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Lesson Plan Midterm

Submission ID 365503561961691711

Submission Date 2017-03-16 14:59:22

Class 1st grade English (literature)

Teacher Ms.Lopez

Title of Lesson Reading and Writing

Lesson Summary Today, students will be able to describe characters, settings, and major events in a
story. Also, reflect on what they learned.

"Do Now" Assignment Once students walk into class they will have a journal to work on. About if they could be
a animal for a day what animal would they be and why?

Objective/ SMART Goal 70%of Ms. Lopez's first grade class will be able to use illustrations and details in a story
to describe characters, setting, or events, by the end of the semester.

How can you tell if your You can tell if a SMART Goal is well written by seeing if the goal is specific,
SMART Goal is well written? measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound.

Standards Addressed Describe characters, setting, and major events in a story, using key details.

What set of standards was Common Core State Standards

adopted by California
Department of Education in

*Discuss one pro and one Pro- Students can practice their reading with this standard.
con of the standard set you
selected above. Con- Students might not know exactly what key details are and how to use them.

Materials - Makers
- Color Pencils
- Crayons
- Blank sheets of paper
- Construction paper
-Copy's of instructions on color paper

Anticipatory Set/ Motivation Read a book about a topic that the class will be inserted in.

Modeling/ Input (Teacher - Read to students

Does During Guided Practice) - Keep students on track
- Have materials ready for students

Guided Practice (Student - Paying attention to the teacher

Does During Guided Practice) - Keeping in mind what scene of the book was there favorite. So, they can later draw it
and describe it.

Independent Practice Teacher: - Give directions. - Check on students to see if they are understanding the
lesson. - Make sure everyone is working.
Students: - Draw favorite scene. Also, write a sentence describing it. - Write a
sentence about what they learned. - Students present their drawings and what they
*Differentiate between Guided Guided Practice: Is what students do with the teacher.
Practice and Independent
Practice. Independent Practice: Is what students do alone.

Formative Assessment Formative Assessment :

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