SRS Template For Java Chat App

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Java Chat Application

Report II


Shubham Bindal
Shagun Kumar Sharma
Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................1
1.1 PURPOSE .............................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 SCOPE ..................................................................................................................................................................1
1.3 DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS, AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................ 1
1.4 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................................1
1.5 OVERVIEW ...........................................................................................................................................................2
2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................................................2
2.1 PRODUCT PERSPECTIVE .......................................................................................................................................2
2.2 PRODUCT FUNCTIONS ..........................................................................................................................................2
2.3 USER CHARACTERISTICS .....................................................................................................................................2
2.4 GENERAL CONSTRAINTS ......................................................................................................................................3
2.5 ASSUMPTIONS AND DEPENDENCIES .....................................................................................................................3
3. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................... 3
3.1 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................................. 3
3.1.1 Performance Requirement...........................................................................................................................3
3.1.2 Design Constraint .......................................................................................................................................4
3.1.3 Hardware Requirements .............................................................................................................................4
3.1.4 Software Requirements................................................................................................................................ 5
3.1.5 Other Reqirements ......................................................................................................................................5
3.2 USE CASES ...........................................................................................................................................................5
3.2.1 Use Case #1 ................................................................................................................................................6
3.3 CLASSES DIAGRAMS ........................................................................................................................................7
3.3.1 Class Diagram of Server .............................................................................................................................7
3.3.2 Class Diagram of Client.............................................................................................................................. 8
3.4 NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS .....................................................................................................................9
3.4.1 Availability ..................................................................................................................................................9
3.4.2 Accuracy......................................................................................................................................................9
3.4.3 Reliable .......................................................................................................................................................9
3.4.4 Portability ...................................................................................................................................................9
4. ANALYSIS MODELS ........................................................................................................................................... 10
4.1 SEQUENCE DIAGRAMS ....................................................................................................................................... 10
4. 2DATA FLOW DIAGRAMS (DFD) ......................................................................................................................... 11
Java Chat Application

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This document aim is to define the overall software requirements for Java Chat Application.
Efforts have been made to define the requirement exhaustively and accurately the final software
will be have been only features/functionalities mentioned in this document and assumptions for
any additional functionality/feature should not be made any of the parties involved in
developing/testing/implementing using this product.

1.2 Scope
This project is to create a chat application with a server and clients to enable the clients to chat
with many other clients in the same common chat group.
This project is to simulate the multicast chatting. In the case of multicasting when a
message is sent to a group of clients, then only a single message is sent to the router.
The main purpose of this project is to provide multi chatting functionality through
This project can play an important role in organizational field where employees can
connect together through LAN

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations


User : Who interacts with the application

GUI : Graphical User Interface
SRS : Software Requirement and Specification
DFD : Data Flow Diagram
ERD : Entity Relationship Diagram

1.4 References
This subsection should:
(1) IEEE Software Engineering Standards Committee, IEEE Std 830-1998, IEEE
Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications, October 20, 1998.

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Java Chat Application

1.5 Overview
The remaining section of this SRS document describes the various system requirements,
interfaces, features and functionality in detail. General description of this project is described in
section 2 of this document. Section 3 gives the functional requirement, data requirements,
constraints and assumption made while designing this project. Section 4 is supporting

2. General Description
It is the project for Java Chat Application by which we will provide the facility to chat
multiple user in LAN mode. In this a chat record is maintain by the file, which collect all the
history of chat. It has a two field in which user can select the host ip address and port number.

2.1 Product Perspective

The system to be developed here is a Chat facility. It is a centralized system. It is Client-Server
system with centralized database server. All local clients are connected to the centralized server
via LAN.
There is a two-way communication between different clients and server. This chat
application can be used for group discussion. It allows users to find other logged in users.
No need of Internet connection: Existing system requires Internet connection; whereas
in the proposed system only Intranet connection i.e. only a LAN connection is required.
This system is useful for those who cannot afford to have an Internet connection. For
example: schools, colleges, small companies, etc.
Conference possible on LAN: Usually on LANs connections conferencing is not
possible. The proposed system allows the LAN users to create and participate in
conference. This makes communications possible among number of LAN users

2.2 Product Functions

There is a two-way communication between different clients and server.
This chat application can be used for group discussion.
It allows users to find other logged in users.

2.3 User Characteristics

Educational level:-At least user of the system should be comfortable with English language.
Technical Expertise: - User should be comfortable using general-purpose applications on
the computer system.

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Java Chat Application

2.4 General Constraints

Software constraints:

The software will run in windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 or higher platforms of operating system.

2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies

Assumption and dependencies are as follows:

There should be LAN or internet connection.

Clients should know each other.
There can be multiple clients.

3. Specific Requirements
3.1 Functional Requirements:

3.1.1 Performance requirements:

User Satisfaction: - The web application is can generate the portfolio within a minute; it
reduces the time as compare to making the portfolio from scratch.
Response Time: -The response of all the operation is good. This has been made possible
by careful programming.
Error Handling: - Response to user errors and undesired situations has been taken care
of to ensure that the system operates without halting.
Safety and Robustness: - The system is able to avoid or tackle disastrous action. In other
words, it should be foul proof. The system safeguards against undesired events, without
human intervention.
Portable: - The software should not be architecture specific. It should be easily
transferable to other platforms if needed.
User friendliness: - The system is easy to learn and understand. A native user can also
use the system effectively, without any difficulties.

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Java Chat Application

3.1.2 Design constraint:

There are a number of factors in the clients environment that may restrict the choices of a
designer. Such factors include standards that must be followed, resource limits, operating
environment, reliability and security requirements and policies that may have an impact on the
design of the system. An SRS (Software Requirements Analysis and Specification) should
identify and specify all such constraints.

Standard Compliance: - This specifies the requirements for the standards the system must
follow. The standards may include the report format and accounting properties.

Hardware Limitations: - The software may have to operate on some existing or predetermined
hardware, thus imposing restrictions on the design. Hardware limitations can include the types of
machines to be used, operating system available on the system, languages supported and limits
on primary and secondary storage.

Reliability and Fault Tolerance: - Fault tolerance requirements can place a major constraint on
how the system is to be designed. Fault tolerance requirements often make the system more
complex and expensive. Requirements about system behavior in the face of certain kinds of
faults are specified. Recovery requirements are often an integral part here, detailing what the
system should do I some failure occurs to ensure certain properties. Reliability requirements are
very important for critical applications.

3.1.3 Hardware requirements:

For the hardware requirements, the SRS specifies the logical characteristics of each interface b/w
the software product and the hardware components. It specifies the hardware requirements like
memory restrictions, cache size, the processor, RAM size etc. those are required for the software
to run.

Minimum Hardware Requirements

Processor Pentium III

RAM 128 MB

3.1.4 Software requirements:

Notepad++ is a text editor and source code editor and provides an environment for
developing HTML, jsp, JavaScript many other editing purposes.
Coding done in java so required JDK 1.8 and above for run java programs.
Operating system (such as window 7, 8, XP, Linux etc.).

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Java Chat Application

3.1.5 Other Requirements:

Software should satisfy following requirements as well:-


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Java Chat Application


A use case is a description of a systems behaviour as it responds to a request that
originates from outside of that system (the user).

In other words a use case describes who can do what with the system in question.
The use case technique is used to capture a systems behavioural requirements by
detailing scenario-driven threads through the functional requirements. The use cases
describe the system from the users point of view! A use case is a standard set by, among
other, UML 2.0. It is a non-technical description of the behaviour of the system.

fig. 1 Use-Case Diagram

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Java Chat Application

3.3 Class Diagram

3.3.1 Class Diagram of Server

Fig 2.1 Class Diagram of Server

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Java Chat Application

3.3.2 Class Diagram of Client

Fig 2.2 Class Diagram of Client

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Java Chat Application

3.4 Non-Functional Requirement

3.4.1. Availability
The btrs of the diary (in terms of a program) will be available to the user as soon as he logs in
into his/her btrs.

3.4.2. Accuracy
Certain measures are taken to prevent ambiguity for similar names of btrs for different users.

3.4.3. Reliable
The btrs will remain stored in the HDD.

3.4.4. Portability:
The program is of the size of mere KBs moreover the file generated will be easy to access.

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Java Chat Application

4. Analysis Models
4.1 Sequence Diagrams

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Java Chat Application

4.2 Data Flow Diagrams (DFD)

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