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DIRECTIONS: Explain each area in 35 to 50 words.

Name: ___Riley Clifford_

Title of Project: __Paintball for the Navy Seal Foundation

Title of Research Paper: __Rules of Engagement Involving American Soldiers_

Synopsis of Research Paper:

This paper about the Rules of Engagement involving American soldiers

discusses how the evolution of the war zone has created a
counterinsurgency warfare model in which insurgents can gain tactical
advantage by hiding within the surrounding civilian population. The Rules of
Engagement have trouble adapting and evolving with the change of the war
zone and often limit the soldiers ability to do a job in combat. The paper also
explains the important role that the media and politicians play in influencing
the soldiers decisions from back in the United States. Several real life
examples are added into the paper to show how ethics and humanitarian law
constantly arise while in combat. The paper explains how the Rules of
Engagement often create a blurred line on the field of battle as to what is
morally right and wrong.

Project Description: For my project I hosted a paintball fundraising event at Fox Brothers Paintball on
Holland Road. I am raising money by collecting sponsorships from a local organization and from Fox
Brothers Painball, by receiving donations, a 50/50 raffle, and through charging for paintball rentals.
Overall, I raised $750 for the Navy Seal Foundation. I recruited about 25 guys to come to my project. I
found a former Navy SEAL to come and speak with me about the ethics behind Rules of Engagement and
how the project was going to demonstrate the Rules of Engagement while playing paintball. In total, we
played about 5 rounds of paintball. However, the first round I went around on my own acting as an
insurgent in modern warfare. While both teams shot at each other, I walked around as a neutral player
and the other players could not shoot me unless I shot at them first. This simulation was effective in
demonstrating the ethics and dangers behind the Rules of Engagement.

Relationship between Project and Paper: My paper is about the ethical dilemma brought out by the Rules
of Engagement that are given to American soldiers while in combat, often making them more vulnerable
while on duty. Because a few Navy SEALs have helped me throughout my project and due to their strong
presence locally in Virginia Beach, I decided to fundraise for the Navy Seal Foundation. Along with the
former Navy SEAL speaking at my project and myself explaining the Rules of Engagement, the
simulation described above will help understand the how the Rules of Engagement can be restricting to
the soldiers. The paintball venue will serve as a representation of the war zone as both sides shoot to hit
the members on the other side of the field.

My background experience in the area: The book Lone Survivor by Marcus Lutrell was how I was first
introduced to the idea of the topic when I read the book about a tragic event of three SEALs who lost their
lives due to an altercation in which Rules of Engagement restricted the American Soldiers. Also, in the
my junior year in the Legal Studies Academy I wrote a short research paper on Rules of Engagement.
Besides the book and the paper, I have little experience besides talking to local Navy SEAls and other
American Soldiers about my project.

Special things Id like judges to consider and look for: I would like the judges to consider the strong
connection between my paper and the project. The simulation I created and choosing to use paintball as a
creative way to fundraise creates the closest possible representation of being in a war zone or being in
combat. Also, my simulation created an effective way to demonstrate the actual ethics and dangers about
my Senior Project topic through participating in a real life demonstration and not just telling them about

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