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Holly Binns | Apr 14 (7 days ago) He tome (| [suggest you check out thee inks for information on our approach to ending overfishing, | think you wil find they answer most of your Luau pasirusts ong/en/seearch- and analyse analyte/2013/07/23/overtehing- 101 understanding feheny-managemant ont 250522785 | ofion 850727841 |erat:tomneSpewnstow Mike Leonard Apr 15 2 days aga) tome I= think ths lecture from Or Ray Kilborn from the Unversity of Washington waillhelp In our project: 1s vnvusyaurube com (watch kdfestureayoutu be Best, Mike Lsonard Ike Ceonacs Conservation Dirator American Sporining Assoclation 4007 N- Fata St. Suite 507 Alexanie, VA 22314 703519 9691 230 Fax 703519 1872 ‘mlsonatd@asaishing org ‘wun wn KeopAmaticaF ishing org Pauly, Daniel © Apr 15 (days ago) eH tome Dear lustn, ‘The attached review paper deals with overfishing in general terms, \should get you started Goodluck Daniel Pauly University Killam Professor & Principal Investigator, Sea Around Us | Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries | The University of British Columbia | 2202 Main Mall Vancouver, 8.C., Canada VET 124 | | | hitps://scholar.qooale,ca/citations?user=DSsINFLAAAAIANL=en From: Justn Host {maito:jho'st14< ‘Sent: Friday, Apr 4, 2017 10:56 2M ‘os Pauly, Dane! Subject: Project Support ‘sio-comm intetn sio.comm inter Apri (7 days ago) ok tome Hi Justin ‘Thank you for your interest in ocean science at Scripps! Here are links to some recent atces about overfishing: nips seins. ced edulnaws 1896 lps J/serpps_uced edu/news2450 Hips /sergps ueed ecu/nevlresearch-shovs-oyrshing shares fartoreoraeat-detine itp ocean nationalgeogrephic. conacearvexplore/ptsine-seas/cilicalissver-ovedshing Hip ne noas govineus amencarastound seoncening.sverieh ‘Theres also a volunteer ergarization run by Scipps araduate students, and they might be able to lp you. The erganizalion is called SCOPE “and you can contact them at scone sure com | hope these resources ae heipfl, Good luck with your projec! Kate, Saipps Communications Inter

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