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Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593

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Tectonic evolution of the Sevier and Laramide belts within the North
American Cordillera orogenic system
W. Adolph Yonkee a,, Arlo Brandon Weil b
Department of Geosciences, Weber State University, Ogden, UT 84408, USA
Department of Geology, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The thin-skin Sevier and thick-skin Laramide belts of the North American Cordillera provide a long-term record of
Received 13 October 2014 the interrelations between evolving styles of mountain building and plate dynamics over a complete tectonic
Received in revised form 3 August 2015 cycle, from onset of rapid subduction, to protracted growth of a composite orogenic system, to nal collapse.
Accepted 4 August 2015
Primary architecture of basement and sedimentary cover rocks, which included a thick passive margin section
Available online 22 August 2015
deposited along the western continental margin, inuenced patterns of subsequent deformation. The Cordilleran
orogenic system, comprised of an interrelated forearc accretionary complex, magmatic arc, retroarc hinterland,
North America Cordillera Sevier fold-thrust belt, and foreland basin locally deformed by Laramide arches, developed during Jurassic to
Sevier Paleogene Andean-style subduction and terrane accretion. The Sevier belt formed as a foreland-propagating
Laramide (west to east) wedge mostly during Cretaceous to Paleogene time, and included a western thrust system with
Fold-thrust belt aerially extensive thrust sheets that carried thick passive margin strata, and an eastern thrust system that carried
Thick-skin thinner strata. Within the Wyoming salient of the Sevier belt, major thrust and fold traces display systematic
Foreland basin map-view curvature about an average NS structural trend, reecting a component of primary curvature related
Flatslab subduction
to sedimentary prism architecture, followed by 6080% vertical-axis rotation of thrust sheets related to curved
fault slip and interaction with Laramide arches at the salient ends. Internal deformation in the western thrust
Paleomagnetism sheets was limited within strong shallower levels, whereas deeper levels underwent shear and vertical attening
near a weak basal fault zone. Internal deformation in the eastern thrust sheets included widespread early layer-
parallel shortening (LPS), followed by concentration of slip onto weak fault zones. Approximately 200 km of thin-
skin shortening in the Sevier belt was transferred into lower crustal thickening and uplift of an orogenic plateau
in the hinterland to the west. Synorogenic strata were deposited in an evolving foreland basin to the east that
formed during exural loading of thrust sheets and regional dynamic subsidence during subduction. Overall
E-oriented shortening in the Sevier belt is interpreted to reect increased gravitational potential energy and
evolving topographic slopes from a hinterland plateau through a growing thrust wedge. Laramide basement-
cored arches and intervening basins developed during later Cretaceous to Paleogene time, overlapping with
younger stages of Sevier deformation. Arches and associated reverse faults display a wide range of trends within
an overall NWSE oriented, anastomosing network, partly reecting primary basement heterogeneities. Limited
vertical-axis rotations were localized along obliquely trending arch forelimbs and near arch intersections. Inter-
nal deformation in the foreland included limited LPS that refracted near variably trending arches. Laramide de-
formation was spatially and temporally correlated with a region of at-slab subduction, recorded by changes
in magmatic and subsidence patterns. Overall ENE-oriented shortening in the Laramide belt was at low angles
to relative plate motion, likely reecting increased plate coupling near a cratonic lithosphere keel. An integrated
model for tectonic evolution of the Sevier and Laramide belts includes: inuence of primary sedimentary archi-
tecture and basement weaknesses; enhanced plate coupling from increased overriding plate motion, fast conver-
gence rates, and development of a at-slab segment; linkage of upper crustal shortening in the Sevier belt with
lower crustal thickening and uplift of a hinterland plateau; interaction between frontal thrusts in the Sevier belt
and Laramide arches with differently oriented stress elds; concentrated slip along weak fault zones; redistribu-
tion of mass by erosion and deposition of synorogenic strata; and a switch to orogenic collapse during decreased
convergence rates and slab removal.
2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (W.A. Yonkee).
0012-8252/ 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
532 W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532
2. Primary crustal architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534
2.1. North American basement rocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534
2.2. North American sedimentary cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
2.3. Accreted terranes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538
3. Plate dynamic setting of the North American Cordillera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538
4. Tectonic components of the North American Cordilleran orogenic system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540
4.1. Forearc accretionary complex and basin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540
4.2. Magmatic arc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544
4.3. Retroarc hinterland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546
4.4. Retroarc Sevier fold-thrust belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547
4.4.1. Wyoming salient western thrust system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549
4.4.2. Wyoming salient Wasatch anticlinorium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554
4.4.3. Wyoming salient eastern thrust system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554
4.5. Foreland sedimentary basin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
4.6. Laramide foreland belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566
4.6.1. Large-scale structural style and timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566
4.6.2. Regional patterns of internal deformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568
4.7. Final collapse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574
5. Discussion and conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574
5.1. Relations between deformation patterns in the Sevier and Laramide belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574
5.2. Inuences of plate dynamics on intraplate deformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575
5.3. Inuences of primary crustal architecture on deformation styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577
5.4. Integrated model for evolution of the Sevier and Laramide belts in the Cordilleran system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579
5.5. Outstanding questions and future research opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585

1. Introduction Spear, 2013), nature of Laramide foreland deformation (Erslev and

Koenig, 2009; Weil and Yonkee, 2012; Weil et al., 2014; Yeck et al.,
The North American Cordillera, including the Sevier and Laramide 2014), patterns of forearc accretion (Dumitru et al., 2015;
belts, forms one of Earth's classic orogenic systems, providing a natural Wakabayashi, 2015), tempos of arc magmatism and deformation (Cao
laboratory for seminal studies that have advanced our understanding of et al., 2015; Paterson and Ducea, 2015), and geophysically imaged slab
thrust kinematics and mechanics (e.g., Rubey and Hubert, 1959; remnants (Liu et al., 2010; Jones et al., 2011; Sigloch, 2011; Porritt
Dahlstrom, 1970; Price and Mountjoy, 1970; Burchel and Davis, et al., 2014) have advanced our understanding of relationships between
1972; Boyer and Elliott, 1982), synconvergent extension of tectonically crustal architecture, deformation patterns, igneous processes, and plate
thickened crust (e.g., Hodges and Walker, 1992; Wells et al., 2012), and margin dynamics.
foreland basin subsidence mechanisms (e.g. Jordan, 1981; DeCelles and Here we combine results from multiple studies to develop an inte-
Giles, 1996; Catuneanu et al., 1997). This archetype orogenic system grated model for tectonic evolution of the thin-skin Sevier and thick-
formed during protracted Jurassic to Paleogene subduction and terrane skin Laramide belts within the North American Cordilleran orogenic
accretion that spanned over 4000 km from Alaska to Mexico (Fig. 1; system, focusing along a tectonic transect from present-day California
Oldow et al., 1989; Dickinson, 2004; DeCelles, 2004). While the to Wyoming (Fig. 1). We address the following questions:
modern-day South American Andes provide opportunities to study
links between active deformation, landscape evolution, climate, and
1. How did primary crustal architecture inuence development of the
geophysically imaged lithospheric structure (e.g. Allmendigner et al.,
North American Cordilleran orogenic system?
1997; Ramos et al., 2004; Oncken et al., 2006; Alvarado et al., 2007;
Anderson et al., 2007; Strecker et al., 2007; Hilley and Coutand, 2010; 2. What were the interrelations between plate dynamics and evolution
Giambiagi et al., 2012; DeCelles et al., 2015), the North American of major tectonic components of the Cordilleran system?
Cordillera provides a long-term geologic record of interrelations 3. What were the spatial-temporal patterns of deformation in the
between upper crustal shortening, lower crustal thickening and meta- Sevier and Laramide belts and how did they relate to each other?
morphism, and changing plate margin dynamics through a complete 4. How did mechanical factors, topography, and surface processes inu-
tectonic cycle, from initiation of enhanced plate coupling, to growth of ence Sevier and Laramide deformation patterns?
a composite orogenic system, to slab removal and nal collapse. 5. Given currently available observations, what model best explains the
Previous studies of the Sevier belt and associated synorogenic strata tectonic evolution of the Sevier and Laramide belts within the overall
provide one of the best records of large-scale geometry and long-term Cordilleran system?
timing of any retroarc fold-thrust belt in the world (Armstrong and
Oriel, 1965; Armstrong, 1968; Royse et al., 1975; Dorr et al., 1977;
Lamerson, 1982; Wiltschko and Dorr, 1983; Lawton, 1985; Royse, Our intention herein is not to produce a comprehensive geologic de-
1993; DeCelles, 1994, 2004; DeCelles and Coogan, 2006). Additionally, scription for the entire North American Cordillera, but rather to explore
recent studies of the primary sedimentary prism (Gehrels and Pecha, how interconnected processes operated to form thin-skin (Sevier) and
2014; Yonkee et al., 2014), 3-D kinematic evolution of curved thrust thick-skin (Laramide) mountain belts within an evolving orogenic sys-
systems (Weil et al., 2010; Yonkee and Weil, 2010), tectono- tem. Note, in this paper Sevier and Laramide are used to denote different
metamorphic history of the hinterland (Wells et al., 2012; Hallett and structural styles, not time intervals.
W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593 533

Fig. 1. Generalized map of the North American Cordilleran system shows current distribution of major tectonic elements, including JurassicEocene accretionary complexes, forearc basins,
magmatic arc, hinterland metamorphic core complexes, Sevier fold-thrust belt, Laramide foreland belt, and foreland basin. Approximate boundary between North American basement and
accreted terranes indicated by 87Sr/86Sr = .706 line (Kistler and Peterman, 1978). Terrane groups and major strike-slip and transpressional zones indicated. Neogene tectonic features
include the Cascadia subduction zone (representing a remnant of the more extensive Farallon subduction zone), San Andreas Fault system, Basin and Range province, Yellowstone hot
spot trace, and Rio Grande Rift. Location of the California to Wyoming tectonic transect is indicated.
534 W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593

Fig. 2. Map of basement provinces in the western U.S. (restored for Neogene extension). General ranges of igneous zircon UPb ages (tZr) and Nd model ages (tNd) indicated. 87Sr/86Sr = .706
line marks edge of North American basement. Modied from Foster et al. (2006), Whitmeyer and Karlstrom (2007), and Yonkee et al. (2014), with additional isotopic data from Farmer and
DePaolo (1983). Locations of Mesoproterozoic (~1.51.4 Ga) Belt Basin, and restored leading edge of western and eastern thrust systems of the Sevier belt also indicated.

2. Primary crustal architecture North American basement is absent and the orogenic system included
terranes accreted over a protracted period of time (Fig. 1). Characteris-
The Cordilleran orogenic system developed partly on North tics of basement, sedimentary cover, and accreted terranes that com-
American basement and sedimentary cover rocks, and partly on alloch- prised the building materials for the orogenic system are summarized
thonous accreted terranes. North American sedimentary cover rocks in- below.
cluded thick passive margin strata deposited above extended basement
along the previously rifted western (present day coordinates) margin of 2.1. North American basement rocks
Laurentia, and thin strata deposited above cratonic basement to the east
(Stewart, 1972; Bond and Kominz, 1984; Bond et al., 1985; Levy and Basement rocks in the western U.S. include the Archean Wyoming
Christie-Blick, 1989; Poole et al., 1992; Link et al., 1993; Yonkee et al., province and Grouse Creek block, Paleoproterozoic Farmington
2014). Importantly, characteristics of the North American basement zone and Mojave province with inherited Archean components, and
and sedimentary cover partly controlled subsequent structural develop- juvenile Paleoproterozoic Yavapai and Mazatzal provinces (Fig. 2;
ment of the Sevier and Laramide belts (Burchel and Davis, 1972; Foster et al., 2006; Whitmeyer and Karlstrom, 2007). The Wyoming
Lawton et al., 1994; Mitra, 1997; DeCelles, 2004; Weil and Yonkee, province, exposed in the cores of Laramide foreland uplifts, consists
2012). West of the 87Sr/86Sr = .706 line (Kistler and Peterman, 1978), mostly of Neoarchean (2.82.6 Ga) granitoid intrusions, supracrustal

Fig. 3. Primary architecture of the sedimentary cover. A. Stratigraphic columns illustrate regional variations in thickness and lithology for passive margin (Willard thrust sheet, western
Sevier belt), transitional (Crawford thrust sheet, eastern Sevier belt), and cratonic (Wind River arch, Laramide belt) strata. Sedimentary cover rocks were deposited during Neoproterozoic
to Early Cambrian rifting, Early Paleozoic subsidence along a passive margin, and Late Paleozoic to Early Mesozoic disruption of the margin. B. Palinspastically restored isopach maps for
(i) middlelate Neoproterozoic, (ii) Cambrian, (iii) Ordovician, and (iv) Pennsylvanian strata. General locations of the continental slope, Wasatch hinge zone (transition to passive margin),
and restored leading edges of western and eastern thrust systems of the Sevier belt indicated. Locations of Roberts Mountain allochthon, Oquirrh basin, Ancestral Rockies, and sinistral
offset of the margin shown for Pennsylvanian time. Isopachs based on Howell and McDougall (1978), Levy and Christie-Blick (1989), and Hintze and Kowallis (2009).
W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593 535
536 W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593

Fig. 3 (continued).
W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593 537

belts, and older gneiss (Frost et al., 1998, 2006; Mueller and Frost, 2006). (Perry Canyon Formation and correlatives) accumulated during an
The Grouse Creek block, locally exposed in the hinterland where it was early phase of rifting (Balgord et al., 2013), and included micaceous stra-
overprinted by Jurassic to Paleogene tectonism, consists of Neoarchean ta that subsequently formed the basal decollement for western thrusts of
(2.72.5 Ga) granitoids, amphibolite, and schist (Wright and Snoke, the Sevier belt. Later Neoproterozoic (~660580 Ma) quartzite-rich stra-
1993; Strickland et al., 2011). The Farmington zone, which separates ta (lower Brigham Group and correlatives) accumulated during regional
the Grouse Creek block and Wyoming province, contains mixtures of subsidence following early rifting (Crittenden et al., 1971), and formed
paragneiss and orthogneiss that record early Paleoproterozoic a relatively strong beam during subsequent deformation. Latest
deposition of strata with inherited Archean components, intrusion of Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian (~580530 Ma) arkosic and basalt-
granitoid plutons, and late Paleoproterozoic (1.81.7 Ga) metamor- bearing strata (upper Brigham Group and correlatives) record nal
phism and deformation (Bryant, 1988; Mueller et al., 2011). The Mojave rifting on previously thinned lithosphere (Yonkee et al., 2014). The thick-
province to the south also contains mixtures of paragneiss and ness of middle to late Neoproterozoic strata increases westward to
orthogneiss with inherited Archean components that underwent N3 km (Fig. 3B). Similar patterns occur in the Windermere and Hamill
1.81.7 Ga metamorphism (Wooden and Miller, 1990; Shufeldt et al., groups of Canada, which contain diamictite and volcanic-bearing
2010). The Yavapai and Mazatzal provinces are dominated by strata, mature siliciclastic strata, and overlying arkosic strata with
1.81.6 Ga juvenile volcanic arc rocks that were accreted together and 580 Ma basalts (Ross et al., 1995; Colpron et al., 2002), and in north-
sutured onto the Wyoming and Mojave provinces and subsequently ern Mexico (Stewart, 2005). Final rifting was followed by develop-
intruded by 1.31.5 Ga granitic plutons (Bennett and DePaolo, 1987; ment of a thermally subsiding passive margin (Bond and Kominz,
Karlstrom and Bowring, 1988). 1984; Bond et al., 1985).
Geophysical imaging and isotopic signatures of Neogene volcanic Middle Cambrian to Devonian carbonate-rich strata accumulated
rocks indicate that thick, Archean to Paleoproterozoic mantle litho- along the margin, ranging in total thickness from ~46 km in western
sphere is preserved beneath much of the foreland east of the Sevier areas to b2 km east of the Wasatch hinge zone that marked the transi-
belt (Livaccari and Perry, 1993; Obrebski et al., 2011; Porritt et al., tion to cratonic crust (Fig. 3B; Poole et al., 1992; Hintze and Kowallis,
2014). Xenoliths brought up in pre- and post-Laramide volcanic centers 2009). Strata were deposited in mostly shallow marine waters that ex-
also record preservation of Archean to Paleoproterozoic mantle tended onto the craton during the Sauk and Tippecanoe transgressions.
lithosphere beneath the foreland, along with evidence of localized Late Deeper marine strata accumulated farther west along the continental
Cretaceous to Paleogene metasomatism and hydration likely associated slope. Middle Cambrian shale and limestone subsequently formed the
with at-slab subduction (Humphreys et al., 2003; Carlson et al., 2004; basal decollement for eastern thrusts of the Sevier belt.
Glebovitsky et al., 2004; Smith and Grifn, 2005). Mantle lithosphere During later Devonian to Permian time, the passive margin was
was subsequently modied and thinned in some regions due to as- disrupted and sedimentary patterns became varied (Fig. 3B; Speed and
thenosphere convection associated with development of the Neogene Sleep, 1982; Poole et al., 1992; Burchel et al., 1992). The Roberts
Basin and Range province, Rio Grande Rift, and Yellowstone hotspot Mountain allochthon, comprising deep marine strata and mac volcanics
(Schmandt and Humphreys, 2010; Obrebski et al., 2011). that were deposited in a western basin, was thrust eastward over shelf
strata as the basin closed during the Late DevonianMississippian
2.2. North American sedimentary cover Antler orogeny (Burchel et al., 1992; Siberling et al., 1997). By later
Mississippian time, shallow marine carbonates and sandstone were
The sedimentary cover includes: (1) local Mesoproterozoic strata of deposited across much of the region (Sandberg et al., 1982). During
the intracratonic Belt basin; (2) Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian Pennsylvanian time, the Oquirrh basin subsided in NW Utah with
siliciclastic strata and volcanic rocks that accumulated during protracted deposition of up to 6 km of marine strata, simultaneous with uplift of
rifting; (3) Middle Cambrian to Devonian carbonate-rich strata deposit- the Ancestral Rockies during collision of Laurentia with Gondwana
ed along a passive margin; and (4) Mississippian to Jurassic mixed (Dickerson, 2003). Permian deep marine sedimentary and volcanic
siliciclastic and carbonate strata deposited during disruption of the rocks accumulated in another western basin, and were thrust eastward
passive margin and development of volcanic arcs and basins to the in the Golconda allochthon during the Triassic Sonoma orogeny (Speed
west (Fig. 3A; Poole et al., 1992; Link et al., 1993; Dickinson, 2004; and Sleep, 1982; Oldow et al., 1989). The southwestern part of the plate
Gehrels and Pecha, 2014). The Belt basin of western Montana to northern margin and sedimentary cover were truncated during Late Paleozoic to
Idaho contains up to 15 km of siliciclastic, carbonate, and mac igneous Triassic sinistral strike-slip faulting (Dickinson and Lawton, 2001a;
rocks, which acted as a relatively strong block during subsequent rifting Stevens et al., 2005), with subsequent modication during Jurassic sinis-
and Sevier thrusting (Sears, 2001). Thick Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic tral transtension along the MojaveSonora megashear (Anderson and
passive margin strata were deposited regionally on rifted crust of Nourse, 2005).
western Laurentia, with the Wasatch hinge-zone marking the transition Triassic to Jurassic strata were deposited in a mix of marine and con-
to thin Paleozoic strata deposited on cratonic crust to the east (Fig. 3B; tinental environments during reorganization of the Cordilleran margin
Yonkee et al., 2014). The passive margin trended overall NNWSSE (DeCelles, 2004; Dickinson and Gehrels, 2006). During Early Triassic
(present-day coordinates) in Canada, to NS in the western U.S., and time, marine strata accumulated to the west, while red beds of the
also curved outward (eastward) along the Alberta, Wyoming, and Chugwater Group accumulated to the east, northward of remnants of
central Utah salients, which partly controlled primary curvature of the the Ancestral Rockies. During the Late Triassic, a volcanic arc developed
future Sevier belt (Figs. 1, 3B; Stewart, 1972; Levy and Christie-Blick, to the west (Barth et al., 2011) and marine strata were deposited in a
1989; Lawton et al., 1994; Lund, 2008). Sinistral offset of the passive back-arc basin in NW Nevada (Wyld, 2002), while red beds with tuffa-
margin from SE California to Mexico also inuenced subsequent ceous layers were deposited in a broad basin to the east, followed by de-
deformation patterns (Dickinson and Lawton, 2001a; Stevens et al., position of Early Jurassic eolian strata. Subsidence increased across
2005). the UtahIdaho trough in the retroarc during the Middle Jurassic
Earlier Neoproterozoic (~750 Ma) strata (Uinta Mountain and Chuar with deposition of marine carbonates and evaporites in the Twin
Groups) accumulated in a basin system that presaged onset of regional Creek Formation and correlative strata (Imlay, 1967), synchronous
rifting (Dehler et al., 2010). These strata are absent across most of the re- with early terrane accretion along the western plate margin
gion, but are up to 5 km thick in an EW trending basin in NE Utah, (Dickinson, 2008). These evaporites subsequently formed detach-
which was subsequently inverted to form the Uinta-Cottonwood ments during Sevier thrusting (Coogan and Yonkee, 1985). Late Ju-
arch of the Laramide foreland (Bradley and Bruhn, 1988). Middle rassic and Cretaceous to Paleogene strata deposited in the foreland
Neoproterozoic (~720660 Ma) diamictite and volcanic-bearing strata are described in Section 4.5.
538 W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593

2.3. Accreted terranes becoming more rapid from ~12070 Ma during opening of the Atlantic
Ocean basin (Torsvik et al., 2008). Rates of absolute plate motion for the
The western part of the Cordilleran orogenic system was constructed overriding North American plate were slow during the earliest Creta-
on accreted terranes that included: (1) peri-cratonic rocks with fossil ceous and increased to an estimated ~ 36 cm/yr from ~ 12070 Ma
and detrital zircon (DZ) signatures typical of North America (Roberts (Fig. 4B), with motion at overall high angles to the plate margin. Net
Mountain and Golconda allochthons, Kootenay terrane); (2) Paleozoic convergence rates between the North American and Farallon plates
to Mesozoic arc and ophiolite rocks of the Intermontane terrane group were likely high during the Middle to Late Jurassic, but presence of ad-
in Canada, and the Sierra Foothills, Klamath Mountains, and Blue ditional marginal oceanic plates and terranes complicates interpreta-
Mountains provinces; and (3) Paleozoic to Mesozoic distal arc and tion. Relative convergence rates decreased to an estimated ~ 5 cm/yr
ophiolite rocks of the Insular terrane group exposed mostly in Canada from ~ 145130 Ma, increased to 812 cm/yr from ~ 12050 Ma, and
(Fig. 1; Monger et al., 1982; Oldow et al., 1989; Dickinson, 2004). then decreased after 50 Ma (Fig. 4B), along with a change in subduction
The Sierra Foothills, Klamath Mountains, and Blue Mountain prov- geometry and development of slab-free windows during the Eocene
inces comprise accreted materials that can be broadly divided into east- (Humphreys, 1995; Madsen et al., 2006). Directions of relative motion
ern, central, and western belts (Edelman and Sharp, 1989; Dickinson, between the Farallon and North American plates were about orthogonal
2008; Ernst et al., 2008; LaMaskin et al., 2011). The eastern belt contains to much of the overall NNW-trending plate margin during the Middle
upper Neoproterozoic to Cambrian mac igneous rocks and siliciclastic Jurassic, changing to sinistral oblique convergence during latest Jurassic
strata, Lower Paleozoic deep water siliciclastic and alkali mac volcanic to earlier Cretaceous time, with sinistral transtension along the Mojave
rocks, Devonian mac to calc-alkaline rocks of an immature arc, and Sonoroa shear and Bisbee basin system (Dickinson and Lawton, 2001b).
Triassic volcanic and sedimentary rocks of a subsequent fringing arc The direction of relative motion changed to SWNE during the Late Cre-
(Edelman and Sharp, 1989; Ernst et al., 2008). The central belt contains taceous and Paleogene with dextral oblique convergence along much of
ophiolitic mlanges, interpreted to record alternating episodes of sub- the margin, which was greatest to the north where the Kula plate devel-
duction and strike-slip motion along the paleo-plate margin, and the oped at ~ 80 Ma (Fig. 4A). The dip of the subducting Farallon plate,
western belt contains mostly Triassic to Early Jurassic volcanic rocks of interpreted from location of the magmatic arc (Dickinson and Snyder,
another arc (Dickinson, 2008). The Intermontane terrane group in 1978; Lipman, 1992; Gehrels et al., 2009), decreased along most of the
Canada contains broadly similar belts that include the Quesnelia terrane margin during the Cretaceous, and a at-slab segment developed in
with Devonian and Triassic arc-related rocks, the Cache Creek terrane the Late Cretaceous along the Mojave sector, likely related to subduction
with ophiolitic mlange, and the Stikinia terrane with other arc- of an oceanic plateau (Livaccari et al., 1981), interpreted to be the con-
related rocks (Monger et al., 1982; Riddell, 2011). These terranes were jugate to the Shatsky Rise (Fig. 4A; Saleeby, 2003). Seismic tomography
consolidated and accreted onto the North American margin during anomalies in the mantle beneath central to eastern North America are
the Early to Middle Jurassic (Rusmore et al., 1988; Ernst et al., 2008). interpreted to represent remnants of the Farallon and Kula slabs, includ-
The Insular terrane group comprises the Wrangellia, Alexander, and ing a broad area that may correspond to the at slab-segment (Liu et al.,
Peninsular terranes, which contain exotic Paleozoic arc rocks and 2010; Sigloch, 2011). A combination of increased overriding North
Triassic volcanic and rift deposits (Jones et al., 1977; Monger et al., American plate motion, increased convergence rates, and subduction
1982; McClelland et al., 1992). The Insular terrane group was consoli- of oceanic plateaus and terrane accretion are interpreted to have in-
dated and accreted onto the Cordilleran margin by ca 100 Ma, followed creased plate coupling, leading to intraplate shortening. An alternative
by crustal thickening along a W-vergent thrust system (Rubin et al., interpretation of slab remnants, subduction polarity, and terrane accre-
1990) and dextral offset along the Coast shear zone (McClelland et al., tion was given by Sigloch and Mihalynik (2013).
2000). Oblique plate convergence was partly partitioned into strike-slip
transport and transpression of accreted terrane, forearc, and magmatic
3. Plate dynamic setting of the North American Cordillera arc rocks (Oldow et al., 1989; Tikoff and de Saint Blanquat, 1997).
Models for magnitudes and timing of strike-slip transport, however, re-
The North American Cordillera orogenic system developed in re- main controversial (e.g., Irving et al., 1996; Dickinson and Butler, 1998;
sponse to subduction of oceanic (Farallon and Kula) plates and accretion Housen and Beck, 1999; Butler et al., 2001; Enkin et al., 2002, 2006), in-
of terranes along the North American plate margin during Jurassic to cluding the Baja-BC model that predicts large offsets of terranes (Cowan
Paleogene time (Fig. 4; Oldow et al., 1989; Burchel et al., 1992; et al., 1997). Fault offsets (Price and Carmichael, 1986; Wyld et al., 2006)
Saleeby and Busby-Spera, 1992; Dickinson, 2004; DeCelles, 2004). The and DZ patterns of overlapping sedimentary strata (Mahoney et al.,
style and distribution of deformation within the Cordilleran system 1999; LaMaskin et al., 2011) suggest moderate (b 1000 km) northward
changed over time in response to variations in absolute motion of the transport of terranes relative to stable North America during Late Creta-
overriding North American plate, relative motions between the ceous to Paleogene time. Paleomagnetic data for volcanic rocks are also
Farallon, Kula, and North American plates, and nature of subducting consistent with moderate transport, whereas paleomagnetic data for
lithosphere, including varying aged oceanic crust, oceanic plateaus, many sedimentary rocks are suggestive of larger transport. However,
and accreting terranes. Paleo-plate motions have been estimated from sedimentary rocks typically preserve shallower paleomagnetic inclina-
a combination of plate circuit reconstructions using sea oor magnetic tions (Is) than corresponding paleo-eld inclinations (I0), reecting in-
stripe data and hot spot tracks (Engebretson et al., 1985; Doubrovine clination shallowing during compaction that results in too low of
and Tarduno, 2008; Gurnis et al., 2012; Seton et al., 2012), but have sig- estimated paleolatitude (Kent and Irving, 2010). The corrected
nicant uncertainties during Jurassic to Early Cretaceous time due to paleolatitude, (cor), is given by 2*tan(cor) = tan(I0) = (1/f)*tan(Is),
limited preservation of older oceanic crust and potential for additional where f is the attening factor (Tauxe and Kent, 2004). Inclination
unrecognized oceanic plates. Absolute plate motion models that incor- shallowing can be evaluated using anisotropy of anhysteretic rema-
porate movement of hot spot plumes (Steinberger et al., 2004), paleo- nence (AAR) and secular dispersion of individual paleomagnetic
magnetic data tied to reference longitudes (Torsvik et al., 2008), and vectors for large data sets (E/I analysis; Tauxe and Kent, 2004). Timing
distribution of slab remnants (van der Meer et al., 2010), provide a of remanence acquisition is also critical for determining reference pole
framework to relate plate motion with mantle ow (Doubrovine et al., positions and evaluating patterns of latitudinal transport.
2012; Williams et al., 2015). The APW path for North American records Paleomagnetic data for volcanic rocks and hematite-bearing chert
northward drift during the Jurassic, followed by latitudinal standstill of the ~ 170 Ma Coast Range Ophiolite in California indicate limit-
during much of the Cretaceous, while sea-oor stripe data record west- ed (300 700 km) northward transport (Hagstrum and Murchey,
ward drift of North American starting in the Middle Jurassic and 1996; Hagstrum and Jones, 1998). Paleomagnetic data for Jurassic
W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593 539

Fig. 4. Plate motion history. A. Reconstructions of North America, Pacic, Farallon, Izanagi, and Kula plates at various times based on G-plate model (Gurnis et al., 2012; Seton et al., 2012), .
Reconstructed locations of accreting terranes and Shatsky (Sh) oceanic plateau and conjugate, Intermontane (IM) and Insular (In) terrane groups, Mezcalera plate (Dickinson and Lawton,
2001a), and present day seismic anomaly at 10001300 km depth interpreted to be remnants of subducted Farallon plate (shaded area, from Liu et al., 2010) also shown. B. Estimated rates
and directions of North America absolute and relative motion near central California along the tectonic transect, based on Engebretson et al. (1985), Torsvik et al. (2008), van der Meer et al.
(2010), Doubrovine et al. (2012), and Williams et al. (2015). Rates shown over 10 m.y. time intervals for comparison. Convergence rates between the North American and Farllon plates are
dashed prior to 110 Ma when a marginal plate was likely being subducted along the margin. C. Constraints on subduction ages and formation ages of oceanic crust blocks in the Franciscan
Complex based on summaries in Shervais et al. (2005) and Wakabayashi (2015).
540 W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593

volcaniclastic rocks in the Klamath Mountains are also consistent with palinspastically restored based on McQuarrie and Wernicke (2005),
limited transport (Mankinen et al., 1989). Paleomagnetic data for Wyld et al. (2006), Dickinson (2013), and our own work. These restora-
Cretaceous forearc sedimentary rocks in southern California have shal- tions, along with plate reconstructions and positions of mantle tomo-
low inclinations that have been interpreted to record ~10001500 km graphic anomalies that likely represent remnants of subducted
north transport (Lund et al., 1991). However, Tan and Kodama (1998) oceanic slabs (Liu et al., 2010; Jones et al., 2011), are used to develop a
and Kodama and Davi (1995) evaluated inclination shallowing using series of paleogeographic maps (Fig. 5) and corresponding schematic
AAR and obtained f ~ 0.7 and ~ 10 corrections to paleolatitude, with crustal cross sections (Fig. 6) along the tectonic transect from California
an estimated 200800 800 km north transport for ~8070 Ma forearc to Wyoming, which illustrate overall evolution of the orogenic system
strata (after restoring Neogene slip along the San Andreas system). during Jurassic to Paleogene time. The preceding overview represents
Paleomagnetic data for ~ 80 Ma red beds, which tend to undergo less our efforts to synthesize available data and provide a context for explor-
attening, indicate 500 600 km north transport (Whidden et al., ing evolution of the Sevier and Laramide belts within the Cordilleran
1998). Within the Franciscan Complex, paleomagnetic data for Early orogenic system. For an overview of the Canadian Cordillera see
Jurassic cherts that were deposited on oceanic basalts record equatorial Evenchick et al. (2007).
latitudes (Hagstrum and Murchey, 1993); these oceanic basalts and
cherts were subsequently transported to the NE within the Farallon 4. Tectonic components of the North American Cordilleran
plate and accreted along the Cordilleran plate margin during the mid orogenic system
Cretaceous. Paleomagnetic data for Early Cretaceous forearc strata in
the Ochoco Basin of central Oregon have been interpreted to record Interrelated components of the Cordilleran orogenic system includ-
1800 500 km northward transport (Housen and Dorsey, 2005), ed a forearc accretionary complex and basin, magmatic arc, retroarc hin-
though inclination shallowing has not been quantied. terland, Sevier fold-thrust belt, foreland basin, and Laramide foreland
To the north in British Columbia, paleomagnetic data for the belt, as described below. Emphasis in the following description of
100104 Ma Spences Bridge volcanics that overlap parts of the Insular components is placed along the tectonic transect from California to
and Intermontane terrane groups indicate moderate (1000 500 km) Wyoming (Fig. 1), with particular focus on evolution of the Sevier and
north transport (Irving et al., 1996; Haskin et al., 2003). In contrast, Laramide belts.
shallower paleomagnetic inclinations in the overlying ~ 95 Ma
Silverquick sedimentary sequence have been interpreted to record up 4.1. Forearc accretionary complex and basin
to 3000 km north transport (Wynne et al., 1995; Enkin et al., 2003).
Krijgsman and Tauxe (2005) used E/I analysis to evaluate inclination The forearc along the tectonic transect in California began develop-
attening and obtained values for f from 0.75 to 1.0 at a 95% condence ing during Early to Middle Jurassic accretion of the Sierra Foothills-
interval; using f of 0.75 gives an estimated 1500 500 km north trans- Klamath Mountains terranes onto North America, followed by forma-
port, consistent with the underlying volcanic rocks. Sedimentary rocks tion of the E-dipping Franciscan subduction zone (Fig. 7; Dickinson,
of the Upper Cretaceous (~8065 Ma) Nanaimo Group, which overlaps 2008). Although details have been obscured by subsequent deforma-
the Insular terrane group, contain shallow inclinations that have been tion, two volcanic arcs, separated by an oceanic basin that may have
interpreted to record up to 3000 km north transport (Ward et al., been part of the Mezcalera plate (Dickinson and Lawton, 2001a), appear
1997). However, Kim and Kodama (2004) estimated f ~ 0.7 using AAR, to have been active during the Triassic to Early Jurassic (Dickinson,
and Krijgsman and Tauxe (2005) estimated f ~ 0.7 using E/I analysis, giv- 2008; Ernst et al., 2008). The intervening basin closed by ~175 Ma, cul-
ing a ~10 correction to paleolatitude and 1600 800 km north trans- minating in an early phase of deformation within the Sierra Foothills
port. Farther north, data for 70 Ma Carmacks volcanics indicate 1900 and Klamath Mountains provinces (Wright and Fahan, 1988; Girty
600 km north transport (Enkin et al., 2006), and data corrected for incli- et al., 1995; Ernst, 2011). Reorganization of the plate margin from
nation shallowing from Late Cretaceous strata that overlap Wrangellia ~ 175160 Ma was marked by initiation of an E-dipping subduction
indicate 1700 900 km north transport (Stanmatakos et al., 2001). Pa- zone, sinking of the older ocean basin slab, formation of the Coast
leomagnetic studies of some plutons have suggested large (N3000 km) Range and Great Valley ophiolites, and deposition of the Mariposa and
northward transport (e.g. Housen and Beck, 1999), whereas studies of Galice formations that overlapped the accreted terranes (Godfrey
other plutons indicate limited (b1000 km) transport (Butler et al., et al., 1997; Ingersoll, 2000; Shervais et al., 2005; Wakabayashi et al.,
2001), partly reecting uncertainties in determining paleo-horizontal 2010). Convergence along the new subduction zone was associated
in intrusive rocks. Although magnitudes of forearc and terrane displace- with intrusion of calc-alkaline plutons within a developing magmatic
ments remain debated, paleomagnetic and structural data indicate arc, and Late Jurassic contractional deformation (Nevadan orogeny)
oblique convergence was partly partitioned into important strike-slip that locally reactivated terrane boundary faults (Schweickert et al.,
transport and transpression along the plate margin. Data from volcanic 1984; Wright and Fahan, 1988).
rocks and sedimentary rocks in which inclination attening has been The Franciscan Complex formed along the new E-dipping subduc-
evaluated suggest limited (~200800 km, 800 km) north transport tion zone during a protracted history of offscraping, underplating, and
in the California area (Kodama and Ward, 2001), and moderate episodes of subduction erosion (Figs. 6, 7; Hamilton, 1969; Ernst,
(~ 10001800 km, 800 km) transport in the British Columbia area, 1970; Wakabayashi, 1992, 2015; Snow et al., 2010). Accreted materials
slightly greater than, but within combined uncertainties of strike-slip consisted mostly of clastic sediments eroded from the magmatic arc and
fault and shear zone offsets (Wyld et al., 2006). Greater strike-slip trans- deposited at the trench front, along with lesser amounts of basalt, chert,
port in the north may reect more oblique convergence with the Kula and limestone derived from subducting oceanic plates, and rare high-
plate from ~8050 Ma, and requires extension along the plate margin, grade blocks of metabasite (Shervais and Kimbrough, 1985; Ernst,
interpreted to have been partly accommodated by development of the 2011; Wakabayashi, 1992). Accreted materials formed a series of
Columbia River embayment. stacked sheets bounded by high-strain zones interpreted to represent
The current conguration of western North America resulted from a paleo-megathrusts, with individual sheets composed of varying combi-
long tectonic history with: Jurassic to Paleogene subduction, terrane nations of mlange, broken formation, and coherent bedded intervals
accretion, strike-slip partitioning, and intraplate shortening; late (Wakabayashi, 2015). Within northern California, the Franciscan
Paleogene to early Neogene extensional collapse of thickened crust; Complex is divided into eastern, central, and coastal belts, with clastic
and Neogene Basin and Range regional extension and strike-slip motion sedimentary protolith ages, deformation ages, and metamorphic grade
along the San Andreas Fault system. This protracted deformation decreasing overall westward and structurally downward (Dumitru
history progressively modied tectonic features, which have been et al., 2015; Wakabayashi, 2015). Clastic sediments have similar detrital
W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593 541

Fig. 5. Palinspastically restored regional maps show spatial evolution of tectonic components of the North American Cordilleran orogenic system for: A Late Jurassic (~150 Ma) consol-
idation of the subduction boundary and the Nevadan orogeny; B Early Cretaceous (~100 Ma) increase in plate convergence and early Sevier deformation; C Late Cretaceous (~80 Ma)
initial development of at-slab segment, continued Sevier deformation, and initial Laramide deformation; and D Paleogene (~50 Ma) end of Sevier and Laramide deformation. From
west to east, the major tectonic components are forearc accretionary wedge and basin, magmatic arc, hinterland with metamorphic core complexes, Sevier fold-thrust belt, Laramide fore-
land belt, and foreland basin (see Fig. 1 for explanation of map symbols and labels). Relative motion between subducting oceanic and North American plates was partitioned into slip along
the subduction boundary, strike-slip transport of accreted terranes, and intraplate shortening. Lines for cross sections in Fig. 6 indicated. Maps incorporate relations presented by Oldow
et al. (1989), Saleeby (2003), and DeCelles (2004), with restoration of Neogene extension, strike slip along the San Andreas Fault system, and Cretaceous contraction and dextral transport
of accreted terranes based on McQuarrie and Wernicke (2005), Wyld et al. (2006), and this study.
542 W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593

Fig. 6. Schematic lithospheric cross sections, shown for: A Late Jurassic (~150 Ma); B Early Cretaceous (~100 Ma); C Late Cretaceous (~80 Ma); and D Paleogene (~50 Ma) times.
The Late Jurassic was marked by development of an E-dipping subduction zone, increased igneous activity along the magmatic arc, and initial shortening in the western part of the orogenic
system. The Early Cretaceous included development of an accretionary complex, growth of the magmatic arc, crustal thickening in the hinterland, thin-skin shortening of the western
Sevier belt, and sedimentation within a foreland basin. The Late Cretaceous included decreasing subduction angle (along with early development of a at-slab segment to the south), a
are-up followed by shutdown of the magmatic arc, lower crustal thickening beneath a hinterland plateau, shortening in the eastern Sevier belt, and broad dynamic subsidence of the
Western Interior Seaway. The Paleogene included rapid subduction and NE-underthrusting of the at-slab segment, minor extension in the thickened hinterland, nal shortening in
the eastern Sevier belt, and uplift of Laramide arches that disrupted the foreland basin.

zircon and geochemical signatures compared to temporally correlative coarser volcaniclastics with maximum depositional ages as young as
forearc strata of the Great Valley Group, with Early Cretaceous sediment 123 Ma, which underwent blueschist metamorphism at 117 Ma. The
sources mostly from accreted terranes and Jurassic volcanics, and Late Yolla Bolly terrane consists mostly of clastics with maximum deposi-
Cretaceous sources mostly from more deeply eroded parts of the tional ages of ~120110 Ma, along with a slab of ~170 Ma oceanic basalt
magmatic arc (Dumitru et al., 2015). and chert, which underwent lower blueschist metamorphism at
The eastern belt includes from east to west, the South Fork Mountain ~ 110 Ma (Dumitru et al., 2010, 2015). Limited accretion prior to
schist, Valentine Formation, and Yolla Bolly terrane. The eastern belt 125 Ma may reect thin trench ll during early arc growth, whereas
was juxtaposed against the structurally overlying Coast Range ophiolite rapid accretion after ~ 125 Ma appears associated with thicker trench
and Great Valley Group of the forearc basin along the Coast Range fault ll derived from the growing arc. The central belt consists mostly of m-
zone, which is interpreted to have initiated along the subduction zone at lange comprised of disrupted volcaniclastic mudstone, sandstone, and
~ 160 Ma and been subsequently reactivated as a normal fault that exotic blocks, which likely formed by a combination of sedimentary
helped exhume the accretionary complex and generate accommodation (Wakabayashi, 2015) and tectonic (Cloos, 1982) processes, and subse-
space for deposition of forearc strata (Unruh et al., 2007; Ernst, 2011). quently underwent low-grade metamorphism. Strata contain rare Late
Protoliths of the South Fork Mountain schist include ~135 Ma oceanic Cretaceous fossils and have DZ maximum depositional ages of
basalt and chert overlain by coarsening upwards siliciclastics, which ~10080 Ma (Dumitru et al., 2010, 2015; Ernst, 2011).
were subsequently subducted to estimated depths of ~2535 km and The eastern and central belts also contain small, high-grade
metamorphosed at blueschist facies at 123 Ma (Dumitru, 1990). This (upper blueschist, amphibolite, and eclogite facies) metabasite
history records sea oor spreading with increasing clastic input as an blocks with geochemical signatures similar to the Coast Range
oceanic plate approached the trench. The Valentine Formation contains ophiolite, which were metamorphosed from ~ 170135 Ma at
W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593 543

Fig. 7. Forearc history. A. Time line shows metamorphic and accretion ages of the Franciscan Complex, sedimentation history of the forearc basin, general location and relative ux in the
magmatic arc, and deformation episodes in the arc to western hinterland. Includes data from Shervais et al. (2005), Ernst (2011), Williams and Graham (2013), Ducea et al. (2015), and
Wakabayashi (2015). B. Schematic cross sections illustrate evolving forearc and magmatic arc during changing subduction, with: Early Jurassic subduction of an intra-arc oceanic plate
(northern part of the Mezcalera plate; Dickinson and Lawton, 2001a); Middle Jurassic development of the E-dipping Franciscan subduction zone, formation of the Coast Range ophiolite,
and overlap of MariposaGalice sequence; Late Jurassic intraplate shortening (Nevadan), early growth of the magmatic arc, sinking of the prior oceanic plate with enhanced asthenosphere
ow, retroarc igneous activity, and subsidence of the Morrison basin; earlier Cretaceous slow convergence with local transtension, decreased magmatism, and exhumation across the
retroarc; Early Cretaceous increasing convergence with accretion, forearc basin sedimentation, and increased magmatism; and mid Cretaceous rapid convergence and shallowing subduc-
tion with continued accretion, forearc basin sedimentation, magmatic are-up and removal of an eclogitic root.

pressures of 1.62.4 GPa (estimated depths of ~ 5080 km assuming compared to typical subduction zones with depressed thermal gradi-
lithostatic pressure, or ~ 2050 km depths assuming tectonic over- ents, consistent with metamorphism during early subduction of
pressure up to 1 GPa that can be reached in subduction channels; young oceanic lithosphere (Anczkiewicz et al., 2004). The high-
Mancktelow, 2008) during early underplating (Wakabayashi and grade blocks were subsequently exhumed, likely during extension
Dumitru, 2007). These blocks formed at higher T/P gradients above deeper zones of continued underplating (Platt, 1986) or
544 W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593

return ow along the subduction channel (Cloos, 1982), and recycled deformation and cooling ages decreasing from ~ 85 to 55 Ma toward
into accreting materials. the ESE (Fig. 5; Jacobson et al., 2011). The schists consist mostly of
Formation ages of basalt (with MORB and OIB geochemical signa- metagreywacke, along with lesser amounts of metabasalt and
tures) and chert increase going from the South Fork Mountain schist metachert that represent offscraped trench sediments and subducted
(~ 135 Ma) to the Yolla Bolly terrane (~ 170 Ma) that were accreted oceanic crust, similar to the Franciscan Complex. However, the schists
from 125 to 110 Ma, reaching a maximum formation age of ~ 190 Ma were metamorphosed at higher grade (T ~300600 C) and are in tec-
and then decreasing at successively younger levels within the central tonic contact with the base of the Sierra Nevada magmatic arc, recording
belt (Fig. 4C; Shervais et al., 2005; Wakabayashi, 2015). The age pattern removal of the arc root and mantle lithosphere, likely during at-slab
of basalts is interpreted to record subduction of crust that had formed in subduction of an oceanic plateau (Saleeby, 2003). DZ data bracket Late
a marginal ocean basin prior to ~ 110 Ma, followed by subduction of Cretaceous depositional ages and indicate sources from the magmatic
older Farallon plate crust generated at an active midocean ridge arc and Mogollon Highlands as the arc was erosionally breached
(Fig. 7B). (Jacobson et al., 2011). Extension and intrusion of two-mica,
The coastal belt, which only developed in the northern part of the peraluminous granites across the Mojave sector from ~7565 Ma may
Franciscan Complex, contains imbricate thrust sheets with coherent record decreased plate coupling and partial melting of underplated sed-
sandstone-bearing intervals that underwent very low-grade metamor- iments and crust during passage of the trailing edge of the oceanic pla-
phism (Snow et al., 2010). Abundant Late Cretaceous to Paleogene DZ teau and asthenospheric inux (Miller et al., 1996; Saleeby, 2003), or
grains and detrital muscovite bracket maximum depositional ages and during mantle lithosphere delamination (Wells et al., 2012).
indicate sources from the Idaho batholith region that was exhumed dur- North of the transect, Cretaceous marine turbidites of the Ochoco
ing extension within Paleogene metamorphic core complexes (Dumitru basin in central Oregon were deposited along the forearc (Housen and
et al., 2013). Dorsey, 2005). Farther north, strata of the MethowTyaughton basin
The forearc basin along the tectonic transect is represented by the (Fig. 5) record: (1) Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous deposition of ma-
Great Valley Group, which comprises a ~2- to N10 -km-thick sedimen- rine turbidites in a forearc basin with sediment sources from a magmat-
tary prism deposited on the Coast Range and Great Valley ophiolites to ic arc to the east: and (2) Late Cretaceous deposition of uvial strata in a
the west, and on previously accreted terranes to the east (Figs. 6, 7; retroarc basin, following accretion of the Insular terrane group at
Dickinson and Rich, 1972; Williams and Graham, 2013). The Great ~100 Ma (DeGraaff-Surpless et al., 2003).
Valley Group consists of mudstone, sandstone, and conglomerate that
were derived mostly from erosion of the growing magmatic arc and de- 4.2. Magmatic arc
posited mostly as submarine fan and slope turbidites, with local bypass
of sediments along submarine canyons to the trench (Ingersoll, 1978, The Cordilleran magmatic arc comprises a belt of calc-alkaline intru-
1979). The latest Jurassic(?) to earlier Cretaceous (~ 145130 Ma) sive and volcanic rocks, including the Peninsular, Sierra Nevada, Idaho,
lower part of the group (Stony Creek Formation) was deposited in the and Coast Mountain plutonic complexes (Fig. 5; Hamilton and Myers,
western part of the basin, which underwent local tilting and 1967; Hyndman, 1983; Saleeby and Busby-Spera, 1992; Armstrong
syndepositional faulting (Constenius et al., 2000), and was sourced and Ward, 1993; Saleeby et al., 2008; Gehrels et al., 2009). Geochemical
mostly from erosion of accreted terranes and volcanics on the west characteristics of arc rocks record contributions of primary mantle
side of the magmatic arc (Sharman et al., 2015). A change in basin struc- melts, remelting of mantle-derived gabbro and diorite, and recycling
ture and angular unconformity mark the base of the overlying Lodoga of crustal components (DePaolo, 1981; Wenner and Coleman, 2004;
Formation that was deposited from ~ 125100 Ma (Ingersoll, 1978; Giardi et al., 2012). The Sierra Nevada complex along the tectonic tran-
Constenius et al., 2000). Mid Cretaceous (~10080 Ma) strata progres- sect has a current crustal thickness of ~30-35 km and consists mostly of
sively onlapped eastward during increased tectonic subsidence, which tonalite to granodiorite, along with lesser amounts of wall rock and vol-
was followed by another change in basin structure during later canic pendants (Ducea, 2001; Gray et al., 2008). Petrologic constraints
Cretaceous time, with uplift of the western part of the basin and and characteristics of xenoliths indicate that the complex previously
progradation of deltaic strata along the eastern part during decreasing had an ~70-km-thick eclogitic root composed of mac to ultramac cu-
subsidence, interpreted to record subduction shallowing and thermal mulates and restites left over from partial melting of lower continental
contraction of the now inactive Sierra arc (Moxon and Graham, 1987; crust and gabbroic intrusions (Saleeby et al., 2003). The dense eclogitic
Williams and Graham, 2013). Petrographic (Ingersoll, 1978), DZ root was subsequently delaminated due to its negative buoyancy (Zandt
(DeGraaff-Surpless et al., 2002; Sharman et al., 2015), and geochemical et al., 2004). Although igneous rock types are similar along the length of
(Surpless, 2015) data from mid Cretaceous to Paleogene strata record the Sierra Nevada complex, isotopic and trace element patterns record
increasing input from more deeply eroded plutonic rocks within north- input of varying crustal components, from juvenile accreted terranes
ern to central California, with a drainage divide located along the arc. in the north (Cecil et al., 2012), to North American basement in the
The drainage divide, however, breached across the arc in the Mojave south (Ducea, 2001).
sector into the Mogollon Highlands, interpreted to record forearc dis- Magma addition rates, estimated from geochronology and outcrop
ruption and interior uplift during passage of a at-slab segment areas of igneous rocks, varied over time from high rates (are-ups) to
(Sharman et al., 2015). The Great Valley Group was little deformed low rates (lulls), reecting changes in subduction rates and associated
despite its proximity to the subduction margin, possibly because of corner ow of fertile asthenosphere, and rates of partial melting of
the relatively strong nature of the underlying ophiolitic basement. thickened crust and underplated trench sediments (Fig. 8A; Ducea and
Alternatively, Wright and Wyld (2007) proposed that the Jurassic Barton, 2007; Paterson et al., 2011; Chapman et al., 2013; Paterson
Early Cretaceous lower part of the group was originally deposited and Ducea, 2015). Estimated addition rates, however, have large uncer-
farther south and then transported northward during later dextral tainties as the nature of eroded volcanic material and depth extent of
strike-slip faulting. underlying plutons must be inferred. Detailed geochronologic data sug-
Forearc characteristics vary south and north of the tectonic transect, gest plutonic complexes were incrementally assembled by intrusion of
related to differences in subduction histories. To the south, the Catalina numerous, smaller sheet-like bodies (Coleman et al., 2004). Age distri-
schist was deposited in a forearc to accretionary wedge setting from butions of volcanic DZ grains in forearc and retroarc basin strata,
~ 11595 Ma and metamorphosed at moderate T/P conditions during which provide proxies for magmatism, display broadly similar regional
mid Cretaceous underthrusting beneath the Peninsular plutonic com- patterns (Fig. 8B; DeGraaff-Surpless et al., 2002; Barth et al., 2013;
plex (Grove et al., 2008). In the Mojave sector, the PelonaOrocopia Laskowski et al., 2013; Dumitru et al., 2015; Sharman et al., 2015).
Rand schists were underplated during the Late Cretaceous, with The Sierra Nevada complex had are-ups from 170150 Ma and
W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593 545

complex migrated eastward from 120 to 80 Ma, likely in response to de-

creasing subduction angle (Fig. 8D; Coney and Reynolds, 1977;
Dickinson and Snyder, 1978; Lipman, 1992). Cessation of calc-alkaline
igneous activity after 80 Ma is interpreted to reect development of a
at-slab segment along the Mojave sector and disruption of astheno-
sphere corner ow (Saleeby, 2003). Limited later Cretaceous
magmatism, however, propagated far inboard into the Colorado Mineral
Belt above the at slab (Chapin, 2012). A fundamental switch in mag-
matic style occurred across the western U.S. during Middle Eocene to
Oligocene time, marked by widespread eruption of calc-alkaline volca-
nic rocks with subduction-related geochemical signatures (Armstrong
and Ward, 1991; Best et al., 2009). Ages of volcanic rocks young overall
from north to south, which is interpreted to record progressive removal
of the attened slab and inux of asthenosphere that interacted with
previously hydrated mantle lithosphere (Humphreys et al., 2003).
Plutons and wall rocks within the Sierra Nevadan arc underwent
punctuated deformation, with intervals of increased strain rates
(~ 1015 s1 with locally higher rates in shear zones) during Middle
to Late Jurassic and mid Cretaceous are-ups, along with intervals of de-
creased strain rates (b 1016 s1) during magmatic lulls and little defor-
mation after ~ 80 Ma cessation of magmatism (Cao et al., 2015). The
style of deformation also changed over time, partly in response to obliq-
uity of plate convergence. During Middle to Late Jurassic near orthogo-
nal convergence, wall rocks experienced bulk coaxial strain and
shortening along WSW- and ENE-vergent thrust faults, and NNW-
striking foliations developed in plutons. During ~ 9580 Ma dextral
oblique convergence, wall rocks experienced transpressive strain and
development of dextral shear zones (Tikoff and de Saint Blanquat,
1997), and NW- to WNW-striking foliations developed in progressively
younger plutons (Cao et al., 2015). Shear zones have steep foliations,
with widespread steep lineations to locally gently plunging lineations
in areas with greater simple shear (Tikoff and Greene, 1997). Shear
zones comprise a network that developed along the magmatic arc that
was likely weak, with locations of elongate plutons partly related to re-
leasing bends in the network (Tikoff and de Saint Blanquat, 1997).
Patterns are broadly consistent with models of transpressive strain
and strike-slip partitioning during oblique convergence (Dewey et al.,
1998; Fossen and Tikoff, 1998).
To the south of the transect, the Peninsular complex includes a west-
ern belt of volcanic rocks and plutons emplaced from 140105 Ma, an
eastern belt of voluminous plutons with crustal melt components
emplaced during a 10085 Ma are-up, and a diffuse arc farther east
that developed after 80 Ma (Silver and Chappell, 1988; Kimbrough
et al., 2001). To the north, the Idaho batholith includes a western border
zone of 12090 Ma calc-alkaline tonalites deformed during dextral
transpression along the West Idaho shear zone (McClelland et al.,
Fig. 8. Magmatic arc. A. Estimated magmatic addition rates for Sierra Nevada (DeCelles
et al., 2009), Cascade (Paterson et al., 2011), and Coast Mountains (Gehrels et al., 2009) 2000; Giorgis et al., 2005), a main lobe consisting of metaluminous
igneous complexes. Typical background addition rate for arcs indicated by dashed line. granitoid plutons intruded from ~ 10085 Ma and voluminous
B. Detrital zircon (DZ) probability age distributions for forearc strata (DeGraaff-Surpless peraluminous granodiorite and two-mica granite that incorporated
et al., 2002; Ernst et al., 2009; Sharman et al., 2015), Alberta to Utah retroarc strata
crustal melts intruded from ~ 8065 Ma, and the smaller Bitterroot
(Laskowski et al., 2013), and Mojave sector strata (Barth et al., 2013). C. Correlations be-
tween episodes of high magmatic addition rates, increased 87Sr/86Sr, and increased
lobe with abundant 6654 Ma peraluminous granites (Hyndman,
La/Yb ratios interpreted to record partial melting of eclogite, based on Giardi et al. 1983; Foster and Fanning, 1997; Gaschnig et al., 2010). Late Cretaceous
(2012). D. Age-distance relations of arc rocks for southern and northern parts of Sierra magmatism also extended eastward and interacted with the Sevier belt
Nevada plutonic complex (Cecil et al., 2012) indicate shallowing of subduction from 120 in western Montana (Lageson et al., 2001). Farther north, the Coast
to 80 Ma. Relations for retroarc record widespread Middle to Late Jurassic magmatism
Mountain complex of Canada had protracted Jurassic-Paleogene activity
with mantle sources, and Cretaceous magmatism related to crustal partial melting.
that overlapped with terrane accretion (Friedman and Armstrong,
1995; Gehrels et al., 2009). An outboard arc in the Insular terrane
10085 Ma, a lull from 140125 Ma, and ceased to have calc-alkaline ac- group was active from ~ 160140 Ma, with a lull from ~ 140120 Ma,
tivity after ~80 Ma (Fig. 8A; Chen and Moore, 1982; Saleeby et al., 1987; followed by accretion onto the North America margin at ~100 Ma, crust-
Ducea, 2001). The early are-up may reect inux of fertile astheno- al thickening (Rubin et al., 1990), and development of a single arc,
sphere along the newly initiated subduction zone, whereas the which migrated eastward and had are-ups at ~10080 Ma and ~ 60
140125 Ma lull correlates with a period of reduced convergence 50 Ma (Friedman and Armstrong, 1995). A mid Cretaceous dextral
rates, similar to patterns along other sectors of the arc. The 10085 Ma transpressional to later Cretaceous and Paleogene transtensional crustal
are-up partly resulted from thickening and partial melting of lower shear zone, the Coast shear zone, developed along the arc, and was
crustal material beneath the arc based on Nd, Sr, and O isotopic data marked by intrusion of regionally extensive tonalite sills (Gehrels
(Ducea and Barton, 2007). Arc magmatism along the Sierra Nevada et al., 1992; Klepeis et al., 1998; McClelland et al., 2000).
546 W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593

Regional patterns suggest interrelations between magmatism, in the AlbionRaft RiverGrouse Creek and RubyEast Humboldt meta-
intraplate shortening, and subduction dynamics. Eastward migration morphic core complexes, and gently folded, little metamorphosed Pa-
of the arc and shallowing of subduction during the mid Cretaceous cor- leozoic strata to the east (Fig. 1; Snoke and Miller, 1988; Miller and
relate with increasing rates of overriding plate motion and relative con- Gans, 1989; Miller and Hoisch, 1995; Wells, 1997; McGrew et al.,
vergence, upper crustal shortening in the Sevier belt, and crustal 2000; Long, 2015). Paleozoic strata are unconformably overlain by Oli-
thickening in the hinterland to magmatic arc. Flare-ups along the arc gocene volcanic rocks over much of the hinterland, recording limited
had order of magnitude greater uxes compared to background rates pre-Neogene erosional exhumation (Armstrong, 1968; Long, 2013). Lo-
and were associated with increased 87Sr/86Sr, decreased Nd, and in- cally preserved synorogenic strata include the AptianAlbian Newark
creased 18O that record crustal melt components, as well as increased Canyon Formation that was deposited in piggy back basins east of the
La/Yb ratios that likely record partial melting in the presence of garnet Central Nevada belt, and the Upper Cretaceous to Paleogene Sheep
within an eclogitic arc root (Fig. 8C; Giardi et al., 2012; Paterson and Pass Formation deposited in internally drained basins during upper
Ducea, 2015). DeCelles et al. (2009) proposed that this cyclic crustal extension (Vandervoort and Schmitt, 1990; Druschke et al.,
magmatism was tied to lower crustal thickening beneath the arc during 2009, 2011).
retroarc shortening. In this model, crustal thickening leads to eclogite During Jurassic time, backarc basin strata in the western part of the
generation followed by foundering of the dense arc root, inux of hot hinterland were shortened by ~ 100 km in the LuningFencemaker
asthenosphere, and partial melting of remaining crust that ignites a belt (Fig. 6A; Wyld, 2002; Wyld et al., 2003). Unconformably overlying
are-up (Ducea and Barton, 2007), followed by a magmatic lull as a strata of the ~135125 Ma King Lear Formation were deposited follow-
new arc root forms and the cycle repeats. The concept of a Cordilleran ing exhumation of the belt (Martin et al., 2010). Middle to Late Jurassic
tectonicmagmatic cycle is further explored in the Discussion section. plutons and dikes of gabbro and metaluminous granitoids (mostly mon-
zonite and granodiorite) were intruded at shallow levels across parts of
4.3. Retroarc hinterland the hinterland (Fig. 8D; Miller and Hoisch, 1995). Juvenile isotopic
signatures of these igneous bodies record partial melting of mantle
The hinterland, spanning the region from the magmatic arc to the lithosphere (Wright and Wooden, 1991), possibly associated with
Sevier fold-thrust belt, developed during a complex tectonic history of enhanced asthenosphere convection during sinking of an older
middle- to lower-crustal thickening and metamorphism, multiple epi- subducted slab (Elison, 1995), and initiation of the E-dipping Fran-
sodes of igneous intrusion, and subsequent extension (Armstrong, ciscan subduction zone. Parts of future metamorphic core complexes
1968; Allmendinger and Jordan, 1984; Snoke and Miller, 1988; Miller experienced initial tectonic burial (Cruz-Uribe et al., 2015), and the
and Hoisch, 1995; Wells et al., 2012). Along the tectonic transect in Ne- eastern hinterland experienced limited Late Jurassic shortening,
vada to NW Utah, the hinterland includes the western Luning early slip on the Manning Canyon detachment, and contact meta-
Fencemaker fold-thrust belt (Wyld, 2002), central Nevada fold-thrust morphism near igneous intrusions (Allmendinger and Jordan,
belt (Taylor et al., 2000), poly-deformed mid-crustal rocks exhumed 1981; Miller and Hoisch, 1995).

Fig. 9. Hinterland history. A. PTt paths for East HumboldtRuby (McGrew et al., 2000; Hallett and Spear, 2013) and AlbionRaft RiverGrouse Creek (Wells et al., 2012; Kelly et al., 2015)
core complexes. Overall clockwise paths record: local Late Jurassic and regional Early to mid Cretaceous tectonic burial with peak P by ~80 Ma; later Cretaceous heating with local, alter-
nating shortening/extension; and Paleocene slower exhumation followed by Eocene to Oligocene rapid exhumation and cooling during orogenic collapse. Estimated depths assume
lithostatic pressure. B. Schematic cross sections showing pre-Jurassic crustal architecture and Cretaceous development of a hinterland plateau during Sevier shortening. Evidence for a pla-
teau includes restoration of current crustal thicknesses for Neogene extension (Coney and Harms, 1984), paleo-elevations based on stable isotopic data (Snell et al., 2014), PTt paths of
metamorphic rocks, balancing of Sevier upper crustal shortening (area A2) and hinterland lower crustal thickening (area A1).
W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593 547

During Cretaceous to Paleogene time, lower- to mid-crustal levels of of primary carbonate, hydrated volcanic glass, and authigenic clay
the hinterland experienced Barrovian metamorphism with overall clock- (Chamberlain and Poage, 2000; Horton et al., 2004; Cassel et al., 2009;
wise PTt paths that record tectonic burial to depths of 2030 km in ex- Mix et al., 2011; Chamberlain et al., 2012; Snell et al., 2014). However,
cess of primary stratigraphic thickness (Fig. 9A; Hodges et al., 1992; the timing, magnitude, and spatial extent of surface uplift across the
Smith et al., 1993; Camilleri and Chamberlain, 1997; McGrew et al., hinterland, and relations to regional tectonics, remain debated. Models
2000; Hoisch et al., 2002; Harris et al., 2007; Wells and Hoisch, 2008; for paleo-elevation include Late Cretaceous uplift of a broad plateau
Hallett and Spear, 2013; Kelly et al., 2015), and intrusion of peraluminous partly in response to crustal thickening (Coney and Harms, 1984;
two-mica granites that incorporated crustal melts (Barton, 1990; Lee Jones et al., 1998; DeCelles, 2004), and early Cenozoic uplift partly relat-
et al., 2003). Within the AlbionRaft RiverGrouse Creek complex, rela- ed to slab removal and mantle lithosphere delamination (Humphreys,
tions record: (1) Early Cretaceous tectonic burial with an episode of 1995; Liu et al., 2010).
early exhumation at ~ 135 Ma (Kelly et al., 2015); (2) mid Cretaceous A schematic model for tectono-topographic evolution of the hinter-
crustal thickening, emplacement of an extensive thrust sheet (Basin- land along the tectonic transect is shown in Fig. 9B. Fossil assemblages
Elba sheet) and vertical attening of its tectonically buried footwall to in the Lower Cretaceous Newark Canyon Formation in Nevada are sim-
the east (Wells et al., 2008), and metamorphism at maximum depths ilar to assemblages in the correlative Cedar Mountain Formation of the
to ~ 35 km and T ~ 550 C by ~85 Ma (Wells and Hoisch, 2008; Wells foreland basin in central Utah, suggesting limited elevation differences
et al., 2012); (3) later Cretaceous to Paleocene alternating local extension at ~120 Ma (Bonde, 2014). Comparison of clumped CO isotopic values
along detachment faults and shortening by refolding with maximum of primary carbonates in the Upper Cretaceous to Paleocene Sheep Pass
T ~ 650 C by ~65 Ma (Wells, 1997; Wells et al., 2012); and (4) Eocene Formation with correlative strata to the east indicate that the hinterland
to Oligocene collapse, late-stage igneous intrusion, and rapid extension was at ~23 km higher elevation than the foreland by 70 Ma (Snell et al.,
along the Middle Mountain shear zone, followed by Miocene extension 2014), which is consistent with crustal thickening to ~ 5060 km be-
along the Raft River detachment (Wells, 2001). Within the RubyEast neath a broad hinterland plateau that balanced ~ 200 km of thin-skin
Humboldt complex, relations record: (1) likely Early Cretaceous pro- shortening in the Sevier belt. Thickening likely involved a combination
grade metamorphism; (2) mid Cretaceous crustal thickening, emplace- of underthrusting of basement beneath thick passive margin and accret-
ment of nappes and an extensive thrust sheet (Windemere sheet), ed strata, development of basement-cored nappes, and lower crustal
which buried the footwall to the east that underwent attening duplexing. Following thickening and plateau uplift, mid- to upper crust-
(Camilleri, 1998), and metamorphism at maximum depths to ~40 km al levels experienced alternating episodes of later Cretaceous to Paleo-
and T ~ 600 C by ~ 8575 Ma (Hallett and Spear, 2013); (3) later cene synconvergent extension to shortening, reecting a dynamic
Cretaceous to Paleocene local extension to shortening with maximum interplay between tectonic compressive forces, gravitational potential
T ~ 700800 C, migmatization, and intrusion of peraluminous granites; energy of elevated crust, mantle lithosphere thinning, heating and
and (4) Eocene to Oligocene collapse, late-stage igneous intrusion, and weakening of the crust, and surface processes (Hodges and Walker,
rapid exhumation along extensional shear zones (McGrew et al., 2000). 1992; Camilleri and Chamberlain, 1997; Wells et al., 2012). Erosional
Early Cretaceous shortening in the Central Nevada belt may have trans- exhumation of the hinterland at this time appears limited with strata
ferred along strike into early shortening in the Ruby to Albion metamor- of the Sheep Pass Formation deposited in internally drained basins,
phic complexes (Taylor et al., 2000). interpreted to reect topographic isolation of a high plateau
The metamorphic core complexes within the tectonic transect lie (Druschke et al., 2009, 2011). O and H isotopic values become more neg-
along a belt that stretches from Canada to Arizona, which is character- ative and varied in Paleocene to Oligocene strata, suggestive of further
ized by poly-deformation of lower- to mid-crustal rocks and exhuma- increases in elevation and relief during a late-stage (~5035 Ma) switch
tion along major extensional shear zones (Fig. 1; Davis and Coney, to local extension and are-up of igneous activity (Mix et al., 2011;
1979; Coney and Harms, 1984). These complexes also displays impor- Chamberlain et al., 2012). Although different studies listed above have
tant along strike variations. To the north in Canada, the Monashee and proposed varying interpretations, in general, evidence suggests the hin-
related core complexes lie in the hinterland Omineca belt that experi- terland experienced mid Cretaceous crustal thickening and regional up-
enced: Jurassic crustal thickening and igneous intrusion that overlapped lift, later Cretaceous to Paleocene synconvergent upper crustal
with initiation of faulting in the western part of the retroarc fold-thrust extension within an internally drained plateau, and Eocene to Oligocene
belt (Pana and van der Pluijm, 2015); Cretaceous polyphase metamor- extension and igneous activity during slab removal.
phism, igneous intrusion that incorporated crustal melts, and develop-
ment of shear zones, some of which linked eastward into the 4.4. Retroarc Sevier fold-thrust belt
fold-thrust belt; Paleocene migmatization and onset of extension in
thermally weakened crust; and Eocene regional extension with devel- The thin-skin Sevier belt extends N 3000 km from the Front and Main
opment of transtensional shear and fault zones (Norlander et al., Ranges of Canada (Dahlstrom, 1970; Price and Mountjoy, 1970) to
2002; Gervais and Brown, 2011; Simony and Carr, 2011; Gervais and southeastern California (Burchel and Davis, 1972) and is characterized
Hynes, 2013). To the south in Arizona, core complexes underwent by thrust faults and folds that shortened and translated sedimentary
Miocene extension that followed crustal thickening mostly related to cover rocks overall eastward above a regional decollement (Figs. 5, 6;
prior igneous intrusions (Davy et al., 1989). Localized extension in the Armstrong and Oriel, 1965; Armstrong, 1968; DeCelles, 2004). The
hinterland and enhanced igneous activity with eruption of large ignim- Sevier belt trends overall NNW to N, subparallel to the overall plate
brite sheets progressed southward from Eocene to Miocene time, likely margin, and displays curvature over a range of scales, partly related to
recording progressive slab removal and inux of hot asthenosphere architecture of the primary sedimentary prism, including the Alberta,
(Armstrong and Ward, 1991; Best et al., 2009). Wyoming, and central Utah salients (Figs. 1, 3; Lawton et al., 1994;
Multiple lines of evidence imply that crustal thickening in the hin- Mitra, 1997). The sedimentary cover in the belt underwent
terland led to formation of a broad orogenic plateau (DeCelles, 2004). ~ 150300 km of shortening, which was matched by mid- to lower-
Evidence includes restoration of current crustal thickness for Tertiary crustal thickening in the hinterland (Price and Mountjoy, 1970;
extension (Coney and Harms, 1984), balancing of mid- to lower- DeCelles and Coogan, 2006). Shortening in the Sevier belt occurred most-
crustal thickening in the hinterland with upper-crustal shortening in ly during the Early Cretaceous to Paleogene, but locally began during
the Sevier belt (DeCelles and Coogan, 2006), elevated pressures record- Middle Jurassic time in western Alberta (Pana and van der Pluijm,
ed by metamorphic rocks (Wells et al., 2012; Hallett and Spear, 2013), 2015) during terrane accretion and early development of the Selkirk
stratigraphic relations (Druschke et al., 2009, 2011), fossil assemblages fan (Colpron et al., 1996; Gibson et al., 2008), and in the Mojave sector
(Wolfe et al., 1998; Bonde, 2014), and stable isotopic compositions where the belt intersected the magmatic arc (Burchel and Davis, 1972).
548 W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593

Fig. 10. Geologic and shaded relief map of the Wyoming salient of the Sevier fold-thrust belt. Major thrusts (Willard, Paris, Meade, Crawford, Absaroka, Hogsback, Darby, Prospect) and
associated folds display systematic curvature from NW trends in the north part to NE trends in the south part of the salient. Locations of cross sections AA, BB, CC, and DD in
Fig. 11 indicated. Locations of section lines for Figs. 13 and 17 and BE Big Elk, GC Georgetown Canyon, and SC Swift Creek areas for Fig. 20 also indicated.
Modied from Coogan (1992) and Yonkee and Weil (2010).

The Wyoming salient of the Sevier belt along the tectonic transect is Paris, and Meade thrusts that carried thick Neoproterozoic to Paleozoic
bound on the north and south ends by the Gros Ventre and Uinta passive margin strata; and (2) an eastern system comprising the
Laramide foreland arches, and displays ~ 90 of regional curvature Crawford, Absaroka, and HogsbackDarbyProspect thrusts that carried
with trends of large-scale fold and thrust traces ranging from NW in thinner Paleozoic strata that were transitional with much thinner cra-
the north part to NE in the south part (Fig. 10). Major thrusts in the sa- tonic strata farther east (Fig. 3). Cross sections of the salient show classic
lient are divided into: (1) a western system comprising the Willard, thin-skinned structures that are well constrained by seismic and drill
W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593 549

Fig. 11. Cross sections AA, BB, and CC across southern, central, and north-central parts of the Wyoming salient illustrate typical thin-skin structural style. Fold-thrust shortening is
greater in the central part of the salient. Section DD illustrates interaction of frontal thrusts with the Laramide foreland Gros Ventre arch.
Sections modied from Hunter (1988), Coogan (1992), Royse (1993), Peyton et al. (2011), and Yonkee and Weil (2010).

hole data (Fig. 11; Royse et al., 1975; Dixon, 1982; Lamerson, 1982; and Dorr, 1983; Burtner and Nigrini, 1994; DeCelles, 1994, 2004;
Coogan, 1992; Royse, 1993). Thrusts have stair-step geometries, Solum and van der Pluijm, 2007). Limited reactivation of internal thrusts,
with ramps in more competent intervals (thick-bedded carbonate and local out-of-sequence thrusting, and uplift over deep ramps accompa-
sandstone) and ats in incompetent intervals (shale and evaporites), nied development of the thrust wedge and helped maintain critical
and are associated with fault-bend, fault-propagation, and detachment taper (Coogan, 1992; DeCelles and Mitra, 1995). Additional details on ex-
folds. The basal decollement lies in micaceous Neoproterozoic strata humation patterns are recorded by detrital thermochronologic studies of
for the western thrust system, and in Cambrian shale for the eastern sys- synorogenic strata. Minimum lag times for apatite ssion track ages (the
tem. Underlying basement is not incorporated into thrust sheets, except time between source rock cooling below a closure T ~ 80110 C and the
along a basement ramp where the basal decollement stepped up along depositional age of synorogenic strata) are b 5 Ma, recording rapid exhu-
the edge of the former passive margin onto the eastern thrust system, mation (~ 0.51.0 km/m.y.) from depths of ~ 34 km near the leading
forming the Wasatch anticlinorium (Yonkee, 1992). In three dimen- edge of the Sevier thrust wedge (Painter et al., 2014). U/ThHe ages of
sions, thrusts display oblique ramps, transfer zones, and tear faults detrital zircon grains, however, are much older and indicate that most
that accommodated along-strike gradients in displacement (Apotria, sediment source rocks were located above the He partial retention
1995; Yonkee and Weil, 2010). Fault slip was overall eastward, but zone (T ~ 160180 C) at the onset of thrusting. Consequently, total ex-
slip directions varied around the salient and were oblique to structural humation was less than ~67 km, implying rapid exhumation was pro-
trend near the salient ends, with additional complications where frontal gressively localized along the propagating wedge front. A switch to
thrusts interacted with basement-cored Laramide arches (Schwartz and local extensional collapse of the Sevier belt started by 5045 Ma
Van der Voo, 1984; Bradley and Bruhn, 1988; Hunter, 1988; Paulsen and and continued into the Oligocene from Montana to Utah, marked
Marshak, 1999). Internal strain and vertical axis-rotations accompanied by development of listric normal faults that reactivated thrust
thrusting and contributed to total shortening and development of cur- ramps and deposition of volcaniclastic strata in half grabens
vature (Mitra, 1994; Weil et al., 2010; Yonkee and Weil, 2010). (Constenius, 1996). The following Sections 4.4.1 to 4.4.3, describe
Thermochronologic data, along with age and provenance of more detailed structural patterns of the western and eastern thrust
synorogenic deposits, provide a long-term record of fault timing and ero- systems of the Wyoming salient that help frame the tectonic model
sional unroong of thrust sheets in the salient (Fig. 12). Data record over- presented in the Discussion.
all forward (west to east) propagation of thrusts, with slip on the
WillardParisMeade thrusts from ~ 12590 Ma, Crawford to Early 4.4.1. Wyoming salient western thrust system
Absaroka thrusts from ~ 9080 Ma, and Late Absaroka to Hogsback The western thrust system of the Wyoming salient includes the aerial-
DarbyProspect thrusts from ~7050 Ma (Dorr et al., 1977; Wiltschko ly extensive Willard, Paris, and Meade thrust sheets that were emplaced
550 W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593

Fig. 12. Timing of major thrust faults in the Wyoming salient. A. Synorogenic strata from the southern Wyoming salient across the Green River basin record: K1 Early Cretaceous depo-
sition in a foredeep during WillardParisMeade thrusting; K2 mid Cetaceous foredeep deposition during Crawford thrusting along with regional (dynamic) subsidence; K3 mid and
later Cretaceous foredeep deposition during early and late Absaroka thrusting, separated by a local unconformity; T1 Paleocene to Early Eocene wedge top, foredeep, and foreland sed-
imentation during overlapping Hogsback thrusting and Laramide arch uplift; and later Eocene deposition in local half grabens during a switch to extension. Thrusts developed from west to
east (forward propagating), with limited thrust reactivation and interior uplift of the Wasatch anticlinorium to maintain critical taper. Modied from Royse (1993). B. Geochronologic and
thermochronologic data, including apatite ssion track ages (Naeser et al., 1983; Burtner and Nigrini, 1994), KAr ages of illite (Burtner and Nigrini, 1994), and 40Ar/39Ar ages of muscovite
(Yonkee et al., 1989) record progression of internal deformation and thrust exhumation across the Sevier belt during Cretaceous to Early Eocene time, followed by later Eocene switch to

long distances during the Early Cretaceous (Crittenden, 1972; Yonkee, mica from lower parts of the sheet vary mostly from 140110 Ma, record-
2005). In the southern part of the salient, the Willard thrust has ~50 km ing early alteration and strain that overlapped with onset of thrust slip
of ESE slip, in the central part the system branches into the Paris and (Yonkee et al., 1989). Zircon U/ThHe ages range mostly from
Meade thrusts with ~20 km and 40 km of E slip respectively, and in the 12590 Ma in lower parts of the sheet (Eleogram, 2014), recording
northern part ~60 km of ENE slip is distributed along several imbricate protracted cooling and exhumation during thrust slip. The western
thrusts and associated folds. 40Ar/39Ar ages of pre- to syn-kinematic Sheeprock and Canyon Range thrust sheets in central Utah south of the
W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593 551

Fig. 13. Map and down-plunge projection of the Willard thrust sheet, with effects of subsequent deformation (uplift of Wasatch anticlinorium and Neogene extension) removed. The
Willard thrust sheet was emplaced ~60 km eastward with additional shortening from imbricate thrusts and large-scale folds. Cleavage is best developed in the lower parts of the sheet
and rotates into parallelism with the thrust at the base of the sheet. Position of Willard Peak (WP) study area shown in Fig. 16 indicated.
Modied from Yonkee (2005).

transect have similar structural style and timing (DeCelles and Coogan, ductile shear zones, and vein arrays (Fig. 14C). Quartz grains are de-
2006). formed into elliptical shapes with widespread undulose extinction,
The Willard sheet is well exposed in northern Utah where younger subgrains, and local recrystallization, along with dissolution of
uplift and erosion above the Wasatch anticlinorium exhumed a wide grain edges and precipitation of quartz-mica bers at grain ends, re-
range of structural levels (Fig. 13). The Willard thrust has a stair-step ge- cording a combination of crystal plastic and mass transfer deforma-
ometry with a western at in micaceous Neoproterozoic strata, a ramp tion mechanisms (Fig. 14D).
through later Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian quartzite-rich strata, a The Willard thrust fault zone includes the tectonized base of the
central at in middle Cambrian shale, a central ramp through upper hanging wall, a fault core with concentrated slip, and an imbricated
Cambrian to Jurassic carbonate-rich strata, and an eastern at in Jurassic footwall (Fig. 14E). The basal hanging wall displays intense thrust-
evaporite-bearing strata. Imbricate thrusts and large-scale folds accom- parallel, locally refolded foliation and multiple vein sets. The fault core
modated additional shortening within the sheet. consists of mixed mylonite, phyllonite, and cataclasite cut by discrete
Lithologic characteristics, environmental conditions (temperature, slip surfaces. Mylonite contains highly elongate, recrystallized quartz
uids), and structural position (proximity to major thrusts) controlled ribbons. Phyllonite contains ne-grained, recrystallized to comminuted
styles and mechanisms of internal deformation in the Willard sheet. matrix cut by variably deformed microveins (Fig. 14F). Cataclasite
Triassic to Jurassic strata have been eroded from much of the sheet. contains brecciated mylonite and phyllonite fragments. Preserved
Paleozoic strata at upper levels experienced temperatures (T) b 200 C, microstructures record overlapping crystal plastic, mass transfer, and
and include strong dolostone with fracturing, and relatively weaker cataclastic deformation, with repeated episodes of uid inux and
limestone and shale with minor faults, minor folds, veins, and rare alteration.
spaced cleavage, which are best developed near imbricate faults. Early Mesoscopic structural relations vary with structural level in the
Cambrian to later Neoproterozoic strata at middle levels of the thrust thrust sheet (Fig. 15A). Cleavage varies from absent in quartzite at
sheet experienced T of ~200300 C, and consist mostly of strong quartz- middle levels, to well-developed and at acute angles to bedding in mica-
ite with minor faults, and open minor folds (Fig. 14A). Microscopically, ceous strata at lower levels, to intense and subparallel to bedding in the
quartz grains are typically little deformed, with limited undulose ex- basal part of the sheet. Veins comprise three diffuse sets: steep-dipping,
tinction and microcracks (Fig. 14B). Micaceous Neoproterozoic stra- ESE-striking veins subperpendicular to fold axes that are locally
ta at lower levels underwent greenschist-facies metamorphism at grouped in en echelon arrays and accommodated minor tangential
maximum T of ~ 300400 C, and display increasing deformation in- (strike-parallel) extension and local wrench shear; bed-subparallel
tensity with increasing mica content and proximity to the main veins associated with top-to-ESE shear; and veins subperpendicular to
thrust. Diamictite, greywacke, and slate at lower levels display cleavage at lower levels. Widely spaced minor faults at upper levels
moderately to strongly developed cleavage, inclined minor folds, include reverse-slip wedge faults at acute angles to bedding and
552 W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593

Fig. 14. Structural styles at different levels in the Willard sheet, western thrust system. A. Quartzite at middle levels underwent limited cataclastic deformation with development of frac-
tures and minor faults. Hammer for scale. B. Photomicrograph of quartzite shows little deformed quartz grains (Q) with limited undulose extinction (u) and microcracks (mc). C. Diamictite
at lower levels underwent widespread ductile deformation with development of cleavage (S1) dened by preferred orientation of mica and attened clasts Pen for scale. D. Photomicro-
graph of greywacke at lower levels shows distinctly attened quartz grains with widespread undulose extinction, local recrystallization (rx), dissolved grain margins (d), quartz bers (f),
altered micaceous matrix (M), and shear bands (sb) related to top-to-E shear. E. View to north of Willard thrust that places highly deformed micaceous strata of the Perry Canyon Forma-
tion (Zp) over imbricated middle Cambrian Ophir and Maxeld shale and limestone (Com) and lower Cambrian Tintic quartzite (Ct); phyllonite and mylonite along the fault core are ex-
posed in the foreground. F. Photomicrograph of phyllonite from fault core shows ne-grained micaceous matrix with contorted foliation cut by multiple sets of variably deformed
microveins (v1 thicker tightly folded vein, cut by v2 thin planar veins), and slip surfaces (ss).

strike-slip tear faults at high angles to bedding. Mostly top-to-E shear locally incorporated into the sheet where the thrust propagated across
zones are found at lower levels. Mesoscopic structures record limited basement highs that likely formed during Neoproterozoic rifting. In
layer-parallel shortening (LPS) at upper levels, layer-parallel extension the northern domain, bedding is overall gently dipping, subparallel to
and vertical attening in micaceous strata at lower levels, top-to-E the central imbricate, and cleavage denes an asymptotic pattern. Strain
shear that increases toward the base of the sheet, minor tangential ellipses (in cross section) for micaceous clasts within diamictite at lower
extension at all levels, and localized wrench shear. levels have moderate axial ratios of ~23 and long axes at 1030 angles
Strain data for the Willard Peak area illustrate kinematic and rheo- to the thrust. Micaceous clasts with plastically deformed quartz grains
logic relations of different rock types and levels during thrusting. The lack strain shadows and approximate matrix strain, whereas less al-
area includes a northern domain with an oblique section across little de- tered, stronger granitic and large quartzite clasts display strain shadows
formed quartzite of the Caddy Canyon Formation to more deformed and have lower axial ratios, broadly consistent with experimentally de-
greywacke and diamictite of the Perry Canyon Formation and local termined ow laws that predict relative strengths of dry feldspar N dry
slices of basement rock (Facer Formation) at lower levels above a cen- quartz N wet quartz N mica at greenschist facies conditions (Yonkee
tral imbricate, and a southern domain with highly deformed and folded et al., 2013). Strain ellipses for greywacke have ratios of ~1.52 and an-
strata near the main Willard thrust (Fig. 16). Basement slices were gles of 2050, and ellipses for quartzite farther from the imbricate have
W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593 553

Fig. 15. Kinematic and rheologic models for the Willard thrust sheet. A. Block diagrams on left illustrate kinematic relations of mesoscopic structures (cleavage, veins, minor folds), strain
ellipses, and strain components (Lsh layer-parallel simple shear [], LPS to LPE layer-parallel shortening to extension [1], VT vertical thinning [3], TE tangential extension, and
Wsh wrench shear) at different levels of the Willard sheet. Diagrams on right illustrate large-scale fold-fault relations and map-view curvature. Insets shows idealized kinematic model
with combined thrust-parallel simple shear, vertical thinning, and thrust-parallel shortening to extension. B. Simple rheologic model for the Willard fault zone comprised of: tectonized
base of the hanging wall with intense cleavage in micaceous strata, boudinaged quartzite layers, and multiple vein sets; fault core with mylonite, phyllonite, cataclasite, quartz-cemented
pod cut by minor normal fault, and discrete thrust slip surfaces; and imbricated footwall. Mohr stress circle constructed for elevated uid pressure and 1 (maximum stress) at high angle
to the fault shows thrust slip along a low-friction micaceous fault core, tensile failure of veins, normal shear failure of quartz-cemented pod, and power law creep of muscovite (M*, mod-
ied for mica aggregate; Mares and Kronenberg, 1993) and wet quartz (Q; Hirth et al., 2001) at strains rates ~1014 and 1015 s1, respectively.

ratios typically b1.2. The southern domain exposes highly deformed higher in outcrops with widespread veining, interpreted to record hy-
slate and greywacke of the Perry Canyon Formation that are folded drolytic weakening and elevated uid pressure.
into a recumbent syncline and overturned anticline related to thrust The above described structural and microtextural patterns record ki-
propagation and shear. In the basal part of the sheet, strain ratios are nematic and rheological layering of the Willard thrust sheet. A kinemat-
~ 36 and long axes are subparallel to the thrust. At lower levels, ic model of combined shear, vertical attening, and minor layer-parallel
greywacke has strain ratios of ~ 1.52.5, whereas pebbly to silty slate shortening to extension predicts an asymptotic pattern of cleavage and
has higher ratios of ~ 2.54 (Fig. 16). In detail, strain intensity is also increasing strain ratios toward the base of the sheet that match
554 W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593

Fig. 16. Strain relations for the Willard Peak area, Willard thrust sheet. Down-plunge projections of northern and southern domains show bedding, cleavage trajectories, and strain ellipses
of micaceous clasts in diamictite and slate and quartz clasts in greywacke of the Perry Canyon Formation, micaceous quartzite of the Maple Canyon Formation, and quartzite of the Caddy
Canyon Formation. Inset shows detailed relations for a recumbent syncline. Strain ellipse ratios increase and long axis angles decrease overall toward the base of the sheet, consistent with
simple shear and vertical attening at lower levels.

observed patterns (Fig. 15A). The vertical gradient in layer-parallel ex- in northern Utah where imbricate slices of basement were repeated
tension results in a horizontal gradient in simple shear to maintain com- along the Ogden thrust system (Schirmer, 1988; Yonkee, 1992;
patibility, which is partly accommodated by slip between layers. DeCelles, 1994). Fission track ages of ~9075 Ma and 6550 Ma in base-
Increasing vertical attening and shear are interpreted to reect a rela- ment rocks (Naeser et al., 1983) are interpreted to record progressive up-
tively weak lower part of the thrust sheet. In comparison, a model with lift of the anticlinorium during slip on the Crawford, Absaroka, and
only thrust-parallel simple shear predicts moderate-dipping cleavage Hogsback thrusts to the east (DeCelles, 1994). Uplift in the anticlinorium
for moderate strain ratios (Sanderson, 1982), inconsistent with was accompanied by deposition of foredeep strata east of the propagat-
observed patterns in the Willard sheet. ing wedge front and local deposition of wedge-top conglomeratic strata
Microstructural and uid inclusion data constrain a simplied me- with angular unconformities. Uplift along the primary basement step,
chanical model for the lower Willard sheet and basal fault zone along with imbrication of basement slices, helped maintain wedge
(Fig. 15B). Internal deformation at lower levels occurred at strain rates taper and drive slip on the eastern thrust system (DeCelles and Mitra,
on the order of 1014 to 1015 s1 in mica- to quartz-richer rocks re- 1995). Basement in the anticlinorium experienced ~1015% early inter-
spectively. Veins at high angles to the thrust, boudinaged quartzite nal shortening accommodated by shear zones, which were fanned about
beds, and minor normal faults in quartz-cemented pods developed syn- the anticlinorium during subsequent large-scale imbrication and folding
chronously with concentrated thrust slip in the fault core, consistent (Yonkee, 1992). Shear zones are characterized by widespread alteration
with elevated uid pressure, low deviatoric stress (~10 MPa), and rota- of feldspar to muscovite, plastic deformation of quartz, and mylonitic to
tion of maximum stress into high angles with a weak, low-friction fault phyllonitic foliation. Concentration of deformation into shear and fault
core. Furthermore, uid inclusion data indicate elevated uid pressures, zones reects reaction softening, hydrolytic weakening of quartz, and
which may have episodically approached lithostatic pressure (Yonkee grain size reduction (Yonkee et al., 2003). The anticlinorium developed
et al., 1989). A weak fault zone and micaceous lower level, combined above a basal decollement and thus is an example of basement-
with an overlying interval of strong quartzite, favored low wedge involved thin-skin structural style, as dened by Pffner (2006).
taper, large fault slip, and limited internal deformation at middle to
upper levels in the western system.
4.4.3. Wyoming salient eastern thrust system
The eastern thrust system comprises the Crawford, Absaroka, and
4.4.2. Wyoming salient Wasatch anticlinorium HogsbackDarbyProspect thrusts, which share a basal decollement in
The Wasatch anticlinorium marks the transition from the western to Cambrian shale and carry thinner Paleozoic to Mesozoic strata
eastern thrust systems, where the basal decollement propagated from (Figs. 10, 11). Thrusts display curved structural trends related to chang-
the base of Neoproterozoic passive margin strata to the west, across a es in thrust slip direction and magnitude, and to interaction of frontal
basement step (the Wasatch hinge-zone), up to middle Cambrian shale thrusts with Laramide arches at the north and south ends of the salient.
to the east (Fig. 17; Yonkee, 1992). The anticlinorium has a culmination The Crawford thrust and associated fold train accommodated ~25 km to
W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593 555

Fig. 17. Structural model for sequential development of the Wasatch anticlinorium and eastern thrust system in the southern Wyoming salient. Major thrusts are labeled from west to east:
WT Willard thrust, OTU and OTL upper and lower branches of Ogden thrust system, BT basal thrust, CT Crawford thrust, AT Absaroka thrust, and HT Hogsback thrust.
Synorogenic deposits for each thrust correspond to those given in Fig. 12. Future thrusts are dashed, active thrusts in black, and inactive thrusts shown in gray. Modied from Yonkee
(1992) and DeCelles (1994).

30 km of shortening in the north to central parts of the salient, with locally overlain with angular uniformity by the early Eocene Lookout
multiple detachment levels in Mississippian, Triassic, and Jurassic strata Mountain Conglomerate deposited during nal stages of thrusting.
(Banerjee and Mitra, 2005). In the south part of the salient, the Crawford The Darby-Prospect thrusts merge southward into the Hogsback thrust
thrust ramps down westward and merges with the Ogden thrust sys- across a transfer zone above the basement-cored Moxa arch (Fig. 10;
tem in the Wasatch anticlinorium (Yonkee, 1992). Growth structures Kraig et al., 1988). In the south-central part of the salient, ~ 25 km of
in the synorogenic Weber Canyon and Echo Canyon conglomerates re- slip is concentrated along the Hogsback thrust. In the south part of the
cord major slip on the Crawford thrust from ~ 9080 Ma (DeCelles, salient, the Hogsback thrust is covered by younger strata and likely in-
1994). The Absaroka thrust and related imbricates accommodated tersects the North Flank thrust of the Uinta arch in the subsurface
~ 40 km of shortening in the north part of the salient (Woodward, (Royse, 1993).
1986). In the north-central part, N 40 km of shortening is accommodated Systematic suites of mesoscopic to microscopic structures, including
on the main Absaroka thrust along with imbricate faults and folds that spaced cleavage, fracture and vein sets, minor folds, and minor faults,
vary with stratigraphic level (Chester, 2003). The main thrust branches accommodated internal strain in the eastern thrust system (Crosby,
southward into the Absaroka, Commissary Ridge, and imbricate thrusts 1969; Mitra and Yonkee, 1985; Craddock et al., 1988; Mitra, 1994;
that accommodated ~35 km of shortening in the south-central part of Weil and Yonkee, 2009; Yonkee and Weil, 2010). Styles of internal de-
the salient. Farther south, ~ 20 km of shortening was accommodated formation are described below for two rock types, limestone of the
by the Mt. RaymondCrandall Canyon thrusts, which are interpreted Jurassic Twin Creek Formation and red beds of the Triassic Ankareh
to link with the Charleston thrust south of the UintaCottonwood arch Formation.
(Bradley and Bruhn, 1988; Paulsen and Marshak, 1999). An early Limestone in the Twin Creek Formation commonly displays cleavage
phase of slip on the Absaroka thrust occurred during deposition of the dened by close-spaced partings at high angles to bedding (Fig. 18A),
late Santonian to early Campanian (~ 80 Ma) Little Muddy Creek veins (Fig. 18B), minor faults, and deformed fossils in bioclastic layers.
Conglomerate. This conglomerate was subsequently tilted during a Microscopically, cleavage is represented by seams enriched in clay and
later phase of thrust slip and deposition of the Maastrichtian (~ 70 quartz, which formed mostly by dissolution of calcite and bound less
65 Ma) Hams Fork Conglomerate, which contains basement clasts erod- deformed microlithons (Fig. 18D). Calcite was partly re-precipitated
ed during renewed uplift of the Wasatch anticlinorium (DeCelles, in veins, but limestone underwent ~ 520% volume loss (Mitra and
1994). The DarbyProspect and subsurface Granite Creek thrusts ac- Yonkee, 1985). The Ankareh Formation locally displays cleavage dened
commodated ~ 30 km of shortening in the north part of the salient. by anastomosing partings at high angles to bedding, which is best devel-
Out-of-sequence imbricate thrusts developed here simultaneous with oped in calcareous mudstone (Fig. 18C). Microscopically, cleavage is
uplift of the Laramide Gros Ventre arch (Fig. 11D; Hunter, 1988). The represented by discontinuous seams enriched in clay that formed most-
Paleocene Hoback Formation lies with angular unconformity over the ly by dissolution of calcite and quartz. Other red beds lack cleavage, but
Granite Creek thrust, bracketing early slip (Dorr et al., 1977). The display fractures at high-angles to bedding that formed along weak LPS
Hoback Formation is in turn offset by the Prospect thrust, which is fabrics during unloading and folding. Red beds also contain kinked and
556 W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593

Fig. 18. Structural styles in the eastern thrust system. A. Micritic limestone of the Jurassic Twin Creek Formation displays spaced cleavage (S1) at high angle to bedding (S0) that formed
during early LPS (dark arrows). B. Bed-parallel outcrop of limestone shows veins at high angles to bed strike that accommodated tangential extension (light arrows) and shear along
en echelon arrays. Chisel for scale. C. Red beds of the Triassic Ankareh Formation display spaced cleavage (S1), best developed in calcareous mudstone. Shapes of reduction spots record
strain. Hammer for scale. D. Photomicrograph of limestone shows cleavage dened by seams enriched in clay and quartz that formed mostly from dissolution of calcite (dark arrows).
Some calcite was reprecipitated in veins (light arrows), but limestone underwent net volume loss. E. View to west of Darby thrust fault zone that places brecciated Mississippian limestone
and sandstone cut by multiple minor faults in the hanging wall, over Cretaceous shale in the footwall, with slip concentrated along a thin coal bed (inset). F. Photomicrograph of cataclasite
from base of hanging wall shows multiple sets of calcite-sealed microveins (v) and slip surfaces.

rotated micas that formed during LPS and contribute to anisotropy of and Weil, 2010). Minor faults in both formations include: (i) early
magnetic susceptibility (AMS), which provides a proxy for strain direc- wedge faults at acute angles to bedding with reverse slip that accommo-
tions in weakly deformed rocks (Weil and Yonkee, 2009). dated LPS; and (ii) early tear faults at high angles to bedding with strike-
Cleavage is commonly at high angles to bedding and perpendicular slip that accommodated wrench shear, small-scale block rotation, and
to the shortening direction dened by shapes of reduction spots in red minor tangential extension. Cross-cutting and geometric relationships
beds and deformed crinoids in limestone, and formed during early LPS of later fault sets along fold limbs record protracted internal deforma-
(Fig. 19). Local cleavage refraction records limited bed-parallel shear. tion. Early wedge and tear faults have slip lineations that
Veins include a dominant set subperpendicular to structural trend systematically change plunge around fold limbs, whereas later, gently
(cross-strike set) that accommodated tangential extension. Cross- dipping reverse faults cut steep fold limbs and accommodated fold
strike veins are locally grouped into en echelon arrays associated with tightening. Later strike-slip faults have gently plunging slip lineations
wrench shear (Fig. 18B). Other veins are parallel to bedding and accom- and accommodated differential shortening and development of map-
modated minor extension down the dip of cleavage. Some outcrops dis- view curvature. Bed-parallel faults related to exural slip, shear veins
play subsets of tectonic stylolites, high-angle fractures, and cross-strike along some cleavage seams, breccia zones, and locally developed,
veins at acute (10 to 30) angles to each other, recording local block ro- weak second cleavage also accommodated additional internal deforma-
tations and/or stress changes during progressive deformation (Yonkee tion during large-scale folding (Fig. 19).
W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593 557

i. initial undeformed state

Twin Creek limestone


Ankareh mudstone ii. early LPS
red bed

rotation Wsh

TE tear faults

iiia. early large-scale folding and thrust propagation

high angle

minor wedge
folds faults

late strike-slip

synorogenic strata
iiib. large-scale thrust slip

late reverse

late cleavage

Fig. 19. Block diagrams illustrate kinematic evolution of mesoscopic structures in the Twin Creek and Ankareh formations (left) and progressive development of large-scale fold-fault re-
lations and map-view curvature (right) in the eastern thrust system, from (i) initial undeformed state, to (ii) early LPS, tangential extension (TE), and wrench shear (Wsh) accommodated
by cleavage, minor wedge and tear faults, minor folds, and veins, to (iii) tilting of bedding and cleavage, development of weak second cleavage, and slip on later reverse and strike-slip
faults during large-scale folding and thrusting.

Major fault zones in the eastern thrust system typically include a within relatively weak fault cores that experienced episodically high
damage zone along the base of the hanging wall comprised of variably uid pressures.
brecciated strata cut by multiple vein and minor fault sets, and a poorly Timing of internal deformation is constrained by structural relations
exposed fault core comprised of cataclasite cut by discrete slip surfaces and characteristics of clasts within synorogenic conglomerates. Within
(Fig. 18E). Cataclasite contains comminuted fragments that are locally the Crawford sheet, cleavage is strongly fanned about large-scale folds,
re-cemented and re-brecciated, clay-rich seams, and multiple sets of remaining subperpendicular to bedding around fold limbs (Fig. 20A),
microveins (Fig. 18F). Microstructures record concentrated cataclasis, indicating cleavage formed before large-scale folding and slip on the
grain size reduction, alteration, and repeated episodes of uid inux Crawford thrust. Cleavage becomes more intense westward and is at
558 W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593

Fig. 20. Structural and timing relations of internal deformation in the eastern thrust system. A. Down-plunge projection of the Big Elk Mountain anticline (location BE in Fig. 10). Cleavage is
strongly fanned about the fold, remaining subperpendicular to bedding in both the fold crest and limbs. Stereograms show in situ and restored orientation of bedding, cleavage, and vein
poles. Cleavage (S1) formed during early LPS and was then tilted during large-scale folding and thrusting. Restored LPS and extension directions labeled. B. Down-plunge projection of
Georgetown Canyon syncline in footwall of the Meade thrust (GC in Fig. 10) and folds in the Crawford thrust sheet. Early cleavage (S1) developed at acute angles to bedding and the
Meade thrust within the syncline during synthrust shear. The Meade thrust and footwall syncline were then tilted during younger slip on the Crawford thrust and a second cleavage
(S2) locally developed. C. Outcrop sketch along Swift Creek area in Absaroka thrust sheet (SC in Fig. 10) shows relations between bedding (S0), early cleavage (S1), and early wedge faults
at acute angles to bedding, along with later tectonic stylolites (S2), reactivated S1 cleavage, and gentle-dipping reverse faults associated with fold tightening.
Modied from Mitra and Yonkee (1985).

acute angles to bedding and the Meade thrust within a footwall syncline Cretaceous LPS in front of the WillardMeade thrusts, followed by mid
(Fig. 20B), indicating cleavage initially developed during Meade foot- Cretaceous large-scale folding and slip on the Crawford thrust, and
wall deformation. Late Cretaceous strata, deposited in local wedge-top then by mostly passive transport during the later Cretaceous as the
basins synchronous with slip on the Absaroka thrust to the east, lie thrust front propagated eastward. Emplacement of the WillardMeade
with angular unconformity over folded rocks of the Crawford sheet sheet and deposition of thick foredeep sediments increased burial
and display only limited internal deformation (Coogan, 1992). Thus, depths, temperatures, uid ow, and stress, favoring cleavage develop-
cleavage in the Crawford sheet initially developed during Early ment within the future Crawford sheet (Mitra and Yonkee, 1985).
W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593 559

Cleavage intensity decreased eastward into the future Absaroka thrust formations (restored for bedding untilted to horizontal), are at high an-
sheet where LPS was partly accommodated by wedge faults, followed gles to structural trend and dene a radial pattern around the salient
by major thrust slip, large-scale folding, and development of late reverse (Fig. 21A; Mitra, 1994; Yonkee and Weil, 2010). Principal extension di-
faults and local reactivation of cleavage along steep limbs during fold rections estimated from cross-strike veins and fractures in both the
tightening (Fig. 20C). Relations record an overall transition from more Twin Creek and Ankareh formations are subparallel to structural trend
homogeneous LPS and cleavage development early in the deformation and dene a tangential pattern (Fig. 21B). In detail, LPS and extension
history of the Crawford and Absaroka sheets, to more discrete defor- directions display minor local variations, reecting complications from
mation during large-scale folding and faulting, partly related to small-scale block rotations and stressstrain refraction. Patterns are
development of weak fault zones (Fig. 19). Within the Hogsback also more complex along oblique thrust ramps and near the salient
DarbyProspect sheets, cleavage intensity is weak in central frontal ends where frontal thrusts interacted with Laramide arches. Similar pat-
parts, but intensity increases westward where cleavage is at acute an- terns in the Twin Creek and Ankareh formations, combined with addi-
gles to bedding along footwall folds and imbricates of the Absaroka tional minor fault and calcite twin strain data from Cretaceous to
thrust. Thus, cleavage in the frontal sheets developed mostly during Paleozoic strata (Crosby, 1969; Craddock et al., 1988; Mitra, 1994;
later Cretaceous deformation in front of the Absaroka thrust. Cleavage Fig. 21A), record consistent kinematic patterns through the stratigraph-
intensity also increases toward the ends of the salient, likely related to ic section, although deformation mechanisms vary with lithology.
buttressing by foreland arches that enhanced differential stress. Strain, estimated from deformed crinoids in bioclastic limestone of
Synorogenic conglomerates derived from erosion of the Crawford, the Twin Creek Formation and from reduction spots and AMS fabrics
Absaroka, and HogsbackDarbyProspect sheets contain limestone in the Ankareh Formation, also displays consistent regional patterns
clasts with pre-existing tectonic stylolites, cleavage seams, and veins with radial shortening directions and tangential extension directions
that do not continue into the conglomerate matrix, conrming that (Fig. 21C; Mitra, 1994; Yonkee and Weil, 2010). Axial ratios of bed-
cleavage formed during early LPS and prior to erosion of each thrust parallel strain ellipses in the Twin Creek Formation range from b1.05
sheet, and that the LPS deformation front propagated progressively in the central Hogsback sheet, to 1.151.3 in the Crawford sheet, and in-
east of the growing thrust wedge (Mitra et al., 1984). crease toward the salient ends. Cleavage intensity and shortening esti-
LPS directions, estimated from orientations of cleavage, tectonic mated from cleavage seam widths also increase westward and toward
stylolites, and high-angle fracture sets in the Twin Creek and Ankareh the salient ends (Mitra and Yonkee, 1985). Axial ratios of bed-parallel

Fig. 21. Regional patterns of internal deformation and vertical-axis rotation for the Twin Creek and Ankareh formations. A. LPS directions estimated from cleavage, high-angle fracture sets,
and early wedge faults dene a radial pattern. B. Extension directions estimated from veins dene a tangential pattern. C. Bed-parallel strain ellipses estimated from crinoids in limestone
and reduction spots in red beds record combined radial LPS and minor tangential extension. Cleavage intensity is low and strain ellipses are roughly circular in the central Hogsback sheet,
whereas cleavage intensity is higher and strain ratios increase westward in the Crawford sheet and toward the salient ends. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) Kmax lineations are
oriented parallel to intersection of LPS fabrics with bedding. D. Paleomagnetic site-mean declinations record systematic counterclockwise and clockwise rotations in the northern and
southern parts of the salient respectively. For purposes of comparison, declinations are plotted with respect to a N-directed reference paleopole. Modied from Weil and Yonkee
(2009), Yonkee and Weil (2010) and Weil et al. (2010), with additional LPS directions for Cretaceous strata and additional paleomagnetic data from Grubbs and Van der Voo (1976).
Data from overturned fold limbs and transfer zones are not shown.
560 W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593

strain ellipses in the Ankareh Formation range from b1.1 in the central from 10% LPS over a bed length of 90 km; and an estimated 33 km of
Hogsback sheet, to 1.21.5 in the Crawford sheet. Estimated strain ratios large-scale shortening for the Crawford sheet from slip on the main
are slightly higher for red beds compared to limestone, which may re- thrust, imbricates, and major folds, with an additional 14 km of internal
ect less penetrative strain in bioclastic limestone that also shortened shortening from 20% LPS over a bed length of 70 km. Thus, the Sevier
by wedge faulting. Differences in ratios between red beds and lime- belt experienced ~200 km of total upper crustal shortening (including
stone, however, are small and closely bracket strain magnitude, with ~60 km of slip on the WillardParisMeade thrusts) across the central
1030% LPS in the Crawford sheet, 510% LPS in the central Absaroka Wyoming salient, which was balanced by mid- to lower-crustal thick-
sheet, and b5% to 15% LPS in the central Hogsback to northern Prospect ening in the hinterland.
sheet (Yonkee and Weil, 2010). Mitra (1994) reported broadly similar Curvature of thrust systems and radial patterns of LPS directions in
average LPS values of ~25%, 15%, and 10% respectively for parts of the the Wyoming salient, and in other fold-thrust belts, have been variously
Crawford, Absaroka, and HogsbackProspect sheets. Importantly, LPS interpreted to represent: (1) primary curvature of thrusts and folds
adds to total shortening across a fold-thrust belt. Restoration of section along with uniform thrust slip (Royse, 1993); (2) primary curvature
B (Fig. 11B) gives an estimated: 36 km of large-scale shortening for the along with radial thrust slip (Crosby, 1969); (3) progressive curvature
Hogsback sheet mostly from slip on the main thrust, with an additional in which structural trends and LPS directions begin with a component
4 km of internal shortening from 5% LPS over a bed length of 80 km; of primary curvature and then undergo varying secondary rotation dur-
42 km of large-scale shortening for the Absaroka sheet mostly from ing curved thrust slip (Yonkee and Weil, 2010); and (4) secondary rota-
slip on the main thrust, with an additional 9 km of internal shortening tion of initial linear structural trends and prior LPS directions during

Fig. 22. A. General kinematic models of thrust belt curvature include: Model 1 primary arc with uniform thrust slip and no secondary rotation; Model 2 primary arc with radial slip and
no secondary rotation; Model 3 progressive secondary rotation with curved thrust slip; and Model 4 later secondary rotation of original linear belt. Each of these models predicts
different patterns of rotations recorded by paleomagnetic data and internal deformation, which can be quantitatively evaluated using strike tests. For a strike test, paleomagnetic declina-
tions relative to a reference declination (PPr), or LPS directions relative to a reference shortening direction (LLr), are correlated with changes in structural trend relative to regional trend
(StSr). B. Strike-test results for the Wyoming salient. Slopes for paleomagnetic declinations of Tr and K components (relative to reference Triassic and Cretaceous paleopoles for North
America) are respectively 0.75 (.11 at 95% condence interval) and 0.77 (.26), indicating ~75% secondary vertical-axis rotation and 25% primary curvature. Modied from Weil
et al. (2010). Slopes for LPS directions estimated from cleavage/high-angle fractures and nite strain directions are respectively 0.88/0.95 (.10) and 0.89 (.12). Modied from Yonkee
and Weil (2010). Example site error bars, number of sites (N), and average residual (r) are listed. C. Simplied kinematic model for evolution of the Wyoming salient (Weil et al., 2010)
illustrates idealized paleomagnetic declinations (P), LPS directions (L), thrust slip trajectories (), and variations in structural trend (S). Stage 1 slip on Crawford thrust, stage 2 slip on
Absaroka thrust, and stage 3 slip on HogsbackDarbyProspect thrusts and uplift of Laramide foreland arches. Rotation was concentrated along the propagating front of the thrust
W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593 561

subsequent deformation (Fig. 22A; see review by Weil and Sussman, thrust wedge, and in changing deposition rates that were also partly re-
2004). These varying interpretations reect different assumptions on lated to dynamic subsidence (Fig. 23B; DeCelles and Currie, 1996;
initial orientations of LPS and structural trends, which are not directly DeCelles, 2004; Liu et al., 2005). The sedimentary basin became
known. Paleomagnetic analysis provides the most robust way to quan- disrupted during later Cretaceous to Eocene uplift of Laramide arches.
tify secondary rotations and test these models. The classic Sevier foreland basin was presaged by Middle Jurassic
Red beds of the Ankareh Formation carry two remanent magnetic subsidence and deposition of marine limestone and evaporites of the
components: a near-primary (early diagenetic) Triassic magnetization Twin Creek and Sundance formations in the UtahIdaho trough
carried by hematite (Tr component); and a Cretaceous syntectonic (Imlay, 1967; Heller et al., 1986), Late Jurassic deposition of mostly u-
chemical remagnetization carried partly by magnetite (K component; vial strata of the Morrison Formation in a broad basin (DeCelles and
Weil et al., 2010). In situ site mean vectors for the Tr and K components Burden, 1992), and earliest Cretaceous development of a regional un-
show a high degree of scatter from expected Triassic and Cretaceous ref- conformity. Twin CreekSundance and Morrison deposition overlapped
erence pole directions, indicating signicant tilt and rotation subse- with Jurassic terrane accretion and closing of a marginal ocean basin,
quent to acquisition of magnetization. Restoration of tilt around folds initiation of the Franciscan subduction zone, and shortening along the
for individual site means gives well clustered shallow and moderate developing Sierra Nevada arc and Luning-Fencemaker fold-thrust belt
inclinations respectively for 100% unfolding of the pre-thrusting Tr (Fig. 7B; Dickinson, 2008). Development of the UtahIdaho trough and
component and 8090% unfolding of the syntectonic K component, con- Morrison basins, followed by regional erosion, is interpreted to partly
sistent with Triassic and Cretaceous paleo-latitudes of North America reect a wave of dynamic subsidence and subsequent rebound associat-
(Weil et al., 2010). Restored declinations for both components are sys- ed with sinking of older slabs following terrane accretion and during
tematically rotated counterclockwise in the north part of the salient westward drift of the North American plate. Alternatively, Bjerrum
and clockwise in the south part (Fig. 21D). Declinations, however, are and Dorsey (1995) proposed that the UtahIdaho trough developed as
not rotated within gentle limbs of adjacent Laramide foreland arches a exural foredeep during hinterland thickening, and DeCelles and
beyond the salient ends, indicating systematic secondary rotations Currie (1996) proposed that the Morrison basin formed as a backbulge
were conned to the Sevier thrust wedge. Additional localized rotations depozone during early hinterland shortening, followed by eastward
along the leading, north part of the Prospect sheet record shearing of the propagation of a forebulge marked by earliest Cretaceous regional ero-
thrust wedge where it was overridden and buttressed by the Gros sion. A similar pattern occurs in NW Montana to Alberta with deposition
Ventre foreland uplift (Grubbs and Van der Voo, 1976). of Middle Jurassic marine strata and Late Jurassic uvial strata, followed
Statistical analysis of correlations between Tr and K declinations and by development of an earliest Cretaceous unconformity, which Fuentes
structural trend, relative to reference declination and trend, yields et al. (2009) interpreted to record deposition in a backbulge depozone
strike-test slopes of ~ 0.75, indicating that, on average, ~ 75% of during initial shortening in the Sevier belt, followed by passage of a
present-day salient curvature resulted from secondary vertical-axis ro- forebulge.
tation and ~25% was related to primary curvature (Fig. 22B). Analysis Following earliest Cretaceous erosion, a regionally extensive con-
of Tr and K declinations within individual thrust sheets shows only glomeratic interval was deposited across the foreland from Alberta to
minor differences, with an average of ~ 80% secondary rotation in the Utah during Aptian time, with DZ patterns recording western sources
Crawford sheet to ~ 60% rotation in the frontal HogsbackDarby from the magmatic arc and developing Sevier belt (Leier and Gehrels,
Prospect sheet, indicating rotations were concentrated near the leading 2011). During Albian time, up to 3 km of synorogenic strata were depos-
edge of the propagating thrust wedge, with only limited additional rota- ited in a foredeep near the leading edge of the western thrust system,
tion during overall eastward, passive transport of older thrust sheets in including the Gannett Group along the WillardMeade thrust in the
the wedge interior (Weil et al., 2010). Analysis of mesoscopic structural Wyoming salient (Fig. 24A, B; DeCelles et al., 1993). Other aerially ex-
and strain data indicates early LPS directions were about orthogonal to tensive, thick (dominant) thrust sheets of the western system were
structural trend, with strike-test slopes of ~0.9 (Fig. 22B). In summary, also active during this time, including the Sheeprock, Canyon Range,
structural trends started with slight initial curvature about a regional and Wah Wah thrusts in central to southern Utah (DeCelles, 2004).
NS trend and early LPS directions were slightly dispersed about a re- Initially, clastic strata were deposited mostly in uvial environments,
gional WE direction, followed by systematic secondary rotation during with locally developed lakes possibly controlled by a forebulge. By
curved thrust slip that produced progressive fold-thrust curvature and later Albian time, the Interior Seaway transgressed into eastern
radial LPS patterns (Fig. 22C), broadly consistent with model 3 above. Wyoming, likely related to dynamic subsidence as the subducting
slab shallowed and extended farther eastward. The Newark Canyon
4.5. Foreland sedimentary basin Formation was deposited in a wedge top basin during hinterland short-
ening along the Central Nevada thrust belt, but elevation differences be-
A broad foreland basin developed along and east of the Sevier belt in tween the hinterland and foreland were likely small during Aptian
response to exural loading from thrust sheets, redistribution of load by early Albian time (Bonde, 2014).
erosion and sediment deposition, dynamic subsidence related to sub- During Cenomanian to Turonian time, up to 2 km of additional
duction, and global sea level changes (Fig. 23A; Williams and Stelck, synorogenic strata, including the Bear River to Frontier formations,
1975; Kauffman and Caldwell, 1993; Gardner, 1995; DeCelles and were deposited during continued slip on the western thrust system
Giles, 1996; Catuneanu et al., 1997; Liu and Nummedal, 2004; (Fig. 24C, D). To the south, the wedge propagated eastward, with slip
DeCelles, 2004; Liu et al., 2008; Fuentes et al., 2011). The basin was var- on the Pavant and Keystone thrusts in central Utah to Nevada, and
iably inundated by marine waters of the Western Interior Seaway, early uplift of the Sevier culmination in west-central Utah (DeCelles,
which during mid Cretaceous transgression connected the Arctic 2004). The Interior Seaway expanded during sea level rise, with a mix
Ocean and Gulf of Mexico. The basin included: a wedge-top zone with of proximal alluvial fan to coastal environments near the front of the
local deposition of coarse-grained deposits separated by angular uncon- thrust wedge. By Turonian time, subsidence increased in NE Arizona,
formities; a foredeep zone with deposition of thick, mostly uvial strata; interpreted to reect enhanced asthenosphere ow during initiation
a low-amplitude forebulge with episodic deposition of thinner strata of a at-slab segment. DZ patterns in Aptian to Turonian strata record
and local development of paleosols; and a broad backbulge zone with progressive erosional exhumation of the western thrust system
deposition of ne-grained, mostly marine strata (DeCelles and Giles, (Lawton et al., 2010).
1996). As the Sevier belt propagated eastward, these depozones also During ConiacianSantonian time, the foredeep migrated eastward
migrated eastward, resulting in deposition of overall upward- in response to early propagation of the eastern thrust system, including
coarsening strata that were progressively incorporated into the growing deposition of Weber CanyonEcho Canyon Conglomerate during slip on
562 W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593

Fig. 23. Foreland basin architecture and subsidence mechanisms. A. Schematic lithospheric section and detail of retroarc thrust wedge and foreland basin illustrate long-wavelength dy-
namic subsidence related to asthenosphere ow induced by subduction, isostatic exural loading from emplacement of thrust sheets, and loading from redistribution of sediments in
wedge top, foredeep, forebulge, and backbulge depozones. Propagation of the thrust wedge and associated depozones leads to deposition of overall upward coarsening synorogenic strata
and increasing foredeep subsidence rates. B. Representative sedimentary thickness curves shown for strata within the southern Wyoming salient to foreland (inset map shows locations of
sections). Note eastward propagation of subsidence and later Cretaceous to Paleogene disruption by Laramide arches.

the Crawford thrust (Fig. 12; DeCelles, 1994), along with slip on the a broad region to the east, interpreted to reect increased dynamic sub-
Paxton and Charleston thrusts in central Utah (Fig. 24E). The Sevier sidence in front of the NE-underthrusting at-slab segment.
and Wasatch basement-cored culminations grew in west-central and During early Campanian time, the foredeep continued to migrate
northern Utah as the basal decollement propagated upward along the eastward in response to propagation of the eastern thrust system,
transition from the western to eastern thrust systems (Yonkee, 1992; with deposition of Little Muddy Creek Conglomerate during early slip
DeCelles and Coogan, 2006). Thick marine strata were deposited over on the Absaroka thrust (Fig. 12; DeCelles, 1994), along with early slip
W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593 563

A. early Albian ~113 - 103 Ma B. late Albian ~103 - 99 Ma

10 10
? 25 50


100 25
BE Fig. 12A line W-P-M
100 CNftb
Sh-CR 50 Sh-CR

WW 25 WW 50
10 25 10

Mo Mo
go go
llo llo
nH nH
igh igh
lan lan
ds ds
Ba e - M
sin cC

C. Cenomanian ~ 99 - 94 Ma D. Turonian ~ 94 - 89 Ma

50 25
eroded 50

100 25


200 100
W-P-M 200


WW 25




magmatic arc

terrestrial (proximal) mixed terrestrial-marine marine (distal)

eroding area sedimentation rate (m/m.y.) underplating of arc
forebulge by POR schists
conglomeratic volcaniclastic
BM- Blue Mountain; Ca- Cabin; Ch- Charleston, Cr- Crawford; EA and LA- Early and Late Absaroka; Gu- Gunnison; Ky- Keystone;
active thrust LE- Lewis-El Derado; ML- Medicine Lodge; Pv- Pavant; Px- Paxton; BE- Basin-Elba; Sh-CR- Sheeprock, Canyon Range;
WW- Wah Wah; W-P-M- Willard, Paris, Meade
normal fault Laramide arch SR- San Rafael, WR- early Wind River, BT- early Beartooth

Fig. 24. Paleogeographic reconstructions of the foreland basin within the Cordilleran orogenic system illustrate evolving topography (schematic), active fault locations, general deposition-
al environments, and deposition rates (m/m.y.) of synorogenic strata. Reconstructions shown for: A and B Aptian to Albian early shortening along western thrusts of the Sevier belt and
early transgression of Western Interior Seaway; C and D Cenomanian to Turonian continued thrust shortening and enhanced dynamic subsidence to the east; E and F- Santonian to early
Campanian propagation of eastern thrusts of the Sevier belt, increased dynamic subsidence, and initial development of the at-slab segment; and G and H late Campanian to
Maastrichtian continued slip on eastern thrusts, propagation of the at-slab segment and shut down of the Sierra Nevada arc, and early deformation in Laramide foreland. Maps incorpo-
rate data from Robinson Roberts and Kirschbaum (1995), DeCelles (2004), and our own work.
564 W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593

Fig. 24 (continued).

on the LewisEl Dorado thrusts in Montana (Fig. 24F). Regional subsi- to the NE (Fig. 24G). The Wyoming salient appears to have experienced
dence was enhanced in NE Utah to southern Wyoming during contin- a lull in thrust slip with removal of topographic load by erosion, exural
ued NE-underthrusting of the at slab. Volcanism shut down in the rebound, and development of a regional unconformity across western
Sierra Nevada arc, and shifted eastward into the Colorado Mineral belt Wyoming. Thrusting and exural subsidence, however, increased to
and western Montana . Middle- to lower-crustal thickening in the hin- the north in the Alberta salient, and slip on the LewisEl Dorado thrust
terland, which balanced upper crustal shortening in the Sevier belt, like- and volcanism continued in western Montana (Lageson et al., 2001).
ly led to uplift of a broad hinterland plateau (DeCelles, 2004). Early uplift of the San Rafael arch in the Colorado Plateau (Lawton,
By late Campanian time, regional dynamic subsidence was wide- 1986) and local sedimentary thickness variations may record initiation
spread across eastern Wyoming to Colorado as the at slab continued of Laramide foreland deformation.

Fig. 25. A. Generalized map of Laramide foreland in Wyoming shows structural trends of basement (stipple) arches (from Blackstone, 1993), basins (yellow), major faults and cover folds,
and outcrops of Triassic red beds. Locations of section lines XX and YY and the Big Horn arch (BH) study area shown in Fig. 31 are indicated. B. Cross sections XX and YY across Wind
River and Bighorn areas, respectively, show thick-skin structural style of arches bound by reverse faults that continue to at least mid-crust depths, but do not appear to cut the MOHO based
on seismic data (Smithson et al., 1979; Yeck et al., 2014).
W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593 565
566 W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593

During Maastrichtian time, late slip on the Absaroka thrust, renewed 2002; Erslev and Koenig, 2009; Neely and Erslev, 2009). Cover folds
uplift of the Wasatch anticlinorium, and deposition of the Hams Fork range in trend from NS to EW and form both left-stepping and
Conglomerate occurred in the Wyoming salient (Fig. 12), while slip on right-stepping en echelon zones. Shortening from reverse faults and
the Gunnison thrust and continued growth of the Sevier culmination oc- folds is ~50 km (or ~10%) across the Wyoming foreland (Stone, 1993).
curred in central Utah (Fig. 24H). The foreland became partly The Colorado Plateau also displays thick-skin deformation, but shorten-
partitioned into smaller basins during early growth of some Laramide ing is less and fold trends are more variable, indicating the area acted as
arches. Broad uplift and deposition of thin conglomerate sheets in the a relatively rigid block, possibly related to a strong, mac lower crust
Four Corners area may record regional uplift and tilting during NE (Shen et al., 2013), with local deformation concentrated along basement
movement of the buoyant at slab beneath this area (Heller et al., weaknesses (Huntoon, 1993). The plateau underwent minor regional
2013). A are-up of igneous activity in the Mojave sector may record as- rotation (Wawrzyniec et al., 2002) and experienced stresses partly re-
thenosphere inux along the trailing, sagging margin of the at slab lated to the Sevier belt along its western margin (Bump, 2004).
(Miller et al., 1996; Saleeby, 2003). Strata of the Sheep Pass Formation General timing of Laramide deformation is constrained by
were deposited within internally drained wedge-top basins associated thermochronologic and sedimentologic data (Fig. 26). Apatite ssion
with normal faulting during local upper crustal extension across the track (FT) and U/ThHe data indicate that Laramide deformation
hinterland plateau (Druschke et al., 2011), which likely had elevations spanned ~ 7050 Ma along the tectonic transect (Cerveny and
N2-3 km (Snell et al., 2014). By Paleocene to Early Eocene time the fore- Steidtmann, 1993; Omar et al., 1994; Crowley et al., 2002; Peyton
land was further compartmentalized during continued growth of et al., 2012), temporally overlapping with late Sevier deformation.
Laramide arches (Beck et al., 1988; Dickinson et al., 1988), simultaneous Maastrichtian to Early Eocene synorogenic strata display regional thick-
with emplacement of frontal thrusts of the Sevier belt (Bradley and ness variations, preserve progressive unconformities near arch-
Bruhn, 1988; Yonkee and Weil, 2010). A switch to extension and bounding faults, and contain proximal conglomerates with clast compo-
deposition of variably volcaniclastic strata in local half grabens occurred sitions related to arch unroong, which also indicate major Laramide
during the Middle Eocene to Oligocene (see Section 4.7). deformation spanned ~ 7050 Ma (Keefer, 1970; Beck et al., 1988;
Characteristics of synorogenic strata and stable isotope values of Dickinson et al., 1988; DeCelles et al., 1991; Steidtmann and Middleton,
carbonates in non-marine fossils and paleosols from Cretaceous to 1991; Hoy and Ridgway, 1997). However, in detail, timing of arch uplift
Paleogene strata provide additional insights into paleoclimatic, topo- and basin subsidence varied regionally and questions remain on varying
graphic, and sediment dispersal patterns from the Sevier belt to the models for directions of deformation propagation and changes in short-
foreland. 18O values for aragonite shells recovered from trunk river de- ening directions over time (Chapin and Cather, 1983; Gries, 1983; Bergh
posits are distinctly more negative than values for shells recovered from and Snoke, 1992; Wawrzyniec et al., 2002; Heller et al., 2013; Fan and
local stream and pond deposits, indicating major drainages were con- Carrapa, 2014). Along the Wind River arch in Wyoming, Maastrichtian
nected to higher elevation (~23 km), interior parts of the Sevier belt strata thin across the NE ank and thicken along the SW margin into
during the later Cretaceous (Fricke et al., 2010; Foreman et al., 2011), the Green River Basin, recording early uplift, followed by deposition of
similar to paleoelevation estimates for the hinterland at that time thick Paleocene to Early Eocene strata in the basin during continued
(Snell et al., 2014). Paleooral studies and interpretations of deposition- arch growth, followed by onlap of Middle Eocene strata that bracket an
al environments indicate areas east of the Sevier belt comprised moist, end to reverse faulting (Figs. 25B, 26B; Steidtmann and Middleton,
lowlands adjacent to the Western Interior Seaway, whereas areas 1991). Along the Owl Creek and Big Horn arches to the NE, Maastrichtian
along the wedge front comprised seasonally wet/dry fans that drained strata maintain consistent thicknesses, whereas Paleocene to Early
western highlands (Wolfe and Upchurch, 1987). Global circulation Eocene strata thicken markedly in adjacent basins, recording younger
models of the North American Cordillera during middle to later onset of major uplift (Figs. 25B, 26B; Keefer, 1970; Hoy and Ridgway,
Cretaceous time also predict a monsoonal climate pattern related to pa- 1997). A switch to local extension and collapse of Laramide arches was
leogeography of the Western Interior Seaway and a high elevation mag- underway by the Middle Eocene, contemporaneous with increased igne-
matic arc and hinterland, with relatively warm, wet summers marked ous activity in the Absaroka volcanic complex and isolation of lake sys-
by overall SE to NW airow (Poulsen et al., 2007; Fricke et al., 2010). tems (Smith et al., 2008), with continued local extension into the
Upslope ow and rain out of precipitation is interpreted to have concen- Oligocene (Hall and Chase, 1989).
trated exhumation along the Sevier wedge front, consistent with detri- Laramide deformation roughly coincided spatially and temporal-
tal thermochronologic data that indicate focused high exhumation rates ly with Late Cretaceous to Paleogene development of a at-slab seg-
there (Painter et al., 2014), whereas drier climates developed in the ment, interpreted to have developed during subduction of the
hinterland plateau, which experienced lower exhumation rates within conjugate to the Shatsky Rise (Saleeby, 2003), a broad oceanic pla-
internally drained basins during later Cretaceous time (Druschke et al., teau that formed along the ancestral Pacic ridge (Fig. 6D;
2011). Mahoney et al., 2005). Evidence of a at-slab segment includes de-
velopment of a magmatic gap along the Sierra Nevada and Mojave
4.6. Laramide foreland belt areas (Coney and Reynolds, 1977; Dickinson and Snyder, 1978;
Miller et al., 1992), onset of magmatic activity along the Colorado
4.6.1. Large-scale structural style and timing Mineral belt (Chapin, 2012), and forearc uplift and underplating of
The Laramide belt is characterized by thick-skin, basement-cored the PelonaOrocopiaRand schists (Fig. 24F to H; Dumitru et al.,
arches separated by broad basins, which developed within cratonic lith- 1991; Smith, 2000; Saleeby, 2003). Further evidence comes from xe-
osphere N 1000 km inboard from the plate margin, spanning a region noliths brought up in Cenozoic volcanic centers in the Four Corners
from southern Montana to New Mexico (Figs. 1, 25; Berg, 1962; area, including eclogite and garnetite xenoliths that are interpreted
Erslev, 1993). Arches are bound by overall moderate-dipping (typically to represent subducted oceanic crust (Usui et al., 2003) and mantle
~3045) reverse faults that have net slips of ~1030 km and continue lithosphere metasomatized by uids derived from the subducted
upward into folds with steep, sheared limbs in the sedimentary cover plate (Smith and Grifn, 2005). These xenoliths contain ~ 80 to
(Brown, 1988; Stone, 1993). Major reverse faults are imaged geophysi- 60 Ma zircon grains that likely record timing of alteration during
cally to mid-crustal (~20 to 30 km) depths (Smithson et al., 1979), but at-slab subduction. Mantle xenoliths brought up in Eocene volcanic
evidence for offset of the MOHO is lacking (Yeck et al., 2014) and faults centers in central Montana display disturbed isotopic and trace ele-
may atten in the lower crust (Erslev, 1993). The Laramide belt displays ment patterns interpreted to reect metasomatism from interaction
an overall NWSE structural grain, but individual arches and faults have with slab-related melts where the slab steepened (Carlson et al.,
a range of trends, partly reecting inuence of basement fabrics (Stone, 2004). Additionally, fast seismic anomalies in the mantle beneath
W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593 567

Fig. 26. Timing constraints for Laramide foreland. A. Apatite ssion track ages for the Beartooth arch (Omar et al., 1994), Big Horn arch (Peyton et al., 2012), and northern Wind River arch
(Cerveny and Steidtmann, 1993; Peyton et al., 2012) are plotted in terms of structural depth on cross sections constructed through the arches. Estimated depth of basement-sedimentary
cover contact, depth range of PAZ (partial annealing zone), and Tt path from Fan and Carrapa (2014) based on apatite ssion track length distribution for Wind River arch also indicated.
Fission track data and ages for onset of enhanced subsidence and overlap of post-faulting strata (Beck et al., 1988; DeCelles et al., 1991; Steidtmann and Middleton, 1991; Hoy and Ridgway,
1997) record major arch uplift from ~7050 Ma. B. Isopach maps and cross sections illustrate evolving syntectonic sedimentation patterns in the Wind River Basin (thickness data from
Keefer, 1970).

the central to eastern U.S., including a broad area now at depths broad area as a at-slab segment that entered the subduction zone
N1000 km, are interpreted to represent remnants of the subducted along the Mojave area at ~ 90 Ma, followed by NE underthrusting be-
Farallon plate (Fig. 4A; van der Meer et al., 2010; Liu et al., 2010; neath Arizona to Wyoming during the Late Cretaceous, consistent
Sigloch, 2011). Inverse mantle convection modeling restores this with patterns of later Cretaceous subsidence (Liu et al., 2010).
568 W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593

Although multiple lines of evidence indicate former presence of a at and Colorado Plateau likely indicate presence of more mac rocks (Shen
slab beneath the Laramide foreland belt, dynamic processes that pro- et al., 2013). Cratonic basement in the foreland is overlain by a thin sed-
duced thick-skin crustal deformation are debated, including in- imentary cover (Fig. 3).
creased coupling from end loading along the plate margin,
increased basal traction, and enhanced asthenosphere ow near a 4.6.2. Regional patterns of internal deformation
cratonic keel (Bird, 1984, 1988; Livaccari, 1991; Tikoff and Maxson, Systematic suites of mesoscopic to microscopic structures, including
2001; English et al., 2003; Jones et al., 2011). fracture sets, minor faults, and minor folds, accommodated limited in-
Basement in the Laramide foreland includes the Archean Wyoming ternal strain within the Laramide belt (Yonkee and Mitra, 1993; Erslev
and Paleoproterozoic YavapaiMazatzal provinces, which were sutured and Larson, 2006; Erslev and Koenig, 2009; Neely and Erslev, 2009;
together along the E- to NE-trending Cheyenne belt (Fig. 2; Karlstrom Beaudoin et al., 2012; Weil and Yonkee, 2012; Weil et al., 2014). Styles
and Houston, 1984). Basement across much of the foreland displays a are described below for red beds and a thin limestone unit (Alcova) in
broadly E- to NE-trending regional structural grain recorded by arcuate the Triassic Chugwater Group, and for limestone in the Jurassic
belts of lower and higher amplitude magnetic anomalies (Sims et al., Sundance Formation, which can be compared to styles previously de-
2001), but local fabrics are more variable and include multiple meta- scribed for correlative strata in the Sevier belt. Cleavage is absent in
morphic foliations, shear zones, dikes, and Proterozoic normal faults, the Laramide belt, although rare tectonic stylolites are locally developed
which partly inuenced localization of deformation within differently in limestone beds. Fractures include: (1) a set at high angles to bedding
oriented Laramide structures (Mitra and Frost, 1981; Stone, 1995, and subparallel to structural trend interpreted to reect partings along
2002; Marshak et al., 2000; Neely and Erslev, 2009). Fast seismic veloc- weak LPS fabrics and fracturing during folding; (2) a set at high angles
ities in the lower crust (depths N30 km) beneath the Wyoming province to bedding and subperpendicular to structural trend that includes thin

Fig. 27. Structural styles in the Laramide foreland. A. Outcrop of limestone in the Sundance Formation has wedge fault with calcite-ber steps that give slip sense. B. Hand sample from
Alcova Limestone in Triassic Chugwater Group displays a minor wedge fault (wf) at acute angle to bedding and minor tear fault (tf) at high angle to bedding (S0). C. Red beds in Triassic
Chugwater Group appear little deformed except for fracture sets; inset shows approximately circular reduction spots on bedding surface. D. SEM image of red bed sample with kinked and
rotated phyllosilicates that contribute to AMS Kmax lineations. E. View to southeast of the White Rock reverse fault that places fractured Archean gneiss cut by minor faults in the hanging
wall on overturned Paleozoic strata in the footwall, with slip concentrated along a core of poorly exposed cataclasite. F. Photomicrograph of cataclasite from fault core shows grain size
reduction and limited alteration.
W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593 569

Fig. 28. Block diagrams illustrate relations of mesoscopic structures and AMS fabrics in red beds and thin limestone (Alcova) of the Triassic Chugwater Group and limestone in the Jurassic
Sundance Formation (left), and progressive development of large-scale fold-fault relations (right) for (i) initial undeformed state, (ii) early LPS, vertical thickening (VT), tangential exten-
sion (TE), and minor wrench shear (Wsh) accommodated by conjugate wedge and tear faults, high-angle and cross-strike fracture sets, thin veins, and limited minor folds; and (iii) tilting
of bedding and early faults along steep forelimbs with younger reverse- and strike-slip faults related to limb steepening and rotation during large-scale arch uplift.

veins and accommodated limited tangential (strike-parallel) extension; wedge faults. Microscopically, limestone displays calcite twinning and
(3) obliquely striking fractures that developed during 3-D fold growth; widely spaced microveins. Red beds display fracture sets, but otherwise
and (4) pre-Laramide fractures (Bellahsen et al., 2006; Beaudoin et al., typically appear little deformed in outcrop (Fig. 27C). Microscopically,
2012). Minor faults with calcite-ber slip lineations, best developed in red beds display micro-kinked and rotated paramagnetic phyllosilicate
limestone beds, dene two main groups: wedge faults at acute angles grains (Fig. 27D), which give rise to subtle, but measurable AMS Kmax lin-
(20 to 30) to bedding; and tear faults at high angles to bedding and eations that are parallel to intersection of bedding and weak LPS fabrics
structural trend (Fig. 27A, B). Minor folds are associated with some (Weil et al., 2014).
570 W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593

Fig. 29. Structural and timing relations for internal deformation in the Laramide belt, Garner Mountain anticline, southern Bighorn arch. Photos show anticline viewed looking NW and
example of minor wedge faults. Cross section shows typical basement-cored fold with steep forelimb, and insets show in situ and restored minor fault geometries. Equal-area stereograms
for sites CH160 and CH154 along the SW and NE fold limbs show: in situ and restored orientations of minor faults and slip lineations with best-t 1 vectors (stars); in situ and restored
AMS Kmax, Kint, and Kmin axes for individual cores and site mean directions; and restored paleomagnetic vectors for cores and site mean vectors with 95% condence cones. Minor faults
formed during early LPS and were tilted during large-scale folding. Pg-Trc- Goose Egg Formation and Chugwater Group; Jsg- Gypsum Spring and Sundance Formations.
Modied from Weil and Yonkee (2012).

Wedge faults, minor folds, and rare tectonic stylolites in lime- in fault cores displays grain size reduction with clasts of quartz and
stone accommodated limited (b5%), early LPS and vertical thicken- feldspar sitting in a ne-grained matrix, which locally has crude foli-
ing (Fig. 28). Early tear faults and veins accommodated limited ation dened by alignment of clasts and oxide-richer zones, sugges-
tangential extension and wrench shear. Forelimbs of folds were tive of macroscopic ductile ow (Fig. 27F; Mitra et al., 1988).
modied during arch growth with development of gently dipping re- Although clay alteration and veins are limited, geochemical differ-
verse faults that accommodated limb steepening and shear, strike- ences between basement wall rock and fault rock suggest uid-
slip faults associated with differential limb tilt and shortening, and rock interaction and volume loss in some fault cores (Goddard and
oblique-slip faults associated with map-view curvature and oblique Evans, 1995).
ramps. Faults that developed during later deformation are wider Timing of internal deformation is constrained by structural relations.
spaced and have larger displacements compared to early faults, re- Most wedge faults maintain acute angles to tilted bedding around large-
cording a change from more distributed to concentrated deforma- scale folds, and thus formed during early LPS, mostly prior to major arch
tion along weaker fault zones. growth (Fig. 29). Some fold limbs, however, also display cross-cutting
Major fault zones in the Laramide commonly include a damage wedge faults with slightly different dips, recording continued internal
zone comprised of fractured basement rocks in the hanging wall, a shortening during early stages of fold limb tilting. Later, gently dipping
poorly exposed fault core of cataclasite, and overturned, imbricated reverse faults cut steep fold limbs. Western parts of the Laramide belt
Paleozoic to Mesozoic strata in the footwall (Fig. 27E). Cataclasite also show local evidence for earlier ~ EW LPS by calcite twinning,
W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593 571

Fig. 30. A. Regional LPS directions estimated from minor fault data and AMS fabrics for structurally simple sites in the Laramide foreland range from SSW to WSW along varying trends of
anastomosing basement-cored arches, with an average orientation of 240. Data from the Wyoming salient also shown for comparison. B. Paleomagnetic site mean declinations relative to
reference declination for the North America Triassic paleopole (with bedding tilt restored to horizontal) in the Laramide foreland record only limited, non-systematic block rotations.

interpreted to record early far-eld stresses related to the Sevier belt, 240 direction, but display deections related to changes in structural
followed by ~ SWNE LPS by wedge faulting typical of the Laramide trend of major basement arches (Fig. 30A). LPS directions are mostly
belt (Beaudoin et al., 2012). 230250 for sites located along NW- to NNW-trending arches,
LPS directions for structurally simple sites (excluding steep fold 200230 along the more W-trending Sweetwater arch in central
limbs), estimated from paleo-stress/strain inversion of minor fault Wyoming, and 250270 along the N-trending Laramie arch in south-
data and AMS fabrics in Triassic limestone and red beds, have an average eastern Wyoming (Weil and Yonkee, 2012). Stress magnitude ratios
572 W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593

Fig. 31. Structural relations for the southern Big Horn arch. A. Simplied geologic map shows major fold and fault traces, regional arch trends, and tilt-corrected LPS (bedding restored to
horizontal) directions estimated from AMS fabrics and minor fault data. B. Tilt-corrected site-mean paleomagnetic declinations (plotted relative to the reference North America Triassic
paleopole, cones indicate 95% condence intervals) indicate only limited rotations. C. Fully restored paleostress trajectories, based on pooled minor fault and AMS data corrected for
bed tilting and vertical-axis rotations, range from overall SW trending on the western ank to overall WSW trending on the eastern ank, along with local refraction near the Tensleep
fault and northern Casper arch. General E to NE trending patterns of Archean granite and gneiss are based on outcrop and geophysical data.
Modied from Weil et al. (2014).

[ = (2 3)/(1 3)] are b 0.3 (2 3) for most sites, consistent The southern Big Horn arch displays regional curvature from NW- to
with development of both wedge faults (2 horizontal) and tear faults NNE-trends, intersects the W-trending Owl Creek arch, is cut by vari-
(2 vertical). Stress ratios are locally higher in areas where multiple ably oriented faults, and exposes Precambrian basement with multiple
fold trends are developed. Deviatoric stress likely decreased toward fabrics, providing a microcosm to investigate relationships between
the NE margin of the Laramide belt in the Black Hills area where AMS differently oriented structures and basement weaknesses (Fig. 31).
lineations are very weak to absent and wedge faults are rare. Minor The W-striking, steep-dipping Tensleep fault has sinistral oblique slip
fault data for the Jurassic Sundance Formation record similar paleo- and follows a Precambrian shear zone (Hoppin et al., 1965). The NNE-
stress patterns. Erslev and Koenig (2009) estimated a similar regional striking, steep dipping Big Trail fault zone contains dextral oblique-slip
average 1 trend of 247 across the Laramide belt. More complex stress faults, reverse and normal faults in restraining and releasing bends
histories occur where folds with multiple trends are developed, and respectively, and formed subparallel to NNE-striking Precambrian
near basement faults oriented oblique to regional WSWENE shorten- dikes (Ver Ploeg and Greer, 1997). The NNW-striking Clear Creek re-
ing (Stone, 1969; Varga, 1993). Analyses of calcite twins also indicate verse fault that bounds the east ank of the arch has ~ 10 km of top-
local variations in stress directions (Willis and Groshong, 1993; to-ENE dip slip, and propagated through a steep fold limb in Paleozoic
Craddock and Relle, 2003; Amrouch et al., 2011), along with a decrease to Mesozoic strata (Hoy and Ridgway, 1997). This fault loses slip south-
in deviatoric stress magnitude toward the continental interior ward and continues beneath a N-trending zone of right-stepping,
(Craddock and van der Pluijm, 1999). en echelon folds that are cored by W-verging imbricate reverse faults.
Triassic red beds at most sites in the Laramide belt record a near- LPS directions estimated from minor fault and AMS data are at moderate
primary (early diagenetic) magnetization carried by hematite (Weil to high angles to structural trend, ranging from overall SW-oriented on
and Yonkee, 2012; Weil et al., 2014). Restoration of tilt results in the western ank of the arch to W-oriented on the eastern ank, along
well clustered, shallow inclinations, consistent with the Triassic with local refraction (Fig. 31A; Weil et al., 2014). Along the west end of
paleolatitude of North America. Paleomagnetic declinations indicate the Tensleep fault, LPS directions estimated from AMS fabrics, early
only limited vertical-axis rotations for structurally simple sites minor faults and tectonic stylolites, and later minor folds change
(Fig. 30B). Sites along steep W- and N-trending forelimbs, near differ- from WSW to SSW to S oriented, oblique to sub-perpendicular with
ently oriented faults, and in areas where multiple arch trends intersect, the main fault, likely recording increasing stress refraction near a
however, display local vertical-axis rotations. Compared to the Sevier weakening fault zone. Paleomagnetic declinations record limited, non-
belt, the Laramide belt shows more spatially variable structural trends systematic vertical-axis rotations, indicating that wrench shear was in-
and basement fabrics, local refraction of stressstrain directions, and signicant during development of the southern Bighorn arch, despite its
non-systematic vertical-axis rotations, which are briey described N-trend that was at acute angles to regional WSW-oriented shortening.
below for the southern Big Horn arch. The N-trending zone of en echelon folds is suggestive of transpression,

Fig. 32. A. Idealized kinematic models for development of Laramide arches: (1) temporal changes in shortening directions from early EW (blue arrows) to late NS (red arrows); (2) bulk
shortening with wrench shear along differently oriented zones; and (3) regional SWNE shortening with local stress refraction and fault strike variation partly related to basement fabrics.
Each model predicts different patterns of map-scale fault-fold systems and outcrop-scale internal deformation, including LPS fabrics and vertical-axis rotations, which can be tested with
paleomagnetic and LPS strike tests. B. Strike-test slope for red bed paleomagnetic declinations (relative to reference North America Triassic paleopole) is 0.09 (.11 at a 95% condence
interval), indicating no systematic vertical-axis rotation. Strike test slope for LPS directions estimated from minor fault data (relative to a reference direction of 240) is 0.55 (.10). Ex-
ample site error bars, number of sites (N), and average residual (r) listed.
Modied from Weil and Yonkee (2012).
W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593 573
574 W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593

but statistically signicant rotation is not observed, which may reect shear zones in metamorphic core complexes, younging from mid Eo-
refraction of shortening into high angles with the zone, or partitioning cene in Idaho to Miocene in Arizona (Coney and Harms, 1984). Within
of shear onto discrete strike-slip faults. Paleostress trajectories, fully re- the Sevier belt, extensional collapse started at ~ 50 Ma and continued
stored for bed tilt and vertical-axis rotation, display deections related into the Oligocene from Montana to Utah, marked by development of
to basement weaknesses and faults (Fig. 31C), with refraction of 1 listric normal faults that reactivated thrust ramps and deposition of
into high angles with the Tensleep and Clear Creek fault zones, and volcaniclastic strata in half grabens (Constenius, 1996). Within the
with the W- and NW-trending Owl Creek and Casper arches. The Laramide belt, local development of normal faults and limited collapse
paleostress eld records regional WSWENE shortening, along with of arches with the greatest structural relief also started at ~ 50 Ma
local refraction related to structural trend, proximity to faults, and base- (Steidtmann and Middleton, 1991), penecontemporaneous with in-
ment weaknesses. creased igneous activity in the Absaroka volcanic eld (Fig. 25), and
The variability in orientations of Laramide arches has inspired multi- continued into the Oligocene (Hall and Chase, 1989). Progressive isola-
ple kinematic models including (Fig. 32A): (1) temporal changes in tion of lake systems and changes in paleo-drainage patterns from ~50 to
shortening directions from early EW to late NS (Chapin and Cather, 45 Ma are interpreted to record southward propagation of a topograph-
1983; Gries, 1983); (2) bulk shortening with wrench shear concentrat- ic high in the Laramide foreland related to slab removal (Smith et al.,
ed within differently oriented zones (Sales, 1968; Stone, 1995); and 2008), and stable isotopic data in the hinterland are also suggestive of
(3) regional SWNE shortening with local refraction of stress directions southward propagation of surface uplift (Cassel et al., 2009). This switch
along anastomosing arch trends (Brown, 1988; Erslev, 1993). Each of to early extension also occurred during decreased plate convergence
these models predicts different patterns of large-scale fault-fold sets, rates (Fig. 4B) and likely reduced horizontal compression that favored
LPS directions, and vertical-axis rotations that can be evaluated with collapse of previously thickened, thermally weakened crust (Wernicke
strike tests. Model 1 predicts intersection of fault-fold sets of different et al., 1987). Subsequently, the San Andreas transform system devel-
ages, multiple, cross-cutting LPS fabrics, and no systematic vertical- oped from mid Miocene to Recent time (Atwater, 1970), with a change
axis rotation. Model 2 predicts left- and right-stepping en echelon folds to regional, distributed extension and basaltic igneous activity across
and strike-slip faults within more W- and N-trending zones respective- the Basin and Range province (Surpless et al., 2002).
ly, progressive rotation of early LPS fabrics, and signicant vertical-axis
rotations correlated with arch trend. Model 3 predicts anastomosing
5. Discussion and conclusions
arches of overlapping age, overall SWNE LPS fabrics that partly corre-
late with structural trend, and limited vertical-axis rotation. Arches
Structural, stratigraphic, and geochronologic data along the
form subperpendicular to regional compression in model 1, whereas
California to Wyoming tectonic transect are now synthesized, and
arches form oblique to compression in model 2, and along weak zones
used to address the questions raised in the Introduction section, begin-
partly related to basement fabrics in model 3.
ning with a comparison of deformation patterns between the Sevier and
Statistical analysis of paleomagnetic declinations for structurally
Laramide belts, followed by a discussion of inuences of plate dynamics,
simple sites indicates rotations are limited and uncorrelated with struc-
primary crustal architecture, and mechanical factors on deformation
tural trend (Fig. 32B; Weil and Yonkee, 2012). Thus, regional variations
patterns, and then presentation of an integrated model for evolution
in Laramide arch trends are primary, although some sites underwent
of the Sevier and Laramide belts in the context of an Andean-style
limited, non-systematic block rotations. LPS directions estimated from
orogenic system. We nish with a list of outstanding questions for
minor fault and AMS data are partly correlated with structural trend
future research.
with statistically indistinguishable strike-test slopes of 0.55 ( .10)
and 0.63 ( .14), respectively (Fig. 32B), reecting partial refraction
with LPS oblique to subperpendicular to structural trends of anastomos- 5.1. Relations between deformation patterns in the Sevier and Laramide
ing arches, consistent with model 3. Regional sedimentologic and struc- belts
tural relations also support broadly synchronous development of
anastomosing arches, (Dickinson et al., 1988; Erslev, 1993; Molzer and Although parts of the same overall Cordilleran system, the Sevier
Erslev, 1995; Johnson and Andersen, 2009). Steeper forelimbs of more and Laramide belts developed with differences in structural styles,
W- and N-trending arches and areas with multiple fold trends, however, shortening directions, curvature, and vertical-axis rotation patterns
experienced local rotations (Tetreault et al., 2008), and en echelon folds related to differences in primary crustal architecture and changing
and strike-slip faults are locally developed (Stone, 1969; Paylor and Yin, plate dynamics. The Sevier belt comprises thin-skin thrust sheets
1993), consistent with wrench shear in some zones. Development of that developed within thicker passive margin to transitional strata.
multiple joint sets, variations in calcite twin strain directions Thermochronologic and stratigraphic data record progressive west-to-
(Craddock and van der Pluijm, 1999), and local intersection of multiple east emplacement and exhumation of thrust sheets from 12550 Ma
fault-fold sets (Bergh and Snoke, 1992) also support temporal changes (Fig. 12), with synorogenic foredeep deposits progressively incorporat-
in shortening directions in some areas. Thus, a model that combines ed into a propagating, tapered wedge with an overall E-sloping topo-
bulk WSWENE shortening with stress refraction related to basement graphic surface. A western thrust system with aerially extensive, thick
fabrics, local wrench shear along steep, oblique-trending forelimbs, thrust sheets developed in passive margin strata, and an eastern thrust
and local temporal changes in stress related to activation of different system with closer spaced thrusts developed in thinner transitional
basement weaknesses is most consistent with available data. strata. Structural trends began with slight curvature about an average
NS direction in the Wyoming salient. Thrust sheets then experienced
4.7. Final collapse 6080% secondary rotation related to curved thrust slip, along-strike
changes in fold-thrust shortening, and interaction of younger, frontal
A fundamental switch in deformation and magmatic styles occurred thrusts with Laramide foreland arches at the salient ends. Internal de-
across the western U.S. during Middle Eocene to Oligocene time. formation in the western thrust system was limited at upper levels
Enhanced calc-alkaline igneous activity, with eruption of large ignim- above a strong quartzite interval, whereas lower levels underwent sim-
brite sheets, progressed southward from mid Eocene to Miocene time ple shear and vertical attening above a weak basal fault zone. Internal
(Armstrong and Ward, 1991; Best et al., 2009), likely recording progres- deformation in the eastern system included widespread early LPS (~5 to
sive slab removal and inux of asthenosphere that interacted with pre- 30%) and minor tangential (strike-parallel) extension. LPS directions
viously hydrated mantle lithosphere (Humphreys et al., 2003). Within display a radial pattern that reects initial dispersion about a regional
the hinterland, localized, rapid exhumation occurred along extensional EW direction and systematic secondary rotation.
W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593 575

Fig. 33. Regional maps of fully restored (corrected for estimated vertical-axis rotation) initial LPS and nal (rotated) LPS directions in the Laramide and Sevier belts. Mesoscopic structural
and AMS data for multiple sites in structural domains are combined to estimate a vector mean LPS direction. Stage 1 Early to mid Cretaceous emplacement of WillardParisMeade sheet
and initial LPS in future Crawford and Absaroka sheets. Stage 2 Late Cretaceous emplacement of Crawford and Absaroka sheets and initial LPS in future HogsbackDarbyProspect sheet
of Sevier belt and early LPS in Laramide belt. Stage 3 Paleocene major uplift of Laramide arches and emplacement of HogsbackDarbyProspect sheet. Initial LPS directions in the Sevier
belt were slightly dispersed about a regional WE direction, and then underwent rotation during eastward propagation of the thrust wedge. Initial LPS directions in the Laramide refracted
about a regional WSWENE direction, ranging from ~SSWNNE to ~WE along W- to N-trending arches. Mid Cretaceous to Paleocene paleo-velocity models of Bird (1998) also shown.

The Laramide belt comprises an anastomosing network of thick-skin 270, whereas directions across the Laramide foreland refracted about
arches that developed in cratonic basement rocks overlain by thin stra- a regional 240, ranging from ~ 220 to ~ 260 along W-trending to
ta. Thermochronologic and stratigraphic data record uplift and exhuma- N-trending arches, respectively. During Paleocene to Early Eocene
tion of arches from ~7050 Ma, which had variable topographic slopes time, the HogsbackDarbyProspect sheet was emplaced and initial
and were separated by broad basins (Fig. 26). Structural trends dene structural trends and LPS fabrics underwent secondary rotation, locally
a crude NWSE structural fabric, but individual arches and faults display enhanced by buttressing near the Laramide Gros Ventre and Uinta
a wide range of trends and primary curvature partly related to basement arches. LPS fabrics in the foreland did not experience systematic rota-
weaknesses. Vertical-axis rotations were mostly limited to steep fore- tion, but the paleostress/strain eld locally refracted into high angles
limbs of obliquely trending arches. Internal deformation was limited with variably oriented, weaker faults. LPS patterns are broadly consis-
with b 5% early LPS and minor strike-parallel extension. LPS directions tent with gradients in paleo-velocity vectors for Cretaceous and
display broad refractions about a regional WSWENE direction. Paleocene time proposed by Bird (1998), which are also at low angles
LPS directions for the Sevier and Laramide belts, fully restored for to the SWNE direction of relative plate motion.
bed tilt and vertical-axis rotations, illustrate evolution of a composite
paleo-stress/ strain eld during Early Cretaceous, to Paleogene time 5.2. Inuences of plate dynamics on intraplate deformation
(Fig. 33). During Early Cretaceous time, the western WillardParis
Meade sheet of the Sevier belt was emplaced and early LPS fabrics de- Tectonic evolution of the Cordilleran orogenic system was funda-
veloped across the future Crawford and Absaroka sheets. LPS directions mentally related to changing subduction kinematics and dynamics.
were slightly dispersed about 270, ranging from 260 to 280 in the Subduction boundaries can be divided into two types: (1) retreating,
northern to southern parts of the Wyoming salient. During mid to where the rate of trench roll back is greater than the margin-normal ab-
later Cretaceous time, the Crawford and Absaroka sheets were solute motion of the overriding plate, resulting in backarc extension;
emplaced and early LPS fabrics and structural trends underwent sec- and (2) advancing, where overriding plate motion is greater than the
ondary rotations as the thrust wedge propagated toward the foreland. rate of trench migration, resulting in retroarc contraction (Royden,
LPS fabrics then developed across the future HogsbackDarbyProspect 1993; Cawood and Buchan, 2007). Kinematically, relative, and in gener-
sheet and across the Laramide foreland, but with different orientations. al oblique, plate motion along an advancing boundary is accommodated
LPS directions in the frontal Sevier belt were slightly dispersed about by a combination of megathrust slip along the subduction channel,
576 W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593

Fig. 34. A. General model for an advancing type of subduction boundary where motion of the overriding plate is greater than the rate of trench retreat, resulting in intraplate shortening.
Driving and resisting forces for subduction and kinematic relations of different velocity components schematically indicated (Royden and Husson, 2006; Doglioni et al., 2007; Lallemand
et al., 2008). B. Model for partitioning of relative convergence between the Farallon and North American plates along the tectonic transect during the mid Cretaceous. Convergence is
partitioned into slip along the subduction channel, transpression and strike-slip faulting across the magmatic arc, and retroarc shortening in the Sevier fold-thrust belt to hinterland.

potential strike-slip faulting along the outer rise of the subducting plate retreating type boundaries along the eastern and western Pacic,
(Ishii et al., 2013), transpression and strike-slip faulting concentrated respectively, which may also have applied to the North American
along a thermally weakened magmatic arc, and retroarc shortening Cordillera. Punctuated terrane accretion during the Jurassic, and during
(Fig. 34). These kinematic relations reect a combination of driving the mid Cretaceous along the northern part of the boundary, may have
and resisting forces: slab pull from negative buoyancy of the subducting further increased plate coupling and promoted episodes of enhanced
plate that increases with ocean lithosphere age; bending resistance of crustal thickening near the margin. Relative convergence was oblique
the subducting plate that increases with ocean lithosphere age; shear to the boundary during later Cretaceous to Paleogene time with
resistance along the subduction channel; and viscous resistance to as- transpression and strike-slip faulting concentrated along active parts
thenosphere ow, including ow along the dipping slab edges, 3-D of the magmatic arc (Tikoff and de Saint Blanquat, 1997; McClelland
ow around slab ends, induced corner ow (trench suction), and plate et al., 2000). Fig. 34B illustrates a simple plate kinematic model for the
drag relative to deep mantle ow (Fig. 34; Royden and Husson, 2006; tectonic transect during the mid Cretaceous, with a relative plate con-
Husson, 2012; Nakakuki and Mura, 2013). In general, the rate of trench vergence (Vsp Vop) of 100 mm/yr at a 70 angle to the margin,
migration decreases with increasing subducting plate velocity, subduc- which is partitioned into ~85 mm/yr of near orthogonal slip along the
tion of older oceanic lithosphere that resists bending, subduction of subduction channel (Vsc) and potential strike slip along the outer rise
more buoyant oceanic plateaus and accreting arcs, and deep mantle (Vor), ~6 mm/yr of distributed transpression (Vtp) and ~ 10 mm/yr of
ow in the same direction as slab dip, which combined with increasing partitioned strike-slip faulting (Vss) across the magmatic arc, and total
rates of overriding plate motion, promote intraplate contractional de- retroarc shortening rate (Vra) of ~ 5 mm/yr in the Sevier fold-thrust
formation (Heuret and Lallemand, 2005; Cawood and Buchan, 2007; and hinterland. Relative convergence was mostly taken up along
Lallemand et al., 2008). the subduction channel, with b10 mm/yr total intraplate shortening
Cretaceous to Paleocene retroarc shortening along the tectonic tran- related to the difference between overriding plate motion and trench
sect developed during increased westward drift of North America, fast migration. Flat-slab subduction along the Mojave sector resulted in
rates of subduction of older Farallon oceanic lithosphere, and decreasing additional shortening subparallel to relative plate motion across
subduction angle (Figs. 4, 6). This geodynamic setting led to develop- the Laramide belt, likely partly related to increased basal traction.
ment of an advancing type boundary and resultant long-term retroarc In comparison, shortening in the Sevier belt was nearly orthogonal
shortening in the Sevier belt and hinterland. Doglioni et al. (2007) also to the plate margin, consistent with decoupling of the upper crust
showed the importance of net westward drift of plates relative to and inuence of gravitational spreading from a hinterland plateau
the deeper mantle during Neogene development of advancing and (Royden, 1996).
W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593 577

Fig. 35. Schematic relations between thrust wedge slope, curvature, and mechanics. A. Simple critical wedge model gives relations between surface slope (), basal dip (), and critical
taper (c), which depends on the relative strengths of the basal fault and wedge interior. B. Inuence of stratigraphic thickness on wedge geometry, with thicker basin forming wider
wedge. C. Inuence of variations in lithology and fault strength, with weak basal fault favoring wider wedge, and decrease in fault strength in interior favoring very low taper. D. Inuence
of foreland arch that inhibits thrust slip and favors localized shear and out-of-sequence thrusting. E. Transmission of stress from a hinterland plateau and curved topographic slope help
drive wedge shortening and curved thrust slip. F. Increased sedimentation favors propagation of wider spaced thrusts in a thicker wedge. G. Greater erosion favors closer spaced thrusts
and deeper exhumation of a narrower wedge.

5.3. Inuences of primary crustal architecture on deformation styles initial sedimentary thickness (Marshak et al., 1992; Lawton et al., 1994;
Boyer, 1995; Paulsen and Marshak, 1999); variations in material
Differences in deformation styles between the Sevier and Laramide strengths (Davis et al., 1983; Dahlen, 1990; Willett, 1992); buttressing
belts were partly related to variations in primary crustal architecture, by foreland uplifts (Grubbs and Van der Voo, 1976; Beutner, 1977); var-
and to evolving topographic, thermal, and mechanical factors. Potential iable stress transmission from a hinterland plateau; and patterns of ero-
inuences on evolution of each belt are briey described below. sion/ sedimentation (Fig. 35). Analytical critical taper models provide
The Sevier belt developed within thicker passive margin to transition- simple predictions on overall wedge shape that depend on strengths of
al strata that contained weak detachment horizons, forming a tapered the wedge interior and a weak basal decollement (Davis et al., 1983;
fold-thrust wedge above a basal decollement. The basal decollement Dahlen, 1990). Numerical models provide additional predictions on
rooted westward beneath the hinterland where crustal thickening led stressstrain histories of wedges, which may include parts below
to development of a plateau. Such wedges evolve and develop curvature failure stresses (Simpson, 2011), areas undergoing synorogenic sed-
in response to multiple factors, (Marshak, 2004), including: variations in imentation and erosion (Stockmal et al., 2007; Fillon et al., 2013),
578 W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593

and parts with T-sensitive viscous ow at deeper levels (Jamieson strata and Cambrian shale in the western and eastern parts of the Se-
and Beaumont, 2013); see Buiter (2012) for a review of wedge vier belt, favors low taper, whereas pinching out of weak horizons over
models. Sedimentary prisms with initially thicker strata develop basement highs favors higher taper. Temporal changes in fault strength
wider spaced thrusts that propagate farther outward, leading to during progressive deformation also affect wedge evolution. For exam-
thrust curvature. Fully restored isopachs for the Wyoming salient in- ple, elevated uid pressure, alteration, and enhanced plastic deforma-
dicate slight primary curvature of the sedimentary prism with tion at deeper levels may weaken the basal decollement and favor
thicker strata in the central part of the salient (Fig. 3B). Presence of very low taper and thrust propagation with only minor additional thick-
a weak basal decollement, such as in Neoproterozoic micaceous ening of the wedge interior. Strain softening processes also favor a

Fig. 36. Controls of Laramide foreland deformation. A. Schematic lithospheric block diagram illustrates potential stress transfer mechanisms in the Laramide foreland related to basal shear
traction, end loading, and hydrodynamic forces from enhanced asthenospheric ow. Potential for lower crustal detachment and lithospheric buckling schematically shown. B. General
geotherms for pre- and syn-Laramide cratonic lithosphere, constrained by thermochronologic and xenolith data (see text for details). C. Crustal strength model calculated using general
geotherms and ow laws given in Kohlstedt et al. (1995), with strain rate of ~1014 s1.
W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593 579

transition from early, distributed LPS to later, concentrated slip along other, less favorable weaknesses (Hilley et al., 2005), consistent with
very weak fault zones. Foreland arches may act as buttresses that resist protracted development of variable trending arches in the Laramide belt.
emplacement of frontal thrust sheets, resulting in decreased slip, break-
backward thrusts, and localized wrench shear, consistent with relations 5.4. Integrated model for evolution of the Sevier and Laramide belts in the
in the northern DarbyProspect sheet near the Gros Ventre arch Cordilleran system
(Fig. 11D; Grubbs and Van der Voo, 1976; Hunter, 1988). Development
of a high elevation hinterland transmits stress across the rear of a fold- Regional structural, paleomagnetic, stratigraphic, and geochronolog-
thrust wedge, with greater crustal thickening in a wider hinterland pla- ic data sets are now integrated to develop a model for evolution of the
teau enhancing wedge shortening. Incorporation of synorogenic strata Sevier and Laramide belts along the tectonic transect in the context of
into the wedge, which was important in the Sevier belt, favors propaga- the Cordilleran orogenic system. Spatial-temporal relations of tectonic
tion of wider spaced thrusts. Enhanced erosion, in contrast, favors concen- components of the orogenic system are summarized in Fig. 37, and a
trated exhumation and narrower wedges that expose deeper levels. model for evolution of the Sevier and Laramide belts at various stages
Enhanced erosion along the front the Sevier belt, recorded by detrital is illustrated in Fig. 38.
thermochronology (Painter et al., 2014), may have slowed eastward During Triassic to Early Jurassic time (N180 Ma), plate conver-
propagation of the wedge front, whereas decreased erosion across the gence was likely slow with an oceanic plate separating fringing
hinterland likely favored development of a broad plateau. In summary, arcs from North America. In the area of the future Sevier and
evolution of the Sevier belt was inuenced by a combination of variations Laramide belts, strata were deposited atop an arcuate sedimentary
in sedimentary prism thickness and lithology, presence of weak fault prism that included a thick western passive margin section and a
zones, buttressing of frontal thrusts by foreland uplifts, stress transmitted thin eastern cratonic section (Fig. 38A). In the following stages,
from a hinterland plateau through a tapered wedge, and synorogenic ero- future thrust sheets of the Sevier belt had greater slip and propagat-
sion and sedimentation (Fig. 35). ed farther eastward in the center of the Wyoming salient where the
The Laramide belt developed in cratonic lithosphere containing base- initial sedimentary prism was thickest, whereas Laramide arches
ment overlain by a thin sedimentary cover. The Laramide formed during formed in the cratonic section that only had a thin sedimentary
at-slab subduction that likely increased coupling far inboard from the cover underlain by basement with a variety of fabric orientations
plate margin, but the nature of stress transfer is uncertain. Models include that partly controlled subsequent foreland deformation.
increased basal traction (Bird, 1984, 1988), increased coupling along a cra- During Middle to Late Jurassic time (~ 170145 Ma), convergence
tonic lithosphere root (O'Driscoll et al., 2009), hydrodynamic forces relat- rates increased, westward drift of North America began, fringing arcs
ed to forced mantle convection (Jones et al., 2011), and return ow where (Intermontane and related terranes) were accreted, the E-dipping
the slab steepened (Fig. 36A). The nature of stress transfer and removal of Franciscan subduction zone developed with underplating of high-
mantle lithosphere depend on mantle and crustal rheology, and thus on grade blocks, and a magmatic arc formed near the plate margin
thermal state, uids, and basement rock types. Thermochronologic data (Fig. 37). Early contractional deformation was concentrated across the
in the Laramide foreland (Peyton et al., 2012; Fan and Carrapa, 2014) re- magmatic arc and LuningFencemaker belt in the western hinterland,
cord a near-surface paleo-geothermal gradient of ~20 C/km (correspond- forming a relatively narrow orogenic wedge. Limited igneous activity
ing to a surface heat ow of ~ 50 mW m2 for a thermal conductivity and local deformation associated with thermal weakening occurred in
~2.5 W m1 K1), and xenolith data (Ritter and Smith, 1996; the hinterland, along with early slip on the Manning Canyon detach-
Glebovitsky et al., 2004) indicate a low mantle paleo-geothermal gradient ment (Allmendinger and Jordan, 1981). Late Jurassic strata were depos-
of ~6 C/km (corresponding to a basal heat ow of ~17 mW m2 for pe- ited in the Morrison basin across the area of the future Sevier and
ridotite conductivity ~2.8 W m1 K1). A geotherm for the foreland prior Laramide belts, and possibly in a subsequently eroded basin across
to at-slab subduction, calculated using these values and internal heat part of the hinterland (Fig. 38B), likely related to dynamic subsidence
production rates of 1.0 and 0.5 W m3 for upper and lower crustal thick- and exural loading from early crustal thickening to the west (Currie,
nesses of 20 km each, indicates a cool, thick lithosphere (curve [1] in 1998).
Fig. 36B). Subsequently, at-slab subduction brought relatively cold litho- During earliest Cretaceous time (~145130 Ma), convergence rates
sphere in contact with the base of the overriding mantle lithosphere, decreased, contemporaneous with local subsidence and deposition of
which led to further cooling (curve [2] in Fig. 36B; Currie and Beaumont, the lower Great Valley Group, a decrease in arc magmatism, and local si-
2011). A simple lithospheric strength model for these thermal conditions nistral transtension to local shortening in the hinterland. Much of the
indicates brittle failure to N20 km depth and limited plastic ow in the retroarc, including the future Sevier and Laramide belts, experienced
cool crust (Fig. 36C), consistent with geophysical imaging of major reverse erosion, possibly related to dynamic rebound as the subducting slab
faults to mid-crustal levels (Smithson et al., 1979). Upper crust is strong steepened westward.
for a typical friction coefcient of 0.6 and hydrostatic uid pressure, but During AptianAlbian time (~125100 Ma), plate convergence rates
fault strength may be lower due to basement weaknesses, alteration, increased, contemporaneous with accretion of the eastern Franciscan
and increased uid pressure. A lower crust comprised of felsic granulite Complex, renewed subsidence and deposition of the Great Valley
would be moderately weak with potential concentration of plastic ow Group, and increasing arc magmatism (Fig. 37). The orogenic front
along a deep detachment, whereas lower crust comprised of mac gran- propagated rapidly eastward across the hinterland into the western
ulite would be strong with potential for lithospheric buckling (Tikoff Sevier belt. The hinterland experienced early thickening and metamor-
and Maxson, 2001). Strength of the mantle lithosphere likely changed phism, but early surface uplift was likely subdued during erosion of
during at-slab subduction, depending on competing effects of cooling non-resistant Mesozoic strata. In the Wyoming salient of the Sevier
and hydration (Humphreys et al., 2003), which, respectively, favor in- belt, the aerially extensive WillardParisMeade thrust sheets were
creased strength and stress transfer, or conversely decreased strength emplaced eastward (Fig. 38C). These thrusts had 50100 km of slip
and removal of mantle. Increased plate coupling led to diffuse intraplate and carried strong, quartzite-rich strata above a weak basal decollement
shortening along a network of anastomosing arches separated by broad in micaceous strata, which favored low wedge taper, concentrated fault
basins, with basement fabrics inuencing paleostress and faulting pat- slip, limited internal deformation at upper levels, and vertical attening
terns. During increasing loading of heterogeneous basement, the most fa- at lower levels. Shortening was greatest where the primary sedimentary
vorable weaknesses, related to a combination of low friction, high uid prism was thicker, leading to structural curvature of the western thrust
pressure, and orientation relative to regional compression, are rst acti- system and higher elevations in the central rear part of the salient.
vated as reverse faults. Uplift of arches above early faults increases local Emplacement of the western thrust sheets led to isostatic exure and
mean stress that may suppress further uplift, leading to activation of deposition of thick, mostly continental synorogenic strata in an evolving
580 W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593

Fig. 37. Summary of time-space relations between tectonic components across the orogenic system (fore arc, magmatic arc, hinterland, Sevier belt, foreland). Upper plot shows schematic
crustal cross section at 50 Ma near end of orogenesis. Lower plots show: plate motion rates (see Fig. 4); generalized forearc subsidence rates (Moxon and Graham, 1987); magma addition
rates (Paterson and Ducea, 2015); generalized hinterland topographic evolution; long-term shortening rates for the hinterland, Sevier, and Laramide belts; and representative sedimentary
thickness curves from the foreland (see Fig. 23).

foredeep. LPS fabrics began developing across the future Crawford western thrust system and LPS fabrics continued to form in front of
sheet, reecting burial beneath foredeep deposits, enhanced uid the wedge. Mixed continental and marine synorogenic strata were
ow, and increased stress above propagating footwall imbricate faults. deposited across the foreland basin that was variably inundated by the
Early LPS directions were slightly dispersed about EW, reecting a Western Interior Seaway, reecting dynamic subsidence farther east-
combination of tectonic stress and topographically induced stress ward during shallowing of the subducted slab.
along the curved thrust front. During Santonian to early Campanian time (~ 9080 Ma), dextral
During CenomanianTuronian time (~10090 Ma), rates of dextral oblique convergence rates remained high with dextral transpression
oblique plate convergence increased, contemporaneous with accretion along the arc and strike-slip motion of accreted terranes, subduction an-
in the central belt of the Franciscan Complex along the tectonic transect gles continued to shallow, and a at-slab segment developed along the
(and accretion of the Insular group farther north), increased subsidence Mojave sector. Accretion continued in the central Franciscan Complex,
and deposition of the Great Valley Group across a widening forearc subsidence and deposition of the Great Valley Group continued, and
basin, and increased magmatism in the Sierra Nevada arc that devel- the Sierra Nevada arc experienced a high ux of magmas that incorpo-
oped a thick eclogitic root and experienced dextral transpression rated crustal melts (Ducea, 2001), but activity then waned as astheno-
(Fig. 37). Lower crustal thickening in the hinterland formed a growing spheric ow became disrupted by the developing at slab (Fig. 37).
plateau that helped drive upper crustal shortening in the Sevier fold- The hinterland experienced continued crustal thickening and formed a
thrust wedge. Upper crustal emplacement of thrust sheets in parts of growing plateau, with metamorphic rocks exposed today in core com-
the hinterland, buried, heated, and weakened footwall rocks that plexes reaching maximum depths during this time. In the Sevier belt,
underwent vertical attening. In the Sevier belt, slip continued on the the Crawford and early Absaroka thrust sheets were emplaced as the
W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593 581

orogenic front propagated slowly eastward and incorporated prior underlain by overall strong basement and mantle lithosphere, which
synorogenic strata that were thickest toward the central part of the sa- interacted with the at-slab segment, with stress transfer by a combina-
lient (Fig. 38D). Curved fault slip paths led to vertical-axis rotations tion of basal traction, end loading of a lithospheric keel, and enhanced as-
along the front of the growing thrust wedge. Crawford shortening was thenosphere ow. Variations in orientations and timing of arch uplifts and
accommodated mostly by large-scale folding with multiple detach- refraction of paleo-stress elds reected inuences of basement fabrics
ments in the northern part of the salient, and by major thrust slip in and strain softening along fault zones.
the southern part, with slip partly transferred into early growth of the Finally, during middle to late Eocene time (5035 Ma), plate
Wasatch anticlinorium. The western thrust sheets, now in the internal dynamics changed, resulting in a switch to orogenic collapse across the
part of the wedge, were carried overall passively eastward above a Cordilleran system, especially in areas with higher elevation and weaker
very weak basal decollement. Synorogenic strata were deposited across crust. Plate convergence rates decreased, the plate margin stepped out-
a broad foreland basin during continued isostatic exure from thrust board from the Columbia embayment to incorporate the Salizia terrane,
loading and dynamic subsidence. and the Farallon slab began to roll back and tear, leading to decreased
During later Campanian to Maastrichtian time (~7566 Ma), conver- plate coupling and development of slab windows (Humphreys, 1995;
gence rates remained high, with NE underthrusting of the at-slab along Madsen et al., 2006). Igneous activity increased across a broad east
the Mojave sector, contemporaneous with underplating of the Rand west zone above the northern margin of the at slab, which then
OrocopiaPelona schists, exhumation of the forearc to the south and de- progressed southward during slab roll back and mantle lithosphere de-
position of the upper Great Valley Group in shallow waters along the lamination (Best et al., 2009). The hinterland experienced concentrated
eastern forearc to the north, and cessation of arc magmatism as astheno- extension in core complexes, and increased paleo-elevation and relief,
spheric ow was disrupted and a diffuse belt of plutons were intruded which progressed southward over time (Chamberlain et al., 2012). The
along the Colorado Mineral belt (Fig. 37). Within the hinterland, lower Sevier and Laramide belts underwent limited extension with local devel-
crustal thickening continued, producing a broad, high-elevation (N 2 opment of listric normal faults along thrust ramps.
3 km) plateau underlain by ~5060 km thick crust. Upper crustal levels
experienced episodic extension, reecting dynamic equilibrium between 5.5. Outstanding questions and future research opportunities
tectonic stress, gravitational potential energy, and weakening from
crustal heating. Internally drained basins formed that limited erosional Past and ongoing studies of the North American (NA) Cordillera
removal of mass from the plateau. Within the Sevier belt, subsidence have provided extensive data bases for developing the tectonic
and thrust slip rates decreased during the Late Campanian, and then in- model presented herein that focused on a tectonic transect from Cal-
creased during Maastrichtian slip on the late Absaroka and associated ifornia to Wyoming (Figs. 37, 38). However, our understanding of
thrusts (Fig. 38E). Initial curvature of the Absaroka sheet was slightly en- Andean-style systems in general remains incomplete, and outstand-
hanced due to incorporation of foredeep synorogenic strata that were ing, partly interrelated questions, remain, some of which are briey
wider and thicker in the central part of the Wyoming salient. Curved addressed below.
thrust slip paths related to stresses induced from curved topographic
slopes led to vertical-axis rotations concentrated along the wedge 1. What are the relations between subduction dynamics, terrane accre-
front. Coarse-grained strata were locally deposited in wedge-top basins tion, and intraplate shortening? The absolute rate of the overriding
during uplift along deeper ramps and continued growth of the Wasatch plate motion, relative rate and obliquity of plate convergence, and
anticlinorium, which helped maintain wedge taper (Coogan, 1992; nature of subducting lithosphere (age and thickness of oceanic
DeCelles and Mitra, 1995). Widespread deposition across the foreland crust, plateaus, and arcs) are all thought to be important controls
basin occurred in response to isostatic exure from thrust loading, dy- on orogenesis (van Hunen et al., 2002; Schellart, 2005; Lallemand
namic subsidence, and early development of foreland arches and basins. et al., 2008; Martinod et al., 2010). Intraplate shortening in the NA
LPS fabrics developed within the future HogsbackDarbyProspect Cordillera was correlated with increased westward motion of NA, in-
sheet, related to Absaroka footwall deformation, with directions slightly creased convergence rates, and decreases in subduction angles, but
dispersed about EW. Weak LPS fabrics also developed in the Laramide processes of stress transfer and importance of terrane accretion and
foreland, but with a regional WSWENE direction related to enhanced strike-slip motion remain debated. Was stress transfer mostly from
stresses above a at-slab segment, and early uplift of basement arches end loading by terrane accretion, advance of the NA plate relative
began. to the trench, or basal loading by viscous forces during asthenospher-
During Paleocene to early Eocene time (~6550 Ma), convergence ic ow? The Sierra FoothillsKlamath Mountains provinces were ac-
rates were overall high, but began decreasing, and the at-slab segment creted during the Jurassic with shortening concentrated near the
continued underthrusting to the NE with the trailing edge passing be- plate margin, whereas Cretaceous to Paleogene Sevier shortening oc-
neath the Colorado Plateau, contemporaneous with accretion of the coast- curred during nomral subduction of oceanic lithosphere along much
al belt of the Franciscan Complex to the north, uplift of the western forearc of the margin. Average intraplate shortening rates (~5 mm/yr) were
to slow subsidence of the eastern part, and exhumation of the inactive much less than plate convergence rates (~ 100 mm/yr; Fig. 37), al-
Sierra arc (Fig. 37). The hinterland began to undergo more widespread ex- though shortening rates may have been higher during tectonic
tension, likely related to heating and weakening of the lower crust, and pulses (Pana and van der Pluijm, 2015). Active intraplate shortening
possibly to mantle lithosphere removal (Wells et al., 2012). In the Sevier in the Andes is also related to normal (~ 30 dip) subduction along
belt, the HogsbackDarbyProspect thrusts were active as the Sevier much of the NazcaSouth America plate boundary, but shortening
wedge propagated farther eastward and interacted with growing rates have varied temporally along the length of the margin, indicat-
Laramide foreland arches (Fig. 38F). Curved thrust slip paths caused re- ing multiple factors, including oceanic lithosphere age and at-slab
gional rotation near the wedge front, with additional rotation and out- segments, control orogenesis (Schellart, 2005). Additionally, obliqui-
of-sequence thrusting adjacent to the Gros Ventre and Uinta arches at ty of relative plate motion appears to signicantly inuence patterns
the salient ends. Continued growth of the Wasatch anticlinorium and up- of asthenospheric wedge ow, plate coupling, and strain partitioning
lift over interior ramps helped maintain wedge taper. Sedimentation in (Chemenda et al., 2000; McCaffrey et al., 2000). The nature and
the foreland became partitioned into multiple basins between Laramide length scales of stress transfer toward continental interiors also re-
arches. Regional WSWENE thick-skin shortening and uplift of Laramide main incompletely understood (van der Pluijm et al., 1997). Future
basement-cored arches overlapped temporally with the nal stages of geodynamic modeling, including 3-D asthenospheric ow during
thin-skin shortening in the Sevier belt. This difference in structural style oblique convergence, and high-resolution geochronologic studies to
for the Laramide foreland reected presence of a thin sedimentary cover estimate deformation rates may provide new insights on processes
582 W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593

Fig. 38. Model for progressive evolution of the Wyoming salient of the Sevier belt and Laramide foreland belt. A. Early Jurassic (~180 Ma) primary sedimentary cover with passive margin
and cratonic strata above basement with heterogeneous fabrics. B. Middle to Late Jurassic (~150 Ma)-shortening in the LuningFencemaker belt, limited deformation and pluton intrusion
in the hinterland, and subsidence of the Morison basin. C. Early Cretaceous (~100 Ma)-shortening and start of crustal thickening in the hinterland, emplacement of the WillardParis
Meade sheet (western thrust system) to form a topographically curved wedge front, early LPS in the future Crawford sheet, and sedimentation in the foreland basin. D. Mid Cretaceous
(~80 Ma)-crustal thickening and uplift of the hinterland plateau, wedge propagation with emplacement of the Crawford sheet (eastern thrust system) along curved slip paths that produce
rotation along the wedge front, and sedimentation in foredeep with increasing regional dynamic subsidence. E. Late Cretaceous (~70 Ma)-high-elevation hinterland plateau with lower
crustal thickening and upper crustal synconvergent extension, emplacement of the Absaroka sheet (eastern thrust system) with rotation concentrated near the curved wedge front, early
~E-directed LPS in the future HogsbackDarbyProspect sheet along with overall ENE-directed LPS in the Laramide foreland, and sedimentation in basins partly disrupted by initial
Laramide uplifts. F. Early Eocene (~50 Ma)-upper crustal extension and continued lower crustal metamorphism and weakening in the hinterland, nal wedge propagation and emplace-
ment of the HogsbackDarbyProspect sheet with localized tilting and wrench shear where the salient ends interacted with Laramide foreland uplifts, nal rotation of LPS fabrics, sedi-
mentation broken basins. Diagrams incorporate model ideas presented by Camilleri et al. (1997) and Weil et al. (2010).
W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593 583

Fig. 38 (continued).

of stress transfer, partitioning of strike-slip motion, and controls on and Snyder, 1978; Jordan et al., 1983; Epsurt et al., 2008), spatial dis-
variable shortening rates in Andean-style systems. tribution and composition of magmatism (Coney and Reynolds, 1977;
2. What is the importance of at-slab subduction to orogenesis? Flat- Kay and Mpodozis, 2002), and patterns of surface uplift and subsi-
slab subduction appears to be a key process in continental tectonics, dence (Davila, et al., 2007; Liu and Gurnis, 2010). Flat-slab subduction
inuencing styles of intraplate shortening and seismicity (Dickinson is favored by rapid convergence, absolute trenchward motion of the
584 W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593

upper plate, and increased buoyancy from thicker subducted crust regional shortening direction and thus favorably oriented for reacti-
(Gutscher et al., 2000; van Hunen et al., 2002; Epsurt et al., 2008). vation, whereas the Laramide contained more variable, E to NE-
These factors likely contributed to the ancient Laramide at slab of trending fabrics at low angles to regional shortening that were less
the NA Cordillera (Saleeby, 2003; Liu et al., 2008, 2010), and currently favorably oriented for reactivation. Characterizing the wide range
contribute to the Andean 2733S at-slab segment where the thick- in structural styles of intraplate shortening and relations to crustal
skin Sierras Pampeanas are actively uplifting (Martinod et al., 2010). architecture remains a key area of research (Pffner, 2006).
However, processes of stress transfer to overlying lithosphere, nature 5. What is the nature of hinterland plateau uplift and its relations to
of lower crustal deformation, and inuences of basement fabrics re- crustal shortening and mantle lithosphere removal? Development
main debated. The nature of slab dehydration and changes in overrid- of hinterland plateaus is controlled by a balance between horizontal
ing mantle lithosphere rheology, density, and composition, which compressive forces, gravitational potential energy, changing rheolo-
contribute to patterns of surface uplift and magmatism following gy, and erosional processes, which may be in a state of dynamic
slab removal, pose additional questions (Humphreys et al., 2003). equilibrium such that high-elevation parts of convergent orogens ex-
Furthermore, the spatial-temporal patterns of transformation of perience episodes of extension and gravitational spreading during
basalt-gabbro to eclogite, which changes subducted plate buoyancy overall crustal thickening (Molnar and Lyon-Caen, 1988; England
and thus plate coupling, are poorly understood. Gabbroeclogite and Houseman, 1989). Mechanisms to initiate extension include de-
transformation may require T N 500 C (Schmidt and Poli, 1998), creased compressive stress transmitted through the orogen due to
such that this transformation occurs over long distances inboard changing plate dynamics, and removal of lithospheric mantle that
from margins in cool subducted plates (Currie and Beaumont, leads to thermal weakening and overall surface uplift. Within the
2011). Further studies of varying tectonic responses of overriding NA Cordillera, balancing of Sevier shortening with lower crustal
plates along different at-slab segments (Gutscher et al., 2000), thickening, PTt paths of metamorphic rocks, and stable isotopic
along with improved geophysical imaging, may provide new insights data indicate development of a plateau, but the timing and extent
on the nature of stress transfer, slab dehydration, eclogite transforma- of surface uplift remain debated (Chamberlain et al., 2012). Removal
tion, and upper mantle to lower crust rheology. of mantle lithosphere has been interpreted to have triggered later
3. What were the locations, timing, and polarity of terrane accretion Cretaceous extension in the Sevier hinterland (Wells et al., 2012),
and subsequent strike-slip offsets? The paleo-latitude of accretion but at-slab subduction may have inhibited lithosphere removal
and subsequent strike-slip motion of the Intermontane and Insular until the Miocene (Zandt et al., 2004). Synconvergent lithospheric
terrane groups remain controversial, partly based on interpretations drips and delaminated slabs have been imaged beneath the
of shallow paleomagnetic inclinations in sedimentary strata. This AltiplanoPuna Plateaus where they appear to have contributed to
paper presented a model with moderate translation of accreted ter- early, local basin subsidence and sedimentation followed by broader
ranes, following Wyld et al. (2006), and E-dipping subduction during uplift (DeCelles et al., 2015). Integrating additional studies of ex-
Middle Jurassic to Paleogene development of the orogenic system. humed metamorphic rocks in hinterlands of ancient systems, with
Other models, however, have been proposed that incorporate improved geophysical imaging of lower crust to mantle beneath ac-
major strike-slip offset of terranes and W-dipping subduction tively forming plateaus will improve our understanding of plateau
(Johnston, 2008; Hildebrand, 2013). Future paleomagnetic studies, formation.
including quantication of inclination attening, additional geochro- 6. What are feedbacks between climate, topography, and tectonic evo-
nologic and structural studies of overlap strata and stitching plutons lution of orogenic wedges? Topography and related stresses that
along terrane boundaries, and expanded DZ studies tied to source help drive wedge propagation result from an interplay between
areas will provide tests of, and renements to models of terrane ac- crustal thickening, buoyancy related to mantle processes, and ero-
cretion and offset. sion that depends on climate, rock durability, and physiography
4. What is the inuence of primary crustal architecture on thin-skin, (Willett, 1999). Climate, especially rainfall patterns, in turn, is inu-
thick-skin, and hybrid structural styles? Crustal architecture appears enced by topography. In the NA Cordillera, stable isotope data and
to have been an important control on intraplate deformation in the sedimentary patterns suggest a monsoonal climate and development
NA Cordillera, with the thin-skin Sevier belt accommodating signi- of a high elevation plateau that became, in part, internally drained
cant shortening (~50% or 200 km total) in a sedimentary cover with (Fricke et al., 2010; Druschke et al., 2011). Rainfall and increased ero-
weak decollement horizons, and the thick-skin Laramide belt accom- sion rates along the wedge front, interpreted from characteristics of
modating less shortening (~ 10% or 50 km total) in stronger base- synorogenic strata (Painter et al., 2014), may have favored localized
ment. The basal decollement of the Sevier belt also locally cut shortening to maintain wedge taper and slowed the rate of wedge
basement steps with incorporation of basement slices into the propagation. As the Sevier wedge propagated over time, precipita-
wedge, and rooted westward into the lower crust beneath the hin- tion may have decreased toward the hinterland, which was also in
terland. Primary sedimentary prism architecture partly controlled a rain shadow from the magmatic arc, slowing erosion and favoring
initial curvature, subsequent shortening, and vertical-axis rotation surface uplift and development of a high-elevation plateau with in-
patterns in the Sevier belt, and basement fabrics affected arch trends ternally drained basins. The southern Central Andes also comprise a
and paleo-stress directions in the Laramide belt. The active Andean broad wedge with concentrated rainfall along the retroarc orogenic
system also displays distinctive along- and across-strike changes in front and an arid climate over a high-elevation plateau. Although
structural style that correlate with changes in both crustal architec- climate-tectonic coupling partly controls wedge evolution, some
ture and plate dynamics (Ramos et al., 2002, 2004), with the models suggest that convergence rates driven by plate dynamics
Precordillera and Sierras Pampeanas in western Argentina are most important in shaping orogenic systems (Roe et al., 2006;
interpreted as modern analogs to the Sevier and Laramide belts Strecker et al., 2007). Developing rened models of climate feed-
(Jordan and Allmendinger, 1986; Fielding and Jordan, 1988). Impor- backs, along with additional in situ and detrital thermochronologic
tant differences exist, however, including presence of Paleozoic stra- studies, are key areas of future research.
ta in the Precordillera that underwent prior metamorphism and have 7. How do feedbacks between mantle/lower crustal delamination,
properties intermediate between sedimentary rocks and crystalline topographic uplift, shortening, and wedge propagation modulate
basement, and more widespread reactivation of basement faults orogenesis? In the Cordilleran cycle model (DeCelles et al., 2009;
with partial detachment of the sedimentary cover (Giambiagi et al., DeCelles and Graham, 2015), upper crustal shortening in the retroarc
2012). Basement in the Sierras Pampeanas contains N- to NW- fold-thrust belt is balanced by lower crustal thickening beneath the
trending Paleozoic sutures that are at high angles to the current hinterland and magmatic arc, which leads to increased partial
W.A. Yonkee, A.B. Weil / Earth-Science Reviews 150 (2015) 531593 585

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Diglioni led to revisions that signicantly improved the manuscript. Bellahsen, N., Fiore, P., Pollard, D.D., 2006. The role of fractures in the structural interpre-
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