In This Zombie Dail, Neither The Government or The Opposition Are Either Alive or Dead

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this zombie Dail,

neither the government
or the opposition are
either alive or dead
Enda Kenny is getting less fan mail while Hurley
from Lost captures the misery experienced by
members of the Water Committee
By John Drennan
17th April 2017
THE Irish Water soap opera has moved on to be
replaced by the return, by unpopular demand, of the
Enda Kenny soap opera.
This is increasingly starting to resemble the famous
Guinness Ta said ag teacht advertisement.

For those of you who are young, this starts with a group of
peasants waiting miserably in an alcohol-free pub for a
barrel of Guinness to arrive.
All is silent until we see a boat with a keg being rowed
across rough seas by sturdy Gaeltacht men and another
peasant races in the door saying, ta said ag teacht.
Of course, the mood then changes to one of joy and
delight as the Guinness is poured and the fiddles and the
banjos come out.
In the case of Fine Gael the tagline will be the slightly
different one of Ta se ag imeacht, which is best
translated as meaning Enda is going, Yippee!

The Taoiseach will be allowed to indulge in one final trip to

Europe at the end the month and then, as they say in the
cowboy movies, it would be a good idea to git whilst the
gitting is good.
Those who are urging Enda to be careful that the door
doesnt hit him in the arse on his way out of the
Taoiseachs office are not informed by the lowly desire for
Instead, their concern is that the ongoing presence of a
political eunuch without a future as Taoiseach is killing
The complaint is that he is the main cause of this strange
thing called new politics, where, like zombies, the
opposition and the government are neither alive nor dead.
Zombie Dail
Like any zombie apocalypse, there are occasional bouts of
frenzied combat where one set of the living dead attempt
to split the skulls of the other set.
As with water charge talks, though, the frenzy never lasts
for long, owing mostly to the absence of brains.
This has created a strange Twilight Zone where, while lots
of talking occurs in that Dail, nothing is ever done.
But, is this actually such a bad thing?
The low level of talent within our political class means that,
whenever they attempt to improve things, like an amiable
drunk attempting to assist a drowning man, they only
make things worse.
This is epitomised by housing where the governments
response consists of a mix of imaginary council building
schemes that dont build any houses and the buy-to-let
debacle which hasnt built a single extra house, but, has
substantially raised the price of houses that are being
This by the way is a scheme which was designed to assist
first-time buyers.
Sadly, it is now one more example of how modern
politicians who like 1950s-style clerical students, know
nothing about the real world only cause trouble when
they actually try to do something.
In this regard, Shane Ross, who doesnt want to do
anything at all, may have provided us with the best
example of how new politics might actually work.

Shane Ross
In less-evolved times the sight of the national bus network
collapsing in a heap might inspire daft notions in the
politician in charge that they should make a bit of a stir
about the issue.
By contrast, Ross OCarroll Ross took one look at the
unholy inferno and said nah, dont fancy that.
The absence of a minister trotting over with a big bag of
money has, in this case, thrown management and unions
into such a state of confusion they have actually been
forced to sort the thing out themselves.
The whole process has proven, accidentally, that we and
our politicians are actually better off under new politics
where politicians talk a great deal but dont try to change
One of the many entertaining moments in Blazing Saddles
occurs when a dumb cowboy notes of the main villain,
God darnit, Mr Lamarr, you use your tongue prettier than
a twenty dollar whore.
Politics has disintegrated to such an extent that is all most
of our current political class are fit for talking, we mean.
Inviting Ridicule
IF Dear Leader Enda is wondering why fewer invitations
are dropping into his letter box than usual, we can help.
Those souls blessed with the sort of ego who like to invite
Taoisigh to their doings are facing quite the exquisite
social dilemma.

Less fan mail Enda

Uncertainty over the ongoing length of the reign of Enda
means invitations to the Taoiseach are now a
diplomatically complex affair.
If the Taoiseach turns them down and it is leaked, then
everyone will assume Enda will have retired by then.
Inviters, though, face the far worse horror that if they invite
Enda, and he is gone from office, their corporate gig will
be launched by an ex-Taoiseach.
Lost In real life
NOTHING captured the misery experienced by the
members of the Water Committee more than the
comparison by one member of its goings on to the US
drama series Lost.
For the uninitiated, Lost features a group of people
including standout characters such as Hugo Hurley
Reyes obviously lost on an uninhabited island.

Lost Star Hurley

They are utterly separated from the world, after a plane
crash where, if you press the wrong button in a deserted
military facility, you blow up the world.
The island is also populated by dangerous supernatural
beings and most of the protagonists suffer a gristly death.
Yep, sounds like the Water Committee all right or the
Summer Break
ONE of the grand old traditions of the Dail was the
opposition caterwauling when the government headed off
for a set of holidays that would make a teacher blush.
Under new politics the practice appears to have
experienced quite the decline as the lads zipped off for a
fortnight last week with scarcely a squawk being heard.

Fianna Fail confronted Enda Kenny about the length of the

summer break
Mind you, in fairness to Enda Kenny he might have started
the decline when, in his first year in office, the soon to be
ex-Taoiseach was confronted by FF over the length of the
summer break.
The Taoiseach waited until the furore was over and then
agreed with the FF pleas to stay an extra week.
You could have heard a pin drop as the FF buckets and
spades brigade realized Enda had called their bluff.
Many believe it was Endas finest hour. Given the absence
of competition, we have to agree.
The Taoiseach will be allowed to indulge in one final trip to Europe
at the end the month and then, as they say in the cowboy movies,
it would be a good idea to git whilst the gitting is good.
Those who are urging Enda to be careful that the door doesnt hit
him in the arse on his way out of the Taoiseachs office are not
informed by the lowly desire for office.
Instead, their concern is that the ongoing presence of a political
eunuch without a future as Taoiseach is killing politics.
The complaint is that he is the main cause of this strange thing
called new politics, where, like zombies, the opposition and the
government are neither alive nor dead.
The Devil Himself. No Doubt .
It amazes me, the intellect of the supporters & Gobshites of this
country...the Brits, as bad as they are, look to promote their political
careers by making decisions for the benefit of their country, not all the
time now, but majority of it.....
Here in this Goldfish Bowl of A Robotic country, the Gobshites get to
make Ejits & Fools of themselves and their supporters ....and all they get
is " Ah sure, the next time well get them at the ballot box".....WFing Next
Time are They Refering what I like to know!
Irelands social contract is broken and
an alternative is now required: Social
Justice Ireland
Irelands social contract is broken and the legitimate expectations of
citizens are not being met, according to the Social Justice Ireland
Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Speaking on the launch of the think-tanks annual Socio-Economic

Review for 2017 entitled A New Social Contract for a New Century
the groups director, Dr Sean Healy said this was most obvious in
areas such as housing and homelessness, a two-tier healthcare
system, an ongoing failure to provide rural broadband and high
levels of poverty and social exclusion, especially among children.

2017 is the first year of a new century for Ireland and now is the
perfect opportunity to develop a new and radical social contract for
Irelands second century," he said.
Social Justice Irelands annual Review argues that all democracies
are founded on a social contract and progressive social contract is
one where Government works in the interest of all, where social
cohesion and the common good are the primary measures of
progress, and the economy is nurtured for the benefit of society.

The review outlines a series of policies and recommendations which

would deliver a progressive social contract and focus on delivering
five key outcomes:

1. A vibrant economy which works for the benefit of society;

2. Decent services and infrastructure which are accessible to all;
3. A fair taxation system to support our social and economic
4. Good governance which facilitates everyone having a say in
decisions that affect them;
5. Sustainability - meaning that development is balanced across the
regions and progress is measured in terms of social cohesion and the
common good.

Michelle Murphy, Research and Policy Analyst, Social Justice Ireland

went on to suggest a social contract is how the standard of living
everyone expects and agrees on is implemented and delivered and
how the balance of rights and responsibilities among citizens,
communities, institutions and government is maintained.

"Put simply, the key questions are: what standard of living do people
want and expect, and what infrastructure, services and resources are
required to deliver this?, suggested Michelle Murphy, Research and
Policy Analyst, Social Justice Ireland.

To come to a consensus on the standard of living that people want

and agree on, and, how this is to be delivered requires dialogue, with
input from all sectors of society. Choices must be made and
agreement reached on how the social contract is to be delivered.

Social Justice Irelands Review argues that as part of the social

contract in a modern democratic society, citizens may expect:

1. Access to meaningful work,

2. Protection from poverty at times where paid employment is not
3. A minimum floor in times of old age, disability or infirmity;
4. An education system that is relevant, accessible and high in
5. A guarantee that their needs will be met at times of ill-health;
6. The regulation and protection of the environment for the good of
all citizens and ensured participation in civic life and in shaping the
decisions that affect them.

Ms Murphy went on to suggest a social contract sets out the

expectations, the rights, and the responsibilities of all parts of
society individuals, institutions and government.
"It means that everyone contributes to the common good
economically, socially or culturally on the assumption that the
State will provide a minimum standard of living, essential social
services and infrastructure and the protection of basic rights.

The Review goes on to claim that the strength of a democracy is

defined by the strength of its social contract and the quality of life
and wellbeing of its citizens.

It states that people expect a well-run economy, good governance, a

state that acts in the interests of its people, a say on the issues that
affect them, society to provide them with decent services and
infrastructure and an expectation that decisions being made are
aimed at securing fairness across generations and a sustainable

A key part of the social contract is solidarity between generations.

At different points in the lifecycle, all of us will be either net
beneficiaries from, or net contributors to, society, Ms Murphy

This differs, depending on whether we are children, adults of

working age, or pensioners. It depends on whether we are in full-
time education, engaged in caring work, in paid employment, or
volunteering in the community. But at all times, we are contributing
to and benefiting from the social contract in different ways.
In his assessment of the report Dr Sean helay said Ireland has an
opportunity now to develop and agree a new social contract and
how it should be delivered.

"Social Justice Ireland believes that at the heart of this new social
contract is a belief that benefits derived from things like
technological development, economic growth, and societal
advancement are shared.

"A real republic will stand for social justice and for equality. Social
Justice Ireland calls on leadership from all sectors of Irish society to
become part of a debate on a new social contract for a new century.

An executive summary of A New Social Contract for a New Century

is available here."
Michel Martin: Scrapping the USC
makes no sense
Abolishing the universal social charge (USC) would be more fiscally
irresponsible than getting rid of water charges, according to the
leader of Fianna Fil, writes Elaine Loughlin.
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
While Fine Gael committed to axing the USC in its pre-election
promises, Michel Martin said it would not make sense.

In an interview with the Irish Examiner, Mr Martin vowed not to pull

down the confidence and supply agreement when a new leader of
Fine Gael is selected whether that be Leo Varadkar or Simon

He has put it up to whoever does go on to become leader by stating

that the Government has already breached the confidence and
supply agreement and this will not be tolerated.

Mr Martin made it clear that the agreement to prop up the Fine Gael-
Independent Alliance minority Government is not personality
driven and is instead based on policies and principles.
He said: We had always factored in the idea that there could be a
change in the leadership. Enda Kenny himself said that he wasnt
going to go the full distance.

So that was always factored into the agreement, its not personality
driven, so the leadership of Fine Gael is a matter for the Fine Gael

Mr Martin warned that the confidence and supply agreement is

about the issues and the commitments, and that those
commitments must be fulfilled if the Government is to retain support
from his party.

He said some promises set down in the agreement have already

been broken.

We feel Government has essentially breached the confidence and

supply [deal] on mental health, he said. We have had talks with the
Taoiseach on that. They havent given us sufficient funding as per
the agreement in terms of implementing vision for change.

Mr Martin said there had also been an unnecessary dragging of the

feet on the restoration of guidance counselling, adding: They are
niggling issues.

Turning to the USC, which Fine Gael promised to abolish, Mr Martin

said: This is a very interesting point. People accused us of populism
on water; the water charges regime lost money. Getting rid of USC
would cost about 4bn.

Now I ask you this question and I ask a lot of the media
commentators this as well: Which would be the more fiscally

Putting an end to the USC was a central element of Fine Gaels

election manifesto last year. Mr Kennys party had pledged to abolish
the charge completely over four budgets.
However, the confidence and supply agreement signed up to with
Fianna Fil states that reductions in the USC during the lifetime of
the Government must be done on a fair basis with an emphasis on
low and middle-income earners.

During his budget speech last year when the first cuts were
introduced, Finance Minister Michael Noonan said he was intent to
phase out the USC over time, as resources permit. These measures
will face major opposition from Fianna Fil.

Mr Martin said: There is no question abolishing USC is probably the

biggest electoral promise ever made by any party and that was made
by Fine Gael in the last election.

Given all the challenges we have in health and education,

abolishing it you can reduce it, certainly but abolishing it
doesnt make sense and that revenue, in my view, is needed.

I think its a bit like universal health insurance that Fine Gael told us
we would have five years ago and proved to be another reckless and
ill-thought-out policy.

Mr Martin said other issues such as Brexit would have to be first

accommodated in Octobers budget.
Latest: Varadkar 'sure' Harris will
clarify who will own the new national
maternity hospital
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Update 6pm: The Social Protection Minister says he thinks it's
important that the issue of ownership of the new national maternity
hospital is clarified.

Leo Varadkar says he is sure the Health Minister will clarify who will
own the property.

"An arrangement on governance so that Holles Street could move

from Holles Street to the campus of St Vincents and the land there is
owned by The Sisters of Charity.

"I guess it was anticipated that they would continue to own their
own land but perhaps that the building would belong to the Board of
Holles Street but of course the decision now has been made not to
have a Board of Holles Street but to merge the two boards.
"I'm not sure exactly what the decision is there or what the plan is
but I think it's important that it is clarified but I'm sure Simon Harris
will do that," he said.

UPDATE 2.35pm: The Health Minister, Simon Harris, has said there
wont be any religious influence on the governance of the new
national maternity hospital.

The land on which the hospital will be built is owned by The Sisters
of Charity.

However Minister Simon Harris says the hospital will have full
clinical, operational, financial and budgetary independence.

His comments come after after opposition parties claimed there

could be a conflict of interest between medical decisions and
Catholic principles.

Update 12.35pm: The Workers Party has condemned the decision to

grant sole ownership of the new National Maternity Hospital to the
Sisters of Charity, saying it presents a nightmare scenario for
The Sisters of Charity are to take charge of the new 300m facility.
However, the religious group, one of the four congregations which
managed Magdalene laundries, has failed to pay its share of funds to
a redress scheme for the victims of institutional abuse.

The decision to grant ownership of the National Maternity Hospital

makes a mockery of the supposed neutrality of the Citizens
Assembly, said Workers Party Cllr. ilis Ryan.

Do any of us really believe that, if and when the 8th amendment of

our constitution is repealed, any new legislation for abortion will be
implemented fully in a hospital wholly owned by the Catholic

"Every week another story emerges of the extraordinary harm done

to women by the church, with State complicity, in this country. What
good is it to agree, finally, to remove archaic, church-written clauses
from our constitution, if we hand over womens healthcare to that
same church?

The Workers Party Councillor called for a full review of church

involvement in healthcare.

Maternity care gets to the root of how we value women in this

country, and historically has been where women have been worst
treated by our State, she said.

Its time for us to change that record.

Update 12.35pm: The Workers Party has condemned the decision to

grant sole ownership of the new National Maternity Hospital to the
Sisters of Charity, saying it presents a nightmare scenario for
The Sisters of Charity are to take charge of the new 300m facility.
However, the religious group, one of the four congregations which
managed Magdalene laundries, has failed to pay its share of funds to
a redress scheme for the victims of institutional abuse.
The decision to grant ownership of the National Maternity Hospital
makes a mockery of the supposed neutrality of the Citizens
Assembly, said Workers Party Cllr. ilis Ryan.
Do any of us really believe that, if and when the 8th amendment of
our constitution is repealed, any new legislation for abortion will be
implemented fully in a hospital wholly owned by the Catholic
"Every week another story emerges of the extraordinary harm done
to women by the church, with State complicity, in this country. What
good is it to agree, finally, to remove archaic, church-written clauses
from our constitution, if we hand over womens healthcare to that
same church?
The Workers Party Councillor called for a full review of church
involvement in healthcare.
Maternity care gets to the root of how we value women in this
country, and historically has been where women have been worst
treated by our State, he said.
Its time for us to change that record.


Concerns are today being raised about the ownership of the new
national maternity hospital.

The Sisters of Charity are to take charge of the 300m facility, which
will be built on a site at Elm Park in Dublin next to the existing St
Vincents Hospital.

However, the religious group, which is one of the four congregations

which managed Magdalene laundries, has so far failed to pay its
share of funds to a redress scheme for the victims of institutional

Solidarity TD Mick Barry said that putting nuns in charge could lead
to a conflict of interest in medical matters.

"Well we saw what happened in the Savita Halappanavar case in

Galway, and I think that issues of that kind can be posed again," he

"And I think that we should have a situation where a maternity

hospital is wholly owned and controlled by the State, and certainly
not by a religious institution."

14 Sep 16
First published in the Sunday Business Post 11 September 2016
Irelands attitude to immoral conduct by the middle classes is to pretend it
does not exist
What do we want? An inquiry! When do we want it? Now! This is the default
response by Irish public life to allegations of unethical behaviour.
Other jurisdictions have a different response. It is a radical, revolutionary,
avant-garde concept. Readers may have to sit down for this. Are you ready to
be scandalised? In many places around the world, such as Brazil, Northern
Ireland and America, police authorities investigate allegations of impropriety.
We will come back to this profound notion shortly.
Irelands attitude to immoral conduct by the middle classes is to pretend it
does not exist by refusing to officially acknowledge it.
What other reason explains why the Central Statistics Office does not have a
separate category that singularly identifies corruption, white collar or
corporate crime? Official statistics on white collar crime do not exist in
Ireland. The closest equivalent is fraud, deception and related offences. This
catch-all category includes welfare fraud and new categories established
under the Criminal Justice Act 2011 such as fraudulent trading and insider

The absence of precise data on corruption, white collar and corporate crime
has an impact on policy making. Politicians allocate scarce resources on need.
The resources needed to investigate welfare fraud and insider trading are
different. By lumping welfare fraud in with complex white collar crime
offences, the state is officially acknowledging it does not understand the
distinction between the two.
Heres an example. In April of this year, an Irishman was convicted of benefit
fraud following a prosecution brought by the Department of Social Protection.
He was living in Lanzarote between July 2008 and May 2011 and continued to
claim 30,000 in disability allowances.
In June, former Anglo Irish Bank executives John Bowe and Willie McAteer and
the former chief executive of Irish Life and Permanent, Denis Casey, were
convicted. The three former bank executives were found guilty of a 7.2
billion scheme to mislead the public about the true health of Anglo.
Mulvanys welfare fraud was 30,000. The fraud committed by Bowe,
McAteer and Casey was 7.2 billion. Both crimes are categorised by the CSO
as the same.
The resources, time and specialist expertise utilised by the state to secure
these two sets of separate convictions are vastly different.
The Anglo/Irish Life convictions were a testament to the Garda Bureau of
Fraud Investigation (GBFI) and the Office of the Director of Corporate
Enforcement (ODCE). But some may question whether the unprecedented
financial costs and extraordinary resource-intensive investigation were worth
the effort in the longest-running criminal trial in the history of the state.
The decision by GBFI and the ODCE to focus scarce resources on the
Anglo/Irish Life trial had consequences for these organisations in their day-to-
day activities.
For instance, the 2015 Garda Inspectorate Report noted that the GBFI is
struggling to manage the volume of suspicious financial transaction reports
forwarded to it as part of money laundering and terrorist financing legislation.
The report also found that GBFI is investigating serious fraud without always
having the necessary skills and resources to conduct a thorough investigation.
A 2014 review of existing resources at the ODCE identified an insufficiency of
in-house accountancy expertise and the need for an in-house IT forensics
capability and the limiting effect of those deficiencies on the ODCEs capacity
to effectively discharge its mandate.
In the absence of resources, political support, additional powers and
structured cooperation from other agencies, what incentive is there for GBFI
and ODCE to undertake difficult, complex and ground-breaking white collar
crime investigations? In Ireland, a relatively uncomplicated welfare fraud case
is given the same status as an arduous white collar crime case in the crime
The European Commission will publish its second corruption report on Ireland
later this year. What has changed since its first report was published in 2014?
As a governance consultant for the commission, I have assisted with the
preparation of the reports. My sense is that many of the dedicated public
servants within the oversight agencies have grown more frustrated.
This column has previously outlined how Irish authorities have failed to use
the Eurojust tools at its disposal, particularly joint investigation teams (JIT)
with other European jurisdictions.
Instead of creating a central registry of Irish bank accounts and a coordinated
method of managing confiscated assets, CAB has had to smile politely at new
powers which focus on low-level criminals, not the ringleaders.
In cases where an instance of corporate crime has been committed in Ireland
and in other jurisdictions, it appears that decisions are made to let other
jurisdictions take the lead. Irish authorities have become spectators.
Heres one example from the past. When the Gallagher Group collapsed in the
early 1980s, a six-year Garda investigation into alleged breaches by merchant
banking of the Companies Acts, Larceny Acts and Central Banks Acts took
place. The DPP decided not to prosecute.
When these offences were alleged to have been committed in the Republic,
the Gallagher Group was also engaged in strikingly similar offences in the
North. The response by the authorities there? A two-year investigation, which
prompted Patrick Gallagher, chair of the group, to plead guilty to five
offences. He was sentenced to two years imprisonment, despite the payment
of significant compensation.
Thats what an accountability deficit looks like. What is it about the Irish
mindset that automatically demands an inquiry instead of actual
Johnathan sugarman THE LAST UNICORN IN IRELAND !!!
Everything blindly ignored, to suit themselves, THE BAILOUT
It wasn't an accident but pure greed and neglect for our
banking system .
So what is our government going to do now?
Look into it, set up an investigation?
We're being taxed to the balls to pay back this bailout and
(also) with Irish water as a back up plan which there trying to
enforce , we're paying property tax , tax for this tax for that!!!
Johnathan sugarman should be Taoiseach for the role he
But of course he was pressurised into breaking the law,
ignored by the main people who have the final say, which led
to the CAR CRASH ON THE M1(the fuck up leading to the
Why have we to pay, our government has invited in vulture
funds to clear up everything for a massive profit for
themselves, the banks got all their money back and the Irish
left to eat NOTHING!!!
Are people too ignorant, too stupid , too busy, or couldn't care
less what happens???? ??? ??? ???
Get out of the EU, tell them shove it, jail the bankers, protest
for a general election, whatever, it's a disgrace, WE'RE THE
force that seriously corrupt , now on the side of the world
acting like DOCTOR DOLITTLE.
The story continues ,
What and when is the ending??
Forget the talking , do the walking and flood Dublin for
Massive rave over and out!
It was the Banks and the Developers and friends of politics who
destroyed this Country. And then The Troika came and told us we had to
pay. So we paid, and paid. Bailed out the Banks. Put all the bankrupted
developments into NAMA. Then the Irish people took 10 years of
Cutbacks . Austerity and misery that broke the hearts of a nation with
emigration and Suicides and adults having to move in with aging parents.
Right now. It's supposed to be the recovery. What recovery... no
Hospitals for the sick. No homes for families. So. What's happening with
all the money.? The Banks are evicting people out of homes when the
people don't make enough in wages to pay the mortgage + feed their
children. So then they are fireselling all the repossessed homes to
vulture funds. Tax free of course. These cretins are charging huge rents
that people can't afford. So where exactly are we headed?
We should be heading straight to a French style revolution with an
appropriate end to those traitors.
Enda Kenny is a Fraud !
HSBC Fraudster. Criminal assets should do their job and go after
the real criminals in Ireland...
Big Pharma Lackie - This criminal was the one who pushed for the
medical charge on each prescription order for his friends who
gave him contributions when campaiging...
Off-Shore Accounts - Enda where are the investigations into the
off-shore accounts that was owned by members of your
government... with Enda Kenny Meme's and Enda Kenny is an
Enda Kenny is a Fraud !
HSBC Fraudster. Criminal assets should do their job and go after the real
criminals in Ireland...
Big Pharma Lackie - This criminal was the one who pushed for the
medical charge on each prescription order for his friends who gave him
contributions when campaignng...
Off-Shore Accounts - Enda where are the investigations into the off-
shore accounts that was owned by members of your government.


Is this where Burton hides her tax evading funds, does she bury all that money.
They have remained very quiet about the 30 offshore accounts discovered in
HSBC accounts

Jobstown protest: Four more men detained by gardai in third day of arrests.

Anti-Austerity Alliance TD Paul Murphy has said that a 14-year-old reportedly
arrested this morning was met with six gardai.

He is now organising a rally outside the Department of Justice tomorrow evening
to protest against "political policing", after four more people joined eight
arrested since Monday as the investigation into the protest in Jobstown, Tallaght
last year continues..

Gardai confirmed this morning that four males had been detained in relation to
the demonstration last year, in which Tanaiste Joan Burton was trapped in her
car for a number of hours.

The arrests were made in the Tallaght area and the men were brought to
Rathfarnham and Tallaght Garda stations today.

It follows eight other arrests over the past two days, including the detention of
Anti-Austerity Alliance (AAA) TD Paul Murphy, Councillors Kieran Mahon and
Mick Murphy, and one 16-year-old boy.

Paul Murphy this morning claimed that one of those arrested was a 14-year-old
and called on supporters to show solidarity at a protest at the Department of
Justice near Stephen's Green tomorrow evening at 6.30pm.

At least 1 arrest this morning (a 14 yr old). No to #PoliticalPolicing protest called
for tomorrow at 6.30pm at Dept of Justice.

Paul Murphy (@paulmurphyAAA) February 11, 2015
Seems at least three arrested this morning so far. The arrests and
#PoliticalPolicing must end. Protest Thurs 6.30pm at Dept of Justice.

Paul Murphy (@paulmurphyAAA) February 11, 2015
He said: "This has backfired on them. If they keep going, will they intimidate
some people from attending future protests? That is possible.

"Our message is the best response to the political responsing is to have a political
response, to hold a massive, peaceful protest outside the Department of Justice
and then to prepare for massive non-payment of the water charges.

"That would be the greatest revenge or punishment for what they are doing to
the people of Jobstown."

All of the 12 people arrested are and were detained under Section Four of the
Criminal Justice Act.

The eight arrested yesterday and Monday were questioned and later released
without charge. Files have been sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions.

There is some speculation up to 40 people could be questioned over the incident
in Jobstown late last year.

Tanaiste Joan Burton met gardai back in November 2014 to detail the abuse she
said she had suffered at the angry demonstration in Tallaght that month.

Ms Burton was held in her car for over two hours and was hit in the face with a
water balloon.

She had claimed missiles were thrown at gardai and homophobic abuse was
shouted at her.

The Tanaiste said she had a couple of hours to reflect on what it would be like if
we had a country run by some of the people who were outside.

She also hit out at Anti-Austerity Alliance TD Paul Murphy for his role in the

The Two Faces of the Law In Ireland.

One Law for Us - The People of Ireland where We are Subjected to the Full Force
of the Law and Another for the Wealthy and Political Class where They Are Given
Free Reign and Immunity from Investigation and Prosecution.

We Demand a Fair System Under Law where All People are Treated Equally
Regardless of Class.

Prosecute the Tax Evaders NOW. We Demand A Full Idependent Investigation
Into Tax Evasion and Corrupt Politicians who Swindle Millions Annually Through
Tax Evasion.

The Law Can Never Make Men Free - It Is Up To Men To Make The Law Free

Does this look like a woman that`s in fear or who is stressed out, the mainstream media are a sham,
people need to start making it their business to boycott these media stations who lie to benefit the
government, they should be held accountable for their lies and spin on the public. Joan Burton sat in
her car filming the protesters with her phone and laughing at them while she then proceeded to read her
news paper, She was not scared or in fear, its time people woke up to the mainstream media in Ireland
and used independent media for their news on whats really going on in the Country.

Joan Burton has given false evidence in court. thats perjury Yet there is no price for her lies. WHY??











Kenny and Gilmore - The criminal duo

The Two Faces of the Law In Ireland.

One Law for Us - The People of Ireland where We are Subjected to the Full Force
of the Law and Another for the Wealthy and Political Class where They Are Given
Free Reign and Immunity from Investigation and Prosecution.

We Demand a Fair System Under Law where All People are Treated Equally
Regardless of Class..
Hitler created work for Germans. Ieland creates work for non Irish, while their
own must leave. Does that make sense. I did not see any black people protesting
in Ireland. How East Europeans are protesting.
None of the foreign people here are taking part in protests, maybe they are mis-
informed or getting more benefits then us but 1 thing is for sure, they aren`t
suffering homelessness or housing crisis problems like our own here, they are in
all the best of apartments and houses while our own are out on the streets and in
inaduaquate housing, its a joke and the government are creating racism here
with their preference treatment of citizens according to their creed. Its racism
against the Irish by our own more so

Michael how did you go from a man of fair labour to a pawn of forced slavery. Oh how time can
change some.

9 December 2014 Edited


An in depth study.

Social injustice and inequality has increased dramatically in several European
Union member states, posing an existential threat to EU stability and integration,
a leading German think-tank has warned. The Bertelsmann Stiftung called on the
EU and member states to balance strict budget rules and austerity policies with a
greater concern for social justice and efforts to invest in the future.

The study, which has been conducted every three years since 2008, warned that
massive cuts in crisis-battered states had not been administered in a
balanced manner, falling hardest on the poor, children and the young. It
predicted that the social imbalance between northern and southern EU states
would also place a strain on the European project.

Social divide

Jrg Drger, a member of the foundations executive board, said: The growing
social divide between member states and between the generations can lead to
tensions and a considerable loss of trust. Should the social imbalance last for
long or increase even more, the future of the European integration project will be

According to the report, social injustice has increased most dramatically since
2008 in Ireland, followed by Greece, Spain, Hungary and Italy. Greece was the
worst overall performer, with record high levels of unemployment and poverty.
The Bertelsmann Stiftung said that austerity measures had led to significant
problems in the countrys health system.

The rise of extremist parties, it said, had left minorities facing growing levels of
discrimination. It also highlighted the unfairness of younger Greek generations
being left to pay back a huge mountain of debt.

Sweden emerged best from the study, followed by Finland and Denmark. Poland
has made significant improvements in social justice since 2008, as has, though to
a lesser extent, Germany and Luxembourg. The survey described how youth in
Spain had been particularly hard hit by the economic crisis, with youth
unemployment at 55% and young people twice as likely as elderly people to live
below the poverty line.

The Bertelsmann Stiftung also sought to dispel the notion that richer countries
were necessarily fairer countries. It drew a comparison between Sweden,
Germany and Ireland, which all have broadly similar gross domestic product per
capita. Ireland came just 18th overall in the ranking, with almost 33% of all
young at risk of falling below the poverty line and with the EUs worst levels of
pre-primary education spending. By comparison, the Czech Republic, where per-
capita GDP is about two- thirds of that in Ireland, came fifth in the overall

The socio-spatial impacts on inequality and suggestions for alternative, social-
justice based, economic development. The Irish elite, government, big business
and media are trumpeting that austerity and neoliberalism have worked. The
Irish economy is now fully in recovery it is claimed, austerity will be eased
with tax breaks again to be given out to the middle classes, employment is rising
and we have a mini property boom in Dublin to celebrate. Even potential social
partnership agreements are floating in the political air. However, it is now more
than ever that critical political, economic, and socio-spatial justice analysis of the
Irish economy is required. Rather than cheerleading blindly into another boom
and bust cycle based on inequality and spatial injustice there is a need for
academics and policy makers to engage in rigorous analysis and reflection on the
crisis and the political economic trajectory for the coming decades.

Prof Gerry Kearns, of the Maynooth University Department of Geography draws
on President Higgins reflection on the importance of critical thought in the
wake of failed orthodoxies as the crisis is one of ideas as well as of policy. Now
more than ever, space and time must be given in the academic and public sphere
in Ireland to identify the causes of the crisis, its impact on inequality, and
alternative (non-capitalist) policies and approaches based on the common good
and social justice rather than the interests of the minority elite the 1%.

By placing social and spatial justice as an urgent consideration in all areas of
social and economic policy. Interestingly, Kearns highlights how government
responses to the current crisis go against Articles contained in the Irish
Constitution including commitments of the state to promoting the welfare of the
whole people by securing and protecting as effectively as it may a social order in
which justice and charity shall inform all institutions of the national life (Article
45.1). Significantly, this also includes ensuring that the ownership and control of
the material resources may be so distributed amongst private individuals and
the various classes as best to subserve the common good (Article 45.2.ii).

He covers the origins of the financial crisis, its political and territorial
implications such as the outsourcing of state power to international credit rating
agencies, the links between crisis, housing and planning, the uneven impacts of
the crisis in different parts of the country and unevenly within cities such as
failed regeneration, impacts on equality of opportunity, marginalization of
migrants, and sustainability. Within these areas he addresses the questions of
spatial justice and where the pain of crisis and the opportunities of recovery are
distributed, geographically and socially. It highlights the uneven development
that was at the heart of the Celtic Tiger in the inequalities that persisted through
that period, how they were worsened by the crash and the forms in which they
continue today.

Professor Danny Dorling, Professor of Geography at the University of Oxford, on
Spatial Justice, Housing and the Financial crisis makes important links between
rising inequality and housing crises internationally. This chapter is very
interesting for an Irish audience as it highlights how the current housing crisis in
Ireland has similar causes to other countries and there is much we can learn in
regard to social justice based responses. Dorling argues that we really need to
think of housing again as a way in which we feel safe about where we are: not as
a source of investment or a pension or something that can be used for profit, but
instead as primarily a source of shelter. He offers suggestions to address this
such as a mansions tax, rent control, and using second and third homes for
housing for those who need it. He explains that housing is fundamental. It is
what lies at the bottom of this crisis. Housing is one of the basic things that
everybody needs and that policies can work out a way to guarantee. He
surmises that the reason this is not the case is because current policy appears to
be trying to protect the equity interest of a small proportion of people who
happen to own quite a lot of very expensive housing.

Spatial justice and housing in Ireland, which I co-authored with Rob Kitchin and
Cian OCallaghan, details the catastrophic fallout of the property crash and its
social and spatial repercussions for households in Ireland. It analyses how,
during the Celtic Tiger period, housing policy in Ireland was increasingly neo-
liberalised and the privatization of social housing and the rolling out of PPP
regeneration schemes in many instances served to erode existing social housing
infrastructures. It critiques the failure to alter the fundamentals of how the Irish
housing market is constituted and works, and the assumption that future
housing will be the preserve of the private market and the benefit of private
interests. The current housing system is not only inherently unequal, but now
fundamentally unfit for purpose and perpetuates and entrenches social and
spatial injustices, making them increasingly difficult to dislodge. Through the
Celtic Tiger many communities in our large cities and rural towns were excluded.

Similarly in the crisis and recovery places are affected unevenly with significant
spatial inequalities remaining. The danger is that the imbalanced spatial and
institutional landscapes deposited by the crash, left to the whims of the market,
will calcify into a nation increasingly characterized by geographically uneven
development. Echoing, Dorlings conclusions, the authors highlight the need for
(and indeed right to) decent social housing cannot be questioned given the
housing waiting list figures and the high dependence on rent supplement.
Providing social housing and regeneration can be a winwin scenario we claim,
as delivering it on a large scale offers the potential for real economic and social
stimulus for local communities and for the wider society and economy. Finally,
it is clear that the ideological opposition to social housing and obsessive support
of the private rented and property market must be put aside to develop
alternative approaches that place the primary value of housing as a home and a
right, and not a commodity.

Greening the economy in Ireland, Anna Davies provides extensive detail and
analysis of the challenges and possibilities for a more just transition to a green,
low-carbon economy through grassroots enterprise responses such as cleantech
clustering. Three core elements pervade the discourse of just transitions: the
need for wide and inclusive consultation about the economic changes involved in
decarbonization; the requirement for green and decent jobs; and suitable
mechanisms for reskilling people to work within resource-efficient economies.
She examines whether one novel socio-spatial configuration, hybrid clustering
around cleantech, could function as a mechanism through which collaborative
agendas for just transitions towards a greener economy might emerge in an Irish
context. she details the case study of Irelands first cleantech cluster, An tSl
Ghlas The Green Way, a cluster of more than 200 public, private and civil
society enterprises including those with a social and community focus, such as
the Rediscovery Centre. she concludes that it could be optimistically
characterized as a novel socio-spatial arrangement for radical sustainability

Health and spatial justice, Ronan Foley and Adrian Kavanagh, explore the
relations between ill health and poverty. They explain how they have devised an
index that uses the measure of social description now collected by the Irish
census to describe the healthiness of people in small areas. This will allow
geographers to monitor the health consequences of the recession and recovery.
Foley and Kavanagh highlight their findings and how unemployment, poverty
and ill-health reinforce each other and the geography of the crisis is marked by
these interactions.

Since the 1970s geographers internationally have developed a rich tradition that
critically and systemically analysed capitalism based on social and spatial justice
perspectives. It is significant to see that in the last decade we are witnessing the
emergence of similar progressive social justice analysis and research by Irish
geographers that are engaging with issues of critical societal importance.
Examples include the National Institute of Regional and Spatial Analysis (NIRSA)
at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth, the Ireland after NAMA blog and
leading work done by Irish geographers on climate change and associated justice
issues.A critical and radical geographical perspective offers an important lens to
understand the world around us as it focuses on issues that are often neglected
from mainstream economics and political research and policy.

Geographers have a particular set of perspectives on social justice and each of
the core themes of geography can be made the focus of a justice perspective; thus
we may speak of spatial justice, environmental justice and place justice. As
Kearns explains geographers have also tried to understand these inequalities as
having a structural basis so that they can examine the production of unequal
space, particularly as a consequence of capitalism or of legal orderings of space
around ethnic, racial or class apartheid. Thus geographers highlight the
importance of place and scale in frameworks such as solidarity, resistance and
human rights in regard to the Right to the City.

These perspectives are important to challenge dominant narratives about
society and politics such as the claim that the Irish did not protest the crisis and
austerity. A geographical lens reveals that the Irish did not protest like the
Greeks and Spanish but had its own, unique place-specific socio-political
response. This is evident in the new and (often local) social movements such as
the youth against forced emigration Were Not Leaving, the Spectacle of Defiance
challenging cuts to disadvantaged communities and the anti-household charge
campaign, along with a rise in support for radical left and independent politics.
This sits alongside the hidden resistance and solidarities in the on-going local
community struggles such as the anti-incinerator campaign in Poolbeg and Shell
to Sea in Mayo.

But a spatial lens also highlights the necessity for political resistance strategies
to reach across scales in order to be successful to build solidarity from the local
to the national to the international. The recent Greyhound dispute which
highlighted the importance of workers struggles connecting beyond the
workplace into local communities is noteworthy in this regard.

The public revolt against water charges is about injustice, and its justified.
The public revolt against water charges is not, for the most part, a rebellion
against the eminently sensible idea that a small State should have a single public
utility to develop its water system.

It should be so easy. How much political brilliance does it take to persuade the
population that it is necessary to change a water supply system that leaves whole
cities (Galway) and almost entire counties (Roscommon) without drinkable
water for long periods? That wastes through leakage half of all the expensively
treated water it produces? That the State cant do this tells us something about
much more than the debacle of Irish Water. It tells us about the governability of
the State itself. It would be hysterical to suggest that the State is ungovernable.
But it would be naive to deny that it is heading gradually in that direction. And
heading there for good reasons: a very significant part of the population has
ceased to feel that the State is theirs, that it tries its best to treat them with care
and dignity.

The public revolt against water charges is not, for the most part, a rebellion
against the eminently sensible idea that a small State should have a single public
utility to develop its water system. Its an expression of anger about bigger
things: command-and-control politics; trust-me- Im-an-expert arrogance; rotten,
feckless disregard for the realities of life at the bottom of the heap; the feeling
that nobody gives a curse how you live or what you think.

Its about injustice, and its justified. The recent budget was the fourth regressive
budget in a row. Four times, the Government has coldly and deliberately decided
to hit the weakest and poorest hardest. This has nothing to do with austerity.
The austerity budgets under Fianna Fil between 2008 and 2011 were mildly
progressive they hit the better-off harder than the worst-off. But every budget
under Fine Gael and Labour (Labour!) has quietly reversed this trend. In last
months budget, the average combined impact of the tax and welfare measures
and of water charges on the lowest income households is to reduce their income
by about 1 per cent. For the one-fifth of households with the highest incomes,
there is a gain of about 0.5 per cent.

Boycott K Tech Security

K Tech Security Out Of The Irish Country Music Awards City West Hotel.

K-Tech Security are heavily involved in the forceful evictions of families from
their family home. Having previously assured concerned citizens they would
desist from this immoral practice they have reneged and are presently trying to
evict a family from their land.

We are calling on the City West hotel to no longer use K Tech for the Irish
Country Music Awards on Monday, January 26th as part of a wider national
campaign of calling for boycotts of K Tech Security.

Unless we get a public commitment from K Tech to refrain from taking part in
evictions or City West release K Tech from their contract we will be holding our
protest from 5pm. K Tech will realise in time there is no hiding place for those
who evict families from their homes.


The Role of Media in Society.

Most social scientists define our current society as a mass society and believe it was formed at the end
of the 19th century mainly by industrialization, urbanization and modernization (Wells, 1997). The
medias role in this society is fundamentally a function of how this society chooses to use the media.
Furthermore, the medias relationship with this society is both reflexivethe mass media
simultaneously affects and is affected by mass societyand varied.

Guardians of society.

Many things that would otherwise never be known or exposed become known through media. The
political scientist Thomas Patterson simply commented that "watchdog journalism" is the "traditional
role" of the media "serve as powerful" political norms and the public believe that a free press should
keep them informed about the wrong doings of government. The purpose of journalism is public
enlightenment according to the radio-television news directors association code of broadcast news
The responsibility of radio and television.

journalists is to gather and report information of importance and interest to the public accurately,
honestly and impartially. Broadcast journalists are to evaluate information solely on its merits as news,
rejecting sensationalism or misleading emphasis in any form. Simularly the ethical code of society of
professional journalists the public`s rights to know of events of public importance and interest is the
overriding mission of the mass media.

The purpose of distributing news and enlightened opinion is to serve the general welfare. Nor is this
obligation to be taken lightly. Freedom of the press is to be guarded as an inalienable right of people in
a free society. It carries with it the freedoms and responsibility to discuss questions and challenge
actions and utterances of our government and of our public and private institutions. Journalists should
uphold the right to speak unpopular opinions and the privilege to agree with the majority. Journalists
have awesome responsibilities, it would seem.

Self-Regulation: How the Media Watches Itself.

A free media is by definition decentralized. While lacking a central authority that pre-approves content
and still needing to rectifying mistakesomissions or distortionsa free media resolves this paradox
by acting as a self-regulator. Specifically, media content itself can be analyzed by others within the
media, leaving the final judgment up to the viewers. Self-regulation is important because anyone in the
media is capable of conveying bias; in lieu of restricting content, a free media would be capable of
policing itself.

The purpose of the media is to make sure everyone in government plays it straight in the interest of the
people, Hence the "WATCHDOG" philosophy of the news media. They have a huge responsibility in
society as a whole and should adhere to their obligations as informers of the public within a free and
open democracy. Freedom itself demands it.





Serve - Meaning

1. To render ASSISTANCE; be of use; to HELP.

2. To go through a term of service; do duty as a soldier, sailor, senator, garda, etc.

3. To be in the service of; work for.

4. To be useful or of service to; help.

5. To render active service to (a sovereign, commander, etc.).

6. To perform the duties of (a position, an office, etc.):
to SERVE his mayoralty.

7. To answer the requirements of; suffice:
This will SERVE our needs for the MOMENT.

Protect - Meaning

1. To defend or guard from attack, invasion, loss, annoyance, insult, etc.; COVER
or shield from injury or danger.

2. Economics. to guard (the industry or an industry of a nation) from foreign
competition by imposing import DUTIES.
Under protect. The second meaning to the word protect. It covers Economics and
says to guard the industry or an industry of a nation from foreign competition...
Outside of import duties our water system is under our nation and should be
protected now as it is, from falling into the hands of foreign investors outside the
means of import duties... Witch its surely likely to do in the future if this
treasonous deal goes ahead.. So the Guards of this Island are clearly breaking the
very oaths they took when graduating from training... Are they not supposed to
be bound to these oaths ?
he gobshite's that are called the government keep using the new buzz word
clarity the only clarity the people of ireland want and will get it is scrap the
water charge's FULL STOP

Installing Democracy - Error - Cannot Install Democracy:

The Garda Ombudsman are Not fit for purpose ---
-------- GSOC --------
-- No Independence --
-- No Accountability --
-- No Transparency --
------ No Integrity ------

Garda System of Criminality - GSOC or Garda System of Coverups

Corrupt to its core...All we need do is kick in the door and watch the whole rotten
structure fall down...



Election Rigging For Dummies - On Sale Now @ Eason`s Book Store. Get Your Copy Now.

Electoral fraud or vote rigging is illegal interference with the process of an election. Acts of fraud
affect vote counts to bring about an election result, whether by increasing the vote share of the favored
candidate, depressing the vote share of the rival candidates, or both.

Definition of election rigging.

Election rigging is the act of dishonestly organizing an election to get a particular result. it is an
electoral fraud and an interference with the election process.

The only poll that counts, supposedly, is election day. But for the sophisticated vote-rigger that is
terrible advice. Election day is too late. If you go around beating up your opponents' voters, stuffing
ballot boxes and making up results, someone somewhere is bound to complain. All those foreign
busybodies will take you to task. It enrages the crowd and it dents your reputation.

It is also unnecessary. If you set about rigging the vote well in advance (see article), you can have an
election that looks all right on the outside but guarantees the result you want. And nobody will be able
to object. The secret is to obey the ruleshaving first written them yourself.

It all starts with television, where most voters (especially the poorer and less-educated) get most of
their news. Don't clamp down completelyit makes you look weak. Tolerate small, ill-funded
opposition outlets (not least so that you have an idea yourself of what is going on). But make sure that
you or your allies control all the main television channels. Television news should trumpet your
successes, portraying you as statesmanlike, and perhaps also enjoying manly sports and cuddly charity

This makes you the dominant brand in voters' minds. Your propaganda machine should also highlight
the opposition's foreign links, making them look disloyal and alien. It should play up splits and
divisions and any personal foibles (your own vices, meanwhile, must remain state secrets).

This makes the next stages easier. Gerrymandering is an excellent tactic. In a parliamentary election,
corral your opponents' votes into places where they pile up uselessly, while making sure that yours are
spread across plenty of marginal constituencies. If in doubt, look at how it is done in America. Then
sort out the electoral registers: you need tough registration requirements for the voters who dislike you.
You can count on votes from prisoners, army conscripts and others, so make sure they are registered

The laws governing political parties are in your hands too: make them burdensome. That will sap the
opposition's energiesand if they make a single slip-up, you can always have their candidates struck
from the ballot. Your own party will control a mighty bureaucratic machine and will meet the
requirements easily. A sophisticated twist on this is to create your own tame opposition parties, in
several flavours. They will distract attention from your real rivals.

You will have to allow some foreigners into your country on polling day. So make it easy for the right
ones (your ideological soul mates and those from other autocratic countries). Nosy nit-pickers from the
West can come too, but only at the last moment, so they have little time to get organised. Discredit
local election-monitoring outfits as foreign-funded and partisan. Trumpet your fans' verdict at home: it
will offset the complaints from those foreigners who, your television channel can argue, are secretly
bent on doing your country down.

Stuff and nonsense

Do not waste much time campaigning. Anything beyond the odd triumphant rally makes you seem like
a mere politician. Instead say you are too busy minding the affairs of stateand make sure you are
shown on television doing so.

On polling day hand out free food and booze in poor areas. In places that will not vote for you, have
the polling stations open late and close early. If necessary, they can run out of ballot papers. Long
queues are a deterrent to busy people.

As insurance, you need to be able to fiddle the results. A computerised system which is apparently
secure but actually accessible is ideal. If ballot-boxes are used, make sure they can be stored overnight
in a discreet location where, if all else fails, you can add and subtract votes as necessary. If you get
caught, say provocateurs are trying to discredit you.

None of this helps you run the country when you win. But who said politics was easy?

Enda We`re Coming For You

European / IMF / ECB / World Bank Servant



From cradle to grave your thought to be a slave, to live by their system,
indoctrinated in their schools from an early age. Tested regularly to see if your
picking up their programming. Your sleep and REM patters systematically
attacked at the height of its growth and reproduction of its systems. Put on
forced medications that poison the mind, blood and organs. Thought to work 8
hours a day, thought to earn. Thought to fit in and be sub-servant to them.
Thought the lie that you are free. You are free to be a slave. You are free to vote
for your own dictators. You are free to use therefore strengthen the very system
that enslaves you. None are more hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely
believe they are already free.


The Role of Media in Society.

Most social scientists define our current society as a mass society and believe it
was formed at the end of the 19th century mainly by industrialization,
urbanization and modernization (Wells, 1997). The medias role in this society is
fundamentally a function of how this society chooses to use the media.
Furthermore, the medias relationship with this society is both reflexivethe
mass media simultaneously affects and is affected by mass societyand varied.

Guardians of society.

Many things that would otherwise never be known or exposed become known
through media. The political scientist Thomas Patterson simply commented that
"watchdog journalism" is the "traditional role" of the media "serve as powerful"
political norms and the public believe that a free press should keep them
informed about the wrong doings of government. The purpose of journalism is
public enlightenment according to the radio-television news directors
association code of broadcast news ethics.

The responsibility of radio and television.

journalists is to gather and report information of importance and interest to the
public accurately, honestly and impartially. Broadcast journalists are to evaluate
information solely on its merits as news, rejecting sensationalism or misleading
emphasis in any form. Simularly the ethical code of society of professional
journalists the public`s rights to know of events of public importance and
interest is the overriding mission of the mass media.

The purpose of distributing news and enlightened opinion is to serve the general
welfare. Nor is this obligation to be taken lightly. Freedom of the press is to be
guarded as an inalienable right of people in a free society. It carries with it the
freedoms and responsibility to discuss questions and challenge actions and
utterances of our government and of our public and private institutions.
Journalists should uphold the right to speak unpopular opinions and the
privilege to agree with the majority. Journalists have awesome responsibilities, it
would seem.

Self-Regulation: How the Media Watches Itself.

A free media is by definition decentralized. While lacking a central authority that
pre-approves content and still needing to rectifying mistakesomissions or
distortionsa free media resolves this paradox by acting as a self-regulator.
Specifically, media content itself can be analyzed by others within the media,
leaving the final judgment up to the viewers. Self-regulation is important because
anyone in the media is capable of conveying bias; in lieu of restricting content, a
free media would be capable of policing itself.

The purpose of the media is to make sure everyone in government plays it
straight in the interest of the people, Hence the "WATCHDOG" philosophy of the
news media. They have a huge responsibility in society as a whole and should
adhere to their obligations as informers of the public within a free and open
democracy. Freedom itself demands it.

Electoral fraud or vote rigging is illegal interference with the process of an election. Acts of fraud
affect vote counts to bring about an election result, whether by increasing the vote share of the favored
candidate, depressing the vote share of the rival candidates, or both.

Take Back The Media

As the media in this country continues to consolidate into the hands of larger corporations, they
become less and less responsive to the concerns of the average citizen. The public airwaves in this
country have slowly been taken away from the public. There was a time when broadcasters were called
upon to be responsive to the needs of the citizenry and present all sides of any given issue. It was part
of their calling to be the Watchdog of Democracy.

Our media has abandoned their responsibility to the country. The view that gets advanced is no longer
the view of the little guy its the view of ownership, of top management, of major corporations.
Editorial decisions are made with one eye on the political slant that will best benefit the company, and
one eye on the bottom line. The corporate view is tainted, in that it looks for the best way to advance
the corporations financial interests. The result is this instead of behaving as the Watchdog of
Democracy, the media has become the Lapdog of government.

We are fed hours and hours of distraction instead of hard news.. Instead of an open debate on both
sides of any issue, the side which will benefit the Corporate Media is advanced as the correct side.






Enda is Merkels Bitch

Eddie Hobbs looks at Irelands powerful, unelected forces who control decision-

Eddie Hobbs looks at Irelands powerful, unelected forces who control decision-
making, upholding the status quo, and protecting their own interests at the
expense of the general public, social progress, and the effective functioning of

VIEWERS of the American political TV drama, House of Cards will be unsurprised
by the risk of misallocation of scarce resources caused by excessive access and
privilege afforded to powerful groups that comprise the Deep State it is the
stuff of human behaviour, the silent hand of soft power.

Americas Depression leader, President Roosevelt, didnt mince his words
alerting US citizens that behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an
invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility
to the people.

President Eisenhowers broadcast when departing his office in 1961 named part
of the Deep State: In the councils of government, we must guard against the
acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the
militaryindustrial complex.

Speaking truth to power isnt easy, neither is it rewarding in a country like
Ireland whose own version of its Deep State appears entrenched and immune
from a political system that remains mired in the shoe leather of constituency
clientelism, selecting every few years those best at playing the local game to the
national chamber in the uncertain hope that the long-term national interest will
be served.

In truth, it matters not to the Irish Deep State who controls the Dil chamber, so
long as sufficient power rests outside it to allow the organism to fulfil its primary
purpose, which is to survive and thrive.

he Irish Deep State is a nexus of relationships comprised of unelected
government bureaucrats, bank executives, public trade union brass, top
accountancy firms, multinational corporations, IBEC, agencies like RT,
regulators and quangos and is defended by an outer circle of those most
dependent on it.

You certainly wont hear about it on the State broadcaster nor among the panels
stuffed with net takers, university lecturers for the most part, who find it hard to
accept their role in a Deep State which stood by while the worst parts of the last
depression were privatised, namely the job losses and emigration that
devastated the indigenous Irish economy and emaciated its private working poor
and most indebted.

You wont hear President Higgins name it and neither, sadly, are you likely to
hear it in a media nervous of a litigious billionaire, nor among Irelands
conventional political classes who live in perpetual fear of upsetting it. But its
there in plain sight, just follow the money, power and privileges:

Despite causing social devastation, the surviving bank officer class leaned over
the shoulders of Government and ensured that the Insolvency Act maintained
the chronic imbalance between creditor and debtor, ensnaring tens of thousands
of Irish workers in open-ended stress while many of the most powerful got
write-downs and, some, salaries.

Trade unions which ought to be principally fighting for the weakest and most
vulnerable to exploitation by pernicious private sector employers, crossed to the
Deep State lured by gains from Benchmarking for which no notes exist, in deals
linking their personal remuneration to the top echelons of the Civil Service and
which are a multiple of those of ordinary workers.

In the last round, the drawbridge was pulled up, with open pricing against new
teachers, for example. Its why (and, despite constant demonisation) Ive
consistently named public sector trade unions, a price-fixing cartel.

Despite linking the dismantling of the last remnants of protectionism in the
professions to the conditions of Irelands controversial bailout, the legal
profession escaped the fulsome reforms that accompanied the removal of
protective barriers in all others.

There is to be no fall in Irelands very high legal costs, leaving barriers for many
consumers elevated. FOI requests reveal evidence of official lobbying by the Bar
Council and Law Society but there will be no trace of the impact of the galvanised
efforts of its most powerful members.

Irish society is within two decades of a chronic social crisis characterised by
retirement apartheid as most of the private workforce face retirement poverty.
The unfunded pension debt in the social insurance scheme is 324 billion but
remains unspoken among the political class because to do so means grasping the
nettle of the 100bn in the public sector scheme debt, the reform of which would
most threaten the top echelons including long-serving senior politicians whose
retirement benefits run into several millions and rank as the largest asset on
their balance sheet.

No clearer example exists of the Deep State than the manner through which the
early retirement scheme was fattened with benefits during the worst hours of
Irelands depression and then immunised from taxation on its biggest pensions
by ensuring the economic cost was understated and matched by free life cover to
pay off Revenue debt on premature death for anyone unfortunate to be caught.
Meanwhile over 2bn was appropriated from private pensions, by threatening
the guardians, pension trustees, with daily fines of 380 for any delays.

Adjusting for its youthful population, Irelands spending on health relative to
GNP is among the highest in Europe, with some of the worst outcomes. Its not
just about money. Eleven years after forming the HSE, it still has no centralised
HR system or digitised patient files and over 50 different invoice systems
whod stand to lose?

Bending to internal interests, the Government allowed the HSE a second outing
to compress the huge National Childrens Hospital into the wrong location, the
latest at St James expected to cost over 800m for which the Irish people could
get both a childrens and a maternity hospital co-locating at the vast green field
Connolly Hospital site, off the M50.

The 31st Dil elected on the promise of reform, delivered the largest state agency
since the HSE, with no efficiencies and conceived in a room comprising 33 local
councils, trade union chiefs and the Minister for the Environment, a meeting
without notes, the template for which was set by Benchmarking.
Irish Water is a shambles, rejected by the Irish people whose ownership of
water, like all natural resources, was alienated in the 1937 Constitution by de
Valera when he took ownership of it to the State and prevented the Irish people
from challenging its guardianship through their courts which is why there are
protests on the streets.

The attitude, especially to whistle blowers, those within the garda, exposed the
cultural reflex in favour of secrecy and protection, behind which the Deep State
gets its work done. The opposite is a culture of openness, engagement,
accountability and a strongly independent, free-thinking press.

These, among many other reasons, are why I deem Irish democracy to be captive
both externally, by EU rules and a credit market for highly indebted countries
and, internally. It is evidently weak and chatter about breakthroughs driven by
arithmetic following the general election lacks credibility.

Government of the Irish people, by the Irish people, for the Irish people, cannot
properly exist, outside of short general election windows, without a polar shift in
power, pushing down to local government and communities, empowering Dil
committees and replacing Punch and Judy politics with collegiate engagement
and open debate, that depoliticises budget setting in particular.

The answer to balancing Deep State power is deep access, transparency, and
accountability. Government in the sunshine, led by a fully modernised public
sector energised by fresh leaders running teams driven by performance and not
dampened by the secrecy, obduracy and conservativeness of an Edwardian
legacy, where longevity and not merit is most treasured.

Meanwhile, to take the posturing, opinion and guesswork out of social progress,
it ought to be measured at grassroots across a range of outcomes like literacy,
education, health, crime detection and equality. These measures of social impacts
could feed into a single annual measurement of social progress so that we do not
stumble forward venerating GDP, praying for its trickle down, but instead utilise
our best experts to depoliticise the debate by scientifically reporting to the Irish
people how well or otherwise we are translating economic activity into a range
of social outcomes.

An annual Social Progress Index can inform healthy debate about how tax
transfers ought to be best weighted, using left of centre or right of centre policies
whatever works best.


Bill entitled an Act to amend the Misuse of Drugs Act 1977; to confirm certain statutory instruments;
and to provide for related matters

Banking crisis? All I see is a housing crisis, a homelessness crisis, a water crisis.
Every type of crisis is easy to see here in Ireland if it effects you and me or
someone we may know directly or indirectly through news media and news
outlets nationwide.

One thing I haven`t seen is a banking crisis as its simple to see that the only ones
profiting from all these crisis happening nationwide. In fact the banks have been
doing quite well out of what is now termed the banking crisis in Ireland and
around the globe. Perhaps we should begin calling things how we see them from
here on and call it a banking bonanza.

Truthfully if you look with your own eyes and analyze the situation you will then
notice that there is no crisis in the banking system at all. The bankers who
caused all the problems are still untouchable and sitting pretty on one of the
most lucrative businesses with vast sums of unpaid mortgages and bankruptcies
to which they claim all assets from.

So next time someone uses the term banking crisis we should be quick to inform
them the facts about the crisis and banking is not one of the crisis that people
have to face here in Ireland or abroad on a daily basis. The banks are doing quite
well indeed. Thats for sure.



The President of the High Court Mr Justice Nicholas Kearns has apparently

"The position is the four remain lawfully convicted and properly sentenced, he
said. The issue was what had happened in terms of the instrumentality of how
the four were actually committed to prison. That procedure was not a judicial
function, he noted."


The text in the section just above is from the following March 9th, 2015 Irish
Times www location:

The above-mentioned comments by Mr Justice Nicholas Kearns seem VERY
strange to me.

Related Email Copied to Mr Justice Nicholas Kearns on October 6th 2014:

From William Finnerty's viewpoint, it STILL appears to be the case that Mr
Justice Nicholas Kearns, and the several other members of the Republic of
Ireland's Legal Profession that the email at the www address just above was
copied to last October, must have ALL decided to COMPLETELY IGNORE the
entire existence, and the entire contents, of the email in question.

Related Internet Search Engine Listing:
"Justice Nicholas Kearns, government corruption, crime, cover ups, bullying,
impunity, William Finnerty ..."

Related Email Dated March 6th 2015 to Two Groups of MEPs (Members of the

Judge releases four anti-water charges
Applause in court after four protesters immediately
Mon, Mar 9, 2015, 13:50 Updated: Mon, Mar 9, 2015, 20:31
Mary Carolan

Water protesters Damien O Neill, Derek Byrne, Paul Moore and Bernie Hughes pictured after they
were released. Photograph: Collins

The President of the High Court has freed four jailed anti-water charges protesters after upholding their
claims they were unlawfully detained in Mountjoy Prison under a committal warrant which contained a
number of errors.

Loud cheers and applause from supporters of the four greeted the judges ruling and all four walked
free from court escorted by a group of jubilant supporters.

The four were brought to court earlier under escort by eight prison officers and there were also a
number of garda in court.

They are: Damien ONeill, Greenwood Park, Coolock; Paul Moore, Mount Olive Grove, Kilbarrack;
Bernie Hughes, McKelvey Avenue, Finglas, and Derek Byrne, Streamville Road, Donaghmede. On
February 19th last, Mr ONeill and Mr Moore were jailed for 56 days while Ms Hughes and Mr Byrne
were jailed for 28 days.

In their proceedings under Article 40 of the Constitution arguing their detention was unlawful, the core
argument advanced was that the committal warrant failed to properly reflect the High Court decision
which convicted them for contempt and jailed them.
Their counsel Michel P OHiggins argued the committal warrant reflected only the punitive aspect
of Mr Justice Paul Gilligans decision and failed to indicate he had also left open the option of purging
their contempt.

It was also argued the warrant failed to include the name of Mr Justice Gilligan as required under the
relevant court rules and wrongly included the Chief Justice, Ms Justice Susan Denham, in the body of
the document.

In a brief ruling, Mr Justice Nicholas Kearns directed the four should be freed immediately due to
errors in the warrant and said he will give his reasons for that in a detailed judgment later this week.

He stressed the challenge related only to errors in the warrant and there was no allegation of any
unfairness in the court hearing which led to the lawful conviction and jailing of the four for contempt
of court orders restraining interference with water meter installer GMC Sierra.

No complaint was being raised in this application about either the conviction or the sentence imposed
and no appeal had been brought against those, he said.

The issue concerned the instrumentality of how the four were actually committed to prison and that
procedure was not a judicial function, he noted.

The committal warrant was the only justification for the detention and was lacking in a number of
key respects, he said. While some may see errors in a committal warrant as technical in nature, such
errors are critical in the context of applications under Article 40.

As a result of those errors, and although the four remain lawfully convicted and sentenced, the court
would direct their immediate release, he said.

Earlier their counsel said he was not making complaints about the conduct of the contempt hearing and
the focus of this challenge was the content of the committal warrant.

The committal warrant fails to show jurisdiction, fails to set out the basis of the contempt, fails to set
out the steps necessary to purge the contempt and reflects only the punitive aspect of the courts
decision, he said. On those and other grounds, the detention was bad.

The four were required to stay at least 20 metres away from workers engaged in installing water meters
but the order contained no details of whether or not they failed to do so, he said.

A detaining instrument must be clear on its face so the person affected knows the precise terms but this
committal warrant failed to either convey the coercive aspect of the courts decision or the intention of
the sentencing judge, he submitted.

The order must carry the authority of the issuing body in this case the High Court and the issuing
judge, Mr Justice Gilligan, but it did not, he added. There was a complete failure to conform to the
order actually made by the High Court.

The Supreme Court had in several decisions said that errors on the face of orders formed a legitimate
basis for proceedings challenging the lawfulness of a persons detention, he added.

Opposing the application, Sean Gillane SC said the four were sentenced persons who were found guilty
and there was no complaint about the procedure which had led to that. Nor had they appealed against
the findings, he added.

There was an unreality to the argument for release as there was no sliver of injustice here, he said.
This application was technical to the point of being opportunistic and related to paperwork.
The warrant specifically reflects two of the protesters were jailed for 28 days and two for 56 days, he
said. It was also clear Mr Justice Gilligan had indicated the door of the court would remain open to the
protesters should they decide to purge their contempt.

He accepted the document did not refer to Mr Justice Gilligan but said it did refer to the High Court.

----- We Won`t Pay - Non Payment For Water - Don`t Pay The Bill ----- IF WE STICK TO THE NON

Solicitors for Mayo County Council (M.C.C.) withdrew pressed charges for non-payment of the 2012
Household Charge. They had pursued them against a Mr Peter Anthony Keegan. Mr Keegan appears to
have been the first man to be charged with the offence of non-payment and brought to court for it.

In court he was able to substantial show that the Household charge was unconstitutional and that the
charges brought against him for his non-payment of it, should be thrown out. He was successful his
case. The Mayo Council withdrew.

Now you will NOT see this case mass publicised through RTE or Denis OBrien media across Ireland.
The last thing this government wants is (a) the people becoming generally aware that they can fight the
charge and (b) that there is solid legal ground for doing so.

You should also note that this is very why, the government is desperate to keep the public OUT of the
Irish court system by introducing deductions direct from source, of revenue from pay-packets and
social welfare right now or soon. They do not want people gaining an ability to take them to court
where their actions can be legally fought.

They are however selling to the public the idea that they are making these automatic deductions for the
good of the people when in fact, if they were to be landed in court, they would have a serious case to
fright from their own corner!

Mr Keegan attended court many times over the last two years. He stuck to his guns that the charge was
unenforceable due to its unconstitutional nature. He challenged his council and their legal team to
prove to the court that the charge applied to him. He asked them to disprove his claims of
unconstitutionality. They couldnt!

Mayo County Council had no choice but to withdraw all charges.

Mr Keegan legal position of not paying is now reinforced by the law. In a legal acknowledgement by
Judge Devins and subsequently the actions of the Mayo County Council, the setting a withdrawal
precedent was set if anyone else was to follow similar path with the law is now more clearer defined on
the matter.

In his case, Mr Keegan was assisted by Attackthetax and The Land League it is being mentioned across
Facebook. Credit to all who continue to assist others.

AGAIN. You will not see this case largely reported in mainstream media owned by Denis OBrien
(who owns MANY media outlets in Ireland) as those he supports, Fine Gael, do NOT want the people
to think (a) they can challenge the charge and (b) take similar action in relation to the water charges!

Note: The precedent that was set, was not by the judge but by the Mayo County Council in not being
able to prove the charge was actually constitutional thus their subsequent withdrawing of the tried-to-
be imposed penalties upon Mr Keegan. Its because of those penalties they tried to impose that the
matter rested with the court and the outcome that resulted.

The council did have the authority to instigate proceedings against Mr Keegan. They did this in attempt
to instigate further penalties be imposed for his not paying the initial Household charge. The council
was asked by the defendant (and subsequently by the court) to show where it had constitutional right
for the charge which supposedly then gave them right to seek penalties if it wasnt paid they

It was a simple request made by the defendant back by order of the judge at that level. The council
couldnt comply thus they withdrawing at that court level of the penalties they tried to impose. They
simply could not show that the charge was constitutional for the case they tried to push further, could
indeed continue. They thought Mr Keegan would roll over he didnt. He was assisted along the way
by the group Attackthetax (link link).

The judge didnt find anything unconstitutional the country council simply couldnt further show to
the judge that the Household charges was in fact constitutional even by the court level the case fell

They got 25% support of the 65% of people who voted in the last General Election. Fine Gael, a party
with the support of a quarter of 65% = 16%. In other words, just over 16% of Irish people support the
Blueshirts. Yet, they are allowed to push their neo-liberal agenda, enrich themselves and their cronies
and wreck the country, thanks to Fianna Fil, who are keeping them in power.

But he's happy to stand by as ;

The government sell off our potential in natural resources.

The government sell off our property, including a "private deal" that surfaced
recently. Nama.

The government actually pay for FLUORIDE, an unnatural toxic by-product,
which in turn is putting huge strain on the health services.

The government hemorrhaging cash by : sending in excess of half a billion in
foreign aid, without accounting for it.
Sending cash to social welfare recipients in Europe, to the tune of 45 million,
despite the fact that they're not resident in Ireland.
The list goes on and on.

The liar who was exposed by Vincent Browne on TV3.

They said they'd ABOLISH Irish Water. They LIED. They said they'd SCRAP water
charges for the next 5 years. They LIED. And now they have agreed with their
SISTER PARTY Fine Gael to install water meters in all new homes. Why? To pave
the way for PRIVATIZATION of course.
Could you believe one word from the mouths of Michel Martin and his Flip Flop
O'Callaghan was heavily promoted in Denis O'Brien media prior to the General
Election and when he got elected he went straight into the talks that helped
broker the Confidence & Supply agreement between FF and FG - a deal which
helped the interests of the tax evader. And you're right Joe Dinnegan, Jim
O'Callagan was O'Brien's barrister and pleaded with judge Paul Gilligan to jail
four anti water protesters. A cuckoo in the nest?

The Taoiseach will be allowed to indulge in one final trip to
Europe at the end the month and then, as they say in the
cowboy movies, it would be a good idea to git whilst the
gitting is good.
Those who are urging Enda to be careful that the door doesnt
hit him in the arse on his way out of the Taoiseachs office are
not informed by the lowly desire for office.
Instead, their concern is that the ongoing presence of a
political eunuch without a future as Taoiseach is killing
The complaint is that he is the main cause of this strange thing
called new politics, where, like zombies, the opposition and
the government are neither alive nor dead.


end header
21 Sep 16
First published in the Sunday Business Post 4 September 2016
Why did 38 vulnerable children spend 19 hours in solitary confinement at the
Oberstown Childrens Detention Campus?
The Luas strikes were inconvenient. We had to walk, get the bus, hail a taxi or
just make different plans. We had a choice. There were different methods of
transport we could use. Annoying, but this industrial dispute was not the end
of the world.
Now picture this. The Luas drivers go on strike after talks with management
fail. They lock the doors of the Luas with the passengers still inside. Although
this long-running dispute has nothing to do with the passengers, they are
effectively punished for it by being confined inside the Luas for 19 straight
Imagine the public uproar. RTE News would broadcast live from the Luas line.
Radio talkshows would burst with choleric outrage. Politicians would issue
portentous statements of concerns for the passengers. Someone would tweet
something. The relevant authorities would immediately intervene.
None of this happened last weekend. Some 38 vulnerable children spent 19
hours in solitary confinement at the Oberstown Childrens Detention Campus
because the adults had a row.

The 38 children, aged between 14 and 17 years, went to bed at 9pm on
Sunday night and were left alone in their rooms until the strike ended at 4pm
on Monday afternoon. These children had no choice.
On Monday afternoon, several children escaped from their rooms and
climbed to the roof of the building where a fire broke out. A member of staff
was seriously assaulted and extensive damage was caused to a unit.
This episode has revealed an ugly side of Irish public life. Have attitudes
changed since the vulgar days when children with troubled backgrounds or
challenging behaviour were sent away to Letterfrack Industrial School or the
Magdalene Laundries?
Using the word child to describe teenagers remanded in custody or
sentenced to detention because of their criminality is a disagreeable task for
many, particularly those directly affected by their behaviour. Understandable
as that may be, the legal definition of child is anyone under 18 as per the
Children Act 2001 and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
The language used to describe the incident was revealing.
Gavin Jennings on Morning Ireland twice referred to the children as inmates in
his interview with Deirdre Malone of the Irish Penal Reform Trust. A headline
in the Herald roared: Oberstown in flames as inmates riot following staff
work stoppage. Three separate Irish Times articles used the term inmate.
The word inmate implies that the person is a prisoner confined to an
institution such as a prison. That inmate is used so casually demonstrates the
crass failure to distinguish between the adult prison regime and the childrens
detention system.
Oberstown is not a prison. It is a detention campus, an option of last resort,
with the purpose of providing care, education and welfare with a view to
reintegrating the child into society. Children, by definition, are not adults and
therefore not part of the adult prison system. The ethos of Oberstown is
deliberately meant to be different to that of a prison. Why? Because the
residents are children, not adults.
This point is completely lost on the Impact trade union.
In a press release, Impact said: Oberstown care workers are doing the work
of prison staff with the facilities and equipment of a residential care home.
This fundamental misunderstanding of what distinguishes a child from an
adult is at the heart of the Oberstown dispute between staff and
management. This clash of culture which fails to understand that Oberstown
is not a prison regime and its staff are not intended to work as prison officers.
The description of children as inmates or prisoners makes it easier to accept
the infringement of their fundamental rights. To ignore them in plain sight like
we did with Letterfrack and the Magdalene laundries.
The Impact press release also stated: the number of assaults on staff has
continued to grow since the expansion of Oberstown to facilitate the transfer
of offenders from the prison service.
Is this an accurate statement given the ongoing publication of figures from the
prison service which clearly shows that 17-year-olds continue to be detained
in a separate wing of Wheatfield medium security prison?
Perhaps Impact should clarify exactly how many children have been
transferred from adult prisons to Oberstown, ever. That figure should not be
embellished by children who served one or two days of remand in St Patricks.
The Hiqa reports of Oberstown make critical reading if anyone ever bothers to
read them. Even if you did, the criteria used by Hiqa to inspect children
detention centres are woefully outdated and were last revised in 2008. The
Irish Youth Justice Service, located in the Department of Children and Youth
Affairs, has responsibility for leading reform in the area of youth justice,
including youth detention. Who cares that the last time they issued an annual
report was 2010? Or that the incarceration of children at Wheatfield is a
contravention of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
These exceptions have become the norm with problematic children. Did Irish
society care what happened to children in the past? Do we care now? Instead,
the acceptable public narrative is to blame the eight teenagers who escaped
their 19-hour solidarity confinement. Not the adults who caused it.
Claims teens kept in solitary
confinement at Oberstown rejected
Teens bring High Court proceedings against facilitys
director and Minister for Children
Thu, Sep 15, 2016, 18:22
Aodhan O'Faolain, Ray Managh

A group of teenagers have brought High Court proceedings against the director of Oberstown
Childrens Detention Campus (above) and the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, seeking orders
bringing their detention in solitary confinement to an end.

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Oberstown youth detention centre has rejected claims that it has been keeping three teenage boys in
solitary confinement following a fire and demonstration at the facility.

The three boys, it is claimed, were confined alone in separate rooms and were refused access to others
without any reasons being given at Oberstown since August 29th last, when the blaze broke out.

Since being moved to solitary it was claimed one of the teenagers has been sleeping on a mattress
attached to a board on the floor in a locked room and was given his food through a hatch in the wall.

In addition, the teenagers had no access to recreation or education facilities, reading materials or
support staff.

It was also claimed the teens were subjected to strip searches.

The teens, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, have brought High Court proceedings against the
director of Oberstown Childrens Detention Campus and the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs.

They seek orders bringing their detention in solitary confinement to an end.

They also seek various declarations including that their constitutional rights to bodily integrity and
rights under the European Convention on Human Rights have been breached.

The cases returned before Mr Justice Anthony Barr on Thursday.

Counsel for the respondents, Cormac Corrigan SC, said the three were not kept in solitary confinement.

Counsel said two of the teens would be moved to interim units at the Oberstown campus on Thursday
afternoon. Depending on what progress they make the two teens could be allowed to associate with
other detainees within 24 hours, counsel said.

The third teen would remain where he is.

Counsel argued the urgency in the action had been removed and asked that the case be adjourned for a
number of weeks to allow his side, which was made up of various different parties, prepare their
response to the claims.

Patrick McGrath SC and Sean Gillane SC, for the teens, opposed that application. Both counsel said
that given the seriousness of the issues raised in the applications, the cases should be heard as soon as

After hearing submissions from both sides, the judge said the cases, which raised very serious issues if
the teens had been kept in solitary confinement, should be heard on Tuesday of next week.

The actions should not be put off for any significant period of time, he added.

The State respondents had until 5pm Sunday to provide a statement of opposition and sworn statements
in support of its arguments, he said. If that meant somebody had to work through the weekend, then so
be it.

The teens claim they have received inhuman and degrading treatment in breach of Oberstowns own
regulations for dealing with children and were suffering an egregious breach of their rights to
association with their families

Oberstown teens strip-searched and

held in solitary confinement for almost
two weeks
The boys have been confined since a number of
inmates gained access to the roof of the building.
Sep 13th 2016,

Image: Eamonn Farrell/

TWO 17-YEAR-olds have been held in solitary confinement at Oberstown youth detention centre since
a roof-top demonstration at the correction facility almost two weeks ago, the High Court heard today.

Patrick McGrath SC, counsel for both boys, told Justice Anthony Barr that they had undergone strip
searches by members of the garda and had been confined day and night since a number of inmates had
gained access to the roof of the building.

McGrath, who appeared with barrister Eoin Lawlor, said the boys had been confined alone in separate
cells and were refused access to visits with their families.

They dont know what is going on or for how long this regime is going to last, McGrath said.

Strip search

Matthew Kenny, of OSullivan Kenny Solicitors who represent both boys, stated in an affidavit to the
court that they were not allowed to associate with other children. On 4 September one of the boys had
been brought in handcuffs to cell where the handcuffs had been removed through a hatch in the cell

McGrath told Judge Barr that on 6 September one of the boys had been allowed a visit by his solicitor,
Mr Kenny, and had been allowed to take a phone call with his mother. He had since been locked alone
in his room.

On 9 September one of the boys was visited by three male garda with a search warrant and told to
strip and squat while they carried out a strip search, McGrath said.

He said the boys had not been offered any explanation by the Oberstown authorities why they were
being held in solitary confinement.


McGrath told the court the boys were receiving inhuman and degrading treatment in breach of
Oberstowns own regulations for dealing with children and were suffering an egregious breach of their
rights to association with their families.

Judge Barr said he was satisfied McGrath had set out sufficient information to enable the court to
conclude he had a reasonably arguable case that there were breaches of the childrens rights.

He said it was appropriate the matter was addressed as early as possible and the court grants the
applicants leave to serve short notice of judicial review proceedings on the Minister for Justice and the
Oberstown authorities. He returned the proceedings until next Thursday with leave to the respondents
to apply to the court in the meantime.

Oberstown is our place to cherish the

children of the nation
Published by Cpdiascw at September 19, 2016
A place of contradictions. Its an apt description that emerges during our tour of
Oberstown Children Detention Centre. But its something that strikes you as soon
as you enter the facility, located in rural north Dublin.

Behind the imposing, army-green perimeter railings and main gate, you enter what could be the car
park of some sort of trendy Scandanavian facility. An arc of white concrete walls, comprised of large
geometric slabs, are capped in the colours of the rainbow.

Buzzed through a second set of perimeter gates, you enter a large, attractive, courtyard. Again, bright
colours adorn the capping on the walls and the square-patterned walkway is marked in sections of
purple, turquoise and cream.

Either side, trees and shrubbery flank the courtyard all the way down to the modern reception
building. A place of some aesthetic and architectural beauty; but most definitely a secure detention
facility. We are brought to the main offices, which would fit in with a large corporation.

A tough few week

There we meet Pat Bergin, director of Oberstown. Its been a tough few weeks for him and the facility.
It started early on August 29 with the industrial action, then erupted with a roof-top demonstration by
eight young people, significant injuries to a member of staff, and a fire causing extensive damage all
requiring the intervention of garda and the fire brigade. This was after an escape on August 13 by five
youths who managed to scale perimeter fencing with a ladder they were able to take from a
maintenance shed. Our tour also comes at a sensitive time, with the resumption of talks between staff
and unions.

Our visit came a day before a court challenge was taken by three teenagers involved in the roof-top
demonstration, who, it is claimed, were subject to strip searches by garda and have been held in
solitary confinement in Oberstown since the incident claims rejected by the State.

And it also came before last nights announcement that external experts are to examine the operation of
the facility. Mr Bergin explains that much of the complex is out of bounds because of a strict policy of
not coming into contact with the juveniles.

The visiting facilities on the ground floor are modern and spotless, with comfy red chairs for waiting
families. The meeting rooms are clean. They include private, screened rooms, where there is no contact
between the young person, often those on remand, and their families. All rooms and corridors, apart
from bedrooms and bathrooms, have CCTV.

We are shown one of two protection rooms essentially bare, windowless box rooms, with CCTV,
where anyone who starts kicking off is put into to contain them and allow them to calm down. The
Health and Wellbeing Suite, as it is called, looks impressive, replete with a proper GP room (a GP
comes three mornings a week) and a modern dental room. A modern conference room akin to a
board room gives an air of a place where serious professional work is conducted.

In the old Oberstown Boys School [now abandoned], the place was run down, says Mr Bergin.

There were no facilities, there was no in-room sanitation, and case meetings were held in small rooms,
which were also a library or where the photocopier was. It was not geared for trying to do
business. He says that, over the past six to nine months they have developed their JTCs (Journey
Through Care) programme.

We are mapping out with professionals what is required for a young person, right from referral to
when they leave, he says. He insists this is not just management-speak.

Absolutely not. The issue for me when I arrived two and a half years ago, was that it wasnt joined up.
I went back to the core piece of legislation, the 2001 act.

We are directed to provide care, make sure children are educated, we have to look after their health
and we need to ensure work is done around their offending behaviour and we have a responsibility to
plan for them. Thats what we are supposed to be doing.

We move through a series of thick reinforced doors, opened by the fob in his hand. Asked is
Oberstown a place of contradictions, he says: It is. First of all, its a place of security. Theres a fence
around it theres actually three sets of perimeter fencing. Its a detention facility. We look out a
series of windows across part of the sprawling campus.

Its an incongruous mismatch of buildings, from the now abandoned buildings, such as Oberstown
Boys School, to the modern accommodation blocks, a high-quality astro five-aside pitch and gyms, to
Trinity House an older, more grim, high-secure building with fencing around it and the scene of the
recent fire. Where there were three distinct centres Oberstown Boys School, Oberstown Girls
School, and Trinity House, each with their own staff and governing structures there is now a single
Oberstown Children Detention Campus. The new buildings, part of a 56m capital project, were
constructed between March and June 2015.
The idea is to give a sense of space, says Mr Bergin. With the old Trinity House, you never left it.
The full site is 65 acres, 25 acres of it is buildings. So there is a sense of being able to move around
here and create a campus.

That word was specially picked. It is a facility where there are different activities in different parts of

He expands on the contradiction question: I started this game 20 years ago. There is a real challenge
between care and control. So there is a contradiction. We are trying to find a middle road. He says this
middle road involves boundaries and expectations: When someone does damage, they are held
responsible, when they are being abusive to staff, their programme stops, their routine stops.

We say you are not progressing any further until you address this behaviour and that is a real, real
challenge for this campus.

He says this was a significant piece of change for staff as it involves the integration of staff from
three old schools.

There are different cultures and different teams, who did not really know each other, who didnt work
together and are now side by side.

He says there was a perception that Trinity House was only for the most difficult of young people
and had a very strict regime.

He says Oberstown Boys School was an open centre and had young people running away on an
ongoing basis. He says staff there would try and use their relationship to create control.

We brought the two of those [schools] together and people asked which one are we and in the midst
of this we create this campus.

As well as this integration, Oberstowns remit has been expanded in recent years to take 16-year-olds
and, from March 2015, 17-year-olds, from the prison system. As it stands they take all young people
under the age of 18 on remand (charged and awaiting trial) and all those up to the age of 17 who have
been sentenced of an offence. It is thought they will soon take those sentenced between 17 and 18. Mr
Bergin says the typical offences by youths include car theft, burglaries, assaults, and serious assaults,
with sentences ranging from months to years.

Incidents fall-out
Because of the fire and rampage, Trinity House is now vacant of young residents as the damage is
being repaired. A bit shabby from the outside, Trinity House also has a different vibe inside from the
bright, spacious, modern blocks. Mr Bergin says young people on remand come to Trinity House. And
the plan is to keep the remand people here. The protection rooms here have a more grim, basic, feel to

Mr Bergin says people are put into this room for as short as time as possible, but that it could be for

Various rooms were trashed in the rampage by eight inmates over two weeks ago, which lasted
throughout much of the day. It happened on the day staff staged their first day of industrial action,
although many of them went back into the unit to assist in dealing with the trouble. Images of the
children captured on camera showed a group of young people on the roof of their unit, eventually
setting fire to it, which required an extensive fire brigade and police response.

We see the roof, which was significantly destroyed. Many other rooms were trashed, and numerous
windows smashed in. The bedrooms the kids have in Trinity House will not give hardliners cause for
outrage. They are similar in many ways to, though bigger than, prison cells although any mention of
the p word prompts a strong reaction in Oberstown. But prison cells they look like, with old walls,
screened TVs and basic en suite toilet and shower facilities. Mr Bergin admits the rooms are stark,
but says rooms in the newer blocks are more attractive. There is a large indoor gym hall and full-size
football pitch outdoors, both apparently very popular. He says there are three units in Trinity House
that can take 24 people, but that there is only 16 in two units.

Its an historical issue around staffing, he says, a subject we return to later. During a quick coffee
break, the conversation turns back to the fire.

The fire substantially set us back, he says. It was a knock for everyone and hit peoples confidence.

A staff member received significant facial injuries during the rampage.

It occurred when people kicked out a door and he was behind it, he says. Theres a question whether
the people knew he was there or not, but there was a significant cut to his face.

He says a garda criminal investigation is underway. The clean up and repair work required moving the
16 young people to other units in the newer buildings.

Daily risk of assault

At the time of the industrial action, the unions cited official figures showing that there were more than
100 violent incidents in 2015, almost half classified as critical and that 65 staff were on sick leave.

Impact official Tom Hoare said there was a daily risk of serious assault which left many staff
literally in fear of their lives.

Mr Bergin says: We have people who have been hurt by young people, absolutely.

He adds that verbal abuse to staff must be taken seriously and are a significant issue, which are
considered in the context of each young person, their demeanour and history. He says five staff
members are out sick on Oberstowns assault and injury scheme. He says there were also 11 assaults
between young people in 2014 and six in 2015. This compares to 57 assaults among young people and
48 assaults on staff in St Patricks Institution in 2013. This was in a prison where around a fifth of the
youths were locked in their own cells 23-hours a day.

Mr Bergin says Oberstowns response to managing young people is based on risk and not sanction.

He says there is a rating system where young people earn access to levels 1-5 based on behaviour. The
higher they go the more extra activities, phone calls, late nights, etc they are allowed. He points out that
the eight people involved in the fire were back on level 1.

He says single separation of a young person from other people was not a punishment but risk-based
intervention to manage high levels of risk to the young person, to others, to staff or to the security of
the facility and after other options were considered.

He says he has also changed policy regarding the physical restraint by staff of young people, involving
the lifting of the youths, after he reviewed CCTV of incidents.

Last November, I issued a memo to all staff that physical interventions they used were to stop.

I could not understand the amount of injuries the staff had. It meant three people could not get through
a door [carrying the person]. They were hitting off doors and radiators. Historically, it was the
approach taken here.
Now, he says, if someone needs restraining, staff do it properly and do not try and lift, but restrain
the person with their bodies until they calm down. If the offender has a weapon, staff are told not to
engage, to bide their time, and close the door behind the person. He says the amount of assaults, and
related sick leave, have dropped. He accepts staff are frustrated and says he awaits the outcome of the
Workplace Relations Commission talks.

People are frustrated. They are looking for answers. Im glad with the WRC. If there is a clear remedy
Im happy to go ahead with it, but the solutions havent been clear.

He says he currently has a licence to take 48 boys and six girls and that on the day of our visit he had
44 young people 43 boys and one girl, 27 committals and 17 remand. The Childrens Court often
hears cases where juveniles, even those who consent to custody, cannot be sent to Oberstown because
it has no beds. Mr Bergin says there are 90 beds on the campus, in 10 units.

Realistically, we probably will go to about 76, he says.

Before the fire, eight units were open, now they have seven.

A battle on two fronts

Staffing is one issue and another is that some of the units are not up to scratch, explains Mr Bergin as
to why they cant take in any more juvenilles.

Each unit has eight beds and, for every eight people, I need 15 residential care workers. He says they
were constantly recruiting, but that he is fighting a battle on two fronts. We will not take new young
people until we have the staff. I could open another two units if I had the staff. Weve been on the
recruitment campaign since 2014, but I have the extra problem in that a lot of staff are leaving.

He says there were many staff with 20-25 years experience and that many have indicated they want to
retire. I am back filling posts becoming vacant at one end, and at the other, trying to expand. He says
that, from the social care perspective, the pool of workers was very small and most preferred to work
in community services. The amount of negative publicity that is incorrect is causing me problems. So
it is very hard to get in staff then. He had planned to open two more units by Christmas, but that the
fire had set things back. Now, I plan to get another one open by Christmas, then the end of Quarter 1
for the second unit.

He says a big area of work was addressing the offending behaviour of the young people an issue
highlighted with the recent rampage. We have to address the offending behaviour and that has been a
deficit here over the years. He says they have identified a suitable programme for young people,
called Risk Induction Programme.

Historically, the approach here was based on a particular staff meeting young people on their own.
Thats not what we are looking for. What were looking for is for offending behaviour to be part and
parcel of our day-to-day discussion. We have been implementing it over the past two to three months
and have trained a number of staff.

Mr Bergin says he has been in the job two and a half years and that the change has been
astounding. However, he adds: Theres another two years of work just to get everything up and
running. I said, when I came in, this was a five-year project regarding change so people know what
they are doing.

Staffing shortages noted in inspection.

Staffing shortages. Management failures. Offending behaviour unaddressed. These are some of the
negative findings of an inspection report on Oberstown by Hiqa, conducted last November and
published in June.
Hiqa noted that Oberstown had undergone a process of major change within the previous year with
the construction of a new facility on the existing site and the merging of three schools Oberstown
Boys, Oberstown Girls, and Trinity House.

It said key initiatives were under way, including the development of a programme to assist staff in
delivering a consistent approach to meeting childrens needs. Of the 10 standards set by the health
inspection body, just one was met that in relation to education provision.

It said there was significant risk associated with the safety of premises (fire safety) and its staffing
and management. The remaining seven standards required improvement.

Regarding child care services, the report said there had been improvements in the promotion of
childrens rights. It said external professionals noted that senior management were very conscious and
respectful of the rights of children. In relation to complaints, care records did not routinely capture the
effective management of complaints. Childrens parents said staff were approachable about any

Some of the complaints related to children being kept in their rooms for long periods of time due to
alleged staff shortages.

Regarding safe and effective services, the report said placement planning was not robust, but new
projects were being rolled out. It said childrens privacy was respected as far as possible in a restricted
setting. On quality of care, it said: Inspectors observed warm, appropriate, and respectful interactions
between staff and children on the units and during activities.

However, it said staffing limitations had impacted negatively on services. It said that, through the
assessment consultation and therapeutic support teams, children had access to speech and language
therapy, addiction counselling, and psychology services.

Inspectors found that only seven of the children were participating in an offending behaviour
programme, and that just three had completed it since the previous inspection in June 2015. Just half of
staff had received up-to-date training in behaviour management. Staff said that only a small number of
them had received training in restorative justice practices.

In some units, inspectors found that neither staff nor children had engaged in any work around
offending behaviour. The report found that 14 (29%) of the 48 children were from the Travelling
community and six (12.5%) were from foreign national backgrounds. The report said children were
provided with a nutritious and varied diet. The report found cases of poor direction to staff in how to
respond to different levels of escalating behaviours.

Management reports and minutes of meetings found that the campus continued to face substantial
challenges in the management of childrens behaviour.

There had been a number of significant incidents since the previous inspection in June 2015 which
included attempts at self-harm, staff assaults, and serious property damage to the units and educational

A management review resulted in the immediate end to certain practices, including the physical
restraint of people involving the lifting of a child that would be dangerous for the child.

Inspectors reviewed 107 incidents of restraint, including 39 cases of physical restraint, but said records
were not routinely completed. It identified 813 incidents of single separation. These were used as a
result of assault or threatening behaviour, use of banned substances, disputes with other children,
property damage, or barricading themselves into a room.

The report said records of single separation were poor and did not always record why separations
went on as long as they did.
It said that, in one case, a boy spent 27 hours in single separation over a period of three days. It said
there was inadequate evidence to indicate it was necessary to separate the boy for so long. It said
there were six incidents of absconsion since June 2015.

The report found the quality of preparation for the departure of a child varied, with no clear plan in a
number of cases. The report said there was a system in place for staff members to summon help, and
that emergency communication was primarily by way of hand-held radios and pager
systems. Inspectors were told by staff that these systems did not work in every area of the campus.

This had the potential to impede a timely response in the event of an emergency.

Inspectors also identified instances where staff did not have the necessary keys to open door or hatches
in older buildings. The report said the provision of psychiatric services needed further development. It
said that children from different units accessed the education facility in a phased manner because a risk
assessment said if children from different units crossed paths en route this had the potential to cause
serious incidents. Children told inspectors they enjoyed school and wanted more time there.

On governance, the report said staff did not receive regular formal supervision. It said middle
management struggled to lead effectively and support their teams. It said this issue and the lack of
performance management compromised the capacity of some staff to do their job. The report said
staff were clear about their roles and responsibilities, but told inspectors that they felt it was difficult
to have the time to build relationships with children due to staff shortages.

Vulnerable kids can still be dangerous

Just because young people in Oberstown are vulnerable does not mean they cannot be dangerous,
according to a spokesman for the association representing social care workers.

Noel Howard, who worked in the juvenile justice system for 40 years in Finglas and Clonmel
residential centres, says this reality needs to be accepted.

We were told it would be a wonderful world now children would no longer be incarcerated in St Pats
and would be going to Oberstown Centre, says Mr Howard, spokesman for Social Care Ireland

Thats all fine and dandy, but staff in Oberstown have to face up to the challenge, which will not be
easy and unfortunately, as turned out, it hasnt been easy.

He says children who come into State care of whatever kind residential care or detention centres
typically come from deprived, marginalised backgrounds and have had terrible lives and are very

But just because they are vulnerable does not mean they cannot be dangerous: verbally aggressive and
physically aggressive at times, says Mr Howard.

One of my problems with the response at times from the Government and ministers and from child
advocacy or reform groups is that they dont seem to be able to publicly say that as it will be perceived
as not being on the side of the child.

Until that fact is accepted, that very vulnerable children can be highly dangerous to other kids, to
staff and to themselves and can do terrible damage to property, we are not dealing with the

He says Hiqa can come in in the cold light of day and say that such an action was not best practice or
breached a standard.
Sometimes all the rules and regulations cannot cover the dynamics of situations, Mr Howard says.
Care workers have to use their professional judgement in the moment.

He fears that in response to past abuses of children in State residential settings, regulations go beyond
what is necessary and that the pendulum was swung too far. He asks what social care worker would
now apply for a job in Oberstown?

After the fire, somebody has got to examine closely if the system social care workers work within is a
contributory factor to behaviour.

He questions approaches where care workers are told to step back, rather than intervene, when an
offender is causing a lot of damage.

What message is that sending out? he asks. It increases the sense of power of the young person.
They shouldnt feel they can do what they want.

A recent report by SCI of their members across all services found that 75% experienced physical
assaults, 70% experienced verbal abuse, and 60% were threatened weekly or more.

The Crisis, Concern, and Complacency report found that 60% of respondents said their employer
sees violence as an acceptable part of their job.

These were general findings and Mr Howard says they may apply more to the mainstream services than
detention centres.

But he says there was a widespread culture of violence that needs to be addressed. Its not a risk of
violence, its a reality. With unions at Oberstown currently back in talks with management, staff were
not willing to speak in recent weeks about their experiences there. At the time of the industrial action at
the end of August, union officials said assaults had risen and that they had inadequate personal
protection and safety equipment.

They said the expansion and refurbishment of Oberstown had resulted in a totally unsafe living and
working environment. Impact official Tom Hoare said: The result is a daily risk of serious assault,
which leaves many of the staff literally in fear of their lives.

Never giving up

In Le Chile, the philosophy is never give up.

It can be difficult to work with young people in trouble with crime, says Anne Conroy, chief
executive of Le Chile, but we never give up, we keep after them and stick with them through thick
and thin.

Le Chile is a charity that provides mentoring services to young people and have 200 trained
volunteers across the country.

The volunteer is matched with the young person, says Ms Conroy. They build a relationship with
the young person through a mixture of activities and meeting and chatting.

They support them, they are a positive role model, a caring adult.

We are not do-gooders. We do not condone their behaviour or crime. We are trying to intervene to
change that.
She says the problem was that if the young person was detained to Oberstown, the connection ended
and the relationship broke down. Last year, Le Chile and Oberstown director Pat Bergin set up a pilot
project to keep up the contact.

We started on a small scale and its working very well. We had 15 last year and four so far this year,
says Ms Conroy.

She says the relationship is more restricted, but that they can still meet up and talk and also prepare for
their exit. Ms Conroy says Oberstown was absolutely better than the St Patricks Institution.

Oberstown is going in the right direction, she says. We support the change in their approach. That
takes a long while to bed in.

She says they now plan to expand the mentoring to the parents of young people in Oberstown.

Pat Bergin is very keen on it, so thats the second part of the pilot, where a volunteer mentor will meet
parents or guardians in the community.

She accepts many of the young people are not easy to work with.

Young people in trouble with the law are in trouble with their own lives, says Ms Conroy. They
come from very disadvantaged backgrounds, family breakdown, addiction, mental health issues. Most
of our young people are not in education or training. Thats a terribly serious situation. It shapes their
entire futures.

Oberstown is very good at getting people into education.

Cormac OKeeffe, The Irish Examiner, Monday, September 19, 2016

Invitation to Tender: Solitary

Confinement in Ireland
30th November 2016

IPRT has secured funding from the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission to pursue an
evidence-based research and awareness campaign towards the abolition of the use of solitary
confinement in Ireland.


The practice of solitary confinement is internationally regarded as the physical isolation of individuals
who are confined to their cells for 22 to 24 hours a day. Meaningful contact or interaction with other
people is reduced to a minimum, with some prisoners only allowed out of their cells for just one hour
of solitary exercise each day. In 2011, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture proposed a worldwide
ban on prolonged solitary confinement (more than 15 days) as well as prohibiting solitary confinement
from being used as a penalty, for persons with mental disabilities, and for juveniles. This is based on
evidence that some of the harmful psychological effects of isolation can become irreversible after 15

Despite this, solitary confinement is regularly used in Irish prisons both as a means of protection and
as a punishment. The practice of isolating children is known as single separation while the use of 19+
hours lock up is generally referred to as a restricted regime. Worryingly, the numbers subject to a
restricted regime in Irish prisons have shown an increase in 2016, from 339 in January to 424 in
October (over 10% of the daily prison population in Ireland). Further, the published statistics do not tell
us how long each of those prisoners actually spend in solitary confinement nor how often they are
returned to solitary confinement, as the periods may be simply renewed.

In relation to children and detention, the Council of Europe has set out rules permitting separation only
in very exceptional cases for security or safety reasons. Despite that, in 2015 HIQA reported that in the
child detention school at Oberstown, Co. Dublin single separation was used extensively and
frequently for long periods of time including 1,420 incidences of single separation between October
and the end of May 2015.

Tender Process:

Tendering individuals or organisations must submit a tender document of no more than 4 pages. Each
tender should include:

A profile or CV of the individual making the proposal;

Details of previous relevant work in this area;
2 samples of written work (these may be URLs to work published online);
The methodology you propose to adopt to achieve the key deliverables;
Costing and timeline with respect to the proposed work expressed within the overall budget for
research of 10,000 (incl. VAT if applicable).

Full details are available here.

Tenders should be submitted by e-mail to by

noon on Monday 19 December 2016.

Inspection reports on Children

Detention Schools in Ireland (2011)
18th August 2011

The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) carried out detailed follow up inspections of
each of the children detention schools in March 2011.

While the inspectors acknowledged that many recommendations had been met or partially met, some
unmet recommendations were common to all three detention centres:

the recommendation to reduce the use of single separation and ensure that practice conforms
to standards in every instance was not met.
the recommendation to develop single separation guidelines by Irish Youth Justice Service
(IYJS) in consultation with the Department of Children and Youth Affairs and the Health
Service Executive (HSE) was not met.
the recommendation for improvement of planning for and support after discharge by IYJS in
liaison with the HSE and the probation service was not met.

To access the Children Detention Schools inspection reports, please see below.
Oberstown Girls School

Oberstown Girls School accepts girls aged between 10 and 18 years, for both remand and on
conviction. The stated capacity of the school is 8 girls. The inspection by HIQA took place in March

HIQA Inspectors found that of the 28 recommendations made in the report, 7 were fully implemented,
13 were partly implemented and 8 were not met. A recommendation specific to Oberstown Girls
School is for the board of management and director of OGS to develop policy and procedures for the
care of pregnant young women.

Other recommendations include that a campus-wide complaints procedure be developed; that the
Director and Board of Management, in consultation with IYJS, ensure regular supervision is provided
to staff; and for the establishment of a system for monitoring and evaluating offending behaviour

Oberstown Boys School

Oberstown Boys School accommodates male young offenders aged between 10 and 16 years. It has 20
places; 12 for committal and 8 for remand. The inspection by HIQA took place in March 2011.

HIQA Inspectors found that of the 19 recommendations made in the report, 3 were fully implemented,
6 were partly implemented and 10 were not met.

Recommendations include that the IYJS arrange for key personnel to receive training in change
management; that the the Board of Management and Director of OBS to carry out an audit of all staff
files to identify and remedy any deficiencies in vetting; that the school look at streamlining the system
of recording; and that regular supervision is provided to staff.

Trinity House School

Trinity House School accommodates male young offenders aged between 10 and 16 years. At the time
of the inspection it had 17 places; 14 for committal and 3 for remand. There is provision for an
additional 3 spaces in a step-down facility, but at the time of the inspection residential care in this
facility was not available. The inspection took place in March 2011.

The HIQA Inspectors found that of the 28 recommendations made in the report, 7 were fully
implemented, 13 were partly implemented and 8 were not met.

Among the recommendations were for the appointment by the IYJS of a visiting panel; that the
Director and Board of Management to carry out an audit of all staff files to identify and remedy any
deficiencies in vetting; that the school should revise its internal forms for the notification of significant
events; and for the establishement, in consultation with IYJS, of a system for monitoring and
evaluating offending behaviour programmes.

Sisters of Charity are shareholders of the St. Vincent's
Healthcare Group. They have 2 representatives on the Board
of Directors and the SVHG charter of good governance states
that they should "set the values and standards" of the
organisation. I don't believe these two individuals are fit to be
board members. If you agree, feel free to contact St.Vincent's

St Vincents Healthcare Group Limited

Ms Patricia Grenham
Executive Assistant to the Board of Directors
Elm Park
Dublin 4
Tel: 01 2213422
Fax: 01 2211264
Seriously. This has to be some sort of sick joke. Its disgusting that
anyone in their right mind would agree to hand over control to that
bunch of heartless f**ks. They won't even apologise for what they
did to those women's lives.
Shame on the government for allowing this.

Public urged to blow

whistle on social welfare

Minister for Social Protection Leo Varadkar

Kevin Doyle
April 18 2017
A fresh crackdown on social welfare fraud will be
announced by Social Protection Minister Leo Varadkar
Mr Varadkar is to launch a "hard hitting" campaign
encouraging people to blow the whistle on suspected
The advertising campaign includes images designed to
confront people with the reality of welfare fraud.
The Department of Social Protection said the "vast
majority" of welfare recipients were compliant with their
requirements, but in "a small number of cases there is
fraudulent activity which, if identified, can save the
taxpayer large sums of money. And some cases may be
worthy of prosecution".
The campaign will ask questions such as: "Would you
report a welfare cheat?"
"These are designed to make people sit up and think about
the issue, and take action if they do have information," a
spokesperson for the department said.

Gardai probe
missing 10,000
seized in raid
John Mooney
January 29 2017, 12:01am,
The Sunday Times

A total of 50,000 was seized but was 10,000 short when later
checked in a storage facility

Gardai have launched an internal investigation into

the disappearance of 10,000 in cash seized from
a suspect in Co Louth earlier this month.
Gardai seized 50,000 in Ardee and transported
the money to a storage facility at Drogheda where
evidence is held in a safe for use in criminal trials.
Security sources say the seized money was later
recounted before being recorded in an evidence
register and the discrepancy was discovered.
Investigators have not ruled out the possibility that
the money was miscounted when first seized by
gardai, placed in the wrong evidence bag, or simply
Garda are required to follow strict rules when they
discover and seize money which they believe
represents the proceeds of crime during searches
of properties, vehicles and people.

Leo Varadkar believes that taxpayer money lost to benefit cheats,
could have been used instead, to subsidise the bank bailout!

The fact is that we have an aging population which is ignored. The

majority of welfare payments go to pensioners and the disabled. But this
distracts people from looking at the facts. This campaign probably costs
more than is being defrauded by welfare recipients.

Block Sisters of Charity as 'sole owners' of National

Maternity Hospital
The Sisters of Charity is one of 18 residential institutions that is highlighted
by the Ryan report 2009 to have been responsible for child abuse. They still
owe 3
The Sisters of Charity is one of 18 residential institutions that is
highlighted by the Ryan report 2009 to have been responsible for
child abuse. They still owe 3 million to the redress scheme for its
survivors. The Sisters of Charity, along with three other religious
congregations, were responsible for the management of
Magdalene Laundries. In 2013 they stated they would not be
making ANY contributions to the State redress scheme to the
women who had been subject abuse in the Magdalene Laundries.
The Department of Health now want to give 'sole' ownership of
the new 300 million State-funded National Maternity Hospital.
Deny them 'sole' ownership. Demand they formally apologise and
pay redress.
What a great and Amazing day we had today...We went to Mass
not to pray but to protest...
The fupping Archbishop was saying mass...We decided to hold a
protest in the Pro Cathedral Well it went down a treet///we
reminded him of the Tuam Babies and the Stolen Children.
We all walked up to the Alter and held up our Banners and we
turned and walked out.....Video will be loaded later Folks...we
socked it to the so called Bishop.THE PEODOS DONT LIKE TO
God i wont rest till i take the PEDOS IN THE CATHOLICH

Irish Gardai Killed My Child, Garda brutality

Published on 28 Feb 2015 COPYRIGHT Since the 24th of
February 2014, My Child has has been kidnapped and The
Kidnapper is known to The Gardai (Irish Police Force). Since
this date I have been continuously harrassed, my life
destroyed, my citizenship has been refused and The Gardai
started harassing whoever I had left around me. But I will
never stop exposing the dirt & corruption of The Irish Gardai.
follow me in
Feb 28, 2015 COPYRIGHT Since the 24th of February 2014,
My Child has has been kidnapped and The Kidnapper is known to The
Gardai (Irish Police Force). Since this date I have been continuously
harrassed, my life destroyed, my citizenship has been refused and The
Gardai started harassing whoever I had left around me. But I will never
stop exposing the dirt & corruption of The Irish Gardai.

follow me in facebook
follow me in twitter

, !
Nederlandse ondertiteling
Die Lge die wir leben
We zijn allemaal slaven
Le, ve kter lidstvo ije
Minciuna n care trim
Die Lge in der wir leben
La mentira que vivimos!
LE ve kter ijeme!
Du bist der Meister deiner Werke! - Bewusstsein & Bewusst Sein!
Speech Questions If We're All Really Slaves
Jeder einmal anschauen und teilen sehr wichtig!
Mensaje a la Humanidad: La Mentira Que Vivimos #gnsehaut
Every person on Facebook needs to watch this....
This speech perfectly illustrates the lie we live as a society. It's time to
wake up.
This video exposes the corrupt world we're living in.
The One Video That Can Change The World Anonymous
This 8 min video can change the way you perceive
Die Lge die wir leben
, !
Yaadmz Yalan
Lgnen vi lever
Vivre libre ou mourir?
Vale mida me elame
More 'inconsistencies' in the Garda evidence; astonishing
'selective recall' - and even more astonishing forgetfulness -
most alarmingly of their statutory oaths; of allegations and
admissions that the case is being (improperly) discussed; of
conveniently missing evidence; of no understanding of arrest
laws; and no recall of key facts and of some truly appalling
misconduct on the part of their colleagues... Meanwhile, any
pertinent questions we REALLY need answering (such as,
"why is DPP Claire Loftus prosecuting this case at such huge
expense to the taxpayer?") are being ruled 'privileged' or
'inadmissible' by a Judge who seems far too easily "satisfied"
at a great deal of VERY unsatisfactory aspects of this case..
One wonders how much of this in-your-face baloney he is
going to put up with before he becomes finally "satisfied" that
the whole shebang - from start to finish - is one great big set-
Full report out tomorrow on today's evidence at Castlebar
Court by our local Superintendent Joe McKenna (pictured)..
whose testimony was sooooo detailed and convincing that
you'd almost think he had 'somehow' gotten a private
recording of the missing 20 mins of the DAR.. which he tried
to explain away by telling us he had 'excellent recall' in a
statement supposedly written 12 days after the event.. 'Give
them enough rope' - as they say.
An eventful few days.. On Monday, Joe Doocey (A.C.T.) faced
charges of assault and resisting a search warrant. Plenty of
proof that Garda witnesses were lying - but Judge Gerard
Houghton somehow seems to have missed all that.. Tuesday -
Colm Granahan brought before a stiff-looking Aeneas
McCarthy who oversees another farcical hearing where
himself and 'the prosecution' (now represented by the
supercilious Ray Briscoe) each pretend that they're NOT
involved in a criminal conspiracy.. yet for some unexplained
reason McCarthy again REFUSES Colm's request for the
incriminating DAR records!! (One would almost think there is
something to hide here?) Stephen is also refused sight of his
OWN file for the umpteenth time by Castlebar Courts Service!
What a ridiculous, shoddy farce this is all becoming! On
Thursday 6th at the CCJ in Dublin - Sean Carragher pursues a
private Court case against a judge. Some might say, "not
before time either!
To our Donegal / Ulster friends (who are not going to the
'Right 2 Water' march in Dublin on Saturday 17th).. we will be
in the Clanree Hotel, Letterkenny from 5-7pm holding an I-I

Also, we are back in the CCJ, Dublin, Court No 2 on Monday

19th to (finally) show our video and digital evidence to the
Court - where we will be seeking criminal summonses against
5 Gardai for assault and criminal damage, and 2 summonses
against GSOC for conspiracy to cover up those crimes...
(Could be 'interesting').

So.... if a democratic majority wants something to happen - then

why (in a supposed 'modern democracy') isn't it happening? And
perhaps more importantly - how can Ms O'Sullivan appoint her
own team (headed up by her husband) to liaise with the Charleton
Tribunal - and how and why is Judge Charleton refusing to even
see or hear evidence that backs up claims that the smearing of
activists and whistleblowers is more-or-less 'standard practice' in
the corridors of power..?
Most people want Nirn OSullivan to resign or
step aside as Garda Commissioner
Seven in 10 people want her to step down or step aside while the Charleton
Tribunal investigates an alleged smear campaign against Maurice McCabe.

When they wrong you - prosecute them! This is how to

(lawfully) tackle the runaway corruption and criminality in our
so-called justice system. Our NOTICE to DPP Claire Loftus and
Mayo State Solicitor Vincent Deane that we are preparing to
prosecute THEM for offences against justice - "..the plain fact
of the matter Mr Deane is that you knowingly presented a
string of prosecution witnesses to the Court whom you KNEW
in advance were going to submit inaccurate, deceptive,
tendentious and contrived evidence because you already
had their sworn statements on file, and you therefore KNEW
that their oral and written evidence contrasted (and
contradicted) significantly with those original DAR recordings.
In facilitating those submissions you acted dishonestly and
with malice, with the intention of deliberately deceiving the
Court and advancing a contrived prosecution on evidence
which you KNEW to be flawed and inconsistent, and in certain
cases to be perjurious

Challenging corruption, cronyism, and

criminal cover-ups..
..and encouraging openness, transparency and justice in
Irish institutions.
One-by-one - together - we can make a difference!
Lets stand up and be counted
Encouraging openness, transparency and justice in the institutions of the Irish
State, and serving as a support network for wronged citizens.

Justice should NOT be for sale or favour: This is the public area of the Integrity
Ireland website and is the product of the Constitutional objectives of a group of law-
abiding concerned citizens who have been subjected to disquietingoften
harrowingincidences of improper, illegal and/or criminal treatment at the hands of
State agencies or institutionsor by other closely-affiliated agencies; in particular,
law enforcement authorities, legal practitioners, and their respective independent
or statutory oversight bodies.

The public area of this website serves as a free information source for concerned
citizens, as well as a gateway to the members-only area where members can air
their concerns; publish their complaints; get assistance and advice; and otherwise
offer mutual support and assistance to other citizens in similar circumstances.

Remember folks - the DPP's Office has absolutely NO say and
NO role to play in 'common informer' private prosecutions at
the inception stage... Interesting too, that Judge Gerard
Haughton was NOT in Belmullet today.. (and of course nobody
informed us).. so the journey would have been completely
wasted.. maybe that was the plan all along..? (See 'Threats
from the DPP' video below for more details)

Oh come on Commissioner! How ridiculous and farcical does this
have to get before you permanently step aside? Now you are
'appointing' (without any authority) retired gardai (including your
husband's right-hand man) to investigate (again) the key witnesss
against you in the Maurcice McCabe scandal.. while scores of us
still wait for a response (or even an acknowledgement) from the
Charelton Enquiry to our offers to provide evidence..

Commissioner places star witness in inquiry under

A star witness in the upcoming Peter Charleton Inquiry has been served with
disciplinary action by Garda Commissioner Nirn O'Sullivan in a move that

Oh come on Commissioner! How ridiculous and farcical does this

have to get before you permanently step aside? Now you are
'appointing' (without any authority) retired gardai (including your
husband's right-hand man) to investigate (again) the key witnesss
against you in the Maurcice McCabe scandal.. while scores of us
still wait for a response (or even an acknowledgement) from the
Charelton Enquiry to our offers to provide evidence..

Commissioner places star witness in inquiry under

A star witness in the upcoming Peter Charleton Inquiry has been served with
disciplinary action by Garda Commissioner Nirn O'Sullivan in a move that
Mick Wallace speaking on updated Terms of
Reference into HSE Commission of Investigation
Mar 9, 2017

Again - the same patterns of denials, evasiveness. lies,
suppression of the truth, refusal to name names etc etc.. Justine
McCarthy (one of our braver media voices) reports.. "This is 'the
system' created by individuals within it to shut down scandals.
Legal advice and news management are deployed in a pincer
movement to stop questions being answered."

justine mccarthy

The system that shuts down

scandals is to blame for Graces
9th March 2017
Once upon a time there were three little girls. Their
names or, at least, the pseudonyms by which we
have come to know about them were Grace, Ann
and Mary. They were three of Irelands most
vulnerable citizens, each born with intellectual
disabilities that made speaking up for themselves
difficult, if not impossible. Last year, during the self-
congratulatory centenary of the proclamation of the
Republic, the fate of Grace, Ann and Mary became
public knowledge, laying bare the cold truth that
Ireland, for all its noble aspirations 100 years ago,
does not cherish its citizens equally.
On February 3, 2016, the taoiseach told the Dail he
felt revulsion at what the system had done to
Grace, who is now in her forties. Enda
75 years: Abuse files to be secret
A child abuse survivor has criticised the Governments decision to
lock the personal witness statements victims gave to state
investigations away for 75 years as very extreme and odd.
Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Andrew Madden made the remarks after the Cabinet confirmed it is

to withhold the evidence for privacy and legal advice reasons.
The decision not to make the files publicly available is based on
recommendations in the Ryan report. It was put forward yesterday by
Jan O Sullivan, the education minister, and will see the files
withheld for almost twice as long as State papers are normally kept.
The Labour TD is now due to draft legislation based on the decision
to keep the records private for 75 years, although she has stressed
she is open to making some of the information more readily
available if reasons are given.
Mr Madden told the Irish Examiner last night that he does not
understand why the information would not be released until 2090 as
the facilities involved are indemnified from legal action.
He also questioned why the Government believes that those who
spoke to the Ryan report about their personal experiences would be
against making the information public, as they have previously
criticised arguments that if they accepted a settlement they could
not speak about what happened.
It is really a personal decision, but 75 years is a lot of time to not
publish this. I find it quite odd that the records would be withheld
for this long, he said.
In a statement last night, a spokesperson for Ms OSullivan said the
move is based on the Ryan report recommendations. Certain records
of archival value will be sealed for 75 years from this year.
The legislation will relate to records held by Commission to Inquiry
into Child Abuse, Residential Institutions Redress Board and the
Residential Institutions Review Committee, said the spokesperson.
"Ireland was regarded as a hunting ground, in the words of a
senior civil servant, where foreigners in search of babies could
easily obtain illegitimate children from mother-and-baby homes
and private nursing homes, then remove them from the State
without any formalities.There were both legal and illegal
adoptions. During the 1950s up to 15 per cent of all illegitimate
Irish children born in mother-and-baby homes each year were
taken to the United States with the full knowledge of the State. In
total more than 2,000 illegitimate children were removed from the
country in this way. Most were adopted by wealthy American
Catholics.But it seems that hundreds, if not thousands, more
children were taken from the country without sanction or public
record-keeping. Many were handed to foreigners. On October 8th,
1951, The Irish Times reported that in the previous year almost
500 babies were flown from Shannon for adoption, a number that
the paper said is believed to have been exceeded during the
first nine months of 1951. In the first week of October alone, it
reported, 18 parties of children departed from the airport.

The baby black market

Mother-and-baby homes were only part of the system for dealing with
unmarried mothers in the 1950s. Many children were also sold into a thriving
network that stretched from Ireland to the US

Children of sin ' kept away from other children - those that
survived. Yet the Catholic Church still controls over 90 % of
primary schools and has huge influence in hospitals. The Church
has no right or moral high ground to dictate to women what they
do in a crisis pregnancy or how we live our lives. Horrors such as
Tuam just reinforce that.
They were known as the children of sin
Tuam resident recalls appalling treatment of home babies who lived in local
Unmarked, unvisited, unknown. No longer. The names of almost
800 children who died in Tuam mother & baby home & were
dumped into a septic tank

Unspeakable treatment of our children, in a so-called 'civilised

country'.. and guess what - the Government has decided that
'sensitive' records will be kept secret for 75 years! So... more
of the same abuses of the most vulnerable in society -
followed by the usual lies and denials, cover-ups, and
suppression and secrecy. Is nothing sacred any more?
They were know as illegitimate bastards, the spawn of Satan and other
horrible words were used to describe little innocent children. Their
mothers were treated with hate by the church and society , they were
used as slave labour in laundries and other religious businesses.
Everyone knew, if they said they didn't they are lying to you. These kids
went to school, were beaten terribly in class , their classmates saw this.
Everybody knew, out of sight out of mind, they were of a lesser God or
worse the devils children. Can you imagine that, the whole country acting
like savages towards women and children? And the majority of people
actually believing that bollox about the devil's children, and we dare to
look down at less civilised societies than ours, where are these
THE REMAINS OF infants and toddlers lay for decades at
the site at the Bon Secours Mother and Baby Home in Tuam,
unmarked, unvisited, unknown.
Investigators for the Mother and Baby Homes Commission
of Inquiry yesterday confirmed both that they had
uncovered a significant number of those childrens
remains and that they dated back to the era during which
the home was operational.
Very few pictures from the home exist but thanks to the
tireless work of historian Catherine Corless, we do have the
names of 796 children who died there between 1925 and
The infant mortality rate at the home was double that of
even other mother and baby homes around the country at
the time. Young children in the Tuam home succumbed to
deaths from afflictions as heartbreakingly familiar as the flu
and, although only in a small number of cases, ear
The most common causes of death were debility from
birth (25%), 15% from respiratory diseases, 10% each
from influenza and the measles, 8% born too premature to
survive, 6% from whooping cough and in smaller numbers
of epilepsy/convulsions, gastroenteritis, meningitis,
congenital heart disease and congenital syphilis, skin
diseases, chicken pox and one per cent 10 children of
As of yet, we do not know how many of these children are
among the remains found but Corless supplied the names of
all of the children, and their age when they died, to
In lieu of an inscription of each childs name on a physical
memorial, we publish them all here today.
Patrick Derrane 5 months
Mary Blake 4 months
Matthew Griffin 3 months
Mary Kelly 6 months
Peter Lally 11 months
Julia Hynes 1 year
James Murray 1 month
Joseph McWilliam 6 months
John Mullen 3 months
Mary Wade 3 years
Maud McTigue 6 years
Bernard Lynch 3 years
Martin Shaughnessy 18 months
Bridget Glynn 1 year
Margaret Glynn 1 year
Patrick Gorham 21 months
Patrick OConnell 1 year
John Carty 21 months
Madeline Bernard 2 years
Maureen Kenny 8 years
Kathleen Donohue 1 year
Thomas Donelan 2 years
Mary Quilan 2 years
Mary King 9 months
Mary Warde 21 months
George Coyne 2 years
Julia Cummins 18 months
Barbara Fola/ Wallace 9 months
Pauline Carter 11 months
Mary Walsh 1 year
Annie Stankard 10 months
John Connelly 9 months
Anthony Cooke 1 month
Michael Casey 3 years
Annie McCarron 2 months
Patricia Dunne 2 months
John Carty 3 months
Peter McNamara 7 weeks
Mary Shaughnessy 4 months
Joseph Coen 5 months
Mary Murphy 2 months
Patrick Kelly 2 months
Martin Rabbitte 6 weeks
Kathleen Quinn 7 months
Patrick Halpin 2 months
Martin McGuinness 6 months
Mary Kate Connell 3 months
Patrick Raftery 7 months
Patrick Paterson 5 months
James Murray 1 month
Colman O Loughlin 5 months
Agnes Canavan 18 months
Christina Lynch 15 months
Mary OLoughlin 6 months
Annie O Connor 15 months
John Greally 11 months
Joseph Fenigan 4 years
Mary Connolly 2 months
James Muldoon 4 months
Joseph Madden 3 months
Mary Devaney 18 months
Michael Gannon 6 months
Bridget Cunningham 2 months
Margaret Conneely 18 months
Patrick Warren 8 months
James Mulryan 1 month
Mary Kate Fahey 3 years
Mary Mahon 1 month
Martin Flanagan 1 month
Mary Forde 4 months
Patrick Hannon 20 months
Michael Donellan 6 months
Joseph Ward 7 months
Walter Jordan 3 years
Mary Mullins 1 month
Peter Christian 7 months
Mary Cunningham 5 months
James Ryan 9 months
Patrick ODonnell 9 months
Mary Monaghan 4 years
Patrick OMalley 1 year
Philomena Healy 11 months
Michael Ryan 1 year
Patrick Curran 6 months
Patrick Fahy 2 months
Laurence Molloy 5 months
Patrick Lynskey 6 months
Vincent Nally 21 months
Mary Grady 18 months
Martin Gould 21 months
Patrick Kelly 2 months
Bridget Quinn 1 year
William Reilly 9 months
George Lestrange 7 months
Christy Walshe 15 months
Margaret Mary Gagen 1 year
Patrick Moran 4 months
Celia Healy 5months
James Quinn 4 years
Bridget Walsh 15months
Patrick Shiels 4 months
Mary Teresa Drury 1 year
Peter OBrien 18 months
Peter Malone 18 months
Carmel Moylan 8 months
Mary Burke 10 months
Mary Josephine Garvey 5 months
Mary Warde 10 months
Catherine Howley 9 months
Michael Pat McKenna 3 months
Richard Raftery 3 months
Margaret Doorhy 8 months
Patrick Leonard 9 months
Mary Coyne 1 year
Mary Kate Walsh 2 years
Christina Burke 1 year
Mary Margaret Jordan 18 months
John Joseph McCann 8 months
Teresa McMullan 1 year
George Gavin 1 year
Joseph OBoyle 2 months
Peter Nash 1 year
Bridget Galvin 3 months
Margaret Niland 3 years
Christina Quinn 3 months
Kathleen Cloran 9 years
Annie Sullivan 8 months
Patricia Judge 1 year
Mary Birmingham 9 months
Laurence Hill 11 months
Brendan Patrick Pender 1 month
Kate Fitzmaurice 4 months
Baby Mulkerrins 5 days
Angela Madden 3 months
Mary McDonagh 1 year
Mary C Shaughnessy 1 month
Mary Moloney 11 months
Patrick Joseph Brennan 1 months
Anthony OToole 2 months
Mary Cloherty 9days
Joseph Fahy 10 months
Mary Finola Cunniffe 6 months
Martin Cassidy 5 months
Francis Walsh 3 months
Mary Garvey 4 months
Kathleen Gilchrist 8 months
Mary Kate Walsh 1 months
Eileen Fallon 18 months
Harry Leonard 3 years
Mary Kate Guilfoyle 3 months
John Callinan 3 months
John Kilmartin 2 months
Julia Shaughnessy 3 months
Patrick Prendergast 6 months
Bridgid Holland 2 months
Bridgid Moran 15 months
Margaret Mary Fahy 15 months
Bridgid Ryan 9 months
Mary Brennan 4 months
Mary Conole 1 months
John Flattery 2 years
Margaret Donohue 10 months
Joseph Dunn 3 years
Owen Lenane 2 months
Josephine Steed 3 months
Mary Meeneghan 3 months
James McIntyre 4 months
John Joseph Murphy 4 months
Margaret Mary OGara 2 months
Eileen Butler 2 months
Thomas Molloy 2 months
James Joseph Bodkin 6 months
John Kelly 2 months
Mary Walshe 6 months
Mary Jo Colohan 4 months
Florence Conneely 7 months
Norah McCann 1 months
Mary Kelly 9 months
Rose ODowd 6 months
Mary Egan 4 months
Michael Concannon 4 months
Paul Joyce 10 months
Mary Christina Kennedy 4 months
Bridget Finnegan 2 months
Mary Flaherty 3 months
Thomas McDonagh 4 months
Joseph Hoey 1 year
Sheila Tuohy 9 years
Teresa Cunniffe 3 months
Joseph Clohessy 2 months
Mary Kiely 4 months
Thomas Cloran 6 months
Mary Burke 3 months
Mary Marg Flaherty 4 months
John Keane 17 days
Luke Ward 15 months
Mary OReilly 5 months
Ellen Mountgomery 18 months
Mary Elizabeth Lydon 4 months
Brigid Madden 1 month
Mary Margaret Murphy 4 months
Mary Nealon 7 months
Stephen Linnane 4 months
Josephine Walsh 1 years
Kate Cunningham 2 months
Mary Bernadet Hibbett 1 month
Thomas Linnane 4 months
Patrick Lane 3 months
Mary Anne Conway 2 months
James Kane 8 months
Christopher Leech 3 months
Elizabeth Ann McCann 5 months
Margaret Mary Coen 2 months
Michael Linnane 15months
Bridget Glenane 5 weeks
John OToole 7 months
John Creshal 4 months
Mary Teresa Egan 3 months
Michael Boyle 3 months
Anthony Mannion 6 weeks
Donald Dowd 5 months
Peter Ridge 4 months
Eileen Collins 2 months
Mary Brennan 2 months
James Fahy 5 months
Mary Bridget Larkin 8 months
Margaret Scanlon 3 years
Brian OMalley 4 months
Michael Madden 6 months
Mary Kate Cahill 2 weeks
Mary Margaret Lydon 3 months
Festus Sullivan 1 month
Annie Curley 3 weeks
Nuala Lydon 5 months
Bridget Collins 5 weeks
Patrick Joseph Coleman 1 month
Joseph Hannon 6 weeks
Henry Monaghan 3 weeks
Michael Joseph Shiels 7 weeks
Martin Sheridan 5 weeks
John Patrick Loftus 10 months
Patrick Joseph Murphy 3 months
Catherine McHugh 4 months
Mary Patricia Toher 4 months
Mary Kate Sheridan 4 months
Mary Flaherty 19 months
Mary Anne Walsh 14 months
Eileen Quinn 2 years
Patrick Burke 9 months
Margaret Holland 2 days
Joseph Langan 6 months
Sabina Pauline OGrady 6 months
Patrick Qualter 3 years
Mary King 5 months
Eileen Conry 1 year
Mary Nee 4 months
Martin Andrew Larkin 14 months
Mary Keane 3 weeks
Kathleen V Cuffe 6 months
Margaret Linnane 4 months
Teresa Heneghan 3 months
John Neary 7 months
Patrick Madden 4 months
Mary Cafferty 2 months
Mary Kate Keane 3 months
Patrick Hynes 3 weeks
Annie Solan 2 months
Charles Lydon 9 months
Margaret Mullins 7 months
Mary Mulligan 2 months
Anthony Lally 5 months
Joseph Spelman 6 weeks
Annie Begley 3 months
Vincent Egan 1 week
Nora Murphy 5 months
Patrick Garvey 6 months
Patricia Burke 4 months
Winifred Barret 2 years
Agnes Marron 3 months
Christopher Kennedy 5 months
Patrick Harrington 1 week

Kathleen Devine 2 years
Vincent Garaghan 1 month
Ellen Gibbons 6 months
Michael McGrath 4 months
Edward Fraser 3 months
Bridget Lally 1 year
Patrick McLoughlin 5 months
Martin Healy 4 months
Nora Duffy 3 months
Margaret Higgins 1 week
Patrick Egan 6 months
Vincent Farragher 11 months
Patrick Joseph Jordan 3 months
Michael Hanley 1 month
Catherine Gilmore 3 months
Baby Carney 1 day
Annie Coyne 3 months
Helena Cosgrave 5 months
Thomas Walsh 2 months
Baby Walsh 1 day
Kathleen Hession 4 months
Brigid Hurley 11 months
Ellen Beegan 2 months
Mary Keogh 1 year
Bridget Burke 3 months
Martin Reilly 9 months
Martin Hughes 11 months
Mary Connolly 1 month
Mary Kate Ruane 1 month
Joseph Mulchrone 3 months
Michael Williams 14 months
Martin Moran 7 weeks
Josephine Mahony 2 months
James Henry 5 weeks
Bridget Staunton 5 months
John Creaven 2 weeks
Peter Lydon 6 weeks
Patrick Joseph Ruane 4 months
Michael Quinn 8 months
Julia Coen 1 week
Annie McAndrew 5 months
John Walsh 3 months
Patrick Flaherty 6 months
Bernadette Purcell 2 years
Joseph Macklin 1 day
Thomas Duffy 2 days
Elizabeth Fahy 4 months
James Kelly 2 months
Nora Gallagher 4 months
Kathleen Cannon 4 months
Winifred Tighe 8 months
Christopher Williams 1 year
Joseph Lynch 1 year
Andrew McHugh 15 months
William Glennan 18 months
Michael J Kelly 5 months
Patrick Gallagher 3 months
Michael Gerard Keane 2 months
Ellen Lawless 6 months
Mary Finn 3 months
Martin Timlin 3 months
Mary McLoughlin 1 month
Mary Brennan 5 months
Patrick Dominic Egan 1 month
Nora Thornton 17 months
Anne Joyce 1 year
Catherine Kelly 10 months
Michael Monaghan 8 months
Simon John Hargraves 6 months
Baby Forde 1 day
Joseph Byrne 2 months
Patrick Hegarty 4 months
Patrick Corcoran 1 month
James Leonard 16 days
Jane Gormley 22 days
Anne Ruane 11 days
Patrick Munnelly 3 months
John Lavelle 6 weeks
Patrick Ruane 24 days
Patrick Joseph Quinn 3 months
Joseph Kennelly 15 days
Kathleen Monaghan 3 months
Baby Quinn 2 days
Anthony Roche 4 months
Annie Roughneen 3 weeks
Anne Kate OHara 4 months
Patrick Joseph Nevin 3 months
John Joseph Hopkins 3 months
Thomas Gibbons 1 month
Winifred McTigue 7 months
Thomas Joseph Begley 2 months
Kathleen Heneghan 25 days
Elizabeth Murphy 4 months
Nora Farnan 1 month
Teresa Tarpey 1 month
Margaret Carey 11 months
John Garvey 6 weeks
Bridget Goldrick 4 months
Bridget White 3 months
Noel Slattery 1 month
Mary T Connaughton 4 months
Nora McCormack 6 weeks
Joseph Hefferon 5 months
Mary Higgins 9 days
Mary Farrell 21 days
Mary McDonnell 1 month
Geraldine Cunniffe 11 weeks
Michael Mannion 3 months
Bridget McHugh 7 months
Mary McEvady 18 months
Helena Walsh 3 months
William McDoell 2 days
Michael Finn 14 months
Mary Murphy 10 months
Gertrude Glynn 6 months
Joseph Flaherty 7 weeks
Mary OMalley 4 years
John P Callanan 13 days
Baby McDonnell 1 day
Female McDonnell 1 day
Christopher Burke 9 months
Stephen Connolly 8 months
Mary Atkinson 6 months
Mary Anne Finegan 7 weeks
Francis Richardson 15 months
Michael John Rice 6 months
Nora Carr 4 months
William Walsh 16 months
Vincent Cunnane 14 months
Eileen Coady 10 months
Female Roache 1 day
Male Roache 1 day
Patrick Flannery 2 months
John Dermody 3 months
Margaret Spellman 4 months
Austin Nally 3 months
Margaret Dolan 3 months
Vincent Finn 9 months
Bridget Grogan 6 months
Thomas Patrick Cloran 9 weeks
Catherine Devere 1 month
Mary Josephine Glynn 1 day
Annie Connolly 9 months
Martin Cosgrove 7 weeks
Catherine Cunningham 2 years
Bridget Hardiman 2 months
Mary Grier 5 months
Mary P McCormick 2 months
Brendan Muldoon 5 weeks
Nora Moran 7 months
Joseph Maher 20 days
Teresa Dooley 3 months
Daniel Tully 7 months
Brendan Durkan 1 month
Sheila OConnor 3 months
Annie Coen 6 months
Patrick J Kennedy 6 days
Thomas Walsh 2 months
Patrick Rice 1 year
Edward McGowan 10 months
Brendan Egan 10 months
Margaret McDonagh 1 month
Annie J Donellan 10 months
Thomas Walsh 14 days
Bridget Quinn 6 months
Mary Mulkerins 5 weeks
Kathleen Parkinson 10 months
Sheila Madeline Flynn 4 months
Patrick Joseph Maloney 2 months
Bridget Carney 7 months
Mary M OConnor 6 months
Joseph Geraghty 3 months
Annie Coen 10 months
Martin Joseph Feeney 4 months
Anthony Finnegan 3 months
Patrick Coady 3 months
Baby Cunningham 1 day
Annie Fahy 3 months
Baby Byrne 1 day
Patrick Mullaney 18 months
Thomas Connelly 3 months
Mary Larkin 2 months
Margaret Kelly 4 months
Barbara McDonagh 4 months
Mary OBrien 4 months
Keiran Hennelly 14 months
Annie Folan 4 months
Baby McNamara 1 day
Julia Murphy 3 months
John Rockford 4 months
Vincent Geraghty 1 year
Male OBrien 2 days
Anthony Deane 2 days
Mary Teresa OBrien 15 days
John Connelly 3 months
Bridget Murphy 3 months
Patricia Dunne 2 months
Francis Kinahan 1 month
Joseph Sweeney 20 days
Josephine OHagan 6 months
Patrick Lavin 1 month
Annie Maria Glynn 13 months
Kate Agnes Moore 2 months
Kevin Kearns 15 months
Thomas Doocey 15 months
William Conneely 8 months
Margaret Spelman 16 months
Mary Kate Cullen 22 months
Kathleen Brown 3 years
Julia Kelly 19 months
Mary Connolly 7 years
Catherine Harrison 2 years
Eileen Forde 21 months
Michael Monaghan 2 years
Mary Frances Lenihan 3 days
Anthony Byrne 6 months
Jarlath Thornton 7 weeks
John Kelly 6 days
Joseph OBrien 18 months
Anthony Hyland 3 months
Male Murray 1 day
Female Murray 1 day
Joseph F McDonnell 11 days
Mary Walsh 15 months
Baby Glynn 1 day
James Gaughan 14 months
Margaret Walsh 4 months
Mary P Moran 9 days
John Francis Malone 7 days
Michael F Dempsey 7 weeks
Christina M Greally 4 months
Teresa Donnellan 1 month
Rose Anne King 5 weeks
Christopher J Joyce 2 months
James Mannion 8 months
Mary T Sullivan 3 weeks
Patrick Holohan 11 months
Michael Joseph Keane 1 month
Bridget Keaney 2 months
Joseph Flaherty 8 days
Baby Mahady 3 days
James Rogers 10 days
Kathleen F Taylor 9 months
Gerard C Hogan 7 months
Kathleen Corrigan 2 months
Mary Connolly 3 months
Patrick J Farrell 5 months
Patrick Laffey 3 years
Fabian Hynes 8 months
John Joseph Grehan 2 years
Edward OMalley 3 months
Mary Fleming 6 months
Bridget F McHugh 3 months
Michael Folan 18 months
Oliver Holland 6 months
Ellen Nevin 7 months
Margaret Horan 6 months
Peter Mullarky 4 months
Mary P OBrien 4 months
Teresa Francis OBrien 4 months
Mary Kennedy 18 months
Sarah Ann Carroll 4 months
Baby Maye 5 days
Mary Devaney 21 days
Anthony McDonnell 6 months
Vincent Molloy 7 days
John Patrick Lyons 5 months
Gerald Aidan Timlin 3 days
Patrick Costelloe 17 days
John Francis OGrady 1 month
Bridget Mary Flaherty 12 days
Josephine Finnegan 20 months
Martin McGrath 3 days
Baby Haugh 1 day
James Frayne 1 month
Mary Frances Crealy 14 days
Mary Davey 2 months
Patrick Joseph Hoban 11 days
Angela Dolan 3 months
Mary Lyden 5 months
Bridget Coneely 4 months
Austin OToole 4 months
Bernard Laffey 5 months
Mary Ellen Waldron 8 months
Terence OBoyle 3 months
Mary Frances OHara 1 month
Martin Dermott Henry 43 days
Mary Devaney 3 months
Bridget Foley 6 months
Martin Kilkelly 40 days
Theresa Monica Hehir 6 weeks
Patrick A Mitchell 3 months
John Kearney 5 months
John Joseph Kelly 3 months
John Conneely 4 months
Stephen L OToole 2 months
Thomas A Buckley 5 weeks
Michael John Gilmore 3 months
Patrick J Monaghan 3 months
Mary Teresa Murray 2 months
Patrick McKeighe 2 months
John Raymond Feeney 3 months
Finbar Noone 2 months
John OBrien 21 days
Beatrice Keane 5 years
Mary P Veale 5 weeks
Winifred Gillespie 1 year
Anthony Coen 10 weeks
Michael F Sheridan 3 months
Anne Holden 3 months
Martin Joseph OBrien 7 weeks
Winifred Larkin 1 month
Patrick Thomas Coen 1 month
Mary Bridget Joyce 8 months
Geraldine Collins 13 months
Mary Flaherty 5 days
Vincent Keogh 5 months
John Francis Healy 10 days
Martin J Kennelly 1 month
Patrick Keaveney 2 months
Philomena Flynn 2 months
William Reilly 9 months
Margaret N Concannon 1 year
Patrick J Fitzpatrick 14days
Joseph Cunningham 2 months
Mary J Flaherty 13 months
Kathleen Murray 3 years
John OConnell 2 years
Alphonsus Hanley 21 months
Bridget P Muldoon 11 months
Patricia C Higgins 5 months
Catherine B Kennedy 2 months
John Desmond Dolan 15 months
Stephen Joynt 2 years
Catherine T Kearns 2 years
Margaret Hurney 2 years
John Patton 2 years
Patrick J Williams 15 months
Nora Hynes 8 months
Anthony Donohue 2 years
Brendan McGreal 1 year
Anthony Cafferky 23 days
Nora Cullinane 18 months
Kathleen Daly 2 years
Nora Conneely 15 months
Mary Teresa Joyce 13 months
Kenneth A Ellesmere 1 day
Mary P Carroll 4 months
Thomas Collins 17 months
Margaret M Moloney 3 months
Josephine Tierney 8 months
Margaret M Deasy 3 months
Martin Francis Bane 3 months
Bridget Agatha Kenny 2 months
Baby Kelly 1 day
Mary Teresa Judge 15 months
Paul Dominick Bennett 3 months
Mary Bridget Giblin 18 months
Kathleen Madden 2 months
Mary P Byrne 8 weeks
Joseph Byrce 4 months
Joseph Byrne 11 months
Kathleen Glynn 4 months
Augustine Jordan 9 months
Michael F Dwyer 18 months
Noel C Murphy 14 months
Margaret McNamee 6 months
Patrick Grealish 6 weeks
Bernadette OReilly 7 months
John Joseph Carr 3 weeks
Paul Gardiner 10 months
Simon Thomas Folan 9 weeks
Joseph Ferguson 3 months
Peter Heffernan 4 months
Patrick J Killeen 14 weeks
Stephen Halloran 7 months
Teresa Grealish 5 months
John Keane 4 months
Mary Burke 9 months
Brigid McTigue 3 months
Margaret R Broderick 8 months
Martin Mannion 3 months
Mary Margaret Riddell 8 months
Thomas J Noonan 7 weeks
Peter Casey 10 months
Michael Scully 3 months
Baby Lyons 5 days
Hubert McLoughlin 4 months
Mary M Finnegan 3 months
Nicholas P Morley 3 months
Teresa Bane 6 months
Patrick J Kennedy 5 weeks
Michael Francis Ryan 3 days
John Forde 2 years
Mary P Cunnane 3 months
Margaret P Sheridan 4 months
Patrick Joseph Nevin 3 months
Joseph Nally 5 months
Christopher Burke 3 months
Anne Madden 7 weeks
Bridget T Madden 7 weeks
Thomas Murphy 3 months
Francis Carroll 2 months
Bridget J Linnan 9 months
Josephine Staunton 8 days
Mary Ellen McKeigue 7 weeks
Mary J Mulchrone 3 months
Catherine Higgins 4 years
Catherine Anne Egan 3 months
Thomas McQuaid 4 months
Dermott Muldoo 4 months
Martin Hanley 9 weeks
John Joseph Lally 3 months
Brendan Larkin 5 months
Baby Bell 1 day
Mary J Larkin 7 months
Annie Fleming 9 months
Colm A McNulty 1 month
Walter Flaherty 3 months
Sarah Burke 15 days
Mary Ann Boyle 5 months
John Anthony Murphy 5 months
Joseph A Colohan 4 months
Christopher Begley 18 days
Catherine A Meehan 4 months
Martin McLynskey 6 months
Mary J Crehan 3 months
Mary Ann McDonagh 2 months
Joseph Folan 22 days
Evelyn Barrett 4 months
Paul Morris 4 months
Peter Morris 4 months
Mary Martyna Joyce 18 months
Mary Margaret Lane 7 months
John Noone 4 months
Anne J McDonnell 6 months
Joseph Anthony Burke 6 months
Patrick Hardiman 6 months
Patrick Naughton 12 days
Josephine T Staunton 21 days
John Joseph Mills 5 months
Baby Hastings 1 day
Mary Donlon 4 months
Nora Connolly 15 months
Anne Heneghan 3 months
Mary Keville 9 months
Martin Murphy 5 months
Mary Barbara Murphy 5 months
Mary P Logue 5 months
Margaret E Cooke 6 months
Mary Ann Broderick 14 months
Ann Marian Fahy 4 months
Anne Dillon 4 months
Imelda Halloran 2 years
Joseph Gavin 10 months
Marian Brigid Mulryan 10 months
Mary C Rafferty 3 months
Nora Mary Howard 4 months
Joseph Dempsey 3 months
Patrick Walsh 3 weeks
Francis M Heaney 3 years
Dermot Gavin 2 weeks
Mary C Burke 3 years
Patrick Burke 1 year
Paul Henry Nee 5 months
Oliver Reilly 4 months
Gerard Connaughton 11 months
Rose Marie Murphy 2 years
Margaret Connaire 4 months
Stephen Noel Browne 2 years
Baby Fallon 4 days
Geraldine OMalley 6 months
Dolores Conneely 7 months
Mary Maloney 4 months
Mary Carty 5 months

The site of a mass grave for children who died in the Tuam mother
and baby home,
The Child and Family Agency will formally outline its
opposition to a claim brought by Co Galway man seeking
information about his sister who may have died in the
Tuam Mother and Baby Home by the end of the month.
The case has been brought by Peter Mulryan, whose infant
sister Marian Bridget Mulryan is believed to be among 796
children recorded as having died there, has brought
proceedings against Tusla aimed at getting any
information that may exist about her.
Last month permission to bring the action was granted by
Mr Justice Richard Humphreys, following an application
by Deidre O'Donohoe Bl instructed by solicitor Kevin
Higgins, for Mr Mulryan.
Previously the court heard that Mr Mulryan went with his
mother to the Tuam home in July 1944, his mother later
appeared to have gone to a Magdalene institution and he
was sent away at age four.
Mr Mulryan a retired ESB technician of Derrymullen,
Ballinasloe Co Galway has brought proceedings against
Tusla aimed at securing various orders and declarations
from the court.
Mr Mulryan seeks a declaration that communications sent
to his solicitor in May, June and November 2016
cumulatively gave rise to a legitimate expectation that a
social worker would assist Mr Mulryan by investigating all
records in its possession to ascertain what information it
has about his sister.
The documentation he seeks to be investigated should
include burial records, admission books, death certificate,
documents concerning children sent to the US, Ireland or
elsewhere for adoption that contain information and
correspondence from the Tuam home relating to his sister.
He also seeks an order that Tusla provide him with a
printed booklet containing all the documentation it has it
in its power and possession in respect of St Mary's Home
Tuam that has any information about the life and or the
presumed death of his sister.
The case was briefly mentioned before Mr Justice Robert
Haughton at the High Court on Tuesday.
The judge was told that Mr Mulryan's legal team had not
yet received a statement of opposition from the Child and
Family Agency.
Ms O'Donohoe told the court that there was some urgency
to the matter because of Mr Mulryan's ill health.

Farmer granted High

Court injunction
preventing removal from
role in farm group

High Court. Stock Image
Saurya Cherfi
April 18 2017
Saurya Cherfi
April 18 2017

Farmer granted High

Court injunction
preventing removal from
role in farm group

Her client wants the case heard as soon as possible,

counsel said.
In reply Conor Dignam SC for Tusla said it was hope that
his client's statement of opposition would be served on Mr
Mulryan's legal team within the next two weeks.
Mr Justice Haughton directed that Tusla's statement
outlining its opposition to what Mr Mulryan is seeking be
served by Friday April 28 next. The matter will return
before the court sometime after that date.
Childcare for the
homeless scheme will be

Children's Minister Katherine Zappone
Kevin Doyle
April 18 2017
A scheme to provide free childcare for under fives living in
emergency accommodation is to be expanded.
Fifty-two families have been availing of the service since it
was initiated in Dublin last year but Children's Minister
Katherine Zappone has a significant portion of the 8.25m
allocated still at her disposal. As a result, the scheme is to
be extended to a number of counties including Cork,
Cavan, Donegal, Kildare, Kilkenny, Leitrim, Offaly,
Wicklow and Clare.
Under the arrangement each child is entitled to 25 hours
of free childcare a week and a daily meal, available for 50
weeks of the year. An information campaign is under way
to alert families to the entitlement.
Separately, Focus Ireland warned of a deepening youth
homelessness crisis as figures show the number of 18 to
24-year-olds who are homeless has shot up 78pc in the last
three years.
Figures from the Department of Housing show 776 young
people were homeless and in emergency accommodation
in the week of February 20-26, 2017.
This was an 78pc increase from April 2014, which was
436. The most recent figures show young people aged 18-
24 now make up some 10pc of the record number of 7,421
people who are homeless in Ireland.

F**k off back to India' -

Irish woman's racist
abuse caught on camera
on Limerick train
Irish Rail has reported the incident to the
Here is the letter we sent to Justice Charleton c/o Elizabeth
Mullen, Solicitor to the Disclosures Tribunal, Dublin Castle, DO2
Y337. If you have evidence or information - please don't delay..
Let's put a stop to these sinister and shameful tactics..
Dear Justice Charleton;
I write in context of the recent advisory in the national media that
anyone with information relevant to your upcoming enquiry should
contact you within two weeks.
We have irrefutable evidence of a knowingly false child-protection
related referral being made by An Garda Sochna to HSE Child
Protection (TUSLA) in 2014. This evidence comprises video
footage, audio recordings, incriminating letters, newspaper
reports and a number of official complaints made by us to the
various statutory authorities which were never properly dealt with.
We also have strong circumstantial and documentary evidence of
Garda involvement in a sexually-themed smear campaign which
targeted me personally in 2010-12 which prompted two
HSE/Child Protection investigations of our family.
We also have evidence of improper collusion between TUSLA
personnel and Garda as well as perjury and fraud by TUSLA
personnel in yet another failed attempt to unlawfully harass us via
the Courts.
In all of the above instances we were either completely
exonerated or we had the cases against us dropped.
We believe the evidence that we have in conjunction with the
reports of what Sgt McCabe and his family, as well as Garda
Nicky Keogh & Keith Harrison have been through supports the
possibility that the use of sexually-themed smears and/or the
misuse of statutory instruments by Garda and TUSLA personnel
acting unlawfullyin collusion and with malicious intentis a
tactic that is being deliberately deployed against targeted
We look forwards to hearing back from you in this regard, and
wish to encourage you and commend you on the strong position
you have adopted at the outset of this investigation.
Yours, Stephen Manning & family.

Prospective witnesses given two weeks to contact

Disclosure Tribunal into garda conduct
SUPREME Court judge Peter Charleton has asked anyone with information
relevant to the alleged smear campaign against garda whistleblower Maurice
McCabe to

Shane Phelan
February 27 2017
SUPREME Court judge Peter Charleton has asked anyone
with information relevant to the alleged smear campaign
against garda whistleblower Maurice McCabe to provide
written statements in the next fortnight.
Opening the tribunal at Dublin Castle today, Mr Justice
Charleton said the basic touchstone of the tribunal
would be fairness.
There are no preconceived notions in this tribunal as to
who is a villain and who is a victim, if there are such, he
The tribunal has been set up to examine allegations of an
alleged smear campaign against Sgt McCabe. It will also
examine disclosures made by Superintendent David
Taylor and another whistleblower, Garda Keith Harrison.
However, Mr Justice Charleton announced that one of its
terms of reference, the consideration of other protected
disclosures made prior to February 16 this year would be
parked for now.
The Supreme Court judge also indicated he may have to
make rulings regarding journalistic and legal privilege in
the course of the tribunal.
Mr Justice Charleton said he would not tolerate
participants who lie or obfuscate and that the tribunal had
been entrusted with doing its business in a speedy
The tribunal is here to establish the truth, he said.
The tribunal is a drain on the resources of the Irish
people, and it is paid for by their submission to the
democratic structures of which taxation has been a central
part in our tradition.
Every lie before the tribunal will be a waste of what
ordinary men and women have paid for through their
unremitting efforts.
Every action of obfuscation, of diversion of focus, and of
non-cooperation is unwelcome for that reason.
We are expected to get on with our work with dispatch
and to reach conclusions rapidly.
Mr Justice Charleton said the tribunals ultimate findings
may not be to everyones taste. However, he added that
while truth can be bitter, it is not shameful.
He said the legal mind was conditioned to look for
evidence, to seek supporting evidence and to uncover
patterns indicative of truth.
It was not conditioned to leap to conclusions or declare
someone had done something discreditable without
sufficient proof.
Mr Justice Charleton said the tribunal was a final step
following a number of internal garda investigations and a
scoping inquiry by Mr Justice Kevin OHiggins.
He set out a number of issues the tribunal will likely have
to decide upon when seeking evidence, including whether
privilege attaches to information provided by sources to
journalists and instructions given by a client to their
The tribunal, he said, had been tasked to examine
relationships between garda and media and whether
these contacts were used to brief negatively that Stg
McCabe was motivated by malice and revenge.
Does journalistic privilege attach to communications to a
journalist where that communication by the source may
not be in the public interest but, instead, where the source
is perhaps solely motivated by detraction or calumny? he
The judge asked if it was possible such privilege does not
apply to using the media as an instrument of naked
He said existing law suggested that the privilege is that of
the confidential informant and not the journalist.
But he said the tribunal had no settled view on the
matter and would have to carefully consider it.
The judge said he was also tasked to examine whether
false allegations of sexual abuse were relied upon by Garda
Commissioner Nirn OSullivan to discredit Sgt McCabe
at the OHiggins Commission.
He said the tribunal would have to consider whether there
was privilege against disclosing instructions given by a
client to their lawyer as to what was to be pursued in cross
Mr Justice Charleton said anyone with knowledge of the
issues being investigated by the tribunal should forward
written submissions to its solicitor Elizabeth Mullen by
March 13.
Anyone wishing to assert legal professional privilege or
journalistic privilege should do so by then also.
He said that if anyone had telephone, computer or other
electronic records relevant to the terms of reference, these
should be brought to the tribunal in the same time frame.
Are you a witness to this matter? Then, the tribunal needs
your help and needs it urgently, he said.
Many have already indicated publicly and in various
circumstances that they have some knowledge. Now the
opportunity has arrived to cooperate with the inquiry.
The tribunal wants to know the detail of that; who did
what, who said what, when, in what terms, who
communicated with whom, by whatever means, and in
what terms.
Mr Justice Charleton said anyone whose reputation was
likely to be impacted upon would be entitled to legal
representation, but not every witness would be entitled to
Most of the examination being done is likely to be by
counsel for the tribunal, he said.
He also said each party would be entitled to make an oral
or written submission at the end of the tribunal, but a
draft report would not be circulated in advance of findings
being published.
Some evidence at the tribunal may also have to be heard
in restricted circumstances. He said he would hear
submissions on this.
Among issues which may be heard in a restricted manner
are matters in relation to the creation and distribution of a
Tusla file containing false allegations of sexual abuse by
Sgt McCabe, contacts between garda and Tusla in relation
to a Garda Keith Harrison, and whether or not there was
any pattern of senior garda using such files to discredit
members of the force

Leo playing to his audience - the big farmers and business
owners who vote Fine Gael. Leo knows that by kicking people
who are unfortunate enough to find themselves on Social
Welfare he will impress those Blueshirts and give him brownie
points in the leadership race. Maybe Leo should look at how it
worked out for Joan Burton. Why don't you open a few soup
kitchens Leo while you're at it, just like Joan to show your
party that you really HATE the unemployed and working class
People using make-up and fake beards
to claim welfare illegally, says
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Social Protection Minister Leo Varadkar has said people have used
make-up and fake beards in order to claim welfare illegally, writes
Daniel McConnell.

Mr Varadkar today called on people to report on others they suspect

to be cheating the system, as part of a campaign launched by his

He said some categories of benefits are more likely to see abuse.

Speaking at the launch, Minister Varadkar said: The vast majority of

people receiving payments from the Department of Social Protection
are fully entitled to those payments and are compliant with the

However, we take fraud very seriously and have a responsibility to

taxpayers to ensure that people receive what they are entitled to.
Nothing upsets people more than someone else cheating the system
at their expense.

Thats why we are launching a new campaign to encourage

members of the public to report suspected or known cases of welfare

Members of the public play a vital role as whistleblowers. Last year

some 20,800 allegations of alleged social welfare fraud were dealt
with by the Department.

These are investigated and where warranted, payments are reduced

or stopped and, in some cases, claimants are prosecuted. Overall, a
range of anti-fraud and control measures in the Department of Social
Protection saved taxpayers over 500m last year.

Mr Varadkar also said that the pending change of leader in Fine Gael
will not lead to a snap election here in Ireland.

He was speaking after British Prime Minister Theresa May announced

an unexpected election in the UK for June 8.

It will impact on the efforts to put together an administration in

Northern Ireland and it is important the parties in the north redouble
their efforts, he told reporters in Dublin.

It is a matter for the British government and the British people to

decide the outcome of their election. But it doesn't change anything
here from our point of view

Our Brexit priorities remain the same.

Mr Varadkar refused to be drawn as to whether the announcement

by Mrs May could see Taoiseach Enda Kenny remain on in power
longer than expected.

That is entirely a matter for the Taoiseach, he said.

Mr Varadkar also said he would be happy to debate his main
opponent Simon Coveney in a televised debate once the race begins.

Latest: Varadkar 'sure' Harris will

clarify who will own the new national
maternity hospital
uesday, April 18, 2017
Update 7.30pm: Dr Rhona Mahony, Master of the National Maternity
Hospital, has released a statement.

"The new National Maternity Hospital to be built on the St

Vincent's Healthcare campus will be dedicated solely to
providing maternity care for women and infants. It will be
operated by a new company with an independent board and
will be clinically and operationally entirely independent in line
with national maternity policy. "Over 9,000 infants are born at
NMH every year. The current facility is not fit for purpose. The
co-location of this hospital with an adult tertiary hospital will
revolutionise healthcare in Ireland for women and infants and
we continue to work with SVHG to make a dedicated state of
the art maternity hospital a reality as urgently as possible."

Update 6pm: The Social Protection Minister says he thinks it's

important that the issue of ownership of the new national maternity
hospital is clarified.

Leo Varadkar says he is sure the Health Minister will clarify who will
own the property.

"An arrangement on governance so that Holles Street could move

from Holles Street to the campus of St Vincents and the land there is
owned by The Sisters of Charity.
"I guess it was anticipated that they would continue to own their
own land but perhaps that the building would belong to the Board of
Holles Street but of course the decision now has been made not to
have a Board of Holles Street but to merge the two boards.

"I'm not sure exactly what the decision is there or what the plan is
but I think it's important that it is clarified but I'm sure Simon Harris
will do that," he said.

UPDATE 2.35pm: The Health Minister, Simon Harris, has said there
wont be any religious influence on the governance of the new
national maternity hospital.

The land on which the hospital will be built is owned by The Sisters
of Charity.

However Minister Simon Harris says the hospital will have full
clinical, operational, financial and budgetary independence.

His comments come after after opposition parties claimed there

could be a conflict of interest between medical decisions and
Catholic principles.
Update 12.35pm: The Workers Party has condemned the decision to
grant sole ownership of the new National Maternity Hospital to the
Sisters of Charity, saying it presents a nightmare scenario for

The Sisters of Charity are to take charge of the new 300m facility.
However, the religious group, one of the four congregations which
managed Magdalene laundries, has failed to pay its share of funds to
a redress scheme for the victims of institutional abuse.

The decision to grant ownership of the National Maternity Hospital

makes a mockery of the supposed neutrality of the Citizens
Assembly, said Workers Party Cllr. ilis Ryan.
Do any of us really believe that, if and when the 8th amendment of
our constitution is repealed, any new legislation for abortion will be
implemented fully in a hospital wholly owned by the Catholic

"Every week another story emerges of the extraordinary harm done

to women by the church, with State complicity, in this country. What
good is it to agree, finally, to remove archaic, church-written clauses
from our constitution, if we hand over womens healthcare to that
same church?

The Workers Party Councillor called for a full review of church

involvement in healthcare.

Maternity care gets to the root of how we value women in this

country, and historically has been where women have been worst
treated by our State, she said.

Its time for us to change that record.

Update 12.35pm: The Workers Party has condemned the decision to

grant sole ownership of the new National Maternity Hospital to the
Sisters of Charity, saying it presents a nightmare scenario for
The Sisters of Charity are to take charge of the new 300m facility.
However, the religious group, one of the four congregations which
managed Magdalene laundries, has failed to pay its share of funds to
a redress scheme for the victims of institutional abuse.
The decision to grant ownership of the National Maternity Hospital
makes a mockery of the supposed neutrality of the Citizens
Assembly, said Workers Party Cllr. ilis Ryan.
Do any of us really believe that, if and when the 8th amendment of
our constitution is repealed, any new legislation for abortion will be
implemented fully in a hospital wholly owned by the Catholic
"Every week another story emerges of the extraordinary harm done
to women by the church, with State complicity, in this country. What
good is it to agree, finally, to remove archaic, church-written clauses
from our constitution, if we hand over womens healthcare to that
same church?
The Workers Party Councillor called for a full review of church
involvement in healthcare.
Maternity care gets to the root of how we value women in this
country, and historically has been where women have been worst
treated by our State, he said.
Its time for us to change that record.


Concerns are today being raised about the ownership of the new
national maternity hospital.

The Sisters of Charity are to take charge of the 300m facility, which
will be built on a site at Elm Park in Dublin next to the existing St
Vincents Hospital.

However, the religious group, which is one of the four congregations

which managed Magdalene laundries, has so far failed to pay its
share of funds to a redress scheme for the victims of institutional
Solidarity TD Mick Barry said that putting nuns in charge could lead
to a conflict of interest in medical matters.

"Well we saw what happened in the Savita Halappanavar case in

Galway, and I think that issues of that kind can be posed again," he

"And I think that we should have a situation where a maternity

hospital is wholly owned and controlled by the State, and certainly
not by a religious institution."
History And Cute Hoorism
Admin at 3:03 pm April 18, 2017

The spade in this instance is the disease of political corruption

and how that disease has infected every aspect of how our
country is governed.""

Historian Diarmuid Ferriter
Anthony Sheridan writes:
This article is dedicated to the millions of Irish citizens
who have suffered and continue to suffer because of
the absolute refusal of Irish journalists and
commentators to call a spade a spade.
The spade in this instance is the disease of political
corruption and how that disease has infected every
aspect of how our country is governed.
The commentator in this instance is historian Diarmaid
Mr Ferriter is a highly regarded academic, a man who
is steeped in the study and history of Irish politics, a
man who regularly frequents the airwaves and print
media delivering his opinion and analysis on current
and past events and in particular on current and past
political events.
Because individuals like Ferriter are highly respected
they have a profound influence on how people think,
how they form their opinions, how they understand
whats happening in politics and in the country in
When such influential individuals fail to understand the
reality of how our country is (mis) governed they do
serious damage to any hope of rectifying the situation.
They become, in effect, part of the problem.
Political corruption is the most serious problem facing
our country today. Political corruption lies at the core
of almost all that is rotten in our country. Political
corruption should be front and centre in the minds of
every single journalist and commentator who writes or
speaks about what is happening in our country today.
And yet, the word corruption is rarely uttered or
written, the term political corruption is avoided like
the plague by mainstream media and political
commentators. Political corruption is never, ever
the subject of a major, stand-alone documentary
by any media outlet.
Mr Ferriter provides us with the most recent example
of this depressing fear of calling a spade a spade. In
a 900-word article in the irish Times on the subject of
political corruption he manages to avoid using the
word even once.
Even the headline avoids the reality. Cute Hoorism
Has Cast A Long Shadow
Cute hoorism is not proper English; it is a meaningless
term in the broader world. It is strictly an Irish term
with just one function to avoid calling a spade a
It serves just one psychological function for those in
denial If I dont write or utter the term political
corruption then I dont have to acknowledge its
existence and therefore I dont have to identify those
responsible for the disease.
Opinion makers and in particular academic opinion
makers should use proper, accurate and powerful
words to drill right down to the heart of very serious
problems such as political corruption.
Mr Ferriters headline should read: Political Corruption
Has Cast A Long Shadow
In common with most other commentators Mr Ferriter
knows there is something very seriously wrong with
Irish politics but is not prepared to state the brutal
truth our political system is intrinsically corrupt, it is
beyond repair, it is the principal reason our country
has morphed into the status of failed state.
Instead of identifying and criticising those responsible,
the ruling political elite principally made up of Fianna
Fail, Fine Gael and Labour, Mr Ferriter, in common
with many other deniers, blames the ordinary
people of Ireland.
They (the people) were only too happy to embrace
the abolition of rates that finished off all pretence of
autonomous local government, enhanced an
unhealthy concentration of power at the centre and
had serious consequences for the funding of local
He goes on to confirm his total misunderstanding of
todays political realities by completely misreading the
reasons for the rise of the water protest movement.
While acknowledging that the rebellion against Irish
Water was justified he asserts that the issues that
triggered the protest were charges, pollution,
fairness and conservation.
Wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong again.
Political corruption and betrayal was and still is the
overwhelming reason for the rebellion against water
charges. A significant and growing percentage of the
population have lost faith in the political system and
by extension, state authority.
Quoting Arthur Griffith, Ferriter writes of individuals,
operating in an imaginary Ireland, disparaging those
making serious efforts to resolve serious national
Pious patriots praised an imaginary medieval
Ireland and then wondered why Ireland was
decaying around them but were determined to
preserve their picturesque ignorance.
Mr Ferriter is writing about himself. He operates in an
imaginary Ireland that still believes the old corrupt
political regime is fit for purpose, that it works for the
good of the people and the country.
That is why he cannot bring himself to utter the
dreadful corruption word, it would mean
acknowledging and therefore having to deal with the
brutal reality of a hopelessly corrupt political system.
Heres my interpretation of the above quote as it
applies to Ferriter and other commentators who
cannot or will not acknowledge the brutal reality of our
corrupt political system.
Delusional commentators praise and defend an
imaginary democracy and endlessly wonder why that
democracy continues to decay around them. In order
to preserve their picturesque ignorance they insist on
only writing and speaking in the language of cute

Fianna Fail liars

The tribal sneers of Barry Cowen and the distraction of the Fine Gael
leadership issue exemplify why still, in O hEithirs words, questions of
personality shoulder serious questions off the stage. Photograph: Dara Mac
This column is dedicated to those who still believe that the
island of Ireland has a foreseeable political future. I have
stolen that dedication from Breandn hEithirs now 31-
year-old book, The Begrudgers Guide to Irish Politics.
Another publication on my mind this week was the late
sociologist Paddy OCarrolls 1987 article in Irish Political
Studies on Irish political culture, which had the distinctly
non-academic title Strokes, cute hoors and sneaking
regarders: the influence of local culture on Irish political
By Anthony Sheridan
This triumphant comment in Denis OBriens newspaper
tells us all we need to know about Fianna Fails betrayal and
Common sense has prevailed.
And the comment below tells us that the corrupt ruling elite
of Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and Labour is intent on, ultimately,
imposing water charges on every single citizen.
Water charges are gone for the majority.
The question is Will the people roll over and accept this
The connections between Fianna Fail and the Central
Remedial Clinic (CRC) tell us all we need to know about how
our banana republic operates.
Lady Goulding, founder of the CRC, recruited the criminal
politician Haughey in the 1970s to head up its fund raising
arm. This is akin to hiring a burglar to protect your home.
Since then a lot of senior Fianna Fail people have, somehow,
found a comfortable nest within the CRC.
Des Peelo, accountant to the criminal Haughey and the liar
Bertie Ahern, was chairman for a period.
James Nugent, who contributed 2,500 to Bertie Aherns so-
called whip around, is on the board of directors.
Vincent Brady, former Fianna Fail Chief Whip and member
of the criminal Haugheys cabinet, is on the board of
Paul Kiely, former member of Bertie Aherns Drumcondra
mafia, was CEO of CRC until he left last July.
He was on an income of 242,000 at a time when disabled
people were being forced to suffer the effects of major
Well Hallefuckinglujah (excuse my French) somebody in
the establishment media woke up, shook the sleep from
their eyes and, catching a glimpse of reality, exclaimed
what the fuck is going on around here?
I strongly recommend the countless victims of Irish political
corruption to read todays editorial in the Irish Examiner.
The actual word corruption is used in reference to how the
country is run. The word cancer is used to describe the
(corrupt elite) social order of the country. The mafia word
omerta is used in relation to how public institutions
operate in what the writer coyly describes as our dishonest
But the most amazing aspect of this never heard of before
honesty from an establishment newspaper is the absence of
any blame on the sinister fringe of the water protest
movement and not even a mention of evil Sinn Fein.
Whats going on, could it be that at long, long last the
establishment media is finally beginning to realise the truth,
finally beginning to see that the rot and corruption that has
destroyed our country has its source in the political
establishment that is almost universally supported by that
very media?
But theres still some puzzlement, still some uncertainty
surrounding the brutal reality that our political system is
irredeemably corrupt.
It is difficult to understand why we have allowed this
nasty, destructive culture prevail, why we tolerate a
kind of passive-aggressive corruption wilfully
deployed to conceal (the truth).
It is not we who do not understand. The majority of Irish
citizens are only too well aware of who is responsible for the
crimes inflicted upon them over the decades the corrupt
political system.
The we the writer should be addressing is the
establishment media who have shown total loyalty and
support for the criminal politicians who have plundered the
wealth of the nation and dragged its good name through the
DESPITE the reassuring, reinvigorating march of Spring, natures
greatest expression of optimism, it is increasingly difficult to hope
that the culture of evasion and bloody-minded opposition to
accountability might ever be confronted much less eradicated from
public life.

It is now hard not to concede that all that is aspirational and good;
that all of the ambitious plans for this society might not be undone
by the Irish omerta that characterises the relationship between
public institutions and the kept-in-the-dark citizens of this dishonest
That denial of responsibility, that unacceptable, anti-social ordering
of interests has become a runaway cancer.
Even at this 11th hour, even if its almost too late, it is difficult to
understand why we have allowed this nasty, destructive culture
prevail, why we tolerate a kind of passive-aggressive corruption
wilfully deployed to conceal.
Not only does it perpetuate poor performance, it makes it almost
impossible to convince anyone who has eyes to see that higher
standards are worthwhile and necessary, that honesty, like virtue, is
its own reward even if it is much more than that.
The post-factual world of Donald Trump and Brexit 350m a
week for the NHS are abhorrent but our tolerance of official
evasion and disdain instead of transparency is a version of that
Refusing to take responsibility for actions by refusing to explain or
even acknowledge them may not be lying but in todays Ireland
thats a moot defence because there is no guarantee that good will
The dust has barely settled on the garda scandals around fake drink
driving tests and flawed convictions and new scandals domestic
violence and murder statistics appear.
That these scandals appear before any plausible explanation has
been offered for earlier ones is incredible.
That Commissioner Nirn OSullivan has warned that reform might
expose even more skeletons in what must be a huge cupboard adds
to the sense of implosion but the garda are not alone.
Today we report on Sarah who was abused in the same care home
as Grace.
Her family discovered she had been trained to respond to keywords
by undressing and adopting a sexual pose.
The HSE has, for two years, refused to share her records although
they are legally obliged to. How can they get away with this?
And it gets worse.
When the girls family raised concerns they became the focus of the
investigation because authorities thought she was abused in her
home rather than elsewhere.
The family believe they are being denied access to records to
facilitate a cover up. Remember, this is the HSE that has had to
revisit the Oireachtas health committee on several occasions
recently to correct the record.
The world of government, politics, and public affairs has many grey
areas, areas where things are not black or white.
Unfortunately, our grey areas have become twilight zones where
unacceptable behaviour is the norm.
In the not too distant future Taoiseach Enda Kenny will have a
That person may imagine that Brexit or, say, climate change is their
greatest challenge. Not so. Unless this culture of omerta is ended
nothing of any consequence will change or improve because silence
begets stasis. This is a real crisis.
RTE journalist and Bertie Ahern admirer Claire Byrne found
herself having to deal with a very nasty situation at the
weekend. The incident was so serious, so obnoxious that she
felt compelled to give it top priority on her weekly current
affairs show, Saturday with Claire Byrne.
Never mind war, famine, political crisis or international
terrorism, this was a matter so serious that the politicians on
the panel were pressurised by Byrne into giving an
immediate judgement on the matter despite the fact that
they had no prior knowledge of what had occurred.
And what was the dreadful incident?
Fine Gael TD Alan Farrell posted a satirical critique of three
Fianna Fail members of the Cowen family on his Facebook
Farrell posted a mock up poster from the movie Back to the
Future, with a picture of Barry Cowen and Michael Martin
(not a member of the Cowen family) accompanied by a
legitimate critique of the political policies of Ber, Brian and
Barry Cowen over the past number of decades.
Probably because of her admiration for former Taoiseach
Bertie Ahern Claire Byrne was outraged by this attack on an
innocent Fianna Fail family.
She first addressed her outrage at Fine Gael TD Regina
Byrne: And what hes saying in each of those
instances is that the Cowen family and Fianna Fail
put the interests of Fianna Fail before the interests
of the country. It is below the belt stuff, isnt it
Regina, its pretty nasty?
What!!! A Fine Gael politician makes the political point that
three Fianna Fail politicians, who coincidently happen to be
members of the same family, put the interests of their party
before the interests of the country.
I challenge Claire Byrne to state exactly what is wrong with
that opinion. What exactly is nasty, below the belt or indeed
untrue about Farrells very funny, 100% legitimate piece of
political satire?
It really is worth looking at this broadcast in detail because
its a good example of how far the establishment media and
in particular journalists in RTE have become politicised in
favour of the ruling political elite.
Byrne begins by pressurising Fine Gael TD and Government
Chief Whip Regina Doherty into expressing outrage over the
incident despite the fact that Doherty had no knowledge
whatsoever of what had occurred.
Byrne: It is below the belt stuff Regina isnt it, its
pretty nasty?
Doherty: (Making an immediate, uninformed judgement).
I didnt see it until you put it in front of me a second
ago. I had to double look at it to see was it a joke or
somebody else. Its not something that I could ever
subscribe to. When you actually have to revert to
being personal between two politicians or two
political parties, I think youve lost the argument, I
think its a pity.
Clearly Doherty was afraid to challenge Byrnes outrage so
she submissively fell into line.
But Byrne was not happy with that, she wanted more.
Byrne: So will you be speaking to Alan Farrell in
your role as Chief Whip about that?
Doherty, probably fearing she might be seen as disloyal to a
fellow member of the political elite, reassured Byrne of her
willingness to deal with Farrells pretty nasty behaviour.
Doherty: Im not happy about it but Ive just seen it
now and Ill talk to him later on maybe.
Byrne then turned to Fianna Fail TD Jim Callaghan who also
had no knowledge whatsoever of the incident but was more
than willing to fall in line with Byrnes outrage.
Byrne: Jim have you seen this?
Callaghan: No, I havent.
Byrne: Here Ill just give you a copy of it there.
Callaghan: (instantly and without reading the
article) I dont like the idea of politicians referring
to the families of other politicians.
He (Farrell) shouldnt be making personal attacks
on peoples family and its something Id never do
and I dont think he should do it.
Later on in the programme former Environment Minister
and Labour Party TD Alan Kelly also criticised Farrells post,
saying it was downright stupid.
So lets clarify where these politicians and this RTE/Fianna
Fail supporting journalist stand on the issue of political
They believe that it is unacceptable for any politician (in this
case, Alan Farrell FG) to criticise another politician (Barry
Cowen FF) by referring to other members of that politicians
family who are or were politicians (Ber and Brian Cowen
So, for example, the actions and policies of Brian Cowen,
without doubt the most incompetent Taoiseach in Irish
history, cannot be referred to in a critque of his politician
brother Barry because theyre family.
Similarily, the actions and policies of the criminal Fianna Fail
politician Charles Haughey can never be used in a critique of
his son Sean Haughey, because theyre family.
And so on across the many, many Irish political dynasties
that have done so much damage to Ireland and its people
over the decades.
This, of course, is an idiotically bizarre idea because such
references, such critiques are routine and totally legitimate.
So heres the nasty truth
Alan Farrel committed, or was perceived to have committed,
the most heinious crime any Irish establishment politican
can commit he publicily mocked a fellow member of the
ruling political elite.
The exchange of jibes and insults within the confines of
Leinster house is fine, all politicians know its just a cynical
game. But to publicly lampoon a fellow member of the ruling
elite, particularly on a hated social media platform like
Facebook, is unforgivable.
Thats probably why RTE journalist Claire Byrne was so
angry, thats probably why she used her immensely
powerful media platform to bring Farrell to heel.
And it worked.
Within minutes of Byrnes strong disapporval at this insult
to her beloved Fianna Fail, the cowardly Alan Farrell
removed the offending article from his Facebook page.
A disturbing example of the power of the establishment

Copy to:
Claire Byrne
Alan Farrell
Regina Doherty
Jim Callaghan
Alan Kelly
RTE complaints
RTE News and Current Affairs
Fianna Fail
Fine Gael

Fine Gael TD Alan Farrell has come under fire from his
own party for criticising the family of Fianna Fail's
environment spokesman Barry Cowen.
Mr Farrell posted comments on Facebook about Mr
Cowens brother Brian, a former Taoiseach and his father
Ber, who was a Fianna Fail TD. The comments were
accompanied by an image of Barry Cowen and Fianna Fail
leader Micheal Martin mocked up as characters in the
1980s movie Back to the Future.
Speaking on RTE Radio One Fine Gael chief whip Regina
Doherty criticised Mr Farrell for posting personal
comments about the Cowen family and said she would talk
to him about it. Fianna Fail justice spokesman Jim
OCallaghan also criticised the Fine Gael TD for making
personal attacks at someones family.
Labour Party TD Alan Kelly said the Facebook comments
were "down right stupid" and "counterproductive".

Image of Barry Cowen and Fianna Fail leader Micheal Martin
mocked up as characters in the 1980s movie Back to the Future.
Photo: Facebook
On Facebook, Mr Farrell said Ber Cowen was elected when
Fianna Fail won a landslide victory on a populist
economic programme which was largely based on the
abolition of household rates which included payment for
These policies led directly to the recessionary period our
country experienced in the 1980s, he added.
Mr Farrell said Brian Cowen continued to pursue populist
policies as Finance Minister and accused him of stoking
the housing bubble which crashed our economy.
As Taoiseach, he signed up to water charges in an attempt
to help correct his own mess, he added.
On Barry Cowen, Mr Farrell said: He has led Fianna Fil's
policy on water and has flip-flopped from one position to
another - always for populist political reasons. Again the
best interests of our country have been held to ransom and
have come second to the best interests of Fianna Fil.

Bertie Ahern is a great politician. Whatever he did, or

may have allowed others to do in the course of his
time as Taoiseach, no one can deny that, at the
precision art that is politics, he is a consummate
master. He has three consecutive election wins under
his belt to prove it.
There has been further proof in recent days though,
where headlines, straws in the wind and a delicate
whiff of an election converged to allow the prospect
of a new Bertie-era to emerge.
Firstly, Bertie's old cumann in Dublin Central agreed,
by unanimous vote to invite him back into the party.
Bertie Ahern himself appeared to give conflicting
reports as to how involved he would like to be, but it
became clear that he feels that Fianna Fil needs
some help in Dublin and he would be the person with
the knowledge and experience to fulfill the role.
We asked our Claire Byrne Live/Amrach Panel what
they thought:

Should Fianna Fil allow Bertie Ahern to re-join the

party? 73% said no, only 19% said yes and 8% don't
Now, knowing all of that, fast-forward to later in the
week and the Irish Times/Ipsos MRBI poll, which
shows Fianna Fil on 30% support, on course to
become the biggest party in the state after the next
general election.
Underlying that number and the reason for the lift, is
the news that Fianna Fil support has grown
massively in Dublin, up to 29%. So now, Bertie's
prescience and the poll results begin to converge.
Fianna Fil needs to hold on to that growth in Dublin
and it needs to capitalise on it by turning it into seats.
How easy would it be for Bertie Ahern to win a seat in
Dublin Central? Not easy at all, according to our own
poll, but the Irish Times shows that support for
Fianna Fil is greatest amongst older voters, so that
might play well for any back to the future plans that
Mr Ahern might have.
With numbers like we see in that poll this week and
the tantalising prospect of returning as the largest
party, the obvious question is just how long Fianna
Fil will be content to remain as the only thing
propping up this Fine Gael-led government?
With their eyes cautiously on the prize Michel Martin
has indicated Bertie shouldn't expect a call from HQ
any time soon.
Watch Claire Byrne Live at 10.35pm this Monday on
RT One
Apply for audience tickets
Follow us at @clairebyrnelive and join the
conversation #cblive
Get in touch, email

Common sense prevails

in water charges deal

Michael Noonan labelled water charges a dead cat and urged his
party to get it off the agenda.
Michael Noonan labelled water charges a "dead cat" and
urged his party to get it off the agenda.
This particular dead cat appears to have more than nine
The end is in sight for water charges now, six years after
their introduction was first agreed by the Fianna Fil-led
government that presided over the economic collapse.

Free' education is too

costly for many parents
Half a century after the introduction of free education, the costs of
sending children to school are too high for many struggling

April 18 2017
Half a century after the introduction of free education, the
costs of sending children to school are too high for many
struggling families.
According to the Irish League of Credit Unions, the
average spend per child last year was 1,474 for a second-
level school and 967 at primary level. The league should
know as every year credit unions have to help countless
families get their children to school.
So too does Barnardos, which is campaigning for
legislation to ensure that no parent should have to pay for
books, materials or transport, at primary level at least.
Socialism programs need to be shrunk account the Republic Ireland
cannot afford the amounts needed to keep pace of the costs. Ireland
needs to end all tax exempt and tax money aid to private schools but to
built a true public school system which it never has had would benefit
the Republic of Ireland economics. Bear in mind that the real individual
citizen need just tax levels as many taxpayers are paying more then they
should as others are not paying their real just amount by the current tax
income law. The days of holy Ireland are long gone but government
must enhance certain laws with strong fixed penalties so that the society
receives justice making a better Republic of Ireland. Food for your
economic thought account changes are needed as economic change.
Socialism is part of the economic problem of the Republic of Ireland by
increase demand by people living beyond their economic means or just
wanting to live doing their own thing as no one going to tell them what
to do but wanting that free handout socialism.
So 31009 rises to E 35602 next year? Are you sure?

New rules aim to cut

cost of education for
Updated / Tuesday, 18 Apr 2017

Schools will be required to provide book rental schemes for

This is the actual article body
Minister for Education Richard Bruton is to publish
rules aimed at reducing the cost of education for
parents, with penalties for schools that do not
The Department of Education has issued a statement
saying a forthcoming circular to schools will require
them to ensure that school uniforms can be bought
from a variety of sources, by using for instance iron-
on or sew-on school crests.
Schools will also be required to provide book rental
schemes for students and to ensure that "where
possible" parents can purchase generic as opposed
to branded school items, such as computer tablets
and sports equipment.
The circular to schools will require them to review the
cost of items that parents must buy and to make this
information available to parents.
The statement says that where an exclusive supply
arrangement applies, it should be tendered for
It says schools that do not comply will receive a
smaller increase in funding towards the day-to-day
running costs of the school, known as capitation.
The circular to schools will be published in the
coming days and will be enforced from next
Speaking on RT's Today with Sean O'Rourke, Mr
Bruton said the rules are part of a wider suite
The minister also said that the announcement this
week of 2.4m in funding to encourage diversity in
teaching will encourage under-represented groups to
become taechers.

Reacting to the news, the president of the

Association of Secondary Teachers Ireland urged Mr
Bruton to address capitation grants, rather than
threatening schools with cuts, if they fail to reduce the
cost of items for parents.
Speaking on RT's Morning Ireland, Ed Byrne said
that he was in favour of reducing costs for parents
but pointed out that schools have seen a reduction in
funding over the past ten years.
Barnardos Chief Executive Fergus Finlay said it was
"long past time" that schools were told they had to
apply common sense when it came to the issue.
However, he said this measure does not involve any
new funding by the State.
Speaking on the same programme, he said it would
cost less than 100m to make primary school
education in Ireland free.
Mr Finlay said he did not understand why successive
ministers for education have failed to invest such a
small amount of money that would have long-term
economic effects.
The Society of St Vincent de Paul also welcomed the
announcement, but said the measures are not
sufficient to address the financial burden placed on
The organisation called for an increase to the
capitation grant, saying it would ultimately benefit
parents and children.
7 Questions for Frances Fitzgerald.. plus our offer to provide her
with more evidence for the McCabe / TUSLA / Gardai tribunal..
"In short Minister Fitzgerald, the public are absolutely sick and
tired of all the lies and deceptions; of your personal evasiveness
and double-speak; of the endemic corruption and hubris on
display; and of all of the usual devious tactics employed by you
and your ilk in the unlawful protection of those in corridors of
power who continue to abuse their positions of trust and authority
with arrogance, impunity and appalling moral contempt at the
great and everlasting cost to the integrity of our nation, to the trust
of the Irish people, and to the promise of future generations."

The Social Contract is broken? Wrong..
It was beaten to a pulp, torn to shreds and taken outside and
lined up against a wall and shot.
Such is the pervasive relentlessness of Neoliberalism...

Irelands social contract is broken

The countrys housing crisis, broadband problems and the growth of zero-
hour employment are all part of the Governments systemic failure to make
basic citizens rights a priority, says Social Justice Ireland.
I was humiliated by drug
driving arrest because of
my medication' - driver
hits out at new laws

April 20 2017

A motorist who failed one of the country's first roadside
drug driving tests has hit out at the new laws after he
claims his medication caused him to fail the test.
Alan Croghan spoke to Joe Duffy on RT's Liveline today
and outlined how he came to be tested and what happened
after he failed.
On Good Friday, at around 11pm, he said he was stopped
by gardai and was tested for alcohol and drugs on the N11.
He tested positive for benzodiazepines and opiates and
was arrested on suspicion of drug-driving, before being
brought to Bray garda station.
Mr Croghan said he has a number of prescriptions for
various medical reasons, including a liver transplant a
number of years ago.
"I'm on a litany of medications, none of which are mind-
altering," he told the broadcaster.
He takes more than 20 tablets per day, including Xanax
and Solpadine which he suspects may have negatively
affected his results on the test.
Mr Croghan gave a blood sample in the garda station
which will be tested further.
He claimed he was left in a "dirty, manky" cell for two
hours during the incident before being released at 2am
when he had to get a taxi back to his car, at a cost of 33.
"I just feel really, really hard done by," the author and
former journalist said.
"The doctor said to me: 'I'm after talking to you for the last
20 minutes your speech isn't slurred, your walking steady,
I'm after having the most articulate conversation I've had
with you. There is no way you are inebriated'," he said.
"People who are prescribed medications and don't abuse
them are going to be prosecuted... this is insane Joe," he
The garda press office said it was unable to comment on
individual cases.
A number of other listeners contacted Liveline expressing
concerns about whether their medication would cause
them to fail a drug-driving test.
At the much-heralded launch of the tests last week gardai
and safety chiefs attempted to answer a number of
questions to inform people taking prescribed medication.
An information leaflet is available here.
Can I drive when on medication?
It is against the law to drive under the influence of certain
drugs to the point that you cannot keep proper control
over the vehicle, including prescribed drugs.
According to the Road Safety Authority there are a
number of side-effects that may reduce your ability to
drive safely including: sleeping tablets, anti-depressants,
sedatives, some pain killers, some allergy or hay fever
medications, anti-nausea medications, some medications
for epilepsy.
People are advised to pay attention to leaflets included
with their medication and to check with their doctor or
pharmacists if they are concerned.
I take medication, how do I know if I should be
behind the wheel?
Garda advise people to speak to their pharmacist if they
are concerned about the medication they are taking.
Medications will contain advisory notes about whether
driving is likely to be affected.
People are also advised not to drive when first taking
medication in order to gauge if it is likely their driving will
be affected.
Drivers are also encouraged to be alert for tell-tale signs
that their driving is impaired.
I've failed a road-side test, now what?
Similar to drink driving tests you will be taken to your
nearest garda station for further testing. A blood sample
will be taken. If it returns with results showing opiates or
benzodiazepines you will be charged and taken to court.
It is expected that there will be "borderline cases", where
drivers who are on medication and fail the roadside test
will be shown to be within the legal limit after the second
What happens if I am convicted of drug driving?
The penalties for drug driving is a minimum one-year
driving disqualification if you are found to be above the
legal threshold for cocaine, cannabis or heroin.
A minimum of four years driving disqualification if you
are found to have drugs in your body and are impaired to
such an extent that you do not have proper control of a
vehicle and fines of up to 5,000 and up to six months in

Motorists can now be

tested for driving under
the influence of drugs

Ian Begley
April 12 2017
Motorists can now be tested for driving under the
influence of drugs following new laws introduced today.
A new drug detecting device can identify the presence of
cannabis, cocaine or heroine (benzodiazepines, and
opiate) following a saliva test by roadside gardai.
Those who test positive for narcotics face a four year
driving ban, a 5,000 fine and up to six months in prison.
Previously, gardai could not prosecute anyone they
suspected of being under the influence of drugs while
People who take prescribed drugs are also at risk of being
tested positive and prosecuted under the new legislation.
However, Prof Denis Cusack, director of the Medical
Bureau of Road Safety, emphasised that he does not want
to discourage people from taking their prescribed
It is against the law to drive under the influence of drugs,
including prescribed drugs, where your driving is impaired
to such an extent that you dont have proper control of the
vehicle, he said at the launch of the preliminary drug
testing scheme.
Drivers with medical conditions should continue to take
their prescribed medications in accordance with
healthcare advice and medical fitness-to-drive guidelines.
If you are taking prescription or over-the-counter
medicines under the advice of your doctor or pharmacist,
and so long as those medicines dont impair your driving,
you have nothing to be concerned about," he said.
The Medical Bureau for Road Safety (MBRS) found 24pc
of the 3,020 blood specimens it received in 2016 were
positive for drugs other than alcohol.
Cannabis was the most common drug found followed by
Of the tests that were positive for drugs, 91pc were male
drivers, with the majority aged between 17 and 44-years-
The new garda powers means officers can test motorists
for both alcohol and drugs at checkpoints on the States
Transport Minister Shane Ross, who announced the new
drug driving provisions in the Road Traffic Act 2016 said
that the new law will save lives.
It is estimated that drug driving is a factor in
approximately one in ten fatal crashes. Drug driving not
only puts the driver at risk but also passengers and others
who share the road.
The introduction of preliminary drug testing now
strengthens the ability of the garda to tackle the
Assistant commissioner Michael Finn said that while the
drug test is simple for roadside gardai to conduct, with
results revealed within 15 minutes.
There will be 86 drug screening devices located in Garda
stations nationally and 50 more available for use at the
roadside. he said.
Moyagh Murdock, chief executive of the Road Safety
Authority, said people driving under the influence of drugs
often overestimate their own ability to drive.
"Our own research shows that many drug users incorrectly
believe that certain drugs make them better drivers and
imagine themselves at low risk collision.
They also tend to overestimate their driving ability and
show little understanding of how drugs affect their
"Many have poor awareness of the impairing effects of
drugs and make bad decisions about driving as a result."
Gardai to be randomly
tested for illegal drugs
and alcohol
Thursday 20 April 2017

Garda face random drugs and alcohol testing as part of a

new programme, it has emerged.
It comes after a devastating week for the forces reputation
in which Garda Commissioner Nirn OSullivan warned
the scandal over a million phantom breath tests and
14,700 wrongful convictions would not be the last.
A spokesman told that "the introduction to
drugs and alcohol testing programme is not yet
"It will, when implemented involve random testing of
Garda Members and there is a consultation process
ongoing involving the Garda associations.
"The Gardas Modernisation and Renewal programme is
informed by the various Inspectorate reports and
Furthermore, the Irish Independent has previously
revealed that senior crime analysts launched a major
review into An Garda Sochnas murder statistics.
The National Bureau of Criminal Investigation (NBCI) is
probing whether more than 40 homicide cases have been
wrongly classified.
Among cases being examined are ones involving missing
persons, murder-suicides and the deaths of a small
number of children.
Meanwhile, mid-ranking Garda have demanded an
explanation after members were allegedly asked to amend
recorded checkpoint figures from six years ago.
A mail, sent to all members of the Association of Garda
Sergeants and Inspectors (AGSI) and seen by, reveals that members were contacted by
the Garda Information Services Centre in recent days with
a list of checkpoint incidents to be changed.
The confidential correspondence was written by AGSI
general secretary John Jacob and sent to sergeants and
inspectors on Friday afternoon.

Ms OSullivan is still facing the prospect of a vote of no

confidence in the Dil later this month following the
revelations surrounding traffic figures.

Garda figures for number

of breath tests carried out
were 'hugely exaggerated'

Tom Brady
March 22 2017
Gardai have admitted that figures posted on their official
website about the number of breath tests carried out on
drivers over three years were hugely exaggerated.
The wrong figures have been attributed to human error
and flaws in the system of compiling and logging the
According to garda officers, the increase on the real figures
ran into "thousands".
And in relation to one period, it was discovered that the
figures for roadside breath tests alleged to have been
carried out was bigger than the total number of
mouthpieces available to the force at that time.
A fresh mouthpiece must be used for each individual test,
an officer pointed out.
An investigation was carried out after the errors were
spotted in 2015.
As a result, breath tests figures for last year are accurate.
But the numbers published on the website for 2013, 2014
and 2015 all represented a significant increase on the
actual figures.
Gardai told that the errors had no impact
on the overall number of motorists recorded for failing a
breath test as the final analysis depended on the testing
that took place in the garda station.
But they acknowledged that the extent of the errors was
very embarrassing for the force.
As a result of the investigation, gardai said, the system
used to record the roadside tests had now been tightened
up and personnel had been warned to be more careful in
putting the figures together.
But investigators were satisfied that the false numbers
were not the result of a deliberate attempt to exaggerate
the number of tests but were due to a series of human
error and system flaws.
The full extent of the blunders will be revealed tomorrow
morning when gardai hold a media briefing on the website
Among those attending the briefing will be Assistant
Commissioner Michael Finn, who was appointed last year
to take charge of roads policing and major
event/emergency planning.
The briefing will also be used by the gardai to outline how
they are coping with previously identified problems with
issuing fixed charge notices for penalty point offences
through the post.
Many offenders facing penalty points had their offences
struck out in district court hearings after telling the judge
that they had not received their fixed penalty notices in the


Why the Irish government is

not required to implement
water charges on households
Opinion: Missing from this debate is real scrutiny of the
EU Water Framework Directive
Fri, Nov 21, 2014, 00:01
Kathy Sinnott

Water protesters shout at Jan OSullivan TD Minister for Education & Skills as
she crosses the street outside Leinster House, Dublin on Wednesday.
Photograph; Dara Mac Dnaill / The Irish Times
Despite all that has been said about water charges three
very important issues have been strangely absent from
the debate.
First, the Government claims it must charge for
domestic water because it is required to in the EU water
framework directive. This is not true.
EU directives are binding. Member states must
implement them through national legislation. Article 9
of the water framework directive requires charging for
domestic water. There is one exemption. It is known
within the European Commission as the Irish
Exemption because it was won by the Irish and only
Ireland qualifies for it. It is found in article 9.4 of the
In 2000, the Irish government brokered this exemption
and the inclusion of article 9.4 which formally and
legally absolves Ireland and only Ireland from the
requirement to charge for domestic water.
This Bertie Ahern government stood up to Brussels and
insisted that the Irish people have the water they need
uncharged. Among other points it took great pains to
explain our water-soaked climate to officials from dryer
member states.
As an MEP I brought this to the public attention in 2008
when the last government was introducing water charges
for schools. On April 17th of that year minister John
Gormley stated in the Dil that The only exemption
available to Ireland, and availed of, is contained in
article 9.4 and relates to dwelling houses using water for
ordinary household purposes.
At that time I was assured by the EU Commission that
the Irish Exemption was ours to keep. Brussels could
not take it away. In fact it could only end if Ireland
cancelled it. This exemption belongs to us, the people of
Ireland. It protects us from having an essential resource
financially controlled by private or public interests.
Mass protests
The Irish people in mass protests across the entire
country have made it clear that we do not agree to
domestic water charges. Although the Irish Exemption
is not widely known, the Irish people in their absolute
rejection of water charges have also made it clear that
they do not agree with cancelling this valuable
exemption. Once gone this exemption is gone for good.
It is evident from our Governments actions and
statements that it is attempting to cancel this exemption
without our consent or knowledge.
Our Constitution
This contravenes our Constitution. All powers of
government, legislative, executive and judicial, derive,
under God, from the people, whose right it is to . . . in
final appeal, to decide all questions of national policy,
according to the requirements of the common good.

NOTES: 1. All tokens are represented by '$' sign in the template. 2. You can
write your code only wherever mentioned. 3. All occurrences of existing
tokens will be replaced by their appropriate values. 4. Blank lines will be
removed automatically. 5. Remove unnecessary comments before creating
your template.

Water is unquestionably a primary requirement of the

common good. The EU water framework directive
informs our national water legislation. The directive
gives the EU control of all water in Europe. This includes
the water that falls from the sky, that flows in rivers,
springs and underground, water that fills our wells, lines
our coasts and stretches out to sea and presumably the
water that makes up 60 per cent of our bodies.
It is this claim to EU ownership of a God-given resource,
essential to humans, plants and animals which is so
dangerous. It allows government to act as if water is its
to control; to lease, to sell, to contract and tax.
Finally, the requirement of the directive to charge for
essential use of water in homes, schools, and hospitals is
based on the UN polluter pays principle. This is a false
premise when applied to the essential everyday use of
This principle may be applicable for industrial
processing and those who abuse water by contaminating
and wasting it. But it is absolutely wrong to define in law
every use of water as polluting and to define anyone
who uses water as a polluter. We must have water. It is
a requirement of life. In fact our use of water is part of
natures water cycle which replenishes and refreshes
water. It is an insult to our human dignity to be deemed
a polluter because we wash or take a drink of water.
The Government cannot be allowed to cancel the hard
won Irish Exemption. Since the Government is not
acting on our behalf nor is it acting on behalf of the EU,
why and for whom is it trying to force us to pay for
Kathy Sinnott was an MEP from 2004 to 2009 and
member of the European Parliaments environment,
public health and food safety committee
JUST IN: RTEs Katie Hannon has broken a story about a second
garda whistleblower who says a case about him was referred to
Tusla as part of a campaign of harassment against him by a
senior garda.
Hannon writes that she has seen correspondence showing that
Frances Fitzgerald was in correspondence with the garda about
the child protection Tusla notification, which was made by one of
his superiors in An Garda Sochna. The HSE said there was no
evidence of abuse in the case.
LIVEBLOG: Political turmoil is unfolding right now
over the Maurice McCabe whistleblowing smears
Pressure is increasing on government ministers and Tusla this afternoon.
Maurice McCabe and the Cancer that is Fine Gael, Fianna Fail
and Labour. Is there a way forward:- by Seamus Maye...
With our country drowning in corruption, incompetence and
raw naked greed without any moral compass whatsoever, one
wonders how we can even attempt to bring change about.
How do you change a deeply toxic culture that is resolutely
embedded in such pillars of our society as Fine Gael, Fianna
Fil, Labour, the Banks, the Garda, the Legal sector and as we
know the Catholic Church itself?mFine Gael has just taken a
whack in the poles but what does that mean; well, that Fianna
Fail went the opposite way. The pair, oft described as two
cheeks of the same backside or Tweedledum and Tweedledee
have oft handed out crumbs to The Labour Party, often
referred to as FG /FF's mud-flap. Its hard to argue with
that.mFine Gael has shown itself to be the party of Goldman
Sachs, Globalization and Federalization. Its most recent
forefathers include one John Bruton and one Peter Sutherland.
Fine Gael has seamlessly taken the role of implementers /
enforcers for Davos, Bilderberg and the ECB, whose role in the
banking crash and in driving towards federalizing Europe can
best be described as extremely dubious, if not dangerous. The
recent Canadian Trade Deal (CETA) will drive thousands of
farmers from the land (part of the plan).mFine Gael, Fianna Fil
and Labour have treated Maurice McCabe and his family with
utter derision. It was only when they were caught in the
headlights that the scandal took a twist.mBut a Tribunal of
Inquiry? For Gods sake, Tribunals have served only as can
kicking mechanisms to get serious issues off the Cabinet
table. They have also proved adept at making multi-
millionaires out of dozens of lawyers. Ultimately, Tribunals
serve little or no purpose. Memories fade, no one goes to jail;
no-one loses their job or pension. Tribunal findings cannot
even be used in a Court of Law; just ask Denis OBrien or
Michael Lowry or even Enda Kenny.mMaurice McCabes good
name has, I believe, been fully vindicated, at least in the minds
of all right thinking and balanced people. Clearly though, there
are people that should be incarcerated and for lengthy spells
at that; this is the only way that we can ever give effect to a
culture change. We must provide a powerful disincentive to
corruption, incompetence, cronyism, patronage and
capture.mWe need an independent crack squad of police
enforcers; sad to say, it must be drawn from outside this
jurisdiction and it should now be well on its way into a full-
scale criminal investigation of the Maurice McCabe affair,
including Tulsa, the most senior Garda in the land and the role
of Politicians in this vile scandal. Anything else is just another
inane farce.mIs seems that Fine Gael, Fianna Fil and Labour are
unable or unwilling to cure themselves so we the people must
take on the task and that means kicking them where it counts,
at the ballot box.
State Criminality and Maurice McCabe, by Seamus Maye:
Please be assured that the level of vile state corruption
unearthed over the past week is merely the tip of the iceberg
in this sorry state. Our Taoiseach Enda Kenny heads up a
protection racket that gives carte blanche to an elite class in
Ireland to operate outside the law.
The socio economic well being of our people does not register
with Fine Gael Fianna Fil and Labour Party. They just don't
give a damn.
Put yourself into Enda Kenny's mind for a
matter what happens, he gallops off into the sunset with circa
3k per week of a pension. This is not just sad, it's pure
sick.mEnda Kenny should take himself off to the Phoenix Park
and dissolve this shamefully incompetent government.mFine
Gael's coalition partner, Fianna Fil will then lead the next
government (frying pan and fire come to mind).mWe need to
find a way to bring to an end this rotten underbelly of
corruption and criminality that has held our people to ransom
for so many years now.mRemember the Beef (Hamilton)
Tribunal, McCracken Tribunal, Moriarty Tribunal, Mahon
(Flood) Tribunal, no one was incarcerated as a result but many
lawyers became mega rich while the can was taken off Cabinet
table and kicked down the road.mMajor culture change needed.

Garda in Ireland are inept & completely corrupt. Disgraceful it's not my
jurisdiction comment.

Seamus Maye outlines some issues that should be put to Enda
Kenny tomorrow at a public meeting in Sligo...
Taoiseach Enda Kenny & Public Meeting re BREXIT in Sligo Friday
February 10th 2017.
So, Enda Kenny is to come out of hiding and face up to the wholly
disgruntled public tomorrow. Unfortunately, I will be unable to
attend due to a prior commitment. I can see this meeting being
carefully stage managed and confined only to issues surrounding
BREXIT. What does Enda Kenny, Mairead Mc Guinness or Tony
Mc Loughlin know about BREXIT? No more than you or I, I dare
The best we can do is to prepare as best we can for any new
socio- economic parameters that BREXIT may bring about. We
must make our country as efficient as possible, as competitive as
possible and strive to create a new socio-economic well-being for
all our citizens. We must be robust and imaginative; we must
move to place integrity and transparency at the heart of
everything we do. We must slash the gargantuan pensions of
former failed politicians, many of whom earn up to 3k per week.
We must also bring an end of the culture of reward and
entitlement that gave disgraced Fs Director General, Roddy
Molloy a severance and pension package amounting to
3.8million and disgraced former Financial Regulator, Patrick
Neary received a severance of 390k and a pension worth 130k
per year (not bad eh, if Mr. Neary had been in Iceland, I have no
doubt he would still be eating porridge).
Those of you who know me will appreciate that I dont do criticism
for criticisms sake. I back my views up with facts, figures and my
own wide experience. Indeed, my extended family on all sides
would be known as Fine Gael supporters. So, it was with a heavy
heart that I felt compelled to out the truth about Enda Kenny and
his colleagues. I had never heard anything like the lies and
deception purveyed by Enda Kenny and Fine Gael prior to the
2011 general election.
In my lifetime, the current government is by some distance, the
worst I have seen. There are a few reasons for this, national
governments nowadays operate to an agenda; unfortunately, the
agenda is not the wishes of the electorate or indeed in the best
interests of citizens. God knows where the agenda is created, I
suspect at Davos and Bilderberg and other subsidiary secret
meetings; I would say Goldman Sachs could tell us a thing or two
about agendas. The ECB and EU Commission then promote the
anti-citizen agenda, e.g. TTIP and CETA and indeed the banking
crash. CETA, a so-called trade deal but in real terms a Corporate
power grab is due to be voted on next Wednesday in the EU
Parliament. FG are party to this secretive deal which will put
BREXIT in the hapenny place. If you ask questions about CETA
on Friday, you will NOT be told the truth.
What has all this to do with Enda Kenny, BREXIT and the Sligo
Park Hotel. Well everything really. Last time I was at a meeting in
the Sligo Park was at a pre GE16 gathering of the farming
community and the GE16 candidates. Several farmers raised the
issue of cartels squeezing the life out of farmers. I was astounded
when a member of the then FG / Labour government stated that
unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about the cartels.
Seriously, nothing we can do about criminal price fixing cartels,
well then BREXIT should be the least of our worries.
In January 2015, Commissioner Phil Hogan spoke about his
determination to tackle the problems in the food supply chain
which mean that consumers pay too much for groceries and
farmers pay too much for inputs such as fertiliser, even at a time
of falling prices. Big Phil comes out with some good ones! Then
there is the CAP, supposedly designed to aid farmers but Larry
Goodman and a small number of immensely rich business people
cream off the lions share of CAP payments. Larry is estimated to
receive 483k per year whilst the average paid to farmers is 12k.
Little wonder Larry could afford the beautiful grand piano in the
foyer of the Galway Clinic.
Mairead Mc Guinness MEP masquerades as a friend to the
farmers whereas in reality, she is a friend to everyone that is
screwing farmers. Irish farming cannot possibly compete with
Brazil, Argentina, Canada, the U.S. because input costs are
artificially high and too much power rests with processors and
supermarket multiples more questions for Enda and Mairead.
Indeed, it is wake up time for the IFA.
Finland has commenced construction of a new 107,000 square
metre hospital costing 300m while Irelands never never
childrens hospital is now estimated to cost well over 1bn
questions here too that override anything BREXIT can throw at us.
On Government estimates, the present loss to the economy from
criminal price fixing and market manipulation is close to 7bn per
year or more than 4k per household per year. Fine Gael allows
these criminal cartels to operate with impunity a lot bigger
problem than BREXIT.
As many will now, I have written extensively about the problems
with our economy, with our political system, with legal corruption
and incompetence. I laid out most of the issues in a detailed letter
to Deputy Tony Mc Loughlin (copied to Enda Kenny) prior to
GE16. NO RESPONSE whatsoever from Fine Gael.
Since then we have had the Apple Tax decision and Fine Gael in
partnership with their siamese twin Fianna Fil and mud-flap
Labour have come up with an inane interpretation of the
Commissions decision. Their interpretation is wrong period.
However, the 13bn plus interest is safely parked in Apples
account for the moment. I shudder to think how the money would
be squandered if it fell into the hands of this inept group.
And finally, there is the whole question of Irelands continued
membership of the EU. That is something that needs to be
discussed. The Euro is a busted flush; they are just kicking the
can down the road. Against the wishes of EU citizens, the EU is
galloping towards federalization, thats why our pillar banks were
bailed out. Fianna Fil told us that the Irish banking sector was of
systemic importance to the economy; the truth is that the
privately-owned pillar banks were of systemic importance to
themselves but wielded unbelievable lobbying power.
Ireland is now watching over the desecration of its marine
resources and is hell bent on destroying rural Ireland. We have
lost our Nation State and I for one am going to fight to take it
back, preferably through wholesale reform of how the EU project
is being run.
Anyone travelling to the Sligo Park Hotel tomorrow should leave
early, the train from Dublin that should take two hours takes three
and then there is little better than a laneway, if you are travelling
from Galway and no train, or you can take your chances on the
dangerous and totally inadequate N4. You see, thats what Enda
Kenny, Mairead Mc Guinness and Tony Mc Loughlin think of us
folk in the North West second class citizens.
If anyone is interested in having a copy of my GE16 letter to Fine
Gael or my brief on the Apple Tax decision, please message me
with e-mail address. They may prove helpful if anyone is planning
on attending tomorrow.

In the second of a series of revealing insights, The Seamus
Maye Files shed some light on "The Recovery" and asks
whether the people of Castlebar have a good reason to
2 February 2016
Please Share if you are of like or similar mind
Are you watching Fine Gael, Tony Mc Loughlin, John Perry, Imelda Henry,
Richard Bruton and last but not least our leader Enda Kenny.
In case you Fine Gael have a difficulty reading, it says:- THE BEST SMALL
So much for Enda's new politics - new culture. Shame on you and Shame on
you again. You will be hearing a lot more on this from me in the coming days.
Anyone wishing to help out in the campaign to expose the rotten underbelly
of Fine Gael by way of advertising trailers, 8x4 posters and printing, please
contact me.

I have written a letter to the Mayor of Donegal. In this letter I accuse the
Council of withholding legal information in relation to advice on the
handling of the Cllr O Donnell and the RTE investigates programme.
I requested that the power obtained by the Mayor through the members
of Donegal County Council when he was elected now be used to ask that
Liam Ward, who was acting on behalf of Joe People's and the Council
Executive to publish and hand over to Cllr Mc Brearty the legal opinion
given to the Council by its legal advisers.
I referred to a similar situation when I was Mayor concerning the untrue
allegations made against a member of the Council and the former County
Manager made by former member; Cllr Brendan Bynre. Mr Ward at that
time advised me not to take the actions I did. Mr Ward advised me
against reading into the record about the false allegations made. I
refused and insisted Mr. Ward would have to read it into the record and if
he didn't I would. Mr. Ward then proceeded to read the information into
the record at my request. The scandal made the local papers at the time.
It is now my opinion that the council has something to hide concerning
Cllr John O'Donnell and this was seen in the way that my Motion was not
ruled out of order at the Corporate Policy Group (CPG) or at the Council
meeting but was undermined by the Council Executive and 20 members
of the Council that voted for Cllr Ian McGarvey's counter proposal.
I am 7 years on the Council and never had any member try to undermine
my motion which was opposed by 20 members that supported Ian Mc
Garvey's counter proposal. In my opinion the advice given by Mr Ward
through the Council's legal team cast doubt on my valid motion. I believe
the legal advice Liam Ward gave the council on that day was to do with
us as members trying to remove Cllr O'Donnell as a member of the
council. What my motion was about was to ask the members to remove
him from all committees given to him by the members and the members
The members of Donegal County Council gave Cllr O Donnell the
committees that he represents the council on and the elected members
can remove him from those committees at any time as long as the
resolution of the council has passed.
I call on the Mayor, to act independently in the Chair, it is his
responsibility and I am now requesting that the ethics registrar Mr Joe
Peoples excuse himself from any investigation he is conducting due to
the conflict of interest between Cllr O Donnell and the Council Executive.
This is due to Cllr O Donnell's membership of the council where he has to
work with them every day and in particular as a member of the Corporate
Policy Committee.
I feel that the Mayors position and the position of the CEO Mr Seamus
Neely are compromised by allowing the special meeting to go ahead on
the 11th Dec 2015 in relation to the investigation of the RTE programme
about Cllr O Donnell.
I have requested that the legal advice given to the Council executive to
allow that meeting to go ahead be made public.
The Mayor Cllr Ciaran Brogan is the only person with the power to grant
my request and overrule the council executive. I also requested that the
mayor release to all the members, the Byrne Scandal, for their
information and in particular the new members.
The public demand accountability which I will give them.

Harry Rea's Lisbon Treaty Supreme Court challenge will take

place on Monday next, 23rd November, at 11.00am, in the Four
Case: 437/09 Rea -v- Ireland and ors
At 11.00 o'clockFor Hearing- The Chief Justice- Mr. Justice
Hardiman- Mr. Justice Charleton
This case arises from the application lodged in 2009 which
questions the so called "Lisbon Guarantees".
Many of Ireland's current and worsening social, economic and
legal maladies can be traced to the unlawful so-called "Lisbon II"
which was foisted on the people of Ireland by deception, after
"Lisbon I" was defeated.
Harry Rea has asked for visible support at the court on Monday
This is a brave and unselfish man who, 7 years ago, lodged this
case which has been frustrated at every level by the 'State' and
which is only now getting to the Supreme Court.
He is doing this, with nothing to gain personally, but on our behalf
in the hope that he can rectify something that is morally, politically
and lawfully wrong.
The National Land League of Ireland has provided content to
assist homeowners who are currently dealing with mortgage
arrears. This content consists of a 3-part video information
series by Dr. Finbar Markey covering (i) the
arrears/administrative process, (ii) the court/litigation process
and (iii) defending your home after a possession order has
been made.
It also features a 30-minute interview with Sandra Daly from
Mullingar. Sandra, who comes from a compliance background
within the banking sector, talks about her recent victory
against her mortgage lender AND explains why she believes
the CCMA (Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears) is the most
powerful tool available to homeowners taking on their bank.
The National Land League of Ireland has
provided content to assist homeowners
who are currently dealing with mortgage
arrears. This content consists of a 3-part
video information series by Dr. Finbar
Markey covering (i) the
arrears/administrative process, (ii) the
court/litigation process and (iii) defending
your home after a possession order has
been made.
It also features a 30-minute interview with
Sandra Daly from Mullingar. Sandra, who
comes from a compliance background
within the banking sector, talks about her
recent victory against her mortgage lender
AND explains why she believes the
CCMA (Code of Conduct on Mortgage
Arrears) is the most powerful tool
available to homeowners taking on their
Module I Arrears
In this Module we will look at an overview of the
Dealing with Mortgage Arrears & Arrears Collection
Process, from the point that you first fall into arrears,
until youre taken to court. We will look at the banks
obligations under the Central Banks Code of Conduct
on Mortgage Arrears (CCMA), including the
Mortgage Arrears Resolution Process (MARP) and
discuss how best to read and respond to banking letters.

Module II The Court Process

In this Module we will look at how the Circuit court
process works, from the point that you first receive a
summary summons (Civil Bill), to the role of the
Registrars court and on to the judges list. We will
discuss various techniques, which you can use to slow
down the court process for months and even years,
allowing you valuable breathing space in order to
Module III After a Possession
In this Module we will look at the various reasons for
appealing a possession order granted in the Circuit
Court, as well as the appeals process itself. We will talk
about the process of entering a motion for an extension
of time to appeal an order, and how to obtain a stay on
an order to postpone the carrying out of an eviction.
Finally we will discuss how to engage with the sheri
and encourage them to hold o on executing the eviction
periodically, whilst paperwork is being prepared for an
properly defend your home. We will remind you of the
banks obligations to their customers and show you
how to prepare and enter a robust defence.

Module IV Homeowners Guide

30-minute interview with Sandra Daly from Mullingar.
Sandra, who comes from a compliance background
within the banking sector, talks about her recent victory
against her mortgage lender AND explains why she
believes the CCMA (Code of Conduct on Mortgage
Arrears) is the most powerful tool available to
homeowners taking on their bank.
Support for Homeowners in Mortgage Arrears
Sep 14, 2015
The N.L.L.I has produced content to assist homeowners who are currently
dealing with mortgage arrears. This content consists of a 3-part video
information series by Dr. Finbar Markey covering (i) the
arrears/administrative process, (ii) the court/litigation process and (iii)
defending your home after a possession order has been made.
It also features a 30-minute interview with Sandra Daly from Mullingar.
Sandra, who comes from a compliance background within the banking
sector, talks about her recent victory against her mortgage lender AND
explains why she believes the CCMA (Code of Conduct on Mortgage
Arrears) is the most powerful tool available to homeowners taking on
their bank.

Click link below and login to watch videos...

Thanks to a certain individual who does not like the limelight,
this case being essentialy their case and the foundation stone
upon which many Irish people's property interests will be
saved, let me say that this person should be hailed as a true
hero to all those fighting to keep their properties.
The Court agreed with Mr. English and found that he had a
right to see proof of the transfer of the mortgage to PAL
before surrendering control of the property. It noted that
registration of the transfer document in the Registry of Deeds
was not an assurance that PAL had good title.

Edmund Honohan is one of the most respected men in the
High Court. He always wants to help homeowners whenever
he can. Here are his thoughts on how to deal with the housing
crisis in Ireland.
Thanks to Meterman for the clip.
This country is not run by a "Golden Circle". It's run like a stinking
onion consisting of layers. Each eye watering smelly layer, from
the center out, or top down, is part of the whole stinking onion
and each layer is protected by each outer layer in order to keep
the whole onion from rotting right to the center core.
The rest of us? We are just the loose brown paper-like wrapper
that surrounds and protects that onion that is eventually
discarded in the bin....

From the 'Public Banking Forum of Ireland'...
The Central Bank of Ireland; Public or Private?
Does it work in the public interest?
In 1939 Sen T OKelly was appointed Minister of Finance.
He secured the passing of The Central Bank Act1942.
On July 17th 1942, at the fifth and final stage of the Dil debate on
the Central Banking Bill, he argued that the owner of the credit
issued by the Central Bank of Ireland should be the private
property of the joint stock banker and not the property of the
people of Ireland.
This debate was carried, with just five TDs present in the Dil.
The owners of the credit (the countrys money supply) issued by
the CBoI is the private property of the stock bankers, not the
people of Ireland.
The Irish people do not own the countries money supply. It is the
private property of the CBoI stock bankers.
The CBoI is now controlled by the ECB.
Up to the passing of The Central Bank Act1942 credit creation
was controlled by Currency Commission.
Does it matter?
The passing of The Central Bank Act1942 has meant that all
credit/money since has been issued by the CBoI as debt with
interest due on it through the Private Banks in Ireland; the only
exception to this is the 4% notes and coins in the economy, 96%
of money in the economy is now electronic; digits on a computer.
The interest paid to private banks is taken out of the community
and often out of the country. Interest averages out between 35 to
45%, ranging from 12% on refuse collection to 75% on rented
accommodation. (Prof Margrit Kennedy)
The US FED (The US Central Bank) was also set up in similar
dodgy circumstances in 1913.
Retrieving the situation:
The creation of credit for the benefit of the people, lost to the
CBoI in 1942 and later transferred to the ECB is returned to the
people by the introduction of Public Banks. The interest charged
on loans from the Public Bank is used for two purposes;
1. To increase equity in the Public Bank (No bonuses paid) and
2. Any excesses are returned to the community in the form of
grants for social projects. (No private shareholder return)
The credit can be focused towards the productive needs of the

Mr. James Dillon a Donegal TD vigorously opposed the Central

Bank Act 1942.
Random quotes from James Dillon TD in the Dil debate.
Mr. Dillon: I am out to prove now (1) that credit money exists; and
(2) that that credit money belongs to us and not to the joint stock
banks, and that we and not the board of directors of the joint
stock banks should be the authority to determine what is to be
done with that asset.
Mr. Dillon: I am talking about credit money and I want to
demonstrate what credit money is. I say that it is the very heart
and soul of the Bill where the ownership of that credit money
lies. I say that the Bill places that ownership with the joint stock
bankers. I contend that it is our property and surely I am entitled
to claim that it is? On what other Stage can I deal with it. I am
saying that what is in the Bill is the allegation that that money
belongs to the bank. I am claiming it now for myself and my
fellow-citizens. Is that not in order?
Full debate in the Dil:
Dil ireann - Volume 88 - 17 July, 1942 - Committee on Finance.
- Central Bank Bill, 1942Fifth Stage. (Sen T OKelly is referred
to as Mr. O Ceallaigh in the debate)

Gardai Lash Out At NAMA Protest
The protest was organised by Wexford Housing Action Group
(a member of the Irish Housing Network) and a range of
community members and activists from Wexford, Wicklow and
Dublin, who intended to stop an auction of NAMA properties.
Thanks to John Rooney for capturing the event on video. And
more more details (and the video in full), check out this article.

Women 'warriors illegally taking apart #IrishWater meters and

posting their work online
"The group have claimed they do not accept water meters
A group of women have allegedly joined forces to illegally
remove water meters.
A video shows them taking the hated items out of the ground
in an unknown location.
The Women Water Warriors Facebook page already has
hundreds of likes and appears to be gathering support.
The group, which only started on Thursday, have claimed they
do not accept water meters.
They posted along with the video, which has been liked almost
1,000 times in less than 12 hours: We are a collective of
women, coming together for civil disobedience, and direct
action, in the removal of water meters, because we already
pay for our water.
We do not accept that 133 litres is in anyway whatsoever
sufficient for a daily allowance.
We refuse to stand by and allow our water become a
commodity to be sold.
The continuation of meter installation, confirms our belief,
that every meter installed is a step closer to privatization.
We have been betrayed by our elected representatives, with
false promises.
We will continue with the removal of meters, as our
democratic right to to have a peoples referendum, to enshrine
our water in our constitution is being denied to the people of
Let the people decide, give us our referendum. Women Water
People have commented on the video with their support.
One wrote: Life is very short. Fair play to these women for
doing something they believe in.
I would rather tell my grand kids that I fought a worthy fight
win or fail.
While another said: Agree 100% nobody should be made to
pay for water, it is everyones right.
Under the Water Services Act 2007, it is an offence to
remove, damage, or impair the proper working of a water

Irish soldiers depend on loan sharks and welfare
payments to support their families
Family members gathered outside barracks all across the country today to
highlight pay issues.
Christmas doesnt stop because their wages arent good enough,
Easter doesn't stop because we cant afford it this year. These
things have to be done and loan sharks and debt collectors have
to become our friends.
"We need to get by every day and when the big things come, if
we cant find money, thats where you have to turn to and then
the money has to be paid back."
Spouses and partners of Defence Force members protested
outside barracks all across the country today to highlight pay
issues. They say 20% of enlisted members are now in receipt of
Family Income Support just to make ends meet.

'This is an insult to abuse
survivors' - Protesters on
the ownership of the new
National Maternity

People gather to protest against plans to allow Sisters of Charity to

own new National Maternity Hospital
Amy Molloy
April 20 2017
The Catholic Church should have no involvement in
women's health care, according to protesters gathered in
Dublin today.
Dozens of people took part in a protest outside the
Department of Health this afternoon, calling on Minister
Harris to prevent the ownership of the new National
Maternity Hospital going to the Sisters of Charity.
The protest was organised by Councillor ilis Ryan of the
Workers Party, who said Mr Harris should be "spending
less time on Twitter" and more time negotiating.
"It's grand to be telling us there's nothing to worry about
on Twitter, but we would prefer if you actually got
involved in negotiations and didn't leave it to doctors to
make public health statements."
Minister Harris has come under strong criticism since it
was announced that the ownership of the new 300m
National Maternity Hospital - which will be funded by the
tax payer - will be handed over to the controversial
religious order.
A married couple who travelled up from Kildare for the
protest said "it would be an insult to abuse survivors" to
allow the Sisters of Charity to have ownership of the

People gather to protest against plans to allow Sisters of Mercy to

own new National Maternity Hospital
"I wasn't allowed in with my wife when she gave birth to
our child because nuns said it wasn't right. They should be
allowed to have any involvement.
"It is also a slap in the face for abuse victims."
Sisters of Charity ran some of the notorious Magdalene
Laundries workhouses and were ordered to pay the State
5m towards redress for abuse victims.
The order has not fulfilled this obligation and still owes
the state 3m.
A nationwide protest is due to take place outside a number
of hospitals on Saturday, including St Vincent's Hospital
where the new maternity hospital is due to be built.

Prone confirms she sent the email, but says theres

absolutely no difference between the substance of it and
public pronouncements made by the Bon Secours sisters.
The sisters never knew anything about it, she says.
In November news emerges that a second burial ground has
been found at the Tuam mother and baby home. The site
was also found by Corless, who tells Morning Ireland that it
is a continuation of the first site.
The work of the Commission of Investigation into Mother
and Baby Homes gets underway, as the makeup of the panel
is confirmed by Minister James Reilly.
The three commissioners are:
Judge Yvonne Murphy (Commission
International legal expert on child protection and
adoption Dr William Duncan
Historian Professor Mary E Daly
The establishment of the commission had to be approved by
the Dil and the Seanad, before it was announced.
Reilly said:
This is a significant moment as the Commission can now
start the process to ensure that what was once hidden and
covered up in these Homes, and in wider society, can be
revealed and openly acknowledged.
This investigation is an opportunity for Irish society to
address the often harrowing manner in which vulnerable
women and children were treated in mother and baby
homes, how they came to be there in the first place and the
circumstances of their departure from the homes.
Baby Homes has discovered a significant number of human
remains in what appears to be a decommissioned sewage
chamber in Tuam.
The Commission has completed two test excavations of the
Galway site and today confirmed that significant quantities
of human remains have been discovered in a structure
which appears to be related to the treatment/containment
of sewerage and/or wastewater.
The structure where the remains were found is long and
divided into 20 chambers. The Commission is not yet clear if
it was ever used for sewerage or wastewater.

How candid cameras

caught gardai in video
Garda Corcoran was charged with assaulting three protesters.
During his trial he admitted using excessive force on a protester
who he hit on the head with his baton. However, he said he meant
to hit the mans arm in order to protect a colleague. A jury cleared
him of assault at the trial in 2004.""

The camera phone has become the
protesters best friend - but if top
ranked Gardai get their way it will
soon be illegal to photographing or
film members of the force and share
the images online in a way that
identifies officers.

When violence broke out at a Reclaim the Streets march

in Dublin in 2002, Garda Donal Corcoran was videoed
using his baton on protesters while not displaying his
garda ID number on his shirt.
He was dubbed Robocop after pictures of the incident
were published in the media, while the then Taoiseach
Bertie Ahern described the events of the day as heavy-
Garda Corcoran was charged with assaulting three
protesters. During his trial he admitted using excessive
force on a protester who he hit on the head with his baton.
However, he said he meant to hit the mans arm in order
to protect a colleague. A jury cleared him of assault at the
trial in 2004.
The Garda Ombudsman launched an investigation in
March 2015 after another officer was videoed arresting a
homeless man while holding pepper spray and standing
on him as he waited for back-up to arrive on Dublins
Henry Street.
The man who videoed the incident complained that the
officer was heavy-handed and seemed to suggest he used
his spray while the offender was handcuffed.
However, GSOC found the officer used justified and
proportionate force in making the arrest. They said CCTV
evidence backed up the officers version of events.
It transpired the arrested man was intoxicated, had been
aggressive to the garda and had grabbed the officers
pepper spray. The garda got the spray back and had to
use it on the man who was trying to kick and punch him.
There was no evidence to suggest the garda used pepper
spray after the man was handcuffed. The arrested man
later said he was so drunk he had no recollection of the
incident and made no complaint.
In March, a Garda Sergeant described to a court how he
was viciously assaulted in Henry Street while onlookers
stood back and filmed with their phones.
Two 16-year-old boys pleaded guilty to the attack, which
occurred on June 18 last year.
One teenager pulled the sergeants bicycle helmet over
his face and hit him in the head, before punching him on
the ground in the face and head. When he managed to
restrain the youth, the officer was kicked by the other teen.
After a man was shot at the Smithfield Horse Fair in 2011,
garda were very visibly present at the 2012 Fair. One
unlucky officer was trying to check the tag of a horse when
the visibly-excited animal tried to mount the garda.
Another colleague had to come to his aid, but the incident
was caught in a sequence of pictures and went viral, with
many anti-Garda commentators making cruel jibes about
the incident.
Gardai were caught on camera joking about raping a Shell
to Sea protester in Mayo after they seized her pocket
camera not realising it was still recording in March 2011.
GSOC found there were no grounds for any criminal case,
but recommended one garda be internally disciplined. By
the time GSOC made their recommendation the next year
the officer had retired.
In the tape, one garda says: She refused to give her
name and address and was told she would be arrested.
A colleague responds: And deported.
Before another adds: And raped.
His colleague says: I wouldnt go that far yet, she was
living down at that crusty camp. F**ks sake, you never
know what you might get.
Cameras were constantly used to record garda during the
water charge rallys. GSOCs annual report last year found
garda acted proportionately in the vast majority of
In another case, two garda were initially convicted of
assaulting a man who started filming officers breaking up
a fight outside the Cat and Cage pub in Drumcondra.
Shell to Sea protester Eoin Lawless said he was dragged
against a van and kneed in the legs when he refused to
hand over his camera.
He said the garda then took his camera and deleted the
footage. The garda were fined over the matter, but
successfully appealed the case.

In an unrelated incident an as yet unnamed garda is

believed to have appeared in some questionable online

Garda blue movie star
made two filthy flicks with
By Morgan Flanagan Creagh

April 20, 17
The Munster based cop who is at the centre
of the Carla4Garda online porn scandal is
believed to have starred in a second candid
clip with the notorious man hunter.
The family man, who bonked swinger Carla on the bonnet
of a squad car is under investigation over the incident,
however, top brass now believed that he starred in a
second raunchy romp flick.
Bosses have identified the cop in question from the
footage which appeared online,

Reports indicate that officers will be questioning the
detective over unauthorised use of a police vehicle.
A source said: This is more of a disciplinary issue rather
than anything illegal.
Bosses want to know if he took the car unbeknownst to
his superiors at a specific time.
So they will try and establish that before asking anything
about the sex on the bonnet.
The family man appeared on adult website PornHub on
Saturday night.
However, those clips have since been removed, much to
the distain of Carla4Garda who today hit out about the
removal of her clips.

They have pulled all the videos, she told the Irish Daily
Star, Ive heard nothing from (Pornhub) not a message.
F**k all, she said.
Not to worry though there is plenty more where they
came from.
Reports indicate that the clips were removed after a
complaint was lodged with the websites administrators.
35-year-old Carla, who lives in Cork, also featured in a
three way sex session with two men who are believed to
have been from the Air Corps.
In the clip one of the men is dressed in army fatigues,
sporting Irish DPM camouflage, while the other gent,
wearing a Defence Forces Ireland t-shirt, gives the thumbs
up to the camera.

When contacted by the Sunday World in relation to the
clips a spokesman declined to comment on whether the
men were indeed members of the forces.
Carla, who has a fetish for men in uniforms claims to have
uncovered a niche in the market when she couldnt find
any Garda porn online.
I am a very sexual person, she said.
One of my interests is policemen. When I went looking for
garda porn, I couldnt find any.
In the U.K they have police porn or fake police porn. Here
there is nothing.
I thought, Why not kill two birds with one stone and earn
a little bit of money from it?
But it is still a hobby. Some people like crocheting I like
f**king policemen and putting it on the internet.
Why not kill two birds with one stone and earn a little bit of
money from it?
But it is still a hobby. Some people like crocheting I like
f**king policemen and putting it on the internet.
Carla, who is originally from the UK has been living in
Ireland for five-years.
THE Defence Forces have refused to
comment after a buxom swinger posted
videos of her allegedly engaged in a sordid
devils threesome with what are believed to
be two Irish soldiers.
The woman in question, whose online username alludes
to her love for cops, can also be seen wearing what is
believed to be a garda jacket while performing oral sex on
a man in a series of shock hard core clips.
On her online profile she claims that there's just
something incredibly sexy about being f****ed by a man of
the law and how "they know what I want and they give it
The swinger also has a lust for submissive men, has a
plantation fantasy and is currently looking for men to
work for her cleaning out drains and ditches using only a
spade while also being whipped and shouted at and
made to work in all conditions rain sun and snow bare

Within the online cache of filthy footage, a clip can be

found showing a man, gagged and face down on the bed.
There is some writing scrawled across the mans body
and she is repeatedly whipping his bare backside with a
leather implement.
The woman, who is being referred to as Mistress in the
clip, extensively whips the man before telling him that he
has a tiny penis.
The man then requests that she kicks him in the balls
and, without hesitation, she obliges.
Another one of her controversial online clips shows, what
appears to be, two members of the Defence Forces, at
either end of her, in what looks to be a military vehicle.

One of the men is dressed in army fatigues, sporting Irish

DPM camouflage, while the other gent, wearing a Defence
Forces Ireland t-shirt, gives the thumbs up to the camera.
When contacted by the Sunday World in relation to the
clips a spokesman declined to comment on whether the
men were indeed members of the forces.
Reports indicate that the debaucherous incident was
filmed on a Defence Forces minibus.

Another clip shows the woman, who claims I actually get

fanny flutters every time I see a Garda car, looking into
the camera, while engaging in oral sex with a man, while
wearing what appears to be a garda rainproof jacket.
I love a good check Point and getting pulled over for
traffic violations ... this is not a fake profile..I am really

Women 'warriors illegally taking
apart water meters and posting
their work online
The group have claimed they do not accept
water meters
17:09, 20 APR 2017

A group of women have allegedly joined forces to illegally
remove water meters.
A video shows them taking the hated items out of the ground
in an unknown location.
The Women Water Warriors Facebook page already has
hundreds of likes and appears to be gathering support.
The group, which only started on Thursday, have claimed
they do not accept water meters.

They posted along with the video, which has been liked
almost 1,000 times in less than 12 hours: We are a
collective of women, coming together for civil
disobedience, and direct action, in the removal of water
meters, because we already pay for our water.
We do not accept that 133 litres is in anyway whatsoever
sufficient for a daily allowance.
We refuse to stand by and allow our water become a
commodity to be sold.
The continuation of meter installation, confirms our belief,
that every meter installed is a step closer to privatization.
We have been betrayed by our elected representatives,
with false promises.
We will continue with the removal of meters, as our
democratic right to to have a peoples referendum, to
enshrine our water in our constitution is being denied to
the people of Ireland.
Let the people decide, give us our referendum. Women
Water Warriors.

People have commented on the video with their support.
One wrote: Life is very short. Fair play to these women for
doing something they believe in.
I would rather tell my grand kids that I fought a worthy
fight win or fail.
While another said: Agree 100% nobody should be made to
pay for water, it is everyones right.
Under the Water Services Act 2007, it is an offence to
remove, damage, or impair the proper working of a water
Women 'warriors illegally taking apart #IrishWater meters and
posting their work online
"The group have claimed they do not accept water meters
A group of women have allegedly joined forces to illegally
remove water meters.
A video shows them taking the hated items out of the ground
in an unknown location.
The Women Water Warriors Facebook page already has
hundreds of likes and appears to be gathering support.
The group, which only started on Thursday, have claimed they
do not accept water meters.
They posted along with the video, which has been liked almost
1,000 times in less than 12 hours: We are a collective of
women, coming together for civil disobedience, and direct
action, in the removal of water meters, because we already
pay for our water.
We do not accept that 133 litres is in anyway whatsoever
sufficient for a daily allowance.
We refuse to stand by and allow our water become a
commodity to be sold.
The continuation of meter installation, confirms our belief,
that every meter installed is a step closer to privatization.
We have been betrayed by our elected representatives, with
false promises.
We will continue with the removal of meters, as our
democratic right to to have a peoples referendum, to enshrine
our water in our constitution is being denied to the people of
Let the people decide, give us our referendum. Women Water
People have commented on the video with their support.
One wrote: Life is very short. Fair play to these women for
doing something they believe in.
I would rather tell my grand kids that I fought a worthy fight
win or fail.
While another said: Agree 100% nobody should be made to
pay for water, it is everyones right.
Under the Water Services Act 2007, it is an offence to
remove, damage, or impair the proper working of a water

Corrupt judge Brian Sheridan

This idiot has a history of making corrupt court orders,illegally
abusing his position ,refuses evidence,refuses due process,
He has constantly broke his oath of office but remains in his job.
In his past employment in the legal aid board corruption and
bribes was his daily job
Anyone knows where he lives can they make it public ,so a
peaceful protest can be arranged ,to let his neighbours know what
they have living beside them

Pay this a visit sounds like these two are related coughlan the

Looks like we're back to square one



October 4, 2016
Who else is better placed to answer all questions regarding
Ireland's Water Policy and the Water Framework Directive
than Fianna Fil and the Green Party, parties who were in key
government from it's inauguration including negotiations of
Ireland's 9.4 exemption, through to the collapse of the Irish
economy, 2008 and capitulation to Troika's pressure and
finally the adoption in 2010 of the first River Basin
Management Plan 2009-2015.

John Gormley, former leader of the Green Party.

The following is an extract from Dil Questions and Answers,
March 2009. Here we see Joanna Tuffy, Labour, Dublin Mid
West pressing the Dept of Environment, Heritage and Local
Government, John Gormley, Green Party, on Article 9.4 of the
Water Framework Directive 2000 and asking him to apply the
'opt out' clause.
John Gormley was Minister for the Environment, Heritage and
Local Government in the Fianna Fil led Government, 2007-
Joanna Tuffy was a Labour Party TD from 2007 to 2016 and a
former Senator. The Labour Party went on to flip-flop on
their position on the Water Charges' issue.

Department of Environment, Heritage and Local

GovernmentWater Charges,
Written answers
Thursday, 26 March 2009
Joanna Tuffy (Dublin Mid West, Labour)

Question 170: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage

and Local Government the steps he has taken to opt out of Article
9(1) of the Water Framework Directive that requires the recovery of
water charges by Member States starting from 2010, that this will
include Ireland having to charge domestic charges, unless Ireland
makes a case in writing for opting out of charging for domestic
water charges to the European Commission by December 2009; if
he will ensure that Ireland formally requests that it opt out in time
by December 2009, particularly in view of the fact that he sought a
clause providing that Member States could opt out from charging
for domestic water when the Water Framework Directive was being
negotiated by Member States; if he will explain what is meant by
the statement by the Government to the Commission that he is
merely reflecting on the implementation of Article 9; if this
statement means he intends that Ireland will introduce water
charges from 2010; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

John Gormley (Minister, Department of Environment, Heritage

and Local Government; Dublin South East, Green Party)
The Water Framework Directive was adopted on 23 October 2000.
Article 9(1) of the Directive requires Member States to take
account of the principle of the recovery of the cost of water
services, including environmental and resource costs. However,
Article 9(4) of the same Directive stipulates that a Member State
will not be in breach of the Directive if it decides, in accordance
with established practices, not to apply these provisions where it
does not compromise the purposes and the achievement of the
Directive's objectives.
The Local Government (Financial Provisions Act) 1997 removed
the authority of water services authorities to levy charges for water
services on domestic users. The Water Pricing Policy,
subsequently agreed by the Government in November 1998,
requires local authorities to recover the full cost of providing water
services from the users of these services, with the exception of
households using the services for domestic purposes. There is no
requirement, therefore, for the Government to take steps to opt out
of Article 9(1) given that the established practice at the time of the
adoption of the Directive was not to levy charges on domestic
Under the Directive, the island of Ireland is divided into eight River
Basin Management Districts. Management Plans for these districts
must be published no later than 22 December 2009 and submitted
to the European Commission within three months of publication.
The Management Plans must include details of cost recovery, in
accordance with Article 9. Draft River Basin Management Plans for
the eight River Basin Districts in Ireland were published in
December 2008 by the respective management authorities.
Article 9.4 Water Framework Directive 2000

4. Member States shall not be in breach of this Directive if they

decide in accordance with established practices not to apply the
provisions of paragraph 1, secondsentence, and forthat purpose
the relevant provisions of paragraph2, for a given water-use
activity, where this doesnot compromise the purposes and the
achievement of the objectives of this Directive. Member States
shall report the reasons for not fully applying paragraph1, second
sentence, in the riverbasin management plans.
Department of Environment, Heritage and
Local Government
Water Charges
All Written Answers on 26 Mar 2009

Joanna Tuffy (Dublin Mid West, Labour) Link to this: Individually | In

Question 170: To ask the Minister for the Environment,
Heritage and Local Government the steps he has taken to
opt out of Article 9(1) of the Water Framework Directive
that requires the recovery of water charges by Member
States starting from 2010, that this will include Ireland
having to charge domestic charges, unless Ireland makes a
case in writing for opting out of charging for domestic water
charges to the European Commission by December 2009; if
he will ensure that Ireland formally requests that it opt out
in time by December 2009, particularly in view of the fact
that he sought a clause providing that Member States could
opt out from charging for domestic water when the Water
Framework Directive was being negotiated by Member
States; if he will explain what is meant by the statement by
the Government to the Commission that he is merely
reflecting on the implementation of Article 9; if this
statement means he intends that Ireland will introduce
water charges from 2010; and if he will make a statement
on the matter. [12685/09]

John Gormley (Minister, Department of Environment, Heritage and Local

Government; Dublin South East, Green Party) Link to this: Individually | In
The Water Framework Directive was adopted on 23 October
2000. Article 9(1) of the Directive requires Member States to
take account of the principle of the recovery of the cost of water
services, including environmental and resource costs. However,
Article 9(4) of the same Directive stipulates that a Member State
will not be in breach of the Directive if it decides, in accordance
with established practices, not to apply these provisions where it
does not compromise the purposes and the achievement of the
Directive's objectives.
The Local Government (Financial Provisions Act) 1997 removed
the authority of water services authorities to levy charges for
water services on domestic users. The Water Pricing Policy,
subsequently agreed by the Government in November 1998,
requires local authorities to recover the full cost of providing
water services from the users of these services, with the
exception of households using the services for domestic
purposes. There is no requirement, therefore, for the
Government to take steps to opt out of Article 9(1) given that
the established practice at the time of the adoption of the
Directive was not to levy charges on domestic users.
Under the Directive, the island of Ireland is divided into eight
River Basin Management Districts. Management Plans for these
districts must be published no later than 22 December 2009 and
submitted to the European Commission within three months of
publication. The Management Plans must include details of cost
recovery, in accordance with Article 9. Draft River Basin
Management Plans for the eight River Basin Districts in Ireland
were published in December 2008 by the respective management

Parliamentary questions
12 May 2010
WRITTEN QUESTION by Alan Kelly (S&D) to the Commission

Subject: Water Framework Directive and water charges

The Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC(1), Article 9.4, indicates
that a Member State will not be in breach of the directive for non-
implementation of the provision of 9.1, second sentence, on water-
pricing policies where this does not compromise the purposes and the
achievement of this directive. Can the Commission provide some further
clarification on the meaning of this point? Can the Commission confirm
whether Article 9.4 effectively means that water-pricing policies could
be avoided if the principles of the directive can be achieved through
other resources and the principle of the polluter pays is adhered to?

Article 9.1 outlines that in relation to the recovery of the costs of water
services, Member States may have regard to the social, environmental
and economic effects of the recovery. In the Commission's opinion,
does the application of a flat rate charge for water services sufficiently
take into account the social and economic effects of the recovery on
households with varying income levels?

Parliamentary questions
21 June 2010
Answer given by Mr Potonik on behalf of the Commission
Article 9(1) of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC(1), requires
Member States to ensure, by 2010, that a water pricing policy is
established based on the principles of cost recovery and polluter pays.
The water pricing policy shall also provide adequate incentives for users
to use water resources efficiently and therefore contribute to achieving
the objectives of the directive. The purpose of the Water Framework
Directive specified in Article 1 includes the promotion of the sustainable
water use based on the long-term protection of available water
resources. The environmental objectives are set out in Article 4 and
include the prevention of deterioration of water bodies and the
achievement of good status by 2015. The provision in Article 9(4)
relating to the need to ensure that the purposes and the achievement of
the objectives of the directive is not compromised relates to those
objectives in Articles 1 and 4.

Article 9(4) provides the possibility for Member States not to apply the
provisions of Article 9(1) to a given water-use activity, where this is an
established practice at the time of adoption of the directive and where
this does not compromise the purposes and the achievement of the
objectives of the directive. The use of Article 9(4) is therefore subject to
strict conditions.

The economic and social effects of a particular form of water pricing

on households will depend on the type of water pricing and the
socioeconomic profile of the households. It is for the Member States
to decide whether they have regard to these aspects on the basis of
an assessment of the effects of the water pricing policy on water
users. However, as regards Article 9(1), Member States who wished to
implement a flat rate would need to justify that it fulfils the
requirements in Article 9(1), in particular with respect to whether it
provides an adequate incentive for users to use water efficiently.
How Labour considered water
charges, meters and an ESB
for water five years ago
Labour was vehemently opposed to water charges in opposition, but
weve seen a document which shows how senior party figures
considered water charges in 2010.
Mar 15th 2015, 4

AN INTERNAL LABOUR memo outlining the rationale for

water charges and how they could be imposed was circulated
to Joan Burton, Eamon Gilmore and senior party advisers
five years ago.
Labour was strongly opposed to water charges in opposition,
including in its 2011 general election manifesto, but the
memo, seen by, makes a clear case for the
introduction of a single water utility, the installation of
meters and the levying of charges on households.
The three-page memo was prepared by Labours research
and policy analyst Jean OMahony. She later became special
advisor to Gilmore when he was Tnaiste.
The document went to the two most senior Labour figures
Gilmore as leader and Burton as deputy leader and finance
spokesperson along with a number of senior party
advisors in late January 2010 when party figures had
publicly stated their opposition to water charges.
The memo, outlines the rationale for water charges and
suggests that one centralised semi-state ESB for water,
where the responsibility for water is taken from the 34 local
authorities, makes more sense.
It goes on to say that it would be easiest to argue for water
charges if there is an element of polluter pays, and an
incentive to use less.
Makes sense politically

The memo states that in putting forward the case for water
charges the emphasis could be placed on the benefits of
taxing bad things (water wastage) and limiting taxing good
things (peoples paypackets).
It also notes that a free quota of water per person makes
sense politically.
The memo says that while installing water meters would be
expensive it could be combined with the installation of
smart electricity meters so as that both water and energy
usage could be monitored and conservation encouraged.
It says that the cost of installing water meters could be
imposed on the household by adding it the cost of the
household water bill over a period of years.
Contacted about the memo, a Labour spokesperson
described the memo as a policy research document
outlining the state of play with regard to the future provision
of water services at that time and added:
The document was circulated in 2010 and the manifesto was
published a year later in February 2011. That was a 12-
month period during which there was momentous change in
the economic, financial and political landscape in Ireland,
and the manifesto reflected that.
2011 manifesto: Labour does not favour water
Labour firmly opposed the introduction of water charges
when in opposition. In a June 2010 interview with The Irish
Times, then-leader Gilmore ruled out introducing water
charges if in government.
Labours 2011 general election manifesto restated this
opposition, saying:
Labour does not favour water charges, which do not address
the immediate needs of those who currently receive
intermittent or poor water supplies.
The manifesto made no reference to the establishment of a
central utility nor the installation of water meters.
The party also produced a now infamous ad campaign days
before the general election, warning that Fine Gael would
introduce a 238 annual water tax if allowed to govern
Source: Irish Election Literature
The decision to charge for water was subsequently contained
in the programme for government negotiated with Fine
Gael, which favoured a central utility and water charges in
its election manifesto.
Government commitment
The coalition subsequently established Irish Water in 2013
to takeover the administration, provision and maintenance
of water from 34 local authorities.
The programme for government stated:
The objective is to install water meters in every household in
Ireland and move to a charging system that is based on use
above the free allowance.
Irish Water has undertaken an extensive metering
programme and introduced a hugely controversial water
charges regime last summer.
There was a public outcry over proposals to charge people
based on estimated usage (for those who did not have
meters installed) and the number of people per household.
The charging regime was subsequently revised by the
current Environment Minister and Labour deputy leader
Alan Kelly.
Flat rates of 160 for a one-person household and 260 for
all others were introduced last November along with a 100
conservation grant for every household that register with
Irish Water.
What else the 2010 memo says

Labour adviser Mark Garrett (left) was one of the advisers who received the
Source: Mark Stedman/Photocall Ireland
OMahony sent the memo with a subject line Water
Charges on 25 January 2010, to both Gilmore and Burton.
It also went to the then-Labour leaders senior advisors,
Mark Garrett and Colm OReardon; Labours then-press and
parliamentary director Tony Heffernan; and Finbarr
OMalley, a Labour policy advisor who later became special
advisor to Pat Rabbitte when he was communications
The memo outlined how much tax money is spent on water
and the plan put forward at the time by then-environment
minister John Gormley.
It also outlined a rationale for water charges, including that:
water treatment is not free and there no incentive among
non-commercial users to use it efficiently
30 per cent of water goes on flushing toilets
there is need to upgrade the water supply network with
leakage of water
there is a need to expand the capacity of water treatment
the rise in population and rise in one-person households,
and the trends towards higher water usage (extra
bathrooms, dishwashers, power showers), which the memo,
stated imposes significant demand on water network.
Changes in the climate and demographics which meant in
short, most rain will be fall where people do not live.
It also cites an ESRI survey from 2000 which says that only
6 per cent of people thought water should be completely free
to users, and the most popular option is a charge based on
By contrast, the memo contains just two reasons for not
introducing water charges including:
The difficulty with ensuring equity for low-income
households which spends a bigger proportion of their
income on utilities than more wealthy households.
The introduction of free quotas would require an expensive
national metering installation programme and could be
open to significant fraud.

Does this answer the above question?

Frank Feighan (Roscommon-South Leitrim, Fine Gael) Link to this:
Individually | In context
Question 171: To ask the Minister for the Environment,
Heritage and Local Government the procedures his
Department has in place to assist elderly people who have
land and now find under the new metering system they are
receiving bills for water due to the fact there must be leaks
in the pipes covering their land which can not be identified.

John Gormley (Minister, Department of Environment, Heritage and Local

Government; Dublin South East, Green Party) Link to this: Individually | In
The Government's Water Pricing Policy requires local authorities
to recover the cost of providing water services from non-
domestic users of these services. The Policy exempts domestic
users from charges for water services. As such, landowners are
only levied with charges if they are engaged in commercial
activity on their property, for example, farming. The policy
makes no distinction between different categories of non-
domestic users in the application of charges. However, where a
supply serves both the domestic and business needs of a
consumer, a domestic allowance is applied by the local authority.
To encourage water conservation, Section 54 of the Water
Services Act 2007 includes a general duty of care for owners and
occupiers to keep water distribution systems leak-free this
duty applies to both domestic and non domestic consumers.

Eamon Gilmore on water charges
May 20, 2014
You paid the price in the election ya fat cunt hope you get a bang of a bus

Richard Boyd-Barrett and Eamon Gilmore on

orgies and fetishes
May 10, 2012
Tnaiste Eamon Gilmore and Richard Boyd-Barrett traded blows using
some unusual vocabulary in the Dil. Date: 10 May 2012
Some one should shoot this cunt in the face....traitor bastard!
You paid the price in the election ya fat cunt hope you get a bang of a bus
TNAISTE EAMON GILMORE has revealed hes been
hearing anger about water charges on the doorsteps in
recent weeks but has defended the above leaflet from the
90s, which has resurfaced recently, where he described
water charges as just another tax on workers.
What I was against then is what Im against now, he
insisted in an interview with yesterday.
That was a flat charge that took no account of the
circumstances of a family, the amount of water you used,
whether you had an illness, or your ability to pay.
The Labour leader claimed that what is being introduced by
this government is very different where there will be no
flat charge, payment for water is purely on the basis of what
has been used.
Heres what happened when we placed the above leaflet in
front of Gilmore
Camera: Michelle Hennessy/
He said that while people are put to the pin of their collar
the focus has to be on creating more jobs for those people
at a faster pace and deal with living standards.
He said: I am in no doubt about the fact that people are put
to the pin people are put to the pin of their collar.
That is why we have to move on with the creation of
additional jobs, thats why we also have to ensure that we
address the issue of incomes, that we address the issue of
living standards.
He described the last few years as the worst recession weve
had since Ireland won her independence but said the
consequences of government not doing what it has done
would have been a the State entering a second bailout.
Gilmore added: If we hadnt done what we did in the last
three years we would probably, as many people predicted, be
into a second bailout with the prospect of 30 per cent
reduction in public expenditure and payments and so on.
Eamon Gilmore 1992 Letter To Voter
Is Government acting
unconstitutionally with
water services Bill?
Issued : Wednesday 29 June, 2016
Alan Kelly TD, questions strongly whether the Government are
acting constitutionally when it comes to the current Water Services
Bill before the Dail.Deputy Kelly said: Personally, I believe there is
a strong possibility that this Bill is contrary to EU law, which has
constitutional primacy over acts of the Oireachtas. I believe that
Minister Coveney needs to confirm to the House that he is
unconditionally certain that he is acting legally.I have repeated
numerous times the fact that we no longer have an EU derogation
from Water Charges and this has been confirmed by Commissioner
Vella this week. There is no legal basis whatsoever for scrapping
water charges.So given how clear this fact now is how can Minister
Coveney bring forward legislation knowing full well that we dont
have a derogation on having water charges and therefore we cant
stop charging for them?Has he received the advice of the Attorney
General that he can proceed this way? I was always advised that
legally we had no choice but to have water charges as our
derogation was gone since 2010 so how could this advice have
changed?Maybe the Minister thinks that just suspending water
charges will somehow camouflage the idea that they are getting rid
of water charges? Has Minister Coveney asked the Attorney General
if this is legally sound and that the EU Commission are happy with
this? On the latter issue, I note yesterday in one interview, Minister
Coveney said, he hoped so, not very encouraging.Once this highly
bogus legislation is passed I absolutely believe that the EU
Commission will write to the Government questioning what the
Government are doing and then post the standard 10 weeks,
commence legal proceedings against Ireland.One thing is
guaranteed after all this. Given the definitive legal confirmation we
have from the EU Commission and the terms of reference of this
new expert Water Commission, there is already only one defined
outcome available to the group and that is that water charges and
the polluter pays principle are here to stay.Given all that, I wish
the Chair of the Group Joe OToole well in his task.
October 5, 2016
Alan Kelly, Labour Party TD is unrepentant about the position
he took regarding the Water Framework Directive 2000 and in
particular Article 9.4 while Minister for the Environment in the
former Fine Gael/Labour Government. As Minister he was
head of the Department responsible for the introduction and
implementation of the controversial 'Water Charges.

Alan Kelly, Labour Party, former Minister responsible for 'Water Charges'
In his personal web page on June 29, 2016 he wrote "Personally, I
believe there is a strong possibility that this Bill is contrary to EU law, which
has constitutional primacy over acts of the Oireachtas. I have repeated
numerous times the fact that we no longer have an EU derogation from Water
Charges and this has been confirmed by Commissioner Vella this week.
There is no legal basis whatsoever for scrapping water charges. So given how
clear this fact now is how can Minister Coveney bring forward legislation
knowing full well that we dont have a derogation on having water charges and
therefore we cant stop charging for them? I was always advised that legally
we had no choice but to have water charges as our derogation was gone
since 2010 so how could this advice have
Alan Kelly a few short years ago was told different
Only a few short years ago, Alan Kelly, while an MEP at the time
and member of the Labour Party which opposed water charges
(, Mar,2015), received a different explanation on
Article 9.4 from the European Commission.

In a written question to the Commission E3366/10, May 12,

2010, Alan Kelly asked

"The Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC(1), Article 9.4,

indicates that a Member State will not be in breach of the directive
for non-implementation of the provision of 9.1, second sentence,
on water-pricing policies where this does not compromise the
purposes and the achievement of this directive. Can the
Commission provide some further clarification on the meaning of
this point? Can the Commission confirm whether Article 9.4
effectively means that water-pricing policies could be avoided if the
principles of the directive can be achieved through other resources
and the principle of the polluter pays is adhered to?
Article 9.1 outlines that in relation to the recovery of the costs of
water services, Member States may have regard to the social,
environmental and economic effects of the recovery. In the
Commission's opinion, does the application of a flat rate charge for
water services sufficiently take into account the social and
economic effects of the recovery on households with varying
income levels?"

Answer given by Mr Potonik on behalf of the Commission,

June 21, 2010
"Article 9(1) of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC(1),
requires Member States to ensure, by 2010, that a water pricing
policy is established based on the principles of cost recovery and
polluter pays. The water pricing policy shall also provide adequate
incentives for users to use water resources efficiently and
therefore contribute to achieving the objectives of the directive.
The purpose of the Water Framework Directive specified in Article
1 includes the promotion of the sustainable water use based on
the long-term protection of available water resources. The
environmental objectives are set out in Article 4 and include the
prevention of deterioration of water bodies and the achievement of
good status by 2015. The provision in Article 9(4) relating to the
need to ensure that the purposes and the achievement of the
objectives of the directive is not compromised relates to those
objectives in Articles 1 and 4.
Article 9(4) provides the possibility for Member States not to
apply the provisions of Article 9(1) to a given water-use
activity, where this is an established practice at the time of
adoption of the directive and where this does not compromise
the purposes and the achievement of the objectives of the
directive. The use of Article 9(4) is therefore subject to strict
The economic and social effects of a particular form of water
pricing on households will depend on the type of water pricing and
the socioeconomic profile of the households. It is for the Member
States to decide whether they have regard to these aspects on the
basis of an assessment of the effects of the water pricing policy on
water users. However, as regards Article 9(1), Member States who
wished to implement a flat rate would need to justify that it fulfills
the requirements in Article 9(1), in particular with respect to
whether it provides an adequate incentive for users to use water

European communities (access to information on the

environment) regulations 2007 to 2011 (s.i. no. 133/2007) ...
regulations 2007 to 2011 (si 133/2007 2013

Appeal to the Commissioner for Environmental Information ... and The

Aarhus Convention: An Implementation Guide ... April 2013] that the
works were ...

European Commission of 17 January 2013 ... Aarhus Convention: An

Implementation Guide ... Decision of 27 April 2011 determining
Strengthening cross-sectoral action and mobilizing resources in
support of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda

European Communities (Access to Information on the


Regulations 2011

European Communities (Access to

Information on the Environment) Regulations
2007-2014 (S.I. No. 133 of 2007, S.I. No. 662
of 2011 and S.I. No. 615 of 2014)



AIE Process in Ireland

Please note this is not a legal document.
European Union Habitats (Silvermine Mountains Special Area
of Conservation 000939) Regulations 2017
European Union Habitats (Bolingbrook Hill Special Area of
Conservation 002124) Regulations 2017
European Union Habitats (Silvermines Mountains West Special
Area of Conservation 002258) Regulations 2017

Statute Law Revision Act 2007

Legislation implementing the

Aarhus Convention in Ireland
On 23 July 2014, Mr Alan Kelly, T.D., Minister for
Environment, Community and Local Government signed
into law, regulations
(link is external)
which will ensure that environmental Non-Governmental
Organisations (NGOs), meeting certain criteria, will be
automatically deemed to have sufficient interest if they
seek a judicial review of decisions of public bodies which
fall under the Environmental Impact Assessment or
Industrial Emissions Directives.
This provision is provided with respect to those NGOs
whose aims and objectives relate to the promotion of
environmental protection and who have pursued these
aims for over one year.
The Regulations also provide that the courts deal with
cases under these Directives as expeditiously as possible,
consistent with the administration of justice.
These regulations do not change the existing status quo in
legal cases as the courts already provide for these rights
in practice. These regulations explicitly provide in law what
is already in place in practice.
The following legislation has been amended by this SI:
Section 7 of the Arterial Drainage Act 1945 (No. 3 of
Section 87 of the Environmental Protection Agency Act
1992 (No. 7 of 1992)
Section 29 of the European Communities (Assessment
and Management of Flood Risks) Regulations 2010
(S.I. No. 122 of 2010)
Section 73 of the Fisheries (Amendment) Act 1997 (No.
23 of 1997)
The Foreshore Act 1933 (No. 12 of 1933)
Section 40A of the Gas Act 1976 (No. 30 of 1976)
The National Monuments Act 1930 (No. 2 of 1930)
Section 13A of the Petroleum and Other Minerals
Development Act 1960 (No. 7 of 1960)
Section 47A of the Transport (Railway Infrastructure) Act
2001 (No. 55 of 2001)
Section 43 of the Waste Management Act 1996 (No. 10
of 1996)
Similar amendments were made with respect to
agricultural consent systems in the European
Communities (Environmental Impact Assessment)
(Agriculture) (Amendment) Regulations 2013
(link is external)
You are advised to read the disclaimer document on the
Irish Statute Book website
(link is external)
before downloading material from their site.
Air Quality Act 1987, Number 6 of 1987
Citizens Information Act 2007, Number 2 of 2007
Comhairle Act 2000, Number 1 of 2000
Dumping at Sea Act 1996, Number 14 of 1996
European Communities (Environmental Assessment of
Certain Plans and Programmes) Regulations 2004,
S.I. No. 435/2004
European Communities (European Pollutant Release
and Transfer Register) Regulations 2007, S.I. No.
European Communities (Energy Efficiency
Requirements For Household Electric Refrigerators,
Freezers and Combinations Thereof ) Regulations,
1997, S.I. No. 482/1997
European Communities (Energy Labelling of Household
Air-Conditioners) Regulations 2002, S.I. No.
European Communities (Energy Labelling of Household
Combined Washer Dryers) Regulations, 1997, S.I.
No. 319/1997
European Communities (Energy Labelling of Household
Dishwashers) (Amendment) Regulations, 1999 , S.I.
No. 171/1999
European Communities (Energy Labelling of Household
Dishwashers) Regulations, 1998, S.I. No. 210/1998
European Communities (Energy Labelling of Household
Electric Ovens) Regulations 2002, S.I. No. 579/2002
European Communities (Energy Labelling of Household
Electric Tumble Driers) Regulations, 1996, S.I. No.
European Communities (Energy Labelling of Household
Electric Washing Machines) (Amendment)
Regulations, 1997 , S.I. No. 208/1997
European Communities (Energy Labelling of Household
Electric Washing Machines) Regulations, 1996, S.I.
No. 109/1996
European Communities (Energy Labelling of Household
Lamps) Regulations, 1999, S.I. No. 170/1999
Environment (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2011,
Number 20 of 2011
Environmental Protection Agency Act 1992, Number 7 of
Environmental Protection Agency (Advisory Committee)
Regulations 2009, S.I. No. 218/2009
Environmental Protection Agency (Licensing)
(Amendment) Regulations 2004, S.I. No. 394/2004
Environmental Protection Agency (Licensing)
(Amendment) Regulations 2008, S.I. No. 382/2008
Environmental Protection Agency (Licensing)
(Amendment) Regulations 2010, S.I. No. 351/2010
Environmental Protection Agency (Licensing)
Regulations, 1994, S.I. No. 85/1994
Equal Status Acts 2000 2011, No 8 of 2000
European Communities (Access to Information on the
Environment) Regulations 2007, S.I. No. 133/2007
(link is external)
European Communities (Access to Information on the
Environment) (Amendment) Regulations 2011, S.I.
No. 662/2011
European Communities (Consumer Information on Fuel
Economy and CO2 Emissions of New Passenger
Cars) Regulations, 2001, S.I. No. 339/2001
European Communities (Environmental Assessment of
Certain Plans and Programmes) (Amendment)
Regulations 2011, S.I. No. 200/2011
European Communities (Environmental Impact
Assessment) Regulations, 1989, S.I. No. 349/1989
European Communities (Environmental Impact
Assessment) (Amendment) Regulations, 1994, S.I.
No. 84/1994
European Communities (Environmental Impact
Assessment) (Amendment) Regulations, 1996, S.I.
No. 101/1996
European Communities (Environmental Impact
Assessment) (Amendment) Regulations, 1998, S.I.
No. 351/1998
European Communities (Environmental Impact
Assessment) (Amendment) Regulations, 1999, S.I.
No. 93/1999
European Communities (Environmental Impact
Assessment) (Amendment) Regulations 2006, S.I.
No. 659/2006
European Union (Environmental Impact Assessment and
Habitats) Regulations 2011, S.I. No.473/2011
European Communities (Public Participation)
Regulations 2010, S.I. No. 352/2010
European Communities (Re-Use of Public Sector
Information) Regulations 2005, S.I. No. 279/2005
Foreshore Act, 1933, Number 12 of 1933
Foreshore and Dumping at Sea Act 2009, Number 39 of
Forestry Act, 1946, Number 13 of 1946
Freedom of Information Act, 1997, Number 13 of 1997
Freedom of Information (Amendment) Act, 2003,
Number 9 of 2003
Gas Act, 1976, Number 30 of 1976
Genetically Modified Organisms (Contained Use)
Regulations, 2001, S.I. No.73/2001
Genetically Modified Organisms (Deliberate Release)
Regulations 2003, S.I. No. 500/2003
Genetically Modified Organisms (Transboundary
Movement) Regulations 2004, S.I. No. 54/2004
European Communities (Energy Labelling of Household
Electric Refrigerators and Freezers) Regulations,
1995 , S.I. No. 122/1995
Local Government (Water Pollution) Act 1977, Number 1
of 1977
Minerals Development Act 1940, Number 31 of 1940
Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person Act, 1997,
Number 26 of 1997
Petroleum & Other Minerals Development Act 1960,
Number 7 of 1960
Planning & Development Acts 2000 2011 (link is
Planning and Development (Strategic Environmental
Assessment) Regulations 2004, S.I. No. 436 of 2004
Planning and Development Regulations 2001-2007 (link
is external)
Protection of the Environment Act 2003, Number 27 of
Radiological Protection Act, 1991, Number 9 of 1991
Waste Management (Amendment) Act, 2001, Number
36 of 2001
Waste Management (Licensing) Regs 1994-2010
Waste Management Act,1996, Number 10 of 1996
Water Services Act 2007, Number 20 of 2007
Wildlife Act, 1976, Number 39 of 1976
European Communities (Access to Information on the Environment) Regulations 2007 to 2011 (S.I. No.
133 of 2007 and S.I. No. 662 of 2011) (hereafter referred to as the AIE Regulations)

sectIon 10: drInkIng water safety Plans
Brexit- Planning and the Environment Outside the EU July
Decision on Irish Water Revenue
for 2017 to 2018
Published: 12/Dec/2016
Consultation is now closed

The CER has today, 12 December 2016, published its decision

paper (CER/16/342, available below) on Irish Water Allowable
Revenue for the two year period from 1 January 2017 to 31
December 2018. The paper outlines the efficiencies which Irish
Water will be required to drive within its costs over the coming
years. The CER will monitor the outputs and outcomes for money
invested over this time. The paper also contains a review of Irish
Water's costs from 2014 onwards. This decision follows on from a
public consultation process on this matter.
Communal Bathing coming back in to fashion because of FF & FG
water charges april 18th 2017

CER16341 Summary Information Note on CER's decision on Irish

Water Revenue for 2017-2018

CER16342 CER Decision on Irish Water Revenue for 2017-2018
Irish Water Second Revenue Control 2017-2018
CER16346 Europe Economics IRC2 WACC Report
CER16352 National Federation of Group Water Schemes
response to CER16267
CER16349 Irish Business Employers Confederation (IBEC)
response to CER16267
The regulatory asset base and regulatory commitment
February 2014

Announcement: Moody's: Latest licence modification

proposals positive for UK Water Sector
Global Credit Research - 21 Dec 2012

London, 21 December 2012 -- Moody's said today that today's proposals by

the Water Services Regulation Authority, Ofwat, the economic regulator for
water companies in England and Wales, to modify the licences of the water
and sewerage companies in England and Wales, are credit positive for the
sector. These latest proposals focus primarily on the changes needed to allow
Ofwat to continue with the work on the upcoming price review process and
seem to reflect a compromise between previously diverging views of the UK
water industry and its regulator. Moody's views this as credit positive given
that it reduces uncertainty about the changes to be made to the regulatory
regime in the near term, and also shows stronger cooperation between the
parties involved. The rating agency continues to believe, however, that
negative credit pressure will build for water companies over the medium to
long term due to a shifting regulatory landscape, although the full extent of the
consequences will not become clear until the regulator publishes more
detailed proposals for its future price limits methodology in 2013.

On 21 December 2012, a year to the date of the first licence modification

proposals, Ofwat published its third notice under section 13 of the Water
Industry Act 1991 to modify the UK water and sewerage companies' licences
in order to allow the regulator to set prices differently going forward.

The latest proposals would allow Ofwat to set two different price limits at the
next price review in 2014, which will determine the charges for the regulatory
period commencing on 1 April 2015. If accepted, the licence changes would
allow Ofwat to set wholesale price controls for water and sewerage services,
which will be based on a return on the regulatory capital value and subject to
the current annual RPI+/-K adjustment. The wholesale price controls would be
set for a period of five years, as is currently the case. The changes would also
allow a separate price control for retail services, on terms to be defined by
Ofwat, for a period of up to five years, thus allowing flexibility for a potentially
shorter price review period for retail services going forward.

The proposed modifications furthermore include a requirement for the

companies to continue to work constructively with Ofwat to ensure further
evolution of the regulatory regime as may become necessary in the future to
fulfil government policy.

These proposals follow extensive negotiations between Ofwat and the

companies after the majority of companies declined to accept proposals,
issued in December 2011 and October 2012, on the basis that they provided
the regulator with a disproportionate level of flexibility.

We believe that a majority of companies will likely accept these latest

proposals, given that the degree of flexibility afforded to the regulator has
been very much reduced as compared to previous licence modification

As such the newest proposals are a sign of a more pragmatic and possibly
less confrontational approach between companies and Ofwat.

Following the publication of the section 13 notice, companies will have until 23
January 2013 to decide whether or not to accept the latest proposals. Ofwat
stated very clearly that companies which decide not to accept the proposed
licence changes will be referred to the Competition Commission for review, a
process that would be expected to take around six months to complete for
those companies affected.

Stefanie Voelz
Asst Vice President - Analyst
Infrastructure Finance Group
Moody's Investors Service Ltd.
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Canary Wharf
London E14 5FA
United Kingdom
JOURNALISTS: 44 20 7772 5456
SUBSCRIBERS: 44 20 7772 5454
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Senior Vice President
Infrastructure Finance Group
JOURNALISTS: 44 20 7772 5456
SUBSCRIBERS: 44 20 7772 5454
Releasing Office:
Moody's Investors Service Ltd.
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Moody's: Agreement on licence changes positive for UK

Water Sector
Global Credit Research - 24 Jan 2013

London, 24 January 2013 -- Moody's said today that decisions by all 19 of the
major water companies in England and Wales to accept proposals by the
Water Services Regulation Authority, Ofwat, the economic regulator for the
sector, to modify their licences are credit positive for the sector. The proposals
focus primarily on changes needed to allow Ofwat to continue with work on
the upcoming price review process and reflect a compromise between Ofwat
and the industry as to the degree of flexibility that should be provided to the
regulator. Moody's views agreement on these proposals as credit positive
because it reduces near-term uncertainty about changes to the regulatory
regime and evidences stronger cooperation between the industry and
Moody's further notes that efforts by the regulator to achieve consensus on
these changes evidence a desire to maintain investor confidence. The rating
agency cautions, however, that whilst near-term uncertainty has been
reduced, it expects negative credit pressure to build for water companies over
the medium to long term due to a shifting regulatory landscape, although the
full extent of the consequences will not become clear until the regulator
publishes more detailed proposals for its future price limits methodology later
this year.
On 21 December 2012, a year after the first licence modification proposals,
Ofwat published its third notice under section 13 of the Water Industry Act
1991 to modify the UK water and sewerage companies' licences in order to
allow the regulator to set prices differently going forward. According to the
regulator, all of the 19 water only and water and sewerage companies
accepted the regulator's proposals by the 23 January 2013 deadline.
The licence changes will allow Ofwat to set separate wholesale and retail
price controls at the next price review in 2014, which will determine the
charges for the regulatory period commencing on 1 April 2015. Wholesale
price controls for water and sewerage services will be set, as is currently the
case, for a five year period based on a return on the regulatory capital value
and subject to an annual RPI+/-K adjustment. There will be separate price
controls for retail services, on terms to be defined by Ofwat, for a period of up
to five years, thus allowing flexibility for a potentially shorter price review
period for retail services going forward.
The modifications furthermore include a requirement for the companies to use
all reasonable endeavours to work constructively with Ofwat to ensure further
evolution of the regulatory regime as may become necessary in the future to
fulfil government policy. The precise nature of this obligation, which has given
rise to some concern within the industry as to its potential implications, and
what additional leverage it may give Ofwat in future discussions, are unclear.
It is also unclear how such a requirement might accommodate any divergence
between English and Welsh government policy, although the extent of such
differences remains unclear pending the Welsh government's publication of its
water strategy paper due later this year.

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Neil Griffiths-Lambeth
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Global Credit Research - 23 Jun 2004
#include virtual="/moodys/cust/research/"#include
Approximately US$360 Million of Long-Term Debt Instruments Rated
London, 23 June 2004 -- Moody's Investors Service has assigned an A3 long-
term issuer rating to Three Valleys Water Plc ("TVW"), the UK regulated water
company, and a provisional (P)A3 rating to the GBP200 million bonds to be
issued by Three Valleys Water Finance Plc ("TVW Finance") and guaranteed
by TVW. The outlook for all ratings is stable. This is the first time that Moody's
has assigned a rating to TVW.

TVW's A3 rating reflects (i) the low business risk of the company's regulated
business, as a monopoly provider of essential water services to a population
of about 3 million in the South East of England, under a well-established and
transparent regulatory framework, and (ii) TVW's good financial flexibility, with
a ratio of net adjusted debt to regulated asset value (RAV) currently projected
to remain below 45%. However, it also takes account of the weaker credit
quality of TVW's Baa1/P-2-rated parent, Veolia Environnement S.A.

In assessing TVW's stand-alone credit quality, Moody's has factored in an

element of event risk to reflect the probability that, over the long term, the
company will face pressures to increase leverage more in line with that of
industry peers as well as regulatory assumptions for an efficient capital
structure. The rating also takes into account the regulatory ring-fencing that
applies to TVW. Enhanced ring-fencing conditions were introduced into
TVW's licence in 2000 in conjunction with the most recent periodic review.

Moody's does not regard regulatory ring-fencing as sufficient to insulate

TVW's credit quality fully from that of its parent at the assigned rating level.
However, it does believe that the ring-fencing supports a higher rating at
TVW, given its stand-alone credit quality, as it prohibits cross-default
arrangements and should reduce migration risk for lenders to TVW in
comparison with lenders to Veolia. (For an analysis of regulatory ring-fencing
in the UK water sector, please refer to Moody's rating methodology "The UK
Water Sector: Financial Parameters and Structural Enhancements for
Leveraged Financings", July 2002.)

The stable outlook on the TVW rating reflects Veolia's own stable rating
outlook. Assuming constant credit quality at TVW, an improvement in the
parent's rating would be likely to put positive pressure on TVW's rating.
Similarly, a decline in the parent's rating would be likely to result in a
downgrade of TVW's rating. However, a downgrade of Veolia's rating by more
than one notch would be unlikely to result in a rating at TVW below Baa1 at
the present time, Moody's noted.

Additional factors that could place downward pressure on TVW's rating

include (i) any material change in the regulatory framework for the UK water
sector that leads to a significant increase in TVW's business risk or the
removal of the ring-fencing, and (ii) any material deterioration in TVW's
financial flexibility -- due, for example, to substantial dividend payments -- that
leads to RAV gearing materially exceeding 65% on a persistent basis.

TVW is the largest of the 12 water-only companies in England and Wales,

with revenues of GBP168 million in 2003/04 and RAV of about GBP570
million at Y/E March 2004. The company is a 100% indirectly owned
subsidiary of Veolia, one of the world's largest integrated environmental and
outsourcing services groups. TVW provides water services to 1.2 million
customers, representing a population of over 3 million, in the South East of
England. Revenues from domestic customers account for about 79% of the
total, with large users contributing only 3.5% of the company's revenues. TVW
does not operate any non-regulated businesses and non-appointed activities
are fairly marginal -- non-appointed income corresponds to only about 2% of
appointed turnover -- and low-risk in nature.

In assessing TVW's credit profile, Moody's has factored in as a positive the

company's affluent and predominantly domestic customer base, which
contributes to the stability and predictability of revenues over the five-year
regulatory cycles. As a negative, Moody's has noted that TVW is currently
underperforming the 1999 price determinations due to a number of cost
pressures that have emerged during the final years of the current regulatory
period. In particular, TVW has had to deploy additional resources to control
leakage, given the declining performance of its pipe network, evidenced by an
increase in the mains burst rate. Moody's notes that the current
underperformance depresses credit protection measures and adds a degree
of uncertainty to the ongoing periodic review setting price limits for 2005-2010.
However, this risk is mitigated by the fact that TVW is currently assessed by
industry regulator Ofwat as a relatively efficient company, ranked in band B
for both operating and capital maintenance efficiency.

Moody's has also considered a number of challenges that TVW has to

address, in particular an ageing and fragile network, high consumption levels
and relatively high frequency of groundwater pollution. These factors have led
to a relatively tight supply/demand position. Moody's has concluded that
operational risk remains relatively low, taking comfort from the fact that in the
very dry summer of 2003 TVW was able to maintain normal supplies without
having to impose any restrictions on use. However, the rating agency believes
that careful management of the water network within the economic constraints
applied by incentive-based regulation remains of paramount importance. In
the final business plan for the 2005-2010 price determinations submitted to
Ofwat in April, TVW has proposed doubling infrastructure renewals and
implementing several schemes to improve resource availability.

TVW Finance is a newly incorporated finance subsidiary of TVW, which will

on-lend the bond proceeds to TVW. The latter will use the funds primarily to
repay intercompany loans from an intermediate UK holding company in the
Veolia group. The bond proceeds will represent the principal source of funding
for the regulated business, supplemented initially by finance leases. Moody's
rating assumes that TVW will have principally long-dated debt with low
exposure to refinancing risk for the foreseeable future. The company expects
to require additional external funding over the next regulatory period to
finance its capital programme, the dimension of which should be much clearer
following the publication of draft price determinations by Ofwat in August and
final ministerial guidance in September. Moody's has factored into the rating
the expectation that TVW will enter into a multi-year revolving credit facility to
contribute to its capital expenditure and cover general liquidity requirements.
Once this is achieved, TVW will be fully independent from Veolia from a
funding perspective. Moody's understands that TVW's management is
committed to maintaining such independence and that this strategy is
supported by Veolia.

The provisional (P)A3 rating assigned to TVW Finance's inaugural bonds is

based on the unconditional and irrevocable guarantee provided by TVW,
ranking pari passu with the company's all other present and future unsecured
obligations. Moody's is issuing this provisional rating in advance of the sale of
the bonds subject to review of final documentation.

The terms and conditions of the bonds include a negative pledge that applies
only in respect of "Relevant Indebtedness" of TVW Finance and TVW, which
is defined as capital market indebtedness and does not capture bank debt, for
example. However, Moody's notes that the terms of TVW's licence and the
Special Administration regime that applies to the water companies under the
Water Industry Act 1991 significantly restrict the granting of security by and
the enforcement of security against TVW.

The bond indenture also includes a put option for bondholders following a
"Restructuring Event", but subject to both a rating downgrade to below Baa3
and confirmation to the bond trustee by an independent financial adviser that
such event is materially prejudicial to bondholders' interests. This is
customary for UK water company bonds. More untypically, the bond indenture
also contains a financial covenant given by TVW to maintain the ratio of net
indebtedness to RAV at or below 70%, as well as a requirement for the bond
trustee to execute, without bondholder consent, the documents required to
implement a "Securitisation" of TVW, provided the trustee receives
confirmation that the rating of the bonds immediately following the
implementation of the Securitisation is at least Baa1. Moody's notes that the
financial covenant does not necessarily offer protection to bondholders at the
A3 rating level; this is due to both the threshold at which the covenant is set
and the fact that it can be overridden by the ability of TVW to implement a
Securitisation. However, the minimum rating that is required for a
Securitisation to take place provides some mitigation of event risk for

Three Valleys Water Finance Plc is a finance conduit for Three Valleys Water
Plc. The latter is one of the 12 water-only companies in England and Wales,
based in Hatfield, United Kingdom, and provides water services to about 1.2
million household and business customers in the South East of England. The
company's turnover for the year ended 31 March 2004 was GBP168 million.

Stuart Lawton
Managing Director
Corporate Finance
Moody's Investors Service Ltd.
JOURNALISTS: 44 20 7772 5456
SUBSCRIBERS: 44 20 7772 5454
Monica Merli
Vice President - Senior Analyst
Corporate Finance
Moody's Investors Service Ltd.
JOURNALISTS: 44 20 7772 5456
SUBSCRIBERS: 44 20 7772 5454
Global Credit Research - 05 Aug 2004
#include virtual="/moodys/cust/research/"#include

London, 05 August 2004 -- The draft price determinations published today by

the UK water regulator, Ofwat, for the 2005-10 regulatory period are likely to
have a broadly neutral impact on the sector, given that lower-than-anticipated
price increases have been partially matched by significantly lower capital
investment requirements, Moody's Investors Service said. Nonetheless, the
rating agency noted that companies in the sector are likely to remain
challenged by significant capital investment plans and, in particular, tougher-
than-expected efficiency targets over the next five years.

Based on a very preliminary assessment of today's announcement, Moody's

believes that ratings across the industry will be able to accommodate new
price limits in 2005-10 as proposed in the draft determinations. However, a
detailed analysis of the proposals will be necessary to assess the level of risk
the sector and individual companies will face over the next regulatory period,
and whether this remains consistent with current assumptions regarding the
degree of financial flexibility required to retain given ratings. Moody's
remarked that Ofwat's current assumptions on both operating cost and capital
expenditure efficiency appear challenging, although the agency takes some
comfort from the regulator's decision to factor only half of its assumptions into
price limits, leaving the remainder for potential outperformance. Furthermore,
Moody's also noted as a positive Ofwat's decision not to currently pursue
licence changes that would restrict opportunities for companies to seek a
review of the price limits for events outside their control.

The 'draft determinations' announced by Ofwat today affect both water &
sewerage companies (WaSCs) and water-only companies (WoCs) in England
and Wales and reset the price limits applicable in the next five-year regulatory
period from 1 April 2005 to 31 March 2010. They stipulate that companies will
be allowed to raise prices by an average of 13% over the period, primarily to
fund an ongoing capital investment programme, which will amount to
GBP15.7 billion. Although the price increase level represents only around half
of that proposed by the water companies, this is partially offset by Ofwat's
decision to lower its capital investment requirements to GBP15.7 billion from
the original level of GBP20.7 billion as proposed in the companies' draft
business plans.

"In contrast to the last regulatory period, where the focus was on reducing
tariffs and clawing back on past outperformance, the regulator is now placing
an equal emphasis on maintaining the sector's financeability and adequate
credit ratings," noted Philipp Lotter, an Assistant Vice President -- Analyst at
Moody's. "However, Ofwat has clearly lowered the investment requirements
imposed on the companies in order to keep prices in check, a move that we
will need to evaluate in greater detail as regards its impact on the sector's
overall asset performance and the level of operational risk that companies will
have to manage," Lotter added.

Moody's believes that Ofwat has, in general, recognised that many companies
are experiencing cost pressures and has factored increased allowances
resulting in a relative steep first-year average real price increase of 7.6%.
"This demonstrates the protection afforded by the periodic review process,
which is not only designed to pass past efficiency gains on to customers, but
also to re-base companies' revenue and cost assumptions," explained Monica
Merli, a Moody's Vice President -- Senior Analyst. "The transparency of this
process is a fundamental assumption underpinning Moody's ratings for the
sector", Merli added.

Companies now have until early September 2004 to make written

representations to the draft determinations ahead of their meetings with
Ofwat, after which Ministers can make final recommendations to the required
environmental and quality programme, which drives capital investment in the
sector. While there remains some room for manoeuvre at this stage in the
process, Moody's believes that Ofwat has defined the overall tone of the
review, which balances customer demands for low water bills and the water
companies' financing requirements to meet environmental and capital
maintenance programmes. Moody's will continue to monitor the review as it
unfolds over the coming four months.

Moody's finally noted that it is common practice among water companies to

reset dividend policies on the back of the final regulatory settlement, taking
into account the funding requirements of the capital programmes as well as
the equity investors' reaction to the periodic review. Consequently, the full
impact of the new price determinations on companies' financial profiles will
also be a function of management strategies in terms of dividend policies and
equity formation, particularly for those companies that continue to be financed
under the "equity model".

Moody's has public ratings on 12 companies in the UK water sector. Over the
existing regulatory period from 2000 to 2005, ratings in the sector have fallen
from an average of mid to high single A to the low single A category. The last
price review, which saw average prices fall by 3.0% in real terms on the back
of up to GBP15 billion in capital spending, in conjunction with other corporate
activities, has removed most companies' financial headroom within their rating
categories. As Moody's has pointed out historically, this -- together with
Ofwat's defined view of a sustainable financial profile -- generally implies that
there remains only limited scope for further credit deterioration over the
forthcoming regulatory period. This view appears to be broadly supported by
Ofwat's draft determinations. However, given the different financial structures
in the industry, Moody's will need to evaluate how the use of certain financial
indicators by Ofwat translates into the actual financial profile of each

Moody's long-term ratings of water & sewerage and water-only companies in

the UK are as follows:
- Thames Water: A1, negative outlook (reflecting that of Thames Water's
parent company, RWE AG)
- Severn Trent Water: A2, stable outlook
- United Utilities Water: A2, stable outlook
- Yorkshire Water: A2, stable outlook
- Three Valleys Water: A3, stable outlook
- Sutton and East Surrey Water: Aaa (FSA guarantee)/A3 underlying rating,
stable outlook
- Wessex Water: Baa1, stable outlook
- Northumbrian Water: Baa1, stable outlook
- Anglian Water: Baa1 (senior implied), stable outlook, Aaa (Class A
Wrapped, MBIA guarantee), A3 (Class A Unwrapped), Baa3 (Class B
- Southern Water: Baa1 (senior implied), stable outlook, Aaa (Class A
Wrapped, MBIA guarantee), A3 (Class A Unwrapped), Baa3 (Class B
- Dwr Cymru: Aaa (Class A, MBIA guarantee), A3 (Class B), Baa3 (Class C)
- South East Water: Aaa (AMBAC guarantee)/Baa2 underlying rating, stable
Solicitor quits over 'corruption in judiciary'
A solicitor announced in court today that he has finished
practising law claiming there was corruption in the judiciary.
Solicitor Martin Coen had been vacating a hearing date for a
client at the Dublin District Court, in the Criminal Courts of
Justice complex in the city centre. He then made a declaration
that he would not continue to work as a solicitor.
He told presiding Judge Hugh O'Donnell that: From this day
forwards I am no longer practising as a solicitor.
He claimed that this was because of judicial corruption within
the system particularly in Blanchardstown District Court.
After the case Mr Coen, whose Dublin city centre firm have
practised law since 2004, confirmed to reporters that he had
resigned. I do not want to go into details but I am finishing my
practice, he said.
I will let matters speak for themselves and I will leave it at that,
he said, declining to comment further.
Harris on the "news" spinning about assurances he has??, ffs it could
only happen in Ireland

Latest: GLEN accepts resignation of tireless
champion Kieran Rose

Update 8.20pm: In a statement GLEN said: "The Gay and
Lesbian Equality Network (GLEN) has with regret today
accepted the resignation of Kieran Rose from the board.
The use of GLEN funds to finance Mr Roses Seanad
campaign was done without the knowledge of the board and
only recently came to our attention.
The Board acknowledges that such funds were repaid.
Nevertheless, GLEN accepts that the use of such funds was in
breach of good governance.
It added: In accepting the decision the board of GLEN wishes
to acknowledge the significant contribution made by Kieran
over the past 30 years. As a trade union activist and founder
member of GLEN he has been a tireless champion and has
worked to address social injustice and to seek to remove
prejudice and discrimination.
Earlier: The Chairperson of the Gay and Lesbian Equality
Network has announced his resignation.
Kieran Rose said he regrets that financial arrangements made
between him and GLEN are contributing to controversy
surrounding the body as it faces a review by the Charities
In a statement tonight Mr Rose said support of approximately
11,500 was provided to him in his run for the Seanad last
year - which he says was repaid in full.
However Mr Rose said he should have ensured that the board
of GLEN was aware of the arrangement.
Most Irish people are definitely
NOT in favour of a snap
election here
59% of voters think it would be better if the current government remain
in power.
April 20, 17

LAST TUESDAY MORNING UK prime minister Theresa

May took the vast majority of people by surprise and
announced a snap British election, to be held in June.
On reflection, her reasons for doing so seem pretty clear
with her Conservative party soaring in the polls, a quick
election seems likely to bolster Mays own position, with the
added bonus of probably crushing rivals Labour into
Enda Kenny has no such luxury. While Fine Gael has
apparently regained its position as the most popular party in
the country, an election now certainly wont be returning
any single-party majority. Indeed the issue of Kennys own
leadership is something far dearer to Fine Gael hearts at
present than going to the country for an election.
Source: Ireland Thinks
And fortunately for the Taoiseach and his party, the majority
of Irish people also dont want a snap election.
A new exclusive poll taken by market researchers Ireland
Thinks (founded by former chief analyst for UK Labour Dr
Kevin Cunningham and former chief of staff to the Tnaiste
Ed Brophy) shows that a clear majority, 59%, of Irish people
would sooner the government be allowed to remain in
This is a reflection however of the 85% of those polled who
know for sure whether they want an election or not. A
further 15% of the 1,200 Irish adults asked couldnt say
whether or not they would like another election in the
immediate future.
The young and the restless
The figures become a deal more complicated, however, when
the issues of party-loyalty and age-group come into play
most of the younger people polled are keen to see a fresh
election, together with the parties chasing closest on Fine
Gaels heels.
How supporters of the various Irish parties feel about a new election
Source: Ireland Thinks
Click here to view a larger image
69% of Sinn Fin voters want a snap election, 58% of Social
Democrats (who currently have just two TDs in the Dil
despite a promising debut election last year) feel the same,
while 41% and 37% of Solidarity-PBP and Fianna Fil voters
respectively are also in favour of a fresh vote.
Just 10% of Fine Gael supporters want another election now,
while a massive 82% of them are against the idea.
Supporters of Labour, which was decimated in the February
2016 vote in returning just seven TDs, similarly seem to
think another election would not be in its best interests, with
just 26% of those polled in favour of same.
Meanwhile, those who are in favour of a snap Irish election
are very much skewed towards the younger age-groups.

The split by age group

Source: Ireland Thinks
Click here to view a larger image
62% of 25-34-year-olds are in favour of a fresh trip to the
hustings, and 41% of 35-44-year-olds feel likewise.
The trend decreases across the age groups with just 23% of
the 65 years-plus group in favour of voting once more in a
snap election.
So it seems our precariously-positioned minority
government can breathe easy, for the time being at least.
There is the caveat, though, that this poll was conducted at
the start of March, long before Theresa Mays antics at No 10
on Tuesday. And things move quickly in politics.
It seems that most Irish people have little interest in their
country following the UK's lead and calling an unexpected
Although the results of a new poll are heavily skewed by Fine
Gael and Labour voters who absolutely definitely do not want
a country-wide vote just now.
Fianna Fil supporters, meanwhile, are mostly on the fence...

Labour is a party of the middle class. They sold out the poor and
working class a long time ago. But keep living in your fantasy world
where poor people are the problem.

Brendan Howlin and Labour now knows what you reaped is what the
And whether Brendan likes it or not his party has willingly take the
benefits of Ministerial pensions over the protecting the people the
Labour party was founded to do 1912.
Mr Gilmore jumped into bed with Fine Gael and rammed austerity
measures down the necks of struggling families including putting a 20%
on disability pensions and all other S/W benefits whilst protecting their
and their cronies personal wealthy, but now its them who through pure
arrogance have assumed credit for saving this corrupt little country.
But in the GE of 2016 the people rewarded all your Political hypocrites
Mr Howlin and Mea culpa Mea culpa didn't work then and it won't get
any better.

"Staying with its belated conversion to water charges, while others

fishing from the same political pool flip-flopped to the "pay-nobody
side", was laudably courageous. Party insiders continue to insist things
will come around, but in a noisy political world the citizens have yet to
notice Labour."

No, laudably courageous on water charges would have been, if they were
indeed damascene converts to the principle that charges would lead to
proper funding of the public system, to ensure that what are supposed
to be their core principles are reflected in the policy by hardball
negotiation with Fine Gael to secure their votes for the passage of the
Water Services act. Laudably courageous would be to say "we want the
best public policy to come out of this, so first off we would like a full
expense sheet for the cost of setting up and running as slim and efficient
a utility as possible, we also want a referendum to enshrine Irish Water
in public ownership, after all if you have no plans to privatize, that
shouldn't be an issue anyway and it will counter a lot of the opposition
from those that can't be just written off glibly as the "pay for nothing
crew", probably to a sufficient level to ensure that charges are politically
and socially viable, we'd also like to examine the contracts and tenders
for infrastructure and meter purchase and installation to ensure that the
best value for money for the taxpayer is achieved, and - ideally - we want
priority to be given to repairing and upgrading the current system
before a charging scheme is brought online, again, this will significantly
allay the fears of a lot of those who don't normally protest but appear to
have been particularly exercised by this policy. Now likely as not they
wouldn't have got all of it, but that would be properly courageous, and
how coalition government should work, give and take to obtain
consensus policy. Citizens took plenty of notice of Labour under the last
government, and what they saw was Fine Gael wearing a red rose, what
Mr Dowling should say is that they have yet to forgive labour, and it may
be a while yet before they do so, if ever.

They backtracked on virtually ever promise made in 2011 ... this is not
the first time that they have blatantly told untruths to the electorate.

Now in opposition once again, they suddenly have all the answers.
FFG are bad enough - at least you know what you get with them -
Liebour are an entirely different basket of snakes.
Deputy Howlin knew that his his own party members wouldn't have
chosen him had there been a leadership contest so why would he expect
the rest of us to put him back in office?
with his political experience he more than most must realise what
happened to FF will not happen for Labor after their part in the water
fiasco and the lap dog part they played to FG. Nor will their grass roots
support forget the betrayal and ineptitude of the part they played in that
Paul Meade, they along with Fine Gael shafted ordinary decent honest
working families and done a deal to extend the repayment of billions
borrowed onto the backs of our grandchildren and those yet to be born.
So stop all the boasting.
They are the political face of the public sector. They haven't represented
working class people for decades

John Downing: Fine Gael

has been gulled on water
fix by old enemy
'Thus Michel Martins

John Downing
April 11 2017
The old biblical quote speaks of the lion lying down to rest
beside the lamb. The almost-as-old-quote, pickled in
world-weary cynicism, adds that the lion's companion is a
new lamb each night.
Yep, the ancient jokes ain't ancient for nothing.
The Fine Gael TDs and senators are no political lambs.
But, as they produce documented evidence that Fianna
Fil screwed them over on the draft water-charge political
fix, you do begin to wonder.

Residents Fight
Water Rates 1984

In 1984 Today Tonight looked at a proposed

introduction of local service charges including
water rates and waste charges.
In 1984 Today Tonight looked at a proposed
introduction of local service charges including
water rates and waste charges. A group of
Ballyfermot residents spoke about their
intention not to pay any new taxes which they
feel are being unfairly introduced.
One of the main concerns expressed both
then and now relates to the control of the
amount of water rates. Protesters are looking
for confirmation from the government that
rates wont double each year.
This report from Today Tonight was
broadcast on 18 April, 1984.

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