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Akshansh Gupta

April 20, 2017

Global Citizen Scholar Plan

Today, the ability to change is more important than ever. One of the biggest visions of the
University Honors Programs is to Develop students into global citizen scholars who lead
innovative efforts toward solving the worlds complex problems. The true meaning of what it
means to be global citizen scholar differentiates from person to person; however, my interpretation
is that I, as a global citizen, will ensure success in my life not only by excelling in academics, but
also by exposing myself outside of my comfort-zone to learn about new cultures, religions,
traditions, etc. and by respecting others choices.
As freshman year of my college chapter is coming to a close, I have developed a much
better understanding of who I really am and how I can improve areas I find myself often struggling.
Determining ones strengths and to take action towards advancing each would take a considerable
amount of time; and upon my honors advisors recommendation I took a test organized by Gallup
which would provide an insight of the qualities my life revolves upon. The results provided include
Signature Themes along with Strengths Insight Report and my Clifton Strengths really
provided a great insight into my personal life. From positioning as Strategic, Ideation, Futuristic,
Developer, and Positivity as my top five Signature Themes, I could feel my hidden unique qualities
such as responding to questions others refuse to consider to even channeling my energy towards
what I can accomplish in the coming months, years, or decades slowing breaking its closed walls
and peeking through to be used more often in real life. The report also highlighted personal traits
such as calling attention to teammates talents, knowledge, and skills and very likely that I derive
much satisfaction from giving individuals credit for what they do really well. Additionally,
characteristically upbeat, I am likely to avoid pessimists and cynics who refuse to see the goodness
in human beings and the world around them. And as always, I often find myself asking How far
into the future can I think before my ideas start becoming vague or uninspiring? As I progress
into the future years of academic and college life, these strengths and lessons on improving my
weaknesses will always be in the back of my head, and thus will enable me to bring about a change
in my behavior for the best.
Armed with my knowledge, I often become delusional in thinking that I am a magician. I
often feel the curious need to use my hands as if I had magic in my fingertips, poofing
understanding out of thin air. Tutoring creates a necessity for me to become creative with my
knowledge, packaging it in a way that the confused person in front of me receives it. This often
Akshansh Gupta
April 20, 2017
means drawing absurd pictures, personifying equations, creating odd thought-experiments,
metaphors, and generally letting myself act foolish. But all that work pays off when they try a
problem and do it perfectly. I empathetically get the same thrill from when I learned it the first
time. I think to myself: I am one of the few people who couldve helped this person like this and
the utilitarian in me jumps for joy. I didnt do anything to earn a quicker ability to understand these
subjects, so I want to share that ability. External intellectual resources have made me who I am,
and when someone doesnt have that same ability to learn, its personal. It scares me to think of
myself without the opportunities I had to learn on my own, and in the pursuit to understand a
universe I will never come close to understanding, I get joy in bringing passengers along for the
ride. I realize that change is a powerful force in the universe, and instead of fighting it I want to
embrace it and be a part of it.
I get a thrill out of a whiteboard and my thoughts, making intellectual connections like a
basketball player makes three-pointers. Ideas and new understandings make me smile, I feel the
hot-streak, and then I get cold. Once I lose my thought flow, I have only one option: to pass the
ball. Trying out things hands on to explain a topic that would interest everyone is really fun,
exciting, and educational. Bringing together fellow interested students not only makes the task
easier to contemplate, but also brings a joy in putting together the assigned task. Through UHP,
students who are willing to put in their time and hard work will be readily available and my
childhood interest, or call it passion, will never see its end. When I hit thinkers block, Coach
Socrates has taught me to use my friends and family, throw to them my thoughts and see what I
get thrown back. My friend passes me the ball and swish, Im back. Only if I could play
basketball this well outside my head.
As a global citizen scholar, I would like to follow one of my favorite mottos: Be Not Afraid
Of Growing Slowly, Be Afraid Only Of Standing Still. Through UHP, I will ensure that I always
strive for the very best and gather together resources that will enable me to enjoy various
experiences and grow myself as a person. I would like to stay involved because I feel it truly makes
me a whole person, being able to give back to the community who stood by my side all the way
through, even just a little for those who deserve it. I would like to conclude with Arnold H.
Glasows famous quote, which states that Success isnt a result of spontaneous combustion. You
must set yourself on fire.

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