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Scoping is:

Select one:
a. An intermediate stage in the EIA process and is designed to check compliance with the

environmental safeguards established.

b. The process determining the content and extent of the matters which should be covered in the

environmental information to be submitted to a competent authority for projects which are subject
to EIA.

c. The process to determine if an EIA is needed

d. A final stage in the EIA process and is designed to check compliance with the environmental

safeguards established.
The correct answer is: The process determining the content and extent of the matters which
should be covered in the environmental information to be submitted to a competent authority for
projects which are subject to EIA.
Flag question

Question text
What is the purpose of the project screening?
Select one:
a. The project screening is the last stage of the EIA process in which inspections take place.

b. None of the options stated above or below.

c. The project screening determines the type of EIA which is required for each and every project.

d. The project screening helps to identify which projects require an EIA.

The correct answer is: The project screening helps to identify which projects require an EIA.

Question 3
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Natura 2000 applies to:
Select one or more:
a. areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)

b. the EIA Directive

c. the Habitats Directive

d. the Birds Directive

The correct answer is: the Birds Directive, the Habitats Directive

Question 4
Partially correct
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In respect of the special protection areas, in which circumstances shall Member States take
appropriate steps to avoid pollution or deterioration of habitats or any disturbances affecting the
Select one or more:
a. Member States shall ensure special protection areas for the conservation of species only in

their geographical sea and land area

b. Outside these protection areas, Member States shall also strive to avoid pollution or

deterioration of habitats

c. The provisions of directives can be implemented with questionable binding force, and the

specificity, precision and clarity necessary to satisfy the requirements of legal certainty can be
d. None of the options stated above or below

The correct answer is: Outside these protection areas, Member States shall also strive to avoid
pollution or deterioration of habitats

Question 5
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In the Habitats Directive the compensatory measures constitute in
Select one:
a. Measures that do not necessarily need to be used as a last resort

b. None of the options stated above or below

c. Generic measures related to a project or plan, additional to the normal practices of

implementation of the Nature directives

d. Measures to offset the negative impact of a project and to provide compensation

corresponding precisely to the negative effects on the species or habitat concerned

The correct answer is: Measures to offset the negative impact of a project and to provide
compensation corresponding precisely to the negative effects on the species or habitat

Question 6
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According to the guiding principles that govern the entire EIA process the "Cost effectiveness"
principle means the:
Select one:
a. adaptable to deal efficiently with any proposal and decision situation

b. environmental protection at the least cost to society

c. process/timing agreed in advance

d. information/outputs readily usable in decision making and planning

The correct answer is: environmental protection at the least cost to society

Question 7
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Which of the following are developers required to include in any applications that are submitted,
once the new 2014 EIA Directive takes effect?
Select one or more:
a. None of the options stated above or below

b. A description of the project

c. A description of the aspects of the environment likely to be significantly affected by the


d. A description of any likely significant effects, to the extent of the information available on such

effects, of the project on the environment

The correct answer is: A description of the project, A description of the aspects of the
environment likely to be significantly affected by the project, A description of any likely significant
effects, to the extent of the information available on such effects, of the project on the

Question 8
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Landscape assessment will consider:
Select one or more:
a. visible, physical, objective, tangible components, e.g. landform

b. the extent a proposed development is visible and its effects on people of the changes in

available views through intrusion or obstruction

c. visible, spatial (rather than physical), subjective, intangible components, e.g. colour

d. non-visible components that cannot be seen, e.g. sound

The correct answer is: visible, physical, objective, tangible components, e.g. landform, visible,
spatial (rather than physical), subjective, intangible components, e.g. colour, non-visible
components that cannot be seen, e.g. sound

Question 9
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Annex I of the EIA Directive is about the projects for which
Select one or more:
a. Assessment is obligatory

b. Member States shall determine whether the project shall be made subject to an assessment

c. The public wants the EIA to be done

d. There is sufficient data to carry out an assessment

The correct answer is: Assessment is obligatory

Question 10
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With regards to the Scottish 2011 EIA Regulations, pipelines with a diameter of more than 800
mm and a length of more than 40 km for the transport of gas, oil or chemicals, is part of:
Select one:
a. Development not relevant for this legislation

b. Neither Schedule 1 or Schedule 2

c. Schedule 1 type development that always requires an EIA

d. Schedule 2 type development that may require an EIA

The correct answer is: Schedule 1 type development that always requires an EIA

Question 11
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Regarding the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Directive
Select one:
a. The assessment of environmental concerns at such an early stage is an expression of the

principle of cost effectiveness.

b. The application of the SEA is prior to the EIA and the SEA Directive refers to policies.

c. None of the options stated above or below.

d. Its main idea is that the environmental effects of certain development should be identified in

advance, even at an earlier stage than specified by the EIA Directive

The correct answer is: Its main idea is that the environmental effects of certain development
should be identified in advance, even at an earlier stage than specified by the EIA Directive

Question 12
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Natura 2000 also applies to the marine environment
Select one:
a. This is true

b. This is false

c. This depends of strategic plan

d. This depends of project

The correct answer is: This is true

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