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x. 129, 1) HYMN OF CREATION 207 pagupa iva akaram I have driven up songs of praise Sor thee like a herdsman. vrnigvé: 2. s. ipv. A from vf choose. b is parenthetical. stémam is to be supplied with akaram. jigytige: dat. of pf. pt. of ji conquer (157 B a). ° HYMN OF CREATION In the following cosmogonic poem the origin of the world is explained as the evolution of the existent (s4t) from the non-existent (sat). Water thus came into being first; from it was evolved intelligence by heat, It is the starting-point of the natural philosophy which developed into the Sankhya system. x. 129, Metre: Trigtubh. qurdgraten waterway wets ret a tft aa Carga hier ee a wrt aera ferret: ge wee i ret oot 1 et facta war ferrites aitcru TEA fer at weactafcta | get awe wit saat: 1 fae rete reer ae 1 nasad dein, né sdd asit tada- There was not the non-existent nim; -——~—~ nor the existent then; there twas nasid rdjo né vioma paré yét. —_not the air nor the heaven which is kim fvarivahP kuhaP kdsya beyond. What did it contain? Sdérmann P Where? In whose protection? dmbhah kim asid, géhanam ga- Was there water, unfathomable, bhirém P profound? Cf. SB. x. 5, 8, 1: né_iva vé idém dgrésead dsid né_iva sid ~disit verily this (universe) was in the beginning neither non-earistent nor existent as it were. tadanim: before the creation. asit: the usual 208 HYMN OF CREATION [x. 129, 1 form of the 8. s. ipf. of a8 be; the rarer form occurs in 8b. 06: for né u (24). vioma: the final vowel metrically lengthened (cp. p. 440, 4B). pards: adv.; on the accent cp. note on ii. 85, 6c. @ avarivar: 8,8. ipf. int, of vp cover (cp. 178, 8); what did it cover up = conceal or contain? kiha: where was it? kdésya é6rman: who guarded it? kim: here as an inter. pel. (p. 225). dmbhas: cp. 8b, and TS., &po va idém dgre salildm Asit this (universe) in the beginning was the waters, the ocean. —_ aa ggchitead = afé 1 ay ore wrateT afE Urs we eta a rer ag ett Ra wriigard Seay aaa anita wearer raat | at TU wateraa oe fae ard wert eT TT fea Tee 2n& mptyur asid, amftam nd There was not death nor im térhi. mortality then. There was not the né ratrié dhna asit praketéh. beacon of night, nor of day. That anid avaitém svadhdyé tdd one breathed, windless, by its own ékam. ——— power. Other than that there was tésmad dhanyén nd paréh kim not anything beyond. canasa. ratryas: gen. of ratri (p. 87). dhnas: gen. of shan (91, 2). anit: 8. s ipf of an breathe (p. 148, 8a), tésmad: governed by anydd (p. 817, 8). dha for ha: 54. anydn né: 88. pards: ep. noteon 1b. asa: pf. of as be (185, 2). aaa wetter axa wrt: 1 rete | aatat | yee Wa sitet dfs ata ee) SRL) afer BALE gerpatifed aerate wu adearaifigarertaaart i gat 1 ay aftsfert it aa areata | arte tet 1 ATT | OTE | TAL x, 129, 4] 8 téma asit timasd giJhdém dgro; apraketém salilém sérvam & idém. ° tuchyénabhu dpihitam yéd asit, tépasas tén mahinajayatéikam, HYMN OF CREATION 209, Darkness was in the beginning hidden by darkness ; indistinguish- able, this all was water. That which, coming into being, was covered with the void, that One arose through the power of heat. gulhdm: pp. of guh hide (69 c, cp. 3b y, p. 8 and 18). as: 3.5. ipf. of as be (p. 142, 2b); this form is also found twice (i. 85, 1. 7) alternating with dsit. b is a Jagatt intruding in a Tristubh stanza (op. p. 445, f.n. 7) @bhu: the meaning of this word is illustrated by a-babhiva in 6d and 7a, mahina = mahimna (90, 2, p. 69). | g areca aalerdarhy ards 1 a a ae werd aa Cd: we BETA | afd | wat aardfar archers, arate: 1 Ras ETL LL TAAL efe mitet aaat atten aa aah weft fr afer efe i afaseel sy ward: 1 aeitet a 4kamas téd dgre sim avarta- Desire in the beginning came tadhi, upon that, (desire) that was the ménaso rétah prathamém yéd first seed of mind. Sages seeking ——= asit. in their hearts with wisdom found saté béndhum dsati nir avindan out the_bond of the existent in the hrdi pratigyi kavayo manigs. non-existent. ddhi sim avartata: 3. s. ipf. A. of vrt turn, with sém come into being ; &dhi upon makes the verb transitive = come upon, take posses- sion of. tad that = t in 2c, the unevolved universe. One of the two prps. here is placed after the vb. (cp. 191 f, and p. 468, 20 Aa). yéd: referring to kamas is attracted in gender to the predicate n, rétas. satds: they found the origin of the evolved world in the unevolved. prati-igya: the gd. in ya has often a long ‘final vowel (164, 1) which is always short in the Padapatha. ma- niga: inst, of f. in & (p. 77). 1908 P 210 HYMN OF CREATION [x. 129, 5 4 fercaltnt fact chieter farce 1 fads 1 char) wa we: felerita geht fergr- wars fers wrataa wafd | fru waa wats Stren sheafgart are arses ares APA | TT ee weer: weet a UT weer Reefer | Terie 6 tiragcino vitato raémir egim : Their cord was extended across : adhéh svid asi8d, upéri svid was there below or was there above? asist P There were impregnators, there were retodha dean, mahimana dsan ; powers; there was energy below, svadhé avdstat, préyatih pards- there was impulse above. tat. raémis: the meaning of this word here is uncertain, but it may be an explanation of bdéndhu in 4¢: the cord with which the sages (referred to by egim) in thought measured out the distance between the existent and non-existent, or between what was above and below ; ep. viii. 25, 18, péri yé raémina divé dntan mamé prthivyaéh who with a cord has measured out the ends of heaven and earth ; ep. also the expression siitram vitatam (in AV. x. 8, 87) the extended string with yeference to the earth, sit: accented because in an antithetical sentence (p. 468, 19 B 8). The i is prolated, and that syllable (and not 4) has the Udatta, as in the final syllable of a sentence in ques- tions (Panini viii. 2, 97); the second question upéri svid asi3t is quoted by Panini (viii. 2, 102) as coming under this rule, but without accent, retodhas and mahimanas are contrasted as male and female cosmogonic principles, to which correspond respectively pré- yatis and svadha. In TS. iv. 8, N,1, mention is made of tréyo mehimanah connected with fertility. svadha: this is one of the five examples of a N. f. in 4 left uncontracted with a following vowel: it is probable that the editors of the Samhita text treated these forms as ending in 4h, while the Padapatha gives them without Visarjantya, doubtless owing to the greatly increasing prevalence of the nominatives in 4. x. 129, 7] HYMN OF CREATION 211 Qa wertg arena wwe ATI w CETTE ga water ga ee fete) gd: | arsetar ge | eee fa winger we faster. safe: j Tara at rept wirq at: 1 wer facade we Sas aa aT 6ké addhé vedaP ké ihé pré Who knows truly? Who shall vocat, here declare, whence it has been kita ajata, kita iyém visrstih? produced, whence is this creation? arvag devas asyé visirjanena : By the creation of this (universe) étha k6 veda yéta ababhiiva P the gods (come) afterwards: who : then knows whence it has arisen? vocat: @ ao. inj. of vac. kutds: b has one syllable too many (p. 441, 4a), arvak: the sense is that the gods, being part of the - creation, are later than the period preceding the creation, and there- fore can know nothing of the origin of the universe. étha: with metrically lengthened final vowel (p. 440, 4; cp. 179, 1). 0 td frdfedd wage wan facets: ad 1 sagt afé at 2a afé at a1 afgiati ear afeiatia a were wa ae a we afdowe: | aes fa Wwe Se aie ata ad sat SH rwRE a aera mada 7 iyém visrstir yéta ababhiva ; Whence this creation has arisen ; yaédi va dadhé yddi va nd: whether he founded it or did not: yd asyadhyakgah paramé vio- he who in the highest heaven is its man surveyor, he only knows, or else he 95 aigé veda, yddi vi né véda. knows not. and b are dependent on veda in d. asya: of this universe. b is defective by two syllables (p. 440, 4a): possibly a metrical pause expressive of doubt may have been intended. vyéman: loc. (90, 2). véda: the accent is due to the formal influence of yadi (p. 246, 3 a). P2

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