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Lesson Plan Template

Name Cultural Differences based on Geography
Subject Social Studies
Grade Level 4th
Date/Duration One 45-minute class period; whole unit will last 3 weeks
Big Ideas Ones geography affects the way they live and their
Essential What are the geography types that make up the United
Questions States?
How does geography affect culture?
How does geography affect the way people live?
PA/Common Standard - 7.1.4.A- Describe how common geographic
Core/Standards tools are used to organize and interpret information
about people, places, and environment.
Standard - 7.2.4.A- Identify the physical characteristics
of places and regions.
Objective In groups, students will identify how the physical
geography of the United States affects the way people
Bloom's live with 80% proficiency.

Webb's Depth of
Formative & Formative: I will provide students with visuals about the
Summative different geographies that make up the United States. I
Assessment will also provide visuals and references about the
Evidence different cultures that are affected by geography.
Summative: At the end of the lesson, students will
answer an exit ticket about geography and how lives
are shaped because of where people live.
ISTE Standards 7b- Students use collaborative technologies to work
for Students with others, including peers, experts or community
members, to examine issues and problems from
Framework for multiple viewpoints.
21st Century 7c- Students contribute constructively to project teams,
Learning assuming various roles and responsibilities to work
effectively toward a common goal.
Accommodation Taylor will be allowed to work independently using
s, Modifications technology to complete her work instead of working
with her classmates.
Taylor will work in her own space that is free from
danger. The door will be shut and locked and the
windows will be kept to her liking. She will feel safe at
all times.
Taylor will be provided with a bed at the nurses office if
she is overtired. She can go down at any point and take
a nap because no learning will occur if she is tired.
Taylor will be provided with a dry erase calendar on her
desk that keeps track of her assignments so she knows
what she must get done to keep her stress at a minimal

Seton Hill University Lesson Plan Template Step-by-Step

the Learning
Introduction Activating Prior Knowledge
I will ask students if they know what the geography is for
the area that they live. I will also ask students if they
have travelled to a part of the United States that has a
different geography and if they noticed anything
different about the people and culture.
Hook/Lead-In/Anticipatory Set
Watch the video Celebrations of American Culture
We will play the game World Geography Games as a
group taking turns answering questions http://world-
Explicit Big Idea Statement
Instructions The area where people live affect the way they live and
their culture
Essential Questions Statement
What are the geography types that make up the United
How does geography affect culture?
How does geography affect the way people live?
Objective Statement
You will work in your groups and identify the different
types of physical geography that makes up the United
States. You will also see the way that geography affects
the way that people live.
Students will stop at two stations around the room on
the way to their desks and look at items from different
Key Vocabulary
Lesson Pre-Assessment of Students
Procedure Students will fill out a KWL chart about the different
geographies of the United States. Students will fill out a
second graphic organizer about the different cultures
that they think make up the U.S. and how geography
affects their culture.
Modeling of the Concept
Students will create a 3-D clay model of their assigned
area of geography. The model will be centered around a
specific area where they have to create a story about a
family to go along with their model. I will show them my
model about the forests that housed the Iroquois
Indians. Students will use the library, textbooks, and
computers to do research about their given geography.
Students will have an interactive bulletin board to learn
about the different geographies that make up the U.S.
Guiding the Practice
I will teach my students about the different geographies
one by one. I will use visuals and stories to help provide
students with materials. I will have hands-on centers
around the room for students to learn about people that
settled in one area at that time and see how their
surroundings affected their life.
Students will be provided with a rubric that should guide
their project and story. Students will have the
opportunity to work on their project in class and at
While the students are creating their projects, I will walk
around and ask them if they have any questions and if
they need any help or ideas.
Providing the Independent Practice
Students will write a short reflection on their project and
about the lesson. They are encouraged to write what
they think I could have done better and if they think I
should change anything for next years class.
Students will find a partner and travel to a center around
the classroom and learn about the people that occupied
their centuries ago.
Reading Computers/iPads
Materials Textbooks
Technology Library
Equipment Clay
Any extra craft supplies that may be needed
Evaluation of Formal Evaluation
the Students will be given a blank map and colored pencils.
Learning/Master They must determine and color in the different
y of the geographies of the United States. They will make a
Concept bulleted list on the back of what their colors stand for
(ex: green=forest) and write one group of people that
live there.
Informal Evaluation
I will talk with my students individually while checking
off that they understood and met the objectives. They
will tell me how their project and story ties into the
Closure Summary & Review of the Learning
Students will compare their projects to their peers if they
have the same geographical location.
They will talk about the objectives and the essential
questions with their peers and explain how their project
Students will write on whiteboards what they are
confused on and if they need me to go over anything
They will ask their family about where their family came
from and how geography affected their culture. This will
be due on the following Monday giving students and
families time to look into their family history if needed.

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