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LESSON ORGANISATION (based on Australian Curriculum: Health & Physical Education)

Year Level: 5/6 Time: 2:00pm Date:27/04/2017 Students Prior Knowledge:

- Understand and can demonstrate different
techniques to propel objects towards a target
Learning Area: Health & Physical Education
- Can combine locomotor and object control skills
to complete a movement, task or challenge

- Have an understanding of how to apply strategies
to be successful in tag and dodge games

- Can strategically create scoring opportunities in
games and sport.

Strand: Movement and Physical Activity (MPA) Focus Area:
- Games and Sport (GS)

- Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS)
Moving our body (ACPMP061; ACPMP063)

Content Descriptor: Teachers Prior Preparation/Organisation:
- Ensure that all the necessary equipment has been
- Practise specialised movement accounted for and there is enough to successfully
skills and apply them in a variety of movement carry out the lesson.
sequences and situations (ACPMP061)
- Checked to make sure the equipment is safe to

- Propose and apply movement concepts and use and is in working condition.
strategies with and without - Co-ordinated with HPE colleagues to obtain
equipment (ACPMP063) enough space on the school oval to carry out
- Ensured that the appropriate safety measures
have been implemented (i.e. sunscreen is
- Set up two grids directly next to each other with
18 cones ready for warm up and activity one, two
and three.

Equipment List
- 16 touch footballs
- 18 cones
- 16 bibs
- Whistle
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Literacy Numeracy ICT Competence Critical and Ethical Personal and Social Intercultural
creative thinking behaviour competence understanding

Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australias engagement with Asia Sustainability
histories and cultures

HPE2203 Jan 2017

Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)

As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

Demonstrate the correct passing technique used in touch football stationary and dynamically
Demonstrate the correct passing technique in a pressure situation
Demonstrate ability to work in small groups to complete activities
Understand that the ball must be propelled in a backwards direction to pass to team mates
Understand and demonstrate strategies to maintain possession of the ball

Assessment of Lesson Objectives and Suggestions for Improvement::
Teacher to informally assess students by observing skills and techniques whilst student participate in activities.
Complete an observation checklist after the lesson by labelling each student with either a tick meaning has achieved
or a dot for yet to achieve.

Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:
Upon completion of the lesson, teacher will reflect on what worked and what didnt work throughout the lesson and
what could have been done better in the future.

Motivation and Introduction:
- Instruct students to be seated in front of teacher
2:00pm - Introduce the 6-week touch football program
2 mins
- Ask students: Who has played touch football before?
- Briefly outline todays lesson

HPE2203 Jan 2017

Student Organisation Lesson Content Class Organisation
2:02 (Individual task structure, differentiation) (Content & KTP) Resources/Equipment
8 mins (Position of teacher/students, setup/working area/grids for class,
Warm up Stuck in the Mud Instructions transitions)

1. Allocate half the Equipment
2 grids:
number of students
- Girls in grid 1 (17 students) - 16 balls
from each grid to
- Boys in grid 2 (15 students)
collect a ball - 18 cones (2 stacked on top of each
other on one side, ready for next
2. Allocate a student activity)
from each grid to be
the tagger Set up

3. Students are to run - Girls in grid 1

their designated grid - Boys in grid 2
while the tagger
must attempt to tag Teacher
them - Ask girls to demonstrate the
4. If a student gets game to ensure understanding
tagged, they must by all students
stand still with their - Ask for any questions or
feet apart as they misunderstanding
are now stuck in the
mud - Teacher to move between each
group ensuring all students are
5. To free a student on task, playing fairly and
from being stuck in providing students with
the mud, a student feedback
with the ball must roll
the ball between the
student who is stuck
6. Game continues until
every student is
1. To free a student

stuck in the mud ball
must be passed to
. them
2. Students must
perform a double

pass to be free i.e.
student passes to
the tagged player,
tagged player
passes the ball
straight back

3. If a student with the

ball is tagged, they
must exit the grid,
throw the ball high = Teacher
into the air and catch
it before entering
back into the game
- Hold the ball with
two hands
- Watch the ball into

HPE2203 Jan 2017

your hands, quick
- Fast, creative
dodging movements
to attack

2:10 Bridging organization

3 mins
Ask one girl and one boy to move the cone stacked on top of the middle side cone and place it into the
middle of their grid. This will create 10 smaller squares ready for the next activity.
Students return the touch footballs to the central meeting point and gather in front of the teacher.
Ask students:
- How did you avoid being tagged?
- What did you do so you didnt drop the ball?
- What helped you pass the ball quickly?
Teacher to allocate students into groups of three and designate them into one grid (There will be 2 groups
of 4). Ask one group of three to demonstrate the activity while explaining the key teaching points of a touch
football pass

2:13 Activity 1 Triangle Passing Instructions Equipment
7 mins
Students in groups of 3 1. Students to pass the - 10 touch footballs
ball to their team
- 18 cones
mate in a triangle
formation practicing
the correct touch
football pass Set up
technique - 10 squares with 3 students in
- One ball between 3 students
- Teacher to call when
to change direction, Teacher
students must
respond promptly - To move between each group
observing skills, providing
- Increase the feedback and reiterating the
distance of the pass KTPs

- Add competition
between groups


- Step

- Pass

- Outside foot

HPE2203 Jan 2017

Bridging organization
2 mins Students to be seated in their squares with their group of 3
Teacher to introduce next activity, Piggy in the Middle. Pick one group to demonstrate the activity, while
the rest of the students are seated.

2:22 Activity 2 Piggy in the Instructions Equipment
7 mins middle
1. One student per - 10 touch footballs
Students in groups of 3 group of 3 becomes
- 18 cones
the piggy (defender)
while the 2 students
are attackers
Set up
2. The attackers must
pass the ball - 10 squares with 3 students in
between them each
keeping the ball off - One ball between 3 students
the piggy
3. The defender
attempts to intercept - To move between each group
the ball or force an observing skills, providing

error feedback and reiterating the
4. Once the defender
intercepts the ball off
one of the attackers,
the attacker
becomes the new
piggy. And the
game continues

5. The ball must be
passed backwards,
therefore students
must use agility and

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footwork in order for

this to happen


- Attackers must not
move their feet once
they have caught the


- Work the ball from
one side of the grid
to the other


- 2 hands on the ball

- Step, Pass

- Outside foot

- Short, sharp

- Quick release

Bridging organization
2 mins - Instruct all students on the right side of grid to collect, put on a bib and then join with the square
directly across from there original square to form a group of 6 students and 1 group of 8 students.
- Students will now work across two squares in their combined group
- Introduce the new activity using one group of 6 to demonstrate.

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2:31 Activity 3 3 v 3 zone touch Instructions Equipment
10 down
1. Within each group of - 5 touch footballs
Students in groups 6 6, allocate 3
- 18 cones
students to be
attackers and the - 16 bibs
other three to be
Set up
- 5 rectangular zones with 6 or 8
2. Attackers to start
students in each
with the ball on one
side of their zone - One ball per zone
3. Student with the ball Teacher
tap the ball onto foot
to commence play - To move between each group
observing skills, providing
4. Attackers must use feedback and reiterating the
appropriate skills KTPs.
and strategies to
maintain possession - Provide students with strategic
and get the ball from ques. E.g. Pass in front for team

one side of the zone member to run onto the ball,
to the other spread out, use the space, fake
the pass continue to run.
5. Attackers to place
the ball across the

line with two hands
to score a touch

6. Attackers can only

pass backwards

7. Defenders attempt to
intercept the ball (No

8. Swap over roles


- Every team member

must receive the ball


- Step, pass
- Outside foot
- Backwards
- Run onto the ball
- Create space
- Fakes
- Short, fast steps
- Dodge
- 2 hands
- Bend knees
- Place the ball on the
HPE2203 Jan 2017
Bridging organization
2 mins - Instruct one student to remove the middle line of cones and return them to the central meeting point
- Instruct rest of the students to be seated on the side of their original square, this will create 2 even
straight lines facing each other.
- Recap KTPs of the lesson
- Divide the class down the middle to create 4 teams of 8 and 2 grids.
- Introduce modified game Dog and Bone Instruct student to number themselves off from 1-8
within their team of 8 (teacher assistance may be required)
- Have a practice demonstration round
2:43 Modified game Dog and Instructions Equipment
12 Bone
1. Each team to - 2 touch footballs
Students in teams of 8 number themselves
- 14 cones
off between 1 and 8

Set up
2. Teacher will call out

random 3 numbers - 2 playing areas
between 1 and 8
- 16 students in each playing
3. The students with area
those 3 numbers
- 4 teams of 8 students
must race to get the
ball - 1 touch football per playing area
4. The team who gets Teacher
to the ball first, then
attempts to work the - Teacher to call out different
ball down to the numbers each round

opposite end of the - Observe student skill and ability
playing area to score
a try - Provide feedback to students

each round
5. The team who does
not get the ball
becomes the
defending team and
attempts to intercept
or force an area.
6. If the attacking team
scores a try then
they receive a point
7. If the defending team
forces an error. i.e.
dropped ball or
intercept then they
receive a point.
8. The game then
resets, students
return to their team
and starting
positions and the
teacher will then
choose another 3
- Vary the number of
students entering the
- Every player must
touch the ball before = Teacher
a try is scored
HPE2203 Jan 2017
- Time limit to score a
- Step, pass
- Outside foot
- Backwards
- Run onto the ball
- Create space
- Fakes
- Short, fast steps
- Dodge
- 2 hands
- Bend knees
- Place the ball on the

2:55 Bridging organisation
2 mins - Students to collect piece of equipment and return to central meeting point
- Students to be seated in front of teacher

2:57 Lesson Closure: (Review lesson objectives with students)

3 mins
Ask students:

- How did you work as a team in order to score a try? i.e. strategies

- What made it easier to find a team mate to pass to? i.e spreading out, quick movements

- What are the KTPs of a pass in touch football? Step, pass, outside foot, backwards
- How do you commence play in touch football? Tap. When else is a tap used? After an infringement

- How do you score points in touch football? Touchdown/try


Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

- Students to write down any rules of touch football learnt in todays lesson
- Students to come prepared for the next lesson as new rules will be introduced i.e roll balls, dummy
half, offside

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?)
- The lesson objective will be judged via teacher observation throughout the lesson, teacher to then
allocate each student on the role with either a tick if they achieved the outcome or a dot if they are
yet to achieve
- Questioning students throughout and after the lesson as an informal assessment tool for the
teacher to gain an idea of what the students have learnt and understood.

HPE2203 Jan 2017

HPE2203 Jan 2017

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