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Rejection of the null hypothesis indicates that there is sufficient evidence to

support the alternative hypothesis. TRUE
2. Type I Error refers to rejection of null hypothesis, when the null hypothesis is
true. This happens when the level of significance alpha is large TRUE
3. Type II error refers to non rejection of the null hypothesis, when the null
hypothesis is false. This happens when the level of significance alpha is too
small TRUE
4. Paired t test is exactly the same as t test for single mean such that the mean
of the differences, under the null hypothesis is u=0. TRUE
5. In a simple linear regression Y=B0 + B1X1 + e, if the p value of the slope
(under the null hypothesis that B1=0) is greater than the level of significance
(usually alpha=0.05), then it may be claimed that Y=Bo regardless of the
value of x1. TRUE
6. In the SPSS output below about the linear regression of Y (variable2) on X
(variable 1), which of the following is not true? (This is with the graph with
line and 4 SPSS tables) There is no sufficient evidence that the slope
significantly differ from zero.
7. In the SPSS output below about the linear regression of Y on X1, X2, and X3,
R = 0.996, is the value of Pearson correlation. FALSE
8. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is a linear regression model. TRUE
9. Increasing the sample size finds more ev8idence to claim in favor of the
alternative hypothesis. TRUE
10.In the logistic regression output of the SPSS below, which of the variables are
predictors of Y? ****Ito yung Table with the B values of -0.592, 1.756, -0.925,
0.370, and -11.514***** X3 & X4
11.In single factor analysis of variance, Mean Square Between (MSB) and Mean
Squares Within (MSW) are variances. TRUE
12.F statistics is never a negative value TRUE
13.Using x^2 with df=1 is the same as performing z-test for two proportions
14.X^2 test statistics can be a negative value FALSE
15.In multiple linear regression, Y=BO+B1X1+B3X3+B4X4+B5X5+e, if p value
of the analysis of variance is greater than the level of significance (usually
alpha=0.05), then X1, X3, X4, AND X5 are not predictors of Y TRUE
16.If the 95% confidence interval of the odds ratio is 1.34 to 2.10, then the null
hypothesis that there is no association between the two variables is rejected
17.In the computation of x^2 test statistics, the expected counts are calculated
under the assumption that the proportions are all equal. TRUE
18.Non rejection of the null hypothesis indicates no sufficient evidence to
support the alternative hypothesis. Thus, there is a reason to believe that the
null hypothesis is true TRUE
19.In the SPSS output below, such that Null hypothesis ua=ub; alternative
hypothesis ua not equal to ub. The p value of the students t test is 0.155
20.Which of the following crosstabs will x^2 test of independence be allowed
TOTAL 20 52 41 113
21.In any 2x2 crosstabs, Fischers exact test is always better than x^2 test of
independence TRUE
22.Performing Welch analysis of variance (ANOVA) in testing two independent
means is exactly the same as using Welch t-test TRUE
23.When the p value is less than the level of significance (usually alpha=0.05)
then the decision is reject the null hypothesis
24.When the p value is less than the level of significance (usually alpha = 0.05)
it indicates that the test statistics is in the area of rejection. TRUE
25.Given the crosstab below, which of the observed frequencies have expected
count less than 5? 10
26.Given the SPSS output of the linear regression of Y on x1, x2, x3, which of the
following variables are predictors of Y? Use alpha=0.05 ****Table with B
values of 14.618, 1.850, -0.900, & 1.574*** X1 & X3
27.Rejection of the null hypothesis implies that the alternative hypothesis is true
28.Non rejection of the null hypothesis implies that the null hypothesis is correct
29.Non rejection of the null hypothesis indicates no sufficient evidence to
support the alternative hypothesis. Thus, there is a reason to believe that the
null hypothesis is true TRUE
30.In simple linear regression Y=B0+B1X1+e, R^2 is the square of the Pearson
correlation R. TRUE

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