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Lesson Plan 2: Formative Assessment:

Formative: I will provide students with visuals about the different geographies that make
up the United States. I will also provide visuals and references about the different cultures
that are affected by geography. Students must write two sentences for each picture about
what part of the United States experience that geography.
Accommodation: Taylor can write down or type the answers into a word document if she
is feeling anxious and does not want to verbally tell the answer.

What part of the United States is known for

its mountain ranges?

What part of the United States is full of

tropical beaches?

What part of the United States has prairies?


What part of the United States is known for

its deserts?

Explain the significance of this photo and

how it represents different cultures?
Lesson Plan 2: Summative Assessment:
Summative: At the end of the lesson, students will answer an exit ticket about geography
and how lives are shaped because of where people live.
Accommodation: Taylor can use technology to answer the exit ticket while in the comfy
corner of the room if she is feeling anxious or in danger.

- What are the main types of geography that make up the United States?
- Where can you find these types of geographies (give the region and the name of the
- How does geography affect ones culture?
- What type of geography do we live in and how has it affected our culture at home and at


I will grade this based on:

right or wrong information
the flow of the paragraph
spelling and grammar

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