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4 Day Power Muscle Burn

Workout Split

This building workout is designed to maximize Progression and

muscle gains by hitting each muscle group with power sets,
muscle sets and burn sets.

Main Goal Build Muscle

Workout Type Split

Training Level Intermediate

Days Per Week 4

Equipment Barbell, Cables, Dumbbells, EZ Bar, Machines

Target Gender Male & Female

Author M&S Team

Back in 1986 my mentor, Dr. Mike, taught me to train in multiple rep
ranges. I was young, trusting and did what he said. After all, Dr. Mike was
a big natural bodybuilder. And he was a professor. It just made sense to
do what he said. Over the next 3 years I used his style of training and
made amazing progress. I continued to use Dr Mike's training
philosophies for nearly a decade, and they never let me down. This style
of lifting made me big and strong. What more could you ask for?

This workout is based on the Dr. Mike system. I have tweaked it a bit over
the years. I hope that you nd some use for it, and if you do end up
running it for 10+ years...well, feel free to make changes. No system is
perfect unless you adapt it to your individual needs.

Dr. Mike was ahead of his time. He approached training routine design
from a scienti c standpoint in an era where everything was Weider
Principles this and Weider Principles that. Simply stated, muscles tend to
respond di erently to di erent rep ranges. Dr. Mike believed that by
training in all reasonable rep ranges, you could maximize muscle
hypertrophy while boosting strength. This approach worked for me, and
I hope it works for you.

For more information on the impact of rep ranges on hypertrophy,

please read the article Hypertrophy and Muscle Growth.

For more information on the Power Muscle Burn training

approach, please read:

Power Muscle Burn 5 Day Powerbuilding Split. This 5 day split is for
intermediate lifters who are hungry for rapid size and strength
Power Muscle Burn Bulking Diet And Supplement Plan. Ready to
grow? It's time to get your bulk on! Maximize Power Muscle Burn
training by following this diet and supplementation plan.
Power Muscle Burn 3 Day Workout Split.Finally! A three day workout
split variation for the wildly popular Power, Muscle, Burn muscle
building system.

The Power Muscle Burn System

My Power Muscle Burn training system will help you build muscle and
strength by focusing on three di erent training approaches, all used in
the same workout. You will be performing the following types of sets for
each muscle group:

1. Power. You will perform power sets to lead o the workout. Power
sets are performed in the 3 to 5 rep range. Use the same weight for
each of the sets. When you can perform 5 reps for all power sets,
move up in weight. Major muscle groups will perform 2-4 power sets
per workout, and minor muscle groups will perform 2 power sets
per workout. Please note that for some minor muscle groups, power
sets do not make sense, or they are not realistic. For example, it is
di cult to perform extremely heavy resistance abdominal sets.
2. Muscle. Muscle sets are performed in the 6 to 12 rep range. Use
the same weight for each of the sets. When you hit the upper rep
limit of 12 for all muscle sets, move up in weight. Major muscle
groups will perform 4-6 total muscle sets in each workout, using 2
di erent exercises. Minor muscle groups will perform 2-4 total
muscle sets in each workout, using 1 to 2 exercises. You can also
perform a single exercise for 3 sets.
3. Burn. You will perform 1-2 burn sets for each muscle group -
generally using isolation movements. Pick a weight that allows you
to hit 15 to 20 reps, and then perform 40 total reps. How? Do as
many reps as possible, then take a slight rest and perform more
reps. Rest only long enough to regain the energy and willpower to
perform 1 to 3 more reps. Keep pushing yourself through the pain
until you hit 40 total reps. When you can hit 25+ reps from the start
without stopping, add weight. Major muscle groups will utilize 2
burn sets, minor muscle groups will use 1-2 burn sets.

Power Muscle Burn Notes

Failure - I do not recommend training to failure. Try to perform
each set until you feel like you may fail on the next rep, then stop.
It's ok if you occasionally fail on a set, but do not purposely try to
train to failure on every set.
Progression - You must have the goal of progressing on every set
of every workout. Sets performed with a half-hearted e ort are
wasted. If you lack energy or are pressed for time, it's better to
perform fewer quality sets then it is to waste sets.
Splits - You can split this system numerous ways, but remember
that training more then 4 days per week is generally not bene cial
for natural bodybuilders.What is the best split? The one you will use
and stick with.
Small Tweaks - What if I don't like training in the 6 to 12 rep range,
and want to train in the 6 to 10 rep range? Then train in the 6 to 10 rep
range. What if I don't like training in the 3 to 5 rep range? Then train in
the 4 to 6 rep range. 40 burn reps are too di cult!? Then aim for 30
burn reps. Note: small tweaks are ok, as long as you are using the
core mechanisms of this program. Don't obsess about the details -
obsess about moving weight and getting bigger!
Alternating Exercises - It is not a bad idea to alternate exercises
every other week. You can't possibly t every exercise into every
workout. For example: for muscle sets you could hit dumbbell bench
presses one week and chest dips the next week.
Total Sets - It is better to start with the minimal amount of sets,
and build in to this routine by adding sets if you nd you need more
Calves - Please note that there are no power sets for calves. I am
not convinced that calves respond e ectively to lower rep training.
Quads - If you love pain, you can do a single 20 rep set of squats for
your quad burn work.

4 Day Power Muscle Burn Split

The 4 Day Power Muscle Burn split:

Day 1 - Chest and Biceps

Build muscle, lose fat & stay motivated. Join 500,000+ newsletter
2 - OFF
Day 3 - Quads and Hamstrings
Day 4 - Shoulders and Triceps
Day 5 - OFF
Day 6 - Back, Calves and Abs
Day 7 - OFF

Note: This is a sample template. Feel free to "swap" in any appropriate

(and favorite) exercises.

Chest and Biceps


Exercise Sets Reps

Bench Press - Power 4 3 to 5

Incline Bench Press - Muscle 2-3 6 to 12

Dumbbell Bench Press - Muscle 2-3 6 to 12

Dumbbell Flys - Burn 2 40


Exercise Sets Reps

Pinwheel Curls - Power 2 3 to 5

Standing Barbell Curl - Muscle 2-3 6 to 12

Cable Preacher Curl - Burn 1-2 40


Quads and Hamstrings


Exercise Sets Reps

Squat - Power 4 3 to 5

Leg Press - Muscle 2-3 6 to 12

Front Squat - Muscle 2-3 6 to 12

Leg Press - Burn 2 40


Exercise Sets Reps

Romanian Deadlift - Power 2-4 3 to 5

Romanian Deadlift or Leg Curl - Muscle 2-3 6 to 12

Leg Curl - Burn 1 40


Shoulders and Triceps


Exercise Sets Reps

Seated Barbell Press - Power 4 3 to 5

Seated Arnold Press - Muscle 2-3 6 to 12

Barbell Front Raise - Muscle 2-3 6 to 12

Dumbbell Lateral Raise - Burn 2 40


Exercise Sets Reps

ClosegripBench Press - Power 2 3 to 5

Seated French Press - Muscle 2 6 to 12

EZ Bar Skullcrusher - Muscle 2 6 to 12

Cable Tricep Extension - Burn 1 40


Back, Calves and Abs


Exercise Sets Reps

Deadlift - Power 2-4 3 to 5

Barbell Rows - Muscle 2-3 6 to 12

Lat Pull Down - Muscle 2-3 6 to 12

Seated Cable Row - Burn 2 40

Exercise Sets Reps

Seated Calf Raise - Muscle 2-3 10 to 15

45 Degree Calf Raise - Burn 2 40


Exercise Sets Reps

**Perform Ab work of choice***


5 1.1K


3 Day Power Muscle Burn Workout Power Muscle Burn 5 Day Power 8 Workout 3 Day Split
Split Powerbuilding Split
The "5 Minute Meltdown" Pump n' Drop 5 System: 4 Day Mass 3 Day Rest-Pause Muscle Building
Burn Workout Building Workout Split Workout


M&S Team
Muscle & Strength's Content Team is a group of tness industry
experts dedicated to publishing the highest quality articles,
workouts and guides on the M&S Website.
View all by M&S Team


Posted Tue, 08/09/2016 - 05:12 LIKE 0

Can someone suggest me a split work out routine for just working on my
saddlebags? for maximum e ciency and minimum waste of time. My whole
body is slim with right curves except tough saddlebags on my thighs. I am 5
feet 48 kg Asian female.


Posted Mon, 08/15/2016 - 16:25 LIKE 0

You are at a good weight for your height, on the lower end of the
spectrum for what is considered a normal, healthy weight in fact. Do
you really have that much excess fat (saddlebags), or is it simply the
natural shape that God gave you? Burning excess fat is a matter of
decreasing your daily caloric intake (or increasing cardio). For fat loss
you want to have a daily de cit of about 500 calories per day. This will
be su cient to lose about 1 lb. (.5 kg) a week. I wouldn't suggest losing
too much though, maybe 2 to 3 kg. Are you on a program now? I
suggest doing 30-45 minutes of cardio three to four days a week. You
should also do some strength training. Lunges and squats are good for
the hips and thighs. Do three to four sets of each for 10-12 reps each
set. I would also do three sets of Romanian deadlifts to work your
hamstrings and rm up the glute/hamstring tie-in. Do them with added
resistance as able. Start light and increase the weight each workout.
You should also do some upper body work as well to keep a balanced
physique. Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions.


Posted Thu, 08/18/2016 - 10:42 LIKE 0

I am not on the M&S team. I am 33 years old and have been lifting
weights since I was 14. I do a good bit of reading about training,
nutrition, and fat loss. I wouldn't consider myself an expert, but I would
say I'm fairly knowledgeable. Six days is de nitely too much to train
legs. Larger muscles like legs need at least 48 hours to recover,
meaning you shouldn't train them with weights more than three days a
week. Usually an upper lower split like you are doing is done two days a
week for lower body and two days for upper body. That is what I
recommend. Your leg program seems o.k., but I suggest a few changes.
For squats, warm up with a set of 20 with body weight and then do 3
work sets with the weight. You'll want to try to increase the weight each
workout. If you can't make 20 reps on all three sets, then stay with that
weight until you can before increasing it. Same with lunges, increase
the weight as able. In order to lose the fat without getting too skinny,
you need to increase your muscle mass. This is done by increasing the
weight you lift. You won't get big and bulky, just add a little muscle to
give your body a nice shape. I suggest adding three sets of sti legged
deadlifts to your routine to work the hamstrings (15 reps per set). On
upper body days I would add in some back work. You want to keep the
strength level and development between your back and chest fairly
even. Do three sets of some kind of chin-up or lat pulldown, and three
sets of some type of rowing motion. What exercise(s) are you doing for
It sounds like those weight gain pills caused you to gain mostly fat.
Since you say you just joined the gym two weeks ago I take it you were
not working out when taking them. It also sounds like your outer thighs
are the rst place to gain fat, and likely the last place you will lose it. As
far as other members of your family having fat all over, they likely have
a higher percentage of body fat than you, so while they have a
tendency to gain fat rst on the thighs, they gain in other parts as well
as the body fat increases.
It is debatable whether you can lose fat and gain muscle at the same
time. I have seen experts on both sides of this issue. I think it may be
possible, but very hard to do and depends on a number of factors. In
order to lose fat you have to have a caloric de cit, and to gain muscle
you have to have caloric excess. You could try keeping your caloric
intake at a maintenance level and see how that goes. Perhaps you will
lose fat and gain some muscle, your overall weight staying the same.
Personally, I would start with losing the fat (calorie de cit of 500 per
day). After losing the fat, then start eating more. Slowly increase your
calories until you are in a slight surplus (200 to 300 per day). This will
allow you to put on some muscle without much fat. Use this calculator
to get an idea of how many calories you need You may
have to adjust based on your personal needs, but this gives you a good
starting point.
What is your nutrition like? You want to make sure you are eating
plenty of fruits and vegetables, protein, and whole grains. Cut out
sugar, white rice (unless eating post workout), and re ned (white) our
(or at least keep it to a minimum).
So, four days a week with weights. Keep your ten minute warm-up. I
suggest doing cardio for 30 minutes or so on the days you are not
doing weights and resting completely on Sunday. I hope this helps, and
I wish you success in your body transformation.


Posted Tue, 08/16/2016 - 00:49 LIKE 1

Hi David!
Thanks so much for your reply. Are you one of the M&S team?
To answer your questions, yes, these saddlebags pop out of my overall
gure and are wobbly, layered fat with cellulite. I used to be all skinny,
underweight and at some years back until I took some capsules to
gain weight. They made me hungry and I was able to eat. That really
helped bring shape to my body and I started loving it. These bags were
there before too but they just keep increasing while the rest of the body
stays same. Moreover, my mother also does have saddlebags and it
seems to be in the family but their bodies have fat all over whereas
mine has fat in just the saddlebag area so it stands out really loud.
To let you know the signi cance, if I stand with my legs together, my
maximum hip measurement is 36 inches. and if I come down to the
point between my knee and my hip and measure on my thighs, I am 36
inches again. So basically from hips down to thighs I am 36 iches, hips
protruding backwards and thighs protruding sideways, making it look
very odd. if I measure a single thigh where my saddlebags have the max
pointed shape outwards, right thigh is 23.5 inch and left is 23 inch.
Since my weight is perfect for me, I try not to do too much cardio as
that brings down my weight and my already slim face down.
Since 2 weeks I have joined the gym with serious dedication. The
coaches there said I can do same leg work out every day 6 days a week
and so for a week I did legs muscle building exercises (for about an
hour including 10 mins elliptical for warm up and around 10 mins
aerobics of legs). But then I read online that working on a muscle
everyday might not help tone, so since my priority area for now is just
saddlebags, I do 3 days legs and 3 days shoulder, chest and belly (if i
dont have a choice but to give rest to legs). My coach said 12-14 hours
is enough for muscle rest.
For my legs, I do squats with 5kg about 4-5 sets of 20, abductor
exercises for inner thighs, about 3-4 sets of 20 with some weight, and
side leg raises and side leg raise with circular movement with 1kg each
ankle weight about 3-4 sets so altogether 120 reps. I also do walking
lunges with 1kg each dumbell. I basically do a 45 minute weight training
work out in which i do these exercises (might not do all of these but I
alternate). but my total number of reps for each day on leg day is
around 300-400. so far in 2 weeks (1 week I did 6 days leg and 2nd week
I did 3 days leg due to my online reading), I havent seen even a little
di erence in the thigh or hip measurement.
Should I keep going like this? Is this split 3 day for leg and 3 for
shoulder, chest, belly good for my case? or can I work on my thighs 6
days a week? For a body like mine, how long can it take to see even a
little di erence?

Posted Wed, 06/08/2016 - 06:31 LIKE 0

Kevin Brennan
Can you perform regular deadlifts instead of stu leg deadlifts? Does it make
a di erence?


Posted Thu, 07/21/2016 - 13:36 LIKE 0

You Could... but the sti leg deadlift will hit the hamstring more, that is
why is on the leg day. You will be preforming regular deadlifts on back
day anyways so it is probably better to just leave it as it is structured.


Posted Sun, 01/31/2016 - 21:25 LIKE 3

Aravintha Kumar
Is it ok to do HIIT Cardio after Training Weights in this routine?


Posted Mon, 02/01/2016 - 10:35 LIKE 3

That depends on your frequency of training. If HIIT in uences the
intensity of your next workout by hampering your recovery then I
would not recommend it after training.
Training is your rst priority (depending upon your goal), don't let your
choice of cardiovascular activity hamper that if you can help it.

Posted Wed, 01/06/2016 - 14:35 LIKE 3

How come there isn't any trap exercises in this routine?


Posted Fri, 07/08/2016 - 23:57 LIKE 2

There is.... Deadlifts, Barbell Rows, Overhead Press and side laterals all
hit traps.


Posted Wed, 12/09/2015 - 13:37 LIKE 5

is can i add more "muscle" exercise... like decline bench press..


Posted Wed, 12/09/2015 - 13:37 LIKE 1

is can i add more "muscle" exercise... like decline bench press..


Posted Sun, 12/06/2015 - 12:41 LIKE 1

I'm slightly overweight, just barely. will this be a good workout to help me get
toned and chiseled , or is it just for getting big?

Posted Tue, 11/17/2015 - 21:17 LIKE 6

Jared MB
Is this good for weight loss?


Posted Wed, 11/18/2015 - 16:44 LIKE 2

I am almost done with this workout for the month and this is great
workout I believe for muscle gain, but any workout would be
appropriate if you add some cardio. BUT trust me on this. THIS IS NOT
NOT NOT EASY WORKOUT and you will SWEAT like a dog for sure !!


Posted Thu, 11/19/2015 - 10:36 LIKE 2

Jared mb
Thanks! I just did leg day and it was brutal... I was on the Stronglifts
program before and this kills it! I just have to nd time for cardio.


Posted Wed, 10/21/2015 - 20:59 LIKE 4

I only have 4 days in a row...... Availability can ido this 4 days in a row? o


Posted Sun, 11/08/2015 - 06:13 LIKE 4

Go for it. Chris Jones on YouTube does 4 days in a row then rest. Now
his is 4 days on 1 day o though. Try it and tweak it if need be.


Posted Mon, 11/09/2015 - 13:48 LIKE 5

Thanks !!1


Posted Sat, 09/26/2015 - 16:18 LIKE 4

A 4 day EDT workout has been working really well for me. Tricky part with
EDT is keeping track of reps and sets. Can't wait for this app to be published
to help with it:


Posted Tue, 09/01/2015 - 12:38 LIKE 9

could you please tell me how long to rest between the power and muscle
sets and between exercises? I was thinking something like 2 minutes
between the power sets, 1 minute between the muscle sets and something
like 3 minutes between exercises? Would that be alright? I know I shouldn't
obsess about details but I'd like to know what you, as the creator of this
workout, recommend.
Thanks, Danny


Posted Wed, 09/02/2015 - 09:43 LIKE 9

The author addresses rest periods in the paragraphs below the title
"The Power Muscle Burn System".


Posted Mon, 09/07/2015 - 00:14 LIKE 7

With the exception of the burn phase the author does not mention rest
periods. They explain what you are doing in each phase of the workout
but nothing about how long to rest in between sets.


Posted Tue, 09/22/2015 - 09:38 LIKE 4

I would shoot for 60-90 seconds rest. You can time it or allow it to
happen organically if you have a fairly good grasp on your body's
recovery capabilities.


Posted Mon, 09/21/2015 - 09:54 LIKE 4

I've read the article a dozen times and I still cant nd the rest periods.. I
think Im going blind..


Posted Thu, 07/30/2015 - 14:51 LIKE 10

Hi guys im turning 19 im a MMA ghter and rugby player im thinking of
injecting myself but i only want to buy one bottle and injct but im not gaining
muscle what do you recomnd i inject thnx in advance

Posted Fri, 07/31/2015 - 09:29 LIKE 9

I would focus on improving your nutrition, training, and lifestyle rather
than turning to synthetic anabolics. At 19 you've got ALOT of training
and eating in front of you before you should even consider PEDs.


Posted Tue, 07/28/2015 - 16:51 LIKE 8

I currently do some mma training, but I currently do not compete but I'm
looking to use this program to bulk up and gain some strength and as well
learning how to ght. You think this program would supplement my strength
over to mma? In order to get faster as well? Please let me know thanks


Posted Wed, 07/29/2015 - 09:54 LIKE 7

MMA training needs to be speci c for the sport and contain certain
elements that other training programs usually don't contain - i.e. grip
work, speci c work to rest ratios, and certain core work. I would look
into the work of Joel Jamieson to get a better idea of what would be
bene cial.


Posted Sat, 07/18/2015 - 07:52 LIKE 8

kyle mclurkin
I work away from home monday to thursday and only have access to a gym
on these days, is there anyway to t this workout into those days?


Posted Mon, 07/20/2015 - 10:45 LIKE 8

Sure, if you can handle 4 days straight in the gym then go for it.


Posted Mon, 07/13/2015 - 00:14 LIKE 6

Mike V
Used this routine about two years ago, and it had allowed me to have the
most gains I had ever received in the gym. I nally found it again, and was
wondering if this routine could be split into a 5 day split between Monday-
Friday. If so, what would the split look like? My schedule now would not
permit me to workout on the weekends. Your help is appreciated, and once
again - great routine!!


Posted Mon, 07/13/2015 - 10:13 LIKE 7

Hey Mike,
We do indeed have a 5 day split, you can nd it here:


Posted Tue, 07/14/2015 - 09:58 LIKE 6

Just eliminate the rest day (DAY 4) from the 5 day split and train M-F.


Posted Mon, 07/13/2015 - 12:23 LIKE 9

Mike V
Thank you for the prompt response, but I think I may have worded the
question incorrectly. The 4 day split, as well as the 5 day split, is split
over the course of 6 days. Is there any way these routines could be
modi ed to work between 5 days? As in, workout 1 will begin on
Monday, and the last workout will end on Friday?
Thank you for you time.


Posted Sat, 11/28/2015 - 13:11 LIKE 2

Daniel T
I am currently doing m-f with a rest on Wednesday. Cardio on the
weekends. Seems to be working good for me.


Posted Mon, 06/22/2015 - 15:25 LIKE 9

turned 55 , been lifting on and o since my 20s....not happy just working out
and not seing muscle gains, what routine can i use at my age to still build


Posted Tue, 06/23/2015 - 09:21 LIKE 8

You results from the gym will be determined primarily by your
nutritional intake. If you're looking to get bigger then you must make
sure that you're taking more nutrient than you're burning. At the
opposite end of the spectrum, if you're looking to get leaner then you
must be in a caloric de cit. Regardless of your goal, nutrition is how you
get there.


Posted Mon, 06/15/2015 - 09:57 LIKE 7

I was just curious how you break up the muscles in a workout. For the chest
bicep day for example, would you do all of the chest exercises and then all of
the bicep exercises? Or would you want to alternate between the two


Posted Mon, 06/15/2015 - 15:31 LIKE 7

Hey Mike,
Complete the exercises in the order they are displayed, no need to


Posted Tue, 05/05/2015 - 11:53 LIKE 8

I have been doing this programme for 6 months now and have noticed a
good di erence from when i started. I'm lifting 10-15kg more, and even more
for legs. Although i've not lost weight, i'm sure i've lost fat and gained muscle.
But i'd like to now loose some weight but ensure i retain the muscle i've
worked hard to build.
Can anyone recommend a good programme to progress on to from this one
that would aid in continuing to build SOME muscle, but mostly lose fat?
3-4 days a week works for me.
Thanks in advance.


Posted Fri, 04/10/2015 - 18:59 LIKE 7

First o I want to tell you I really love this method of training. I'm seeing gains
and have only been lifting about 6 months. I'm wondering if you would
describe your recommendation to alternate exercises every other week?
Does that mean I should change exercises every workout for every body
part?. also, I'm not sure witch exercises to alternate (Power, Muscle or Burn)?
And Finally, if I'm alternating exercises, how do I decide which exercises
should be Power, Muscle or Burn sets?
Thanks. Love this site.


Posted Fri, 04/03/2015 - 15:07 LIKE 8

Why do you pair Bench press and biceps? And then back with calves and abs?
Back and Biceps have always worked together, chest triceps and shoulders
are muscles that work together. When you push a bar up you're pushing with
your chest, and a little bit of your rotator in your shoulder and triceps. When
you do a row you're pulling with your back and biceps. So I guess i'm just
confused by certain pairings in this. I still love this workout routine though!


Posted Mon, 06/01/2015 - 00:27 LIKE 7

This is common practice not targeting all the muscles in the compound
movement together to ensure that those smaller body parts get
su cient work. You'll often nd people that follow chest/tri/shoulder,
back/bi routines have lagging triceps and biceps.


Posted Sat, 03/21/2015 - 16:27 LIKE 9

Is this routine appropriate for those of us who are naturally


Posted Mon, 06/01/2015 - 00:28 LIKE 6

There's no such thing as "naturally lean" or "hardgainers". This is just
due to eating habits, you may think you eat a ton, but you eat a ton for
1 meal then don't eat much the rest of the day. Also, these people who
think they're hardgainers or naturally lean tend to dget A LOT which
ends up burning an extra ~500 calories a day. Ensure that you're
accurately tracking macros for a surplus and I guarantee it doesn't
matter what program you do, you'll gain weight.


Posted Thu, 03/19/2015 - 03:54 LIKE 11

For burn can i use fst 7 or rest pause


Posted Sun, 03/15/2015 - 09:51 LIKE 11

Hi Steven! i just started workout and i was wondering that is it possible to
change the workout days to
Day 1 : Workout, Day 2 : workout, Day 3: rest : day 4 workout, Day 5 Workout,
Day 6 rest, day 7 rest.
is it possible to do it like this? or it will a ect the workout for not enough rest?


Posted Thu, 03/12/2015 - 17:47 LIKE 9

Scott Mitchell
I've been trying this routine out for a couple weeks, My gym is 3.8 km away
and I've been trying to train cardio on the way there and back by jogging as
much as I can and keeping my heartrate up. I'm 5'10 270lbs (quite sure I'm an
endomorph, got strong legs, am a wide dude, and have never been skinny in
my whole life) and it's tough on my lungs having recently been a heavy
smoker. I wan't to lose my tire and gain muscle at the same time (I'm not
worried about the 8 pack yet). I was wondering if you could help me optimize
my routine. I'm unsure if I should be pushing myself hard both on the way
there and back, would it be better to save intense cardio for after my weight
lifting session? Does doing cardio before the workout hurt at all? I've read the
nutriton section and am eating complex carbs with a couple grams of protein
30mins-1hr before I start running to the gym and at least 40 grams of protein
when I get home. I usually get up at 7-8am and eat breakfast, then have a
couple more complex carbs (mostly oatmeal) before I go to the gym at 11-12
which I consider my lunch including the protein after the gym. Dinner is
always pretty well rounded with a good portion of lean protein, vegetables
and a few carbs. If I nd myself hungry at night around 10-11pm, what would
be the least harmful thing to eat?


Posted Tue, 03/10/2015 - 21:19 LIKE 9

Hey used to train for many years (6+) and this approach was the most
amazing and successful during my bodybuilding times conditioning me for
subsequent MMA training. Unfortunately been a lazy ass for the last three
years! Ready to get back in shape (still young 24) I was wondering whether it
is a good idea to restart with this program; or is it more reasonable to start
slower for a couple of months; e.g. Max Riley HIT Workout.




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