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SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS Vol. 47, No. 5, 887896, Oct.

Japanese Geotechnical Society




This study investigates the liquid limit (Casagrande's method) and plastic limit (rolling and thread method) of six in-
organic soils and their respective mixtures with ne silica sand. It was observed that the liquid limit and plastic limit
values of the mixtures tested, except those with a low clay percentage, are linked to the respective clay size contents by
a linear relationship. The Atterberg limits were subsequently recalculated using the equations of the regression lines of
the mixtures governed by linear law with the clay percentages. The plotting of the plastic limit as a function of the liq-
uid limit of these data made it possible to determine the relationship among the liquid limit, the plastic limit and clay
fraction valid for inorganic soils that contain platey clay minerals and for clay size contents that are not too low.
Hence, on the basis of the interdependence among the parameters considered (WL, Wp, Ip, CF, A), for a given inorgan-
ic soil, knowing only two of three parameters (WL, Wp, CF ) that are measurable using standard tests, the values of
other three parameters can be obtained.

Key words: Atterberg limits, clay, laboratory tests, plasticity, soil classication (IGC: D1/D3)

kedly, while the liquid limit of the clay mineral kaolinite

INTRODUCTION is not inuenced (Di Maio and Fenelli, 1994). Hence, for
If a clayey soil is mixed with ever increasing amounts of a given soil, the values of the Atterberg limits, which are
water it becomes softer and softer and a point will be the result of the combination of all the factors, provide
reached at which the soil ceases to behave as a plastic insight into that soil's plasticity characteristics for every
material and becomes essentially a viscous uid. Atter- possible combination of the factors that inuence the
berg (1911) suggested a method for dening this change, plasticity of a soil.
and the water content of the soil at this point is its liquid There are few studies in literature on the Atterberg
limit, WL. Likewise, Atterberg dened the change from a limits of soils as a function of their clay size contents and
plastic to a semi-solid state, and the water content of the the results of these studies are not always in agreement.
soil at this point is its plastic limit, Wp. The methods to These studies have focused primarily on the liquid limit
determine the liquid and plastic limits, later developed by of clay minerals mixed with silica sand (Seed et al., 1964a,
Casagrande (1932, 1958), are considered standard inter- 1964b; Sivapullaiah and Sridharan, 1985; Tan et al.,
national tests. These limits and the numerical dierence 1994; Nagaraj et al., 1995; Kumar and Muir Wood,
between them, the plasticity index, Ip, are very useful to 1999). Seed et al. (1964b) in a study on the Atterberg
characterize, classify and predict ne soils engineering be- limits of the clay minerals kaolinite, illite and montmoril-
haviour. lonite and their respective mixtures with sand, concluded
The Atterberg limits of a soil depend on its composi- that, for clay percentages which are not too low, the liq-
tion (quantity and type of clay minerals) and so-called dy- uid and plastic limits are both linked by a linear relation-
namic factors (Veniale, 1983) such as, pH, temperature, ship to their clay size contents. The respective regression
cation exchange capacity, type and quantity of cations in lines pass through the origin of the axes. Nevertheless, the
the solution, etc., which vary in space and time for natur- plastic limit values reported by Seed et al. (1964b) of the
al soils. An example of dynamic variables can be found in montmorillonite-sand mixtures are less than those of
the continuous alteration of the environment by human kaolinite-sand mixtures with the same clay percentages.
activities, such as the impact of acid rain and chemical Conversely, White (1949) in his study of the Atterberg
products used in agriculture. Dynamic factors can have a limits of the most common clay minerals concluded that
strong eect on the liquid limit value, though such eects the plastic limit of montmorillonite(illite)kaolinite.
may vary according to the type of clay minerals. For ex- The same conclusion was traced later by Mitchell (1993).
ample, as the concentration of salts increases, the liquid Several attempts to link plasticity index with liquid
limit of the clay mineral montmorillonite decreases mar- limit, mostly through the empirical correlations, ignoring
Institute of Applied Geology, University of Urbino `Carlo Bo' `Sogesta' Scientic Campus, Italy (
The manuscript for this paper was received for review on December 11, 2006; approved on May 29, 2007.
Written discussions on this paper should be submitted before May 1, 2008 to the Japanese Geotechnical Society, 4-38-2, Sengoku, Bunkyo-ku,
Tokyo 112-0011, Japan. Upon request the closing date may be extended one month.


the content of non-clay particles (2 mm) are reported in fraction, CF (2 mm) in each soil was lowered in succes-
literature (Casagrande, 1948; Seed et al., 1964b; Nagaraj sive steps by adding sand to obtain changes of 10z
and Jayadeva, 1983; Sivapullaiah and Sridharan, 1985; weigth of CF up to a minimum of 10z (for bentonite
Panadian and Nagaraj, 1990). ``c''). The silica sample used in the mixtures is composed
This study, based on compositional factors (amount of 85z ne sand.
and type of clay minerals), investigates how the liquid The geotechnical characterization was performed ac-
limit and the plastic limit vary as a function of clay size cording to international ASTM standards (D 422 and D
contents in inorganic soils with platey clay minerals. On 4318). First the grain size distribution was determined
the basis of the average values (using equations of the and then the liquid limit (Casagrande's method) and the
regression lines) of the experimental data collected a plastic limit (rolling thread method) of the soils and mix-
relationship between the Atterberg limits and the clay
fractions is then investigated. Since the non-platey clay
minerals such as halloysite, allophane, attapulgite have
characteristics very dierent from that of platey clay
minerals (e.g., high plastic limit, low index plasticity)
(Mitchell, 1993), they are excluded from the present
research as organic soils are.


Experiments were carried out on six inorganic soils and
on their respective mixtures with ne silica sand. Three of
the soils were composed of bentonite, one was composed
of kaolinite (commercially available), another was com-
posed of 1:1 mixture of kaolinite- bentonite whereas the Fig. 1. Liquid limit, W L and plastic limit, W p as function of clay frac-
last soil was a natural soil belonging to the Formation of tion CF (2 mm) of soils and their respective mixtures with ne sili-
Varicoloured Clays (upper Cretaceous-lower Eocene) ca sand. 1kaolinite-sand mixtures; 2, 5 and 6bentonite ``a'',
Central Italy. Their characteristics are summarized in ``b'' and ``c''-sand mixtures, respectively; 3(1:1) kaolinite-ben-
tonite ``c''-sand mixtures; 4varicoloured clays-sand mixtures
Tables 1 and 2. In the soil-sand mixtures (Fig. 1) the clay

Table 1. Index properties of inorganic soils used in present study

Soil Soil type Sand Silt Clay WL Wp Ip A r

1 kaolinite 8 92 62 36 26 0.28 2.64

2 bentonite ``a'' 5 20 75 153 36 117 1.55 2.76
3 (1:1) soils 16 mixture 19 81 170 38 132 1.63 2.69
4 varicoloured clays 14 86 193 41 152 1.77 2.79
5 bentonite ``b'' 3 27 70 260 39 221 3.16 2.75
6 bentonite ``c'' 30 70 343 42 301 4.30 2.75

cm3. Aactivity.
Sand, silt, clay, W L, W p and Ip are in z. r (density) is in g W

Table 2. Mineralogical composition of inorganic soils used in present study

Soil Soil type Fraction size C D Mineralogy

1 kaolinite z 2 mm Kaolinite (97z) with a good degree of crystallinity and illite (3z)
z 2 mm Aggregations of kaolinite crystals.
2 bentonite ``a'' z 2 mm Montmorillonite (100z) with good degree of crystallinity.
z 2 mm 3 Quartz and calcium carbonate.
4 varicoloured clays z 2 mm In order of respective quantities: vermiculite with low degree of
crystallinity, interbedded illite-vermiculite, kaolinite and traces of
illite. Presence of quartz.
z 2 mm 3 Quartz and calcium carbonate.
5 bentonite ``b'' z 2 mm 4 Montmorillonite (96z) with good degree of crystallinity and
z 2 mm 2 Quartz and calcium carbonate.
6 bentonite ``c'' z 2 mm 8 Montmorillonite with low degree of crystallinity, interbedded illite-
montmorillonite. Presence of dolomite and amorphous ferrous
z 2 mm 2 14 Dolomite, quartz and calcium carbonate.

C (calcium carbonate) and D (dolomite) are in z


tures with sands. Some standards, in addition to etc.). The combination of these factors provides a very
Casagrande's method, have included the fall-cone wide range of slope values (from 0.67 to 4.86 in Fig. 1),
method. Both methods have advantages and disavan- where the minimum and maximum values belong to
tages. For example, (with reference to this study) the cone kaolinite and montmorillonite in monovalent ionic form,
penetration method is not suitable for very expansive respectively. WL and CF are dened in percentages.
soils (Wasti and Bezirci, 1986). In a saturated soil also composed of non-clay particles,
Grain size distribution of the silica sample and the soils assuming that all of the water is associated with the clay
was obtained using the sieve and hydrometer methods, phase (Seed et al., 1964b; Mitchell, 1993), the constant
respectively. The percentage of clay in the mixture was volume of the non-clay fraction and the volume of the
determined as the percentage by weight of particles ner clay-water system, which varies as a function of water
than 2 mm in the commercial clay and the natural soil contents, can be distinguished. From experimental data
added to the ne silica sand. collected, in agreement with Seed et al. (1964b), the linear
The liquid limit of the samples was determined to es- relation (WL, CF ) is respected until the volume of the
tablish a minimum of four points in order to plot the ow clay-water system is greater than the volume of the void
line. The plastic limit was determined by the average of of the non-clay fraction in the mixtures, or in other
four or more water contents. This procedure was applied words, until the non-clay particles are still not in contact
to each soil and later to the mixtures with silica sand. with one another.
Since the thread-rolling method is considered operator- The volume of voids in the non-clay fraction is:
dependent ( see below), the plastic limit tests were repeat-
(x W
rs)es (2)
ed, and the average of the values was considered in order
to improve the alignment of the points of the mixtures in which x is the mass of the non-clay fraction; rsden-
plotted on the graph. sity of the soil particles in the non-clay fraction; esvoid
The mixtures were prepared by mixing the above-men- ratio in the non-clay fraction.
tioned dry components followed by, adding deionized The volume of clay-water mixture at its WL, is:
water. Since the mixtures are composed of percentages in
rc)[(WLc y W
(yW r w]
100) W (3)
weight of the respective components, the samples were
placed in an oven at 609C to eliminate humidity absorbed in which y is the dry-mass of the clay particles required
from the atmosphere before being mixed. The silica silt (when mixed with the water) just to ll the voids in the
(87z silt and 13z2 mm) used in some mixtures (with non-clay fraction; rc is the density of the solid particles in
soils no. 1, 3 and 6) did not yield dierent values of the the clay fraction; rw is the density of the water (1); WLc
Atterberg limits than those obtained by adding ne silica is the liquid limit of the clay particles y (CF100z).
sand. This will just ll the voids in the non-clay fraction
The qualitative and semiquantitative mineralogical when:
analyses (Table 2) were performed using the XRD analy-
rc)[(WLc y W
(yW r w] ( x W
100) W rs)es (4)
sis with a Philips PW 2273 W 20 diractometer, CuKa radi-
ation, Ni lter with a scanning velocity of 0.0392u W s. The Solving Eq. (4) for y (and neglecting rw), will be:
clay fraction (2 mm) was analyzed on samples that were
y(x es) W rcWLc W
[ rs(1 W 100] (5)
air dried and treated with glycol-ethylene.
the percentage of dry clay (Cm) which, when mixed with
the water at its WL, will ll the voids in the granular
Liquid Limit
Cm [ y W
(xy)]100 (6)
Figure 1 shows the liquid limit and the plastic limit as a
function of the clay size contents of the soils and the mix- Since the values of rs and rc generally dier slightly, the
tures tested. The values of the liquid limit of the mixtures value of Cm mainly depends on the void ratio (es) of the
of each soil with sand, except those with a low clay frac- non-clay fraction and the liquid limit slope (k1) of the
tion, lie more or less linearly with the clay percentage. soil.
The best average linear relationship was found to pass An inorganic soil with a water content equal to its liq-
through the origin, in agreement with Seed et al. (1964b), uid limit, (mainly as a function of its CF and es) could be
Nagaraj et al. (1995) and Kumar and Muir Wood (1999). found in one of the following two physical states:
The respective equations are shown in Fig. 1. (a) soils in which all the round particles are scattered
Hence, the liquid limit equation valid for inorganic in the clay-water system (CFCm);
soils containing platey clay minerals (with CFCm, de- (b) soils in which all or a part of the round particles
ned below) is: are in contact with one another (CF or slightly
WLk1CF (1)
The soils found in condition (a) should have a liquid
where the WL-slope k1 depends on the factors that in- limit directly proportional to their clay fractions, as
uence the plasticity of a soil (such as type of clay miner- shown in Eq. (1). In condition (b), the greater resistance
al, type of adsorbed cation, pH, degree of crystallinity, of the soil (placed in the cup apparatus) to deformation,

produced by contact of the non-clay particles, allows this into the equation (CF W rc)(W W rw)[(100CF ) W rs] es
soil to retain a larger amount of water and as a conse- (that is equivalent to Eq. (4), setting WWLc y W 100). The
quence the values of the liquid limit will be greater than determination of es of the fraction 2 mm of a soil is
the values predicted by Eq. (1). In fact, the slurrie soils cumbersome and time consuming. Nevertheless, on the
with low clay size content tend to slide rather than ow as basis of the data collected in this study and insights into
plastic material when placed in the cup. On the basis of clayey soils reported in Mitchell (1993), the liquid limit
the data of the tested mixtures, it was observed that the should be determined in the soil fraction with a clay frac-
relative increase of the liquid limit values passing from tion greater than 2025z so that the relationship WL-CF
physical state (a) to physical state (b) occurs gradually, is governed by a linear law also for soils that contain less
with initial values of CFCm (probably for the geometri- expansive clay minerals (kaolinite) and with high values
cal proximity of the round particles and W or the contact of of es.
some particles). For the sake of clarity, these values (not
proportional with CF) are here dened as ``anomalous'' Plastic Limit
(Fig. 1) and they are not included in the elaboration of the The data of the plastic limit (Figs. 1 and 3) show less
data. The present study is based (on physical state (a)) on linearity and relatively little variation (especially accord-
the values of the Atterberg limits governed by linear law ing to the type of clay minerals) in comparison with the
with clay size contents. This condition is also important data of the liquid limit. Note how small the range of the
in order to look for relationships between the Atterberg plastic limit values is compared with that of the liquid
limits and the intrinsic geotechnical properties of the limit values. Except for the mixtures with low clay frac-
soils. Casagrande (1932) reported that the physical sig- tion ( see ``anomalous'' values Fig. 3), the best link be-
nicance of the liquid limit of a non-plastic soil is fun- tween the plastic limit and the clay percentages is a linear
damentally dierent from that of a plastic soil. The relationship. The regression lines of the plotted mixtures
author believes that Casagrande's consideration for non- intersect the Wp axis randomly between 8.4z and 11.9z.
plastic soils can also be extended to ``anomalous'' values The equations shown in Fig. 3 refer to the average value
of the Atterberg limits. In fact, as these values increase of the intercept, Wp10z. Hence, the general equation
(in a relative sense), so do the values of the residual fric- is:
tion angle because both mainly depend on the character-
Wp(k2 CF )10 (7)
istics of the granular phase.
The values of Cm for the soils plotted in Fig. 2 are where the Wp-slope k2 depends on the type of clay miner-
overestimated because the calculation of es was only als (chemical state enclosed) contained into the soil (as oc-
based on the added sand (the components 2 mm found cur, in a very amplied way, for k1 to WL).
in the soils were not taken into consideration). The equa- To understand the reasons for the non-zero intercept
tion in Fig. 2 (for the average values of assumed es, rs and value in Eq. (7) further investigations are necessary.
rc), permits to obtain the Cm value as a function of the Atterberg limits (for the mixtures with CF ranging 10
water content (or vice versa) to have the same volume that z) were subsequently recalculated using the equations
is when the clay water system will ll the voids in the (from Figs. 1 and 3) of the regression lines of the mixtures
granular phase and the round particles will be in contact governed by linear law with the clay size contents in order
with one another. It is graphically shown by the marked to obtain a better correlation. These data, Wp against WL
line and it was obtained by inserting the selected values are plotted in Fig. 4. The dashed lines of regression dene
the variation of the plastic limit as a function of the liquid
limit in mixtures with the same percentage of clay. These
lines are parallel (slope0.04) and if they are extended,

Fig. 2. Relationship between water content, W and amount of clay,

Cm needed to ll the voids in a granular soil. esvoid ratio of the
granular phase. rs, rcdensity of round particles and clay size par-
ticles, respectively. 1, 4 and 6liquid limit regression lines of soil- Fig. 3. Plastic limit, Wp as function of clay fraction CF (2 mm),
sand mixtures, see Fig. 1 taken from Fig. 1. 16soil types, see Fig. 1

Fig. 4. Relationship among plastic limit, Wp, liquid limit, WL and clay
fraction, CF based on recalculated data. The regression lines dene Fig. 6. Activity against clay fraction, CF (2 mm) of soils and mix-
variation of Wp as function of W L in mixtures with same clay frac- tures tested. 16soil types, see Fig. 1
tion. 16soil types, see Fig. 1

Fig. 5. Measured plasticity index, Ip (``anomalous'' values excluded)

as function of clay fraction CF (2 mm). 16soil types, see Fig. 1
Fig. 7. Activity calculated with Eq. (11) as function of clay fraction,
CF (2 mm). 16soil types, see Fig. 1
they pass through the axis of the ordinate at the value
(q0.26CF10), which is a function of the clay percen-
tage. The relationship among WL, Wp and CF obtained
Ip0.96 WL(0.26 CF10) (9)
allows the calculation of the plastic limit of an inorganic
soil with platey clay minerals when the liquid limit value Hence, for a given inorganic soil (with platey clay miner-
and the percentage of clay of the tested sample (linearly als) known WL and CF values, the WL and Ip values for
proportional to one another) are known, precisely: any other CF can be estimated using Eqs. (1) and (9), re-
spectively. On the other hand, if the values of the Atter-
Wp0.04 WL(0.26 CF10) (8)
berg limits are known, it is possible to calculate the clay
It can be concluded that the plastic limit has little in- fraction:
uence on the plasticity of soils with high contents of very
expansive clay minerals, whereas it is important in soils CF[(0.96 WLIp )10] W
0.26 or
with clay minerals that are not very expansive and its im- CF[(Wp0.04 WL)10] W
0.26 (10)
portance increases as the clay size contents in the soils
decreases. This CF value should be (about) equal to the clay percen-
tage of grain size distribution of the soil (or soil fraction)
Plasticity Index used to the Atterberg limits test.
For common inorganic soils the plasticity index, de-
ned by the numerical dierence between WL and Wp Activity
values (Fig. 5), can be obtained directly (without per- Of particular interest in any evaluation of Atterberg
forming the test for Wp) if the values of the liquid limit limits is the relationship between plasticity index and clay
and the clay fraction are known and are linearly propor- fraction because this has been used as the basis (Skem-
tional to one another, precisely: pton, 1953) for dening the activity, A of clayey soils,

represented by a straight line passing through the origin

( A Ip W
CF ). The regression lines that represent the activ-
ity of soils tested (Fig. 5) have non-zero intercept values
(Ip10, intercept average value). Hence, the activity of
a clayey soil can be redened as follows:
A[0.96 WL(0.26 CF10)] W
CF (11)
Figures 6 and 7 show how the activity (measured and
calculated) varies as a function of the clay fraction for the
investigated soils. It can be observed that for a given soil,
the activity against CF is not constant as suggested by the
relationship proposed by Skempton (1953) (and in Fig. 6,
the activity values should not decrease with an increase of
clay size content in the mixtures). The activity (Fig. 7)
should reach its maximum value when CF100z; it Fig. 8. Liquid limit, WL and plastic limit, W p against clay fraction CF
drops slightly and almost linearly with high clay contents, (2 mm) of bentonite-sand mixtures. Data from Lupini et al.
whereas there is a marked decrease in activity in the mix- (1981). W p calculated with Eq. (8) also shown
tures with low clay percentages. In this case, the dashed
lines are theoretical, because the Atterberg limits (for
CF20z and 30z for kaolinite) are not linearly propor-
tional to their respective clay size contents.
In routine assessments of soil properties, it is usually
assumed that the fraction 2 mm (equivalent diameter)
termed clay fraction, is composed entirely of clay miner-
als. In practice, a part of the fraction 2 mm can be com-
posed of round particles (with dierent behaviour from
clay minerals). Because the eect of the round particles
2 mm is incorporated in the WL value, any possible
dierence between the real and conventional contents of
the clay minerals would produce an error for the calculat-
ed values (Wp, Ip and A). On the other hand, this also oc-
curs when the activity is calculated with Skempton's
Fig. 9. Liquid limit, WL and plastic limit, W p against clay fraction CF
(2 mm) of illite, bentonite and their mixtures. Data from Seed et
COMPARISON BETWEEN DATA MEASURED AND al. (1964a). Wp calculated with Eq. (8) also shown
In Fig. 8 the plotted data of the bentonite-sand mix- its percentage. The pointed out interaction is attributable
tures (from Table 5) conrm the linear variation of WL to the salt contained into the illite that, when mixed with
with CF and the non-zero intercept value for Wp regres- the bentonite, prevented full expansion of the bentonite
sion line (excluding the mixture with the lowest bentonite in the presence of water.
content). On the contrary, a mixture of two or more soils In conclusion, the eect of the physical-chemical inter-
with water (even if it is deionized) constitutes a system, action is contained in the Atterberg limits values of the
the properties of which depend on the composite eects mixtures. The relative parameters (WL, Wp, Ip, A and
of their physical-chemical interaction. A mixture of two CF ) are linked in accordance to the proposed quantita-
or more soils may therefore yield a soil with plasticity tive relationship. In addition, diluting each mixture with
characteristics that are not linearly proportional to the non-clay particles (2425 mm) shows the linear relation-
clay contents of the soils that make it up. For example, ship between Atterberg limits and its clay fraction.
Fig. 9 shows the data (WL, Wp against CF ) of the clay When a soil's clay content is very low, such as the case
minerals illite (with CF35z), bentonite (with CF95 of the inorganic soils (Lupini et al., 1981; Sridharan and
z) and their mixtures (Seed et al., 1964a). Here it can be Nagaraj, 2000) shown in Table 3, the Atterberg limits are
observed (from the degree of curvature of the lines on not linearly proportional to the respective clay fractions
which the data lie) that there is a high level of physical- (the behaviour of these soils will not be dominated by the
chemical interaction among the minerals for the liquid clay phase) and clearly the proposed equations cannot be
limit and almost negligible interaction for the plastic applied.
limit, considering its link with the liquid limit (0.04 WL). In a previous paper the writer proposed a new plasticity
The straight dashed line shows the expected liquid limit chart (Polidori, 2003) to classify the soils (or their frac-
values if each clay mineral contributed in proportion to tion) 425 mm using the well note Atterberg limits. On

Table 3. Index properties from literature


13 38 21 1.31 B
9.5 48 35.6 1.30 K
11.5 58.7 45.2 1.17 K
5 39 29.5 1.90 1
17.5 56.4 38.1 1.04 1

Bbentonite; Kkaolinite; Iillite; CF, W L and Wp are in z

Fig. 10. Plasticity chart (after Polidori, 2003). C-line and 0.5C-line
correspond to 100% CF and 50% CF (2 mm), respectively. CL,
CHclay zone (CF50%) with low and high plasticity respec- Fig. 11. Location on plasticity chart ( see Fig. 10) of 125 soil samples
tively. ML, MHsilt zone (2425 mm50%) with low and high from literature (Seed et al., 1964a; Lupini et al., 1981; Skempton,
plasticity respectively. OL, OHorganic soils with low and high 1985; Wasti and Bezirci, 1986; Burland, 1990; Di Maio and Fenelli,
plasticity respectively. Low plasticity (L) and high plasticity (H) 1994): a) Ip measured against WL. Casagrande's A-line also shown
based on ASTM standard (D 2487). NPCsoils with non-platey and b) Ip calculated with Eq. (9) against W L
clay minerals

the chart shown in Fig. 10, all the Ip-WL values of the in- relationship between the Atterberg limits and clay frac-
organic soils containing platey clay minerals and tion is in agreement with the Polidori's plasticity chart
CF100z should lie above the C-line and the distance of and has lead to little improvements in that chart (Fig 10).
the points from the C-line should be inversely propor- The main are: a) the (absolute) intercept value of the C-
tional to clay percentage of the respective soils. The 0.5C- line equation decreases by one unit and b) the 0.5C-line
line allows us to distinguish the points that fall below the and the C-line are extended to the WL axis, to fully deline-
line, clays (C), from the points lying above the line in the ate the clay zone where the inorganic soils with platey clay
silt zone (M). In turn, the silt and clay zones can be sub- minerals should lie.
divided in groups with low (L) or high (H) plasticity, ac- The plotting of the following data on the plasticity
cording to the ASTM standard (D 2487) when the liquid chart (without distinction between low and high plastici-
limit value is less than or greater than 50z, respectively. ty) is a simple and better method for data comparison.
In the original paper it has been demonstrated that the silt Figure 11(a-b) shows the data of the plasticity index
zone is found above the clay zone. (measured and calculated) as a function of the liquid limit
The residual inorganic soils (NPC) composed of non- of 125 natural and articial soils taken from literature
platey clay minerals (allophane, halloysite, attapulgite) (except the soils with CF25z and the residual soils). In
should lie below the C-line because their characteristics Fig. 11(a) the A-line (Casagrande, 1948) has also been in-
(high plastic limit, low plasticity index) are very dierent cluded in order to show where the same soils would lie on
from those of platey clay minerals for which the plasticity Casagrande's plasticity chart, since the respective posi-
chart was developed. The soils (NPC) that contain both tions of the silt and clay zones are reversed on the two
platey and non-platey clay minerals as well as the organic charts. All plotted soils (except 3 soils) lie above the
soils (O) can lie above or below the C-line according to A-line in the clay zone (according to Casagrande) regard-
characteristics of the soil constituents. Clearly, for these less of their clay size contents. In Fig. 11(a), all plotted
soils the proposed quantitative relationship is not valid. points should lie above the C-line and the distance of the
The original plasticity chart was calibrated using also points from the C-line (that correspond to CF100z)
some of the experimental data shown in this paper and should be inversely proportional to clay fractions of the
available in Polidori (2003). Hence, the proposed inter- respective soils (425 mm), such as shown in Fig. 11(b)

(obviously if the organic substance and non-platey clay For 60z of the soils (75 of the 125 soils plotted) the
minerals are absent in the soils). average value of the dierence between both the Ip
In Fig. 12, the measured and calculated values of the values (measured and calculated) is 1.3 units (ranging
plasticity index for the soils plotted on Fig. 11 are com- 3 units).
pared and the following considerations can be made. For 90z of the soils (112 of the 125 plotted) the
In agreement with this study, from Figs. 12 and 13 it average value of this dierence is 2.5 units (ranging6
can be inferred that the measured Ip (and Wp) against units).
CF have non-zero intercept values. The plotted data In the remaining 13 samples this discrepancy is often
(Fig. 13) do not lie according to the hypothetical U-line very marked (for 5 soils ranging from 10 to 17
and the hypothetical 0.5C-line shown. In addition, the units).
0.5C-line is the line that best separates the soils with The above mentioned dierences (expressed in units)
CF50z from soils with CF50z. between the measured and calculated values of Ip (or Wp),

Fig. 13. Particular from Fig. 11(a). Dashed lines 1 (Ip0.96 W L) and 2
(Ip0.96 WL18) show expected hypothetical U-line and 0.5C-line
Fig. 12. Comparison between measured and calculated plasticity in- respectively, if Ip (and W p) against CF was found (equally linearly
dex of samples plotted in Fig. 11 proportional) to pass through the origin

Table 4. Index properties of inorganic soils from literature. (c)calculated values (of W p, Ip and A with Eqs. (8), (9) and (11) respectively)

W p-Wp(c)
Soil CF WL Wp Wp(c) Ip Ip(c) A A(c)
or Ip(c)-Ip

1 100 348 43.9 49.9 6 304.1 298.1 3.04 2.98 B

2* 100 330.6 55.2 49.2 6 275.4 281.4 2.75 2.81 B
3* 88 526 38 53.9 15.9 488 472.1 5.54 5.36 B
4* 88 184 48 40.2 7.8 136 143.8 1.54 1.63 B
5* 56 234.4 18.5 33.9 15.4 215.9 200.5 3.75 3.58 B
6 51.5 73.5 35.6 26.3 9.3 37.9 47.2 0.74 0.92 B
7 50 75 42.5 26 16.5 32.5 49 0.65 0.98 B
8 39 124.2 23.2 25.1 1.9 101 99.1 2.59 2.54 B
9 37 84 42 23 19 42 61 1.13 1.65 B
10 37 84 49 23 26 35 61 0.95 1.65 B
11* 100 57.5 37.8 38.3 0.5 19.7 19.2 0.20 0.19 K
12 100 45 29 37.8 8.8 16 7.2 0.16 0.07 K
13* 48 45 34.8 24.3 10.5 10.2 20.7 0.21 0.43 K
14 36 46.8 29.4 21.2 8.2 17.4 25.6 0.48 0.71 K
15 35 48 21.3 21 0.3 26.7 27 0.76 0.77 K
16 100 80 30 39.2 9.2 50 40.8 0.50 0.41 I
17 88 73 44 35.8 8.2 29 37.2 0.33 0.42 I
18 88 288 44 44.4 0.4 244 243.6 2.77 2.77
19* 86 350 35 46.4 11.4 315 303.6 3.66 3.53
20* 84 362 29 46.3 17.3 333 315.7 3.96 3.76
21 84 184 55 39.2 15.8 129 144.8 1.54 1.72
22 43 128 27 26.3 0.7 101 101.7 2.35 2.36
23 42 214.5 20.9 29.5 8.6 193.6 185 4.61 4.40
24* 41 80 32 23.9 8.1 48 56.1 1.17 1.37
25 40 198 25.4 28.3 2.9 172.6 169.7 4.31 4.24
26* 37 88 38 23.1 14.9 50 64.9 1.35 1.75
*Data from Fig. 11(a). Bbentonite; Kkaolinite; Iillite; CF, WL and W p are in z

Table 5. Index properties from Lupini et al. (1981). (c)calculated values (of Wp, Ip and A with Eqs. (8), (9) and (11) respectively)

Bentonite Sand CF WL Wp W p(c) Ip Ip(c) A A(c)

15 85 13 38 21 17 1.31
30 70 26 56 20 19 36 37 1.38 1.42
45 55 40 80 23 23 57 57 1.42 1.42
60 40 53 114 28 28 86 86 1.62 1.62
75 25 66 140 36 33 104 107 1.58 1.62
100 88 184 48 40 136 144 1.54 1.63

CFz2 mm. Bentonite, sand, W L, W p and Ip are in z

even if they are marked, have little inuence on the plas- was useful to repeat the plastic limit tests (and the average
ticity value of the expansive soils with high clay fraction. of the values was considered in order to improve the
However, they can be important for classifying the soils alignment of the points plotted on the graph) and it was
because they can lie in a zone that does not correspond to essential that the average values of Wp and WL against CF
their clay content or out of the zone (above the U-line or were used.
below the C-line, see Fig. 11(a)). It should be noted that the linear variation of the Atter-
In order to understand the causes of the above-men- berg limits as a function of CF is already routinely ap-
tioned discrepancy, the values of the index properties plied for determining activity of a soil (Skempton, 1953).
(Table 4) of inorganic soils with CF34z (Seed et al., In fact, the activity is based on the linear variation of Ip
1964a; Sides and Barden, 1971; Lupini et al., 1981; (and thus of WL and Wp) as a function of CF. Hence, the
Sivapullaiah and Sridharan, 1985; Mesri and Cepeda measured activity values of the bentonite-sand mixtures
Diaz, 1986; Wasti and Bezirci, 1986; Rao et al., 1989; Di reported in Table 5 should not decresase with an increase
Maio and Fenelli, 1994; Sridharan et al., 1986; Sridharan of bentonite content in the mixtures. For example, for the
and Prakash, 1998; Sridharan and Nagaraj, 2000) were mixture with CF88z, the Wp value is high compared
expressly chosen so that they can be compared with each with the other mixtures (see Fig. 8) and the other soils
other. The samples are ordered according to the clay (soil no. 4 in Table 4) and consequently the Ip value is low
mineral that they contain (when specied) and their CF and lies below the C-line (see Fig. 11(a)).
(from highest to lowest). The measured plastic limit
values of these soils, in relation to the values of WL and
CF, are dicult to understand (or better yet, incompre- CONCLUSIONS
hensible) because they do not follow the same rule. This is This study permits to advance the following conclu-
also shown by a comparison with the respective values of sions which should be valid for all inorganic soils with
the plastic limit calculated on the basis of the proposed platey clay minerals and for clay percentages that are not
interrelationship. too low, that is when the volume of the water-clay system
If both the clay contents are equal (of the entire soil becomes greater than the voids of the non-clay fraction in
and the soil used for the Atterberg limits test) and organic the soils.
substances and non-platey clay minerals are absent, any The liquid limit, plastic limit, plasticity index, activity
possible dierence among the values (Wp, Ip and A) ob- and clay fraction of the soil (425 mm) used to assess
tained from the tests and the calculated values may be the Atterberg limits are interdependent parameters.
mainly attributable to the poor precision of the standard The Atterberg limits (WL, Wp and Ip ) are linearly
method for determining the plastic limit. The thread-roll- proportional to CF and only WL-CF regression line
ing method is simple, but it has long been criticised since have zero intercept value.
it is considered highly operator-dependent. For example, The values of two of the three parameters (WL, Wp,
Whyte (1982) reported that the plastic limit of a soil de- CF) that are measurable using standard tests, suces
termined in dierent laboratories ranged from 19z to 39 to obtain the values of other three parameters of the
z with an average plastic limit of 23z. Another example tested soil (425 mm). At this purpose two ways can be
concerns the results of a reproducibility test (Focardi, followed:
1999) on a sample of Pliocenic Clays (Central Italy) tested a) knowing the Atterberg limits values of a soil, the
in 35 geotechnical laboratories. It is composed of clay CF and A values of the tested soil can be calculated
minerals, in order of decreasing quantities: illite, chlorite (or graphically estimated plotting Atterberg limits
and kaolinite and non-clay minerals: quartz, calcite and values on the plasticity chart) or,
plagioclase. This soil is characterized by the following b) knowing only WL and CF (linearly proportional)
average values: CF48.2z and WL50z. The plastic of the soil tested, the Wp, Ip and A values (and for
limit values ranged from 20z to 31z (average value Wp any other CF) can be calculated.
24.7z, calculated value with Eq. (8) Wp24.5z). Fi- The latter method seems to be more appropriate. Sec-
nally, in order to obtain the interrelationship among the ondly, it is useful to know the grain-size distribution and
parameters proposed in this paper, (as reported above) it the possible percentage of soil retained by the No. 40 (425

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Minerals Ltd for providing kaolinite and Laviosa Chimi- 21) Sides, G. and Barden, L. (1971): The microstructure of dispersed
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