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12/9/2016 Mech/Electrical experiment | Report

Project created on 27.10.2016 18:23.

Report for project Mech/Electrical experiment

Task created on 09.12.2016 10:40.

No due date
Two stage decimation lter
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Task tags: No tags

Experiment result [ Picture2.png ] Uploaded by Hehaoyu Zou on 09.12.2016 10:49.

VI design [ Picture1.png ] Uploaded by Hehaoyu Zou on 09.12.2016 10:47.

* Results discussion Created by Hehaoyu Zou on 09.12.2016 10:52.

Our two-stage decimation lter works well as the tab number is reduced to about 200 for the rst one
and 1000 for the second, which is a ordable to the computer memory, unlike the error message of not
enough memory when we rst tried to nish it in one single step. And by oversampling the signal at a
factor of 100, the noise amplitude shrinks to one hundredth of the raw signal. We think the
combination of oversampling and decimation will greatly assure the quality of our wireless data

* Experiment design Created by Hehaoyu Zou on 09.12.2016 10:46.

12/9/2016 Mech/Electrical experiment | Report

As shown in the gure below, the rst stage is only activated for decimation factor over 16. We leave a
really wide transition region (fstop=1000fpass) to maintain a fair amount of signal before second stage.
Since the task of decimation on this stage is D/8, the passband of the rst stage lter has to be (Fs/2)/D
and thus the band stop band is (Fs/D)/8-(Fs/2)/D. And since this is simulated signal, we can remove the
delay introduced by FIR manually using a VI provided. In the second stage we set a sharp attenuation
(fpass=0.9fstop to completely remove the high frequencies caused by oversampling. The Pass band of
the second stage lter is thus 0.9*(Fs/2)/D and the stop band is(Fs/2)/D. Then again we remove the FIR
delay after low pass ltering. Since down sampling is essentially retaining one point out of every D
points, the delta f widens accordingly by the decimation factor, which is taken care of by multiplying the
dt from get waveform component by D/8 and 8, respectively, and feed into build waveform

* Background of oversampling and decimation Created by Hehaoyu Zou on 09.12.2016 10:45.

Oversampling is the process of sampling a signal with a sampling frequency signi cantly higher than
the Nyquist rate. Oversampling improves resolution, reduces noise and helps avoid aliasing. We will
discuss the relation among oversampling rate, ENOB and signal to noise ratio and decimation
performance. Decimation is a process of reducing the sampling rate. The decimation factor is the ratio
of the input sampling rate to the output sampling rate. It is employed to decrease the sampling rate at
the output of one system to a level that is operable in the next system. In this lab, a two stage
decimator will be used because multistage decimation can signi cantly relieve the computational load.
The decimator will also be combined with low-pass lters to eliminate high-frequency components
introduced by oversampling.

* Intention of experiment Created by Hehaoyu Zou on 09.12.2016 10:44.

Concerning with our wireless communication protocol to be implemented next semester, we are
experimenting with di erent signal modulating techniques to improve our SNR. I happen to come
across a useful technique called two-stage decimation lter in my signal processing lab, which is usually
preceded by an oversampling, another common technique to reduce quantization noise. So we carried
out an experiment with two stage lter in TABVIEW.

12/9/2016 Research material | Report

Project created on 27.10.2016 12:19.

Report for project Research material

Task created on 09.12.2016 10:25.

No due date
Pugh charts
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Task tags: No tags

Pugh Analysis for Wireless Transmission Created by Demi Shen on 09.12.2016 10:43.

1 criteria weightbluetoothir zigbee UWB
2 robustness 10 9 10 10 10
3 readiness of 10 8 5 5 2
4 power consumption 7 8 3 10 9
5 data rate 4 10 2 7 10
6 cost 5 8 5 6 6
7 transmission distance 3 10 5 10 10
8 overall score 336 211 305 283

Pugh chart for temperature sensor type Created by Demi Shen on 09.12.2016 10:39.

1 criteria weightthermistorRTD thermocouple
2 sensitivity 10 10 8 3
3 operating range 3 9 9 9
4 size 7 10 8 10
5 cost 5 9 7 7
6 stability 5 10 5 5
7 response time 9 10 7 5
8 calibration 8 10 2 3
di culty
9 overall score 462 302 256

Pugh chart for needle shape Created by Demi Shen on 09.12.2016 10:36.


12/9/2016 Research material | Report

1 Criteria weightHard Straight Spiral- shaped Hook-shaped

Needle Needle needle
2 Production 4 5 1 3
3 Damage 5 5 1 3
4 Stability 5 2 5 4
5 Accuracy 4 5 2 3
6 Flexibility 2 0 0 0
7 Overall Score 75 42 59

12/9/2016 Research material | Report

Project created on 27.10.2016 12:19.

Report for project Research material

Task created on 09.12.2016 11:31.

No due date
Bluetooth options and analysis
No description

Task tags: No tags

* Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Created by Bicong Li on 09.12.2016 11:34.

Ultra-wideband is a radio technology that consumes very low energy for short-range, high-bandwidth
communications across a wide portion of the radio spectrum. The idea of dividing up the band into
multiple 528-MHz wide channels is conjured up to maximize channel capacity, an indicator of the
theoretical maximum number of bits per second of information that a system can convey. According to
the ShannonHartley theorem, the channel capacity of a properly encoded signal is proportional to the
bandwidth of the channel and the logarithm of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) . Thus, channel capacity
could be optimized by increasing the channel's bandwidth to the maximum value available, or, in a
xed-channel bandwidth, by increasing the signal power exponentially. By virtue of the large
bandwidths inherent in UWB systems, large channel capacities could be achieved, if SNR is right just
su cient, without entangling higher-order modulations that requires a very high SNR. However, one
technical complication is that the receiver signal detector needs to match the transmitted signal in
bandwidth, signal shape and time. A mismatch can cause loss of margin for the UWB radio link.

* Zigbee Created by Bicong Li on 09.12.2016 11:34.

Zigbee is a wireless mesh network standard aimed for short-range, low-power digital radio
communications. Compared with common wireless technologies like Bluetooth, Zigbee provides a low
data transfer rate due to its very low power consumption. Its duty cycles, which refers to the amount of
time the radios are actually on versus o , are thousands of times less than Bluetooth devices. As a
trade-o for this disadvantage, it costs much less and results in much longer battery life. It usually
operates in 2.4 GHz ISM band and is capable of a data rate up to 250 kbps using o set quadrature
phase shift keying(OQPSK). But in the US, Zigbee is assigned to 915MHz band instead and the
modulation scheme is changed to binary phase shift keying(BPSK), cutting down the maximum data
rate from its de ned value to 40kbps. The data is transferred in packets with a maximum size of 128

Besides the three-low features, Zigbee also provides considerable robustness to interference.
Bluetooth 4.0 uses a star bus topology as the network architecture. The system crashes if the master
node fails. By comparison, ZigBee deploys a mesh network which will not su er signi cantly from a
single point of failure. Though ZigBee has been proved to be suitable for data transmission inside
operation rooms, there is a lack of complete design for ZigBee inpatient monitoring. Furthermore, our
single point-to-point design scheme may not entail the mesh network that guarantees the signal

12/9/2016 Research material | Report

* Infrared Communication Created by Bicong Li on 09.12.2016 11:33.

Infrared(IR) communication is a common, easy-to-use and inexpensive wireless communication
technology. It is often employed in short-range communication among computer peripherals and
personal digital assistants. Remote control for television is one most recognized paragon of this
method. Usually, an infrared light-emitting diode emit infrared radiation that is focused by a plastic lens
into a narrow beam. However, any source of heat can be IR emitters. A common modulation scheme
used to distinguish the data-transmitting beam from the ambien IR is called 38kHz modulation. When
triggered, the IR LED blinks at a frequency of 38kHz, a frequency very rarely found in IR spectrum of
natural lights. The receiver, mostly silicon photodiode, pick the signal up and convert the signal into
electric current. The diode responds exclusively to fast pulsing lights, ltering out the slowly changing
ambient interference. The range is limited and usually does not carry further than about 10 meters.

Convenient as IR communication might sound, it has several drawbacks. First, its beam transmission
fashion requires an approximate straight line of sight. Inadventent movement of surgical sta or
equipment might block the path and thus shut down the transmission. Second, the modulation scheme
might involve a whole set of ampli er, band-pass lter, demodulator, integrator and comparator,
signi cantly complicating the schematic design. Third, Intensity Modulation/ Direct Detection(IM/DD),
the only practical technique for indoor IR communication, has a signal-to-noise ratio directly
proportional to received optical power. This implies a low tolerance for path loss and a requirement for
high transmitter power, the latter of which could raise eye satefy concerns.

* Bluetooth Created by Bicong Li on 09.12.2016 11:32.

Bluetooth is a standard wireless communication protocol primarily serving short-distance
communications. Devices need to be within approximately 10 meters of each other, and the typical
data transfer rate is around 2 megabits per second (Mbps). Every device using Bluetooth has a low-cost
transceiver microchip that can both emit and receive signals. In a typical setup, there is a master device,
and one or more other devices serve as slaves. The master device uses link manager software to
identify other Bluetooth devices to connect and exchange data with them .

In our case, the transmission range is long enough to cover the entire space of a typical cardiac
operating suite, which is about 600 square feet. The cost is a ordable. We can easily buy a bluetooth
microcontroller at grocery price. A typical resolution of 10-bits(60dB) and link budget(an accounting of
received power in telecommunication) of 100dB is also good enough for mere DC current or voltage

However, bluetooth is vulnerable to interference. Bluetooth uses short-wavelength UHF radio waves in
the ISM frequency band from 2.4 to 2.485 GHz. This is an unlicensed band reserved for the use of radio
frequency(RF) energy for industrial, scienti c and medical purposes. Medical devices emitting RF can
create substantial electromagnetic interference and thus disrupt Bluetooth communication in the same
band. The threat is especially real in Cox-maze IV procedure, where RF ablation is often employed.

12/9/2016 Weekly report/meeting | Report

Project created on 13.09.2016 13:37.

Report for project Weekly report/meeting

Task created on 15.11.2016 17:10.

No due date
Week 10
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Task tags: No tags

* Budget Proposal Created by Demi Shen on 09.12.2016 11:04.

Our project will mainly composed of three parts, the needle, the thermal sensor, and the wireless

We need a hollowed stainless needle which will allow the thermistor to stay inside. Hollow body
piercing needles can be found on amazon for 20 dollars.

A glass encapsulated thermistor is available from OMEGA for $23, with excellent long-term stability, and
a tolerance of 0.2C from 0 to 70C. Multiple thermistor might be needed during the process, hence,
we are proposing 80 dollars for this part.

Electronics-wise, we need a Bluetooth emitting module and a receiving terminal that enables computer
programming. Since we are aiming for a demonstration model, Arduino is the most convenient and
cost-e ective platform for implementing simple wireless communication. Fortunately, Arduino o ers
Bluetooth modules integrated with analog to digital converters that come at a price less than $30. The
USB-terminal to be plugged onto computer costs less than 20 dollars.

Taking into account some potential costs that could arise from additional trial-and-errors, we are asking
from BME department a total budget of 150 dollars.

* Weekly report 10 Created by Hehaoyu Zou on 09.12.2016 10:35.

This week we are busying with our exams and nal projects so we do not have substantial progress on
the lab material. We focused on sorting the materials up and helping one of our member Fanghong
prepare for her progress report presentation. The bigger picture of our design becomes much clearer
after a thorough organization of our brainstormed choices and corresponding pugh analysis. We also
had the chance of listening to other groups sharing their results and progress.

Their presentation were fantastic and so inspiring. We came across one group who is also devising a
wireless product except they are doing a mobile app while we are doing a computer-end software.
Their careful weighing of several wireless communications coincides with ours and we both ended up
nalizing on bluetooth, which further proves that our pugh analysis is on-point and e ective. We also
saw that Michael Shang's group is using Arduino board like us for nal product demonstration. One
advantage that we did observe for our projects is that our budget is about one fth of most of the rest.
A well-controlled budget means that our product is cost-e ective and economical thus promising. But

12/9/2016 Weekly report/meeting | Report

that reminded us of a reassessment of our potential cost. We came to realize that probably we need
more thermistors from di erent product lines to compare with and same for wireless module. Thus we
are thinking about raising our budget application from 150 dollars to 250 dollars.


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