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Jaycee Larsen

FHS 2450


Why do you think some parents (maybe yours included) are hesitant to discuss sexuality
with their children? If you are not a parent, do you think you will communicate about
sexuality like your parents or will you approach the subject differently? If you are a
parent, have you communicated to your children about sexuality? Was your approach
different than your parents?

Sex is a topic that nobody likes to discuss, because often with the topic
of sex comes awkward conversation. This is the reason why I feel most
parents either dont discuss sex with their children or do a poor job of explain
the ins and outs. In the below paragraphs I will go over the way my parents
handled talking to me about sex and how I would like to discuss the topic
with my own (future) children.

Growing up sex wasnt a topic that we discussed often, theres actually

only a few times I can remember my own mom asking if I had any questions
for her, but being the shy teenager I was I hesitantly said no and stuck to
googling any questions I had. Part of the reason why I think I felt this way is
because growing up my mom wasnt the easiest person to talk to, she had
the tendency to get mad about silly things and this led to a pattern of me
lying to her to not get into trouble as well as withholding information. These
patterns also didnt contribute to making the topic of sex a very open topic in
my house. Peers, siblings, and parents are major influences on sexual
behaviors. (Knox, Milstein 2017 P.17)

If there is one thing my mom did always stress when it came to sex it
was to always make sure you were protected, being a teen mother herself
she did not want the same from me. So when I became old enough (in her
opinion) to start having sex she took it upon herself to take me to go get
birth control. Which at the time I didnt appreciate but I realize now she was
doing it for my own good, I just wish we would have communicated more
about it because I felt like I was being pushed into the situation.
Adolescents exposed to storied of personal mistakes and other blunders from
friends and family reported delaying their sexual debut and engaging in risky
sexual behaviors such as unprotected sex (Knox, Milstein 2017 P. 17).
Jaycee Larsen
FHS 2450

One day when I decide to have kids and the time comes for me to have
the sex talk with them Im sure Ill pull some things from what my parents
taught me, but Id like to have a more open relationship with my kids and not
try and force birth control on them so they always feel like they can trust me,
because having an open two sided relationships is very important to me now
and will continue to carry that throughout my relationships with my future

All in all, I believe there is no perfect way to talk to your kids about sex
but finding a way to do it in a manor where they feel comfortable and they
get all the information they need to so they can make smart and informed
decisions when it comes to having sex. The only thing I wish my parents
would have done a little different was create a better environment for talking
about sex, however they did do a good job of making sure if I decided to
have sex I was protected so I have carried that into my adult sex life as well.
Jaycee Larsen
FHS 2450

Work Cited:
Knox, D., Milstein, S., & Jarvis, M. O. (2017). Human Sexuality Making Informed
Decisions. Redding, CA: BVT.

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