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My Trip through the Circulatory System

This is me! (Draw a picture of yourself)
Today I am taking a trip through my body! I will be riding a Red Blood Cell. I will
start in the lungs!
Before I leave I have to pack a few things. I will bring Nutrients, and Oxygen with
I will then travel through the heart, which will pump me through the rest of the
I depart with all of the other red blood cells and travel through the aorta, the main
I see smaller arteries start to branch off the aorta. I will take one of these arteries to
a specific part of the body
Once I get there, I will take a rest at a capillary. The capillary is narrow so Ill need to
slow down!
At the capillary, I will drop off all of my nutrients and oxygen and pick up waste and
carbon dioxide.
I will then leave the capillary and start to head back to the heart by taking the
veins. Once I check into the heart, I will be sent to the lungs to drop off the waste
and carbon dioxide.
At the lungs, I will pick up oxygen and nutrients and travel back to the heart to start
my trip again.
Wow that was a fast trip! It only took me about 1 second to complete!

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