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Everyone is talking about living a healthy life.

However, very few actually

practice the art of living healthy. Many of us believe, a healthy life implies looking
good and feeling good. But, what does a healthy life really imply? Obviously, a
healthy person is described as one, who does not smoke, does not drink in
excess, has a healthy weight and eats healthy foods and exercises regularly. So,
how many of us actually do all these things? In this day and age, it is not easy to
commit to a healthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle may not be easy to commit to. Everyone has so much to do
what with work and family and other obligations. However, the trick to staying
committed to a healthy lifestyle is not to stress the small things and consider
making small changes and not big ones. Doing one thing that leads to a healthy
lifestyle every day is the first phase of commitment. Avoiding extra servings of
food, drinking an extra glass of water are just some things that can help make
the road to a healthy life begin. However, there are so many more things that
can be considered to ensure a healthy life.

Obesity is a grave problem these days. Too many fast foods and too little
exercise along with too much TV watching and computer games result in obesity.
Everyone has an excuse to not exercise. They are either too busy or too ill or too
fat to exercise. Exercise reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes, helps
maintain bone mass, enhances self-esteem, and reduces stress. Starting with a
positive frame of mind and making the effort to make the time for movement
any form of movement can ensure health. The fact is, sweating and
strengthening the body are excellent, if there is time to do so. However, any form
of movement, such as walking, doing chores and even gardening is considered
exercise and this can be make a significant difference towards ensuring a healthy

A healthy diet is essential for a healthy life. This does not mean eating only
healthy foods. It means, keeping to a diet as much as possible. An occasional
piece of cake or a chocolate will not make a difference to health. In fact, this is
considered very healthy. Constant binging on sweets and fatty foods, however, is
not so. A healthy diet not only helps improve a healthy lifestyle, but also helps
maintain an ideal weight. Eating smaller portions, including more vegetables in a
meal, switching to healthier salad dressings, and eating more fruits is the way to
enter a healthy lifestyle through foods.

A healthy lifestyle is important, whether in childhood or adulthood. Very few

parents encourage their children to eat healthy foods and live healthy lives. This
is what leads to childhood obesity. A healthy lifestyle is important to everyone
irrespective of age. It is never too late to consider living a healthy life. A healthy
lifestyle ensures a long and healthy life.
Primary Components of Fitness
The four primary components (also known as the components of health related
fitness) that are important to improved physical health are as follows:
Cardiorespiratory capacity is the ability of the body to take in oxygen
(respiration), deliver it to the cells (circulation), and use it at the cellular level to
create energy (bioenergetics) for physical work (activity). In fitness, we also refer
to cardiorespiratory capacity as aerobic capacity. This capacity includes aerobic
endurance (how long), aerobic strength (how hard), and aerobic power (how
fast). Some of the long-term adaptations of cardiorespiratory training are:
decreased resting heart rate, decreased risk of cardiovascular disease, improved
endurance, increased stroke volume and cardiac output.
Muscular capacity refers to the spectrum of muscular capability. This includes
muscular endurance (i.e., the ability to apply force over a long period of time or
to complete repeated muscle contractions); muscular strength (i.e., the ability to
generate force, or the maximum amount of force that a muscle can exert in a
single contraction); and muscular power (i.e., the ability to generate strength in
an explosive way). Some of the long-term adaptations of improving muscular
capacity are increased strength, improved muscular endurance, increased basal
metabolic rate, improved joint strength, and overall posture.
Flexibility is the range of movement or amount of motion that a joint is capable
of performing. Each joint has a different amount of flexibility. Some of the long-
term adaptations of improved flexibility are decreased risk of injury, improved
range of motion, improved bodily movements, and improved posture.
Body composition is the proportion of fat-free mass (muscle, bone, blood,
organs, and fluids) to fat mass (adipose tissue deposited under the skin and
around organs). Some of the long-term adaptations of improving body
composition are decreased risk of cardiovascular disease, improved basal
metabolic rate, improved bodily function, and improved BMI.
Secondary Components of Fitness
The secondary components of fitness (also known as the components of
performance based fitness) are involved in all physical activity and are necessary
for daily functioning. Athletes experience different levels of success depending
on how well these secondary fitness components are developed. Although the
primary components of fitness are thought to be the most important, we should
not ignore the secondary components because of their importance in the
completion of daily tasks. The secondary components include the following.
Balance is the ability to maintain a specific body position in either a stationary
or dynamic (moving) situation.
Coordination is the ability to use all body parts together to produce smooth and
fluid motion.
Agility is the ability to change direction quickly.
Reaction time is the time required to respond to a specific stimulus.
Speed is the ability to move rapidly. Speed is also known as velocity (rate of
Power is the product of strength and speed. Power is also known as explosive
Mental capability is the ability to concentrate during exercise to improve
training effects as well as the ability to relax and enjoy the psychological benefits
of activity (endorphins).
Health and Wellness
Health is a dynamic process because it is always changing. We all have times of
good health, times of sickness, and maybe even times of serious illness. As our
lifestyles change, so does our level of health.
Those of us who participate in regular physical activity do so partly to improve
the current and future level of our health. We strive toward an optimal state of
well-being. As our lifestyle improves, our health also improves and we experience
less disease and sickness. When most people are asked what it means to be
healthy, they normally respond with the four components of fitness mentioned
earlier (cardiorespiratory ability, muscular ability, flexibility, and body
composition). Although these components are a critical part of being healthy,
they are not the only contributing factors. Physical health is only one aspect of
our overall health.
The other components of health (Greenberg, 2004, p. 7) that are just as
important as physical health include the following:
Social health-The ability to interact well with people and the environment and
to have satisfying personal relationships.
Mental health-The ability to learn and grow intellectually. Life experiences as
well as more formal structures (e.g., school) enhance mental health.
Emotional health-The ability to control emotions so that you feel comfortable
expressing them and can express them appropriately.
Spiritual health-A belief in some unifying force. It varies from person to person
but has the concept of faith at its core.
Wellness is the search for enhanced quality of life, personal growth, and potential
through positive lifestyle behaviours and attitudes. If we take responsibility for
our own health and well-being, we can improve our health on a daily basis.
Certain factors influence our state of wellness, including nutrition, physical
activity, stress-coping methods, good relationships, and career success.
Each day we work toward maximizing our level of health and wellness to live
long, full, and healthy lives. The pursuit of health, personal growth, and improved
quality of life relies on living a balanced life. To achieve balance, we need to care
for our mind, body, and spirit.
If any of these three areas is consistently lacking or forgotten about, we will not
be at our optimal level of health. We are constantly challenged with balancing
each of these three areas throughout life.
As fitness professionals, we have a responsibility to guide and motivate others to
improve their level of health and wellness. We can promote a holistic approach to
health (mind, body, and spirit), not just encourage physical activity. As good role
models, we should demonstrate positive health behaviours that assist in
improving our own health and the health of others. If our focus is strictly on the
physical benefits of exercise, we are doing a disservice to our clients and we are
not fulfilling our professional obligation.
Benefits of Physical Activity
As fitness professionals, we spend a great deal of time inspiring and assisting
others in their pursuit of improved health. Education is an important aspect of
this. We must promote the benefits of regular activity and help people
understand why they should be active.
Figure 1.2 will help you educate your clients about the benefits of activity and
why each of these benefits is important to long-term health.
Activity Guidelines
Health Canada introduced Canadas Physical Activity Guide to Healthy Active
Living to help Canadians make wise choices about physical activity as a way to
improve health. Scientists say you should accumulate 60 minutes of physical
activity every day to stay healthy or improve health. The recommendations in
the Physical Activity Guide are as follows:
Endurance-On 4 to 7 days a week, perform continuous activity for your heart,
lungs, and circulatory system. Time required for improvements depends on
Flexibility-On 4 to 7 days a week, perform gentle reaching, bending, and
stretching to keep muscles relaxed and joints mobile.
Strength-On 2 to 4 days a week, perform resistance exercise to strengthen
muscles and bones and improve posture.
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) has also developed activity
guidelines for improving health:
Perform 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity on most
days of the week for cardiovascular health. The 30 minutes need not be
Performing 1 set of 8 to 12 repetitions of resistance training for the entire body
is necessary to maintain and develop muscular strength and endurance.
Flexibility training should be performed daily, including stretches for all major
muscle groups, in order to maintain mobility.
Living a healthy lifestyle can be a challenge when you are faced with processed
foods, lack of time for exercise and going out with friends. Too many options are
available for fast food, poor exercise choices and alcoholic beverages that
negate other healthier lifestyle choices you may have made. There are
significant benefits to improving the way in which you live so you can have a
healthier and longer life.
Disease Prevention

One of the long-term benefits of living a healthier lifestyle is the prevention of

diseases such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes. According to MayoClinic,
these changes can be difficult. Even though you may understand the relationship
between eating specific foods and your risk for heart disease, it can be difficult to
undo years of unhealthy eating habits. However, the benefit is the prevention of
arthritis, osteoporosis, stroke, diabetes and other immune-mediated illnesses
that are affected by the dietary and lifestyle choices we make every day

Injury Prevention

Living a healthy lifestyle includes paying close attention to safety issues that
may increase your potential for being injured. For instance, according to, using appropriate lifting techniques when weight lifting will
help to prevent back injuries that can plague you for the remainder of your life.
Other smart lifestyle choices include wearing a helmet when bike riding, wearing
seatbelts in the car and using appropriate safety gear when playing sports.

Increased Energy

Changing lifestyle choices and eating healthy food are not about being
unrealistically thin but rather about having more energy and staying as healthy
as possible. According to, eating smart is about both what you eat
and how you eat. Eating healthy can boost your energy levels and allow you to
participate in more activities on a daily basis. According to a study at the
University of Georgia, researchers found overwhelming evidence that regular
exercise also plays a role in increasing energy levels and reducing fatigue.
Researcher Patrick O'Connor, from the exercise physiology laboratory at the
University of Georgia, commented that while people may not want to exercise
while fatigued, a bit more activity will often help to reduce feelings of fatigue and
Healthy Weight
The healthy lifestyle choices of stopping smoking, reducing alcohol intake and
eating a well-balanced diet that is high in fruits and vegetables and low in
processed foods and fats will help to maintain a healthy weight. According to the
Cleveland Clinic, reducing weight to within normal limits can also significantly
reduce the risk of heart disease and improve overall health and well-being.
Good Mental Health

Your mental health also depends upon your healthy lifestyle choices. According
to, eating well and exercising can help defend against depression
and will sharpen your memory and stabilize your mood. By learning to expand
your range of food choices and make smart lifestyle decisions, such as reducing
or eliminating alcohol from the diet and stopping smoking, you can benefit with
an improved mood and a better outlook on life.

he physical dimension acknowledges the necessity for consistent physical

activity. It encourages the development of learning about nutrition and diet while
discouraging drugs and substance abuse. Intellectual dimension appreciates the
creativeness of an individual while stimulating the mental activities. On the other
hand, emotional dimension recognizes the acceptance and awareness of an
individuals feelings. It involves the extent to which a person feels enthusiastic
and positive about life and oneself. Occupational dimension focuses on personal
enrichment and satisfaction in ones life via work.

Health and wellness in persons is influenced by a variety of factors. The factors

include sex, age, gender, genetics, community and social influences, working
and living conditions, general environmental and social conditions, and a
persons lifestyle factors.

Health and wellness have very great value to our lives. It reduces the menace of
premature death by influencing better life quality in active people. It also
reduces the risks of inactivity related diseases such as the cardiovascular
disease. It also helps in increasing core strength, coordination, balance, agility,
self- esteem and body image. Health and wellness can only be maintained by an
individuals efforts especially using physical exercise as a control or inducer of
health and wellness. Consistency, proper scheduling of physical activities,
appropriate exercises, and proper diet are the key factors for the maintenance of
health and wellness.
In the discussion of health and wellness, its dimensions, factors influencing it, its
value and ways to attain it, it is clear that physical activity stands out as the
major contributor of individuals health and wellness. It is also notable that
wellness and health are influenced by sex, gender, genetics, and individuals
lifestyle, and age, social and environmental factors other than physical activity.
Therefore in maintaining health and wellness, its important to acknowledge the
various dimensions surrounding them and the factors that influence its being.
These major points discuss the importance of health and wellness as they are all
inter-related such that the exclusion of one of the points nullifies the others by
compromising their success. They also show the importance of fitness to health
and fitness.

Encouraging Family Fitness & Healthy Habits

By setting the basic foundations of life, parents are the number one source
affecting the way children feel about living a healthy lifestyle. Children innately
realize that Mom and Dad are their educators, mentors, heroes, supporters, and
role models throughout their lives. This is a colossal responsibility for the adult,
as children believe that most behaviors by parents are acceptable actions,
whether good or bad. The bottom line: children are watching their parents every
move, mirroring their every action; if a parent is sedentary, there is a good
chance their children will be too. However, parents who eat healthily and
exercise with their children on a regular basis are teaching them many valuable

Allocate Time for Family Exercise Every Day. Certified health and wellness coach
Carrie Karkoska says, It doesnt have to be much. Take a family walk after
dinner and use that time to talk about your days. Play a family game of football
during halftime of the game Dad is watching. Invite your kids to join you during
your cross-training or yoga DVD. They will not be able to do all the exercises, but
they will be moving and trying! Teach them that exercise and sweat are really
important, and that it can be fun!

Social wellness
Social wellness is the ability to relate to and connect with other people in the
world. The ability to establish and maintain positive relationships with family,
friends and co-workers contributes to social wellness. Friends can serve as a
source of encouragement and reinforcement for practicing healthy habits. The
social dimension encourages one to become aware of his or her importance in
society. It is vital to stay connected to people, form new relationships and
participate in various social activities. Social wellness encourages one to take an
active part in improving the world by encouraging healthier living and initiating
better communication with others. Social wellness encourages one to discover
the power to make willful choices to enhance personal relationships and
important friendships, and build a better living space and community. Social
wellness also includes showing respect for others, oneself and other cultures.
suggestions for optimal social wellness:

1. Cultivate healthy relationships.

2. Resources for social anxiety

3. Strengthen current friendships, contact an old friend, or discover new


4. Get involved.

5. Contribute to your community.

6. Share your talents and skills.

7. Communicate your thoughts, feelings, and ideas.

One thing that can be done to lead a healthier life style is to change the way you
eat. Everyone should eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean meats, whole
grains and healthy oils and fats. Some people think fresh fruits and vegetables
and lean meats are more expensive. Sometimes this may be true, but most of
the time, you pay for what you get. So if you buy cheap food, with no nutritional
value, then it is usually not healthy. If you spend the little extra on your meats,
vegetables, and fruits, then in the long run you are doing yourself a favor. Also at
many local farmers markets you can get fruits and vegetables for a much more
discounted price and usually you know your products are pure and natural
because they came from a farmer in your community. Another thing you can do
to eat healthier is buy from a local butcher. You usually get a better deal if you
buy a big portion of an animal and if its a local butcher. Then you can know that
it is not from a major meatpacking company. This proves that not all healthy food
is more expensive.
Having a healthy lifestyle is what you make it. It is not as hard and expensive as
people say. It is just people having to change habits and get used to eating
healthier. Eating healthy, taking vitamin supplements, and exercising are all part
of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

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