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Multimedia Project : Temple Run Breakout Rubric (

Teacher Name: Ms. Kistler

Student Name: ________________________________________

Requirements All requirements are met All requirements are met.
and exceeded.

Organization Content is well organized Content is adequately

using the graphic organized using the
organizer provided. graphic organizer
provided, a few details
seem unorganized.

Workload The workload is divided The workload is divided

and shared equally, and and shared equally, and
this individual met all this individual met most of
expectations within the the expectations within
group. the group.

Mechanics No misspellings or Three or fewer

grammatical errors on the misspellings and/or
graphic organizer. mechanical errors on the
graphic organizer.
Attitude The student approached The student did not cause
all breakout tasks with a any problems during the
positive attitude and breakout and did their
offered help when needed. individual tasks without

Date Created: Apr 18, 2017 09:13 pm (CDT)

reakout Rubric (Individual)

2 1
One requirement was not More than one
completely met. requirement was not
completely met.

A few pieces of There was no clear or

information are missing logical organizational
from the graphic organizer structure, a lot of blank
provided. space on the graphic
organizer provided.

The workload was divided, The workload was not

but this individual in the divided well and this
group is viewed as not individual did none of their
doing most of his/her fair share of the work.
share of the work.

Four misspellings and/or More than 4 errors in

grammatical errors on the spelling or grammar on
graphic organizer. the graphic organizer.
The student complained The student complained
during some tasks, but did throughout the activity
the work required. and refused to do all of the
work required.

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