American Revolution Test Review Answers 2013

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American Revolution Test Review Answers

Test Date: ______________ Parent Signature: __________________
This test covers information from chapters 8-9 (Pgs. 266-329)

1. The French and Indian War was largely a fight over which region?
The Ohio River Valley
2. List the two results of the French and Indian War that angered the American
The two results of the French and Indian War
that angered the American colonists were the
Proclamation of 1763 and the taxes that
parliament created to pay off the war debts.
3. What major complaint of the colonists led to the American Revolution? (Hint:
Why were the colonists so mad about the taxes? It became a popular
The major complaint was Taxation without
4. Explain why the Sons of Liberty initiated (planned or started) the Boston Tea
Party. (HINT: What were they upset about?)
The Boston Tea Party was initiated to show
their displeasure about the tea tax and
5. What battle marked the beginning of war with Great Britain? (HINT: It has been
described as the shot heard round the world.
Lexington and Concord
6. Explain what the Olive Branch Petition was. Include which group created it, what
it tried to do, and whether or not it was successful.
The Olive Branch Petition was created by the
Second Continental Congress to try and find a
peaceful way to end the fighting. The petition
was unsuccessful.
7. After reading the pamphlet Common Sense many colonists became Patriots and
wanted independence from Great Britain?

8. It states in the Declaration of Independence that the colonists believed they had
the right to separate from England because all people should have basic rights
including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

9. Explain why the Battle of Saratoga is considered a turning point in the war.
(HINT: Think about the group that helped America following this battle.)
The Battle of Saratoga is considered a turning
point in the war because after the British were
defeated, the French joined the Americans as
an ally.
10. Which battle was the outcome of the American Revolution was determined by?
The Battle of Yorktown

11. What was the greatest factor/advantage in the Continental Armys victory over
the British?
Americans were protecting their homeland.

Use the following lists of names to answer questions 12-


George Washington Paul Revere

Ben Franklin Thomas Jefferson

12. The person who rode through the night to warn the minutemen (colonial militia)
that the British were coming was Paul Revere.
13. The first Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army was
George Washington.
14. The person who published the famous snake Join or Die political cartoon that
encouraged the colonies to unite was Ben Franklin.

15. The person who wrote the Declaration of Independence was Thomas

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