Village Uplift

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(i) The condition of villages in Pakistan is very miserable and deplorable.
(ii) Much emphasis should be given on the education of villagers.
(iii) Cleanliness of streets and water is badly needed in villages.
(iv) Modern technology should be introduced in the villages for the improvement of
(v) Villagers should be advised to shake off a number of old customs and social evils.
A group of houses and associated buildings, larger than a hamlet and smaller than a town,
situated in a rural area is called a village. A village is the basis of human civilization.
However, with the growth of cities the villages have been considerably neglected. There are
practically no arrangements for sanitation. Dirty water collects in pools everywhere. Diseases
and epidemics kill hundreds of persons every year. The farmers and the artisans who inhabit
the villages are mostly poor, uneducated and backward. Struggle and misery are their lot.
The landlords, the money lenders and the petty government officials exploit them in every
way they like. They villagers have been suffering in misery and poverty for centuries. They
work hard but their hard work brings them no profit. Under these circumstances, we must try
to improve our villages. For the uplift of villages, we can do the following things.
A nation that does not pay attention to programs of social uplift is approaching
spiritual death
Firstly, much emphasis should be given on the education of village folks. Ignorance more
than anything else, is responsible for the backwardness of the Pakistani peasant. Steeped in
age old ignorance the peasant does not know his own interest. If he ignores the laws of
health and sanitation, runs into enormous debts, of follows ancient methods of agriculture, it
is because he lacks enlightenment. The remedy suggested is that primary education should
be made compulsory for both boys and girls. Government should construct required schools
and colleges in the villages.
Secondly, cleanliness is very essential for the uplift of villages. The ignorant villager is
content with passing his days in unhealthy surroundings. He does not care much if streets of
the villages are dirty or if houses have no arrangement for fresh air. He allows dirty water to
collect in pits and ponds situated about the village., with the result that they attract
mosquitoes in and who spread malaria, dengue and trouble. Thus villager is to be exhorted to
keep his houses and streets clean by throwing the dung hills and rubbish into pits. The
government should not convert cities into large cities, rather they should convert villages
into cities.
Thirdly, modern technology for agriculture should be provided to the peasants. Agriculture is
the main profession of villagers. They are still using the old methods of farming. They work
hard but of no avail. Government should provide tractors, threshers, fertilizers, better seed
and other farming equipment to the peasants so that they can make farming a paying
profession and the economy of the country can go around.
Lastly, the villagers are superstitious and conservative folks. Most of them still believe that
what was good for their forefathers is good enough for them. So they should be advised to
shake off a number of old customs and social evils from which they suffer. It is seen that they
spend money lavishly on marriages and births and are prone to be extravagant when they
come by money. They are over fond of litigation. They commit murders over trifles, and
resort to the court so often that they pay the best part of their income to the lawyers. The
peasant, thus, should be advised to get rid of all these evils.
Villagers constitute the seventy percentage of our population. Agriculture is the backbone of
our economy. So it is the duty of educated people as a nation and obligation of government
to uplift the miserable and deplorable condition of villages. By uplifting our villages, we can
keep pace with the comity of nations. We can get progress and prosperity.

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