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The Monthly Newsletter of Riders With A Purpose

Chapter #1211 of the April,
Christian Motorcyclists Association 2017

Weve Moved! Jaz Sez...
When RDs closed, it became Greetings in Jesus name!
necessary to find a new meeting Are You Getting in Gods
place. Beginning in April, and Way? When we are out and
through at least July, we will be about, are we letting our
meeting at The Gallery Grille, light shine the way God
located on the property of the wants us to? Or are we
Sat- Tanglewood Manor Golf Course-653 doing what we want to do
MAY Scotland Road, Qville. Breakfast will without first asking God?
6 Over the still be at 8:00, with a twist. To start,
What we need to do is
past twenty-nine years, CMA we will be trying out family style
first, stop and pray, and
has been able to extend the open service. Dont worry. There will be
arms of Christ to millions of people lots of choices! The cost will be ask God what and how He
around the world, through the fruits $8.00. Please continue to keep this would do this. He would
of Run for the Son. By partnering change in your prayers! never want to hurt
with three like-minded ministries, anyone, but only lift
we have been able to place the them up and encourage
message of hope and salvation in Thursday, May 4, 2017 them. When we are trying
front of the multitudes in 192 of the
The Southern Route for the
196 countries of the world. Run for
to help someone we dont
Quarryville area NDP Ride will meet
the Son has enabled CMA to equip always know the whole
at Lapps for breakfast at 9 AM.
the saints here in the United States
Stops will include Lampeter story so we may not have
and all over the world to reach the
Municipal Bldg (10:45), Strasburg all the answers. But, we
lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Park (11:30), Christiana Park dont want to get in Gods
Since its beginning Run for
(12:45), SECA Park Qville (1:45), way, so we pray for them,
the Son has raised over $63 million
Hess Gas Station (2:15), Millersville and put them in Gods
dollars to help spread the Good
Park (3:15), Columbia Park (4:00),
News of salvation through Christ; hands. The most
Mountville Park (4:30). There are
Resulting in over 22.5 million
also routes covering the New
important things we can
salvations. Some pray, some go, and
Holland, Lebanon, Coatesville, and do is be there for them,
some send; will you help? Manheim areas. listen, and encourage
This years RFS ride will
has the details. All rides will end at them not to go the wrong
begin at Lapps and end in Lititz Springs Park this year for direction.
Gettysburg, joining numerous other
the big Lancaster County celebration
chapters in prayer. Every dollar you ~Jaz
of the National Day of Prayer. Best-
collect will make a difference!
selling author Josh McDowell is the
main speaker.

Who are we? Riders With A Purpose-#1211

As a part of the Christian Motorcyclists Association, we are a multi-denominational ministry to other
bikers. As with the CMA, our mission is changing the world, one heart at a time. We meet every 3
Saturday at RDs American Grill~1426 Lancaster Pike (Rt. 272) Quarryville, PA~South of the Buck, Join us!
President-Charles Bewley Vice President-Keith Wagner Treasurer- Karen Stillman
Secretary- Wendy Brant Road Captain Neil Howett Chaplain- John Zook
Newsletter-Kent Brusstar Webmaster-Dave Maldonado Prayer Chain-Janet Maldonado

Kickstands Up! Riders With A Purpose April, 2017

From The Saddle a quick one line prayer of blessing for Little Hands Big Plans Ride
the offender. Watch and see what
New Year, New Column, To Benefit
Same old Road Captain happens.
Once again I want to thank Make-A-Wish Foundation
As followers of Jesus we often give of
our time to serve others. The time we everyone who came out for dinner at April 23, 2017.
spend in service can range from a few Pasquales; we had 21 members and Register 11-12:45-$20/Bike
hours at a food bank or soup kitchen, family. Looking ahead, May is going
Departs 1PM from SECA Park,
to several days or weeks on a short to be busy. National Day of Prayer
Quarryville PA
term mission trip. We may even ride on the 4th. Our annual Run For
The Son ride on the 6th, well be (Adjacent to the pool!)
pay for the opportunity to serve in This is a Police-Escorted Ride.
such ways. So, if we can be so meeting at Lapps for breakfast at
8:30 then riding to Gettysburg for a New Route this Year!
generous with our time in these
instances, why do the little, daily gathering at the PA monument. A Join us as we ride to the
inconveniences, bother us so much? ride after the meeting on the 20th DuPont Childrens Hospital in
Red lights, missed parking spots, the and a two stop Ice Cream ride on the Wilmington, DE.
driver who pulls out in front of us 27th. Ice Cream rides always include Ice Cream with the kids when we
then slows down, slow fast food? dinner if you like and we meet at get there! Dont Miss It!!!
These things only last a moment and Fergies at 4:30. Thats four
yet we can get really agitated by opportunities to ride in May! Come From The Prez...
them. Why? Why do we have to be out and join us. Well, riding season is finally here! We
the first, the best, and the most Woe is me, Wow is He! have several events coming up real
important? If youre reading this ~Neil soon. Please try to come out and help.
hoping for an answer, sorry, I dont It makes a difference! We want to be
have one. I will present a challenge Ice Cream Rides. 4th seen as witnesses in our community.
Pray for your officers as they are
though: When these things happen, SATURDAY of each working to use our chapter to serve
use them as an opportunity to show
month, beginning in April. Jesus! Blessings!
Gods love. Be extra polite, be
especially courteous, or offer up
Meet at Fergies, 4:30 PM
Riders With A Purpose-Ride and Event Calendar Find Us On The Web!
NOTE: Rides usually follow all regular meetings! Riders With A Purpose
^ Indicates events at which we will be setting up our tent and CMA Info booth. www.cmariderswithapurpose.
Like Us On Facebook: www.

April 15
April 16
Breakfast/Regular Meeting
Easter Sunday Service^

8:00 AM
10:00 AM
Gallery Grille, Scotland Rd, Quarryville
Chesapeake Harley Davidson
April 22/23 Spring Open House^ 10:00 AM Chesapeake HD
April 23 Little Hands, Big Plans Ride 11:00 AM Registration at SECA Park, Qville
May 4 National Day of Prayer Ride 9:00 AM Meet at Lapps-Ends at 5 pm-Lititz Springs Pk
May 6 Run For The Son 8:30 AM Meet at Lapps, Qville-Riding to Gettysburg!
May 20 Breakfast/Regular Meeting 8:00 AM Gallery Grille, Scotland Rd, Quarryville
May 21 Keith Neidinger Mem Ride 10:30 AM Staging @ Lancaster HD. Depart @ Noon
Looking Ahead:
June 21-25 National Rally East TBA State Fairgrounds-Lewisburg, West Virginia
July 27-30 State Rally TBA Pleasantville, PA
Aug 4-13 Maine Mission Trip TBA Maine Seacoast Mission-Cherryfield, Maine

Check your email or future editions of Kickstands Up for details about upcoming events. What would YOU like to do -
Bowling, supper events, church visits... Let us know!

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