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TESDA-OP-CO-01-F01 (Rev.No.00-03/08/17) Attendance Sheet Program Registration Orientation/Briefing Date: Provincial Office: Name of TVET TVET Designation | Signature Institution! Institution! Company Company Address Provincial Director TESDA-OP-CO-01-F02 (Rev.No.00-03/08/17) CERTIFICATION OF CONCURRENCE Date le, (Name) (Designation/Position) of (Name of Technical Vocational Institution (TV iocated at, (Address of TVi/Company) hereby certify that lwe have fully understood and will abide by the requirements and procedures under the TESDA Unified TVET Program Registration and Accreditation System (UTPRAS) outlined as follows 1. Program registration requirements, policies and procedures; 2. Compliance Audit; 3. Sanctions and penalties to be imposed to erring institutions; and the 4, Payment of the non-refundable application fee of P2,000.00 for program registration. As representative/s of the TVV/Company, lAve will inform the owner(s)/Head/President of our TVI/Company on the orientation conducted by TESDA relative to the Program Registration requirements and procedures. Done this __day of in the year Signature Position Noted by: Provincial Director Date: TESDA-OP-CO-01-F03 (Rev.No.00-03/08/17) (Letter Head of the TVI/;Company) LETTER OF APPLICATION/INTENT Date The Provincial Director Dear Sir/Madam: We would like to express our intention to apply for program registration for the following qualification(s): Qualification ‘Training Duration (No. of Hours) 7 2. 3. Enclosed are the required documents. We hope for your immediate action on this application. Very truly yours, Signature over Printed Name (PresidenHead TVi/Company) Attachments: (As indicated in the Program Registration Checklist) Corporate Administrative Documents . Curricular Requirements |. Faculty and Personnel . Program Guidelines 5. Support Services Rona ‘TESDA-OP-CO-01-F04 (Rev.No.00-03/08/17) Program Registration Requirement Checklist (For Institution-based Programs) Name of TVI Address Tel/Fax Ni Program Applied Duration: (in hrs) Training Capacity }N2- sfiinees Beaten. Program Registration Requirements Compliant Yes No Remarks: 41, CORPORATE AND ADMINISTRATIVE DOCUMENTS a) Letter of Application/intent (TESDA- OP-CO-F03) b) Board Resolution/Academic Council Resolution to offer the program signed by the Board Secretary and attested by the Chairperson (SUCs, LCUs, and private institutions) Board Resolution/Academic Council Resolution must specifically cover the training delivery site) ©) Special law creating the institution (for public institution) e.g. Republic Act, Executive Order, Sanggunian Resolutions) d) Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Registration for private institutions e) Articles of Incorporation (indicate main address) 1) Proof of building Ownership or contract of lease (covering at least two years) upon application for new program. For succeeding application a valid contract of lease 9) Curent Fire Safety Cerificate (training site) h) For Institutions that will branch out Address TeliFax No. Program Applied Duration: (in hrs.) No. of trainees per batch: Training Capacity | No~ofbatches per year Program Registration Requirements Compliant Remarks The Articles of Incorporation & Bylaws must state reasons for opening of the branch. The Articles of Incorporation signed by majority of the Incorporators must be notarized and received by SEC 2. CURRICULAR REQUIREMENTS a) Competency-based Curriculum (TESDA-OP-CO-01-F11) indicating the qualification being addressed and the competencies to be developed a.1 Course Design a.2 Modules of Instruction b) List of Equipment (TESDA-OP-CO-01- F13), Tools (TESDA-OP-CO-01-F14) and Consumables/Materials (TESDA- OP-CO-01-F15) necessary to deliver the program ‘c) List of instructional materials (TESDA- OP-CO-01-F16) (such as reference materials, slides, video tapes, internet access and library resource necessary to deliver the program d) List of Physical Facilities (TESDA- OP-CO-01-F 17) and List of Off- Campus Physical Facilities TESDA- OP-CO-01-F 18) @) Shop layout of training facilities indicating the floor area Institutional Assessment Note: Actual Assessment Tools should be shown during inspection }. FACULTY AND PERSONNEL a) List of Officials (TESDA-OP-CO-01- F419) =| | Name of TVI Address Tel/Fax No.: Program Applied Duration: (in hrs.) i», LNo. of trainees per batch: Training Capacity [No of hatches per year: Program Registration Requirements b) List of Trainers (TESDA-OP-CO-01- F20) with their qualifications, areas of expertise, and courses/seminars attended with supporting evidence available, such as relevant NTTC/trainer qualification certificates and certification of employment. For NTR programs, copy of Training Certificate on Trainers Methodology | or other Trainer Methodology Certificates, and evidence of specialization of the trainer of the program. A certified true copy of notarized contract of employment by c) List of Ne ‘eaching Staff (TESDA-OP-CO-01-F21) with their qualifications with —_—_ supporting evidences available, such as copies of certificates/contracts of employment, etc. the applicant TVI is required. Compliant | Remarks 4, PROGRAM GUIDELINES a) Program fees, with breakdown of tuition and other fees and schedule of fee payment duly signed by the school head indicating the effectivity of school year Documented grading system, details of which are provided to —students/ trainees at the start of their program b ©) Entry requirements for the program comply with the relevant training regulations if applicable Name of TVI ‘Address TeliFax No. Program Applied Duration: (in hrs.) Training Capacity Program Registration Requirements ‘Compliant Remarks d) Rules on attendance 5. SUPPORT SERVICES a) Health services are available to the students/trainees. If these services are contracted out or out-sourced, the contract or MOA or similar documents must be submitted. b) Job Linkaging and Networking Services (JLNS) which include Career Services and Employment Facilitation available to students/trainees/TVET graduates (reference: Section IV, letter A— Delivery Platforms of JLNS Nos. 1-4 of the TESDA Circular No. 38, series of 2016) ‘Community outreach program — optional d) Research program, activities that will support continuing development of the program of the school — optional 6. Additional Requirements for DTS/DTP Applicants a) Application Letter of the TVI and the Establishment b) Accomplished Application form for TVI and_for Establishment °) Photocopy of TVI's CTPR d) Photocopy of Establishment SEC Registration ) Memorandum of Agreement with partner Establishment/s f) Training Plan (DTS Form 5) Name of TVi Address TelFax No. Program Applied Duration: (in hrs.) "| No. of trainees Training Capacity To” of batches per year: Program Registration Requirements Compliant Remarks g) Certification issued by the TV! designating the Industrial Coordinator h) Certification issued by the company designating the In-plant Trainer Forms — refer to TESDA Circular No. 31 Series 2012 - Guidelines in Implementing the Dual Training System (DTS) Programs and Dualized Training Programs (DTP) 7. Requirements for Mobile Training Application a) Copy of CTPR of the registered institution-based program b) Copy of the approved program registration documents c) LTO Registration of the prime mover of the MBC ( for delivered in a self contained van) d) Design/lay-out of the MBC Reference: TESDA Circular No. 27 Series of 2009 Operational Polices in the Registration of Mobile Training Classrooms, Park and Training Programs (MBC-MTP) and TESDA Order 28 Series in 2012 — Addendum and Amendments to the Guidelines and Registration of Mobile Training Program (MTP) LN (Note: Erasure is not allowed on the submitted checklist of requirements) General Comments/Remarks: Prepared by: Noted by: PO UTPRAS Focal Person Provincial Director Date: Date: TESDA-OP-CO-00-F05 (Rev.No.00-03/08/17) Program Registration Requirement Checklist (Company/Enterprise-based Programs) Name of Company Address Tel/Fax No.: Program Applied Duration: (in hrs.) Training Capacity No. of Trainees per batch: No. of Batches per year: Program Registration Requirements Program Registration Requirements Compliant Yes | No Remarks 1. CORPORATE AND ADMINISTRATIVE DOCUMENTS a) Letter of —_Application/Intent (TESDA-OP-CO-F01) b) Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Registration for Corporation. For sole proprietorship, a DTI Registration is required. ©) Proof of building ownership or contract of lease (covering at least two years) upon application for new program. For succeeding application a valid contract of lease) d) Current Fire Safety Certificate (training site) 2. CURRICULAR REQUIREMENTS a) Competency-based Curriculum (TESDA-OP- CO-01-F08) indicating the qualification being addressed and the competencies to be developed a.1 Course Design a.2 Modules of Instruction b) List of Equipment (TESDA-OP- CO-01-F13), Tools (TESDA-OP- CO-01-F14), and Consumables (TESDA-OP-CO-01-F 15) necessary to deliver_the program Name of Company Address Tel/Fax No.: Program Applied Duration: (in hrs.) ca 2 No. of Trainees per batch: Training Capacity "No.of Batches per year: Program Registration Requirements Compliant Remarks. re List of Physical Facilities (TESDA-OP-CO-01-F 17) and List of Off-Campus Physical Facilities TESDA-OP-CO-01-F 18) indicating floor area d) Shop layout of training facilities indicating the floor area 3._Trainer/HRD Personnel a) List of Trainers (TESDA-OP-CO- 01-F20) with their qualifications, areas of expertise, and cours- es/seminars attended with sup- porting evidence available, such as relevant NTTCitrainer qualification certificates and certification of empl ‘rasure is not allowed on the submitted checklist of requirements) General Comments/Remarks: Prepared by: Noted by: PO UTPRAS Focal Person Date: Provincial Director Date: ‘TESDA-OP-CO-01-F06 (Rev.No.00-03/08/17) Program Registration Application ACTION SLIP No: S, 20_ REGION: : PROVINCE: NAME OF TVIICOMPANY: PROGRAM Applied for: COPY FOR THE APPLICANT. Please bring this every time you transact with the TESDA Provincial Office regarding your Program Application. ACTION TAKEN: REVIEW OF COMPLETENESS of APPLICATION DOCUMENTS: 1. INCOMPLETE/RETURNED. Please see attached for the recommendations to complete your application. Thank you! COMPLETE / ACCEPTED. Please be back on ! (date) (time) Thank you! Issued by: Received by: Date: Name and Signature Name and Signature PO UTPRAS Focal Person Tvl/Company Representative 2.a. EVALUATION of APPLICATION DOCUMENTS: NON-COMPLIANT. Attached is the list of deficiencies and recommen- dations. COMPLIANT. The schedule of Inspection: I (date) (time) Thank you! Issued by: Name and Signature PO UTPRAS Focal Person Name and Signature Tvl/Company Representative 2.b. EVALUATION of APPLICATION DOCUMENTS: NON-COMPLIANT. Attached is the list of deficiencies and recommenda- tions. COMPLIANT. The schedule of Inspection: d (date) (time) Thank you! Issued by: Name and Signature PO UTPRAS Focal Person Tvl/Company Representative 3. INSPECTION of FACILITIES, EQUIPMENT, TOOLS, TRAINING SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS NON-COMPLIANT. Attached is the list of deficiencies and recommenda- tions. Please comply within 30 days, otherwise, we will return your application documents. You may re-apply when you are ready. COMPLIANT. Congratulations! We are recommending approval of your application to the Regional Office for issuance of CTPR. Please call on: t (date) (time) Issued by: Received by Name and Signature PO UTPRAS Focal Person Name and Signature TViCompany Representative Noted by: Provincial Director 4, ISSUES OF APPROVED CERTIFICATE OF TVET PROGRAM REGISTRATION Thereby agree to the Affidavit of Undertaking of the TESDA Program Registration as provided in the Certificate of TVET Program Registration. Provincial Director ional Director Fee Name and Signature PO UTPRAS Focal Person Received by: Name and Signature TvilCompany Representative CUSTOMER SATISFACTION RATING: From 1 (Needs Improvement) to 5 (Excellent) Measures q 2 3] 4 41. Clarity of orientation on program application Requirements 2. Efficient action on the application documents. 3, Courtesy of staff in dealing with the applicant/s 4, Other Comments and Recommendations: ‘Accomplished by: (Optional) Date: Name and Signature Name of TVET Institution: TESDA-OP-CO-01- FO7 (Rev.No.00-03/08/17) LETTER OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Date NAME OF SCHOOL/COMPANY HEAD Designation Name of SchoolCompany Address of School/Company Dear This acknowledges receipt of your institution's/company's application for Program Registration of the following qualification(s): Program Title Training Duration (No. of Hours) le ‘We will evaluate the documents you have submitted and will inform you of our findings as soon as the evaluation is completed. Thank you for your interest in being a TESDA partner in technical education and skills development. Very truly yours, Provincial Director Provincial Office TESDA-OP-CO-01-F08 (Rev.No.00-03/08/17) PROGRAM REGISTRATION TRACKING SHEET For the Month of: Provincial Office: Re Name of | Qualification Reviews and Conducts Site Issues CTPRI Evaluates Inspection and Letter of Denial Program Prepares Registration inspection Documents Report © days) (a) (b) @ (e) © @) (h) 0 pf 6 Working Days) i working days) [Td (Date (Date (Date Date Started) Started) Started) Started [ pr Note: Orientation on Program Registration of 1 day not included Prepared by: Reviewed/Ceriified Correct by: PO UTPRAS Focal Person Provincial Director Date: Date: Procedures on Accomplishing the Program Registration Tracking Sheet COLUMN INSTRUCTIONS. (@)__ Name of Applicant TVi/Company | « Write the complete name of the Letter of Intent/Application applicant TVV/company. If it's a (TESDA-OP-CO-01-F01) branch, include the branch (©) Qualification Title * Write the complete Qualification Title of the program applied for registra- tion (©) Conducts Orientation on Program |» Write the date of issuance of Registration Certification (TESDA-OP-CO-01- F02) to TViicompany as evidence that the TVi/company representa- tive attended orientation on Pro- gram Registration @ Reviews and Evaluates Program |» Write the date the application was Registration Documents: received stamped received. The Date the Application was date shall also be the start of the Received/Stamped Received and | evaluation of documents. This shall Finished be done only after the Provincial Of- fice UTPRAS focal had checked the Checklist of Requirements completeness of the submitted ESE ope for documents against the Program grams)/TESDA-OP.cO-01-F05 | Registration Requirements Check- for Enterprise-Based Programs) | _ istfor TV/Company). Letter of Acknowledgment * Write the date the evaluation was (TESDA-OP-CO-01-F07) completedffinished. (©) Conducts Site Inspection and *Write the date of conduct of site Prepares Inspection Report inspection (start) and the preparation of inspection report (Inspection Re- port Form -TESDA-OP-CO-01-F12) The TVi/company should have re- ceived the results of the inspection report () Prepares Recommendation to Write the date the recommendations RO (Certificate of TVET Program Registration- CTPR) (TESDA- OP-CO-01-F23 or Letter of De- _ nial (TESDA-OP-CO-01-F21) and the submission of the inspection report to RO {@ Date the CTPR/ Letter of Denial (Certificate of TVET Program Registration CTPR) (TESDA-OP- CO-01-F22 ) or Letter of Denial (TESDA-OP-CO-01-F21) was released by RO to TVi/company through PO * Write the date when the recommendation and documents of TVi/company were forwarded to RO. The RO is given four (4) working days for final review the forwarded documents and the release of CTPR. + Write the date the CTPR/Letter of denial together with documents was accepted by PO from RO and released to TVV/company (h) Total Number of Days * Write the total number of days the application was processed. The total number of days will be computed from the date of application processed to the date of the CTPR was issued. 0 Remarks: * Write remarks on the status of application (e.g. Processing period is within the given Process Cycle Time; Application Stil on Process, Issued Letter of Denial). ‘TESDA-OP-CO-01-F09 (Rev.No.00-03/08/17) Curriculum Evaluation Checklist for Program With Training Regulations (WTR) To be accomplished by RO/PO Staff Name of Applying Institution/Company: Address: Title of Program to be registered: Nominal Duration (in hours): 1) Please tick (/) YES if the curriculum complies with the statement and tick (/) NO if it does not comply. 2) Please refer to the Evidence Column to the evaluation of the specific component of the curriculum. Course Design Evidence Y REMARKS NO. E N WTR s ha 1. | Course Title « Refer to Section 3.1 - Title of TVET Qualification of the TR Is the course title the same as to the title of the promulgated TR? Nominal Duration 2. | Total Nominal «Refer to Section 3.1 - Train- Duration ing Arrangements of the TR of the qualification with the same title Is the total nominal duration the same or more than the number of hours in the prom- ulgated TR? Course Description 3. | Course description of | Refer to Section 3.1 - the module includes Curriculum Design under the scope, coverage Training Arrangements of and delimitation the TR of the same qualifica- tion. NO.| Course Design Evidence Tl y | REMARES ° a Does the course description specifies the competencies required as per competency standard? 4. | Specifies the units of | Refer to Section 2- competency to be Competency Standards, 2.1 - leamed. Definition and Section 2.2.1 = Unit of Competency 5. | Clarifies content and - required skills aligned | Are all the units of competency with units of compe- _ | specified according to the TR? tency Do the units of competency describe the functions of the qualification? Element | Perfor | Re] Re= mance | quired | quied Criteria | Knowied | Skits Course Structure | Are the basic and common competencies being taught separately from the core | competencies? 6 | Training Delivery Are the training delivery scheme appropriate to achieve the competency? 7. | Contents of Basic Does the content of Basic | Competencies Competencies follow Section 2 | of the TR and include the above mentioned competencies? NO. Course Design Competencies Contents of Common Evidence * Compare with contents of Common Competencies in Section 2-CS of any TR in the same Sector. Does the content of Common Competencies follow Section 2 of the TR? om -<| REMARKS Contents of Core Competencies ‘* Compare with contents of Core Competencies in Section 2-CS of the same TR title Does the content of Core Competencies follow Section 2 of the TR? 10. Course Title « Refer to Section 3.1 Curriculum Design of the Qualification with the same Title Does the course title conforms with Section 3.1 of the TR? i Leaming Outcomes | (refer to Evidence Guide) ‘Do the Learning Outcomes address the components of the Evidence Guide? (Critical Aspects of Competency, Re- ‘source Implications Methods of Assessment and Context of Assessment) 7 Do learning outcomes specify what the learners will learn — the knowledge, skills and atti- tudes aspect of the specific unit of competency? NO.| Course Design Evidence £}n | REMARKS §/o institutional Assessment Methods 72. [Assessment Methods | The purpose of assess- ment is to confirm that an individual can perform to the ‘standards expected at the workplace as expressed in relevant competen- performance of competency willbe measured.? cy standard: Does the assessment method describe how the Trainee’s Entry — Requirements 13. | Trainee’s Entry * Refer to Section 3.3 - Requirements Trainee’s Entry Require- ments in the TR of the same qualification as the mini- mum requirement « There are additional entry requirements for the pro- grams aside those specified in the TR. * The technical vocational institutions (TVIs)/company may include addi- tional entry require- ments, among others institu- tions. Does the trainee’s entry requirements satisfy the requirement of the program? REMARKS No.| Course Design Evidence Zin A Resources 14,_| List of tools Do the resources follow the i i -| minimum requirements 16._| List of equipment specified under Section 3.4 - 16. | List of supplies and List of Tools, Equipment and materials Materials and Section 3.5 - __ Training Facilities in the TR 17. | Training Facilities of the same qualification title? Trainer's Qualifica- | Do the trainers possess the tion requirements specified in the TR under Sec. 3.6:Trainer's | Qualification? 18. | National Certificate |» NTTC requirements 19. | Educational ‘© Must follow Section 3.6 of Requirements the TR 20. | Industry experience | Industry experience may be at least 2 years of rele- vant industry experience, or as specified in the TR. Relevant industry experi- ence refers to work similar or related to the course as evidenced by the Employment Certificate signed by the company Zz supervisor or manager 21. | Appropriate Govern- | * Must follow Section 3.6 of ment License the TR. General Comments/Remarks: Prepared by: Reviewed and Certified Correct by: PO UTPRAS Focal Person Provincial Director Date: Date: TESDA-OP-CO.01-F10 (Rev.No.00-03/08/17) To be accomplished by RO/PO Staff Name of Applying Institution/Company : Address: Title of Program to be Registered: Nominal Duration (in hours: 1) Please tick (/) YES if the curriculum complies with the statement and tick (/) NO if it does not comply. 2) Please refer to the Evidence Column to the evaluation of the specific component of the curriculum. Course Design REMARKS Rationale of Program not covered by a Registering NTR TR may be registered as NTR provided it complies with the following: a. The program must lead toward employment opportunities. b. The program must satisfy any of the following condi- tions: i. The manpower require- ment of critical emerging industry or specific area requirements (e.g. Priority Skills Plan, Provincial Technical Education and Skills | Development Plan, Industry Studies, Area Development imperatives, etc.) Course Design Evidence om<| oz REMARKS i. The industry with high employment potentials. (eg., Labor Market Intelligence Report, Philippine Overseas Employment Administra- tion publications, news clippings on job vacan- cies, Phil Jobnet, etc.) ii, The employment ‘commitment from enterprises (e.g. Memo- randum of Agreements, certification from employers, job orders, ‘employment commit- ments) The regulatory and licens- ing requirements for the practice of an occupation/ profession (i.e. Master Electrician, etc. Qualification Level | ¢ Based on the Competency Standards of the NTR program Is the course title qualifica- tion/ occupation-based? Skills, Knowledge and Values Application Degree of Independence * Based on POF Descriptor: No. Course Design Evidence om ~< Nominal Duration 3. Total nominal duration Total nominal duration Is the indicated | nominal duration sufficient to achieve the competency in accordance with perfor- mance criteria? Do they satisfy the TESDA Basic and Common competencies? (Refer to respective nom- inal duration for Basic and Common Competencies in the TR with the related ‘sector and with the same NC Level) REMARKS Nominal duration for Core Competencies Is the nominal duration the estimated learning hours for a trainee to achieve the core competencies based ‘onthe objectives, con- tents of the course and methodology used? Course Description Course description of the module, includes the scope, coverage and delimitation. Does the course descrip- tion of the modules in- clude the purpose of the training pro- gram, scope, coverage, competency to be cov- ered or learned? Y Re. Evidence E | & | REMARKS _ s Course Structure 6. | There is a separate Does the course structure course structure for content relevant to Basic Competencies learning 7. | There isa separate | contents and practical course structure for at Common activities for each Learn- Competencies ing Outcome (LO) 8. | There is a separate course structure for Core Competencies. 9. | Contents of Core Do the contents of Core Competencies competencies developed by the —_ proponent correspond with the PQF level descriptor and achievement of LOs. 70 | Course Title *May refer to the Competency Standard or unit of competency developed by the proponent; Does the module con- forms with the Section 3.1 of the TR framework? 11. | Learning Outcomes Do the learning outcomes (for revision of ques- | address the elements tions) and performance criteria indicated in the Competency Standards (Section 2) ? Institutional Assessment Methods 12. | Assessment methods | The purpose of assess- ment is to confirm that an individual can perform to the standards expected at the workplace as ex- pressed in relevant competency standards [no Course Design Evidence om <| oz REMARKS Do the assessment methods such as written exam, demonstration, interview or portfolio assessment among others describe how the performance of competency shall be best measured? Training Delivery (Please refer to Section 3.2 of the TR for the complete details on Train- ing Delivery) Training Delivery * Are the course delivery methods based on the Learning Outcomes/ Objectives and Con- tents of the course as follows? Lecture/discussion to present formation and ensures that it is under- stood and remembered; Demonstration — prac- tice of process skills so that one can understand and develop consistency in the skills being learned; Group discussion-active involvement of trainees in expressing them- ‘selves about a certain topic; Experiment/simulation- exercises to simulate a situation or incident to highlight interaction of trainees; Evidence REMARKS Dual Training - a mode of training where in some portion of learning is done in a workplace OJT/SIT E-learning/Cyber Learning Distance learning - trainees may choose their own instructional time frame and interact with the learning materials and instructor according to schedules; * Blended Learning. Resources 14,_| List of tools ' ‘ Are the resources compliant [15._| et of equipment __| 1 the minimum requirements 16. | List of supplies and | developed by the proponent? materials 47._| Training Facilities | Trainee’s Entry Requirements 18. | Trainee'’s Entry « It must indicate the type of Requirements participant to be trained. ‘* The accepting institution or relevant industry sector may include addi- tional entry require- ments, among others Does the curriculum satisfy the trainees’ entry require- ments? Trainer's Qualification 19. | National Certificate | « TM Certificate requirements ; YY] pe | Cone Deen Evidence E x REMARKS s 20. | Educational * College Diploma or Training Requirements Certificate relevant to the course to be handled 21. | Industry experience | Atleast 2 years of relevant industry experience. Relevant industry experience refers to work similar or related to the course as evidenced by the Employment Certificate signed by the company supervisor or manager General Comments/Remarks: Prepared by: Reviewed and Certified Correct by: PO UTPRAS Focal Person Provincial Director Date: 3 ‘TESDA-OP CO-01-F11 (Rev.No.00-03/08/17) COMPETENCY-BASED CURRICULUM A. Course Design Course Title: Nominal Duration: Qualification Level: Course Description: Trainee Entry Requirements: Course Structure Basic Competencies No. of Hours: Unit of Competency ‘Module Title Learning Nominal Outcomes Duration Common Competencies No. of Hours: (__) Unit of Compe- Module Title Learning Nominal tency Outcomes | Duration Core Competencies No. of Hours:(__) Unit of Competency Module Title | Learning Out- | Nominal comes Duration Elective Competencies ( if any) No. of Hours: ( Unit of Competency | Module Title Leaming Nominal Outcomes Duration Assessment Methods: Course Delivery: Resources: (List of recommended tools, equipment and materials for the training of (n0. of trainees) trainees for (title of proaram/quaiification) Qty. Tools Qty.| Equipment | Qty. |__ Materials Facilities: Qualification of Instructors/Trainers: B. Modules of Instruction Basic Competencies Unit of Competency : Modules Title: Module Descriptor: Nominal Duration: Summary of Learning Outcomes: Lo1. Lo2 Lo3. Details of Leariing Outcomes: Lo1 nt | Contents | Conditions | Methodologies | Assessment Criteria Methods Lo2 Assessment | Contents | Conditions | Methodologies | Assessment Criteria Methods: Los Contents | Conditions Methodologies | Assessment Criteria Methods (Note: Copy format for modules of instructions for Common and Core Competencies) TESDA-OP-CO-01-F12 (Rev.No.00-03/08/17) INSPECTION REPORT FORM (Unified TVET Program Registration and Accreditation System (UTPRAS) REGION: PROVINCE: Date of Inspection: |. BASIC INFORMATION Name of TVUCompany: Address: Il_ PROGRAM APPLIED No.| Program Title and | Classification | Nominal Training POF Level Duration! | Capacity* | [ WIR NTR * number of trainees per batch/program x no. of batches per year Ill, FINDINGS (Note: for C rate and Administrative Documents, Curriculum, Personnel_and Academic Rules see attached Checklist of Requirements) No. | Program Registration Require- Status of Remarks ments Compliance (Use additional sheets if neces- sary) Compliant: Non- compliant 1. Equipment, tools and consumables, Instructional materials, Physical Facili- ties & Off-Campus Physical Facilities and Shop layout of training facilities necessary for Program Delivery a) List of Equipment (TESDA-OP-01- CO-F13). Attached is the Checklist of Equipment. B) List of Tools (TESDA-OP-CO-O1- F14) Attached is the Checklist of Tools. Program Registration Requirements Status of Compliance Remarks (Use additional sheet/s if neces- sayy) | Compliant | Non- compliant c) List of Consumables/Materials (TESDA-OP-SO-01-F 15) Attached is the Checklist of Consumables/ Materials. 4d) Instructional Materials (TESDA-OP-CO-01-F 16) such as reference materials, slides, vide- otapes, internet access and library resources necessary to deliver the program. Attached is the Check- list of Instructional Materials @) Physical Facilities (TESDA-OP-CO- 01-F 17 and Off-Campus Physical Facilities TESDA-OP-CO-01-F 18) Attached is the Checklist of Physi Facilities and Checklist of Off- Campus Facilities =| Shop layout of training facilities indicating the floor area 2. SUPPORT SERVICES a) Health services are available to the students/ trainees (if these services are contracted out or out-sourced, the contract or MOA or simi- lar documents must be submitted) b) Job Linkaging and Networking Services, Career guidance services are available to the students/ trainees/graduates (Career Profiling, Program Registration Requirements Status of Compliance (Use additional sheets if neces- sary) _| Compliant | Non- compliant Monitoring/ Tracking Form of Graduates/employed, etc.) ©) Community outreach program (documented evidences available) — optional 4) Research that supports the opera- tion of the school is carried-out (eg. surveys, consultations, meet- ing with local industry and commu- nity representatives; IV. RECOMMENDATION: mark) technical research) — optional (Please Recommended Action Recommended to offer program applied for: ‘Subject for re-inspection on (mmi/ddiyy): Others (Please specify): V. CONCURRED: Name of Applicant Institution's Representative and Designation Signature INSPECTION TEAM MEMBERS Provincial Director Reviewed/Attested by: TESDA-OP-CO -01-F13 (Rev.No.00-03/08/17) LIST OF EQUIPMENT (As listed in the respective TR) Program: Name of Institution/Company: Quantity | Difference | Inspectors Required | on Site Remarks (3) (4) (5) (6) Name of Equipment (1) Specification (2) Note: Columns 1-4 to be filled out by Institution/Company; Columns 5-6 to be filled out by PO/Expert Continue in additional sheet Submitted by: Attested by: Tvi/Company Representative Date: ‘TvI/Company Head Date: Inspected by: PO UTPRAS Focal Person Expert Date: Date: TESDA-OP-CO.01-F14 (Rev.No.00-03/08/17) LIST OF TOOLS (As listed in the respective TR) Program: Name of Tvi/Company: Name of | Specification Tools i) (2) Difference] _ Inspector's on Site Remarks (4) (5) (6) Note: Columns 1-4 to be filled out by Institution/Company, Columns 5-6 to be filled out by PO/Expert Continue in additional sheet ‘Submitted by: ‘Attested by: Tvi/Company Representative TVi/Company Head Date: Date: Inspected by: PO UTPRAS Focal Person Expert Date: TESDA-OP-CO-01-F15 (Rev.No.00-03/08/17) LIST OF CONSUMABLES/MATERIALS (As listed in the respective TR) Program: Name of TV/Company: List of Consumables! Materials 1) Note: Columns 1-4 to be filled out by institution; Columns 5-6 to be filled out by PO/Expert Continue in additional sheet ‘Submitted by: ‘TVUCompany Representative Date: Inspected by: PO UTPRAS Focal Person Exper Date: Date: TESDA-OP-CO -01-F16 (Rev.No.00-03/08/17) LIST OF INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS/LIBRARY HOLDINGS Program: Name of TVI No. of Copies | Inspector's (where applicable) Remarks Note “Classify whether journal, book, magazine, electronic materials available on electronic media rin the internet, etc. Columns 1-4 to be fled out by Institution/Company; Column 5 to be filed out by PO/Expert Continue in additional sheet ‘Submitted by: TVI Representative Date: Inspected by: PO UTPRAS Focal Person Expert Date: Date: TESDA-OP-CO-01-F17 (Rev.No.00-03/08/17) LIST OF PHYSICAL FACILITIES (As listed in the respective TR) Program: Name of TVI/Company: Note: Columns 1-3 to be filled out by Institution/Company; Column 4 to be filled out by PO/Expert Continue in additional sheet ‘Submitted by: TVi/company Representative Date: Inspected by: PO UTPRAS Focal Person Date: TESDA-OP-CO-01-F18 (Rev.No.00-03/08/17) LIST OF OFF-CAMPUS PHYSICAL FACILITIES Program: Name of TVI/Company: Inspector's Remarks Note: Columns 1-4 to be filed out by Institution/Company Continue in additional sheet Tvl/Company Representative Date: Inspected by: PO UTPRAS Focal Person Date: TESDA-OP-CO-01-F19 (Rev.No.00-03/08/17) LIST OF OFFICIALS Program: Name of Institution: Contact Details Education- al Attainment Nature of Appointment Note: Columns 1-5 to be filed out by Institution Continue in additional sheet ‘Submitted by: ‘Attested by: TVI Representative ‘TVI Head Date: 3 Inspected by: PO UTPRAS Focal Person Expert Date: Date: TESDA-OP-CO-01-F20 (Rev.No.00-03/08/17) LIST OF TRAINERS Program: Name of Institution/Gomy Name Position Nature of Educational No. of No. of Years of Trainer’s Appointment | Attainment | Years of | Industry Experience Qualification Teaching Relevant to the Experience Qualification . (with Certificate of | NTTC* | Vatigity Employment), if | Number applicable Note: For NTR Title of Trainers Training or other licenses/certificates ‘Columns 1-8 to be filled out by Institution/Company Continue in additional sheet Submitted by: Attested by: TVi/Company Representative ‘TVI/Head Representative Date: Date: Inspected by: PO UTPRAS Focal Person Expert Date: Date: TESDA-OP-CO-01-F21 (Rev.No.00-03/08/17) LIST OF NON-TEACHING STAFF Program: Name of Institution: Educational | Experience Attainment Related to Position Note: Columns 1-5 to be filled out by Institution Continue in additional sheet ‘Submitted by: TVI Representative ‘TVI Head Date: Date: Inspected by: PO UTPRAS Focal Person Expert Date: Date: TESDA-OP-CO-01-F22 (Rev.No.00-03/08/17) (Letter Head) LETTER OF DENIAL Date NAME OF SCHOOL HEADICOMPANY OFFICIAL Designation Name of School/Company Address of School/Company Dear We regret to inform you that your application for program registration of (name of qualification) is being denied because of the following reasons: () Your Tvl/Company has failed to comply with the deficiencies noted in our review of the submitted documents. () Your TVUCompany has failed to comply with the deficiencies noted during the inspection conducted last (date of inspection). ( ) Others: (Please ify valid reason/s_for denial of application) Please be informed, however, that you may re-apply should you think that you have complied with the identified deficiencies. Our office is willing to provide you technical assistance when needed. Very truly yours, Regional Director TESDA Region __ MIS 02-04 UTPRAS - 1 STATUS OF TVET PROGRAM REGISTRATION REPORT PROVIDERS PROFILE Congres- sional District Name of Administra- tor [Position company Head Complete E-mail Ad- dress/ Mebsite / FB Account Classifica- tion of In- MIS 02-04 UTPRAS -2 STATUS OF TVET PROGRAM REGISTRATION REPORT REGISTERED PROGRAM PROFILE Program Profile Trainer's Profile Training Capac Program/ Program/ | Qualifica- | PQF | Duration | Program Date Name of NTTC Date of | No. of | No. of Qualifica- | Qualifica- | tion Code | Level] (in Hrs.) | Registra- | Issued | Trainer | Number | Validity | Train- | Batch- tion Title | tion Title tion No. | (dd/mm/yy) ees | es per WIR NTR per | Year Batch MIS 02-04 UTPRAS - 3 STATUS OF TVET PROGRAM REGISTRATION REPORT FOR PROGRAM CONVERTED FROM NTR TO WTRIOLD WTR TO FORCLOSED PROGRAM! UPDATED WTR AND RE-REGISTRATION baled Effectivity Name of Reason of : CTPR ‘on | Date Issued | _ Reason of Date of P Reregistered Durati if Sosue | Closure Peon No. uration | (ddimm/yy) | Re-registration Note: If bundled program, please indicate the approved Title of the Bundled Program Prepared by: PO UTPRAS Focal Person Provincial Director Date: Reviewed/Certified Correct by: Date: Procedures on Accomplishing the Status of TVET Program Registration Report (MIS 02-04 UTPRAS Form) All data fields and columns must be properly filled-out and shall be accomplished as follows: FOR PROVIDERS PROFILE: (a) The region where the TVICompany provider is located. (e.g. CAR, |, II, X, ete.) (b) The province where the TVI is located (e.g. Ifugao, La Union, Isabela, Makati City, etc.). © The Congressional District of the institution (e.g. Lone, 1*, 2°, etc.) (4) ‘Name of the institution/provider (e.g. Baguio City School of Arts and Trades) @ Name of the School Administrator/Position. 0) Complete Address where the TVI/Company is located including the number if available (e.g. 222 Gil Puyat). @ The latitude point where the institution is located, can be obtained from Google map or GPS (e.g. 123456). This section is for the mapping of the TVIs/Companies. OD) The longitude point where the institution is located, can also be acquired from Google map or GPS. This section is for the mapping of the TVis/companies. _ ‘| @ The current telephone number/s and fax number of the TvCompany. Oo The e-mail address) website or facebook account of the TvlCompany. ®) The type of institution. (Le. private, public) 0) The classification of the institution (ie. HEI, LGU, TVI, TTI, NGO, SUC, NGS, GOCC). FOR PROGRAM PROFILE (m) The industry sector of the registered _qualification/program ) Title of the registered program or qualification with TROWTR) including CoC (e.g. Bread and Pastry Production NC I; CoC 1 - Bread Making CoC 2 - Pastry Making CoC 3 - Cake Making LL CoC 4 - Petit fours Making Pp) Qualification Code of the registered program. (q) The POF Level (i.e. NC I, NC Il, NC Ill, NC IV). ( The duration in hours of the registered program / qualification (e.g. 540 hours). (8) The Certificate of TVET Program Registration (CTPR) number comprise of 12 digits without letters (e.g. 201303012009) Pls. refer to guidelines/procedures manual for numbering. ® The date the CTPR issued. [_ Trainer's Profile (u) The Name of Trainer. (v) The NTTC Number issued to Trainer. (w) The date of validity or the date the Trainers NTTC expired, _ Training Capacity _ &) Indicate the number of trainees accommodated per batch. (y) Indicate the number of batches to be conducted per year. FOR CLOSED PROGRAM (2)___| The effectivity date of closure of the registered programis. (aa) The Reason/s of closing the registered program or voluntary closure (eg. enrollees, ceased operation, no trainers. FOR MIGRATION/RE-REGISTRATION OF REGISTERED PROGRAM (ab) _ The Name of the migrated registered program from NTR to WTR or from OLD WTR to UPDATED WTR or name of the re-registered program. (ac) The new CTPR number of the migrated/re-registered program. (ad) The new duration in hours of the migrated/re-registered program. (ae) The date of issuance of the new CTPR for the migratedire-registered am. er) The Reason of migration/re-registration of the ares we (e.g. changed location, migrate NTR to WTR, update WTR, changed business name). (ag) Remarks Column — Le. this is not a new program, replacement of CTPR due to erroneous entry.

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