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Submitted By
In partial fulfilment for the award of the degree


APRIL 2017

Certified that this project report titled WIND TURBINE TOWER DESIGN
the bonafide work of

N.MANICKARAJA DURAI (211313101035)

P.RAMACHANDRAN (211313101043)

H.SADAM SHARIFF (211313101044)

A.VIGNESH (211313101039)

Who carried out the project under my supervision,




Department Of Aeronautical
Department Of Aeronautical
P.B.College Of Engineering
P.B.College Of Engineering
Sriperumbudur 602117
Sriperumbudur 602117

We express our sincere thanks to the chairman of our college,

Mr G. Venkataraman for giving us the inspiration and providing all
facilities for the execution of our project.

We wish to convey, our heartiest thanks to principal of our college,

Dr C. B. Lakshmikantha M.Tech., Ph.D. for having provided the
necessary infrastructure for successful completion of our project.

We take honor in conveying our sincerest thanks to Director of our

college, Dr G.Subbalakshmi for encouraging us to pursue our project
in every aspect.

We extend our sincere thanks to Head of the department, Mr K.

Sathish Kumar M.E., who has given us constructive criticism and
valuable suggestions for successful completion of our project.

We take this opportunity to give profound and heart full thanks to our
project guide Ms. K. ANUSINDHIYA M.E., for this valuable guidance
and advice to complete this project work easily and successfully.

We also thank other staff members and our friends for all their
contributions in making our project possible.

The main objective of this paper is to investigate the impact of the shape
of conventional wind turbines towers in field of turbulence, wake and noise
production. Turbulence produced by the tower has a severe impact on efficiency
of the wind mill when it comes to large scales such as wind mill farms where
the wind turbines are placed in series. The turbulence produced by a wind
turbine travels to the next in the series causing the next wind turbine to
experience more turbulent air flow which induces more vibration and reduces
the efficiency, and this goes on and on. Hence the wind turbines needed to be
placed far from one another which further requires more area to place enough
wind turbines for energy production. Noise is one of the bigger negative impact
of any wind turbines, it has serious environmental impacts and also it affects the
living things directly, even death were recorded because of the noises produced
by the wind turbines, though they were not immediate causes its worthy to
mention its progressive impact on health. In this study, the shapes of wind
turbine tower which is basically has a circular cross section and cylindrical or
curved cylindrical shape are modified so as to attain a better flow through it
which will reduce the wake behind the tower thus ultimately reducing
turbulence and noise.

Keywords: wind turbine, tower, pillar, wind farm, turbulence, noise, wake,
health impacts,




1.1 Wind Turbine 1
1.1.1 Wind Turbine Components 1
1.1.2 Wind Turbines Working 3
1.1.3 Types Of Wind Turbines 4
1.2 Wind Turbine Noise 8
1.2.1 Aerodynamic Noise 9
1.3 Wind Turbine Wake 10
1.4 Wind Turbine Turbulence 11
1.4.1 Examples Of Turbulence 12


3.1 Methodology 23
3.2 CAD Modeling 24
3.2.1 Blade Dimensions 27
3.2.2 Blade Tip Details 27
3.2.3 Pillar Dimensions 28
3.2.4 Pillar Cross Sections 28
3.3 Mesh Detail 29
3.4 Domain 31
3.5 Volume Mesh 33
3.6 Flow Physics Definition 34
3.6.1 Boundary Conditions 34
3.6.2 Boundary Conditions of Turbine tower 35


4.1 Convergence History 36

4.2 CFD Results 36
4.3 Graph 42

1.1 Wind Turbine Components 2
1.2 Wind Turbine 5
1.3 Vertical Axis Wind Turbine 5
1.4 Savonius Wind Turbine 7
1.5 Vortex wind turbine 7
1.6 Wind Turbine Noise 8
1.7 Wind Turbine wake 10
1.8 Obstruction of Turbulence 12
3.1 CAD model of wind turbine with curved 24
cylindrical Pillar
3.2 CAD model of Wind Turbine with Uniform 25
Circular Pillar
3.3 CAD model of Wind Turbine with Transitional 25
3.4 CAD model of Wind Turbine with Airfoil shaped 26
3.5 Blade Dimensions 27
3.6 Blade Tip 27
3.7 Dimensions of Various Tower Configurantion 28
3.8 Cross Sectional Dimensions Of Various 28
3.9 Meshing of Blade Profile 29
3.10 Meshing of Blade Profile with Generator and 29
3.11 Mesh Refinement of pillar near ground 30
3.12 Domain configuration 31
3.13 Meshing of Domain 32
3.14 Meshing of MRF 32
3.15 Volume mesh 33
3.16 Volume mesh of MRF 33
4.1 Solution Convergence History of Equations 36
4.2 Pressure Distribution over the wind turbine blade 37
4.3 Static Pressure Distribution over the pillar 37
4.4 Velocity Distribution at the bottom of the pillar 38
4.5 Static Pressure Distribution around the bottom of 38
the pillar
4.6 Turbulence Intensity at the bottom of the Pillar 39
4.7 Turbulence Intensity at the top of the Pillar 39
4.8 Pressure and Velocity Distribution at the top side 40
of the Pillars
4.9 Velocity Vector Plot around the Pillar 41

4.1 Drag force variation (Wind Turbine) 42
4.2 Drag force variation (Tower) 42
4.3 Turbulence intensity of various configurations 43

3.1 Number of Nodes and Elements in mesh 30
3.2 Boundary Conditions 35
4.1 Overall Drag Force Comparisons 41
L Length, mm
D Diameter, mm
V Volume, cubic meter
P Pressure, Pascal
S Entropy, joule
T Temperature, kelvin
CAD Computer Aided Model
CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics
FEM Finite Element Method
NGV Nozzle Guide Vane
MRF Multi Rotating Fluid Flow
PIV particle image velocimetry
WT Wind Turbine
BC Boundary condition
LES Large Eddy Simulation
BEM Blade Element Momentum
AWEA American Wind Energy Association
CanWEA Canadian Wind Energy Association
TWR Thrust to Weight Ratio


Wind turbines are the evolution of the classic windmills that can be seen
in the rural areas of the world. Their purpose is to reduce reliance on fossil
fuels to create energy and also to create energy in a less wasteful manner. They
operate by using the kinetic energy of the wind, which pushes the blades of the

turbine and spins a motor that converts the kinetic energy into electrical energy
for consumer use.

Wind Turbines are rotating machines that can be used directly for grinding or
can be used to generate electricity from the kinetic power of the wind. They
provide the clean and renewable energy for both home and office use. Wind
Turbines are a great way to save money and make the environment clean and

1.1.1 Wind Turbine Components

Wind turbine systems are made up of many different pieces of equipment that
all serve a purpose in delivering electricity where it is intended to go. Of those
many different pieces, the below list serves as a general blueprint for the main
components that can and often times will be found in wind turbine systems
regardless of the type of design.

Rotor The rotor is made of blades that are attached to a center piece.
The blades are shaped such that when the wind pushes against them
they turn.

Pitch Drive Used to rotate blades to accommodate for high-speed


Figure 1.1 Wind Turbine Components

Nacelle The rotor is attached to a housing unit called a nacelle,

which protects various other components necessary to the wind turbine

Brake Necessary to slow the rotor down.

Low-Speed Shaft Attaches to the rotor and turns as the rotor turns
on a 1:1 ratio.

Gear Box Serves the same function as a car, the rotor spins slowly as
the wind pushes against it and the gearbox or transmission increases
that rotational speed for the generator.

High-Speed Shaft Attaches to the gearbox and generator and spins

at a higher speed than the rotor or low-speed shaft.

Generator Actual mechanism that converts the rotational kinetic

energy into electricity.

Wind Vane Detects direction of wind and adjusts the rotor and
nacelle to compensate.

Yaw Drive Keeps the rotor and therefore the turbines facing the
Tower Elevates the aforementioned components to an altitude that
optimizes wind exposure.

1.1.2 Wind Turbines Working

Wind Turbines operate on a system comprised of many critical

components that allow kinetic wind energy to be transformed into electrical
energy. No matter the type of wind turbine system, they all work off the same
principle that allows a generator to produce electricity. This principle is that if
magnets are rotated around a coil of wire, or a coil of wire rotates within a
magnetic field fast enough electricity is produced.

The total contraption of magnets and conductors make up the generator. Using
the wind to turn blades creates the force needed to turn the magnets or the coil
of conductor which in turn creates electricity. Below is a step by step process
that highlights the methods by which a wind turbine actually comes to produce

1. Tower is constructed in such a way which puts the wind turbine system at
the correct altitude where wind travels at a higher and more constant rate.

2. Rotor blades are exposed to wind which forces them to start turning.

3. As the rotor spins, the low-speed shaft, which is connected to a gearbox,

spins at the same rate.

4. The gearbox takes this slow rotational speed and through correct gearing
turns it into a faster rotational speed.

5. The high-speed shaft, which is on the outgoing end of the gearbox and
connected to a generator, spins at a higher rate of speed.

6. The generator spins at this high rate of speed which spins magnets around
a coil of metal wire and generates electricity.

7. The electricity travels from the generator through wires to the necessary
applications whether it be direct appliances or a battery.

1.1.3 Types of Wind Turbines

There are two main types of wind turbines that can be seen in design and
implementation in the wind energy industry today. The first and most common
type is the horizontal axis wind turbine that relies on a horizontal shaft that runs
perpendicular to the blades which spin vertically. These wind turbine systems
can be seen in use in major wind farms as well as solo operations.

The second type which is less common among the wind energy industry is
the vertical axis wind turbine. As one might be able to infer, the vertical axis
turbine has a vertical shaft in which the blades or rotor are connected to and
spin horizontally. There are many variations of the vertical axis wind turbine but
the major benefit is that maintenance is easier because the gearbox and
generator are more accessible.

Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine

This is the standard type of wind turbine where the low-speed shaft
that connects to the rotor is horizontal. There are various ways to
construct this wind turbine but they all follow the same concept as
outlined above. The rotor spins with the wind and the rotational kinetic
energy is converted to electrical energy through a generator

Figure 1.2 Wind Turbine

Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

This type of wind turbine

is less common but has an
advantage in that the rotor
does not need to face into the
wind. The shaft connecting
to the rotor is vertical and the
gearbox and generator are
generally at the bottom of the
tower. There are many types
Figure 1.3 Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
of vertical axis wind turbines
all of which follow the same concept of force along the X-axis (parallel
to the ground) as opposed to horizontal axis turbines which use force
along the Y-axis (perpendicular to the ground).

The following are different variations that come from vertical axis wind
turbine systems. Many of these were engineered decades ago and are no longer
seen in use today, however the designs for these have been adapted and

tweaked such that newer models can be developed that are more efficient with
less problems than the older ones.

a. Darrieus Wind Turbine This vertical axis wind turbine uses curved
blades that rotate and creates an internal force of wind that enables the
rotor to spin at high speeds regardless of the wind speed. The downside of
this is that this turbine generally requires an external motor to start

b. Giromill A variation of the Darrieus Wind Turbine in that it uses an H

shaped rotor. The difference between the two is that the giromill uses
straight blades that run parallel to the shaft. Other than that, the two
operate on the entirely same principal

c. Cycloturbine A type of giromill that not only has straight blades

running vertically but also that the straight blade can itself rotate around its
center axis. The advantage in this type of turbine is that it generates the
most amount of power and can self-start (start without any external

d. Savonius Wind Turbine

This vertical axis wind turbine
relies on the principles of drag
and wind resistance to function.
The blades are shaped like an S
with the two curved parts of the S
moving with the wind. The
curved part creates less drag and
therefore the rotor is able to spin. Figure 1.4 Savonius Wind Turbine
These turbines do not generate much energy.

e. Vortexis Wind Turbine This is the most recent development of
vertical axis wind turbines. It has seen use in Afghanistan and Iraq by
special forces needing to power their
devices. This turbine has two sets of
blades, one smaller set that sits in a
circle and one bigger set that
surrounds the smaller set in a larger
circle, that act in a gearbox like
fashion. The outer set of blades use
the wind to spin and by that set of Figure 1.5 Vortex wind turbine
blades spinning they force their own wind to turn the smaller inside set of
blades. These blades are connected to the shaft which then turns a


Wind turbines generate noise from multiple mechanical and

aerodynamic sources. As the technology has advanced, wind turbines have
gotten much quieter, but noise from wind turbines is still a public concern. The
problems associated with wind turbine noise have been one of the more studied
environmental impact areas in wind energy engineering. Noise levels can be
measured, but, similar to other environmental concerns, the public's perception
of the noise impact of wind turbines is in part a subjective determination.
1) Subjective effects including annoyance, nuisance, dissatisfaction
2) Interference with activities such as speech, sleep, and learning
3) Physiological effects such as anxiety, tinnitus, or hearing loss.

Figure 1.6 Wind Turbine Noise

The human response to sounds measured in decibels has the following

1. Except under laboratory conditions, a change in sound level of 1 dB
cannot be perceived.
2. Doubling the energy of a sound source corresponds to a 3 dB(A)
3. Outside of the laboratory, a 3 dB change in sound level is considered a
barely discernible difference.
4. A change in sound level of 5 dB will typically result in a noticeable
community response.
5. A 6 dB(A) increase is equivalent to moving half the distance towards a
sound source.
6. A 10 dB increase is subjectively heard as an approximate doubling in
loudness, and almost always causes an adverse community response.
7. The threshold of pain is an SPL of 140 dB(A)

1.2.1 Aerodynamic Noise

Aerodynamic noise originates from the flow of air around the blades. A
large number of complex flow phenomena occur, each of which might generate
some noise. Aerodynamic noise generally increases with rotor speed.
Aerodynamic broadband noise is typically the largest source of wind turbine
They are divided into three groups:
1) Low Frequency Noise. This group is related to the low frequency part
of the sound spectrum. This type of noise is generated when the rotating blade
encounters localized flow deficiencies due to the flow around a tower, wind
speed changes, or wakes shed from other blades.
2) Inflow Turbulence Noise. Depends on the amount of atmospheric
turbulence. The atmospheric turbulence results in local force or local pressure
fluctuations around the blade.

3) Airfoil Self Noise. This group includes the noise generated by the air
flow right along the surface of the airfoil. This type of noise is typically of a
broadband nature, but tonal components may occur due to blunt trailing edges,
or flow over slits and holes.
What is Wind Turbine Wake?
As the flow proceeds downstream, there is a spreading of the wake and
the wake recovers towards free stream conditions. The wake effect is the
aggregated influence on the energy production of the wind farm, which results
from the changes in wind speed caused by the impact of the turbines on each

Figure 1.7 Wind Turbine wake


Turbulence or turbulent flow is a flow regime in fluid

dynamics characterized by chaotic changes in pressure and flow velocity. It is in
contrast to a laminar flow regime, which occurs when a fluid flows in parallel

layers, with no disruption between those layers. Turbulence is commonly
observed in everyday phenomena such as surf, fast flowing rivers, billowing
storm clouds, or smoke from a chimney, and most fluid flows occurring in
nature and created in engineering applications are turbulent. Turbulence is
caused by excessive kinetic energy in parts of a fluid flow, which overcomes the
damping effect of the fluid's viscosity. For this reason turbulence is easier to
create in low viscosity fluids, but more difficult in highly viscous fluids. In
general terms, in turbulent flow, unsteady vortices appear of many sizes which
interact with each other, consequently drag due to friction effects increases. This
would increase the energy needed to pump fluid through a pipe, for instance.
However this effect can also be exploited by such as aerodynamic spoilers on
aircraft, which deliberately "spoil" the laminar flow to increase drag and reduce

The onset of turbulence can be predicted by a dimensionless

constant called the Reynolds number, which calculates the balance between
kinetic energy and viscous damping in a fluid flow. However, turbulence has
long resisted detailed physical analysis, and the interactions within turbulence
creates a very complex situation. Richard Feynman has described turbulence as
the most important unsolved problem of classical physics.

Figure 1.8 Obstruction of Turbulence


Smoke rising from a cigarette is mostly turbulent flow. However, for the
first few centimeters the flow is laminar. The smoke plume becomes
turbulent as its Reynolds number increases, due to its flow velocity and
characteristic length increasing.

Flow over a golf ball. (This can be best understood by considering the
golf ball to be stationary, with air flowing over it.) If the golf ball were
smooth, the boundary layer flow over the front of the sphere would be
laminar at typical conditions. However, the boundary layer would separate
early, as the pressure gradient switched from favorable (pressure decreasing
in the flow direction) to unfavorable (pressure increasing in the flow
direction), creating a large region of low pressure behind the ball that creates
high form drag. To prevent this from happening, the surface is dimpled to
perturb the boundary layer and promote transition to turbulence. This results

in higher skin friction, but moves the point of boundary layer separation
further along, resulting in lower form drag and lower overall drag.

Clear-air turbulence experienced during airplane flight, as well as

poor astronomical seeing (the blurring of images seen through the

Most of the terrestrial atmospheric circulation

The oceanic and atmospheric mixed layers and intense oceanic currents.

The flow conditions in many industrial equipment (such as pipes, ducts,

precipitators, gas scrubbers, and machines (for instance, internal combustion
engines and gas turbines).

The external flow over all kind of vehicles such as cars, airplanes, ships
and submarines.

The motions of matter in stellar atmospheres.



Richard Himmelmann,
A novel wind turbine is provided that reduces or eliminates aerodynamic
wake downwind of the tower to allow for the wind turbine to face away from
the direction of the wind. The wind turbine comprises a tower and a rotor
mounted to a nacelle which is mounted to the tower in stationary relationship
therewith. The tower has a yaw bearing at its base so that it is rotatable about a
vertical axis. In one embodiment the tower comprises a single airfoil symmetric
about its major chord. In another embodiment the tower comprises a pair of
spaced apart asymmetric airfoils defining a nozzle-like space there between
through which a relatively high speed jet of air can travel to fill the aerodynamic
wake Zone behind the tower.
Single airfoil design, the tower comprises a left side Wall and a right side
Wall connected to each other along a rounded leading vertical edge and a
relatively narrower trailing vertical edge to form a substantially hollow shell.
The tower has a cross-sectional airfoil shape having a major chord extending
from the leading vertical edge to the trailing vertical edge and a minor chord
running perpendicular to the major chord and intersecting the major chord at the
area of maximum tower thickness. The left and right side Walls are curvilinear
and symmetrical about the major chord. The length of the minor chord
preferably is less than 50% that of the major chord, and may be less than about
33% that of the major chord. The maximum tower thickness may be smaller at
the top of the tower than at the bottom of the tower.

Twin airfoil design, the tower comprises two separate, spaced apart airfoils.
Each airfoil comprises a curved outer Wall and a relatively flatter (less curved)
inner Wall connected along a rounded leading vertical edge and along a
relatively narrower trailing edge. The inner Walls are spaced apart and face each
other. Each airfoil has a cross-sectional airfoil shape along all or a substantial
portion of its height, with a major chord extending from the leading vertical
edge to the trailing vertical edge and a minor chord running perpendicular to
inner Walls and intersecting the major chord at the area of maximum airfoil
thickness. Each airfoil is asymmetrical about its major chord.


Hani M. Negma, Karam Y. Maalawib,
Aerospace Engineering Department, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
This paper describes several optimization models for the design of a
typical wind turbine tower structure. In this paper, isolated tower dynamics
including the complete kinematical analysis and formulation of the applied
loads are treated in detail. A simplified set of the governing dynamical equations
of motion is given in an appropriate non-dimensional form, and an exact
method for the determination of the dynamic characteristics and forced response
is presented. Optimization problem formulation is done involving optimization
of: Basic assumptions, tower design objectives which are light weight design,
high stiffness, high (stiffness/mass)-ratio and frequency-placement criterion and
maximum frequency criterion for design of minimum vibration. Tower analysis
is done involving Natural vibration analysis: the eigenvalue problem, forced
response, internal loads and stress analysis and other critical loading conditions
analysis. Optimization analysis by mathematical programming is done. The
proposed optimization model was implemented on an experimental, horizontal
axis wind turbine; namely, the ERDA-NASA MOD-0. It is demonstrated that
global optimality can be attained from the proposed discretized models, and
exact placement of the tower frequencies is also achievable.
The developed models have been successfully applied to an existing 100
kW wind turbine (ERDA-NASA, MOD-0), using the results of interior penalty
function technique. It has been proved that maximization of a weighted-sum of
the system natural frequencies is the most representative objective function
which directly reflects the major design goals and ensure a balanced
improvement in both mass and stiffness


L.J. Vermeera, J.N. Srensenb, A. Crespoc

The aerodynamics of horizontal axis wind turbine wakes have been

studied in this paper. The explanation is directed towards the physics of power
extraction by wind turbines and reviews both the near and the far wake region.
For the near wake, the main interest is to study how the far wake decays
downstream, in order to estimate the effect produced in downstream turbines,
For near wake computations, for predicting performance and loadings of wind
turbines, the only approach used today by wind turbine manufacturers is based
on the blade element momentum (BEM) theory. As basic mathematical model
they have considered the Reynolds-averaged, incompressible NavierStokes
equations. Vortex wake modelling, Generalized actuator disc models Turbulence
modelling, Laminarturbulent transition are studied and verified. For far awake
modelling Kinematic models, Field models, Boundary layer wake models,
Hybrid models, Wind farm wake models, CFD code calculations, Offshore wind
farm wakes, Generic wind farm wake models are studied.
Near wake: There is no doubt, however, that full-blown NavierStokes
simulations now are reaching a level where they convincingly have matured to
become the most important predictive tool for predicting and understanding
aerodynamics of modern wind turbines.
Far wake: Greater emphasis used to be directed to the estimation of
velocity deficits and farm efficiency in terms of energy production, research is
nowadays more oriented to other issues, such as estimating magnitudes related
to the structural and fatigue behavior, or fluctuations in the electrical energy
produced by machines affected by upstream wakes. For this, it is necessary to
know the turbulence characteristics of the flow and wind shear data.

Keywords: horizontal axis wind turbine aerodynamics, power extraction, near

wake, far wake, blade element momentum theory, Navier-Stokes equations.


Con J. Doolan, Danielle J. Moreau and Laura A. Brooks
School of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Adelaide,

The aerodynamic noise production mechanisms of modern horizontal axis

wind turbines are reviewed. An engineering analysis of the time and frequency
scales from three noise sources, leading edge turbulence interaction noise,
trailing edge noise and blade-tower interaction noise is presented. The analysis
shows that noise sources are present from low-frequencies (1-4 Hz) to over 500
Hz for a representative wind turbine. The results of the analysis are used to
explain amplitude modulation observed during noise measurements at a
European wind farm. Daytime noise measurements close to a South Australian

wind farm are also presented that show amplitude modulation. This paper also
discuss about some concepts for noise control in a wind turbine such as Passive
Noise Control method which is the direct and most efficient method which can
be carried out as changing the blade shapes according to the surroundings. And,
an Active Control Method which deals with monitoring the phase of each blade
in a wind farm, small adjustments to the rotor blade pitch or brake to alter the
blades phase and ensure a noise reinforcement. Also the problems in both of
these methods also discussed in a short form.
This paper has reviewed the major sources of aerodynamic noise on
modern horizontal wind turbines. A brief analysis of the time and frequency
scales of two dominant noise sources for a modern wind turbine was presented.
Its directivity ensures that trailing edge noise from a wind turbine will have its
amplitude modulated with time at the blade passing frequency. While the
amplitude modulation occurs at low frequency, it cannot be considered a low
frequency noise source. Blade Tower Interaction (BTI) noise was analyzed
using a first order model and its frequency content was found to have maximum
energy at 2.2 Hz.


W.David Colby, Robert Dobie, Geoff Leventhell,David M.Lipscomb,

Robert j.McCunney,Micheal T.Seilo,Bo Sondergaard.

The objective of this paper is to address health concerns associated with sounds
from industrial-scale wind turbines. Inevitably, a report funded by an industry
association will be subject to change of bias and conflicts of interest. American
Wind Energy Association (AWEA) and Canadian Wind Energy Association
(CanWEA) have minimized bias and conflicts of interest to the greatest possible
extent through selection of a distinguished panel of independent experts in
acoustic, audiology, medicine and public health. This project also discussed
about some methodology with three steps of the basis for this report: Formation
of an Expert panel, Review of literature Directly Related to Wind Turbines and
Review of Potential Environmental Exposures. This paper explained about their
overview and discussions on the topic of the Wind Turbine operation and human
auditory response to sound, Sound exposure from wind turbine operation,
potential adverse effects of exposure to sounds, peer-review literature focusing
on wind turbine, low frequency.


After the review of above methods, this paper reports that

1.Sound from the wind turbine does not pose a risk of hearing loss or any other
to humans.

2. Sub audible, low frequency sound and infrasound from wind turbines do not
present a risk to human health.

3. A major cause of concern about wind turbine sound is its fluctuating nature.
Some may find this sound annoying, a reaction that depends primarily opposed
to intensity of the sound level.


Schmidt JH,Klokker M

Shilu Tong, Queensland University of Technology, Australia.

This paper describes the Wind Turbine Noise Exposure and suspected
health related effects have attracted substantial attention. Various symptoms
such as sleep-related problems, headache, tinnitus and vertigo have been
described by subjects suspected of having been exposed to wind turbine noise.
This review was conducted systematically with the purpose of identifying any
reporting associations between wind turbine noise exposure and suspected
health related effects. In this project the wind turbine emit noise, including low
frequency noise ,sleep disturbance and possibly even psychological distress was
present in the literature. Currently, there is no further existing statiscally
significant evidence indicating any association between wind turbine noise
exposure and tinnitus, hearing loss, vertigo or headache.


Exposure to wind turbine does seem to increase the risk of annoying and self-
reported sleep disturbance in a dose relationship. There appears though, to be a
tolerable level of around Laeq of 35DB.Of the many other claimed health
effects of wind turbine noise exposure reported in the literature, however, no
conclusive evidence could be found. Future studies should focus on
investigations aimed at objectively demonstarting whether or not measurable
health related outcoms can be proven to fluctuating depending on exposure to
wind turbine.



Sahan Wasala , John Cater, Stuart Norris,

University of Auckland, New Zealand.
This project work covers the modification of the blade geometry and the
Aerodynamic noise prediction can be also performed by using an accurately

resolved flow field from a computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation of
the fluctuation in the flow around the blade. The Large EDDY Simulation (LES)
CFD method was used to simulate the flow field because of its ability to solve
fluctuations of interest. Aero acoustic noise may be reduced by modifying blade
geometries. The acoustic simulation was covered by analysis of the sound of the
wind turbine using the CFD Software. The various methodology such as
Geometry and Boundary Conditions, Mesh generation using HYPERMESH
software and at last method was CFD Simulation.


This project concludes that the leading edges hooks have been shown to
reduce the noise levels,however the frequency range of noise reduction is
limited by the chord size.The relationship between tha far field noise and
size,number and the curvature of the hooks should be further
investigated.Additionally the effects of upstream turbulence intensity need to be



Niley Sezer -Uzol and Lyle N.Long,

The Pennsylvania State University, University park, PA.

This paper presents the result of 3-D and time accurate CFD simulations
on wind turbine rotor. The 3-d unsteady parallel, finite volume flow solver
.PUMA2, is used in the simulation. Some information on the current work in
progress towards Large Eddy Simulation (LES), including details about the
viscous grid and the implementation of wall-functions are also discussed.

Comparison of sectional pressure coefficient distribution with experimental data
show good agreement. These CFD result can be used for the far-field noise
predictions based on the Fowcs William Hawkings methods (FW-H), which
can provide a first-principles prediction of both the noise, in the context of the
wind turbine application.

This project also covers the methodology as follows, the

computational tests with unstructured grids, Parallel Computer and
Computational Tests and Inviscid CFD Results


So three different time accurate inviscid cases have been

computed for the NREL Phase VI wind turbine rotor using the 3-D, unsteady,
Parallel, finite volume flow solver, PUMA2, with rotating unstructured grids.
Hence their CFD results can be used for the far-fields noise predictions based on
the FW-H method, which can provide a first principles predictions of the both
the noise and the underlying turbulent flow that generates the noise, in the
context of the wind turbine application.



3.1 Methodology
This chapter explains the overall methodology carried
out during the project execution of Wind Turbine Tower Design
Modification simulation. It includes the CAD model preparation,
Domain Discretization, Boundary Conditions and Solution
Convergence. The below chart gives the methodology
sequence followed to carry out the simulation of various shapes
of Wind Turbine Tower.

The various configurations of wind turbine tower with various shapes

are prepared with the help of CATIA V5 R18.

Figure 3.1 CAD model of wind turbine with curved cylindrical tower

The above given CAD model describes the default configuration mostly
used in current wind turbine pillars, these pillars are effective in terms of
structural rigidity. This model is taken as the base line configuration for this
research purpose. The bigger diameter in the base provides higher structural
rigidity and eliminates vibration upto some considerable level. Comparatively
smaller diameter on the top provides somewhat smoother airflow around it,
though the higher the wind turbine goes, the greater the effect of turbulence and
wake behind it. Hence, the following models have been chosen as an effective
substitute for the conventional wind turbine tower. Also the dimensions of
various parts are given in the following chapters.

Figure 3.2 CAD model of Wind Turbine with Uniform Circular Pillar
Fig 3.2 depicts a much similar condition to the default used pillar, the
shape is uniformly circular tower, though it seems lack in structural rigidity in
the base part, its a considerable shape in view of aerodynamic point. These
shapes are being used in small scale turbines and proved to be efficient as well.
The cross section for the wind turbine shows that this specification has the
simplest geometry which is uniform in terms of length and radius from its root
to tip.

Figure 3.3 CAD model of Wind Turbine with Transitional Pillar

Fig 3.3 depicts another configuration of the wind turbine pillar which is
called as transition case. In this case, the shape of the tower transforms from a
circular base to an airfoil shaped top on which the generator is placed. As the
airfoil shape is proven to be the best shape for reducing aerodynamic wake and
in turn reduces the turbulence, its chosen to be on the top side. Though the
shape is differ from the base shape, to retain the structural integrity, the basic
cylindrical shape has not been altered, and an addition of tail like structure has
been added behind the tower to get the airfoil shape.

Figure 3.4 CAD model of Wind Turbine with Airfoil shaped Pillar

Fig 3.4 shows a conceptual design approach, in which entire pillar is

designed in a way which the flow can be passed through the aerodynamic body
which is capable of reducing the turbulence by its shape and design. The cross
section of the specification shows the airfoil shape of the design. The airfoil
shape is chosen in such a way that it doesnt affect the structural rigidity of the
pillar in any case.

3.2.1 Blade Dimensions

Figure 3.5 Blade Dimensions

Twisting angle = 5.50 All measurements are given in m

3.2.2 Blade Tip Details

Figure 3.6 Blade Tip

S7055 (10.5%) Flat-Bottomed (s7055-il)

3.2.3 Pillar Dimensions

Figure 3.7 Dimensions of Various Tower Configuration

3.2.4 Pillar Cross Sections

Figure 3.8 Cross Sectional Dimensions of Various Configuration


The meshing process is carried out using the tool HYPERMESH

with triad mesh configuration.

Figure 3.9 Meshing of Blade Profile

Meshing of the Blade profile is done with Hypermesh tool, the element
size is limited to 3 and the shape chosen for meshing is triad which is shown at
the Fig 3.9 and pillar meshing is shown in Fig 3.10

Figure 3.10 Meshing of Blade Profile with Generator and Tower

Fig 3.11 depicts the fine meshing near the ground around the pillar neatly,
this enables to capture the wake and turbulence more clearly.

Figure 3.11 Mesh Refinement of pillar near ground

Table 3.1 Number of Nodes and Elements in mesh

Types Config 1 Config 2 Config 3 Config 4

Curved Circular Translatio Airfoil
Circular n
Surfac Nodes 268195 213208 218942 248770
e Elements 536443 426458 437928 497582
Volum Nodes 854134 683293 699807 884954
e Elements 4442545 3560167 3641232 4810121

Table 3.1 consist of information about the number of nodes and elements
in each configuration and it also gives details about the exact number of surface
mesh and volume mesh details.

The size of the elements is as follows,

o Min size of the element 3

o Max size of the element 25

The minimum size meshes are used in areas where the details plays an
important role and more details need to be captured. This size gives fine mesh

around the hub, ground and also on tower and blades. The maximum size
meshes have been used in less detailed areas like the free flow air.


Domain consist of the free flow airstream before and behind the wind
turbine, this domain has been chosen carefully such that it consist of
comparatively larger area behind the tower in order to capture the turbulence
and wake property behind the wind turbine more clearly.

Figure 3.12 Domain configuration

The measurements for the domain has been depicted above, from the
figure it is clear that the domain has comparatively larger area behind the
turbine than ahead of it. The same domain has been meshed with variable
elements sizes from 10 to 25. The mesh details has been given as follows.

Figure 3.13 Meshing of Domain

Multi fluid rotating is used to simulate the rotational motion of the

blades effectively in order to obtain more accurate results over the pillar which
is exactly behind the blades which is clearly depicted in the Fig 3.13.

Figure 3.14 Meshing of MRF

3.5 Volume Mesh

Volume mesh is typically denotes every solid and fluid part, to give
values for every dimensions it is needed to volume mesh the component.

Figure 3.15 Volume mesh

Figure 3.16 Volume mesh of MRF

Fig 3.14 shows the cross cut-sectional view of volume meshed domain
along with MRF, this shows the element size which is fine meshing thus enables
the more data capture. Fig 3.15 shows the cut-sectional view of volume meshing
of MRF in detail, which is in turn more refined than the domain mesh, because
it involves more complex operation and also induces dynamic velocity and


3.6.1 Boundary Conditions

An important initial concept for CFD analyses is that of boundary
conditions. Each of the dependent variable equations requires meaningful values
at the boundary of the calculation domain in order for the calculations to
generate meaningful values throughout the domain. These values are known as
boundary conditions and can be specified in a number of ways.

Boundary conditions define the inputs of the simulation model. Some

conditions, like velocity and volumetric flow rate, define how a fluid enters
or leaves the model. Other conditions, like film coefficient and heat flux, define
the interchange of energy between the model and its surroundings.

Boundary conditions connect the simulation model with its

surroundings. Without them, the simulation is not defined, and in most cases
cannot proceed. Most boundary conditions can be defined as either steady-state
or transient. Steady-state boundary conditions persist throughout the simulation.
Transient boundary conditions vary with time, and are often used to simulate an
event or cyclical phenomena.

3.6.2 Boundary Conditions of Wind Turbine Tower

Table 3.2 Boundary Conditions

Sl No Description Boundary Value

1. Domain Inlet Velocity Inlet 10 m/s

2. Domain Outlet Pressure Outlet 0 Pa

3. Blade surface, Wall Standard wall
Pillar, Hub, with no- slip,
Generator, Rotational
5. Fluid Zone Air Density = 1.22
6. Turbulence K-Epsilon 5% Intensity with
Hyd. diameter

7. Solver Pressure Based ---

Coupled Solver
9. Flow Type Steady and --

10 Reference Standard Atm. Air P= 1 Atm T =

Condition 300 K



4.1 Convergence History

Figure 4.1 shows the convergence of all flow equations (Continuity,

Momentum and Turbulence) solved for the simulation of flow along Wind
Turbine using ANSYS Fluent solver. All the equations got converged and the
convergence criteria are kept as 103.
Figure 4.1 Solution Convergence History of Equations

4.2 CFD Results

The converged solutions are post processed with Ansys-Fluent Solver and
various contours and plots are obtained for comparing the performance of
various shapes of the tower.

Figure 4.2 shows the static pressure distribution over the wind turbine
blade surfaces. From the figure it is observed that the pressure side and suction
side of the wind turbine blades are predicted properly using MRF computational
methodology. The maximum pressure is predicted at the hub region as well as
the frontal portion of the blade surfaces which in turn produced the lift. Also it
can be noticed that the static pressure at over the rear generator surfaces are
comparatively at low pressure distributions which is expected in aerodynamic
point of view.

Figure 4.2 Pressure Distribution over the wind turbine blade surfaces
Figure 4.3 shows the static pressure distribution over the pillar of circular
configuration. It is seen from the contour that the static pressure raises at the
frontal surfaces of the pillar and it decreases over the side surfaces. This is due
to the fact that the flow straight away strikes the pillar and becomes stagnant
and expands around the pillar and hence to for a weaker wakes behind it. The
comparison of various pillar can be very well explained by taking a cross plane
across the vertical direction.

Figure 4.3 Static Pressure Distribution over the pillar (Circular)

For the present numerical investigation, the curved circular pillar is
considered as the baseline model and the results are compared with circular, air-
foil and circular to air-foil configurations. Figure 4.4 shows the velocity
distribution around the bottom side of the pillar. It is clearly evident from the
figure that wake strength behind the pillar is more in the baseline case and
circular configuration while comparing with transitional and airfoil

configuration. Figure 4.5 shows the static pressure distribution around the pillar
at the bottom side. It is clearly visible that the pressure is evenly distributed in
Circul transitional configuration while comparing with other configurations.

Figure 4.4 Velocity Distribution at the bottom of the pillar

Figure 4.5 Static Pressure Distribution around the bottom of the pillar
Figure 4.6 depicts the turbulent intensity obtained at the bottom of the
pillar. A strong turbulence is formed in all four configurations out of which the
flow turbulence is very much significant in baseline, circular and air-foil

Figure 4.6 Turbulence Intensity at the bottom of the Pillar

Figure 4.7 predicts the turbulent intensity obtained at the top side of the
pillar. It is clearly visible that the topside turbulence is more in all four
configurations. But the maximum intensity exits in circular configuration.

Figure 4.7 Turbulence Intensity at the top of the Pillar

Figure 4.8 Pressure and Velocity Distribution at the top side of the Pillars
Figure 4.8 shows the variations of static pressure and velocity distribution
around the pillar at the top side. It gives a overall comparison of all four
configurations together. This comparison evidently depicts that the airfoil and
transitional configurations predicts the flow with low wake strength with
minimum static pressure rise in the frontal region.

Figure 4.9 shows the velocity vector plot around the pillar. This shows the
flow turning and wake formation around the pillar. It is clearly visible that the

baseline configuration produces more expansion and hence more wake strength
while comparing the other configurations.

Figure 4.9 Velocity Vector Plot around the Pillar Configurations

Table 4.1 shows the overall comparison of drag force and projected area
for all pillar configurations. From the table it can be clearly understood that the
drag force produced by the wind turbine and its pillar is more in baseline and
circular configuration. This allows a literal comparison of drag force for a fixed
flow condition. In this analysis the velocity and input turbulence parameters are
kept constant. Transitional configuration yields better drag reduction while
comparing with all other configurations.

Sl. No. Configuration Projected Area Drag Force

(m ) (N)
1 Base-line 11.782 490.32
2 Circular 11.462 468.69
3 Transitional 11.461 450.23
4 Airfoil 11.347 455.97
Table 4.1 Overall Drag Force Comparisons

4.3 Graphs

Graph 4.1 shows the comparison data of various shapes and the drag
force produced by the entire wind turbine structure. Whereas the graph 4.2
depicts the drag force produced only by the tower structure of the Wind turbine.

Drag force along Wind Turbine

Curved cylindrical Cylindrical Transitional Airfoil shape

Graph 4.1 Drag Force variation (Wind Turbine)

Drag force along the Tower

Curved cylindrical Cylindrical Transitional Airfoil shape

Graph 4.2 Drag Force variation (Tower)

Turbulence Intensity
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Curved Cylindrical Cylindrical

Translational Airfoil

Graph 4.3 Turbulence intensity of various configurations

Graph 4.3 depicts the variation of turbulence intensity around and behind
the tower for all the configurations together. Its evident that the translational
configuration has the lowest turbulence intensity of all configurations.



The computational investigation on various pillar configurations for a

horizontal axis wind turbine has been carried out.
The numerical results predict the flow and turbulence nature accurately
and give significant variations in the results.
Multiple Rotating Reference Frame (MRF) predicts the rotational flow
and dynamic action on fluid properly around the wind turbine blade.
Among four different configurations of pillars, a reasonable reduction in
wake pattern is seen in the transitional configuration.
The drag force produced at a consistent flow condition is very less in
transitional and airfoil shaped pillar when comparing with baseline and
circular configurations.
Hence it is concluded that computational fluid dynamics can be
effectively used for optimizing the flow and turbulence patterns to find
out the exact shape of the pillar for better drag reduction.


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