porosity; Density; Compressive strength; Curing

1. Introduction the surface [1,2]. For sidewalks, reduced icing and therefore
pedestrian slipping, and for parking lots/bike trails and
Pervious concrete pavements (PCP) are permeable pave- light trac streets, reduced hydroplaning and wet weather
ment structures, simultaneously serving stormwater man- accidents are among the additional expected outcomes of
agement and bearing pedestrian/trac loads, depending using PCP [2,3].
on the application. In this pavement system, a 150 PCs prominent characteristic is the high content of
300 mm pervious concrete (PC) layer with a high air void hardened air void, typically ranging between 15 and 25 per-
content is placed on a highly voided stone bed as the base cent of the total volume [2]. Porosity is an essential prop-
layer, to allow for a rapid inltration of runo through the erty of PC, impacting its hydraulic, mechanical and
pavement system rather than allowing it to pond or run on durability characteristics, and is highly dependent on the
mixture design parameters and the method of compaction
[1]. PC mixture design is based on limiting the coarse aggre-
Corresponding author. gate grade to single-sized or grade 9.519 mm, and either
E-mail address: (S. Nassiri). completely removing or using a minimal amount of ne
Peer review under responsibility of Chinese Society of Pavement
aggregate for added strength [1]. The end result is a matrix
1996-6814/ 2017 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Chinese Society of Pavement Engineering.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

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2 M. Rangelov et al. / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology xxx (2017) xxxxxx

of coarse aggregate (that are) bridged by the paste as 2. Background

opposed to the conventional portland cement concrete
(PCC), where the aggregate is fully embedded in the paste. Concrete quality assurance tests are commonly con-
Naturally, the voided structure of PC results in lower ducted on cylindrical specimens, cast at the job site and
mechanical properties and higher variability comparing cured for later testing of hardened properties. Small-size
to PCC. The eects of dierent mixture design parameters, cylindrical specimens (100 mm in diameter by 200 mm in
such as mixture proportioning, aggregate type and size, height) relative to large cylinders (150 mm in diameter by
binder type and content on the compressive strength were 300 mm in height) are more desirable because they are cast
investigated [47]. Several research eorts focused on faster as they require less material, less number of lifts and
improving the mechanical and durability properties of PC lower compaction eorts. Further, they weigh less: any-
by using various supplementary materials: polypropylene where from 2.8 to 3.8 kg for a typical small PC cylinder
bers [8,9], latex [10], addition of low contents of ne compared to 9.5 to 12.7 kg for a large PC cylinder [5,6],
aggregate (ve to 10 percent of the mass of the coarse and thereby are easier to transport, store and cure. Fresh
aggregate) [11,12], and the addition of carbon ber com- density is one of the acceptance tests that is commonly con-
posite elements [13]. While the research on optimizing PC ducted for quality assurance of pervious concrete [1]. Spec-
mixture design for better performance is needed, equally imen size may aect the ease of achieving the target density,
important is the development of standardized test proce- depending on the compaction procedure. Similar to con-
dures for specimen casting, curing and mechanical testing, ventional PCC, PC is placed and compacted in two lifts
so as to the research eorts are harmonized and the test when casting small cylinders, while it is placed in three lifts
results are comparable. In the wake of PCPs fast growth to cast large cylinders [19]. To achieve the target density as
in popularity, project owners are need of standardized per the mixture design, and a nearly uniform distribution
acceptance and quality control test procedures. Currently, of density throughout the specimens height, each lift needs
only a handful of standardized test procedures is available to be pre-weighed and placed in the mold to t the required
for testing PCs fresh and hardened properties, the determi- volume. Depending on the workability, the mixture is
nation of fresh density [14], hardened density and porosity placed and t in the mold by certain drops of the Proctor
[15], and inltration rate [16]. As for mechanical properties, hammer and/or by several strikes of the mallet. With vary-
standardized procedures are not available for casting and ing number of lifts between the two cylinder sizes, it is crit-
curing PC specimens, neither exists mechanical testing pro- ical to make sure that both sizes yield reliable density for
cedures that would result in reliable and meaningful test acceptance evaluation. An empirical relationship can be
results within tolerable test variations. As a result, the pro- developed to correlate the hardened density of the two size
cedures available for conventional PCC are typically fol- cylinders.
lowed for PC in the absence of more appropriate While not as commonly used, 28-day f 0 c test can still be
methodologies [17,18]. Consequently, a variety of methods conducted as an acceptance test for PC and to provide
has been used to cast specimens and conduct mechanical insight into mechanical properties of the mixture [47].
testing, which often yields unreliable and incomparable However, f 0 c results obtained on the two size cylinders
results among the studies. inherently vary, and therefore it is important to ensure that
This study takes a step back from the research reviewed small cylinders still provide reliable test results for accep-
above and focuses on evaluating rudimentary procedures tance evaluation. Similar research studies conducted in
that are essential to any mechanical testing of PC con- the past on conventional PCC show that generally a linear
ducted for quality control. In this study, proper tests to relationship exists between f 0 c of small cylinders (fc-small)
establish the fresh PC properties are evaluated and identi- and that of large cylinders (fc-large):
ed. The eect of the specimen size, casting method, curing f csmall k s  f clarge 1
during and condition, and nally the strength test proce-
dure are evaluated. The main objectives of this study are Experimentally determined values of ks from the litera-
to: ture range from 0.68 to 1.19, with ks being greater than
unity for PCC strengths below 40 MPa [20], which is the
Examine the method of casting and compacting speci- case for PC mixtures. This relation needs to be investigated
mens in the eld based on experimentally determined to establish a proper value for ks for pervious concrete.
fresh density. In addition to cylinder size, another factor that can sub-
Evaluate the eect of cylindrical specimen size on hard- stantially aect f 0 c results is the curing method and dura-
ened density and 28-day compressive strength (fc). tion. As opposed to conventional PCC, pervious concrete
Investigate the eect of air and moist curing duration on requires a longer wait before demolding to avoid dislodg-
28-day fc. ing of aggregate and breakage of the matrix due to demold-
ing, handling and transporting. Commonly, freshly paved
The results of this research are expected to help with the PC pavements are kept under the sheets of impermeable
development of reliable quality control and acceptance plastic seven days upon casting after which the pavements
tests for PCP placement in the future. are open to the trac [1,2]. Hence the same period is

Please cite this article in press as: M. Rangelov et al., Quality evaluation tests for pervious concrete pavements placement, Int. J. Pavement Res. Technol.
M. Rangelov et al. / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology xxx (2017) xxxxxx 3

typically allowed before demolding of the laboratory applied on the sides, as needed to facilitate casting and
specimens [12,21]. During the in-mold seven-day curing, avoid segregation. A total of 48 small, and 40 large cylin-
the specimens for acceptance testing are either cured in ders were cast on the two paving days.
the eld or in the laboratorys ambient conditions or in a
combination of both. No standardized procedure exists 3.2. Curing and testing
for curing the specimens upon demolding. As such,
normally specimens are continued to air cure until the After casting, the specimens were eld-cured for a dura-
designated testing day. The eect and signicance of moist tion between one and three days [23], then transported to
curing in the development of strength in conventional PCC the laboratory and cured in closed molds in laboratory
is well known [22]. However, our past exploratory conditions at 21C for seven days. Upon demolding at 7-
experiment revealed that placing PC specimens in lime- day age, the hardened density and porosity of each speci-
saturated water bath upon demolding results in the men were determined [15]. In this procedure, the dry weight
dissolving of the paste matrix, and a reduction in 28-day (Md), and the dimensions of the specimens are recorded to
f 0 c of between ve to 27 percent, when compared to air- obtain the dry volume (V). To do so, in addition to two
cured specimens. Therefore, this topic deserves further height measurements, two caliper measurements were
investigation before standard procedures can be developed taken at mid-depth to obtain the diameter. Hardened den-
for 28-day f 0 c acceptance testing of PC. sity (q) was calculated as the ratio of the dry mass to the
volume (Md/V). To characterize porosity, each specimen
was submersed in water for at least 30 minutes, after which
3. Methodology
the submersed mass of each specimen was recorded (MW).
The volume of the solids can be obtained by dividing the
3.1. Materials and sampling
dierence between the dry and submersed weights by the
density of water (qw). Subsequently, porosity (u) is calcu-
Specimens in this study were cast from the State Depart-
lated using Eq. (2):
ment of Transportations PCP placement on a ferry termi-
nals dock on two paving days, June 1st, and June 17th, Md  Mw
2016. Mixture design and proportioning are provided in u1 2
qw  V
Table 1. The coarse aggregate nominal maximum size
was 9.5 mm, with a specic gravity of 2.73. The mixtures Later, the specimens were cured until 28 days of age. In
density was 2096 kg/m3 according to the mixture design, order to assess the impact of dierent curing methods on
resulting in a target porosity of 20.4 percent. Hydration the strength development, the specimens were cured in air
stabilizer and rheology-modifying admixtures were added and in a fog room complying with ASTM C192 [19]. The
to the mixture in dosages specied in Table 1. One of the duration of air and moist curing was designed to include
purposes of using these admixtures is to provide prolonged four curing categories, as described in Table 2. The four
workable time. categories are four weeks of air curing (4A), three weeks
Specimens were cast from multiple truck loads on the in air and one week moist cured in the fog room
two paving days; the fresh density was rst determined (3A1M), two weeks of air and two weeks of moist curing
for each batch based on ASTM 1688 [14], followed by cast- (2A2M), and nally one week of curing in air, followed
ing small and large cylinders. The required mass of fresh by three weeks of moist curing (1A3M). Table 2 also shows
material placed in every mold was dened based on the the number of cylinders of both sizes designated to each
experimentally determined fresh density on the same batch. curing category. Note that the unequal number of speci-
The material was divided in two and three equal lifts for mens in each curing category is the result of a dierent
small and large cylinders, respectively. The fresh PC was number of cylinders cast on the two paving days. Regard-
compacted using a standard 2.5-kg Proctor hammer with less, a sucient number of specimens are included in each
a 30.5-cm drop. The number of hammer drops was category to allow for meaningful statistical comparisons.
adjusted so that the predetermined mass of the fresh PC After 28 days of curing, the specimens were tested for com-
t in the molds. Additionally, strikes of the mallet was pressive strength.
Compressive strength tests were conducted based on the
procedure in ASTM C39 [17] and ASTM D1633 [18]. The
Table 1 loading rate of 0.24 0.05 MPa/s specied in C39, recom-
PC mixture design and proportioning. mended for conventional PCC results in the failure of the
Material Amount per m3 of PC PC specimens in less than two minutes. Therefore, based
Coarse aggregate [kg] 1716 on the recommendations in D1633 [18], the loading rate
Type I/II Cement [kg] 300 was adjusted to 0.10 0.02 MPa/s to allow for the test
Water [kg] 83 on each specimen to last for about four to ve minutes
Admixtures Hydration stabilizer [g] 1260 and to provide a continuous and no-shock loading during
Rheology-modifying [g] 1224

Please cite this article in press as: M. Rangelov et al., Quality evaluation tests for pervious concrete pavements placement, Int. J. Pavement Res. Technol.
4 M. Rangelov et al. / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology xxx (2017) xxxxxx

Table 2 p-values indicate that there is no statistically signicant dif-

Four curing methodologies for PC with the corresponding sample sizes. ference neither in u nor in q between the two cylinders.
Label Description of curing method #Cylinders The fresh density of PC (D), determined in the eld
Small Large based on ASTM C1688 [14], is commonly used as a quality
4A 4 weeks cured in air 16 11 control tool [24]. D from the tests conducted in the eld is
3A1M 3 week cured in air, 1 weeks moist cured 12 11 compared here to hardened density (q) to evaluate the cast-
2A2M 2 weeks cured in air, 2 weeks moist cured 10 10 ing and compaction procedure (Fig. 1). As seen in Fig. 1, q
1A3M 1 weeks cured in air, 3 weeks moist cured 10 8 agrees closely with the D determined in the eld, for both
cylinders. Percent dierence between D and q range from
0.05 to 1.5 percent for small and from 0.1 to 1.9 percent
4. Results and discussion
for large cylinders. The close agreement between D and q
indicates that the method of casting specimens based on
4.1. Porosity test results
the predetermined weight, along with the implemented
compaction methodology, provided a suitable framework
Porosity and hardened density (q) tests were performed
for casting PC cylinders in the eld. Furthermore, based
on PC specimens upon demolding on 7-day age. Note that
on the results in Fig. 1 both cylinder sizes can be used
the specimens cast on the two paving days are used as one
for quality control of PC in the eld.
dataset, regardless of their casting day. This is because the
Fig. 2 presents the correlation between porosity and
comparison of u and q of the small and large cylinders cast
hardened density for both cylinder sizes. As Fig. 2 indi-
on the two paving dates showed no signicant dierence by
cates, strong linear uq correlations exist for both cylin-
Pearson t-test at 95 percent condence interval. The aver-
ders. As expected, specimens with lower values of u
age u and q for all large and small specimens, with their
demonstrate higher q. It can be observed from Fig. 2 that
corresponding standard deviations are provided in Table 3.
large cylinders present a stronger uq correlation
One large specimen was removed from the data due to a
(R2  0.9), compared to small cylinders (R2  0.6), due to
high porosity of 25 percent, which is outside the range tar-
more variation in porosity in small cylinders, as discussed
geted in this study. As seen in Table 3, the two cylinder
earlier in Table 3. The results of Pearson correlation test
sizes present comparable values of average u, at approxi-
between u and q reveals a statistically signicant correla-
mately 16 percent. Porosity ranged from 10.2 to 21.0 per-
tion (p-values = 0.000), with correlation coecients
cent for small and from 10.0 to 21.6 percent for large
0.776 and 0.947, for small and large cylinders,
cylinders. The standard deviations show that the large
cylinders present slightly lower variations in both u and
q, comparing to small cylinders. In terms of q, both cylin-
4.2. Compressive strength test results
ders demonstrate relatively consistent and comparable val-
ues, slightly above 2100 kg/m3, which agrees well with the
4.2.1. Eect of specimen size
design density at 2096 kg/m3. A linear relationship between
Compressive strength tests were performed on PC spec-
the q of the small and large cylinders, analogous to the one
imens at 28-day age on all specimens in the four curing cat-
in Eq. (1), is formulated in Eq. (3):
egories. Average f 0 c with corresponding standard
qsmall 0:993  qlarge 3 deviations, for the two specimen sizes and four curing cat-
egories, are provided in Fig. 3. The average 28-day f 0 c for
where qsmall and qlarge stand for hardened densities of small both specimen sizes are within the typical range for previ-
and large cylinders, respectively. As seen in Eq. (3), the cor- ous concrete, 3.527 MPa [25]. As seen in Fig. 3, small
relation coecient is close to unity. Therefore, for practical cylinders generally present higher values of f 0 c, by 7.719
purposes, it is safe to assume that that qsmall and qlarge are percent, and lower standard deviations, comparing to large
equal, if the casting and compacting procedures outlined cylinders, across all curing categories.
earlier are followed. To make sure that results for qsmall Pearson statistical t-test was conducted, aiming to deter-
and qlarge are statistically equal, a Pearson t-test was per- mine whether the impact of cylinder size on f 0 c is statisti-
formed on porosity and hardened density, and the results cally signicant. p-values, provided in Table 4, indicate
are listed in Table 3. As seen in Table 3, relatively high that f 0 c-4 and f 0 c-6 dier signicantly for curing categories
4A and 1A3M. The dierence between f 0 c for cylinders
Table 3 from 3A1M and 2A2M is not statistically signicant, based
Average porosity (u), hardened density (q) and the results of Pearson on the results listed in Table 4. When f 0 c all cylinders,
t-test for comparison of u and q small vs. large cylinders. regardless of the curing category were compared, the p-
Property Mean Standard Deviation (STDV) p-value value was 0.002, indicating a signicant dierence between
usmall [%] 16.4 2.6 0.261 f 0 c for the two cylinders.
ularge [%] 15.8 2.5 Following Eq. (1) and based on the obtained results, lin-
qsmall [kg/m3] 2101 44.4 0.150 ear relationship between f 0 c-small and f 0 c-large can be estab-
qlarge [kg/m3] 2114 44.6
lished as follows:

Please cite this article in press as: M. Rangelov et al., Quality evaluation tests for pervious concrete pavements placement, Int. J. Pavement Res. Technol.
M. Rangelov et al. / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology xxx (2017) xxxxxx 5

(a) 2,250

Density [lkg/m3]
D1B1 D1B2 D2B1 D2B2 D2B3 D2B4

Fresh density (D) Hardened density ( )

(b) 2,250


Density [lkg/m3]







D1B1 D1B2 D2B1 D2B2 D2B3 D2B4

Fresh density (D) Hardened density ( )

Fig. 1. Comparison of fresh (D) and hardened density (q), based on casting day 1 or 2 (D1 or D2) and PC sampling batch (B1B5) for (a) small and (b)
large cylinders.

the lowest f 0 c for both cylinders. It was expected that
2,200 Large cylinders
y = -16.748x + 2378.9 longer moist curing will result in the development of more
R = 0.8965
hydration products and thereby higher f 0 c, however, the
Density [kg/m3]


results present a dierent pattern. Cylinders from Category
Small cylinders
y = -13.105x + 2315.7 1A3M, with the longest moist curing, demonstrate the
2,050 R = 0.6023 lowest f 0 c among the moist cured cylinders, the second
2,000 lowest f 0 c was achieved for 3A1M, while 2A2M resulted
in the highest f 0 c. Based on f 0 c results, moist curing
8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 24.00
improved f 0 c, however only when limited to no longer than
Porosity [%] two weeks. Two weeks of air and two weeks of moist
Small cylinders Large cylinders
curing resulted in the most eective curing, resulting in
the highest f 0 c.
Fig. 2. Linear uq relationship for small and large cylinders. The impact of dierent curing categories on f 0 c were sta-
f 0csmall 1:13  f 0clarge 4 tistically assessed by t-tests (Table 5). Dierences in f 0 c
caused by dierent curing methodologies are not statisti-
Eq. (4) is based on all tested specimens. The correlation cally signicant at 95 percent condence level. Large cylin-
coecient at 1.13 corresponds well with the values found ders show lower p-values comparing to small cylinders,
from literature [20]. Coecient ks was calculated for all indicating the more signicant impact of curing on f 0 c.
curing categories separately and presented in Table 4. The comparison of curing methods 4A and 2A2M for large
cylinders, resulted in a p-value of 0.061, which indicates a
4.2.2. Eect of curing method statistical signicance at 90 percent condence.
Specimens from Category 2A2M demonstrate the high- During the curing period, it was observed that the spec-
est f 0 c for both cylinder sizes, while Category 4A presents imens subjected to moist curing in the fog room presented

Please cite this article in press as: M. Rangelov et al., Quality evaluation tests for pervious concrete pavements placement, Int. J. Pavement Res. Technol.
6 M. Rangelov et al. / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology xxx (2017) xxxxxx

Small cylinders Large cylinders


f'c [MPa]





4A 3A1M 2A2M 1A3M
Curing category

Fig. 3. Average 28-day f0 c for small and large PC cylinders for four curing categories.

Table 4
Signicance of eect of cylinder size on 28-day f0 c based on Pearson t-test.
Curing category Specimen size Mean (MPa) STDV (MPa) p-values ks
4A Small 19.2 2.8 0.019 1.19
Large 16.2 2.6
1A3M Small 20.2 3.6 0.024 1.12
Large 18.0 3.6
2A2M Small 20.6 3.2 0.361 1.07
Large 19.2 3.6
3A1M Small 19.9 3.3 0.167 1.18
Large 17.0 1.5
All categories Small 19.9 3.3 0.002 1.13
Large 17.6 3.2

Table 5
Results of Pearson t-test comparing f0 c for dierent curing categories.
Curing category p-values for small cylinders p-values for large cylinders
4A 1A3M 2A2A 3A1M 4A 1A3M 2A2A 3A1M
4A Not applicable (NA) 0.486 0.293 0.603 NA 0.206 0.061 0.449
1A3M 0.486 NA 0.873 0.630 0.206 NA 0.403 0.118
2A2M 0.293 0.873 NA 0.747 0.061 0.403 NA 0.484
3A1M 0.603 0.630 0.747 NA 0.499 0.118 0.484 NA

white stains on the surface, as presented in Fig. 4, which

were presumed to be Ca(OH)2 leaching.
To further investigate the changes in the cement paste
content and explain the reason for the decline in strength
with prolonged moist curing, cement paste was sampled
from one of the specimens from each curing category.
Small amounts of paste were scraped from the center and
sides of each specimen (broken specimens after f 0 c test were
used), pulverized and used in the thermogravimetric analy-
sis (TGA). The mass of tested pulverized samples ranged
from 13.5 to 15 mg. The specimens were heated from the
room temperature to 1000C, at the temperature rate 20
C/min. The paste samples from curing categories 1A3M,
2A2M and 3A1M (categories that feature moist curing)
were oven-dried at 100C for two hours, to eliminate free
moisture. For cement paste, three most signicant drops
in weight loss on TGA (peaks in weight loss derivative)
occur at approximately: 80C, 450C, and 740C. The rst Fig. 4. Specimen from curing category 1A3M at 28-day age, with white
peak is typically correlated with the dehydration of CSH stains of leached paste.

Please cite this article in press as: M. Rangelov et al., Quality evaluation tests for pervious concrete pavements placement, Int. J. Pavement Res. Technol.
M. Rangelov et al. / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology xxx (2017) xxxxxx 7


4A 3A1M 2A2M 1A3M


Weight loss [%]




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Fig. 5. TGA results: weight loss percentage versus temperature for samples from four curing categories.

Table 6
LOI results from TGA test, based on dierent temperature ranges for four curing categories.
Temperature range Cement paste compound LOI (%) based on curing category
4A 3A1M 2A2M 1A3M
100450 C CSH, Aft, Afm 10.75 9.36 8.99 7.52
450600 C Ca(OH)2 4.29 2.96 2.71 2.34
6001000 C CaCO3 5.72 7.71 9.05 7.47

gel, while the second and third peak are associated with the eld/laboratory from fresh pervious concrete (PC) to
decomposition of Ca(OH)2 and CaCO3, respectively. be used in quality control mechanical testing for accep-
Fig. 5 demonstrates the results of TGA represented by tance. Therefore, the study aimed at investigating the
the weight loss for the paste samples from four curing eects of cylinder size (small: 100 by 200 mm versus large:
categories. 150 by 300 mm) on porosity, fresh and hardened density.
To quantify dierent phases of the cement paste, per- Moreover, the impacts of cylinder size and four curing cat-
centage weight loss for the following temperature ranges egories of four weeks of air curing (4A), three weeks of air
was calculated based on the literature [26]: 100450 C and one week of moist curing (3A1M), two weeks of air
for the CSH, ettringite (Aft) and monosulphate (Afm), and two weeks of moist curing (2A2M), and one week of
450600 C for Ca(OH)2, and 6001000 C for CaCO3. air and two weeks of moist curing (1A3M) on PC 28-day
The results in terms of weight loss percentage, typically compressive strength (f 0 c) were examined. The main nd-
referred to as loss on ignition (LOI), are presented in ings are presented below:
Table 6. As seen in Table 6, curing category 4A presents
the highest content of CSH, Aft and Afm and Ca Hardened density of both cylinders agreed with the
(OH)2. Among the three curing categories with moist cur- fresh density determined in the eld (the maximum
ing, the amount of CSH, Aft and Afm and Ca(OH)2 dierence was approximately two percent). The
steadily declines with the extension of the moist curing per- corresponding values of fresh and hardened density
iod. This trend further indicates that prolonged moist cur- suggested the adequacy of the implemented casting
ing may lead to decalcication of CSH gel and and compaction methodology for sampling PC in
dissolution of Ca(OH)2 due to the presence of water and/ the eld for the mixture design tested in this study.
or chemical attack. Ca(OH)2 leaching results in increased However, the eect of dierent mixture design
porosity and drop in strength with more severe eects than parameters, such as aggregate shape and nominal
the eects of CSH decalcication on strength [27,28]. maximum size, cement paste content, water-
Finally, the pattern observed in CaCO3 content determined to-cementitious ratio, and so forth needs to be
by TGA for dierent curing categories follows the same investigated in order to provide a framework for
trend observed previously in f 0 c. Curing categories with PC sampling in the eld.
higher content of CaCO3 present higher f 0 c based on The two cylinder sizes demonstrate comparable values
TGA test results. of average porosity (approximately 16 percent) and
average hardened density (2108 kg/m3). The dierence
5. Conclusions between the porosity and density for the two cylinder
sizes was not found to be statistically signicant. This
An experimental study was conducted to identify the result indicates that either cylinder size can be cast for
proper methodology for casting and curing specimens in evaluation of hardened density.

Please cite this article in press as: M. Rangelov et al., Quality evaluation tests for pervious concrete pavements placement, Int. J. Pavement Res. Technol.
8 M. Rangelov et al. / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology xxx (2017) xxxxxx

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Please cite this article in press as: M. Rangelov et al., Quality evaluation tests for pervious concrete pavements placement, Int. J. Pavement Res. Technol.

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