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Task: In-Band Process

Task Objective: Insert NSS Appliance into production such that FalconStor NSS
appliance acts as intermediary between SAN clients and source storage
1 Unassign physical production LUNs (source storage) currently mapped to the
Windows SAN client via FC protocol
2 Reassign the LUNs to the NSS Initiators and rescan for new devices using the
FalconStor Management Console
To Rescan adapters
To rescan all adapters, right-click on Physical Resources and select Rescan.
Choose Discover New Devices
Note: you may need to explicitly specify the LUN Range (the LUN numbers
you used when provisioning storage to the NSS appliances)

Note: For ease of troubleshooting, use the same LUN number for both nodes
of the FalconStor NSS HA pair.

3 Identify the physical SAN resource corresponding to the LUN presented from the
storage array
4 Right click the new Fibre Channel Devices and rename the new device(s). For ease
of troubleshooting, use the same name that is used on the SAN.
5 Reserve each of these production disks as Service Enabled Devices
At any time, you can prepare a single unassigned device by doing the
following: Highlight the device, right-click, select Properties and select the
device category. (You can find all unassigned devices under the Physical
Resources/Adapters node of the tree view.)
For multiple unassigned devices, highlight Physical Resources, right-click and
select Prepare Disks. This launches a wizard that allows you to virtualize,
unassign, or import multiple devices at the same time.
6 Right click on Logical Resources->SAN Resources and select New. The New SAN
Resource wizard appears
7 Select Service Enabled Device as type of SAN Resource
8 Select Custom as the Creation Method
9 Select appropriate physical device in the list as the physical disk to convert to SED
(and uncheck all other disks) and click Next
10 Select appropriate physical device as the device that will hold the virtual header of
this Service Enabled Device and click Next
11 Select Custom for the Creation Method
12 The Previously specified device name should be listed for the Select Physical
Device screen. Click Next
13 The previously specified device name should be listed for the Select Physical
Device for the Virtual Device Header screen. Click Next
14 Name the SAN resource based on agreed status
15 Confirm the allocation and configuration of the SAN resource in the summary
screen and click Finish. It should list the header and physical device
16 Repeat steps 6-15 for each production disk
17 Verify the allocation of this SAN Resource by click on the Layout tab
18 Assign the resources to your Windows SAN client using FC protocol
19 Install DynaPath on the Windows SAN Client using Web Setup
20 Verify the content of the disk(s) at your Windows SAN client. Your production data
LUN(s) should appear and be accessible

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