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New Member Mentoring Programs

Name : Veza Evan Rezky

Badge : 23265


1. Introduction to Geothermal Energy

- What is geothermal energy Presentation
- Where does it occur Presentation
- How is the energy extracted and used Presentation

2. What is Reservoir Engineering

- Some Definitions Presentation
- Basic Principles of Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Presentation
- Reservoir/Production Engineering Activities Presentation
- How do Reservoir/Production Engineer Work in GPO? Presentation

3. Daily Production & Injection and Well Testing & Project

- Well Testing Methods & Concepts Presentation & work with RE
- Thermodynamic Properties of Water Presentation & Work with RE
- Daily production & injection acquisition
Field work (2 surveys at each field)

- Quality Control on daily production & injection data Presentation & Work with RE
- Static Pressure & Temperature survey Field work
- PT data processing (decimation, QC and interpretation)
Presentation & Work with RE

- PTS surveys (injection and flowing)

- PTS module
Field work (2 surveys at each field)

- Isochronal Test Field work

- Deliverability Curve of production well Presentation & Work tests
(tracer with RE
history and
- Tracer Test interpretation in Darajat and Salak) and
- Geochemistry Sampling Concept and preliminary analysis work with RE & Work with RE
- Pressure, Temperature, and Flow monitoring using PI software Work with TA-PE in the field
-Introduction to CPDEP process, share the current plan /on going
CPDEP project in DRJ
Presentation & possible Work with RE

-Tool Weight Analysis concept, current application in DRJ

Presentation & Work with RE

4. Data Acquisition
- Utilization of Micromax (MV 2000) Field Work with PE-TA
- Climatology Data Field Work with PE-TA

5. Steam Supply & Asset Development Project Overview

- Well work Over Presentation & Work with RE

- Plug and Abandon Presentation & Work with RE

6. Other

- Well Reliability and Optimization (WRO) Presentation

- Generation Support Team (GST) Presentation

- Lean sigma Presentation & Work with RE
- I-Field Presentation & Work with RE
- Power Plant Overview

Dian KH

None Junior Setiawan

Analyze PT/PTS/caliper data Dian K H

Able to use the Steam Table Dian K H
Join with PE-TA to acquire and layer-1 QC the daily production &
injection data
Perform QC process on daily data Endik/Imam/Darmawil
Join with RE-TA to condut shut in PT surveys Endik/Imam/Darmawil
Perform data QC and interpretation (at least 2 surveys data from
Junior Setiawan
each field)

Join with RE-TA to condut PTS surveys

Develop SOP for PTS surveys
PTS Data Interpretation Junior Setiawan
Populate all PTS data interpretation, reformat to standard RSVDB
file, and migrate all to PTS module
Join with PE-TA to condut Flow Test Dian K H
Construct deliverability curve using the Flow test data Dian K H
TBD Yunia/Hanna P
TBD Ngadi
TBD Endik/Imam/Darmawil
Share the Drilling Campaign project, acid stimulation
project/Clean Out project.emphasize on the CPDEP process
Dian K H
familiarization and get information about potential project that
will be executed in DRJ
Predict 1-2 TWA calculation to be included to optimize PTS data
Ganies Wicaksono/ Junior S
acquisition proces for DRJ

TBD Endik/Imam/Darmawil

Share the previous project including Well Clean Out and Acid
Junior Setiawan
Share the previous P&A Project Dian KH

Participate on Quarterly Asset Review, Surveillance plan and

review sessions
Participate on GST Coordination meeting Dian KH
TBD Sigit

> Provide a basic intorduction to overall geothermal systeams

> Provide an intorduction to reservoir engineering theory and practice and

how it relates to other disciplines

> Introduce the basic objectives and concepts of a well testing program

> Present and discuss the types of tests that are undertaken at various
stages of testing programs

> Gain high level of understanding on Equipment used for the various
- Flow meter (anubar, orifice, TFT, ultrasounic flow meter, etc)
- Kuster memory PT & PTS Tool
- SRO PTS Tool
- Condition Monitoring Tool (caliper, DHV)
- Down hole sampler (fluid, scale)
- DCS and PI System
- Wireline, capilary tubing, Monoconductor

> Daily Data QC and interpretation:

- Daily checking sheet and daily checking sheet review
- Production variance

> Well Testing interpretation:

- PT Module 1
- FPT Module 1 and 2
- DCA Module 1
- Interference Module (for continuous pressure monitoring)

> Undertstand how to operate the instrumentation for both Micromax and
Climatology data (Setting and downloading the micromax, the benefit of
micromax and climalotogy data).

> Understand the process of Steam supply project, and how to manage the
steam supply

> Introduce 4 Elements on WRO, Assessment Matrix, Implementation in

GPO, Shaping Plan
> Introduce GST philosophy, and implementation
> Introduce the Lean Sigma concept, Share some Project Opportunity in
DRJ field

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