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Adult / Child Supporting Anecdote

Interaction Strategy
a) Interact with children at their April 3rd 2017: During work
physical level time, Adam (ch) was playing with the
building blocks on the carpet. I sat down
on the carpet and said to him, Adam, you
have been working with those blocks for a
long time. Look, you have made a big
b) Uses Silence, Observation, April 4th 2017: During free play time, while
Understanding and Listening playing on the mats, I noticed some of the
children were going up and down one of
the ramps on the mats. They began to fight
about who was going to stand at the top,
and began pushing each other. I was about
to get up and redirect, when I had noticed
that one child had gone down the one side
of the ramp to make room for the other
children. I listened to how each child was
reacting to the other before I intervened.
c) Use general comments April 4th 2017: During outside time, Adam
(ch) and Marcello (ch) were building with
blocks. The tower they built crashed down
onto the ground. I walked over to them and
said, Wow, that made a loud noise when
all those blocks fell down.
d) Use self-talk April 5th 2017: During outside time, the
children were using big blocks to build a
tower. I got some blocks together, and
stacked them high. I said, Im seeing how
big I can make this tower.
e) Use parallel-talk April 5th 2017: During free play time,
Adam (ch) was playing in the kitchen area
with Abbey (ch). I said, Adam, you are
cooking a lot of food today. You and Abbey
are working together, and you put all the
food into the frying pan.
f) Acknowledge what toddlers April 7th 2017: While I was changing Yousif
verbalize by repeating (ch) he began to say, Momma, Daddy,
Mamma Daddy. He waved to me several
times. I repeated, Momma and Daddy will
come and pick you up soon.
g) Use exaggerated (does not apply, I am not in an infant
conversational style and tone placement)
when talking with young
h) Use your normal
conversational voice and April 6th 2017: While getting
ready for outside time, Adam (ch) threw his
normal grammatical style when
coat onto the floor. Adam, it makes me
talking with toddlers sad that you threw your coat on the floor. If
you need help, you need to come and ask
me, I said.

i) Use the materials that April 5th 2017: During work time, Abbey
children are using in the same (ch) was playing in the kitchen area. She
began to flip the frying pan. I picked up
way as the children
another pan and flipped it the same way
she was. Im making pancakes, I said.
j) Allow for silence after asking a April 6th 2017: Adam (ch) pushed Orlando
question or making a comment. onto the carpet. Orlando (ch) started to
cry. Adam, that was not very nice at all,
Give children time to respond, or
and now Orlando is sad. You need to be
the freedom to not respond at all nice to your friends.
k) Uses turn taking April 5th 2017: During outside time, Yousif
(ch) wanted to use a blue bike. He walked
over to a bike that was empty and started
to get onto it. Adam (ch) grabbed onto the
bike too. I walked over to them and said,
Adam, Yousif would like to play with that
bike right now. When he is done, then you
can have a turn.
l) Occasionally provides April 7th 2017: While playing on the carpet,
extension to childrens I noticed that Orlando was holding onto a
book that had ducks on it. He held up the
book and said, Ahga. I said, Is that a
duck? What is the duck doing? Orlando

m) When giving directions to April 7th 2017: During lunch time, I noticed
children, state them in a Adam was leaning onto the table, not
sitting on his bottom. I said to him, Adam,
positive fashion
sit on your bottom please. You are going to
get hurt if you sit that way. Adam (ch) put
himself back onto his chair, and sat
n) Interpret childrens April 5th, 2017: During free play time,
communications and Orlando (ch) was holding a toy in his
hand. Adam (ch) went up to Orlando, and
behaviours for other children
took the toy from him. Orlando (ch) began
to cry and hold onto the toy even tightly. I
got down to their level and
said, Adam, I think Orlando
is trying to tell you that he is
playing with that right now. He is sad that
you are taking it away from him. Adam
(ch) let go of the toy, and walked over to
play on the carpet.
o) Support children in solving April 6th 2017: During free play time,
their own technical problems Adam(ch) was stepping inside of a wicker
basket. The basket broke, and Adam looked
at the pieces, picking them up. I sat down
on the floor with him and said, you were
really playing a lot, and now the basket is
broken. Maybe we can get a new one to
play with. Adam (ch) looked up at me,
and helped pick up the pieces.
p) Use interactive match April 5th 2017: During free play time,
Orlando (ch) was putting the wood pieces
onto another wood piece. He pushed hard
to get the pieces to snap together easily. I
sat down next to him and began to push on
the pieces with him.
q) Spontaneously reads to April 4th 2017: Before free play, I sat down
children in the rocking chair and started to read to
the children. I picked a book that I knew
they were familiar with, and started to read
to them. Each child said yay as the book
r) Spontaneously sings to April 3rd 2017: Before getting ready for
children snack, the children were asked to clean up.
To encourage them to clean toys, I began to
sing the clean- up song. Clean up, clean
up, everybody everywhere, clean up, clean
up, everybody do your share. As I sang, I
noticed the children had begun to help
picking up toys.

Adult child interaction strategies are to be completed at the end of the first week of
placement and emailed to your supervising field placement teacher.

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