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Slip Test 1 Principles of Accounting II , 30 Minutes, Chapter -1

Q1. Finished goods is a part of Inventory

a.True b. False

Q.2. Inventory errors affect Balance sheet of next year

a.True b. False

Q3. Name any two method of inventory valuation

Q4. Ending inventory of this year is beginning inventory of next year

Q5.Periodic inventory system records inventory for whole year

Q6. Perpetual inventory system records inventory for whole year

Q7. Closing Inventory = Opening Inventory + Purchases Cost of Goods Sold

Q8. . In perpetual inventory system, stores balances are recorded after each receipt and issue.

Q9.Retail method is method of estimating inventory

Q10.Gross profit method is a method of estimating inventory

Q11.Inventory is kept at assists side of Balance sheet

Q12.Inventory is kept at liability side of Balance sheet

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