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Name: ____________________________ Period: _____ Date:

Elements of Drama
So what is _______________ Anyway?
Drama is a _______________ being told in real time in front of an audience.
Cast of Characters
These are the _____________acting as characters in the play. There are two
main types:
_______________________: The Main Character
The Antagonist: Or the character against the Protagonist
So who ______________ plays?
The Playwright
There has to be a _______________....
This is called the _______. A set is made of ______________ that are on the
Now our characters need to ________!
This is called ___________.
The actors need to do some _______________ now!
These are called stage ______________. Stage directions tell the _____________
what they are supposed to do. The directions are ____________ read out
The play is organized in _________ and ___________.
Acts and scenes are like ____________ in a book.
And those are the basic ___________ of drama.
Characters, ____________ and _______________, sets, props, stage
_______________, dialogue.

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