6 Hours A Day: Thomas Smith, Cfa

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Thomas is a partner at
Brooksbridge Capital. He
previously worked in the A slow drip of demographic change is revolutionising
natural gas trading
division of Gazprom and
with the fixed income
the human population. 20 years from now youll be
research team at AHL, a $15 billion
algorithmic hedge fund and a division of
living in a world you wont recognise: a world where
Man Group plc. Thomas holds a masters in
financial economics from the University of retirees outnumber new jobseekers and workforces are
Oxford. At Brooksbridge Thomas
specialises in quantitative research and shrinking. The research team at Brooksbridge Capital
developing algorithmic trading strategies.
wants to find out what this means for different
countries, and what this means for economic growth.
Mark is a partner at
Brooksbridge Capital.
He has spent over a
decade in financial
markets where he gained
experience across

oronto, the largest city and com- special case has been transformed by
equities, derivatives and debt instruments.
Mark previously worked as a portfolio mercial capital of Canada, has the 6 Hours a Day phenomenon.
manager and equities trader at Merrion an unprecedented issue tearing
Capital and Dolmen Securities in Dublin. through its municipal politics. No, its The 6 Hours a Day phenomenon is the
At Brooksbridge Mark focuses on not Rob Ford, the citys infamous, crack- slow drip of demographic change that is
investment strategy and managing the
smoking mayor; hes retired now. The revolutionising the human population;
firms proprietary trading strategies.
new issue is school closures. Across the the combination of two powerful forces:
city there is a vast surplus of elementary living longer and having fewer.
ROBERT POWER schools1 which are costly and inefficient
Robert is a partner at to run. But closing a single school has For the last 60 years, across the globe,
Brooksbridge Capital. He proven politically impossible. Genera- human life expectancy has been on a
has over 35 years of tions of sentimental alumni start peti- march ever-upwards. In 1955 a person
experience in financial
tions, and parents, who no doubt born into a high-income country would
services. He was
previously Deputy factored proximity of schools into their live on average to 64; today that number
Managing Director of Cornmarket Group home purchase decision, storm school is 79. An increase of about 2.5 years
Financial Services and is currently an board meetings. every decade, or 6 hours a day.2
independent non-executive director at KBC
Bank Ireland plc as well as chairman of the
Much of Toronto was built in the 1950s Running in parallel has been another
educational charity Global Schoolroom.
Robert holds a degree in law from Trinity and 60s, when the post-war baby boom trend in our biological averages: having
College Dublin and a masters in economics meant schools couldnt be constructed fewer children. Having fewer is a direct
from the London School of Economics. At fast enough. The swelling ranks of youth result of starting later. Wherever they
Brooksbridge Robert focuses on strategic were often crowded into portables; have been given the opportunity, women
planning and business development.
movable sheet-metal structures, big have been opting to spend more time in
enough for a single classroom, that education and at work, pushing back the
would turn school fields into time they get married and the time they
educational trailer parks. have children. This change has occurred
Linstead House
9 Disraeli Road
nearly everywhere, particularly strong in
London SW15 2DR But its not the 1960s anymore, and the some Western European countries where
+44 203 129 5910 times they are a changin. In recent the average age of a woman when she
contact@brooksbridge.com decades every developed country in the first gets married has increased by about
www.brooksbridge.com world Canada being a very typical, not 2.5 years per decade, or 6 hours a day.3

Living longer and having fewer are

having countless effects on society, but WHAT DOES THE
there is one question that interests us FUTURE LOOK LIKE?
here: what does this mean for

economic growth? he following bar plot shows
how the WASP will change over
The authoritative source for the next 20 years for 180 coun-
demographic data is the UN World tries. The height of each bar is the fore-
Population Prospects database, which cast change in WASP between 2015 and
contains historical data since 1950 and 2035.5 The width of each bar is the cur-
forecasts out to 2100 for thousands of rent GDP, which gives you an idea of
demographic indicators for 230 distinct each countrys relevance to the world
countries and regions and it is updated economy.6 The countries go from rising
every 2 years. Its about 48 million rows WASP on the left, to falling WASP on
of data if you want to download the the right, and the 25 largest economies
THERE IS ONE whole thing. are labelled.
INTERESTS US 48 million data points can obviously be Some patterns should already be hitting
cut and sliced many different ways. But your eyeballs. Most countries, GDP-
HERE: WHAT DOES since were interested in economic wise, are below the line. In total the
THIS MEAN FOR growth the most relevant number for us falling-WASP countries count for about
is the Working-Age Share of the of current world GDP. In here youll
THE ECONOMIC Population. The WASP is generally find all of the G7, all of the G8, 13
GROWTH? defined as all people aged 15 to 64 as a members of the G20 and 31 of the 34
proportion of the total population.4 It OECD members. The developed
usually lies somewhere between 50% countries (Europe, North America,
and 80% and is a very useful indicator Developed Asia) all have falling WASPs,
of a countrys economic potential. A with the biggest declines in Hong
high WASP country generally has a Kong, South Korea and Singapore (not
higher proportion of people in the all labelled). The very wide bars
workforce and thus a higher GDP. A pointing down tell you that the worlds
low WASP country generally has a largest economies (China, America,
higher proportion of young children or Japan, Germany) will all see their
retirees and thus a lower GDP. workforces shrink.

The Aging Economy

Change in WASP 2015 to 2035 Medium Variant Forecast - %
(Source: UN World Population Prospects)

6 HOURS A DAY GDP - USD Billions Purchasing Power Parity 2014 (Source: IMF)

(If you are an appropriately sceptical Amongst the falling WASP countries
person and youre a bit weary of there is still a lot of diversity. For
believing any of this data, be sure to read Continental Europes biggest economies
the appendix Should I believe any of this?) (France, Italy, Germany) and Japan, not
only are they set to fall but they all lie to
On the very far left the tall skinny bars the left, so their WASPs are already quite
tell you that all the countries with the low, barely above 60%. The big Asian
fastest growing workforces are very small economies (China, Thailand, South
economies, mostly in Africa. All of the Korea) all lie to the right, so they
rising-WASP countries are emerging currently have very high WASPs, and
markets where birth rates are falling. even after their large declines they will
With fewer children in 2035 the number still be relatively high. The Anglo
of people of working-age will be a higher countries (Britain, Canada, Australia,
proportion of the whole population. But America) currently lie tightly packed in
not all emerging markets are the same. the middle and should still be tightly
From the BRIC countries the 4 largest packed in the middle 20 years from now;
emerging markets B, R and C are after they fall to the level Japan is at today.
falling; India is the only exception.
1990 WAS
THE YEAR Because the bar chart only shows the
JAPANS WASP change in WASP some important HOW MUCH DOES
patterns are hidden. The following THIS MATTER?
PEAKED AND scatterplot shows the level of the WASP
in 2015 against the forecast level of the he relationship between demo-
WASP in 2035 for the 25 largest graphics and economic growth
DECLINE economies. Here you can see more than is kind of obvious from a theo-
just the forecast change; you can see retical perspective. Not surprisingly
where it is today and where it will reach many economic researchers have looked
in the future. A country expecting no at the question, and it turns out that
change will lie precisely on the diagonal this kind-of-obvious-from-a-theoretical-
blue line (Turkey/TUR). A country perspective relationship actually has a
expecting a rise will be above the line lot of data to support it. In almost every
(Egypt/EGY). And a country expecting a case of exceptional economic growth in
fall will be below the line (Japan/JPN). the last 70 years Japan, Germany,

The WASP Swarm

2035 Working-Age Share of the Population - %
Medium Variant Forecast

6 HOURS A DAY 2015 Working-Age Share of the Population - % (Source: UN World Population Prospects)

South Korea, China, Ireland re- The Flip is crucial. It is the point where
searchers have found that a rising WASP the 6 Hours a Day phenomenon stops
was responsible for something between pushing growth up and starts dragging
and of their total growth.7 it down. Once that population bulge
makes its way through working-age and
In each case the effect began when the gets to retirement the WASP has to go
birth rate fell; as one bulging cohort left down; and retirees with longer and
childhood and entered the workforce it longer life expectancy push the WASP
was replaced by a smaller cohort of down even further.
children behind it (see Toronto school
system). With a population bulge going Economic research on demographics
through the workforce, GDP went up. often uses a framework that leads to a
Economists dubbed this effect the distinctly rosy view. The framework:
demographic dividend; and in recent find a country that had exceptional
decades, rich countries have been economic growth and then answer the
THE FLIP IS cashing it in.8 question how much of that growth was
due to a rising WASP? Not surprisingly
CRUCIAL. IT IS THE Japan had incredible growth in the this generally finds that demographic
POINT WHERE THE decades after WWII as families had change is a big help to growth.
fewer children and the WASP took off,
6 HOURS A DAY eventually making it the worlds second But it doesnt tell us how much a falling
PHENOMENON largest economy. But that time has WASP can drag growth down. When
STOPS PUSHING passed. Japans bulge of workers is now the WASP changes by 1% how much
leaving the workforce and that smaller does economic growth change?
GROWTH UP AND cohort behind them has to support a
STARTS DRAGGING bulge of retirees; retirees with ever- The following plot shows a simple
growing life expectancy. Since 1990 regression between the change in WASP
IT DOWN Japans economic growth has been and Real GDP growth over the last 35
dismal. Perhaps not coincidentally 1990 years for 180 countries. The cloud of
was the year Japans WASP peaked and data points around the regression line
started to decline.9 tells you that a lot of things affect GDP
growth besides the WASP, but the slope
Japan has been the first country to ride of the line tells you that the WASP is
the WASP all the way to the Flip. still damn, damn important.

Real GDP Growth regressed on Change in WASP

Annual Real GDP Growth - % (Source: IMF)

6 HOURS A DAY Annual Change in WASP - % (Source: UN World Population Prospects)


This data says that over 1 year if the WASP change was zero. But South
WASP rises by 1%, going from say Koreas recent history has actually been
65% of the total population to 66%, a scenario where their WASP change
then annual Real GDP growth will be was positive. So the swing between
on average 1.9% higher. That is a lot. what we observed in the nearby past
(And thats a very statistically and nearby future should actually be
significant result.) bigger than this -1.24% estimate.
Thats the Flip.
This supports what researchers have
found for China, Ireland et al: a rising
WASP is a great upside for growth.
Unfortunately, 1.9% is also the THE WASP THAT
downside. If the WASP falls by 1%, STUNG THE DRAGON
economic growth will be about 1.9%

lower on average. And this is what we ince the early 1980s China has
can expect to see for the s of world been the heart of world economic
GDP with falling WASPs. growth with its GDP regularly ex-
panding more than 10% per year. This
is largely thanks to its rising WASP
SINCE 2011 CHINA HAS SEEN A which has soared from 55% to 74%.
China is interesting because its 6 Hours
DRAMATIC GROWTH SLOWDOWN. PERHAPS a Day phenomenon was largely govern-
NOT COINCIDENTALLY 2010 WAS THE YEAR ment mandated the controversial One
Child Policy, introduced in 1980. But
CHINAS WASP PEAKED AND STARTED TO of course, a drop in birth rates means
DECLINE that several decades later (i.e. right now)
there will be more retirees leaving the
This model is quite simple but its not workforce than young people joining it.
wildly inaccurate. Academic researchers Since 2011 China has seen a dramatic
that have tried to estimate the same growth slowdown. Perhaps not coinci-
number across different countries, dentally 2010 was the year Chinas
different time periods and different WASP peaked and started to decline.11
specifications have got estimates Theyve passed the Flip.
everywhere between 0.5 and 3.0, most
often falling somewhere between 1.25 All of that economic research on
and 2.0, and almost always very demographics left us with some overly
statistically significant. Our very rosy ideas. Yes, when a bulge of young
statistically significant estimate of 1.9 is people enter the workforce and then
pretty much the same.10 have fewer children the WASP goes up,
and yes, there is a growth boom. The
For a country like South Korea, with a demographic dividend. But once that
WASP that is forecast to fall about 13% bulge makes its way to retirement, the
over the next 20 years, we can expect its WASP has to go back down, and
demographics to drag down its growth growth has to fall. Its not really a
about (-13/20 * 1.9) -1.24% per year. - dividend if you have to pay it back.
1.24% is how much their growth Maybe the term should be replaced
should swing compared to a with something like the demographic
hypothetical scenario where their transfer payment.

October 2015
6 HOURS A DAY Thomas Smith, Mark Kelly and Robert Power


You may have never studied it, but there mortality rates and migration.12 For all
is probably one thing you know about the plots here we are using the Medium
economic forecasting: it is nearly always Variant forecast, which for every
wrong. Your scepticism is warranted, country uses their medium estimates
but we do want to give a few caveats, for birth and mortality rates, and
explanations and justifications for why assumes that their current levels of net-
we think this data is still worthwhile. migration continue forever into the
future. There is also a Zero-Migration
Looking at WASPs there are three major Variant which uses the same middle
variables that could ruin our forecasts: estimates for birth and mortality rates,
the birth rate, migration and the but assumes that net-migration is zero
retirement age. forever. All of our plots and statistics
IF YOURE can be recalculated using the Zero-
FAMILIAR WITH Your scepticism about a forecast should Migration Variant and the results do not
be proportional to its time horizon. In change meaningfully. (Were happy to
POLITICIANS LIKE the news youll often hear quotes that share these if youre interested.)
DONALD TRUMP OR sound something like In 2050 Europe
will have more people over 80 than To offset the coming wave of
THERESA MAY THEN below 10. Knowing how many 10 year retirements across the developed
WE SHOULDNT olds there will be in 2050 is pretty countries, immigration numbers
NEED TO CONVINCE unknowable since it depends on the
birth rate after 2040 which, who
would have to go up about 5 times
from their current levels.13 If youre
YOU THAT knows, could be plummeting or could familiar with politicians like Donald
INCREASING be skyrocketing. But with our forecasts Trump or Theresa May then we
here we are only looking out 20 years, shouldnt need to convince you that
IMMIGRATION 500% so birth rates dont matter too much. increasing immigration 500% is
IS POLITICALLY For a person to be of working-age by politically impossible.
2035 they have to be born by 2020; so
IMPOSSIBLE a baby-boom could only change our And of course workers arent that easily
outlook if it happens in the next 5 interchangeable; new immigrants need
years. Not likely. If any baby-boom to learn the language and gain
occurs between 2020 and 2035 there qualifications. After thousands of
will be more children in 2035, and the German-speaking engineers retire, there
people of working-age will actually be a is no other country in the world that
smaller proportion of the total has a vast pool of fully qualified,
population, exacerbating all our German-speaking engineers ready to
forecasts for falling WASPs. replace them.

The one factor that people often think In countries like Japan and South
is a big wildcard is immigration. This of Korea, with already high population
course cant affect the whole planet, but densities and very little experience of
it could affect any one individual immigration waves, net migration
country. Migration is very hard to would have to increase by such an
predict, but numerically, in terms of absurd multiple, a number so
sheer numbers of people, migration is completely impossible to achieve, it is
miniscule compared to the changes not really worth your time to read any
wrought by the 6 Hours a Day more about it.14
phenomenon. Even for one individual
country it is highly unlikely that So if these WASP forecasts are robust
migration could reverse things. to birth rates and immigration, what
could ruin them? The retirement age.
For every variable in the UN World The retirement age actually covers
Population Prospects database there are two related ideas: the state pension age,
several different forecasts, which use and the age at which people actually
6 HOURS A DAY different assumptions about birth rates, stop working.

Footnotes To some extent governments have number; people retire at different times
1 Howlett (2015) caught on to the WASP problem they and often go through a period of
2 UNWPP Life Expectancy at Birth (e0) are colliding with. Since 1990 nearly working part-time.
- Both Sexes
3 UN Department of Economic and Social every OECD member country has cut
Affairs Population Division (2014, Pg 7) state pension benefits and/or raised Numerically a delayed retiree has a
4 The UNWPP actually provides the Total their state pension age.15 Unfortunately, bigger impact on the WASP than a
Dependency Ratio, which is:
TDR = (pop_below_15 + pop_above_64) / this has generally been done with working immigrant because they
pop_15_to_64. The TDR can be converted traditional government caution. The increase the workforce without
to the WASP by: WASP = 1/(1+TDR)
UK has announced that their state increasing the total population. And, to
5 UNWPP - Total Dependency Ratio 1
6 IMF World Economic Outlook pension age, currently at 65, will the extent they are keeping
7 Bloom et al. (1997, Pg 7), (2001, Pg 28), increase to 67 but only between now accumulated skills and experience in
(2003, Pg 14) and 2028.16 (There are further plans to the workforce, a delayed retiree means
8 Lee (2006)
raise it to 68, by 204617). more for the economy.
9 UNWPP - Total Dependency Ratio 1
10 Bloom et al. (1997, Pg 34), (2001, Pg 38, 41,
44), (2007, Pg 37), (2010, Pg 19) Raising the state pension age has the Over the next 20 years, with rising
11 UNWPP - Total Dependency Ratio 1 bonus effect of convincing people to pension ages and slower economic
12 UN Department of Economic and Social
Affairs (2012, Pg 15-38)
stay in work longer. The age at which growth, we will likely see retirement
13 Magnus (2008, Loc 1407) people stop working is actually the ages drifting up out of sheer
14 Bloom (2001, Pg 32), Magnus important number. All our forecasts coincidence, maybe it will hit a rate of
(2008, Loc 1617) revolve around the implicit assumption 6 hours a day. While this would be
15 Magnus (2008, Loc 2419)
16 Pensions Act (2014, Sect 26)
that the day you hit 65, you stop very bad for the accuracy of our
17 Pensions Act (2007, Sect 13) working. Obviously in reality, forecasts, it would be very good for the
retirement age is a very imprecise world economy.
Risk Warning
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investment research under the Rules of the FCA. 3. 2003. http://www.tara.tcd.ie/handle/2262/60947
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construed as a recommendation to buy or sell these
securities or investment instruments. Content in this
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information, is provided by Brooksbridge Capital LLP Takatoshi; Rose, Andrew. The Economic Consequences of Demographic Change in East Asia. NBER-EASE
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Although Brooksbridge Capital LLP uses all
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forward-looking statements contained in this John Wiley & Sons. 2008.
document are subject to signicant uncertainties and Mason, Andrew; Lee, Ronald; Lee, Sang-Hyop. The Demographic Transition and Economic Growth in the
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information, opinions or forward-looking statements East Asia. NBER-EASE Volume 19. NBER Books. 2010. http://www.nber.org/chapters/c8145
in this document are subject to change without
notice. No reliance may be placed for any purpose on Pensions Act 2007. UK Parliament. http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2007/22/contents
any of the information, opinions or forward-looking Pensions Act 2014. UK Parliament. http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2014/19/contents
statements contained in this document.
UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs. World Population Prospects: The 2012 Revision,
Access to certain investments is often restricted by Methodology of the United Nations Population Estimates and Projections. 2014.
the laws of certain jurisdictions and you are required http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Publications/Files/WPP2012_Methodology.pdf
to determine whether you are permitted to access
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them. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of
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future performance. The value of investments can
decrease as well as increase. Any investments you UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs. World Population Prospects. 2015. Data available at:
make can result in nancial loss. http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/.

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