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J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn.

107108 (2012) 94105

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Effects of near-wall grid spacing on SST-K-o model using

NREL Phase VI horizontal axis wind turbine
Mohammad Moshfeghi, Ya Jun Song, Yong Hui Xie n
School Energy and Power Engineering Xian Jiaotong University, Xian, Shaanxi, 710049, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Investigation of the effects of near-wall grid spacing for the SST-K-o model and study of the
Received 14 October 2011 aerodynamic behavior of a horizontal axis wind turbine are the two goals of this paper. The NREL
Received in revised form Phase VI is used as the aerodynamic model. Eight different cases are investigated for the near wall grid
4 March 2012
spacing study. Furthermore, one case is studied in both the SST-K-o and the Langtry-Menter
Accepted 31 March 2012
Available online 18 April 2012
transitional models. For all cases the total number of nodes are fewer than 5000,000. Thrust forces,
ow patterns and pressure coefcients are compared at different wind speeds. The thrust values of the
Keywords: SST-K-o are not in a good agreement with the test results. The streamlines show that the inboard
Near-wall grid spacing section of the blade has a severe complex 3D ow which separates at low velocities; the mid-span
SST-K-o turbulence model
section stays attached for higher velocities and the outboard part has 2D-like behavior and separates as
the last part. Also, for areas with complex separation, reattachment and sever spanwise ow (e.g., at the
Streamwise grid spacing
NREL Phase VI inboard section), the SST-K-o mispredicts the pressure values. Generally, the SST-K-o over predicts the
separation by mispredicting the separation point. Besides, it is observed that GammaTheta transitional
model behaves differently from the SST-K-o, especially at the inner part and the results are closer to
the test results.
& 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Laboratory) Phase VI is used. A HAWT is chosen due to recent

interests in green energy resources. For example just in the U.S.,
CFD simulation is becoming one of the most important parts of the production of 20% of energy needs from wind by the year
industrial projects. Almost all industrial cases that exist in our 2030 is a government plan (The U.S. Department of Energy, 2008).
world have, somehow, a connection with uid dynamics. For the With these new interests, very important issues become improve-
analysis of moving objects (or ow around objects) in CFD codes, ments in our knowledge about these energy-capturing machines
there exist some hypothetical models for turbulent simulation. and consequently designing more effective wind turbines. Thus,
The RANS-based turbulence models are very popular ones. These in the research centers two important and very close aims are
models, however, are general purpose models and lack accuracy followed; commercial and/or scientic. Among all research cen-
in prediction of separation point, separated ow properties and ters, some are very well-known for scholars including WERC, ECN,
ow reattachment. These inaccuracies are unpreventable for all Ris DTU and NREL. Also, recently MEXICO has started to release
the RANS-based models and have different levels of importance in some technical reports about the MEXICO project (Snel et al.,
different cases. Based on this fact, to achieve some relatively 2007). However, for more than a decade the most comprehensive
appropriate criteria for using the RANS-based models there exists technical and scientic reports are about different phases of NREL
only one possible way via sensitivity analysis. The rst goal for wind turbines, especially Phase VI (NREL Homepage). Very
this paper is the investigation of the effects of grid spacing in the exhaustive information about NREL Phase VI test can be found
chordwise and normal-to-surface directions in SST-K-o. in ofcial report by Jonkman (2003).
In addition, the second goal of this paper is the study of In the past decade, many scholars investigated CFD codes and
aerodynamic behavior of a HAWT (horizontal axis wind turbine). used test results of a HAWT for the validation of their works.
Therefore, the well-known NREL (National Renewable Energy Many others directly focused on the aerodynamic behavior of
HAWTs. Menter et al. (2003) described the SST formulation as
well as a number of model enhancements which covered mod-
Corresponding author. Tel./fax: 86 29 82664443.
ied near wall treatment of the equations. Langtry and Menter
E-mail addresses: (M. Moshfeghi), (2005) and Langtry et al. (2006) proposed a correlation-based (Y.J. Song), (Y.H. Xie). transitional model which was built based on local variables. The

0167-6105/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Moshfeghi et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 107108 (2012) 94105 95

transitional model interacted with the SST model, and the S809 current paper are simulated by a desktop computer with 8 GB
airfoil and NREL Phase VI blade were used to validate the model. RAM and 4n2.4 GHz CPU. Denitely, with the use of a super-
Very similar work was done by Srensen (2008) to determine the computer and subsequently using more computational capabil-
two empirical relations in correlation-based transitional model ities, cases with more complex turbulence models (e.g., DES and
and to implement the model to the EllipSys code. Several aero- LES), higher number of nodes and higher mesh densities can be
dynamic cases, including NREL Phase VI, were used to verify the investigated. However, one important issue is that those super-
model. Zahle et al. (2009) employed a 3D NavierStokes simula- computers are not available for most of the scholars and in most
tion of unsteady ow using the overset grid method together with of research centers. At least for some early steps, desktop
EllipSys solver for incompressible ow. The research was done for computers are still being used widely. Therefore, having true
the downwind NREL Phase VI to capture the unsteady effects of knowledge and quantitative information about the least mesh
the tower on the blade performance. Potsdam and Mavriplis requisites, and overall accuracy of results are very important for
(2009) used an unstructured mesh NavierStokes CFD solver the researchers.
and studied a large range of surface mesh densities and topologies
for the same HAWT. In their work, the effects of different
unstructured meshes versus structured ones together with dif- 2. Geometry of the model
ferent grid spacings were investigated. Lynch (2011) developed a
range of unstructured grid CFD techniques for predicting wind In the present work, the extended version of NREL Phase VI
turbine loads. Le Pape and Gleize (2006) applied a Low Mach wind turbine is modeled by Solidworks 2007. The original model
Precondition (LMP) technique to the ONERA compressible Navier is a two-bladed, zero cone angle, 20-kW HAWT with diameter of
Stokes solver and showed that the technique was useful to 10 m. The extended version, however, has a 10% increase in
improve the quality of numerical results for low velocities for diameter. The turbine was exhaustively tested during the
NREL Phase VI. Duque et al. (2003) used a lifting line code Unsteady Aerodynamic Experiment program (UAE) in the
(CAMRAD II) for both axial and yawed operating conditions, and NASAAmes wind tunnel tests and was well-documented by
a Reynolds-averaged NavierStokes code (OVERFLOW-D) for only Jonkman (2003) and Gigue re and Selig (1999). The S809 airfoil
axial conditions of the NREL Phase VI rotor. A detailed study for is used in the turbine which has 21% thickness with a sharp
near-wake and far-wake zones for several wind turbines, includ- trailing edged and is designed specically for HAWTs. Besides its
ing NREL Phase VI, was presented by Vermeer et al. (2003). Their special design, S809 is widely tested in different tests and in
work contained different ow visualizations, test data and also different Reynolds numbers at Ohio State University, Delft Uni-
analytical results. Later, Carcangiu (2008) surveyed the wake and versity of technology and Colorado State University (Jonkman,
the blade tip effects on LM19.1 and NREL Phase VI rotors. 2003).
Gonzalez and Munduate (2008) investigated the aerodynamics As reported by some authors, for the sake of simplicity, a blunt
and separation of 2D and also 3D parked and rotating 2-bladed airfoil is used instead of the original one. To prevent the
upwind NREL phase VI. Their objective was to clarify the nature of discrepancies which are expected and reported for a blunt edge
the ow eld and the type of stall behavior for the S809 airfoil, S809 airfoil (Chao and Van Dam, 2007), in the present work the
parked and rotating blades. In the same year, Chao and Van Dam original sharp-edged airfoil is modeled. This can cause advantages
(2007) studied the effects of a modied NREL Phase VI rotor using for the present modeling, especially in the regions near trailing
the OVERFLOW solver. In their rotor, the inboard portion of the edge (T.E.) with high adverse pressure gradient to be simulated
blade was modeled with a thickened, blunt trailing edge version more exactly. Nevertheless, in the present model, there exist two
of the S809. Moreover, very recently, Jia (2011) studied different geometrical simplications. The geometry of the transition part
turbulence models, including the SST-K-o, on the NREL Phase VI. form circular stem to S809 airfoil is slightly different from the
In his work the blade was rounded at the T.E. Besides, Rajvanshi UAE test model. In the UAE model, the cylindrical stem ends at
et al. (2011) studied a CFD simulation employing the SST-K-o and 883 mm from the axis of rotation while in the present model this
the Langtry-Menter transition models by using a high perfor- location is 660 mm. Also, at the tip leading edge the original
mance supercomputer. Their model is one blade of NREL Phase VI model is rounded in a blunt shape (r  90 mm), while in the
and contains about 39 million nodes. present work the tip is cut with a plane normal to the blade pitch
In addition to wind turbines, there are many other valuable axis (Fig. 1) and therefore it has the exact S809 airfoil. These two
attempts in other elds of wind energy. For example, Zhang simplications are done for the sake of increase in the mesh
(2010) studied the laminarturbulent transition for attached quality in these areas. The detailed information about the geo-
and separated ows to shed light on the utter and high cycle metry of the original model is available in Gigue re and Selig
fatigue failure problems in the aircrafts gas turbine engines. Also, (1999). The coordinate system of this work is shown in Fig. 2. The
the effects of different transition onset models were investigated
by Zhang. Moreover, Selvam (2010a, 2010b) comprehensively
addressed building and bridge aerodynamics using DES turbu-
lence model. He investigated the importance of grid indepen-
dence on pressure coefcients using 2D ow around the Great
Belt East Bridge cross section; and the computed results were
compared with wind tunnel measurements. Moreover, for the
Texas Tech University building the velocity vector, mean and peak
pressures are compared.
Following the above investigations about sensitivity analysis
for different parameters, in the current paper the near wall grid
spacing in different cases are investigated. All cases have between
3.6 and 5 million nodes. Menters SST-K-o turbulence model
(Menter, 1993, 1994) is used and different wind speeds are
studied. The runs are done by Ansys-CFX 11 and results are
compared with test results. All the results presented in the Fig. 1. Places of simplications on the blade.
96 M. Moshfeghi et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 107108 (2012) 94105

X axis is parallel to the chord of the airfoil at Z 3.772 m (at which safety factor of about 1.6 is applied to the this value to ensure the
the blade twist angle is zero); the Y axis is longitudinal axis of the satisfaction of the y requirements and to place more nodes
model and the Z axis lies along the blades pitch axis. It is inside the boundary layer. Fig. 5 shows the maximum of y for all
noteworthy to mention here that the blade is linearly tapered
from root (Croot 737 mm) to tip (Ctip 305 mm).

3. Domain size and grid information

The computational domain is composed of two cylindrical sub-

domains; one outer stationary domain with low mesh density and
one inner rotary domain with high mesh density. The whole
domain is shown in Fig. 3(a) and (b). The meshing process is done
by Ansys ICEM 11. The O-grid mesh is used to create the grids and
then the grids are converted to the unstructured form, before they
are imported to CFX. Fig. 4 shows the general conguration of the
mesh around the blade tip section.
For different cases in the present work, different rst node
spacing values are used which result to 7 to 21 nodes inside the
boundary layer (B.L.). Table 1 presents a comparison between
different cases. It should be mentioned here that the calculation
of the boundary layer thickness is done based on at plate
equations which are available in many classical aerodynamic
textbooks. Besides, calculation of the rst grid spacing is done
in different radial positions, r/R, for different wind speeds ranging
from 7 m/s to 15 m/s. Based on the calculations, not shown here,
for each velocity the smallest value of the rst grid spacing always
happens at the tip. Finally, the smallest value of all calculations is
applied for the whole blade. According to calculations, this value
is about 8.3 mm. During the meshing process, in some cases the
Fig. 4. Typical mesh congurations around the tip airfoil.

Table 1
Grid properties of different cases.

ID(a) OD(b) First node Exp. Chord-wise Nodes

nodesn1000 nodesn1000 n1e-6 ratio nodes in B.L

Case 1 3140 986 5 1.26 37 21

Case 2 3480 986 5 1.26 52 21
Case 3 3140 986 8.3 1.33 37 15
Cases 4, 5 2700 986 5 1.26 50 21
Case 6 4080 986 5 1.26 81 21
Case 7 2940 986 24 (n ) 50 7
Case 8 3000 986 5 2.35 50 7
Case 9 2700 986 5 1.5 50 14

ID: Inner Domain.
OD: Outer Domain.
Manual node positioning is used which does not have the expansion ratio
Fig. 2. The coordinate system of the model. option.

Fig. 3. (a) Dimension of the domains [m]. (b) Two sub-domains conguration.
M. Moshfeghi et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 107108 (2012) 94105 97

For the blocks adjacent to the blade leading edge (L.E.) and
trailing edge (T.E.) in the chordwise direction, attention is paid to
the adjacent blocks rst element size to avoid an abrupt change
in the element size. However, at the tip of all cases this matter is
not satised. The reason is the sharp edge.T.E. of the S809, which
causes low mesh quality problems at the tip. Except at the
tip section, the maximum expansion ratio in the axial direction
varies from 2.2 to 3.4 from place to place in different cases.
However, at the tip section the maximum expansion ratio is
between 4.5 and 5.
For the blocks adjacent to the pressure/suction sides (exactly
upstream/downstream of the rotor plane), the number of nodes is
50 and the maximum value of cell size in the axial direction is
about 27 cm. Nevertheless, the number of nodes in far upstream
and downstream of the blades are 20 and 40 respectively; and the
maximum axial distances for these blocks are 100 cm and 200 cm.
Compared to the inner domain, the outer domain has a lower
mesh density. However, still more nodes are placed along the
edges of those surfaces that are in contact with the inner domain.
Longitudinally, there are 20 nodes from the main inlet to the
location of the upstream interface with the inner domain; 80
nodes from the upstream interface to the downstream interface
Fig. 5. Y-plus distribution on the blades surface. and 20 nodes from the downstream interface to the main outlet.
Besides, in the radial direction, 30 nodes are placed from the
center of domain to the location at which the radius is equal to
cases. The values inside the parentheses are percentages of the inner domain radius (15 m), and 15 nodes from the inner
number of nodes with y value smaller than one. As it can be domain radius to outer domain radius (24 m). For the outer
seen in Fig. 5, for all cases, except Case 7, between 79% and 87% of domain, the cell dimensions are in the range of 25n 25n79 to
total nodes on the blade surface have the y value smaller than 57n57n79 cm3. Moreover, the minimum angle and the minimum
one. However, in Case 7 nodes are positioned manually in an mesh quality in all models are 24 degrees and 34%, respectively.
irregular arrangement to create a model with fewer nodes within It is noteworthy that CFX uses a coupled algebraic multi-grid
the B.L. For this case, intentionally, only 24% of the nodes on the technique that delivers fast and reliable convergence that is
blade surface satisfy the condition of y o1. completely scalable with mesh size; one that requires no user
It must be noted here that the grids in Cases 4 and 5 are input or numerical adjustments (Ansys-CFX Homepage).This
exactly the same and the only difference is that Case 5 is used for ability of CFX can compensate for the mesh size differences
the GammaTheta transitional simulation. All these cases between different block in inner and outer domains. However,
together, give us more possible options to investigate the near- for both domains it is tried to make the changes in cell dimen-
wall grid spacing inuences. sions as smoothly as possible, especially for the adjacent blocks.
As explained by Leishman (2006), the near-wake zone is a very
inuential zone for the rotary wings. Therefore, in this paper, the
meshing blocks are designed in such a way to keep the grid 4. Turbulence model, boundary conditions and simulation
density in this near-wake zone as unaffected as possible when the
total number of nodes is changed. This near-wake zone is The basic foundation of the SST-K-o model was rst proposed
considered to expand from one average chord length (0.5 m) by Wilcox (1986) and works by solving a turbulence/frequency-
upstream of the rotor plane to one average chord length (0.5 m) based model. This Wilcox model is known as the original K-o
downstream the rotor plane in the axial direction. One advantage model. However, the SST-K-o uses Wilcox model at the walls, and
of this technique is that because the far-wake zones compared to K-e model away from walls and solves the problem with the
the near-wake zones have larger axial dimensions, the change in freestream turbulence in the latter part. The use of a K-o
the number of nodes is less inuential for the mesh density on the formulation in the inner parts of the boundary layer makes the
whole domain. model directly usable all the way down to the wall through the
In the present study there exist 49 nodes along the blade span viscous sublayer. When the SST-K-o switches to the K-e model in
in all cases. It means that the average distance between the nodes the freestream, it avoids the common Ko problem that the
in the spanwise direction is about 11.5 cm (0.021nblade radius). model is too sensitive to the inlet freestream turbulence proper-
However, the spanwise grid density is higher (by a factor of 1.2) at ties (Menter, 1994). Moreover, a blending factor ensures a smooth
the locations near root and tip which are expected to have more transition between the two models. It is generally believed that
complex streamlines. These higher density positions are as long the SST-K-o results in relatively good solutions for the ow with a
as 10% of blade radius. Further along the Z axis, from the blade tip large area of separation. Another advantage of this turbulence
to the circular surface of the inner domain number of nodes is 20. model is a new capability for solving CFD problems by using the
The other diameter of the inner domain which is perpendicular to transitional GammaTheta option to obtain even better results
the blades pitch axis contains 63 nodes. The above node arrange- (Srensen, 2008; Langtry and Menter, 2005; Langtry et al., 2006).
ments lead to the maximum aspect ratios nearly 13800 and 4100 For general understanding of turbulence models in CFD, Wilcoxs
for Cases 3 and 7, respectively. For other cases the maximum (2006) book provides appropriate classical information about
aspect ratio values are about 23800. Although for many CFD codes different turbulence models.
the convergence of results is very sensitive to aspect ratio values, In this paper, all nine cases are solved at wind speeds of 4.5 m/s,
however, CFX solver is designed to be robust and insensitive to 6.3 m/s, 10.3 m/s, 15.2 m/s. Case 3 is solved for more wind speeds
the aspect ratio values (Ansys-CFX Homepage). between 4.5 m/s to 15.2 m/s. According to Jonkman (2003),
98 M. Moshfeghi et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 107108 (2012) 94105

velocity of 4.5 m/s is less than the cut-in speed of NREL test; mean value for the last 200 iterations. The acceptable value for
however, in this paper it is investigated just as an aerodynamic this criterion is chosen to be less than 1.5%.
case for ow pattern.
For all cases, the inner domain is assumed to rotate at a speed
of 72 rpm, and the outer domain is taken as a stationary domain. 5. Results and discussions
Air temperature is assumed to be at 25 1C with the density of
1.185 kg/m3. Inlet boundary condition is uniform axial velocity The results of eight cases with the SST-K-o turbulence model
with medium turbulence intensity of 5%. Turbulence intensity can and one case with the GammaTheta transitional model are
be selected as a predened option in CFX-Pre software. This presented and compared with each other. All the results are
option is recommended by CFX manual for the situations that calculated by Ansys CFX-11. The thrust force values, ow patterns
the exact information for turbulence is not known at inlet. With and pressure coefcients are investigated here. Wherever useful,
this option, the software automatically calculates the specic interpretations from other parts are mentioned.
turbulence dissipation rate (o) by using the following equation:
5.1. Thrust forces of the blade
o 1
n:mT =m First, the thrust forces of all cases are shown in Fig. 6. As it is
shown, all cases follow the same trend. For all of them, the
predicted values at bothVN4.5 m/s andVN15.2 m/s are
higher than experimental values. The reason for the difference
k is the turbulence kinetic energy.
at low velocities is not clear for the authors; they might be
n is the kinematic viscosity.
interpreted as the effects of laminar ow. This matter also might
mT/m is the eddy viscosity ratio (default value 10).
be related to the problematic numerical solutions when the wind
velocity is 4.5 m/s, as explained in Section 4. On the other hand,
Thus, for different wind speeds the values of k and o are the deviation of all models at higher velocities can be interpreted
presented in Table 2. as the natural inability of the SST-K-o model for prediction of
Other boundary conditions are no-slip wall at the blade surface separation point in highly separated ows (Hansen and Johansen,
and constant pressure of 1 atm at outlet. Moreover, the outer 2004; Hartwanger and Horvat, 2008). Also as it shown later in this
circular surface of the outer domain is considered as a free-slip paper, the number of nodes in the chordwise and spanwise
wall. To prevent numerical problem of ow in the reverse direction directions are important.
at the outlet, some preliminary runs (not shown here) were done In Fig. 6, Case 8 is an exception and shows an abnormal result
beforehand to nd an appropriate length for the domain. Also, for at VN 10.3 m/s. However, at VN15.2 m/s the thrust of Case
the proper domain radius some other preliminary runs( not shown 8 comes closer to the other eight cases, which is in consistence
here) were carried out and the pressure distribution and 3D with the similarities of streamlines and pressure coefcients at
streamlines in downstream ow were investigated in advance, to this velocity. Also as the streamlines show, a separated ow exists
be unaffected by the outer circular wall of the outer domain. The over the entire suction surface. Moreover, pressure coefcients in
preliminary runs led to the values of approximately 14 and 9 times Fig. 17(b) and (c) and Fig. 18(b) and (c) clearly show that the
the blade radius for the domain length and radius, respectively predicted pressure values on the mid-board and outer-board of
(Fig. 2). the blade are very close.
Due to the velocity values, different time-steps are used for Prior to the simulations, it was predicted that Case 7 would act
different velocities, which are all a fraction of the value of average strangely. However, Case 8 shows inconsistency and amazingly
chord length/ VN. For Cases 7, 8 and 9 at the velocity of 4.5 m/s Case 7 acts in the same trend with other cases.
some numerical divergence occurred repeatedly. The problems
were solved by applying time-steps in the order of 1e  6 and 5.2. Flow patterns and streamlines
using the converged results of other cases as initial values.
Because all of these cases have fewer than 15 nodes within B.L, To achieve a more detailed understanding of the ow on the
this divergence itself can be interpreted as a need for higher suction surface of the blade, the streamlines on the suctions
number of nodes inside the boundary layer for the SST-K-o.
In each case a different number of iterations is used for
achieving a sufcient convergence, varying from 700 to 1600
iterations. The high resolution advection scheme is chosen for the
solver. The convergence criteria are RMS values of P-Mass, U, V
and W momentums to be of the order O(10 e  4) to O(10 e 3).
Based on CFD theory, this range is not sufcient; but for HAWT
cases, a better convergence is reportedly very hard to achieve. For
Cases 7, 8 and 9 however, the RMS values are approximately O(10
e 3). Additionally, in order to assure the convergence, an extra
criterion is to check the variation of thrust value relative to the

Table 2
Values of k and o.

VN (m/s) k o

4.5 0.076 4.91E 02

6.3 0.149 9.63E 02
10.3 0.398 2.57E 03
15.2 0.867 5.61E 03
Fig. 6. Thrust value versus wind speed.
M. Moshfeghi et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 107108 (2012) 94105 99

Fig. 7. (a). Streamline of Case 1 at V 4.5 m/s. (b) Streamline of Case 1 at

Fig. 9. (a) Stream line of Case 3 at V 4.5 m/s. (b) Stream line of Case 3 at
V 6.3 m/s. (c) Streamline of Case 1 at V 10.3 m/s. (d) Streamline of Case 1 at
V 6.3 m/s. (c) Stream line of Case 3 at V 10.3 m/s. (d) Stream line of Case 3 at
V 15.2 m/s.
V 15.2 m/s.

Fig. 10. (a) Stream line of Case 4 at V 4.5 m/s. (b) Stream line of Case 4 at
Fig. 8. (a) Stream line of Case 2 at V 4.5 m/s. (b) Stream line of Case 2 at
V 6.3 m/s. (c) Stream line of Case 4 at V 10.3 m/s. (d) Stream line of Case 4 at
V 6.3 m/s. (c) Stream line of Case 2 at V 10.3 m/s. (d) Stream line of Case 2 at
V 15.2 m/s.
V 15.2 m/s.

surface for different velocities are shown in Figs. 715. For this
part, Case 5 is temporarily omitted while other cases are com-
pared. After comparing the other cases, Cases 4 and 5 are
compared with each other.
At VN 4.5 m/s in Cases 1 to 6 (sub-gures sufxed a in
Fig. 7 to Fig. 12), the major part of the blade surface, except a
small area near the root, is covered with attached ow with no
spanwise velocity component. However, the ow is separated in
some small areas due to the high local angle of attack (AOA). In
Cases 7 and 8 (Fig. 13(a) and Fig. 14(a)), it can be easily seen that
there exist unexpected spanwise limiting streamlines at approxi-
mately the mid-chord location. In Fig. 13(a) ow reversal from the
T.E. to this mid-chord limiting streamline can be seen, while the
streamline in Fig. 14(a) is in a different pattern and a small
separated area can be observed. This early streamline complexity Fig. 11. (a) Stream line of Case 5 at V 4.5 m/s. (b) Stream line of Case 5 at
can be also observed in Fig. 15(a) for Case 9. V 6.3 m/s. (c) Stream line of Case 5 at V 10.3 m/s. (d) Stream line of Case 5 at
V 15.2 m/s.
At VN 6.3 m/s in Cases 1 to 6 (sub-gures sufxed b in
Fig. 7 to Fig. 12), an attached ow is seen from the leading edge to
approximately the mid-chord position. This condition exists for underestimate the amount of attached ow. The above evidence
about 80% to 95% of the span length; out of this radial position to can be interpreted as inability of the SST-K-o for the accurate
the blade tip attached ow covers the whole chord length. For prediction of the separation when the model contains fewer than
Case 9 (Fig. 15(b)) the limiting streamline vanishes at an earlier 15 nodes inside the B.L.
position of about 65% of the blade radius. Regardless of the details For VN10.3 m/s in all cases, three dimensional spanwise
of streamlines, generally at VN6.3 m/s the attached ow exists separated ow becomes dominant on the blade surface. This
over almost 60% of the blade surface. spanwise ow is of great importance for the real value of AOA on
Comparisons between Cases 7 and 8 with Cases 1 to 6 at the blade; and consequently it has serious inuences on the
VN 6.3 m/s, clearly show different ow patterns. Both cases separation point (Carcangiu, 2008). Moreover, in each case there
100 M. Moshfeghi et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 107108 (2012) 94105

Fig. 12. (a) Stream line of Case 6 at V 4.5 m/s. (b) Stream line of Case 6 at
V 6.3 m/s. (c) Stream line of Case 6 at V 10.3 m/s. (d) Stream line of Case 6 at
V 15.2 m/s. Fig. 15. (a) Stream line of Case 9 at V 4.5 m/s. (b) Stream line of Case 9 at
V 6.3 m/s. (c) Stream line of Case 9 at V 10.3 m/s. (d) Stream line of Case 9 at
V 10.3 m/s. (e) Stream line of Case 9 at V 4.5 m/s.

the same expansion ratio, but a different number of nodes in the

chordwise direction nonetheless. At VN 4.5 m/s, Fig. 7(a) shows
that Case 1 (with 37 nodes in chordwise direction) predicts an
early commencement for the spanwise ow from the T.E. near the
root of the blade. For Case 2 (with 52 nodes in the chordwise
direction), the area with the spanwise ow becomes smaller
(Fig. 8(a)); and for Case 6 (with 81 nodes in the chordwise
direction) it almost vanishes in Fig. 12(a). At VN 6.3 m/s, the
spanwise ow turns to a T.E. separation in all three cases.
However, it can be seen that as the number of nodes in chordwise
direction increases, the separation point moves towards T.E. and
the area with separated ow becomes smaller. Therefore, for the
parts with high AOA, the number of nodes in chordwise direction
Fig. 13. (a) Stream line of Case 7 at V 4.5 m/s. (b) Stream line of Case 7 at plays an important role for predicting of the separation point and
V 6.3 m/s. (c) Stream line of Case 7 at V 10.3 m/s. (d) Stream line of Case 7 at
the spanwise ow existence. The latter conclusion is very notice-
V 15.2 m/s.
able for 3D simulations of HAWTs.
In another juxtaposition, Cases 4 and 9 with the same y
distribution and the same number of nodes in chordwise are
studied. However, they have different expansion ratios and
consequently different number of nodes inside the B.L. Fig. 10(a)
and (b) and Fig. 15(a) and (b) show dramatic differences between
the ow patterns at VN 4.5 m/s and VN 6.3 m/s. On the other
hand, at VN 10.3 m/s and VN 15.2 m/s, the ow patterns
become more similar. This can be interpreted as the critical effect
of the number of nodes inside the B.L. when the ow is before or
near the separation. However, after the separation, the inuence
of the number of nodes inside the B.L. diminishes.
All the parameters of node arrangements in Cases 1 and 3 are
the same, except expansion ratio and consequently number of
nodes inside the B.L. It can be seen in Fig.7 and Fig. 9 that except
for VN 4.5 m/s the other sub-gures are very similar. This is in
Fig. 14. (a) Stream line of Case 8 at V 4.5 m/s. (b) Stream line of Case 8 at agreement with the above observations for Cases 4 and 9.
V 6.3 m/s. (c) Stream line of Case 8 at V 10.3 m/s. (d) Stream line of Case 8 at Now, we focus on Case 5 to see the inuence of the transitional
V 15.2 m/s.
model on the ow patterns. As previously mentioned, the nodes in
Cases 4 and 5 are exactly the same; but in Case 5 the GammaTheta
is a very small area of attached ow near to the tip which covers transitional model is used. It can be observed in Fig. 10 and Fig. 11
about 5% of blade surface. Ignoring the small differences between that the transitional model is able to capture some more complex
the streamlines, all the cases act more similarly at this velocity ow patterns, especially at VN 4.5 m/s and VN 6.3 m/s in which
than they act at VN 6.3 m/s. the transition from laminar ow to separated ow is expected.
As the velocity increases to VN 15.2 m/s, the spanwise ow However, at VN 10.3 m/s and VN 15.2 m/s, because the separa-
covers the entire blade surface and all cases ow patterns tion point is very near to the L.E., the patterns look more alike.
become almost similar. The results demonstrate that when the
ow is fully separated, all cases show the same reactions. This is 5.3. Pressure coefcients on the blade
in agreement with the pressure values which are shown in Fig. 18.
In another comparison, Cases 1, 2 and 6 have almost the same In this part, the pressure coefcients at different radial
y distributions, the same number of nodes inside the B.L. and sections are compared. The radial sections are taken with respect
M. Moshfeghi et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 107108 (2012) 94105 101

Fig. 16. (a) Pressure coefcients at VN 6.3 m/s, r/R 30%. (b) Pressure coefcients at VN 6.3 m/s, r/R 63.3%. (c) Pressure coefcients at V 6.3 m/s, r/R 95%.

to the UAE test model at 30% (1.509 m), 63.33% (3.185 m) and 95% pN and VN are the freestream pressure and velocity, respectively.
(4.778 m) of the blades radius. Hereinafter, these locations are
called inner section, mid-section and outer section, respectively.
The pressure values are nondimensionalized based on the relative Figs. 1618 show the pressure distributions of all cases at
velocity at each section; the different radial positions. For the investigation of the results,
they are categorized into 4 groups. Wherever helpful, the follow-
V 2rel r O2 V 21 2 ing supplementary parameters are used to provide detailed
1 pp1
Cp 3 EXP
2 r1 V 2rel DCp is the average of absolute values of differences
where between the CFD results and the test results.
max is the maximum difference between the CFD results

r is the radial distance of the section from the axis of rotation and the test results along the chord.
max is the maximum difference between the CFD results
(in Z direction);
O is the rotational speed of the blade (O 72 rpm); along the chord.
DCp CFD is the average of maximum differences between the
V rel is the relative wind at the section; max
p is the local pressure; CFD results along the chord.
102 M. Moshfeghi et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 107108 (2012) 94105

Fig. 17. (a) Pressure coefcients at VN 10.3 m/s, r/R 30%. (b) Pressure coefcients at VN 10.3 m/s, r/R 63.3%. (c) Pressure coefcients at VN 10.3 m/s, r/R 95%.

5.3.1. Group A: Cases 1, 2, 4 and 6 EXP CFD

All the meshing properties of this group lie in the typical range DCp 0:12, DCpEXP CFD
max 0:31, DCp max 0:12and DCpmax 0:2.
of the moderate density models. Cases 1, 2, 4 and 6 have 21 nodes The reasons for the improvements can be explained as follows;
inside the B.L., which is theoretically sufcient. However, they with the increase in radial distance, the ow in the spanwise
have different number of nodes in the chordwise direction. direction becomes weaker. In addition, based on the blade element
For VN 6.3 m/s at all radial positions (Fig. 16(a)(c)), the results momentum theory (BEM), as the radial distance increases the
follow the same trend as the experimental data. Agreement between blades local AOA decreases. The above reasons cause a 2D-like ow
the different cases improves with the increase in the radial distance. at the outer section and consequently an improved agreement
Moreover, at the mid-section and the outer section, the CFD results between the results is achieved.
become closer to the test results. At the inner section, the average of For VN 10.3 m/s at r/R30% (Fig. 17(a)), from the L.E. to x/c 0.6
the differences between the CFD results and the test results is the CFD results are very different from each other (DCpCFDmax 0:96,
DCp 0:37 and the maximum deviation of the CFD results from DCp max 0:41) and far from the test results (DCp 1:0,
the test results is DCpEXP
max 0:65. Also, the average of maximum DCpEXP
max 2:2). The reason is that because of the high AOA at the
CFD inboard section, an intense spanwise ow and consequently a
differences between CFD results is DCp max 0:13 and the maximum
complex 3D separation exists. Owing to these phenomena, all cases
difference between CFD results isDCpCFD
max 0:2. At the mid-section,
fail to accurately predict the separation point. For solving this
these values become DCp 0:13, DCpEXP
max 0:4, DCp max 0:16 problem, the mesh density must be higher in the real direction of
and DCpmax 0:23; and at the outer section they change to the ow (i.e., in both spanwise and chordwise directions). However,
M. Moshfeghi et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 107108 (2012) 94105 103

Fig. 18. (a) Pressure coefcients at VN 15.2 m/s, r/R 30%. (b) Pressure coefcients at VN 15.2 m/s, r/R 63.3%. (c) Pressure coefcients at VN 15.2 m/s, r/R 95%.

from x/c0.6 to the T.E. the results become closer (DCpCFD

max 0:15,
The misprediction of the separation point also can be seen at
CFD EXP VN 15.2 m/s in Fig. 18(a-c). However, because of the separation on
DCp max 0:1, DCp 0:12 and DCpEXP
0:18). This inability in
the whole airfoil, the CFD results are close to each other. For
prediction of the separation point and the pressure distribution
Fig. 18(a) the maximum and the average differences of the pressure
around it also can be seen in Fig. 17(b) in which the maximum EXP
difference between the test results and CFD results occur at x/c0.01 coefcients become DCpEXP
max 0:5, DCp 0:19, DCpCFD
max 0:36
max 2:3). Immediately after x/c0.01 the CFD results become and DCp max 0:24. With the increase in radial position, in
very close to each other, (DCp max
0:01) and keep the same Fig. 18(b) these values change to DCpEXP
max 0:37, DCp 0:18,
deviation range along the whole chord length. Later in the location CFD
max 0:05 and DCp max
0:03. Also at the outer section, the
of x/c0.4, the difference between the CFD results and the test
effects of misprediction of the separation point negatively affect the
values decreases to zero. However, from x/c0.4 to of x/c0.5, EXP
DCpEXP overall accuracy (DCpEXP
max 2:0,DCp 0:4, DCpCFD
max 0:1 and
max increases to 0.3 and remains constant to the T.E. Similar to
Fig. 17(b), in Fig. 17(c) the separation point is very close to the L.E.; DCp max 0:04).
but unlike Fig. 17(b), after x/c 0.01 the CFD results become different
from each other and from the test results. The maximum and the The above conclusions can be summarized as: (1) All the
average differences of pressure coefcients become DCpEXP results show the same trend and grid independence is not
max 0:4,
EXP CFD achieved. (2) The SST-K-o seriously lacks the ability for prediction
DCp 0:22, DCpCFD
max 0:32 and DCp max 0:17. of the separation point, especially in the presence of a strong
104 M. Moshfeghi et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 107108 (2012) 94105

spanwise ow. (3) In addition to the chordwise direction, atten- 6. Conclusions

tion must be paid to the number of nodes in the spanwise
direction, especially for the inboard part of a HAWT blade. 6.1. Inuential factors for the SST-K-o
(4) In the attached ow region without the spanwise ow, the
maximum difference of 20% between the CFD results and test All the models in the current work have fewer than 5 million
results must be expected. (5) Inside the separated area, the nodes and are solved with a desktop computer with 8 GB RAM
SST-K-o becomes insensitive to the number of nodes in the and 4n2.4 GHz CPU. The time needed for each CFD run is about
chordwise, but the deviation of results from the test results must 3 day. It is concluded that for a moderate density case, the level of
be considered. accuracy sensitively depends on the following factors; the loca-
tion of separation point, the number of nodes inside the boundary
layer, the number of nodes in the chordwise and the spanwise
5.3.2. Group B: Cases 4, 7, 8 and 9 directions and the rst grid spacing. The results of this paper
In this part the study of the effects of number of the nodes show that for the grid independence in the chordwise directions,
inside the B.L. is presented. In Sections 5.2 and 5.3.1 it is shown still more nodes must be placed along the chord. The similar
that Case 4 can be considered as a typical case for the moderate conclusion is valid for the spanwise direction.
mesh density. However in Case 9, the number of nodes inside the Generally, the results show that the SST-K-o mispredicts the
B.L. is reduced by increasing the expansion ratio while other separation point, especially when the separation point is not near
meshing parameters are kept constant. On the other hand, Cases the L.E. For this situation the differences between the results of
7 and 8 only have seven nodes in the B.L. In a general sense, different cases and also the deviations of the results from the test
Fig. 16 and Fig. 17 show the abnormal behavior of Cases 7 and results are noticeable. However, behind the separation point the
8 when the ow is partly attached or separated. However, for the results become closer to each other and to the test results. In
fully separated ow (Fig. 18), Cases 7 and 8 act more similarly as addition, for many cases it is observed that the SST-K-o over
Cases 4 and 9. predicts the separation. Also, the results show that in the
presence of the spanwise ow, the number of nodes in both the
spanwise direction and the chordwise direction become an
5.3.3. Group C: Cases 1 and 3 important factor.
These cases are compared here for the investigation of the effects Another very signicant factor is the number of nodes inside
of the rst grid positioning. For Cases 1 and 3, the y value and the the boundary layer. For a safe analysis, between 15 and 20 nodes
number of nodes inside the B.L. are in their acceptable ranges. Based are required inside the boundary layer. The results of cases with
on this fact, the results of both cases show similar values; however, fewer than 15 nodes inside the boundary layer are seriously
they are slightly different at the inner section. In addition, near the inaccurate, especially near the separation point. However, amaz-
separation point the differences between their values increase. ingly the results in fully separated zones are insensitive to the
For different wind speeds at the inner section, the values of number of nodes in the B.L. Moreover, for the cases with fewer
DCpCFD than 15 nodes inside their B.L., the CFD models have convergence
max lie between 0.2 and 0.5. However, for the mid-section and
outer section the level of accuracy increases and DCpCFD max varies
According to the geometry of the blade, the average chord
from 0.02 to 0.07. Consequently, the average of differences
length of the blade is approximately 500 mm. In addition, Case
between two models behind the separation point decreases from
4 with 50 nodes in the chordwise direction shows a normal
DCp max 0:14 for the inner section to DCp max 0:03 for the outer behavior. Thus one can conclude that the 100 nodes/m can be an
section. acceptable value for this class of node number.
Also as this work shows, using the transitional GammaTheta
model signicantly improves the quality of the results, especially
5.3.4. Group D: Cases 4 and 5 when the separation point is located away from L.E., where the
Here Cases 4 and 5 (with the same mesh) are compared to transition form the laminar ow to the turbulent ow becomes
investigate the level of effectiveness of the GammaTheta transi- important.
tional model. As mentioned earlier, the misprediction of the
separation point is the weakness of the SST-K-o. To solve this
problem, the GammaTheta model is developed and enables the 6.2. Blade aerodynamics
solver to predict the transitional phenomenon from laminar to
turbulent ow. Moreover, the GammaTheta option enables the The results of this paper lead us to a general understanding
prediction of reattachment phenomenon. about the wind turbine blade aerodynamics. In the BEM theory
For VN 6.3 m/s at the inner section the results of Case 5 are the only effect of the AOA is considered to be triggering the
closer to the test results. For Case 4 the values of deviations are separation. However, one factor that is ignored in BEM is the
EXP spanwise ow which is caused by the changes in AOA values
max 0:6 andDCp 0:38; however, in Case 5 they are
EXP along the blade. As the results show, at the inner part and even
reduced to DCpEXP
0:25 and DCp
max 0:16. the mid-part of the blade, this spanwise ow is very observable.
At VN 10.3 m/s for the inner section, in Case 4 the above Actually, in the inner part, the spanwise ow changes the nature
values become DCpEXP
max 2:16 and DCp 0:6. But in Case 5, of the ow from a 2D-like axial ow to a complex 3D ow.
these values are signicantly decreased toDCpEXP However, in the mid-part with the decrease in AOA, the spanwise
max 1:05 and
EXP ow becomes weaker. Further away from the blade root, the AOA
DCp 0:4. in the outer part is usually very small and the spanwise ow is
For VN 15.2 m/s at the inner section, because of some not very important. Thus, an area with 2D attached ow can be
unknown reasons the results of Case 5 become less accurate than observed at the outer part, even at high velocities. Nevertheless,
the results of Case 4. For Case 4 the values of DCpEXP
max and DCp as the velocity increases, this area also becomes affected by the
are 0.55 and 0.26; however, for Case 5 they become 1.02 and 0.42, separation and the whole blade stalls. The above discussions seem
respectively. to be valid in all conventional HAWTs.
M. Moshfeghi et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 107108 (2012) 94105 105

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