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Name: Montana Anderson

Valentines Day

Title of Activity/ Lesson: I love...

Curriculum Area: Language Arts, 4-5 years old/ Preschool

Goal of activity/Lesson: The main goal for the children to be able to write
their own name on their loved ones names.

Benefits of Activity/Lesson:
P- using fine motor skills to cut paper
I understand the meaning of loved ones and their importance in the childs
E/S learning about emotions (love)

Description of Activity/Lesson (Sub Notes): I would have red paper

folded in half hot dog style and ask the children to cut four evenly cuts
vertically. I would ask the children to write their name on the back, next on
the front I would ask the children to think about important people in their life
that they love, I would describe to the children that love is a feeling of
happiness. Once the children have thought up of four special people in their
life I will ask them to draw a small picture of that person and below it write
the persons name. If the children need help with the spelling I would help, of

Materials List:
Red paper
Colored pencils

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