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Jaycee Larsen



Select a topic from the text and conduct some independent Internet research. Topics may include
infertility, reproductive technologies, gendered perspectives on fertility and reproduction, reproductive
choice, abortion, childbirth options, medical interventions during childbirth, fathers and fertility, the rights
of mother and fetus, the impact of technology on reproductive implications, sperm banks, and
reproductive ethics. What did you learn? Report on your findings.

Bring a child into this world is one of the biggest decisions you will make in your
lifetime, and more times than not it doesnt always go the way the way that you planned
for it to go. There are multiple options when it comes to child birth from a caesarian
section, vaginal delivery, and a water birth. In the below paragraphs I will discuss the
different child birth options in further detail, and what I feel is the best option for child
The first type of birth I am going to discuss is caesarian birth, in which a surgical
cut is made in the womans abdomen and uterus, and the baby is manually removed
(Knox, Milstein 2017 P.341) Most cesarean sections are completed due to unforeseen
complications with mother and or baby for example Your baby's heart rate gives your
practitioner cause for concern, and she decides that your baby can't withstand
continued labor ("C-sections: Giving birth by cesarean section" 2017). However, if you
have had a cesarean section in the past you may opt do have one with your next child
as having a vaginal delivery after cesarean section or a VBAC is very unlikely. We have
come a long way in the terms of medicine even from 20 year ago cesarean sections
used to be considered a major surgery and were done very rarely back in 1996
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, about 33 percent of American
women who gave birth in 2011 had a cesarean delivery. (The C-section rate in the
United States has risen nearly 60 percent since 1996. ("C-sections: Giving birth by
cesarean section" 2017)
The next birthing method I am going to discuss is a standard vaginal delivery
during a vaginal delivery your body progresses through three stages of labor until your
cervix has dilated to 10 centimeters and your cervix is fully enfaced. At this point the
baby is then derived vaginally, the placenta follows shortly after. The most common form
of pain control for vaginal deliveries as your body is not fully numb for this type of
childbirth as it would be for a cesarean section is an epidural 64% of mothers under a
physicians care seek pharmaceutical pain control during labor (Knox, Milstein 2017
P.339). Tearing of the vaginal skin is also very common during vaginal deliveries if an
Jaycee Larsen

episiotomy was performed or tearing occurred the physician will repair it by stitching it
up after the placenta is delivered (Knox, Milstein 2017 P.341)
Lastly I would like to elaborate on a natural child birth such as a water birth
Water birth is the process of giving birth in a tub of warm water. Some women choose
to labor in the water and get out for delivery ("Water Birth: Benefits and Potential Risks"
2016), the process of a natural childbirth is that same as a vaginal delivery however the
process includes choosing to obtain form use of pharmaceutical pain blockers such as
an epidural. Recovery time for a mom that delivers naturally is often far faster some
other benifits include Water causes the perineum to become more elastic and relaxed,
reducing the incidence and severity of tearing and the need for an episiotomy and
stitches. ("Water Birth: Benefits and Potential Risks" 2016). However, this is easier said
than done
In conclusion bringing a child into this world isnt an easy task no matter which for
of child birth you may choose, and things dont always go as they were planned and
mothers who cant deliver vaginally shouldnt feel as if though they have failed their
child, I see this far too often in my line of work at the hospital in the newborn unit. I dont
have any children of my own but if I do decide to have children one day I think I am
going to opt for a water birth.
Jaycee Larsen

Work Cited:
Knox, D., Milstein, S., & Jarvis, M. O. (2017). Human Sexuality Making
Informed Decisions. Redding, CA: BVT.
"Water Birth: Benefits and Potential Risks." American Pregnancy
Association. N.p., 19 May 2016. Web. 31 Mar. 2017.
Reviewed by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory BoardLast updated: July
2015. "C-sections: Giving birth by cesarean section." BabyCenter. N.p., 24 Mar.
2017. Web. 31 Mar. 2017.
Jaycee Larsen

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