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Foodborne Disease Significance of

Escherichia coli O157:H7
and Other Enterohemorrhagic E. coli
This Scientific

Status Summary

addresses the

virulence and
T he unusually virulent enterohemor-
rhagic strains of Escherichia coli, includ-
ing the O157:H7 serotype, have prompted food
microbiologists to rewrite the rule book on food
hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) contained a
substance that was toxic to Vero (African green
monkey kidney) tissue culture cells. This vero-
cytotoxin was produced by E. coli isolates, with
O157:H7 the prominent serotype causing infec-
disease tion.
safety. These pathogens are more significant
characteristics of than other well-recognized foodborne patho- Enterohemorrhagic E. coli
gens for reasons including the severe conse- and Foodborne Illness
EHEC, their E. coli has been used since 1890 as a non-
quences of infection that affect all age groups,
pathogenic indicator of enteric pathogens, such as
reservoirs and their low infectious dose, their unusual acid Salmonella. However, as knowledge of enteric dis-
tolerance, and their apparent special but eases increased, investigators began isolating
sources, survival strains of E. coli that had acquired virulence char-
inexplicable association with ruminants that are acteristics causing pathogenicity to humans or an-
and growth, and used for food. imals. Six classes of diarrheagenic E. coli are recog-
New safety recommendations for destroying nized: enterohemorrhagic (EHEC), enterotoxigen-
disease prevention enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) include cook- ic (ETEC), enteroinvasive (EIEC), enteroaggrega-
ing hamburgers thoroughly, incorporating a pro- tive (EaggEC), enteropathogenic (EPEC), and dif-
strategies cedure that kills EHEC in the manufacture of raw fusely adherent (DAEC).
fermented sausage, such as salami, and pasteuriz- Definition of EHEC. EHEC are loosely de-
ing or using an equivalent processing method for fined by a combination of the symptoms they
ROBERT L. produce and the virulence factors they possess
apple cider. Public health problems with EHEC
BUCHANAN AND (Neill et al., 1994). The disease-defining symptom
are being recognized throughout the world. The
MICHAEL P. DOYLE need for consumer education on the safe handling of EHEC is hemorrhagic colitis (HC), i.e., bloody
of foods has never been more acute. diarrhea. Not all EHEC infections, however, pro-
Author Buchanan, a Professional duce overt blood in the stools. While E. coli
Member of IFT, is Research Mi- O157:H7 infections have a high rate of bloody
crobiologist, Food Safety Re- Historical Perspective stools, this may not be the case for other EHEC
search Unit, U.S. Dept. of Agri- E. coli O157:H7 (designated by its somatic, O, strains.
culture, Agricultural Research and flagellar, H, antigens) was first recognized as a All EHEC strains produce Shiga toxin 1 (Stx1)
Service, 600 E. Mermaid Ln., human pathogen following two hemorrhagic coli- and/or Shiga toxin 2 (Stx2), also referred to as
Wyndmoor, PA 19038. Author
tis outbreaks in 1982 (Riley et al., 1983). The first verotoxin 1 (VT1) and verotoxin 2 (VT2). The
outbreak, with 26 cases of which 19 were hospital- ability to produce Shiga toxin was acquired from a
Doyle, a Professional Member of
ized, occurred in Oregon, and the second, with 21 bacteriophage, presumably directly or indirectly
IFT, is Director of the Center for
cases and 14 hospitalizations, followed three from Shigella.
Food Safety and Quality En-
months later in Michigan. Undercooked ham- The toxin is a 70,000 dalton protein composed
hancement, University of Geor- burgers from the same fast food restaurant chain of a single A subunit (32 kDal) and five B subunits
gia, Georgia Station, Griffin, GA were identified as the vehicle, and E. coli O157:H7 (7.7 kDal). The B subunits provide tissue specific-
30223-1797 and Head of the was isolated from patients and a frozen ground ity by binding to globotriaosylceramide (Gb3) re-
Dept. of Food Science and beef patty. ceptors on the surface of eucaryotic cells. The A
Technology, University of Geor- Shortly after E. coli O157:H7 was determined subunit has an N-glycosidase that inactivates the
gia, Athens, GA 30602. to be a human pathogen, Karmali et al. (1983) ob- 28S ribosome, thus blocking protein synthesis.
served that stool samples from children with Endothelial cells high in Gb3 receptors are the pri-



E. coli

mary target, accounting for the toxins lead to early development of chronic al., 1988).
affinity for the colon and the renal glom- kidney failure. Insulin-dependent dia- Foods Implicated in EHEC Out-
eruli, associated with HC and HUS, re- betes may also persist in HUS patients. breaks. Ground beef has been the food
spectively. The toxin can also indirectly A small number of HUS cases may re- most often associated with outbreaks in
damage cells by releasing cytokines, such cur (Siegler et al., 1993). the United States (Griffin and Tauxe,
as tumor necrosis factor. A second complication associated 1991). Large outbreaks include the
Toxin alone, however, is not suffi- with E. coli O157:H7 is thrombotic 199293 outbreak that affected more
cient to make E. coli pathogenic; appar- thrombocytopenic pur-
ently nonpathogenic, stx-positive isolates pura. This condition
are isolated frequently from humans. To resembles HUS except
be fully pathogenic, EHEC require the that it generally causes
presence of other virulence markers. The less renal damage; has
eae chromosomal gene, for example, is significant neurological
ubiquitous among EHEC strains, encod- involvement, e.g., cen-
ing for an outer membrane protein asso- tral nervous system de-
ciated with attachment. Although its role terioration, seizures,
is unclear, the presence of a plasmid-en- and strokes; and is re-
coded enterohemolysin is characteristic stricted primarily to
of EHEC. adults (Boyce et al.,
Disease Characteristics. Although 1995).
the symptoms of E. coli O157:H7 infec- Serotypes includ-
tions are distinctive, they may be con- ed in EHEC. Since
fused at any single phase with other dis- 1982, E. coli O157:H7
eases or conditions (Tarr, 1995; Fig. 1). has been implicated in
The initial symptoms of HC generally outbreaks worldwide
occur 12 days after eating contaminated and is the primary
food, though longer periods (35 days) cause of HC and HUS
have been reported. Symptoms start with in the United States,
mild, nonbloody diarrhea that may be Canada, Great Britain,
followed by a period of crampy ab- and regions in Europe.
dominal pain and short-lived fever. The The pathogen is likely
initial diarrhea increases in intensity responsible for 8595%
during the next 2448 hr to a 4- to 10- of HUS cases (Griffin,
day phase of overtly bloody diarrhea ac- 1995). This has led to
companied by severe abdominal pain classification of EHEC
and moderate dehydration. largely on the basis of Fig. 1Symptoms and time course of Escher-
Several life-threatening complica- characteristics of sero- ichia coli O157:H7 infection (hemorrhagic colitis)
tions may occur in HC patients; HUS is type O157:H7. Other and its primary complications (hemolytic uremic
the most common. The onset of HUS is EHEC serotypes, how- syndrome, HUS)
approximately a week after the onset of ever, are reported occa-
gastrointestinal symptoms. Characteris- sionally in these regions, and in other than 500 individuals in the western Unit-
tic symptoms are pallor, intravascular geographical areas nonO157:H7 sero- ed States (CDC, 1993). A significant por-
destruction of red blood cells (microan- types predominate. For example, sero- tion of HC infections are sporadic, i.e.,
giopathic hemolytic anemia), depressed types O111:H (H indicates nonmo- not associated with outbreaks. Ground
platelet counts (thrombocytopenia), lack tile) and O157:H are more common beef also has been implicated as a risk
of urine formation (oligo-anuria), swell- in Australia (Goldwater and Bettel- factor in those sporadic infections (Le
ing (edema), and acute renal failure. heim, 1995), and a high incidence of Saux et al., 1993; Pai et al., 1988).
HUS occurs most often in children un- sorbitol-positive (capable of ferment- Dry-cured salami was associated
der the age of 10. Approximately half of ing sorbitol-containing culture medi- with an E. coli O157:H7 outbreak in the
HUS patients require dialysis, and the um) O157:H in central Europe has western United States, demonstrating
mortality rate is 35%. been reported (Bitzan et al., 1993). that low levels of this organism can sur-
Other HUS-associated complications Other serotypes of EHEC strains are vive in acidic, fermented meats and cause
may include seizures, coma, stroke, co- O4:H, O11:H, O26:H11, O45:H2, illness (Tilden et al., 1996). An Austra-
lonic perforation, pancreatitis, and hy- O103:H2, O104:H21, O111:H8, and lian outbreak of HC and HUS resulted
pertension. Approximately 15% of cases O145:H (Beutin et al., 1994; Tzipori et from consumption of contaminated



mettwurst (CDC, 1995). EHEC isolates O157:H7 more frequently than adults cecum, spiral colon, and descending co-
of serotypes O111:H and O157:H (Zhao et al., 1995). lon) being the principal sites of localiza-
were isolated from both patients and Prevalence of fecal excretion varies tion.
product (Paton et al., 1996). E. coli iso- substantially among positive herds Fasting increases the levels of E. coli
lates capable of producing one or more (Hancock et al., 1994; Zhao et al., 1995). O157:H7 shed in the feces of some ani-
Shiga toxins can be isolated readily from Reported incidence among cattle mals, but not in most.
meat, poultry, and seafoods (Samadpour varies widely, in part because of differ- E. coli O157:H7 did not form at-
et al., 1994); however, most do not pos- ences in sensitivity of procedures used taching and effacing lesions and did not
sess the other virulence determinants as- for detecting E. coli O157:H7. colonize mucosal surfaces.
sociated with fully pathogenic EHEC. Results of two major U.S. surveys Oral inoculation of calves and steers
Other foods have been associated indicated that 31 (3.2%) of 965 dairy with 1010 E. coli O157:H7 induced
with EHEC outbreaks worldwide (Table calves (Zhao et al., 1995) and 191 (1.6%) prompt and sustained increases in serum
1). Unpasteurized apple juice and cider of 11,881 feedlot cattle were positive for antibodies to the O157 antigenic lipo-
have received considerable attention due E. coli O157:H7. An additional 0.4% of polysaccharide and to a lesser extent to
to local and multistate outbreaks (Besser feedlot cattle were positive for E. coli Stx1 (Johnson et al., 1996). The serologi-
et al., 1993). A 1980 outbreak of HUS in- O157:H (USDA/APHIS, 1995). cal responses, however, do not correlate
volving fresh apple juice is now suspect- E. coli O157:H7 levels in calf feces with elimination of carriage by cattle or
ed of being caused by EHEC (Steele et range from <102 CFU/g to 105 CFU/g protection of calves against reinfection
al., 1982). Sources are not identified in a (Zhao et al., 1995). by the same strain. The ability of E. coli
substantial portion of EHEC cases, but a Fecal shedding of E. coli O157:H7 O157:H7 to persist in and reinfect cattle
nonspecific association has often been frequently is intermittent and of short that have a strong immune response is
made with the consumption of food in duration, i.e., several likely to contribute to the introduction
restaurants (Waters et al., 1994). This weeks to months and persistence of
may be attributed in part to secondary (Brown et al., 1997; infection in herds.
person-to-person (Griffin and Tauxe, Cray and Moon, Table 1 Foods or food han- Deer. Recent
1991) or animal-to-person (Wilson et 1995). dling practices implicated or E. coli O157:H7
al., 1996) spread of EHEC. For example, Strains of E. coli investigations
suspected of being associated
E. coli O157:H7 is similar to Shigella in O157:H7 with indis- have established
its association with day-care centers, tinguishable pulsed
with Escherichia coli O157:H7 that deer are a
which are often foci for infections (Be- field gel electro- outbreaks source of the
longia et al., 1993). The largest reported phoresis (PFGE) ge- pathogen and that
E. coli O157:H7 outbreak, which caused nomic DNA profiles Undercooked ground beef transmission of
thousands of illnesses, occurred in Japan can be isolated from Raw milk the pathogen may
in 1996. This outbreak and a second one calves in different occur between
Unpasteurized apple juice/cider
a year later were associated with radish states or farms deer and cattle
sprouts. Alfalfa sprouts were also impli- (Faith et al., 1996; Dry cured salami (Keene et al.,
cated in a recent outbreak in the U.S. Meng et al., 1995). Lettuce 1997; Rice et al.,
The infectious dose (22,000 cells) More than one Produce from manure-fertilized garden 1995). For exam-
associated with foodborne E. coli strain of E. coli ple, in a recent
Handling potatoes
O157:H7 outbreaks has been consistent- O157:H7 can be iso- outbreak involv-
ly lowa characteristic associated with lated from feces of Radish sprouts, alfalfa sprouts ing contaminated
the organisms acid tolerance. It has been the same animal or Yogurt venison jerky, E.
suggested that outbreakassociated different animals Sandwiches coli O157:H7 with
strains of E. coli O157:H7 may have en- within the same herd the same distinc-
hanced acid tolerance (Buchanan and (Faith et al., 1996; tive PFGE profile
Edelson, 1996). The inability of E. coli Meng et al., 1995). were isolated
O157:H7 to ferment sorbitol, however, is Calves have been from the human
not associated with its virulence (Frata- experimentally infected with E. coli cases, leftover jerky, uncooked meat from
mico et al., 1993). O157:H7 (Brown et al., 1997; Cray and the same deer, a saw used to cut up the
Moon, 1995); results revealed that: carcass, and fragments of the deer hide.
Reservoirs and Sources of E. coli O157:H7 is not pathogenic to Deer and cattle fecal samples obtained
E. coli O157:H7 calves; inoculation with 1010 CFU did from a ranch in Texas had the same Shi-
Several reservoirs and sources of E. not induce significant clinical disease. ga toxin-producing E. coli O157:H7 iso-
coli O157:H7 have been identified: The numbers of E. coli O157:H7 late (Rice et al., 1995).
Cattle. The association of E. coli shed in feces decreased dramatically dur- Sheep. Sheep have also been identi-
O157:H7 with undercooked ground beef ing the first 14 days postinoculation fied as a reservoir of E. coli O157:H7
and raw milk led to investigations of the (e.g., from 104 to 106 CFU/g after 48 hr (Kudva et al., 1996). A six-month study
role of cattle as a reservoir of the patho- to 5102 CFU/g at 14 days). of healthy ewes revealed that fecal shed-
gen. Several surveys of fecal shedding of E. coli O157:H7 is confined to the ding of the pathogen was transient and
E. coli O157:H7 produced the following gastrointestinal tract, with the forestom- seasonal, with 31% of sheep positive in
general observations: achs (rumen, omasum, and reticulum) June, 5.7% positive in August, and none
Young animals tend to carry E. coli and distal sites (distal ileum, proximal in November. The sheep showed no signs



E. coli

of disease throughout the study. Animals umdependent; all strains grew in BHI EHEC strains can have a high degree
perorally administered 109 E. coli (brain heart infusion) broth at 45C, but of acid tolerance, surviving virtually un-
O157:H7 fecally shed the bacteria for up six of sixteen strains did not grow in EC changed during 2- to 7-hr exposures at
to 92 days. A shedding sheep passed E. broth. pH 2.5 and 37C (Benjamin and Datta,
coli O157:H7 to a non-dosed pen mate. The minimum growth temperature 1995; Buchanan and Edelson, 1996).
Diet influenced fecal shedding of E. coli for E. coli O157:H7 under otherwise Acid-sensitive EHEC strains, however,
O157:H7; sheep apparently negative for optimal conditions is approximately have also been identified. Conversely,
E. coli O157:H7 began to shed the bacte- 810C (Buchanan and Bagi, 1994; Raj- acid-tolerant, non-enterohemorrhagic
ria when the animals were removed from kowski and Marmer, 1995). The effect of strains have also been identified, so this
confinement and their feed was changed temperature on the growth rates of both is not a characteristic unique to patho-
from alfalfa pellets to sage brush and E. coli biotype 1 and EHEC has been de- genic isolates.
bunchgrass (Kudva et al., 1995). termined, and mathematical models Acid tolerance in E. coli is a complex
Water. Drinking and recreational wa- have been developed to describe how phenomenon, both growth phasede-
ters have been vehicles of several out- temperature interacts with pH, water ac- pendent and inducible. E. coli cells in the
breaks of E. coli O157:H7 infection tivity, and sodium nitrite to affect stationary phase of growth are substan-
(Doyle et al., 1997). A large outbreak of growth kinetics (Buchanan and Bagi, tially more acid tolerant than cells in the
243 cases including four deaths was asso- 1994; Gill and Phillips, 1985; Sutherland exponential phase. This increased toler-
ciated with contamination of municipal et al., 1995). ance is associated with expression of
water in Cabool, Mo., from December pH. Growth rates are similar at pH genes regulated by the rpoS sigma factor
1989 to January 1990 (Swerdlow et al., values between 5.5 and 7.5, but decline operon (Cheville et al., 1996; Rowbury,
1992). Two large water mains, broken rapidly at lower pH values (Buchanan 1995; Small et al., 1994). Lin et al. (1996)
because of extreme cold weather, and and Klawitter, 1992). The minimum pH examined three mechanisms of acid re-
new in-ground water meters may have for E. coli growth is 4.04.5 (Buchanan sistance, i.e., oxidative, arginine-depen-
contributed to the outbreak. In 1991, 21 and Bagi, 1994). This is dependent on dent, and glutamate-dependent, and
cases of E. coli O157:H7 infection were the interaction of pH with other growth found that all three contribute to the mi-
traced to swimming at a lakeside park in parameters; for example, additional croorganisms overall acid tolerance.
Portland, Ore. (Keene et al., 1994). Bath- stresses raise the minimum pH for Induction of acid tolerance in E. coli
ers, including many toddlers not yet toi- growth. The type of acid (e.g., organic vs can enhance its survival in acidic foods
let trained, ingested fecally contaminated inorganic) and acid concentration influ- (Cheville et al., 1996; Leyer et al., 1995).
lake water. Water has been suggested as a ence the effect of pH on E. coli growth. An acid tolerant state can persist for ex-
vehicle of transmitting E. coli O157:H7 Abdul-Raouf et al. (1993) reported that tended periods (28 days) if the cells are
among cattle (Faith et al., 1996). in beef slurries, the relative inhibitory ac- stored at refrigeration temperature. The
tivity of organic acids on E. coli O157:H7 induction of acid tolerance can also en-
Factors Affecting was acetic > lactic citric. hance the organisms ability to survive
Survival and Growth When the pH falls below the mini- other stresses. Recent studies have indi-
Like all bacteria, the survival and mum for growth, E. coli O157:H7 popu- cated that induction of acid tolerance
growth of E. coli O157:H7 in foods are lations decline over time. The pathogens also increases the microorganisms resis-
dependent on the interaction of various survival in acidic foods is particularly tance to heating, radiation, and antimi-
intrinsic and extrinsic factors such as important, since several outbreaks have crobials (Rowbury, 1995). E. coli also
temperature, pH, and water activity. been associated with low levels of E. coli possesses an inducible alkali tolerance
Temperature. EHEC strains re- O157:H7 surviving in acidic foods, such response (Rowbury et al., 1996).
spond to temperature in the same man- as fermented sausages, apple cider, and Water Activity. Studies on the effect
ner as non-EHEC strains, with the ex- apple juice. The pathogen has been of water activity on the survival and
ception of isolates of serotype O157:H7. shown experimentally to survive for sev- growth of E. coli O157:H7 focused pri-
E. coli are differentiated from other En- eral weeks to months in a variety of acid- marily on the effect of sodium chloride,
terobacteriaceae (family of Gram-nega- ic foods, including mayonnaise (Zhao though, presumably, E. coli O157:H7 be-
tive, catalase-positive, oxidase-negative, and Doyle, 1994), sausages (Clavero and haves similarly to other E. coli. Buchanan
facultatively anaerobic rods) on the basis Beuchat, 1996), apple cider (Zhao et al., and Bagi (1994) developed a mathemati-
of their ability to grow and produce gas 1993), and Cheddar cheese (Reitsma and cal model for the effects and interactions
in EC (E. coli) broth at 44.5C. Many Henning, 1996). Survival in these foods of NaCl concentration (0.55.0%) with
O157:H7 isolates, however, do not grow is extended greatly when stored at refrig- temperature, pH, and NaNO2 on the
well, if at all, above 44C (Doyle and eration temperature. For example, the growth kinetics of E. coli O157:H7. They
Schoeni, 1984). Palumbo et al. (1995) pathogen survived in apple cider for only compared the effects of mannitol, sorbi-
found that the upper temperature for E. 23 days at 25C, compared to 1031 tol, and sucrose as humectants and con-
coli O157:H7 growth was culture medi- days at 8C (Zhao et al., 1993). cluded that while humectant differences



occur at limiting aW values, differences the desired level of inactivation may be a will be needed for vaccines to be effec-
among humectants were minimal at aW necessary part of the hazard analysis tive.
0.98 (Buchanan and Bagi, 1997). Grow- phase of HACCP implementation. Slaughterhouse. Like other E. coli, it
ing E. coli at elevated levels of NaCl in- HACCP plans that do not include a is assumed that the ultimate source of E.
duces rpoS expression with associated in- step that kills pathogens are more com- coli O157:H7 on carcasses is fecal con-
creases in thermotolerance and H2O2 re- plex, since the focus is on risk reduction tamination during animal production
sistance (Hengge-Aronis et al., 1993). instead of risk elimination. Typically, and slaughter operations. Fecal contami-
E. coli O157:H7 can survive for many there is one or more critical control nation is associated primarily with con-
weeks when desiccated, particularly at points associated with steps that either tamination of the carcass during hide re-
refrigeration temperature (Bagi and reduce the likelihood that the pathogen moval and spreading of contamination
Buchanan, 1993). has gained access to the product or ac- to other carcasses by equipment and
Antimicrobials. E. coli O157:H7 tively reduce (but not eliminate) the lev- workers hands (Dickson and Anderson,
does not appear to have any increased re- els that may be present. 1992).
sistance to antimicrobial food additives. Since such processes cannot assure Traditional trimming procedures can
complete absence of the pathogen, there reduce E. coli O157:H7 levels on areas of
Disease Prevention will also be critical control points associ- the carcass with visible fecal contamina-
E. coli O157:H7 represents unique ated with preventing pathogen growth. tion (Hardin et al., 1995). Various alter-
challenges to preventing foodborne dis- For example, the generic HACCP plan natives to trimming have been investigat-
ease. Its low infectious dose in combina- for beef slaughter and fabrication devel- ed for the removal of enteric pathogens.
tion with the disease severity means that oped by the National Advisory Commit- Recent studies with E. coli O157:H7 sug-
successful prevention strategies must fo- tee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods gest that rinsing of carcass surfaces with
cus on reducing or eliminating the pres- (NACMCF, 1993) included E. coli solutions of organic acids may have lim-
ence of the microorganism, rather than O157:H7 as a hazard. The HACCP plan ited effectiveness. Spray chilling with 1
on preventing pathogen growth, as is listed skinning, post-skinning rinsing/ 2% acetic acid only produced a 1-log cy-
done in more traditional approaches. bactericidal spray, evisceration, final bac- cle (tenfold) reduction of E. coli
This focus is particularly important for tericidal rinse, chilling, and maintenance O157:H7 on lean tissue; a slightly greater
raw products that may not be thorough- of refrigeration as likely critical control effect was observed on fat tissue (Dick-
ly cooked before consumption (e.g., points. In addition to these specific activ- son, 1991). Holding the meat for 24 hr
ground beef) or ready-to-eat products ities associated with slaughter, the com- indicated only a small residual effect on
that do not receive a definitive treatment mittee identified factors associated with lean, but a substantial effect on fat tissue.
that assures elimination of E. coli animal production practices and with Several investigators observed differences
O157:H7 (e.g., fermented sausages, apple the distribution, marketing, and con- in the effectiveness of acid treatments be-
cider). sumption of the final products that tween lean and fat tissue and among dif-
HACCP. The Hazard Analysis and would have to be considered in a farm- ferent portions of the carcasses (Cutter
Critical Control Point (HACCP) system to-table HACCP plan. and Siragusa, 1994; Fratamico et al.,
continues to be the most effective means Farms. An important component 1996; Hardin et al., 1995).
for systematically developing food safety of HACCP application in animal pro- Investigators found that acid rinses
protocols that can reduce the risk of duction is reducing the carriage of E. coli had little effect on eliminating E. coli
EHEC infections. EHEC, however, pose O157:H7 by animals. Two approaches O157:H7 from the surface of beef tissues
some unique problems when developing that have potential are competitive ex- (Brackett et al., 1994; Fratamico et al.,
and implementing HACCP plans. For clusion and vaccination. 1996), possibly due to difficulty in re-
example, the low incidence of E. coli Competitive exclusion involves the moving E. coli O157:H7 from beef sur-
O157:H7 in foods makes direct microbi- use of microbial cultures that out-com- faces previously chilled (Hardin et al.,
ological testing for the pathogen as a pete pathogens from colonizing specific 1995).
means of verifying the effectiveness of a niches. This approach uses defined bac- Preevisceration washing decreased
HACCP program of limited benefit. In terial cultures that can greatly reduce the subsequent attachment of E. coli
such instances, verification based on mi- colonization of Campylobacter jejuni in O157:H7 to beef carcasses (Dickson,
crobiological analysis would have to de- poultry (Schoeni and Doyle, 1992). 1995). Trisodium phosphate has been
pend on the use of an appropriate indi- Vaccination involves exposing an an- evaluated as a sanitizing agent for carcass
cator organism that could provide a imal to an attenuated pathogen or an an- surfaces and equipment. Its overall effec-
measure of how well a process controls tigen of a virulent microorganism to tiveness, due to its high pH, was similar
factors associated with risk of E. coli produce immunity. However, traditional to that achieved with organic acids
O157:H7 contamination. vaccination approaches are not likely to (Fratamico et al., 1996). Trisodium
Most desirable is a process that in- be successful with E. coli O157:H7. Re- phosphate can increase the removal of E.
cludes a step lethal to the pathogen. This cent observations showed that E. coli coli O157:H7 from equipment surfaces
reduces the critical control points to as- O157:H7 does not form attaching and (Somers et al., 1994).
suring the effectiveness of that step and effacing lesions or colonize mucosal sur- The actual fate of E. coli O157:H7
preventing subsequent cross contamina- faces of the gastrointestinal tract (Brown cells that have been removed from car-
tion. For products that depend on non- et al., 1997; Cray and Moon, 1995), and cass surfaces by rinses with sanitizing
thermal interventions to assure product cattle exposed to E. coli O157:H7 are not agents is still unclear. Model system
safety (e.g., fermented meats), validation protected from reinfection (Johnson et studies on the microorganisms ability to
that the integrated process can achieve al., 1996). Hence, innovative approaches survive acids and other agents at non-



E. coli

lethal temperatures indicate that the ex- likely to occur at in ground beef (Clavero
posure times associated with carcass san- Table 2 Recommendations et al., 1994; Thayer and Boyd, 1993). Ra-
itizing are too short to achieve any sig- to reduce the risk of acquir- diation inactivation is temperature de-
nificant direct inactivation and suggest ing an Escherichia coli pendent; higher doses are required when
that the primary effect is the physical re- O157:H7 infection ground beef is irradiated at frozen tem-
moval of the microorganisms. peratures. There appears to be little data
The use of steam to briefly heat car- 1. Cook ground beef and venison on the ability of irradiation to control E.
thoroughly (minimum 160F) before
cass surfaces to temperatures sufficient coli O157:H7 on fruits and vegetables,
to inactivate E. coli O157:H7 while main- though recent studies (Buchanan et al.,
taining the raw character of the animal 2. Drink only pasteurized milk and apple
unpublished data) indicate that low-dose
tissue is a new method for reducing the irradiation of apple cider is effective.
presence of enteric pathogens on meats 3. Wash fresh fruits and vegetables While food processing research with
and poultry. Steam vacuum systems are thoroughly before eating.
E. coli O157:H7 has concentrated on
used for spot removal, and steam pas- 4. Wash hands thoroughly after handling products of animal origin, an increasing
teurization cabinets are used for whole animals, particularly cattle, deer, goats, number of outbreaks have involved
or dogs.
carcass treatments. The steam vacuum fruits and vegetables. E. coli O157:H7
system is reportedly capable of achieving 5. Wash hands thoroughly after changing strains have been shown to grow on
a 5-log cycle (100,000-fold) reduction of diapers or after providing care to children
many vegetables if stored at tempera-
or adults suffering from a diarrheal
E. coli O157:H7 on inoculated beef sur- disease. tures that support growth (Abdul-Raouf
faces (Dorsa et al., 1996). et al., 1993). Modified-atmosphere pack-
Food Processing. E. coli O157:H7 6. Do not use fresh manure from
ruminants to fertilize vegetables or fruits.
aging, used extensively with produce,
can be controlled readily through tradi- does not prevent the growth of E. coli
tional thermal processing techniques; 7. Avoid swimming in lakes or ponds O157:H7 (Abdul-Raouf et al., 1993; Hao
used by cattle and drinking surface
however, the organisms low infectious and Brackett, 1993).
water that has not been properly treated
dose requires that processing be suffi- to eliminate pathogens. Home and Foodservice. Food han-
cient to assure a low probability of the dling and preparation practices can con-
pathogens surviving. Dairy pasteuriza- tribute to E. coli O157:H7 infections and
tion processes designed to kill Coxiella conversely play an important part in
burnetti should be sufficient to eliminate their prevention. Undercooking has been
E. coli O157:H7. Similarly, pasteurization from the frozen state (Jackson et al., an important contributing factor in E.
would be expected to control E. coli 1995). Elevated pH values (pH 1011) coli O157:H7 outbreaks associated with
O157:H7 in fruit juices. can enhance the thermal destruction of ground beef. Adherence to good food
D-values (decimal reduction time, or E. coli O157:H7 (Teo et al., 1996). handling practices recommended for
the time required to destroy 90% of the Outbreaks associated with raw milk foodservice and home preparation rep-
population) have been determined at a have prompted investigations into the resent the last line of defense for assuring
number of different temperatures in var- fate of E. coli O157:H7 in dairy products. prevention of E. coli O157:H7 infection
ious ground meat and poultry products The pathogen persisted during the man- (Table 2). Infected food handlers could
(Ahmed et al., 1995; Doyle and Schoeni, ufacture of cottage cheese (Arocha et al., potentially serve as foci for E. coli
1984; Line et al., 1991). For example, re- 1992) and Cheddar cheese (Reitsma and O157:H7 infections, particularly during
ported D60C values for serotype O157:H7 Henning, 1996) made from inoculated the first 48 hr of an infection when
in ground products range from 0.4 to 0.8 milk. The organism is inactivated readily symptoms are still relatively mild or in
min. by pasteurization of milk, and levels de- those individuals who do not have overt-
D-values vary to some degree among clined during aging of the Cheddar ly bloody stools. In particular, adequate
ground products; however, thermal resis- cheese. cooking temperatures and times, preven-
tance is more strongly influenced by fat Alternative technologies to thermal tion of cross contamination between raw
content, i.e., the higher the fat content, processing that could eliminate or con- and cooked foods, and appropriate re-
the greater the thermal resistance. trol E. coli O157:H7 while maintaining frigerated storage are key factors for re-
Splittstoesser et al. (1995) estimated that the raw character of foods are currently ducing the risks associated with E. coli
the D60C for E. coli O157:H7 in apple being investigated. One that has poten- O157:H7.
juice (pH 4.0) was 0.4 min. Prior heat tial, particularly for meat and poultry
shock increases thermal resistance, and products, is ionizing radiation. The Summary
anaerobic incubation increases recovery pathogen is relatively radiation sensitive, It is apparent that microbiologists,
of heated cells (Murano and Pierson, and radiation pasteurization doses of molecular biologists, and food scientists
1993). Cells held at refrigeration are 1.53.0 kGy appear to be sufficient to have made great strides in understanding
more sensitive than cells heated directly eliminate it at the levels that they are E. coli O157:H7 and related EHEC and



developing means for controlling them tiveness of hot acid sprays to decontaminate Escheri- and T.J. Montville, pp. 171191. ASM Press, Washing-
in foods. It is also evident, however, that chia coli O157:H7 on beef. J. Food Protect. 57: 198 ton, D.C.
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there are major scientific questions that Brown, C.A., Harmon, B.G., Zhao, T., and Doyle, M.P. S.E., Lee, M.-S., Luchansky, J.B., and Kaspar, C.W.
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sponse surface models for the growth of Escherichia Fratamico, P.M., Buchanan, R.L., and Cooke, P.H. 1993.
borne transmission. Addressing these coli O157:H7 to include sodium nitrite as a variable. Virulence of an Escherichia coli O157:H7 sorbitol-posi-
questions will require the continued ef- Intl. J. Food Microbiol. 23: 317322. tive mutant. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 59: 42454252.
fort and support of basic and applied Buchanan, R.L. and Bagi, L.K. 1997. Effect of water ac- Fratamico, P.M., Schultz, F.J., Benedict, R.C., Buchanan,
scientists from a variety of disciplines. tivity and humectant identity on the growth kinetics of R.L., and Cooke, P.H. 1996. Factors influencing at-
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that foods and food practices that have incubation temperature, initial pH, and sodium chloride Goldwater, P.N. and Bettelheim, K.A. 1995. The role of
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Paton, A.W., Ratcliff, R.M., Doyle, R.M., Syemour-Murray,
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lecular microbiological investigation of an outbreak of
hemolytic-uremic syndrome caused by dry fermented 221 N. LaSalle St., Ste. 300, Chicago, IL 60601-1291 USA
sausage contaminated with Shiga-like toxin-producing Tel. 312-782-8424 Fax: 312-782-8348
Escherichia coli. J. Clin. Microbiol. 34: 16221627. E-mail: URL:
Rajkowski, K.T. and Marmer, B.S. 1995. Growth of Es-
cherichia coli O157:H7 at fluctuating incubation tem- This and other Scientific Status Summaries are published by the Institute of Food Technologists
peratures. J. Food Protect. 58:13071313. Expert Panel on Food Safety and Nutrition in Food Technology. Scientific Status Summaries, which
Reitsma, C.J. and Henning, D.R. 1996. Survival of en- are not necessarily written by the Expert Panel, are rigorously peer-reviewed by the Expert Panel
terohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 during the as well as by individuals outside the panel who have specific expertise in the subject. IFTs Expert
manufacture and curing of Cheddar cheese. J. Food
Protect. 59: 460464. Panel on Food Safety and Nutrition, which studies significant food-related issues and oversees
Rice, D.H., Hancock, D.D., and Besser, T.E. 1995. Vero- timely production of Scientific Status Summaries, comprises academicians representing exper-
toxigenic E. coli O157:H7 colonization of wild deer and tise in one or more areas of food science/technology and nutrition.
range cattle. Vet. Rec. 137: 524.
The Scientific Status Summaries may be reprinted or photocopied without permission, provided
Riley, L.W., Remis, R.S., Helgerson, S.D., McGee, H.B.,
Wells, J.G., Davis, B.R., Hebert, R.J., Olcott, H.M., that suitable credit is given.
Johnson, L.M., Hargrett, N.T., Blake, P.A., and Cohen,


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