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Among the Hidden vocabulary ch.


WORD Pg Part Word used in What I Dictionary Meaning

# of Context think it
spee means
V He laid his hoe down gently
savored 1 and savored one last
moment of feeling the warm
soil beneath his bare feet
skittish 5 Adj Today, skittish, because of
the woods coming down, he
scrambled up faster than
usual, dashing for the door
to the back stairs
Lofty 3 Adj Some trees hung at weird
angles from their former
lofty positions in the sky.

Hulking 10 Adj Luke glanced toward the

hulking television in the
living room

Beckone 11 V Home, where the backyard

d always beckoned, always
safe and protected by the
house and the barn and the
Careened 13 V Now he gave the toy train a
shove, and it careened off
the track.

Shrugge 14 V Luke shrugged. Normally he

d wouldnt want Mark to know
he played with the train
anymore. But today
everything else was so bad
that it didnt matter.
Combine 17 N He know tractors and
s combines, of course, and
had seen his dads bush hog
and manure spreader and
gravity wagons up close, in
the barn.
Beseechi 20 Adv Other looked beseechingly
ngly over her shoulder. Dad
thinks- I mean, its not safe
anymore to have you sit in
Among the Hidden vocabulary ch. 1-5

the kitchen. You can still eat

with us, and talk to us and
all, but youll beover here.
Resolutel 22 Adv Resolutely, Luke stuck his
y fork in the pile of scrambled
eggs on his plate a took a

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