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The ways in which the extract constructs the representation of disability

using camera angles, mise en scene, editing and sound.
Firstly, the use of mise en scene of when the brother tells his other brother
that he has eaten all the Weetabix, the brother shows different facial
expressions instead. He is seen to be ignoring the other brother, instead
looking at his spoon showing that he is not listening. This shows that he is
mentally disabled because of the way he ignores his brother in a strange
childlike manner. Furthermore, the body languages and facial expressions of
the people seem normal and ideal. For example, the mum, dad, brother and
school kids show signs of being normal and are able to do normal things. This
shows that they are able bodies/ minded because of how normal and not
standing out too much they are. Lastly the scene of when the dad is helping
the brother to bike ride shows that he is not capable of riding a bike. This
shows that he may be physically disabled because of normal aged kids like
him are able to ride bikes.
The sound in extract shows the brother talking about his other brother
differently. An example of this is the use of non-diegetic sound of the brother
talking about how his brother is different by saying normal kids than
straight afterwards kids like ben this shows that the brother is different
than others and shown to be mentally or physically disabled.
The use of editing in the extract of when the normal brother says he was
asked to go to a party while his other brother was behind him. The editing
shows a cut of the normal brother saying, its complicated than cutting to
the disabled brothers face. This states that the other brother is complicated
meaning he is difficult to handle and is disabled in a way.
The use of camera work in the extract of when the disabled brother is in the
bus alone shows the use of wide angles and close up angles of his face. The
wide angle of him being alone in the bus shows that he is alone and does not
have many friends but only his brother and parents to help him. He is seen to
be lost because of the close-up angle showing his expression in the bus.
Furthermore, the last part of the extracts shows an extreme close-up of his
face. This interprets that he is confused or different because of the way he Is
shown to us, represented that he is mentally disabled. Lastly the use of close
up of the brothers face while eating ice-cream shows his expression to be
childlike. Mentally disabled people are often shown as strange, odd, childlike
and outsiders In which his brother follows meaning that he is represented to
be mentally disabled.

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