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Hannah Logan, Flor Perez & Michael Heng

How and when was their religion created?

The Prophet Muhammad had revelations when meditating on

a mountain, he came to believe that they were messages from
Muhammad introduced the religion in 610 A.D.
Muhammad took over Mecca (after 8 years of fighting), after
his death in 632 A.D. he left behind most of the Arabian
Peninsula converted to Islam.
Who are the Important people?
Important People:Muhammad Gabriel
Angel Gabriel
Religious Texts and Primary Sources
Quran, is the central religious text of Islam, which are
believed as the revelations of the Allah.
The Sunna is full of doctrines, deeds and sayings by the
Prophet and his rightly guided successors.
Sunna is also the body of Traditional social and legal
practice of the Islamic community.
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The basic principles and practices of Islam
Allah is the only creator, provider, and commander.
Allah is only God to be worshipped.
Quran is the holy book of Islam.
Muslims are Monotheisms which means they believe
in one god.
The basic principles of Islam (continued)
The Five Pillars of Islam
- Shahadah: Declaring there is no god except God and Muhammad is
Gods messenger.
- Salat: Ritual prayer five times a day.
- Zakat: Giving 2.5% of ones savings to the poor and needy.
- Sawm: Fasting and self-control during the holy month of Ramadan.
The ninth month on the Islamic calendar, lasts 29-30 days. (2014:
June 28 - July 28)
- Hajj: Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime if one is able
Where did the religion begin?
The religion began in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia.
Muhammad was born and raised in the city of Mecca where the
Islamic religion began but was more furthered in Medina when
Muhammad had to leave.
Around 618 Muhammad returned the
religion to Mecca. Medina

How does the religion view the role of women?
The Quran states:
That men and women are equal in the eyes of God.
Instructs Muslims to educate daughters as well as sons.
Marriage of choice, right to divorce a man.
To work, own and sell property, vote, participate in civic and political
Hijab is a veil that covers the head and chest. Worn as a symbol of
Impact of Islam religion on art and Architecture

Many of the mosques influenced the domes in buildings

we have today like the white house.
Colors and geometrical patterns are used in both art and
Arches are seen all over in their architecture.
How did the religion spread?
The Islam religion started to spread rapidly around the reign
of the first four caliphs in 632-661.
The first four caliphs included:
Abu Bakar Siddiq (632-634 A.D)
Umar Ibn Khattab (634-644 A.D)
Uthman Ibn Affan (644-656 A.D)
Ali Ibn Abi Talib (656-661 A.D)
The wars of expansion were also advanced by the devotion
of the faithful to the concept of jihad (Holy War).

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