Kim Dillingham 3 3 2 17 Observation Eval

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OBSERVATION FORM Lesson Plan yes no

Name: Kim Dillingham Date: 3/2/17 Subject: Science Observer: Sheree Springer
Not all standards will be observed during every observation. Complete
appropriate standards only.

Things that are going well Things to think about

There were many, many positive aspects of While meeting, we discussed a few minor
this lesson. Kim planned an incredibly changes to the lesson to make things run
engaging gravity lesson in which students smoother. Kim mentioned that wanted to do
worked through small group inquiry-based more modeling of the rotation movements
mini-experiments. Students were before beginning. Additionally, Nanette
encouraged to use their academic language made the suggestion of creating a parking
while writing like a scientist. Kim managed lot for students questions somewhere in
the small-group rotations with incredible skill the rooma place where students could
students were on task, transition time was write their science questions on post-it
limited, and she regained students attention notes. This would even further enhance the
quickly when needed. The lesson structure inquiry already occurring in the lesson.
was very well thought-out, beginning with a
real-world demonstration of the science
concepts, then moving into activating
background knowledge before beginning the
student-centered activity. An excellent,
engaging way to teach the concept!
1. Learning Development 2. Use of Instructional 3. Learning Environments 4. Content Knowledge 5. Assessment
Materials and Techniques
___creates developmentally ___ develops learning ___conveys accurate ___designs or selects pre-
appropriate and challenging ___understands individual experiences that engage information assessment, formative, and
learning experiences learners and holds high self-directed learners ___awareness of core summative
___Collaborates with expectations ___establishes positive ___engages in methods of ___identifies the elements of
families, colleagues, and ___designs, adapts and learning climate inquiry quality work and provides
other professionals to delivers instruction that ___uses variety of ___uses multiple timely feedback
promote student growth address diverse needs classroom management representations of concepts ___uses data to assess
___allows different ways to strategies ___supports students in instruction
demonstrate learning ___engages students in learning using academic ___documents student
___incorporates language learning language accurately and progress
development ___extends learning meaningfully ___analyzes information
environment using from multiple and diverse
technology sources
___real world connections
5 4 5 5 NA
6. Instructional Planning 7. Instructional Strategies 8. Reflection and 9. Leadership and 10. Professional and
Continuous Growth Collaboration Ethical Behavior
___plans instruction based ___practices appropriate
on core instructional strategies ___uses a variety of data to ___team member ___complies with federal
___selects and creates ___adapts instruction evaluate outcomes ___participates in PLC and state laws
effective instruction ___analyzes student errors ___seeks support ___advocate ___complies with State
___differentiates ___uses a variety of ___reflects on biases ___works with other school Board rules R277-530
instruction instructional strategies ___investigates educational professionals
___creates opportunities for ___develops higher order policy and research ___engages in professional
students to generate skills ___develops professional learning
original work ___provides opportunities learning plan
___integrates curriculum from multiple and diverse
___uses multiple media
___uses a variety of
5 questioning strategies

Please use the following scale:

5-indicates outstanding progress
4-indicates good progress
3-indicates satisfactory progress
2-indicates marginal progress
1-indicates improvements needed
NA-not applicable at this time

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