NP ppt2013 t1 p1b Catherineblom Report 2

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Find the Graded Summary Report on the last slide.

Rediscovering Rail
Business Travel Reinvented
The Lure of the Rail

Northeast Corridor Rail Advantages:



Airport Experiences

Inconvenient locations
Delayed flights
Lost luggage
Airplane Experiences

Cramped seating
Wasteful disconnectedness
Jarring turbulence
Rediscover Comfort

Pleasant Seating
Spacious & highly adjustable
Lumbar supports, Leg rests
Walk around as you please
Full-service dining facilities
Beautiful, unique scenery
Rediscover Connectivity

Fast, reliable Wi-Fi

Enhanced cellular service
Stay in the loop
Rediscover Convenience

90+% on-time
No security lines
No lost luggage
Center-city arrival
Compare / Contrast

Air Rail
Delay-prone Reliable
Cramped Spacious
Disconnected In touch
Next Time
Take the Train
Catherine Blom
New Perspectives PowerPoint 2013 Tutorial 1: SAM Project 1b
Submission #2
Score is 100 out of 100

1. On Slide 1 (no title), type Rediscovering Rail in the title placeholder and apply a text shadow. 6/6
Enter a slide title.
Apply a text shadow.
2. On Slide 1 (Rediscovering Rail), type Business Travel Reinvented in the subtitle placeholder. Change the 6/6
font size of the subtitle to 32 pt. and apply bold.
Enter a slide subtitle.
Change the font size of text.
Change the font style of text.
3. Add a new Slide 2 using the Two Content layout. Type The Lure of the Rail in the title placeholder. Apply the 6/6
font color Lavender, Accent 6, Darker 25% (10th column, 5th row in the Theme Colors palette) to the title text.
Insert a new slide using a specific slide layout.
Enter a slide title.
Change the font color of text.
4. On Slide 2 (The Lure of the Rail), in the content placeholder on the left, add the following bulleted list items: 6/6

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