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Project Charter for UWS Project Management (Team #4)

March 26, 2017

Project Information [TRC]

The senior management team of PJ Enterprises has a goal of quality service delivery, but has
been experiencing high turnover of staff, job dissatisfaction, and an increase in customer
complaints. The company wishes to improve the training program for Customer Service
Supervisors and Telephone Operators to increase catalog sales and reduce customer complaints.
They have asked UWS Project Management to design, develop, and deliver a learning program
for these employees prior to the catalog mailing.
UWS Project Management will create a mandatory training program for new hires and current
Telephone Operators and Customer Service Supervisors. The training, hereby called the PJ
Training Initiative, will cover sales skills, customer service skills, telephone etiquette, and
navigation of the Online Product Guide.. It will also incorporate scenario-based training with
opportunities for knowledge checks and a Q & A period. Our team will also design an online
catalog with a search component so that Telephone Operators can quickly find products and
answer customer questions. Training will be designed for this component as well.
Project Manager
The UWS Project Management teams Project Manager is Dayna Fuller.
Project Sponsor
The UWS Project Management teams Project Sponsor is Jane McKenzie.

Project Charter for UWS Project Management

Stakeholders and Impact [TRC and KV]

Stakeholder Responsibilities and Impact on the Project Project Impact on Stakeholder
Jane Mackenzie, Project Has authorization from PJ to champion the Success of the project is as important to Jane as
Sponsor project. Executive level sign off on all key it is to the PM team, because PJ assigned her this
decisions and documents, including the Project role in order to improve sales and to ensure an
Charter. outstanding customer service model is
implemented. Jane will possibly be noticed as a
successful leader within her organization if the
project is successful, but she could also feel a
negative impact to her leadership role, if the
project is unsuccessful.
Jane Mackenzie, Tie-breaker Jane has authorization from PJs VP to make Janes time will be impacted as she works with
(person who will make decisions that deal with strategy and content as SMEs to make the necessary decisions to meet
decisions, both strategic and needed. Jane works closely with PM team to the project goals. Jane might be negatively
content, should SMEs answer any question that arise during the impacted if the SMEs are unable to make
disagree) project. Jane accepts are declines decisions and she is unable to be a tie-breaker or
recommendations made and essentially final decision-maker. Janes reputation and
overrules the SMEs, if necessary. position may be dependent on the success of the
project. She has a vested interest in working with
the PM team to navigate through any tough
decisions that can potentially impact sales and
Sheena Perez and Ray Review plans and materials related to products. Sheenas responsibilities regarding training
Johnson, Reviewers and Provides expertise regarding product within the company will be changing. She will
Subject Matter Experts information and reports on product/catalog now work with Ray to continue updating the
trends, etc. that PM team needs to be aware of. product catalog, but her responsibilities will be
Ensures the training being created aligns with reduced in terms of training and development.
the product catalog and has oversight on the On a positive note, Sheena will no longer be
notes field. solely responsible for T&D and with Rays help
they will both be able to focus on working with
the vendors to bring in the best products for PJ.

Project Charter for UWS Project Management

They will continue to be SMEs on the product

catalog. If sales increase, Sheena will benefit as
a buyer and product SME.
Bruce Bennett and Yun Tsien Provide guidance to the ID team about industry Responds to requests on time. These
Additional Subject Matter specific knowledge and terminology. stakeholders will benefit if the project goes well
Experts Responsible for answering questions and and the PM team is successful, because the
providing support with the product guide training will address the new product guide.
database and other IT concerns. Ensures IT
support for internal users.
Dayna Fuller (PM), Bob UWS Project Team works together to design If the project is successful, the PM team will
Lawton (PC), Tracy Cobb and implement a quality training plan for further their quality reputation which might lead
(ID), Kyle Vanderkin (TW), telephone operators and customer service to future PJ business and/or referrals. If the
and Jon Thorson (ID), Project supervisors. Have decision-making power on project is unsuccessful, they may not receive full
Team Members design and development of the training and payment and the relationship with PJ might
implementation. suffer.
Sarah Commons and Maria Act as SMEs and reviewers for the training. The impact should be very positive, because
Gomez, Paula More, Responsible for reviewing training and Sarah and Maria are two of PJs most
Rosalinda Sanchez, Customer communicating any team concerns regarding experienced supervisors. They will take part in
Service Supervisors daily workflow, etc. Responsibility of taking the TTT plan. They come from two different
over future trainings once the project shifts so impact on time and inconvenience
deliverables are completed. The goal is for these should be minimal. Sarah and Maria may have
to ladies to work closely with the PM team to long-term positive impact if the project goes
ensure current staff and new hire training is well and the new training creates increased sales
outstanding and sustainable to meet PJs and outstanding customer service.

Project Charter for UWS Project Management

Description of Work [TRC, DF, and KV]

Project Purpose
The purpose of the PJ Training Initiative is to decrease staff turnover, improve employee morale,
decrease the number of customer complaints and increase sales for PJ Enterprises. The new
training program will thoroughly train Telephone Operators on phone etiquette and sales skills
and will provide them with a script to use when interacting with customers. Telephone Operators
will leave equipped with skills and confidence to provide consistent, error-free customer service.
. Training will also include instruction on how to use and implement the new Online Product
Guide which will allow Telephone Operators to look up product information more quickly and
efficiently, cutting down on customer wait time.
Business Objectives
UWS Project Management aims to reach the following PJ Enterprises business objectives
through the development of a new training program and Online Product Guide.
Increase in annual sales to maintain or exceed projected target of $7 million in annual
Maintain profitability.
Quality customer service with 10% improvement on customer service scores.
Improved work environment and staff development leading to increased employee

Project Charter for UWS Project Management

Project Deliverables [BL and JT]

Solution Delivery Method Seat Time Description
PJ Enterprises Instructor-led Training, role- 8 hours. Sessions to be PJ Enterprises University will work with SMEs
University playing, scenario-based split over two days to o design, develop, and deliver training for
allow for phone coverage Telephone Operators and Customer Service
Supervisors. The entire module will focus on:

Customer Service
o Overview of company policies
o Employee expectations
o Incentive program
o Using phone scripts and
responding to complaints
Sales skills
Online Product Guide training
Practice/role play
o Practicing new skills using hands-
on training with computers

Online Product Guide Online product database for N/A Searchable database to include:
Telephone Operators product names
photos of products
specifications, including but not limited
to: dimensions, weight, material, care
and cleaning instructions
item descriptions
Telephone Operator editing capability to
include adding helpful tips
Admin editing capability to include
adding or deleting items, adjusting

Project Charter for UWS Project Management

pricing (Admins to be determined by


Project Charter for UWS Project Management

Deliverables in Scope [DF and TRC]

Design and develop an instructor-led training program for Telephone Operators (TOs)
and Customer Service Supervisors.
Scenario-based training covering outstanding customer service policies and sales skills,
phone etiquette (including suggested scripts), and effective navigation of the Online
Product Guide.
Facilitator guides to accompany the new training program mentioned above.
Evaluation of the new training program.
In conjunction with QB Datasource Experts, design and implement a new Online Product
Job aids for the new product guide features.

Out of Scope [TRC and KV]

New-hire training and ongoing training outside the scope of the project.
Integration of the new product guide into the ordering system.
First-hand gathering of needed information from sources beyond PJ Enterprises (vendors)
Maintaining and updating the new Online Product Guide.

Project Completion Criteria [BW and JT]

The project will be considered complete when the following items are delivered:
The Online Product Guide has been uploaded to PJs system and is available to for the
Telephone Operators to access. Further integration with the sales order system is at the
discretion of PJ Enterprises.
Delivery of four training sessions for Telephone Operators on June 15, 2017 with a
makeup date on June 16, 2017 if necessary.
Delivery of the final assessment results within 30 days of the end of training.

Project Charter for UWS Project Management

Budget [All]
Deliverable/Solution Type of Seat Time or Total Hours Estimated Cost
Training/Deliverable Scope
PJ Enterprises Instructor-led Training 8 hours 355 $53,250
University (training for ($150 /hour)
current telephone
Online Product Guide Online database Editable 40 hours for UWS $15,000 annual
Create a database to Project Management to license
personalized match all design for software. (up to 35
training guide for products for users @ $35 per user
using and new catalog 10 hours to create monthly)
administering A bid of $6,000 to design
database, database and upload
supplemental to help product data
offered by
Total Estimate $53,250 for training
$15,000 for product
guide licensing
$6,000 for product guide
design and creation
$74,250 total estimate

Project Team Members and Roles [TRC and DF]

Project Charter for UWS Project Management

Name Role Responsibilities Estimated

Jane Mackenzie Director of Sales Support/Project Point person the project. 50 hours
Sponsor Answers questions on behalf of PJ Enterprises.
Provide additional PJ staff support.
Review and sign off on all project and training
Decision making authority for PJ Enterprises.
Bruce Bennett Vice-President of Information Answer technical questions regarding the sales 10 hours
Systems system.
Ensures functionality of the new product guide
Sheena Perez Merchandising Manager/SME Subject Matter Expert 25 hours
Reviewer Serves as point of contact regarding product
Sarah Commons and Customer Service Subject Matter Expert 50 hours
Maria Gomez Supervisor/SME and Training Review training materials
Reviewer Assist in training delivery

Paula Moore and Telephone Operator/SME for TO Review training materials 25 hours
Rosalinda Sanchez training. Provide scripts.
Ray Johnson Assistant Merchandise Subject Matter Expert 25 hours
Manager/Reviewer Serves as resource for developing Online Product
Review product-related materials
Sam Fisher IT Manager Answer technical questions regarding computer 6 hours
workstations and requirements.

Project Charter for UWS Project Management

Dayna Fuller Project Manager Overall responsibility for the successful planning of 55 hours
the project.
Develops execution plan.
Communicates with Project Sponsor on needs,
approval, and progress.
Determines costs based on scope and deliverables
Bob Lawton Business Analyst/Project Creates work schedule and deadlines. 30 hours
Coordinator Moderates team meetings.
Assists Project Manager in developing execution
Determine costs based on scope and deliverables
Kyle Vanderkin Technical Writer Formats learning materials. 40 hours
Ensures use of language and technical terminology
is consistent and correct across all documents.
Submits finalized documents to Project Manager for
Jon Thorson Business Analyst/Instructional Uses the results of the Gap Analysis to determine 115 hours
Designer solutions to identified problems.
Conducts research and works with SMEs to
determine objectives and develop training content.
Works with project team to create media and
Develops and implements checks for training

Tracy Cobb Instructional Designer Uses the results of the Gap Analysis to determine 115 hours
solutions to identified problems.
Conducts research and works with SMEs to

Project Charter for UWS Project Management

determine objectives and design and develop

training content.
Works with project team to create media and
Develops and implements checks for training
Project Milestones [JT and DF]
Milestone Date
Initial Performance Analysis March 19, 2017
Sponsor Review and Sign-off March 20, 2017
Project Charter completed March 26, 2017
Design Document completed April 26, 2017
Design Document approval, sign-off May 3, 2017
Facilitator Guide draft completed May 24, 2017
Facilitator Guide approval, sign-off May 31, 2017
Pilot test/review/revision completed June 1, 2017
Four training sessions June 15-16, 2017
Evaluation July 16, 2017

Vendor Assistance Required [TRC and KV]

UWS Project Management will design a new Online Product Guide for PJ Enterprises and will outsource the creation of the catalog to
QB Datasource Experts. This company will be responsible for creating the online product database and uploading product information
into the database. This company will design a user-friendly search component to the database which will allow telephone operators to
easily find product information. The company will also integrate a notes system into the database where telephone operators can type
up answers to customer FAQs for future reference. The database will be completed by May 15th, 2017 in time for pilot testing.

Project Charter for UWS Project Management

Potential Problems and Risks [TRC and KV]

Problem Area Likelihood Problem Owner Possible Impact to Mitigation Plan
(1 to 5) Project
Unavailability of SMEs 2 Dayna Fuller Incomplete information Plan regular meetings with
to work with UWS included in training. Delays SMEs in advance with the
Management Team. to milestones. support of PJ Enterprises.
Determine best , least-
disruptive ways to meet with
SMEs (Skype, e-mail,
Telephone Operators 1 Customer Service Inconsistent training of Work with PJ Enterprises to
unable to attend training Supervisors Telephone Operators who develop a training schedule for
sessions. will not be able to use new current employees.
Online Product Guide.
Subject Matter Experts 1 Jane Mackenzie Lack of resources to provide Gather information from SMEs
leave the company course content. Delays to during the early stages of
during project milestones. project development.

Equipment or technical 1 Sam Fisher Interference with training Build backup files and alternate
failures. delivery. training materials to use in case
of equipment failure.

Project Charter for UWS Project Management

Assumptions [DF and JT]

UWS Project Management is responsible for the following:
Design, development, and initial delivery of TO/Supervisor training module.
Timely completion of all deliverables.
Creating a positive process to communicate and keep the Project Sponsor informed of
project changes, issues, and milestones.
Working collaboratively with SMEs provided by PJ Enterprises to develop training
Communication with subcontractor to ensure that the Online Product Guide is completed
as described, on time.
Managing project timeline and meeting deadlines.
Monitoring and tracking budget.
PJ Enterprises is requested to supply the following:
Assigning SMEs to provide subject matter and timely feedback on deliverables.
Creating workspace with functioning computers for hands-on training.
Scheduling of training sessions.
Agreed upon budget and to cover costs associated with the project, including printing of

Constraints [TRC and BL]

The following situations could affect UWS ability to deliver the training or Online Product
Guide as described above:
The limited availability of Sheena Perez to review material on a timely basis.
Unavailability of technology required to deliver training.
Lack of cooperation due to low morale could negatively impact quality of contributions.

Project Charter for UWS Project Management

External Influences [TRC and KV]

Extreme weather may impede training delivery.
Unforeseen power failures may delay training.
Widespread illness may affect trainee attendance rates.

Role Signature Date

Project Sponsor ________________________ ________________________

Project Manager March 26, 2017


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