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surprise the feeling you have when something happens that

you did not expect
2. surprised feeling or showing surprise
3. surprising making you feel surprise
4. sweet (of a person) pretty, kind
5. toy a thing for a child to play with
6. unhappy not happy
7. unkind not kind
8. vicar a priest in some Christian churches
9. worried unhappy because you think that something bad is
going to happen
Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp (Level 1)
1. abracadabra: a magic word
2. jinnee: a supernatural, magic spirit in Arabic stories
3. lazy: a lazy person does not want to work
4. magic: when strange, exciting, unusual things happen
5. magician: a man in stories who can do magic
6. marry: to take somebody as your husband or wife
7. master: a man who gives orders to servants and slaves
8. mistress: a woman who gives orders to servants and slaves
9. obey: to do what somebody tells you
10. poor: with very little money; not rich
11. protect: to keep somebody (or something) safe
12. slave: a worker who belongs to another person and who must
work for that person for no money
13. sleeping-powder: something which makes you sleep
14. Sultan: a king; the most important man in an eastern country
15. surprised: when something new, strange, or sudden happens,
you are surprised
16. uncle: the brother of your mother or father
17. unhappy: not happy
18. Vizier: an important man in an eastern country
19. wish: something you want
20. Your Majesty: when you speak to a Sultan, a King, or a
Queen, you say Your Majesty
The Phantom of the Opera
1. alone: not with other people
2. angel: a messenger from God, or a very special, wonderful
3. box: a small room with three walls in a theatre; you can
watch the stage from a box, but other people cant see you
4. chandelier: a very big, heautiful light, which has lots of little
lights in it
5. clever: quick to understand and learn
6. crash: (v) to fall or hit something hard and noisily
7. dancer: someone who dances (moving the body to music)
8. dangerous: something dangerous can hurt or kill you
9. director: somebody who is the head person in a company,
theatre, etc.
10. doorkeeper: (in this story) a person who looks after the boxes
in a theatre
11. enemy: the opposite of a friend
12. floor: all the rooms on the same level in a building
13. fool: someone who is stupid, not quick at understanding or
14. ghost: people can see the ghost of a dead person
15. ground: the ground is under our feet
16. hole: a small opening in something
17. joke: something people say or do to make other people laugh
18. kiss: to touch someone lovingly with your mouth
19. lake: a big area of water, with land all round it
20. light: (n) to see in the dark, you need a light
21. mad: ill in the head
22. mask: a cover that you put over the face to hide it
23. mirror: a piece of glass where you can see yourself (some
special mirrors you can also look through, like a window)
24. missing: (adj) if something or someone is missing, you cant
find them
25. music: when you sing or play an instrument, you make music
26. neck: the part of the body between the head and the
27. opera: a play in a theatre which has singing and music
28. passage: a long narrow place in a building between rooms
29. phantom: a ghost
30. rope: very thick, strong string
31. scream: to cry out in a very loud, high voice
32. secret: something that you do not tell other people
33. shadow: a place or thing that is dark because there is
something between it and the light
34. shout: to speak or cry very loudly and strongly
35. stage: the part of a theatre where actors, singers, and dancers
stand and move
36. stare: to look at someone or something for a long time
37. terrible: very, very bad
38. toad: a small animal, like a frog, that lives in wet places
39. torture: (n) doing very painful, terrible things to peoples
40. ugly: not beautiful
41. voice: you talk of sing with your voice
42. whisper: to speak very, very quietly
Love or Money (Level 1)
1. Aunt: the sister of your father or mother, or the wife of your
2. Build: to make a house or a building
3. Club: a number of people who meet because they are
interested in the same thing (e.g. a tennis club)
4. Cup: a thing to put drinks in
5. Empty: with nothing in it
6. Farm: land and buildings where people grow things to eat and
keep animals for food.
7. Find out: to ask questions and learn about something
8. Inspector: an important policeman or policewoman
9. Job: when you work and get money for it, you have a job
10. Kitchen: a room where people make breakfast, dinner, tec.
11. Land: ground (not water sea, rivers, tec.)
12. Lie: to say something that is not true.
13. Murder: killing someone (not in an accident)
14. Murderer: somebody who murders
15. Police: people who look for bad people
16. Ring (past tense rang) to make a sound like a bell (e.g. a
telephone rings)
17. Sell: to give something to someone and they give you money
for it
18. Sergeant: a policeman or a policewoman
19. Tablet: a doctor gives you tablets to eat and you feel better
20. Trouble: something bad, or difficult, or unhappy
21. Uncle: the brother of your mother or father, or the husband of
your aunt
22. Wine: a cold drink made from grapes
Love among the Haystacks (Level 2)
1. bang (n) a sudden very loud noise
2. blanket a cover that you sleep under, to keep you warm
3. breath taking in or sending out air through your nose and
4. cheek one of the two round parts of your face under your eyes
5. cheese yellow or white food made from milk
6. cover (n) a thing that goes over another thing, to keep it dry,
7. engaged if two people are engaged, they have agreed to
8. feelings something that you feel inside yourself (e.g. angry,
9. fool a person who is stupid or who does something stupid
10. fork a large tool with points at one end, used for farm work
11. frown (v) to move your eyebrows together to make lines on
your forehead (you frown when you are worried or angry)
12. gentle quiet and kind
13. ghostly like a ghost; not real
14. governess a woman employed to teach the children of a rich
family in their home
15. hate (n) a strong feeling of not liking someone; opposite of
16. hay grass which is cut and dried, and used as food for animals
17. hay-maker somebody who cuts and dries grass to make hay
18. haystack (stack) a very big pile of hay, built in a tall box
19. hedge a line of small trees that makes a kind of wall round a
20. icy like ice; very, very cold
21. kiss (v) to touch someone with your lips to show love
22. ladder two tall pieces of wood, with shorter pieces between
them, used for climbing up something
23. lamp a thing that gives light
24. lean (v) to put or rest your body against another thing
25. light (adj) not heavy, easy to lift or move; not dark in colour
26. mean (adj) not kind
27. miserable very sad or unhappy
28. mist thin cloud near the ground that is difficult to see through
29. neat with everything in the right place; tidy
30. pie meat (or vegetables, or fruit) inside a pastry case
31. pretty nice to look at
32. shade (n) a place out of the sunlight (under a tree, behind a
high wall, etc.)
33. shed a small building for keeping tools, animals, etc.
34. shy not able to talk easily to people that you do not know
35. stare (v) to look at someone or something for a long time
36. tears water that comes from the eyes when you cry
37. terror the feeling when you are very, very afraid
38. throw (past tense threw) to move your arm quickly to send
something through the air
39. tool a thing that you hold in your hand and use to do a job
(e.g. a fork is a farm tool)
40. tramp (n) a person with no home or job, who goes from place
to place
41. trust (v) to feel sure that someone is honest and good
42. vicar a priest in the Church of England
43. wagon a kind of open car pulled by a horse or horses
44. waist the part around the middle of your body
45. wave (v) to move your hand from side to side, to say hello or
46. weep to cry
47. whisper (v) to speak in a very soft, quiet voice
48. wonder (n) a feeling that you have when you see something
very strange or beautiful or surprising
1. alarm a loud sound (often a bell) which tells people that there
is danger
2. bar a room where people can buy and have drinks
3. beer an alkoholic drink
4. belive to think that something is true.
5. brave adj. not showing that you are afraid
6. care v. to feel interest in something or someone
7. check v. to look at something carefully to see if it is right,
good, safe, etc.
8. committee a group of people chosen by others to plan and
organize for them
9. corridor a long narrow passage with doors into rooms
10. envelope a paper cover for a letter or other papers
11. fridge (refrigerator) a kind of cupboard which keeps food cold
12. fuel rods metal tubes which contain uranium
13. gloves covers for the hands
14. government the group ol people who control a country
15. identity card a card with your photograph on it, which shows
who you are
16. journalist a person who writes for newspapers
17. laboratory a building or room where scientists work
18. leader someone who is the most important person in a group,
a government, a union, etc.
19. manager someone who controls a business, a factory, a bank,
20. medical connected with medicine, doctors, hospital, etc.
21. negatives pieces of film from which we make photographs
22. nuclear a kind of energy made by breaking the central part of
an atom into two pieces
23. official (n) someone who does important work for a union, a
government, etc.
24. ordinary not strange or special
25. pretty nice-looking, lovely
26. proof anything which shows, or helps to show, that something
is true
27. protect to keep someone or something sale
28. radioactive dust very, very small pieces of broken atoms
which come from nuclear materials or explosions
29. sack (v) to make someone leave his/her job
30. safe (adj) not in danger
31. safety being safe
32. scanner a machine which can see very small things on or
inside the body, which the human eye cannot see
33. shower a place where you can wash under water that falls
from above
34. suppose to think that something is true when you are not sure
35. test (v) looking at something carefully to find out more about
36. union a group of workers who join together to talk to
managers about their pay, hours ol work, ete.
37. uranium |U| a heavy grey metal that sends our radioactive
waves, and is used to make nuclear energy
38. vote (v) to choose someone in an election by marking a piece
of paper
39. worried (adj) afraid that something is, or will be, bad or wrong
40. worry (v) to feel afraid and that something is, or will be, bad
or wrong
World Wonders (Level 2)
1. Buddhist: (n & adj) following the teachings of Buddha
2. calcium carbonate: (CaCO3) something solid and white that
is found in chalk and some kinds of stone
3. camel: a large animal with a long neck that carries people and
things in hot dry places
4. canal: a long narrow passage that carries water
5. cherry tree: a tree with beautiful pink or white flowers
6. city: a big and important town; capital city the most important
city in a country
7. column: a tall piece of stone or wood that is part of a building
8. cool: a little cold; between warm and cold
9. cubic metre: the volume of something that is 1 metre long, 1
metre wide, and 1 metre high (m3)
10. dam: a wall that is built across a river to hold the water back
11. defend: to fight to keep away people or things that attack
12. destroy: when something is destroyed, it is dead and finished
(e.g. fire destroys a forest)
13. earth: the world; the planet that we live on
14. earthquake: a sudden strong shaking of the ground
15. electricity: power that makes machines work and can make
heat and light
16. elephant: a very big wild animal with a long nose that hangs
17. entrance: the door or opening where you go into a place
18. flag: a piece of cloth with a special pattern on it; every country
has its flag
19. flat: (adj) smooth, with no parts higher or lower than the rest
20. forest: a large area of land covered with trees
21. gazelle: a small animal like a deer that can run very fast
22. god: a spirit that people believe has power over them and
23. grass: a plant with thin green leaves that grows on the ground
24. grow: to get bigger; (of a plant) to exist in a particular place
25. harbour: a place where ships can stay safely in the water
26. Hindu: belonging to the religion of Hinduism
27. hyena: a wild animal like a dog that eats dead animals
28. jaguar: a large wild cat with black spots
29. kind: a group of things that are the same in some way
30. king: the most important man in a country
31. land: the part of the earth that is not the sea; a piece of
32. line: a long thin mark like this _
33. magnetic: able to attract things made of iron;
34. magnetic field: an area with a magnetic force
35. moss: a very small green plant that grows in wet places
36. Muslim: following the religion of Islam
37. nail: a thin piece of metal that holds pieces of wood together
38. natural: made by nature, not by people
39. park: a large place with trees and gardens where people can
40. particle: a very small piece of something
41. pink: with a light red colour
42. prayer: words that you say to God or a god
43. rare: not found very often
44. rock: something very hard that is found in the ground
45. shadow: a dark shape that something makes on the ground
when it is between the sun and the ground
46. snake: an animal with a long thin body and no legs
47. spice: a small part of a plant that you put in food to make it
taste good
48. sport: a game like football, tennis etc.
49. statue: a model of a person, made from stone or metal
50. telegraph: a way of sending messages along wires using
51. temple: a building where people worship a god or gods
52. terracotta: a red-brown earth that is cooked to make it hard
53. treasure: something that is worth a lot of money;
54. treasury: a place where valuable things are kept
55. weapon: something that you use to fight with
56. wildebeest: a large wild animal with curved horns
57. zebra: a wild animal like a horse with black and white stripes
on its body

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