(Obli) Ece Realty v. Mandap

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MANDAP Dolo Incidente deceptions or misrepresentations which

[Topic] Fraud: Requisites are not serious in character and without which the other
party would still have entered into the contract.
In order to constitute fraud that provides basis to annul Requisites:
contracts, it must fulfill two conditions: First, the fraud must (1) Fraud or insidious words or machinations must have
be dolo causante or it must be fraud in obtaining the been employed by one of the contracting parties;
consent of the party. This is referred to as causal fraud. The (2) The fraud or insidious words must have been serious;
deceit must be serious. The fraud is serious when it is (3) The fraud or insidious words must have induced the
sufficient to impress, or to lead an ordinarily prudent person other party to enter into the contract; and
into error; that which cannot deceive a prudent person (4) The fraud should not have been employed by both of
cannot be a ground for nullity. The circumstances of each the contracting parties or by third persons.
case should be considered, taking into account the personal
conditions of the victim. Second, the fraud must be proven *it is essential that such insidious words or machinations
by clear and convincing evidence and not merely by a must be prior to or contemporaneous with the birth or
preponderance thereof. perfection of a contract

Art. 1338. There is fraud when, through insidioua words or VOCABULARY:

machinations of one of the contracting parties, the other is Fraud will render the contract voidable;
induced to enter into a contract which, without them, he
would not have agreed to. SHORT ANSWERS:
1. Who was chasing who: ECE Realty is chasing Mandap
Art. 1344. In order that fraud may make a contract 2. Where did the problem start: When 2 years after the
voidable, it should be serious and should not have been execution of the contract, Mandap demanded for the return
employed by both contracting parties. Incidental fraud only of the payments she rendered
obliges the person employing it to pay damages. 3. What is the contract in question: Contract to Sell

*1338 - fraud in performance of a contract employed by a FACTS:

party to the contract in securing the consent of the other 1. Petitioner ECE Realty is a corporation engaged in the
party building and development of condominium units.
*1170 fraud in performance of an obligation employed by Sometime in 1995, it started the construction of a
the obligor in the performance of a pre-existing obligation. condominium project called Central Park
Condominium Building located along Jorge St., Pasay
Kinds of Fraud City. However, printed advertisements were made
Dolo Causante refers to those deceptions or indicating therein that the said project was to be built
misrepresentations of a serious character employed by one in Makati City.
party and without which the party would not have entered
into the contract. 2. December 1995: respondent Mandap, agreed to buy
a unit from the above project by paying a reservation
fee and, thereafter, downpayment and monthly
installments. On June 18, 1996, respondent and the unit.
representatives of petitioner executed a Contract to
Sell. In the said Contract, it was indicated that the 6. The HLURB Board of Commissioner and the Office of
condominium project is located in Pasay City. the President affirmed the decision of the ENCRFO.

7. CA reverses the decision. It annulled the contract

between the parties. ECE ordered to return the
payments made with legal interest. It held that
petitioner employed fraud and machinations to
3. More than two years after the execution of the induce respondent Mandap to enter into a contract
Contract to Sell, respondent Mandap, through her with it. It also expressed doubt on the due execution
counsel, wrote petitioner a letter demanding the of the Contract to Sell between the parties.
return of P422,500.00, representing the payments
she made, on the ground that she subsequently
discovered that the condominium project was being ISSUE:
built in Pasay City and not in Makati City as indicated WON ECE Realty was guilty of fraud and if so, whether such
in its printed advertisements. Instead on answering fraud is sufficient ground to nullify its contract with Mandap.
the letter, petitioner ECE Realty sent a letter
informing her that her unit is already ready for HELD:
inspection and occupancy should she decide to move NO. Jurisprudence has shown that in order to constitute
in. fraud that provides basis to annul contracts, it must fulfill
two conditions. First, the fraud must be dolo causante or it
4. Treating the letter as a form of denial of her demand must be fraud in obtaining the consent of the party. This is
for the return of the sum she had paid to petitioner referred to as causal fraud. The deceit must be serious. The
ECE Realty, respondent Mandap filed a complaint fraud is serious when it is sufficient to impress, or to lead an
with the Expanded National Capital Region Field ordinarily prudent person into error; that which cannot
Office (ENCRFO) of the HLURB seeking the annulment deceive a prudent person cannot be a ground for nullity. The
of her contract with petitioner, the return of her circumstances of each case should be considered, taking
payments, and damages. into account the personal conditions of the victim. Second,
the fraud must be proven by clear and convincing evidence
5. Sept. 30, 2005: ENCRFO dismissed the complaint and and not merely by a preponderance thereof.
directed the parties to resume the fulfillment of the
terms and conditions of their sales contract. ENCRFO In the present case, this Court finds that petitioner is guilty
held that the respondent failed to show or of false representation of a fact. This is evidenced by its
substantiate the legal grounds that consist of a printed advertisements indicating that its subject
fraudulent or malicious dealing with her by the condominium project is located in Makati City when, in fact,
[petitioner], such as, the latter's employment of it is in Pasay City. However, insofar as the present case is
insidious words or machinations which induced or concerned, that the misrepresentation made by petitioner in
entrapped her into the contract and which, without its advertisements does not constitute causal fraud which
them, would not have encouraged her to buy the would have been a valid basis in annulling the Contract to
Sell between petitioner and respondent. Respondent's allegation that she signed the said Contract to
Sell with several blank spaces, and which allegedly did not
The Housing and Land Use Arbiter found that respondent indicate the location of the condominium, was not supported
failed to show that the essential and/or moving factor that by proof. The basic rule is that mere allegation is not
led the [respondent] to give her consent and agree to buy evidence and is not equivalent to proof. In addition, the fact
the unit was precisely the project's advantageous or unique that respondent made several payments prior to the
location in Makati [City] to the exclusion of other places or execution of the subject Contract to Sell is not the kind of
city x x x. Both the HLURB Board of Commissioners and the evidence needed to overcome such presumption of
Office of the President affirmed the finding of the Arbiter and regularity.
unanimously held that respondent failed to prove that the
location of the said project was the causal consideration or In any case, even assuming that petitioners
the principal inducement which led her into buying her unit misrepresentation consists of fraud which could be a
in the said condominium project. The Court finds no cogent ground for annulling their Contract to Sell,
reason to depart from the foregoing findings and conclusion respondent's act of affixing her signature to the said
of the above agencies. Contract, after having acquired knowledge of the
property's actual location, can be construed as an
Indeed, evidence shows that respondent proceeded to sign implied ratification thereof. Ratification of a voidable
the Contract to Sell despite information contained therein contract is defined under Article 1393 of the Civil Code as
that the condominium is located in Pasay City. This only follows: Art. 1393. Ratification may be effected expressly
means that she still agreed to buy the subject property or tacitly. It is understood that there is a tacit ratification if,
regardless of the fact that it is located in a place different with knowledge of the reason which renders the contract
from what she was originally informed. If she had a problem voidable and such reason having ceased, the person who
with the property's location, she should not have signed the has a right to invoke it should execute an act which
Contract to Sell and, instead, immediately raised this issue necessarily implies an intention to waive his right.
with petitioner. But she did not. It took respondent more
than two years from the execution of the Contract to Sell to Implied ratification may take diverse forms, such as by
demand the return of the amount she paid on the ground silence or acquiescence; by acts showing approval or
that she was misled into believing that the subject property adoption of the contract; or by acceptance and retention of
is located in Makati City. In the meantime, she continued to benefits flowing therefrom. Under Article 1392 of the Civil
make payments. Code, ratification extinguishes the action to annul a
voidable contract. In addition, Article 1396 of the same
The Court is not persuaded by the ruling of the CA which Code provides that [r]atification cleanses the contract from
expresses doubt on the due execution of the Contract to all its defects from the moment it was constituted.
Sell. The fact remains that the said Contract to Sell was
notarized. It is settled that absent any clear and convincing Hence, based on the foregoing, the findings and conclusions
proof to the contrary, a notarized document enjoys the of the Housing and Land Use Arbiter, the HLURB Board of
presumption of regularity and is conclusive as to the Commissioners and the Office of the President, should be
truthfulness of its contents. Neither does the Court agree sustained.
that the presumption of regularity accorded to the notarized
Contract to Sell was overcome by evidence to the contrary.

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