Fixture Reports

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Baltic Exchange Daily Fixture Repo rt

Date: 20 April 20 17

BDI 124 3 -35 BCI 19 9 1 -139 Last published BDTI 819 +5

BPI 1553 -59 BSI 89 9 -1 Last published BCTI 643 +5
BHSI 572 +4

'Jupiter N' Co belfret relet 20 11 9 30 9 9 dwt dely retro Santander 14 Apr trip via USEC redel Skaw-Gibraltar $14 ,0 0 0 daily -
No rden
'Sfakia Wave' 20 11 8734 0 dwt dely retro Bayuquan 14 Apr trip via EC Australia redel Singapo re-Japan $12,10 0 daily - MOL
'Martine' 20 0 9 86 80 0 dwt dely Hazira 27/30 Apr trip via So uth Africa redel India $14 ,0 0 0 daily - cnr
'KM To kyo ' 20 10 834 83 dwt dely Ho ng Ko ng 29 /30 Apr trip via EC Australia redel Japan $12,50 0 daily - Daiichi
'Astraea SB' 20 0 9 82553 dwt dely Mississippi River 27 Apr/0 3 May trip redel Singapo re-Japan intentio n grain $16 ,0 0 0 daily +
$6 0 0 ,0 0 0 bb - K-Line
'To mahawk' 20 17 820 56 dwt dely Santo s 27/30 Apr trip redel Singapo re-Japan $14 ,0 0 0 daily + $6 75,0 0 0 bb - Ausca
Shipping - <recent>
'Ranhil' Cargill relet 20 15 816 0 0 dwt dely Cai Lan 23/26 Apr trip via Indo nesia redel India $12,0 0 0 daily - Oldendo rff
'Grizzly' 20 13 8139 5 dwt dely Ho ng Ko ng spo t trip via Richards Bay redel Malaysia $13,0 0 0 daily - K-Line
'FH Ri Zhao ' 20 15 79 4 89 dwt dely EC So uth America 0 1/10 May trip redel Singapo re-Japan $12,50 0 daily + $6 50 ,0 0 0 bb -
Chinese charterer
'Guo Yuan 8' 20 11 759 71 dwt dely Singapo re 25/30 Apr trip via EC So uth America redel Singapo re-Japan $12,50 0 daily - BG
Shipping - <adds charterer's name to repo rt o f 19 /4 >
'JS Sanaga' 20 13 6 350 0 dwt dely Tutico rin pro mpt trip via Kandla redel China intentio n salt $9 ,0 0 0 daily - cnr
'Hai Yang Zhi Hua' 20 11 56 6 0 3 dwt dely Guangzho u pro mpt trip via Philippines redel China intentio n nickle o re $10 ,0 0 0 daily
- cnr
'Initiato r D' 20 0 7 56 0 17 dwt dely Canakkale pro mpt trip redel Mediterranean $11,50 0 daily - Lo uis Dreyfus - <last week>
'Tianjin Venture' 20 0 9 536 0 0 dwt dely Lianyungang pro mpt trip via Philipines redel China intentio n nickle o re $8,50 0 daily -
'Marine Stars' 20 0 6 5356 5 dwt dely Kandla 20 /22 Apr trip via PG redel WC India $9 ,0 0 0 daily - No rvic
'Asia Zirco n II' 20 0 8 534 14 dwt dely Canakkale pro mpt trip abt 4 0 -4 5 days redel PG $15,0 0 0 daily - cnr
'Chang Hua ' 20 12 5289 1 dwt dely Haldia 24 /29 Apr trip via Indo nesia redel WC India-PG appro x. $7,0 0 0 daily - cnr
'Star Epsilo n' 20 0 1 524 0 2 dwt dely Iskenderun pro mpt trip redel West Africa $13,0 0 0 daily - No rden
'To ng Ji Men' 19 9 5 4 6 6 35 dwt dely CJK spo t trip via CIS redel China appro x. $7,0 0 0 daily - cnr
'Interlink Veracity' 20 16 3876 3 dwt dely Praia Mo le pro mpt trip redel WC So uth America $18,50 0 daily - Co naval - <recent>
'Aristo River' 20 0 5 33532 dwt dely EC So uth America pro mpt trip redel Skaw-Gibraltar $15,50 0 daily - cnr
'Lo yalty' 20 11 30 0 0 0 dwt dely Baltic pro mpt trip redel West Africa $10 ,30 0 daily - No rden

'Panstellar' Phaetho n relet 20 0 3 76 6 0 2 dwt dely Dahej 15 Apr 5/7 mo nths trading redel wo rldwide $13,750 daily - cnr - <fixed
14 /4 >

'Alpha Ho nesty' ECTP relet 20 16 170 0 0 0 /10 Tubarao /Ro tterdam 14 /28 May $6 .75 fio 6 days shinc - TKS
'Pan Advance' Do ng-A relet 20 0 9 170 0 0 0 /10 W Australia/Qingdao 0 7/10 May $6 .20 fio scale/30 0 0 0 shinc - Quadro link
'Mo unt Austin' 20 10 170 0 0 0 /10 Dampier/Qingdao 0 3/0 5 May $6 .15 fio scale/30 0 0 0 shinc - Rio Tinto - <fixed 19 /4 >
'Mo unt Sinai' Pacific Bulk relet 20 0 6 170 0 0 0 /10 Tubarao /Qingdao 10 /15 May $13.9 5 fio scale/30 0 0 0 shinc - Oldendo rff
'Classic Maritime TBN' 14 0 0 0 0 /10 Dalrymple Bay/Ro tterdam 0 1/10 May $10 .9 0 fio 50 0 0 0 shinc/250 0 0 shinc - TKS

These repo rted fixtures are o btained fro m market so urces.

Baltic members with an interest in a specific fixture sho uld co ntact the o wner/charterer invo lved to verify the repo rt and its
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Baltic Exchange Info rmatio n Services Ltd 20 17.

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