Facilitator Guide: Procedures, Etiquette, and Product Guide Training April 16, 2017

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Facilitator Guide

Procedures, Etiquette, and Product Guide Training

April 16, 2017


Content Introduction 4
Audience Information 4
Using This Guide 4
Topics 5
Timeline 5
Preparation Checklist 6
Instruction Notes 6
Icon Glossary 7
Topic 1: Introduction 8
Topic 2: Contingency Activity 12
Topic 3: The Respect Principle 15
Topic 4: The Empathy Principle 16
Topic 5: Practicing Respect and Empathy 18
Topic 6: The Honesty Principle 21
Topic 7: The Consideration Principle 23
Topic 8: Practicing Consideration and Honesty 24
Topic 9: Takeaways: Review and Summary 27
Topic 1: Introduction 29
Topic 2: The Table of Contents 32
Topic 3: Table of Content Activities 35
Topic 4: Takeaway: Review and Summary 38

Instructor Information
Content Introduction [KA]
This training and facilitator guide is designed for Telephone Operators (TOs) at PJ
Enterprises. The goal of this training is improve TOs verbal etiquette during conversations
with customers and to easily find information within the product guide.

Audience Information
The audience for this training is both TOs and Supervisors.

Telephone Operators range in age from 20 to 45 years old; most of them have college
courses or degrees; however, some do not. All the TOs are native English speakers;
however, occasionally a very proficient non-native speaker will be hired. Most TOs have had
worked in this field for 1-5 years.

Supervisors range in age from 30 to 50 years old. Most supervisors were originally hired as
TOs, and were promoted into supervisor roles. Most of the supervisors have been in this
position for 6 months to 3 years.,

Using This Guide [KA & NM]

This guide was designed and developed by Instructional Solution Inc. Instructional Solutions Inc. is
dedicated to providing high quality professional development trainings to improve employee and
company performance. To learn more about Instructional Solution Inc. visit the website.

The Facilitator Guide is intended to help you train each TO and supervisor in a consistent way.
Before training, be sure youre very familiar with the content of the guide. Facilitators will find a
detailed and clear layout of training objectives, lessons, and assessments.

This training includes 5 sections:

1. Introduction
2. Lesson 1: Identify the type of customer and follow interaction procedures.
3. Lesson 2: Utilize the Product Guide to answer customer questions.
4. Lesson 3: Answering Phone Calls Course Summary
5. Summary

Principles of Etiquette
Product Guide Basis
Managing Customer Time
Using the Phone Script
Product Information
Exchanges & Returns
Surveying Customers on Service

Section Time

Day 1

Introduction 30 minutes

Lesson 1 75 minutes

Break 45 minutes

Lesson 2 90 minutes

Day 2

Lesson 3 120 minutes

Break 45 minutes

Summary 60 minutes

Total Time 7.75 hours

Preparation Checklist [NM]

Student Guide
Presentation Slides( file name: PEP training. ppt located in the shared PJ Enterprise drive)
5 Enlarged Rubrics
4 Enlarged Think-Write-Pair-Share Charts
Enlarged Contingency Activity Charts
# of copies - Table of Content Challenge Activity Worksheet
Whiteboard/Chart Markers
Scenario Sheets for Partner Role-Play Activity
Prizes for challenge activities

Prepare Training Environment

Method to play audio clips for contingency activity and Think, Write, Pair, Share activities
Ensure that computers all have the order entry system available
Additional Writing utensils for learners if needed
LCD Projector
Instructor Computer
If whiteboard is unavailable, hang blank chart paper

Instruction Notes [BB]

The following notes refer to slides in the PowerPoint presentation: PEP
training.ppt. Suggested actions and script for the instructor are located in
the left hand column of the chart. Also included are references to the slide
number and page number for the student handouts. In the right hand
column of the chart, you will find materials and instructions on when and
how to use the exercises. Use these materials as you prepare for your
training to guide you during the workshop. Be sure to refer participants to
the appropriate worksheet throughout the session.

Script for the facilitator to SAY is written like this.

Instructions for the facilitator to DO and SAY are written like this.

Names of materials are written like this.

Icon Glossary


Facilitator is presenting information to the participants.

Participants are sharing out information with the class.

An audio clip is included in the presentation.

The participants are writing in their student guides.

The facilitator is demonstrating a task for the participants.

The participants are engaging in a discussion.

The participants are engaging in an exercise or activity.

The facilitator is sharing course objectives with the participants.

The facilitator is asking participants questions or the participants are asking

the facilitator questions.

The facilitator is handing out tools or materials to the participants.

Lesson 1.1: Principles of Etiquette [CM & DL]
Time: 75 minutes

Topic 1: Introduction

Display Etiquette
Principles and Procedures Introduction

Tell them that this lesson

will introduce the basic 4
principles of etiquette
and will allow them to
apply each principle
through role play

Display Introduction
slide Importance

Tell them that quality

customer service is at the
heart of a successful

Explain PJ Enterprises
has a focus on quality and
customer service in all
aspects of its work.

Tell them that proper Why is etiquette important for customer service?
etiquette includes the
principles of respect,
empathy, consideration, Etiquette encompasses many things including respect,
and honesty. empathy, consideration, and honesty.

Explain that proper Demonstrating proper etiquette in a business environment
etiquette builds rapport allows us to improve communication and build good rapport
with customers by setting the tone of our interactions, thereby
with customers, which
fulfilling PJ Enterprises mission statement and enhancing the
fulfills PJ Enterprises brand name.
mission and enhances its
brand name.

Distribute Principles of
Etiquette Job Aid (see Overview
Appendix D, page 48) that
will be referenced
throughout the lesson.

Review the Job Aid

Checklist briefly
highlighting each
principle, letting
participants know that
further details on each
principle will be provided
in the mini-lessons.

This mini-lesson is within Lesson One: Etiquette Principles
and Procedures. It sets the groundwork for this PEP training
Tell them that each mini- course by providing you, the learner, with the principles of
lesson will start with an etiquette. Your instructor will start this mini-lesson with a
overview of the etiquette brainstorming activity. Building from this exercise, you will
principle followed by a examine the four principles of etiquette: respect, empathy,
think-write-pair-share consideration, and honesty. To allow for maximum
activity and role-playing participation, each principle will have a think, write, pair,
activity. share activity followed by a role-playing activity. Please use
these opportunities to practice these skills in an environment
that encourages constructive feedback. Record the most
Explain that the role- important take-aways on the last summary take-away slide.
playing exercises are
excellent opportunities to
practice the etiquette
principles in a risk-free,
supportive, environment.

Display Objectives slide.


Review: the course This mini-lesson focuses on four main concepts. The objective
objectives on the slide for each concept is the same. By the end of this course, you
should be able to utilize the four principles of etiquette when
completing customer service calls.

Tell: them that the

objective for each of the
etiquette concepts is the
same. The objectives are
transferrable skills that
are directly related their
on the job performance.

Explain that this rubric

(see in Appendix C, page
45), will be used for both
peer feedback and for the
final assessment upon
course completion

Display: Topics slide

Review: the organization This mini-lesson includes the following topics:

of the student guide and
on which page to find the Topic Page
current lesson.
1 Introduction 8

2 Contingency Activity 12

3 The Respect Principle 15

4 The Empathy Principle 16

5 Practice Session: Respect and 18


6. The Honesty Principle 21

7 The Consideration Principle 23

8 Practice Session: Consideration and 24


9 Take-Aways: Review, Summary, 28


Topic 2: Contingency Activity

Display: Contingency
Exercises slide Contingency Exercises: Examples and Non-examples

Everyones life experiences have an impact on his or her

Tell them that this
perception. This can include ones perception about customer
exercise will focus on
service and etiquette. Lets start by individually brainstorming
identifying examples and
a bit. Think about the information on the slide and record your
non-examples of quality
thoughts. Be ready to share your experiences with the class.
customer service.

Explain: that everyones

life experiences have an
impact on his or her
perception. This can
include ones perception
about customer service
and etiquette.

Say: Lets start by

brainstorming a bit.
Think about the
information on the slide
and record your thoughts. Now that weve covered customer service, what do you
Be ready to share your consider good etiquette as it relates to your position as a
experiences with the telephone operator?

Give them 2 minutes to

individually brainstorm Notes from Brainstorming session:
the characteristics of
quality and poor
customer service.

Ask for volunteers to

share responses to the
first question. Write all
responses on chart paper.

Notes from Group Discussion

Ask for volunteers to
share responses to the
second question. Write
all responses on chart

Tell participants that

they already many of
these principles; this
lesson will reinforce them
and allow time for

Display: Mini-lesson:
Principles of Etiquette

Tell participants that this

exercise will allow them
to practice identifying
examples and non-
examples of good
customer service

Distribute the
Contingency Diagram
handout (See Appendix A,
page 41) and briefly
review the format.

Play each audio clip,

leaving time for The instructor will play some audio clips. Fill in the chart
participants to take notes provided.
in between each one.
(Audio clip transcript Example Etiquette Why?
found in Appendix A. Used?
Audio clips saved on PJ 1 Y/N
Enterprise shared drive.
File names PEP 2
ContinAudio1.mp3, PEP
ContinAudio2.mp3, etc) 3

Ask them to record their 5

responses to each audio
clip on the chart,
providing evidence to
support their Y/N
selection. Refer to these exercises as you proceed through the mini-
lesson. Do your thoughts about etiquette align with the
principles discussed in the course? Why or Why not?

Ask each participant to Example Answer Why?

share his/her response 1 N TO interrupts customer; sounds annoyed; doesnt
for each example with a
seem to be listening.
thumbs up for yes, and a
thumbs down for no. 2 Y TO sounds pleasant; uses Please and Thank-you;
This will allow each
addresses customer by Sir.
participant to respond to
each example 3 Y TO takes ownership of call; uses Please and
Facilitate a discussion 4 N TO says he does not know how to operate system;
asking for the evidence
participants indicated for customer left on hold for a long duration of time; TO
each example. Encourage mumbles/is hard to understand.
all voices to be heard.
5 Y TO repeats issue back to customer to confirm
Review the answers (See
problem; addresses customer by Maam; does not
Appendix A, page 42
know the answer but actively works to solve

problem; ensures satisfactory call completion.

Topic 3: The Respect Principle

Display: The Respect The Respect Principle

Principle slide

Say: Now that weve had

some time to examine
examples and non-
examples of good
customer service
etiquette, well explore
each principle in more

Ask participants to read

the Websters definition
on the slide.

Tell participants that this

general definition can be
applied to their work as
telephone operators. Self-Check: Some ways of using proper manners include
minding your Ps and Qs. What does this mean?

Ask participants to
review the 2 Self Check
questions and share out
What are some other ways of using proper manners? Write
some responses.
your thoughts and what you learned here:

Tell participants to
write any questions they
still have on the Respect Do you have any questions about the Respect Principle? Write
them here:
Principle in the student

Topic 4: The Empathy Principle

Display: The Empathy The Empathy Principle

Principle slide

Ask participants to read

the Websters definition
on the slide.

Tell participants that this

general definition can be
applied to their work as
telephone operators.

Ask participants to Self-Check: How do you partner with the customer? Write
review and jot down what youve learned here:
some notes on the Self
Check question in their
Student Guides.

Ask participants to stand

up for a Give One Get One
exercise. Tell them to
find a partner across the
room to discuss their
responses to the Self
Check question. After 1
minute, have participants
find a new partner with
whom to share ideas on
how to partner with

Tell participants to write

any questions they still Do you have any questions about the Empathy Principle?
have on the Empathy Write them here:
Principle in the student

Topic 5: Practicing Respect and Empathy

Say: Now that youve Practice Session

learned about the
Principles of Empathy
and Respect, we will Now that youve learned about the Principles of Empathy and
Respect, your instructors will present a scenario via audio clip.
present a scenario for
Using the chart provided, fill out each section:
Distribute: The Provide a brief summary of the scenario
Think.Write.Pair.Share Fill-in what you thought
Discuss and fill in what your partner thought.
chart (See Appendix B,
Come to an agreement in regards to a thought you would like to
page 43 ). share with the class.
Take notes additional notes as needed.
Go over the format of the
chart and Explain that
they will:

Provide a brief
summary of the
Fill-in their individual
Discuss and fill in
what their partner
Come to an
agreement in regards
to a thought they
would like to share
with the class.
Take notes additional
notes as needed.

Play the audio clip.

Allow time for
participants to take
notes. (audio transcript
found in Appendix B,
page 44. Audio clips
saved on PJ Enterprise
shared drive. File
names PEP
Lets take some time to incorporate these principles of etiquette into
REAudio1.mp3) some realistic scenarios you might encounter on a daily basis, but

Say: Lets take some first lets review expectations as they related to respect and empathy.
time to incorporate these
principles of etiquette
into some realistic
scenarios you might
encounter on a daily Please refer to the rubric.
basis, but first lets
review expectations as
they related to respect
and empathy.

Distribute the Etiquette

Role Play Rubric. (See
Appendix C, page 45)

Review the format of

the rubric including the
categories and

Ask participants what

they notice about the If you have any questions regarding these components of the rubric,
please ask now.
differences between the
Not Demonstrating
column and the Exceeds
Expectations column for Question:
the 2 listed principles.

Ask some participants to Answer:

share observations and
invite any questions.

Display Role Playing

Distribute Empathy Role

Playing Scenario Script
Please refer to the role-playing slide and scenario provided.
(see Appendix C, page 46)


they will be working with
a partner to practice the Scenario 1 Telephone Operator: Use standard greeting when
answering the line..
principles of Respect and
Empathy. Customer:. I ordered a custom figurine for my 90
year old Grandmothers birthday. Yesterday, I
received a baseball lamp for a childs bedroom
instead of my order! This is unacceptable! My
Explain to participants Grandmother can barely walk but she spent time
dusting and clearing out space in her China cabinet
that they will take turns
for this figurine! I am never ordering from PJ
playing the role of Enterprises again.
telephone operator and
customer. The Telephone Operator: Respond using the principles
of Respect and Empathy.
participant playing the
customer will read from a
script and then provide Scenario 2 Telephone Operator: Use standard greeting when
answering the line.
feedback on the
operators response using Customer: Hi, I placed an order for a Thanksgiving
the rubric. centerpiece and it has yet to arrive. It was supposed
to be delivered last week. Ive called PJ Enterprises
three times and no one has been able to give me any
answers about the whereabouts of my centerpiece.
Your company has the worst customer service Ive
Tell them that for this ever experienced! Im writing negative reviews on
section we will only be Yelp and telling all of my friends on social media
providing feedback on never to shop with PJ Enterprises!
the first 2 principles,
Telephone Operator: Respond using the principles
Respect and Empathy. of Respect and Empathy.

Topic 6: The Honesty Principle

Display: The Honesty The Honesty Principle

Principle slide

Ask participants to read

the Websters definition
on the slide.

Tell participants that this

general definition, like
the others, can be applied
to their work as
telephone operators.

Self Check: How do you take ownership of a call? In what ways

Ask participants to can you acknowledge the unknown? Write what youve learned
review and jot down here:
some notes on the Self
Check question.

Ask participants to stand

up for a Give One Get One
exercise. Tell them to
find a different partner
across the room to
discuss their responses to
the Self Check question.
After 1 minute, have
participants find a new
partner with whom to
share ideas on how to
take ownership of a call
and acknowledge the

Tell participants to write Do you have any questions about the Honesty Principle? Write
any questions they still them here:
have on the Honesty
Principle in the student

Topic 7: The Consideration Principle

Display: The The Consideration Principle

Consideration Principle

Ask participants to read

the Websters definition
on the slide.

Tell participants that this

general definition, like
the others, can be applied
to their work as
telephone operators.

Ask participants to Self Check: What are some ways youve increased efficiency on
review and jot down your calls? Write what youve learned here:
some notes on the 2 Self
Check questions.

Ask participants to share

out to the large group
some of the ways theyve What are some ways youve portray professionalism while on a
increased efficiency on call with a customer? Write what youve learned here:
their calls and portrayed
professionalism with

Tell participants to write

any questions they still
Do you have any questions about the Consideration Principle?
have on the Write them here:
Consideration Principle
in the student guide.

Topic 8: Practicing Consideration and Honesty

Practice Session

Say: Now that youve

learned about the Now that youve learned about the Principles of Consideration and
Principles of Honesty Principle, your instructors will present a scenario via audio
Consideration and clip. Using the chart provided, fill out each section:
Provide a brief summary of the scenario
Honesty, we will present Fill-in what you thought
a scenario for practice. Discuss and fill in what your partner thought.
Come to an agreement in regards to a thought you would like to
share with the class.
Take notes additional notes as needed.
Refer: back to the

Review the format of the

chart and Explain that
they will:

Provide a brief
summary of the
Fill-in their individual
Discuss and fill in
what their partner
Come to an
agreement in regards
to a thought they
would like to share
with the class.
Take notes additional
notes as needed.

Play the audio clip.

Allow time to take notes
(transcript in Appendix
B, page 44. Audio clips
saved on PJ Enterprise
shared drive. File name
PEP CHAudio1.mp3 Lets take some time to incorporate these principles of etiquette into

Say: Lets take some some realistic scenarios you might encounter on a daily basis, but
time to incorporate these first lets review expectations as they related to consideration and
principles of etiquette
into some realistic
scenarios you might Please refer to the rubric.
encounter on a daily
basis, but first lets
review expectations as
they related to
consideration and

Refer back to the Role

Playing Rubric.

Ask participants what

they notice about the
differences between the
Not Demonstrating
column and the Exceeds If you have any questions regarding these components of the rubric,
please ask now.
Expectations column for
the principles of
Consideration and Question:

Ask some participants to
share observations and
invite any questions.

Display Role Playing slide

Distribute Consideration
and Honesty Role Playing
Scenario Script (see Please refer to the role-playing slide and scenario provided.
Appendix C, page 47).


Tell participants that Scenario 1 Telephone Operator: Use standard greeting when
answering the line.
they will be working with
a partner to practice the Customer: I only have a few minutes before I pick
principles of my son up from preschool, so please dont put me on
hold. I need to know immediately if this rug I see in
Consideration and the catalog is free of synthetic materials and if it was
Honesty. manufactured in a facility free of synthetic materials.
My son has a rare disorder where he breaks out in a
severe rash if his skin comes into contact with
synthetic materials. I only have 2 minutes, so please
Explain to participants confirm that this this rug will not harm my sons
that they will take turns skin.
playing the role of Telephone Operator: Respond using the principles
telephone operator and of Consideration and Honesty.
customer. The
participant playing the Scenario 2 Telephone Operator: Use standard greeting when
customer will read from a answering the line.
script and then provide
Customer: Hi, Im looking for a doll for my
feedback on the granddaughter. Can you tell me how many types of
operators response using dolls you have and the prices of each? My
the rubric. granddaughter Emily, did I mention shes 4?, shes
just the sweetest little girl alive and just loves dolls. I
have 6 other grandkids, Johnny, Frankie, Lucy, Peter,
Holly, and Luke. Come to think of it, do you have any
toys other than dolls that the boys would like?
Tell them that for this
(Customer continues with stories about her grandkids,
section we will only be barely allowing the operator to get a word in.)
providing feedback on Telephone Operator: Respond using the principles
the second 2 principles, of Consideration and Honesty.
Consideration and

Topic 9: Takeaways: Review and Summary

Display Review and Review and Summary

Summary slide

Give participants 5
minutes to jot down
notes on key points from
the mini-lesson.

Refer back to the job aid

checklist and suggest that
telephone operators Please feel free to post this Principles of Etiquette job aid
display the checklist in checklist in your work environment.
their work environment.

Ask participants to Questions?
reflect on any questions
Now is the time to refer to the questions you recorded in your
they still have following notes earlier.
the lesson.

Ask them to write the

following in their
student guides:

3 important ideas to

2 things theyd like to

know more about

1 idea they are looking

forward to trying

Facilitate a discussion

on the 3-2-1 Exercise.

Lesson 2.2: Using the Table of Contents [CM & DL]
Time: 20 minutes

Topic 1: Introduction

Display the
Product Guide Introduction
Basics slide.

Say: Lets take Lets take some time to review mini-lesson 2.1: Locating and
some time to Accessing the Product Guide. Were going to need to use the
Product Guide so please access this on the upper right side of
review mini-lesson
your desktop screen.
2.1: Locating and
Accessing the
Product Guide.

Show them how to

click the Product
Guide icon on the
upper right side of
their desktop

Walk around the

room to assist
participants with
locating the
Product Guide as

Display the
Introduction slide. Importance
Using the Table of Contents effectively allows for efficient use of
time with customers on the line.

Tell them that the

next section
focuses on use of
the Product Guide
Table of Contents.

Explain that
proficiency in
using the Table of
Contents will allow
for more efficient
use of call time.

Say: In this mini-

lesson were going Overview
to learn how to use In this mini-lesson were going to learn how to use the Table of
the Table of Contents to locate product items. At the end of the lesson there
Contents to locate will be two activities- a challenge worksheet and a partner role-
play, which will tie in items learned earlier in this training course.
product items. At
the end of the
lesson there will be
two activities- a
worksheet and a
partner role-play,
which will tie in
items learned
earlier in this
training course.

Display the
Objectives slide. Objectives
By the end of this mini-lesson, youll be able to locate a product
in the Table of Contents and find the corresponding page in
under 1 minute

Review the
objective on the
screen with the

Display: Topics
slide Topics
This lesson includes the following topics:

Topic Page
Review: the
organization of the
student guide and 1 Introduction 30
on which page to
find the current
2. The Table of Contents 33

3 The Table of Contents Activities 36

4 Take Away: Review and Summary 39

Topic 2: The Table of Contents

Display the Table of

Contents slide. The Table of Contents

Review the
organization of the
Table of Contents.
(see Appendix E, page

Show them that the

Table of Contents is
organized by broad
category with further
sub-topics listed

Demonstrate the
steps to find a
product using the
Table of Contents.

1) Look for the broad

category on the left
2) Identify the sub-
category underneath,
if appropriate.
3) Follow to the right
side to locate the
page number.
4) Turn to the page
number to find the

Display the
Scenarios slide (see
Appendix F, pages
50-51 for items used
in scenarios)

Tell them that well

now be looking at
two scenarios for use
of the Table of

Ask a participant to
read the scenarios on
the screen aloud for
the group.

Display the Where

would the Tennis
Bracelet be located

Tell participants to
use the procedural
steps for usage of the
Table of Contents to
locate the Infinity

Ask participants to Additional lesson notes here:
jot down a few pieces
of information about
the Infinity Bracelet
in their Student

Ask a few
participants to share
out any information
they found about the
Infinity Bracelet from
the Product Guide.

Display the Where

would the Womens
Sweater be located

Tell participants to
use the procedural
steps for usage of the
Table of Contents to
locate the Blue
Flowered Sweater.

Ask participants to
jot down a few pieces
of information about
the Blue Flowered
Sweater in their
Student Guides.

Ask a few
participants to share
out any information
they found on the
Blue Flowered
Sweater from the
Product Guide.

Topic 3: Table of Content Activities

Display the Practice

Challenge slide. Practice Challenge

Distribute the
Practice Challenge
table worksheet (See
Appendix G, page 50)).

Review the format of

the Practice
Challenge worksheet
with participants.

Tell participants that

they will be timed (5
minutes maximum,
one for each product)
to locate each items
corresponding page
number or range.

Tell them to raise

their hands when
they are done and
that the first person
with a completed
paper with no errors
will win a prize.

Review the

Challenge Activity
answers (see
Appendix G, page 53)
when all participants
are finished by asking
random participants
to share their

Say Now we will

practice using the
Table of Contents by
quizzing each other Role Play Scenario
through role play.

Refer back to the

Role Playing Rubric
(see Appenix H, page
54) and tell
participants that
theyll be using the
final row to give
feedback to their
partners on their
usage of the Table of

If you have any questions regarding this component of the

rubric, please ask now.
Distribute the Table

of Contents Role Play Scenario 1
Scenario worksheet
A customer calls PJ Enterprises inquiring about replacing a
(See Appendix H,
pair of gold hoop earrings his wife recently lost. Locate the
page 55). gold hoop earrings in under 1 minute and state the page

Ask participants to
take turns reading
each other the
Scenario 2
scenarios. The
reader will time the A customer calls PJ Enterprises and she would like to order an
partner to see if Easter wreath. This particular wreath has a silver ribbon bow
he/she can locate the on the top with pastel colored eggs at the base. Locate the
Easter wreath in under a minute and state the page number.
product in under a

Ask participants to
share any questions
they may have about
the Table of Contents
rubric component at Question:
this time.


Topic 4: Takeaway: Review and Summary

Say: This concludes Review and Summary

the mini-lesson on
using the Table of
Contents. As This concludes the mini-lesson on using the Table of Contents.
mentioned at the As mentioned at the beginning of the mini-lesson, using the
beginning of the Table of Contents to locate items in under a minute will
mini-lesson, using the increase efficiency on customer calls.
Table of Contents to
locate items in under
a minute will increase
efficiency on
customer calls.

Ask participants to
take 2 minutes to jot
down any key
takeaways from the
mini-lesson on the
Table of Contents in
their Student Guides.


Now is the time to ask for additional practice or assistance.

Ask participants to
raise their hands if
they have further
questions or need
additional assistance.

Explain to
participants that a
separate summative
assessment will not
be administered for
the product guide and
Table of Contents
components because
the summative test
case will require
them to apply 2 of the
key product guide
procedures: 1) Using
the search feature to
locate a product and
2) Reading product
information and
information to
answer customer

Appendix A: Contingency Activity

Contingency Activity: Examples and Non-Examples [DL]

Example Etiquette Why?


ANSWER KEY: Contingency Activity: Examples and Non-Examples [DL]

Example Etiquette Why?


1 N TO interrupts customer; sounds annoyed; doesnt seem to be listening

2 Y TO sounds pleasant; uses Please and Thank-you; addresses customer by Sir

3 Y TO takes ownership of call; uses Please and Thank-you.

4 N TO says he does not know how to operate system; customer left on hold for a long
duration of time; TO mumbles/is hard to understand

5 Y TO repeats issue back to customer to confirm problem; addresses customer by

Maam; does not know the answer but actively works to solve problem; ensures
satisfactory call completion

Contingency Activity Audio Transcripts [CM]
Audio #1

TO: Hello, how can I help you

Customer: Hi, Im looking for a vintage floor lamp for my dining room, preferably something gold
or. (interrupted by TO)
TO: (interrupts customer) Ok, ok, I got it. Floor lamp. Let me look that up.
Customer: Im really looking for something with gold and crystal embellishments, with a vintage
TO: Yes, you mentioned that. Give me a minute to get on the lamps page.
Customer: Oh, ok.
TO: Sorry, we dont have any gold lamps.

Audio #2

TO: Hello. Thank you for calling PJ Enterprises. How can I be of assistance today?
Customer: Hello, Id like to order a Christmas wreath and have it sent to my mom. I recently
ordered one for myself. Would you be able to look up that order?
TO: I can definitely help you with that, Sir. Please give me one moment to find that order. How are
your holiday preparations coming?
Customer: Thanks for asking. I have almost all of my shopping done, except for this wreath for my
TO: Well, I have good news on that front, Sir. Ive located your previous order and Ill just need
your moms address to get the new order completed.
Customer: Thank you so much! Her address is 621 State Street, Lombard, IL 60521

Audio #3

TO: Hello. Thank you for calling PJ Enterprises. How can I be of assistance today?
Customer: I have an issue with an order I recently placed. My item was delivered in the wrong
TO: I am sorry to hear that Maam. I am going to help get this worked out for you. Please give me a
moment to look up your order. Will you please give me your order number?
Customer: Yes, its 538769.
TO: Thank you, Maam Ive pulled up your order. Im sorry that you received the wrong size. I
am re-sending it the order right now and expediting the shipping. You wont be charged for any
shipping and Ive applied a $25 discount to your account.
Customer: Thank you. I really appreciate it.


TO: Hello. Thank you for calling PJ Enterprises. How can I be of assistance today?
Customer: Im calling to find a birthday gift for my great aunt. Shes 70 and really likes dogs. Do
you have any dog-themed gifts?
TO: Do you have a specific item number, because I dont know how to look that up.
Customer: No, I dont have an item number because Im calling to see what you have available.
TO: Hold on a minute (puts customer on hold for 5 minutes)
TO: Do you have a copy of the catalog, because its hard for me to look that up for you without a
specific item number.
Customer: No, if I had the catalog I wouldnt be asking you for assistance.
TO: Maybe you can call back and get another TO that knows how to look that up. Why dont you
hang up and call back again.


TO: Hello. Thank you for calling PJ Enterprises. How can I be of assistance today?
Customer: Hi. I placed an order 2 weeks ago that was supposed to arrive on Tuesday, April 11th. I
still havent received the order.
TO: I am sorry to hear about your late order, Maam. It sounds like your order is now over a week
late. Please give me a moment to look up your order. May I have the order number?
Customer: Yes, its 14678.
TO: Thank you, Ive looked up the order and it looks like there is a delay at the warehouse. It says
the order is still processing. May I put you on hold for just a moment while I call the warehouse to
get to the bottom of this issue?
Customer: Yes, thank you.
TO puts customer on hold for 2 minutes.
TO: Thank you for your patience, Maam. There was a delay in the processing that I was able to
clear up for you. The order will be leaving the warehouse with expedited shipping today. Ive also
applied a $25 discount to your account.
Customer: Thank you. I truly appreciate that.
TO: It was my pleasure, Maam. Thank you for shopping with PJ Enterprises.

Appendix B: Think, Write, Pair, Share Worksheet [DL]


What I Thought

What My Partner

What We Decided to

Respect and Empathy Audio Transcript [DL]

TO: Hello. Thank you for calling PJ Enterprises. How can I be of assistance today?
Customer: I have an issue with an order I recently placed. When I received my item it was broken.
TO: I am sorry to hear that Maam. I understand that receiving an item broken can be a big disappointment. Lets work together to make
this right.. Please give me a moment to look up your order. Will you please give me your order number?
Customer: Yes, its 234769.
TO: Thank you, Maam Ive pulled up your order. Im sorry that you received the item damaged. I am re-sending it the order right now
and expediting the shipping. You wont be charged for any shipping and Ive applied a $25 discount to your account.
Customer: Thank you. I really appreciate it.

Consideration and Honesty Audio Transcript [DL]

TO: Hello. Thank you for calling PJ Enterprises. How can I be of assistance today?
Customer: Hello, Id like to order a mens large polo shirt and have it sent to my dad. I recently ordered one for myself. Would you be
able to look up that order?
TO: I can definitely help you with that, Sir. Please give me one moment to find that order. Have you heard about our spring polo special?
If you purchase a polo you can receive an additional one 50% off.
Customer: Thanks for asking. I had no idea there was a special going on. I would love to send a polo shirt to my brother. Would
shipping cost extra?
TO: Please let me take a moment to check with my supervisor. [brief pause] Youre in luck, Sir. The second polo gets free shipping. If
youd like to provide the additional information, we can get this order squared away.
Customer: Thank you so much! [Provides extra information]

Appendix C: Etiquette Role Play Activity [CM]

Etiquette Role Play Activity Rubric

Etiquette Role Play Scenarios: Respect and Empathy


Scenario 1 Telephone Operator: Use standard greeting when answering the line..

Customer:. I ordered a custom figurine for my 90 year old

Grandmothers birthday. Yesterday, I received a baseball lamp for a
childs bedroom instead of my order! This is unacceptable! My
Grandmother can barely walk but she spent time dusting and clearing
out space in her China cabinet for this figurine! I am never ordering from
PJ Enterprises again.

Telephone Operator: Respond using the principles of Respect and


Scenario 2 Telephone Operator: Use standard greeting when answering the line.

Customer: Hi, I placed an order for a Thanksgiving centerpiece and it

has yet to arrive. It was supposed to be delivered last week. Ive called PJ
Enterprises three times and no one has been able to give me any answers
about the whereabouts of my centerpiece. Your company has the worst
customer service Ive ever experienced! Im writing negative reviews on
Yelp and telling all of my friends on social media never to shop with PJ

Telephone Operator: Respond using the principles of Respect and


Etiquette Role Play Scenario: Consideration and Honesty


Scenario 1 Telephone Operator: Use standard greeting when answering the line.

Customer: I only have a few minutes before I pick my son up from

preschool, so please dont put me on hold. I need to know immediately
if this rug I see in the catalog is free of synthetic materials and if it was
manufactured in a facility free of synthetic materials. My son has a rare
disorder where he breaks out in a severe rash if his skin comes into
contact with synthetic materials. I only have 2 minutes, so please
confirm that this this rug will not harm my sons skin.

Telephone Operator: Respond using the principles of Consideration

and Honesty.

Scenario 2 Telephone Operator: Use standard greeting when answering the line.

Customer: Hi, Im looking for a doll for my granddaughter. Can you tell
me how many types of dolls you have and the prices of each? My
granddaughter Emily, did I mention shes 4?, shes just the sweetest little
girl alive and just loves dolls. I have 6 other grandkids, Johnny, Frankie,
Lucy, Peter, Holly, and Luke. Come to think of it, do you have any toys
other than dolls that the boys would like? (Customer continues with
stories about her grandkids, barely allowing the operator to get a word in.)

Telephone Operator: Respond using the principles of Consideration

and Honesty.

Appendix D: Principles of Etiquette Job Aid Checklist [DL]

Appendix E: Product Guide Table of Contents [BB]

Appendix F: Product Search Scenario Practice [BB]

Appendix G: Table of Contents Worksheet [DL]

ANSWER KEY: Table of Contents Worksheet [DL]

Appendix H: Table of Contents Role Play Activity [CM]

Table of Contents Role-Play Rubric

Table of Contents Role Playing Scenarios


Scenario 1 A customer calls PJ Enterprises inquiring about replacing a

pair of gold hoop earrings his wife recently lost. Locate the
gold hoop earrings in under 1 minute and state the page

Scenario 2 A customer calls PJ Enterprises and she would like to

order an Easter wreath. This particular wreath has a
silver ribbon bow on the top with pastel colored eggs at
the base. Locate the Easter wreath in under a minute and
state the page number.


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